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Thinking tools are essential cognitive strategies and techniques designed to enhance our ability

to understand, analyze, and solve problems effectively. These tools, which include methods like
brainstorming, mind mapping, and the use of graphic organizers, provide structured ways to
process and visualize information.. These tools are invaluable in educational settings, promoting
deeper learning by enabling students to break down and explore complex topics systematically.
In professional environments, thinking tools enhance decision-making processes by allowing
teams to collaboratively evaluate options and foresee potential outcomes. As for this website, the
thinking tools that were used are mind map and tree diagram.

Mind Map

Mind map is a visual representation of ideas, concepts, or information, typically centered

around a central theme or topic. It is a diagram that connects information around a central
concept using branches, keywords, colors, and images to show relationships and facilitate
understanding. It also organizes information hierarchically, enabling users to see relationships
between different concepts.As for this website, the chosen topic is The Solar System. That’s
why, the central node for this mind map is The Solar System itself. Furthermore, the branches
that build around the central node would be things that exists inside the Solar System which are
planets, dwarf planets, asteroids, Oort cloud, The Sun, and comets. Moreover, following the
hierarchy, the next one would be the twigs, which in this context, would be the examples of each
elements that exists in The Solar System.

The reason why mind map is chosen is due to how it helps the users to visualize information.
This is because it has a simple design yet packed with informations. Moreover, the keywords
used in the mind map will help users to understand the information better due to how short it is
compared to paragraphs. Furthermore, mind map will help to encourage the users to see bigger
picture and have their own creative pathways to analyze and understand the information.

Tree Diagram

Tree diagram is graphical representation that illustrates hierarchical relationships among

different elements. It resembles a tree structure with a root, branches, and leaves, where each
branch splits into smaller branches, representing various subcategories or components. This tool
is particularly useful for organizing complex information into a clear, visual format that shows
the connections between different parts of a whole. For this context, this diagram is used for
“Prepositions.” The centre would be the topic itself which is prepositions while the branches are
the types of prepositions and the leaves are the functions of each types.

This diagram is used because it is easy to see the coherent from the topic to the functions. This is
due to how the diagram is structured which is hierarchically. Also, it helps the user to understand
both the big picture and the detailed components at the same time as it is design very efficiently.

By employing thinking tools, individuals can approach problems with a clearer perspective,
systematically breaking them into manageable parts. This structured approach leads to more
effective and efficient solutions, as it encourages critical thinking and the exploration of multiple
viewpoints. Moreover, thinking tools can be adapted to various contexts, making them versatile
aids for personal and professional development. In essence, thinking tools empower individuals
to navigate complexity with clarity and creativity, fostering continuous improvement and

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