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3, MAY/JUNE 2021

A Unified Smart Chinese Medicine Framework

for Healthcare and Medical Services
Qingchen Zhang , Changchuan Bai, Laurence T. Yang , Zhikui Chen , Peng Li, and Hang Yu

Abstract—Smart Chinese medicine has emerged to contribute to the evolution of healthcare and medical services by applying machine
learning together with advanced computing techniques like cloud computing to computer-aided diagnosis and treatment in the health
engineering and informatics. Specifically, smart Chinese medicine is considered to have the potential to treat difficult and complicated
diseases such as diabetes and cancers. Unfortunately, smart Chinese medicine has made very limited progress in the past few years. In
this paper, we present a unified smart Chinese medicine framework based on the edge-cloud computing system. The objective of the
framework is to achieve computer-aided syndrome differentiation and prescription recommendation, and thus to provide pervasive,
personalized, and patient-centralized services in healthcare and medicine. To accomplish this objective, we integrate deep learning and
deep reinforcement learning into the traditional Chinese medicine. Furthermore, we propose a multi-modal deep computation model for
syndrome recognition that is a crucial part of syndrome differentiation. Finally, we conduct experiments to validate the proposed model by
comparing with the staked auto-encoder and multi-modal deep learning model for syndrome recognition of hypertension and cold.

Index Terms—Healthcare and medical services, smart chinese medicine, machine learning, cloud computing, syndrome differentiation and
prescription recommendation


cyber-physical-social systems have made a
great progress by the deep fusion of many cyber and
physical systems with some emerging technologies such as
techniques such as deep learning, clustering, and reinforce-
ment learning into the traditional Chinese medicine for
computer-aided diagnosis and prescription recommenda-
Internet of Things and cloud computing [1], [2], [3]. Cyber- tion [7]. Specially, Zhang et al. [7] presented a potential
physical-social systems integrate various enabling techni- deep learning model for syndrome recognition in the treat-
ques like smart space design, artificial intelligence, big ment of hypertension.
data analytics, and cloud computing that are needed for At present, smart Chinese medicine is considered to be
building healthcare and medical systems [4], [5]. An promising to treat the difficult and complicated diseases
important objective of healthcare systems is to provide per- such as hypertension, diabetes and cancers, and therefore it
sonalized, pervasive, and patient-centralized healthcare is potential to provide pervasive and personalized health-
and medical services. To accomplish this objective, some care and medical services. Unfortunately, smart Chinese
smart medical systems based on cyber-physical-social sys- medicine has not make a remarkable progress since no uni-
tems have been developed for computer-aided diagnosis fied architecture has been developed to combine various
and treatment [6]. As a component of medicine, the tradi- enabling computing techniques with the traditional Chinese
tional Chinese medicine shows its promising therapeutic medicine theory and practice. Moreover, a large volume of
effect for some chronic and complex diseases such as traditional Chinese medicine experience that has been accu-
hypertension, diabetes, and cancers [7], [8]. More recently, mulated for thousands of years has not been well summa-
smart Chinese medicine has been proposed, and conceptu- rized with the modern artificial intelligence models. In this
ally it integrates various potential artificial intelligence paper, we present a unified smart Chinese medicine frame-
work based on edge-cloud computing system to integrate
advanced machine learning models including deep learning
 Q. Zhang and L. T. Yang are with the School of Information and Communication and deep reinforcement learning into the traditional Chinese
Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, model effectively for the increasing evolution of smart Chi-
Chengdu 611731, China, and also with the Department of Computer Science,
St. Francis Xavier University, Antigonish, NS B2G 2W5, Canada. nese medicine [9], [10], [11], [12]. By the fundamental theory
E-mail: qzhang@stfx.ca, ltyang@ieee.org. of the traditional Chinese medicine, therapy according to
 C. Bai is with the Dalian Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, syndrome is the core idea in clinical practice. In detail, syn-
Dalian, Liaoning 116013, China. E-mail: bcc_clinic@163.com.
 Z. Chen and P. Li are with the School of Software Technology, Dalian
drome differentiation and prescription selection are the most
University of Technology, Dalian 116620, China. important two steps of this idea. In particular, syndrome
E-mail: zkchen@dlut.edu.cn, lipeng2015@mail.dlut.edu.cn. differentiation points out one key difference between the
 H. Yu is with the Department of Computer Science, St. Francis Xavier traditional Chinese medicine and the modern medicine. In
University, Antigonish B2G 2W5, Canada. E-mail: x2018ujw@stfx.ca.
detail, drugs and prescriptions are selected according to the
Manuscript received 30 Jan. 2019; revised 3 Apr. 2019; accepted 15 Apr. 2019. patient’s disease in the modern medicine. For example, the
Date of publication 2 May 2019; date of current version 3 June 2021.
(Corresponding author: Laurence T. Yang.) cold medicine like Advil and Tylenol will be selected when
Digital Object Identifier no. 10.1109/TCBB.2019.2914447 people catch a cold. However, drugs and prescriptions are
1545-5963 © 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See ht_tps://www.ieee.org/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Francis Xavier Engineering College. Downloaded on February 21,2024 at 10:32:22 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

tongue, respectively. Afterwards, the vector outer product is

used to concatenate the learned features to form a feature
matrix which is taken as input of a deep computation model
for syndrome differentiation. Finally, we conduct experi-
ments to validate the potential of the presented model by
comparing with the stacked auto-encoder and the multi-
modal deep learning model on two Chinese medical datasets
for recognizing the syndrome of hypertension and cold in
terms of the classification accuracy.
There contributions of this paper can be summarized as

 We present a unified smart Chinese medicine frame-

work for providing healthcare and medical services
based on the edge-cloud computing system to inte-
grate advanced machine learning models including
deep learning models and deep reinforcement learn-
ing models into the traditional Chinese medicine
Fig. 1. Unified smart chinese medicine framework.
 We present a multi-modal deep computation model
usually chosen according to the patient’s syndrome rather by combining two deep learning models including a
than the patient’s disease in the traditional Chinese medi- stack auto-encoder and convolutional neural net-
cine. For example, the traditional Chinese medicine classifies work with a deep computation model to recognize
the cold into several types of syndrome, the typical two of the syndrome based on the symptoms obtained from
which are cold pathogen of Taiyang and affection of Taiyang inquiry and tongue inspection.
by wind. Furthermore, the patient affected by cold pathogen  We evaluate the potential of the presented model
of Taiyang will be given the mahuang decoction while the regarding the classification accuracy by comparing
patient with affection of Taiyang by wind will be given the with the stacked auto-encoder and the multi-modal
guizhi decoction. Another representative example is hyper- deep learning model for the computer-aided diagno-
tension which is classified into five types of syndrome like sis on the syndrome differentiation of hypertension
liver qi stagnation and abundant phlegm-dampness in and cold.
the traditional Chinese medicine. Xiaochaihu decoction is The rest of this paper is organized as follows. The unified
the most appropriate prescription selected for treating the smart Chinese medicine framework based on the edge-cloud
hypertension of the syndrome of liver qi stagnation whereas computing system is presented and described in Section 2.
wendan decoction is selected to treat the hypertension of the Section 3 illustrates the presented multi-modal deep compu-
syndrome of abundant phlegm-dampness. Therefore, the tation model and the corresponding training algorithms and
presented unified smart Chinese medicine framework aims Section 4 reports the experimental results in terms of the
at computer-aided syndrome differentiation and prescrip- training error. Finally, the paper is concluded in Section 5.
tion recommendation. To achieve the aim of the framework,
we integrate the advanced machine learning models, espe- 2 UNIFIED SMART CHINESE MEDICINE
cially deep learning and deep reinforcement learning, into
the traditional Chinese medicine. Moreover, most machine
learning models are inefficient for the tasks of recognition COMPUTING SYSTEM
and decision-making because they often have many parame- In this section, we describe our presented unified smart Chi-
ters to be trained [13], [14], [15]. However, real-time com- nese medicine framework which runs on an edge-cloud com-
puter-aided syndrome differentiation and prescription puting system. Specially, the presented framework has two
recommendation is always crucial in clinic. An edge-cloud layers, i.e., edge layer and cloud layer, as shown in Fig. 1.
computing system that combines cloud computing and edge The edge layer aims to provide the pervasive healthcare
computing is designed to improve the efficiency of machine services. In detail, people can use the functionalities such as
learning models in the presented framework. computer-aided diagnosis and prescription recommenda-
At present, inquiry and tongue inspection are the most tion provided by the framework with any edge device like a
widely used ways for obtaining the patient’s symptoms data mobile phone or a personal computer anytime and any-
which is heterogeneous. Specially, the symptoms data where. The task of the edge layer is to collect the patient’s
obtained from inquiry is typically structural while tongue symptoms for computer-aided syndrome differentiation
inspection obtains a image of the patient’s tongue. In this which is accomplished in the cloud layer. Typically, the
paper, we present a multi-modal deep computation model patient’s clinical symptoms are obtained by the four ways,
to recognize the syndrome based on the heterogeneous i.e., inquiry, inspection, listening and smelling, and palpa-
symptoms data obtained by inquiry and tongue inspection. tion and pulse taking, in the traditional Chinese medicine.
In the presented model, a stacked auto-encoder and a convo- Inquiry is the most important way of collecting the patient’s
lutional neural network are built to learn the features of the symptoms since most of the patient’s symptoms can be
symptoms data from inquiry and the image of the patient’s obtained only by inquiry. The doctor inquiries the patient
Authorized licensed use limited to: Francis Xavier Engineering College. Downloaded on February 21,2024 at 10:32:22 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

Groups of Questions in Inquiry Representative Pathologic Tongue Manifestations

Group of questions Examples Group of tongue

chill and fever only chill without fever, alternate attacks of
chill and fever, afternoon tidal fever tongue color pale tongue, pink tongue, green tongue
sweating anhidrosis, spontaneous sweating, night tongue spirit lustrous tongue, withered tongue, tender tongue
sweating, head sweating tongue shape teeth-printed tongue, fissured tongue, dry tongue,
headache migraine, parietal headache, forehead pain ecchymosis on tongue
sleep insomnia, dreaminess tongue condition flaccid tongue, stiff tongue, protracted tongue,
body uncomfort heavy body, weakness, soreness and weakness frequent protrusion of tongue
of waist and knees fur character rootless fur, sticky greasy fur, dry and cracked fur
ear and eye tinnitus, deafness, itching of eyes, photophobia fur color white fur, yellow fur, black fur
cough and dyspnea coughing of phlegm, dry cough, wheezing
diet anorexia, rapid digestion of food and
polyorexia, hunger without desire to eat implemented in the edge layer for collecting the patient’s
micturition and diarrhea, constipation, heat fecaloma with
defecation watery discharge
symptoms and tongue image, respectively.
others spermatorrhea, asexuality Specially, the automatic question and answering system
should be able to automatically identify the questions that
are closely related to patient’s diseases to encourage the
what uncomfortable symptoms he/she has. Furthermore, patients to tell his/her main symptoms. Furthermore, the
the doctor must be able to identify the questions that are system should be able to ask as few related questions as pos-
closely related to the patient’s potential syndrome and sible to identify the patient’s syndrome, which is very impor-
accordingly encourages the patient to tell the relevant symp- tant in Chinese medicine clinic practice. Too many questions
toms. However, it is usually difficult for the young Chinese that are less related to the patient’s diseases usually lead the
doctors to identify the appropriate questions since they do patient to tell some secondary symptoms which will some-
not have rich medical experience. Generally, all the questions times increase the difficulty of syndrome differentiation. In
in inquiry are classified into ten groups, summarized in general, the number of questions should not exceed 7 during
Table 1. an inquiry case. However, it is usually hard to identify the
Inspection is also an important way of collecting the closely related questions for most difficult and complication
patient’s symptoms, including inspecting the patient’s face, diseases. How to design an automatic question and answer-
tongue, and the whole body. Specially, tongue inspection is ing system that could identify questions closely associated
especially important for syndrome differentiation since the with the patient’s diseases is a challenging issue. Li et al. [16]
appearance of the tongue can accurately reveal the patient’s presented a dialog generation system using the deep rein-
diseases. For example, teeth-printed tongue implies that the forcement learning model in 2016. An automatic question
patient suffers from dampness while the tongue with yellow and answering system can be viewed as a special dialog gen-
fur indicates that the patient may have syndrome of endoge- eration system. So, the deep reinforcement learning models
nous heat due to yin deficiency. Typically, the tongue inspec- such as the deep Q-network and the deep Q-learning are
tion mainly includes tongue quality inspection and fur potentially used to design such an automatic question and
inspection. Table 2 summarizes some representative patho- answering system for computer-aided syndrome differentia-
logic tongue manifestations. tion in smart Chinese medicine framework [17], [18].
Palpation and pulse taking is another important way of When a patient uses the camera that may be an indepen-
collecting the patient’s symptoms. Pulse taking is the core of dent one or inside any edge device to take his/her tongue
this way since many diseases will be reflected in pulse mani- picture, the picture will include the background such as his/
festation. For example, the patient may catch a cold when her mouth or face. Such the background will increase data
he/she presents floating pulse. When he/she suffers from traffic on the network, and more importantly it will disturb
dampness, the patient has slippery pulse. At present, pulse the syndrome differentiation as the noise. Thus, a tongue
manifestation is usually taken as a corroboration of syn- localization algorithm should be embedded in the edge layer
drome differentiation. for exacting the tongue image or removing the background.
Listening and smelling is the fourth way of collecting the Recently, deep reinforcement learning has achieved state-
patient’s symptoms and it is also helpful to recognize the of-the-art performance for tackling the problem of object
syndrome. For example, a patient in delirium may suffer localization. Furthermore, it has been used for landmark
from the syndrome of heat disturbing heart-mind while a detection in medical imaging data. For instance, Ghesu et al.
patient with halitosis may suffer from the syndrome of defi- [19] applied the deep reinforcement learning model to ana-
ciency of stomach yin or the syndrome of exuberant stom- tomical landmark detection on 2D magnetic resonance
ach fire. However, listening and smelling has seldom been images. Therefore, the deep reinforcement learning model is
used in Chinese clinical practice in recent years. the most promising model for the task of tongue localization
In summary, inquiry and tongue inspection are the most in the smart Chinese medicine framework [20].
important ways of collecting the symptoms. Therefore, The cloud layer is responsible for syndrome differentia-
the two main sub-tasks of the edge layer are to collect the tion and prescription recommendation. Syndrome differen-
patient’s symptoms and tongue image. To accomplish the tiation is achieved by two tasks, i.e., syndrome recognition
two sub-tasks, an automatic question and answering system and the main accompanied symptoms recognition, based
and a tongue localization system should be designed and on the symptoms data and tongue image uploaded from the
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Fig. 2. Example of the multi-modal deep learning model.

edge layer. Specially, syndrome recognition can be viewed

as a classification problem that takes the symptoms and the
tongue image as input and outputs the patient’s syndrome Fig. 3. Example of the deep computation model.
as the class label. For example, a patient with the symptoms
of aversion to cold, rigidity of nape and headache, and feature tensor for each object, which will be described in next
anhidrosis suffers from the syndrome of cold pathogen of section.
Taiyang. When a patient with hypertension feels vertigo The ultimate goal of the cloud layer is prescription recom-
and headache, he/she suffers from the syndrome of liver qi mendation. This goal can also be achieved by two tasks, i.e.,
stagnation. In the past ten years, deep learning has shown prescription selection and prescription re-organization. To
its promising results for the task of classification in image select the most appropriate prescription, a deep learning
recognition and natural language processing and thus it is model that takes the patient’s syndrome and the main
the most potential for syndrome recognition. However, the accompanied symptoms as input and outputs the appropri-
symptoms data and the tongue image are heterogeneous. It ate prescription is required to train. Specially, the prescrip-
is difficult for the traditional deep learning models to clas- tion selection depends on both the patient’s syndrome and
sify the heterogeneous data since they are initially designed the main accompanied symptoms. For example, mahuang
for singe type of data feature learning [21], [22]. Recently, decoction should be selected to give the patient with the syn-
multi-modal deep learning models have been proposed for drome of cold pathogen of Taiyang. However, if the patient
multi-modal data feature learning. A representative exam- is accompanied by the symptoms of dysphoria and floating
ple is multi-modal deep Boltzmann machine which was and rapid pulse, guizhi decoction should be selected.
presented by Srivastava and Salakhutdinov [23] to learn fea- Prescription re-organization aims to provide the personal-
tures on bimodal data that is composed of text and images. ized and patient-centralized treatment plan by adding one or
Ngiam et al. [24] proposed a bimodal deep auto-encoder for more Chinese medicine into the selected prescription and/or
feature learning on bimodal data with image and audio. removing one or more Chinese medicine from the prescrip-
Specially, Fig. 2 shows an example of the multi-modal deep tion based on the patient’s primary symptoms accompanied
learning model. with the syndrome. For example, a hypertensive patient suf-
More recently, Zhang et al. [25] presented a deep compu- fers from the syndrome of liver qi stagnation, he/she should
tation model which generalizes the deep learning models take xiaochaihu decoction. However, when the patient has
with tensor-based big data representation for heterogeneous the symptoms of dry mouth, red urine and red tongue, the
data feature learning, as shown in Fig. 3. stir-baked cape jasmine fruit should added into xiaochaihu
Multi-modal deep learning models and deep computa- decoction. Specially, prescription re-organization can be
tion models have achieved state-of-the-art results for the viewed as a multi-step decision-making problem. In detail,
tasks of feature learning and classification for heterogeneous one Chinese medicine is decided to be added and/or
data, and therefore they are promising for syndrome recog- removed in each step. Deep reinforcement learning is espe-
nition in smart Chinese medicine. Specially, multi-modal cially good at solving the problem of continuous decision-
deep learning models learn the features of each modality making and it has achieved remarkable results in recent
and then construct a joint representation for each multi- years [26]. For example, it has achieved considerable level in
modal object by concatenating the learned features. How- some computer games as human professional. Specially, a
ever, multi-modal deep learning models do not achieve the deep reinforcement learning model-based agent, AlphaGo,
desirable results sometimes since they cannot capture the beat Fan Hui, the European Go champion, five times out of
correlations over the different modalities effectively by five in tournament conditions. Therefore, deep reinforce-
concatenating the learned feature in a simply linear way. To ment leaning is the most promising model for prescription
address this problem, we present a multi-modal deep com- re-organization. However, how to define the appropriate
putation model for syndrome recognition by combining the reward function that is the key in deep reinforcement learn-
ideas of multi-modal deep learning models and deep com- ing for prescription re-organization poses a big challenge. It
putation models in this paper. Specially, we use the outer requires the in-depth cooperation between medical scientists
product to concatenate the learned features to construct a and artificial intelligence scientists for this problem.
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Fig. 5. Graph of hyperbolic tangent function.

To train the parameters, an error function Ju regarding m

training instances is defined as:
1X m  2 1 X X 2
Ju ¼ yðiÞ  xðiÞ þ W : (3)
m i¼1 2
Typically, the gradient descent method with the back-
propagation algorithm that is used to compute the partial
derivatives is employed to train the parameters for minimiz-
ing the error function Ju , described in Algorithm 1. Specially,
the forward propagation for calculating the output of each
unit in the network is on lines 3-8 while the back propagation
Fig. 4. Architecture of the multi-modal deep computation model. for calculating the partial derivatives is on lines 10-21.
Finally, the gradient descent method is on lines 22-23 for
In this section, we present a multi-modal deep computation Algorithm 1. Training Parameters of Auto-Encoder
model for syndrome recognition based on the symptoms Input: fðX ðiÞ ; Y ðiÞ Þgm i¼1 , h, threshold
and the tongue image that are uploaded from the edge Output: u ¼ W ð1Þ ; bð1Þ ; W ð2Þ ; bð2Þ
layer. The architecture of the presented multi-model deep 1 for iteration ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; iteratermax do
computation model is shown in Fig. 4. 2 for example ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; N do
The multi-modal deep computation model is made of 3 for j ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; m do
ð2Þ P ð1Þ ð1Þ
three components, i.e., a stacked auto-encoder, a convolu- 4 aj ¼ fð ni¼1 Wji þ bi Þ;
ð2Þ P ð1Þ ð1Þ
tional neural network and a deep computation model. 5 Let zj ¼ ni¼1 Wji þ bi ;
The stacked auto-encoder that is made of an input layer 6 for i ¼ 1; 2;P . . . ; n do
and two hidden layers is used to learn features of the ð3Þ ð2Þ ð2Þ ð2Þ
7 ai ¼ fð m j¼1 Wij aj þ bi Þ;
patient’s symptoms. Specially, the stacked auto-encoder can ð3Þ P ð2Þ ð2Þ ð2Þ
8 Let zi ¼ m j¼1 Wij aj þ bi ;
be trained by two auto-encoders from bottom to up.
9 if JTAE ðuÞ > threshold then
In each auto-encoder, the hidden representation h is 10 for i ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; n do
obtained by the encoding function f [27]: 11
ð3Þ ð3Þ
s i ¼ ðai  xi Þ  f 0 ðzi Þ;

12 for j ¼ 1; P 2; . . . ; m do
h ¼ fðW ð1Þ x þ bð1Þ Þ: (1) ð2Þ ð2Þ ð3Þ ð2Þ
13 s j ¼ ð ni¼1 Wij s i Þ  f 0 ðzj Þ;
Specially, the hyperbolic tangent function fðxÞ ¼ ðex  14 for i ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; n do
ð2Þ ð2Þ ð3Þ
e Þ=ðex þ ex Þ is used as the encoding function. The hyper-
15 Dbi ¼ Dbi þ s i ;
bolic tangent function has two important properties. First, 16 for j ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; m do
ð2Þ ð2Þ ð2Þ ð3Þ
its range is in (-1,1), as shown in Fig. 5. 17 Dwij ¼ Dwij þ aj  s i ;
Second, the derivative of the hyperbolic tangent function 18 for j ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; m do
ð1Þ ð1Þ ð2Þ
regarding its argument is fðxÞ ¼ 1  f 2 ðxÞ. 19 Dbj ¼ Dbj þ s j ;
Afterwards, the decoding function g is used to map the 20 for i ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; n do
ð1Þ ð1Þ ð2Þ
hidden representation to the output layer y: 21 Dwji ¼ Dwji þ xi  s j ;
22 // Update parameters;
y ¼ gðW ð2Þ h þ bð2Þ Þ; (2)
W ¼ W  h  ðN1 DwÞ;
where the hyperbolic tangent function is employed as the 23 b ¼ b  h  ðN1 DbÞ;
decoding function g as well in the presented model.
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Fig. 6. Example of max pooling.

The second component is a convolutional neural network Fig. 7. Architecture of tensor auto-encoder.
which is responsible for feature learning of the patient’s
tongue image. Specially, the convolutional neural network
" #
consists of a convolutional layer, a pooling layer and a fully-
connected layer. 1X 1 T
JTAE ðuÞ ¼ ðhW;b ðxÞ  yÞ GðhW;b ðxÞ  yÞ
The convolutional layer aims to compress the parameters m i¼1 2
and to recognize the principal region of the tongue image XNX
J1 J X

 ð1Þ 2
by the weight sharing, defined as [28]: þ  Wpi1 in (8)
2 p¼1 i1 ¼1 iN ¼1
X  !
yj ¼ f K ij  x i þ bj ; (4) XNX
I1 I J1 X
 ð2Þ 2
i þ  Wqj1 jn ;
q¼1 j1 ¼1 jN ¼1
where Kij and  denote the convolutional kernel and the
discrete convolutional operator, respectively. where G is the coefficient matrix used to compute the tensor
The pooling layer is used to reduce the number of param- distance [32]. Specially, the tensor distance between two
eters further by a max pooling operation. Fig. 6 shows an tensors X 2 RI1 I2 IN and Y 2 RI1 I2 IN is defined by:
example of a max pooling operation. rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
The fully-connected layer is used to store the features of dTD ¼ glm ðxl  yl Þðxm  ym Þ
the patient’s tongue image. Typically, the parameters of the l;m¼1
qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi (9)
convolutional neural network is trained by the gradient
¼ ðx  yÞT Gðx  yÞ;
descent method with the back-propagation algorithm.
After learning the features of the symptoms and the ( )
1 jjpl  pm jj22
tongue image, the vector outer product is used to concate- glm ¼ exp  ; (10)
nate the learned features for obtaining a joint represen- 2pd2 2d2
tation. Given two vectors a 2 Rm and b 2 Rn , their outer qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
product generates a matrix c 2 Rmn with cij ¼ ai  bj jjpl  pm jj2 ¼ ði1  i01 Þ2 þ    þ ðiN  i0N Þ2 : (11)
[29], [30], [31]. Eq. (5) shows an example of the vector outer
product . In the presented model, the high-order back-propagation
1 0 algorithm is used to train each tensor auto-encoder [25].
2 6
ð 2 3 1 Þ  ð 1 3 Þ ¼ @ 3 9 A: (5)
In the experiment, we validate the presented model (MDCM)
Finally, a deep computation model with two hidden layers by comparing with the stacked auto-encoder (SAE) and the
is built for syndrome recognition on the joint representation. multi-modal deep learning model (MDLM) for syndrome
Specially, the deep computation model is stacked by two ten- recognition of hypertension and code in terms of classifica-
sor auto-encoders. Each tensor auto-encoder has the architec- tion accuracy on two Chinese medical datasets. Specially, the
ture shown in Fig. 7 [25]. experiments were conducted using MATLAB on the Think-
Specially, it is defined as the following forward pass: Server with 6-cores, 2.4GHz Intel E5-2620V3 CPU and 64GB
! DDR memory.
IN The first Chinese medical dataset consists of 400 training
ð1Þ ð1Þ
Hj1 ...jM ¼ f Wai1 iN Xi1 iN þ bj1 jM ; (6) instances and 100 test instances of patients with hyperten-
i1 iN
sion. Specially, hypertension is divided into five types of syn-
PM1 QM drome, i.e., liver qi stagnation, liver fire flaring up, upper
where a ¼ jM þ t¼1 ðjt  1Þ s¼tþ1 Js . hyperactivity of liver yang, deficiency of both yin and yang,
and abundant phlegm-dampness.
In the experiments, each model was trained for five times
ð2Þ ð2Þ
Yi1 ...iN ¼ f Wbj1 jM Hj1 jM þ bi1 ...iN ; (7) and the parameters were initialized differently every time
j1 jM so that the robustness of the presented model can be evalu-
P QN ated. The classification results with each initialization are
where b ¼ iN þ N1
t¼1 ðit  1Þ s¼tþ1 Is . displayed in Fig. 8.
Correspondingly, the error function of a tensor auto- Table 3 lists the experimental results in terms of the
encoder regarding m training instances is defined as: worst accuracy, the best accuracy, and the mean accuracy.
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Fig. 8. Classification accuracy on the hypertension dataset. Fig. 9. Classification accuracy on the cold dataset.

Experimental Results on Hypertension Dataset Experimental Results on Cold Dataset

Model Worst Best Mean Model Worst Best Mean

MDCM 86% 91% 88.8% MDCM 90% 94% 92%
MDLM 84% 89% 86.6% MDLM 85% 93% 89.8%
SAE 81% 88% 83.4% SAE 86% 91% 89%

TABLE 4 The second dataset consists of 400 training instances and

Main Symptoms of Each Syndrome of Cold 100 training instances of patients suffering from cold. Cold is
divided into two main types of syndrome, i.e., cold pathogen
Type of syndrome Primary symptoms
of Taiyang and affection of Taiyang by wind. Table 4 summa-
cold pathogen of Taiyang aversion to cold, fever, rigidity of nape and
headache, anhidrosis, floating and tight pulse
rizes the primary symptoms of each type of syndrome of cold.
affection of Taiyang aversion to wind, fever, headache, sweating, Each model was trained for five times and the results
by wind floating and moderate pulse with each initialization are displayed in Fig. 9.
Table 5 lists the experimental results in terms of the
worst accuracy, the best accuracy, and the mean accuracy.
By the results shown in Fig. 8 and Table 3, the presented Based on the results shown in Fig. 9 and Table 5, the pre-
model significantly outperforms the other two models for sented model performs better than the other models in terms
syndrome recognition of hypertension. The presented of the worst accuracy, the best accuracy, and the mean accu-
model obtained the higher mean accuracy than the other racy. Specially, for each initialization, the presented model
two models. Specially, the presented model obtained 2.2 could obtain the classification accuracy greater than 90 percent,
and 5.4 percent higher mean accuracy than the multi-modal implying that the presented model is more robust than the
deep learning model and the stacked auto-encoder model, other two models. Moreover, the presented model produced
respectively. In most cases, the presented model produced 2.2 and 3 percent higher mean accuracy than the multi-modal
the higher classification accuracy than the multi-modal deep deep learning model and the stacked auto-encoder, respec-
learning model since the presented model uses the vector tively. Such the results demonstrate the potential of the pre-
outer product to fuse the learned features while the multi- sented model for syndrome recognition of cold. However,
modal deep learning model concatenates the features only distinguishing the cold pathogen of Taiyang and affection
linearly. Such the experimental results indicate that the pre- of Taiyang by wind is not enough for prescription recommen-
sented model can learn the joint representation more effec- dation in clinical practice. Generally, mahuang decoction
tively than the multi-modal deep learning model. The should be chosen to treat the cold pathogen of Taiyang while
stacked auto-encoder performed the worst since this model guizhi decoction should be chosen to treat the affection of
did not take the features of the tongue image into account. Taiyang by wind. However, when a patient with the cold path-
Such the results indicate that the tongue inspection is very ogen of Taiyang is suffering from the deficiency of healthy qi,
important to the syndrome differentiation. However, the the mahuang decoction should not be used. In this case, the
stacked auto-encoder could still obtain relatively good classi- guizhi decoction should be chosen. Therefore, the presented
fication results (e.g., greater than 80 percent) according to the model will be validated for detailed syndrome differentiation
inquiry data, implying that inquiry is the most important to in the future work.
the syndrome differentiation for computer-aided diagnosis. Finally, we compare the training time and the inference
The experimental results demonstrated the potential of the time of the three models on the two Chinese medicine clini-
presented model for syndrome recognition of hypertension cal datasets. To present the results more clearly, the training
in smart Chinese medicine. and inference time is normalized regarding the highest
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TABLE 6 implement the potential models used in the framework and

Average Training Time validate them using the real clinic datasets. In detail, the
Dataset/Model MDCM MDLM SAE potential models include deep reinforcement learning mod-
els for inquiry questions identification, tongue extraction
Hypertension dataset 1 0.92 0.75
Cold dataset 1 0.94 0.81 and prescription re-organization, and deep learning models
for the main accompanied symptoms recognition.

Average Inference Time ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
Dataset/Model MDCM MDLM SAE Q. Zhang and C. Bai are the co-first authors.
Hypertension dataset 1 0.98 0.95
Cold dataset 1 0.99 0.98 REFERENCES
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Hang Yu is working towards the BSc honors

Qingchen Zhang received the BEng degree from degree in computer science at St. Francis Xavier
Southwest University, China, and the PhD degree University, Canada. His research interests include
from the Dalian University of Technology, China. deep learning and smart medicine.
He is currently an assistant professor at St. Francis
Xavier University. His research interests include
big data, deep learning, and smart medicine.

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