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Your Phone as

a Personal


A Portable GSM Base Station to Locate Lost Persons

ccess to emergency numbers such as 911 or 112 is generally universally
available to cell phone users. Nevertheless, emergencies may occur in
JORGE MUÑOZ-CASTAÑER, areas without cell phone coverage, for example, in remote areas fre-
PABLO COUÑAGO SOTO, quented by climbers or hikers. In this article, we describe the design,
FELIPE GIL-CASTIÑEIRA, development, and evaluation of a global system for mobile commu-
FRANCISCO JAVIER nications (GSM) base station that can be placed in a vehicle (car,
GONZÁLEZ-CASTAÑO, plane, helicopter, etc.) to locate a lost person with an active GSM phone. The
ISAAC BALLESTEROS, system includes the resources to provide a good estimation of the location of the
ANDREA DI GIOVANNI, and phone, allowing the rescue team to significantly narrow its search and to estab-
PABLO COLODRÓN VILLAR lish communication with the person where possible, as the system also provides
GSM coverage.

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MIE.2015.2484922

Date of publication: 21 December 2015

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successful emergency position-indicat-
ing radio beacons (EPIRBs) that have
been in use for decades in marine envi-
ronments. PLBs and EPIRBs rely on the
same satellite network, deployed by the
international Cospas-Sarsat program
[2], which detects alerts and distrib-
utes them to the appropriate ground
segments. Most PLBs built since 1997
are also able to transmit their GPS po-
sition, increasing their precision.
There are other devices that pro-
vide communication for emergency and
nonemergency communications, such
FIGURE 1 – An SBTS UAV. as the SPOT Satellite GPS Messenger
(which uses a privately operated net-
Today, access to cell phones is use to search and rescue teams, but work of satellites and requires an annual
practically universal (according to we cannot (yet) assume that it will be subscription fee), satellite telephones,
Eurostat, in 2006, the number of cell GPS-enabled or that the lost person or even conventional radio services
phones in Europe exceeded the num- will be able to manipulate it or even (General Mobile Radio Service, Citizens
ber of citizens). People use phones not that there will be network coverage in Band, and amateur radio).
only to make calls but also as personal the area. This is particularly applica- Beacons without satellite assistance
entertainment devices such as camer- ble to extremely remote areas, where may also help to locate persons. When
as, music players, or gaming consoles. accidents are more likely to happen. activated, Cospas-Sarsat PLBs also trans-
With the advent of smartphones, The aforementioned considerations mit a distress signal at 406 MHz and a
there are also popular applications led us to propose the sensing base trans- complementary 121.5 MHz homing sig-
that support outdoor activities, such ceiver station (SBTS), a system that can nal, which search and rescue teams can
as sport-tracking applications or navi- be used to locate GSM cellular phones, radio-triangulate. Similar devices are
gators. In this context, a phone is price- even in areas without GSM network cov- used to locate persons trapped in ava-
less in the event of an emergency. One erage. The system has been designed, lanches. These transceivers operate at
example is a recent incident in which developed, and fully tested and can be 457 kHz. Logically, the rescue team is not
a special firefighter rescue team was installed in a car, helicopter, plane, or expected to be far from the trapped per-
searching for a man who had lost his unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). Figure 1 son in such cases.
way in the mountains (near Madrid, shows the UAV used in our tests. The Clearly, the systems discussed so
Spain). The team was in contact with SBTS forces GSM phones to transmit in- far can effectively reduce the time tak-
the man by phone, but he was unable formation to triangulate their position and en to rescue a person in case of emer-
to give them his position, even though also provides GSM coverage to establish gency, but, unfortunately, they are only
he had a smartphone with a global communication with the lost person. used by professionals or highly skilled
positioning system (GPS). Finally, the In this article, we give a brief over- mountaineers [3]. “Normal” people also
firefighters were able to help the man view of the systems involved [technolo- experience emergency situations. It is
send his position using a common gy used for rescue and radio-frequency not uncommon to read about hikers
application on the phone. This was a (RF) location methods] and describe or elderly persons losing their way in
noncritical incident involving a lost the architecture, implementation, and extreme or rural areas. This only high-
person without injuries, with a GPS- performance of the SBTS. lights the potential value of a system
enabled smartphone, in an area with capable of interacting with universal
good GSM coverage, and in contact Related Work personal communication devices.
with the rescue team. However, even
in these highly favorable circumstanc- Radio Beacons Locating GSM Devices
es, the rescue team had problems Rescue professionals and cautious Location is inherent to GSM technology.
locating the lost person. It is there- mountaineers have taken advantage of GSM networks need to know at least the
fore easy to imagine much worse sce- the latest technology advancements [1]. location area identity, that is, the group
narios: people without GPS-enabled For example, personal locator bea- of cells that can be paged to estab-
phones, nontechnical and elderly peo- cons (PLBs) are portable transmitters lish a communication or to signal the
ple, injured people unable to use their that send emergency distress signals phone or mobile station. This location
phone, etc. to satellites. They are usually rugged information has many uses, including
It is quite probable that a lost per- waterproof devices with long-lasting intelligent handover, efficient channel
son will carry a phone that may be of batteries. They are inspired by the allocation, and many other features.

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As early as 1994, the U.S. Federal Com- by two or more BTSs or satellites. For interface and presents user devices as
munications Commission required example, enhanced observed time Internet session initiation protocol (SIP)
wireless carriers in the United States to difference [7] measures the time dif- points. The OsmocommBB implementa-
provide the location and calling num- ference of arrival between the beacon tion includes all GSM BTS and base sta-
ber of mobile phones that dialed 911, carriers of several BTSs. tion controller (BSC) layers. Regarding
and, in 1996, it requested wireless car- GSM transmissions can be located SDR hardware, of particular interest are
riers to improve their location accuracy using commercially available devices, the products of Ettus Research [14] (in
to 125 m 67% of the time [4]. Technol- such as those produced by Honeywell particular, the Embedded Series, which
ogy has improved greatly since then, [9], Rohde & Schwarz [10], and Proxi- includes radio and processing capabili-
satisfying these requirements and trig- mus [11]. Table 1 summarizes some rel- ties) and Fairwaves [15], already pre-
gering interest in location-based ser- evant figures related to this equipment. pared for OsmocommBB and OpenBTS.
vices (LBSs) [5]. LBSs can be used to Rohde & Schwarz devices, for example, Other companies with interesting prod-
adapt information services to specific are much more accurate than Proximus ucts are Nuand LLC [16] and Sysmocom
contexts, such as gaming, advertising, devices, but the latter can operate while GmbH [17]. The aforementioned devices
billing, and social networking. Addition- moving. Since these commercial devices and stacks, combined with additional
ally, automotive telematics and public process GSM signals as electromagnetic hardware, could be used as building
transport systems can also benefit waves at the physical layer, they can- blocks to create a system similar to the
from the centralized location and navi- not exploit network information from one presented in this article.
gation systems supported by existing upper protocol layers. As we describe
communication networks [6]. next, since the SBTS implements the full Portable GSM Station
Location techniques can be classified GSM stack of a base station and decodes and Location System
into two categories: network-based tech- all messages exchanged, it can fully in- In this section, we will describe our
niques and handset-based techniques teract with a cellular phone. Therefore, location-sensing device. It is impor-
[6]. The former do not require the user the phone can be forced to send signal tant to note that a complete field sys-
terminal to cooperate. They are nonintru- bursts at will, and it can be identified tem will be composed of at least one
sive, as they identify the location of the univocally. Commercial devices such of these devices, which we call SBTS
handset from measurements performed as those mentioned previously cannot base stations, in addition to a ground
by the infrastructure. Conversely, in support these features, which make the console called the SBTS console or
handset-based techniques, the handset SBTS better suited to search and rescue console. In the console, SBTS base sta-
measures the different signals that it re- missions. As a byproduct, and unlike tion data are processed to present the
ceives and determines its own location previous approaches, our system can field operator with a fusion of the loca-
or sends this information to the network. also send SMSs or call the target phone. tions achieved so far, superimposed
The main advantage of network-based on a map. The console, in turn, sends
techniques is that neither software nor Embedded GSM Base Stations back to the UAVs new points at which
hardware modifications are necessary in In the past, GSM station hardware re- to take a location measurement. There
the handset, even if it is old or lacks ad- quired considerable space and energy is thus real-time feedback between the
vanced features. The simplest method to operate. Nowadays, however, by ap- SBTS base stations and a human opera-
is cell-ID positioning [7], which consists plying software-defined radio (SDR) tor. Figure 2 shows a screenshot of the
of determining the cell that is providing technologies, it is possible to implement console’s graphical interface. This ar-
coverage to the phone. Its accuracy is small GSM stations using embedded ticle focuses on the SBTS base station,
low, but it can be improved with other systems composed of a software GSM which we refer to as the SBTS system or
methods [8], such as timing advance, in stack and SDR-capable hardware. Open SBTS for short.
which GSM devices calculate the round- software projects exist for GSM stacks, To save battery use, GSM phones
trip between the terminal and the BTS, the two main ones being OpenBTS [12] do not transmit continuously unless
estimating the distance in between. In and OsmocommBB [13]. The OpenBTS there is an ongoing call; this means that
addition, triangulation can increase posi- implementation offers a standard Third- a completely passive location system
tioning accuracy by measuring the signal Generation Partnership Project air that listens for GSM signals to locate
transmitted by the phone in different lo-
cations or by reading the measurement
reports (power level received from the TABLE 1 – RELEVANT FIGURES OF COMMERCIAL DIRECTION FINDERS.
serving cell and the neighboring cells) MODEL R&S DDF007 R&S DDF05A PROXIMUS DF-500
that the phone sends to facilitate hando-
Size 192 × 320 × 62 mm 436 × 192 × 460 mm 400 × 400 × 220 cm
ver decisions (this information is required
Weight 3.5 kg 16 kg Information not available
for regular GSM operation and was not
originally intended for location purposes). Frequency range 20 MHz to 6 GHz 20 MHz to 3 GHz GSM850/900/1800/1900
In handset-based techniques, the Measure error ±2° with 95% accuracy 1° RMS rural and suburban area ±10°,
urban area ±20°
phone detects the signal transmitted

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control the exact moment at which a
phone transmits a signal, it can match
measurements with specific device iden-
tities [determined by their International
Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI)]. As a
fully functional BTS, the SBTS allows the
rescue team and the lost person to com-
municate as well. It also includes a mod-
ule that detects existing GSM networks
and configures transmission frequen-
cies to avoid interference.
The core of the system is an SDR plat-
form with six field-programmable gate
arrays (FPGAs) for signal processing
tasks, combined with an advanced RISC
machine (ARM) core running the control
software and the higher layers of the GSM
FIGURE 2 – An SBTS console graphical interface. stack. The AoA is measured with an array
of four antennas. The signals are digitized,
devices is not feasible for search and antennas for receiving incoming signals and the phase difference of the four sig-
rescue missions. We therefore decided from the terminals (uplink signals). With nals is combined by applying the parallel
to implement a completely functional these inputs, we calculate the angle of decomposition (PADEC) algorithm [18]
GSM BTS. With this system, there is full arrival (AoA) of the signals. With differ- to estimate the position of the mobile
control of the signaling between the ent measurements taken from different phone. This AoA estimation could be re-
phone and the network, and it is even positions, it is possible to triangulate the placed with simpler approaches, for ex-
possible to force the phone to transmit location of the phone, and, by mount- ample based on the RSSI of the incoming
at any time, even in areas without GSM ing an SBTS on a vehicle, such as a car, signal, which is already calculated in the
coverage (GSM phones do not trans- plane, helicopter, or UAV, measurements GSM stack. However, we selected the AoA
mit radio signals while searching for can be taken from different places in approach because of its faster conver-
available networks). We use an array of short time frames. As the SBTS can gence to a good estimation of the location
of the phone. Alternative antenna con-
figurations with higher directivity would
require extending flight time, which is un-
OMAP SoC acceptable in our target scenario.
ARM Core
As noted previously, phones without
network support do not transmit, so we
DSP Link force them to transmit signaling mes-
sages to join our GSM network by an-
DSP Core
nouncing our own BTS. It is then possible
uPP to identify the terminal from its IMSI, and
also to take control of the communica-
Processing FPGA tion. Once the mobile phone is linked to
the BTS, a human operator or an auto-
TX FPGA DAC RF Chain matic system can command the system
to perform AoA measurements. After
some measurements (at least two), it
RX1 FPGA ADC RF Chain will be possible to obtain a rough estima-
Aurora tion of the location of the mobile phone,
RX2 FPGA ADC RF Chain and its accuracy will improve with sub-
sequent AoA measurements performed
from different geographic positions. As
shown in Figure 1, a plane is an advanta-
geous platform on which to install our
RX4 FPGA ADC RF Chain system because of its continuous move-
ment and because it is easier to reach
places with a direct line of sight between
FIGURE 3 – An SBTS hardware architecture. the phone and our station.

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Hardware Architecture processing board and transmits it in the mission. The attitude and heading ref-
Figure 3 shows a schematic diagram of desired channel of the GSM band. An erence system (AHRS) module receives
the SBTS hardware, and Figure 4 shows it external power amplifier improves sig- data from GPS and attitude sensors, al-
installed on a UAV. It is built on six rugge- nal coverage. The transmission board is lowing estimation of the real position
dized boards mounted on an aluminum directly connected to the four reception and attitude of the array antenna. This
chassis specifically designed for small boards through four in-phase paths to information is crucial for calculating
UAVs. The boards are interconnected transmit a sinusoid tone (in a configu- the location of a phone.
through a 3U-VPX backplane providing rable frequency), which is used to cali-
different intercommunication buses, brate the reception boards and correct GSM
such as Aurora [19] and joint test action possible phase misalignments. Table 2 The GSM stack module implements func-
group (JTAG). We chose this architecture shows a selection of physical param- tions of GSM layers 1, 2, and 3. It sends
over simpler and cheaper commercial, eters of the hardware platform. and receives data from a lower-layer
off-the-shelf options because ruggedized component running on the processing
hardware was necessary to pass the Software Architecture FPGA, which implements the Gaussion
aeronautical certifications required to An SBTS is a complex distributed system minimum shift keying (GMSK) modula-
deploy our system on an aircraft. in which each board includes its own tor and demodulator. It also implements
Each processing board contains software layer. The processing board an SIP/real-time protocol (RTP) inter-
a Virtex-6 FPGA and an Omap L138 contains the most relevant software face used to transmit signalization and
system-on-chip that includes a gen- that defines the operation of the system. voice to the ground station. This allows
eral-purpose processor (GPP) and a As this board alone contains a GPP, an a ground station softphone to establish
digital signal processor (DSP) in the FPGA, and a DSP, it is also a complex dis- voice communications with the mobile
same chip. The GPP and the DSP com- tributed system. In the next section, we phones connected to the UAV through
municate through a shared memory describe its functionality. It is divided the data link.
mechanism, handled with the Texas in modules that are implemented in the
Instruments DSPLink library [20]. three programmable devices, making it Geolocation
The FPGA is connected with the DSP flexible and expandable. Figure 5 shows Because of the nature of the GSM pro-
through a universal parallel port, pro- the module layout and the interconnec- tocol, a mobile phone does not main-
viding a complete path to move infor- tions between the modules. tain continuous communication with
mation between the GPP and the FPGA. the BTS. Instead, the mobile phone
There are four receiver boards Control issues a request and is assigned a logi-
equipped with RF chains that down- The control module is one of the most cal channel (a number of time slots in
convert and digitize the signal received relevant SBTS components. Its main a physical radio channel) to commu-
by the antennas. Each board provides function is to manage the system. It nicate with the BTS for a specific task.
a stream of in-phase and quadrature reacts to messages received from a Upon completion of this task, the chan-
(IQ) components of the intermediate ground station connected through a nel is released, and the mobile phone
frequency (IF) signal. Among other op- wireless data link, as well as from on- remains in idle mode, monitoring BTS
erations, the FPGA in each board con- board modules. The log/supervision broadcast channels and looking for in-
verts the signal down to baseband and module receives status messages, coming events such as voice calls or
applies different filters. The resulting saves relevant information on a file, text messages. For this reason, it was
stream is sent to the processing board. and redirects selected messages to the necessary to implement a mechanism
There is a single transmission board ground station to monitor system sta- that would allow the system to obtain
that receives information from the tus and detect possible failure during a the signal from the mobile phone at the
desired time. This is achieved by gener-
ating fake events that force the terminal
to request a dedicated channel and by


Size 143 × 168 × 215 mm
Weight <8 kg
Power 80 W
Transmission power 4W
RF channels 1x Tx, 4x Rx
Frequency range 890–960 MHz
FIGURE 4 – SBTS hardware installed on a UAV.

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Ground Station Ground PC

Control GSM Stack AOA Module Log/Supervision


RF Control AHRS Comm Module Bite Scanner


GSM Buffer AOA Estimator GSM Demod



IQ Samples IQ Samples
Output Intput

FIGURE 5 – An SBTS software architecture.

sending a few messages to make the of the signal arriving at the antenna ar- it is passed on to the FPGA in the pro-
necessary measurements. ray, between −p/2 and p/2 radians. cessing board.
A calibration procedure prevents The transmission board receives
phase deviations produced by the RF Signal Processing binary bursts from the processing
chains of the different channels. AoA esti- Signal processing operations are im- board, modulates this data, and sends
mation is implemented as two layers. The plemented in the FPGAs. The system the signal to the antenna. The FPGA lo-
first layer runs on the FPGA and performs includes six of these: one per satellite cated in this board receives messages
the calculations to measure the phase board (four receivers and one transmit- containing the binary data of the GSM
difference between the four reception ter) and a larger one on the process- bursts to be transmitted. This data are
channels, compensating impairments ing board. The four reception boards processed by the GSM modulator. The
detected during the calibration process. obtain the signal directly from the RF baseband signal is then sent to the dig-
The second layer runs on the GPP, and subsystem. The signal received by the ital-to-analog converter, converted to IF
its main functions are to receive requests antennas is downconverted to IF and for filtering, and moved to the desired
from the ground station (including text then filtered and digitized by an analog- transmission frequency for transmis-
messages and voice calls), generate a to-digital converter. The digital signal sion by the antenna.
triggering event for the mobile to emit is then sent to the FPGA as a stream of The FPGA in the processing board
a signal, and read the first-layer calcula- IQ samples in IF, which is converted to implements three processing blocks.
tions to estimate the angle of incidence baseband and properly filtered before The first is the AoA block, which re-
ceives signals from the four reception
boards and computes phase differenc-
es to estimate the angle of incidence of
the incoming signals. The second block
is the GSM demodulator. This receives
a signal from one of the reception
boards and applies a GMSK demodu-
lator to obtain its binary content. The
demodulated bursts are sent to the DSP
and then to the GPP to be processed by
the upper layers of the GSM stack. The
third block is a buffer for the GSM trans-
mission path. It saves GSM bursts com-
ing from upper layers and ensures that
each burst is transmitted in the correct
FIGURE 6 – An SBTS on the roof of a car. order and at the correct time.

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Validation and Tests if the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is at least which the phone was likely to be locat-
We performed an extensive battery of 10 dB (the required SNR for GSM is 9 dB ed, even using the downgraded console.
tests to validate and improve the SBTS [21]) and the relationship between the Next, we performed tests with the
system. The first tests, designed to vali- direct signal and the (possible) multipath UAV shown in Figure 1, flying over a user
date the correct operation of the AoA al- replicas is at least 12 dB. in the countryside of Zaragoza, Spain,
gorithm, were performed in an anechoic In a second stage, we performed func- near an airdrome on flat terrain with no
chamber and the results were satisfac- tional tests in outdoor environments. We trees (coordinates: 41.79228, −8.4800).
tory. During additional tests in our labo- used a set with an SBTS Base Station and This location was very convenient as it
ratories, we observed the importance an SBTS console without generation of permitted performance tests in a real but
of correct synchronization between the optimized waypoints, since we were in- system-friendly scenario. The antennas
components implemented in the differ- terested in the performance of the base were placed on the belly of the vehicle.
ent processors and FPGAs. It was also SBTS. First, an SBTS was installed on the As in the previous case, the results were
necessary to optimize the usage of the roof of a car (Figure 6). The system took satisfactory. Table 3 shows the quality of
internal data buses to avoid congestion. AoA measurements as the car traveled the estimated angles of incidence in the
In addition, the indoor environment re- along a road, with the phone in a static second stage for a range of commercial
vealed the influence of multipath on po- position. This setup allowed for long cell phones. Note that AoA qualities were
sitioning error. Even though the system tests, as the power source was the car comparable for the two types of vehicles.
was conceived to work outdoors, where itself. The tests were performed in the Finally, in a third stage, we performed
the power of multipath components is surroundings of the University of Vigo in product tests in real-life environments.
much lower, we introduced improve- Spain (coordinates: 42.17064, −8.67580). First, SBTS was installed on a chair-
ments to ensure the highest-possible This is a terrain with low hills, trees, and lift at Formigal ski resort (coordinates:
multipath resilience. For example, we se- disperse large buildings with classrooms 42.79596668, −0.417060729) near the Span-
lected the signal component where mul- and offices. From the different estimated ish–French border. This is a high moun-
tipath is less likely to happen. The SBTS angles and the position of the vehicle, tain landscape. Figure 7 shows one of the
can obtain a good estimation of the AoA it was possible to determine the area in tests in this scenario. AoA measurements

Legend 0 500 1,000 m

Phone Real Location

Estimated AoA Polygon
Most Probable Location Area
UAV Location

FIGURE 7 – The estimated and actual location (with coordinates) of the GSM terminal in one of the tests with an SBTS installed on a chairlift at
Formigal ski resort.

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AoA accuracies. In all cases, the SBTS was between scenarios. The tests took place
capable of estimating the location of the on different terrains with completely dif-
MEASUREMENTS VERSUS ACCURACY phone satisfactorily. ferent vehicles. It should be taken into
(±5°, ±10°, AND ±15°) IN THE CAR AND Next, an SBTS was installed in a he- account that the quality of each mea-
UAV-BASED SBTS TESTS. licopter that flew over the mountains surement depends on multiple factors.
±5° ±10° ±15° north of Madrid (coordinates: 40.940981, The AoA technique, for instance, is more
Car test 65% 82% 86% −3.482764) an isolated hilly area. accurate if the cellular signal is perpen-
UAV test 57% 80% 90%
Figure 8 shows one of the tests in this dicular to the antenna array and if mul-
scenario. Again, the real location of the tipath effects are low. We claim that the
phone was estimated to be inside the results were satisfactory in all tests, but
taken at different SBTS positions were area with the highest location probabil- exact performance varied greatly de-
used to calculate the area in which there ity. Table 5 shows the quality of the es- pending on the scenario.
was a high probability of finding the timated angles of incidence. As in previ-
phone (shown in red in F­ igure 7). In Formi- ous tests, the results were satisfactory. Conclusions
gal, we also tested cases where the phone The variations in the quality of the We have created a completely func-
was under a body and buried under the results obtained in the different outdoor tional location system, called an SBTS,
snow. Table 4 shows the corresponding tests are due to the changing conditions based on the AoA of received signals.
An SBTS turns commercial GSM termi-
nals into powerful personal emergency
TABLE 4 – a HISTOGRAM OF AOA MEASUREMENTS VERSUS ACCURACY (±5°, ±10°, beacons. The system is small enough
AND ±15°) IN THE FORMIGAL CHAIRLIFT TESTS. to be mounted on a UAV and allows the
±5° ±10° ±15° location of lost persons even in remote
Phone buried in snow (−1 m)/phone 65% 82% 86% areas without GSM coverage. The SBTS
under a body supports communication between the
Phone buried in snow (−2 m) 57% 80% 90% rescue team and the lost person and

0 250 500 750 1,000 m

Phone Real Location
Estimated AoA Polygon
Most Probable Location Area
UAV Location

FIGURE 8 – The estimated and actual location (with coordinates) of the GSM terminal in one of the tests with an SBTS installed on a helicopter flying
over Guadarrama Mountains (Madrid).

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Research and Technology, Spain. His
TABLE 5 – a HISTOGRAM OF AOA MEASUREMENTS VERSUS ACCURACY (±5°, ±10°, research interests include embedded
AND ±15°) IN THE MADRID HELICOPTER TESTS. operating systems and field-program-
±5° ±10° ±15° mable gate array signal processing. He
32.0% 57.5% 73.9% has worked in the fields of automotive
embedded operating systems, real-time
implements cognitive measures to avoid His research interests include wireless hardware image processing, and wireless
interfering with existing networks. communication technologies, embedded communication protocols.
This project was conceived for the systems, and ubiquitous computing.
market from the outset. For this reason, Francisco Javier González-Casta- References
the electronics were designed to be cer- ño ( is a full profes- [1] G. H. Worley, “Wilderness communications,” Wilder-
ness Environ. Med., vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 262–269, 2011.
tifiable for UAV or helicopter flights. The sor with the Department of Telematics [2] D. S. Ilcev, “Cospas–Sarsat LEO and GEO: Satellite
SBTS was presented at the Fifth Interna- Engineering, University of Vigo, Spain. distress and safety systems (SDSS),” Int. J. Satellite
Commun. Netw., vol. 25, no. 6, pp. 559–573, 2007.
tional Exhibition of Security and Defense He is also with Gradiant, Spain, as sci- [3] T. W. Heggie and T. M. Heggie, “Search and
Technologies, HOMESEC 2013 [22], and entific advisor. He leads the Informa- Rescue Trends Associated with Recreational
Travel in US National Parks,” J. Travel Med., vol.
the International Aerospace Supply Fair, tion Technologies Group, University of 16, no. 1, pp. 23–27, Jan./Feb. 2009.
AIRTEC 2013 [23]. Vigo. He has published over 70 papers [4] J. F. Bull, “Wireless geolocation,” IEEE Veh.
Technol. Mag., vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 45–53, 2009.
in international journals, in the fields of [5] A. Küpper, Location-Based Services—Fundamen-
Acknowledgments telecommunications and computer sci- tals and Operation. Chichester, UK: Wiley, 2005.
[6] Y. Zhao, “Mobile phone location determination
This work has been partially funded ence, and he has participated in several and its impact on intelligent transportation
by project grants SBTS (IPT-430000- relevant national and international proj- systems,” IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst., vol.
1, no. 1, pp. 55–64, 2000.
2010-04) and COINS (TEC2013-47016- ects. He holds two U.S. patents. [7] Y. Zhao, “Standardization of mobile phone po-
C2-1-R), MINECO, Spain. Isaac Ballesteros (issacballestros@ sitioning for 3G systems,” IEEE Commun. Mag.,
vol. 40, no. 7, pp.108–116, 2002. received his M.Sc. [8] T. Wigren, “Adaptive enhanced cell-ID finger-
Biographies ­degree in telecommunications engineer- printing localization by clustering of precise
position measurements,” IEEE Trans. Veh.
Jorge Muñoz-Castañer (jorgem@­ ing from the University of Zaragoza, Technol., vol. 56, no. 5, pp. 3199–3209, 2007. received his M.Sc. degree Spain, in 2005. Since 2010, he has been [9] Automatic Direction Finder—BendixKing by
Honeywell. (2015). [Online]. Available: http://
in telecommunication engineering from working as a project leader in CENTUM
the University of Vigo, Spain, in 2006. He Research and Technology, where he tions-Navigation-Identification/Automatic-Direc-
is currently pursuing his Ph.D. degree has led the SBTS project. Previously, [10] Direction Finders—Radiomonitoring—Rohde &
in embedded systems and wireless net- he worked as systems engineer for six Schwarz. (2015). [Online]. Available: http://www.
works. He has been a research and devel- years on various communications and ing/direction-finders/pg_overview_64204.html
opment (R&D) engineer with the Informa- electronic intelligence/communications [11] Proximus LLC. Innovative engineering solu-
tions—DF-500 direction finder (omni). (2015).
tion Technologies Group, University of intelligence systems for several compa- [Online]. Available:
Vigo, and he is currently an R&D engineer nies and for different international pro- ua/DF-500_direction_finder_(omni).html
[12] OpenBTS. Open Source Cellular Infrastructure.
with Gradiant, Vigo, Spain. His research grams, such as Eurofighter Typhoon, (2015). [Online]. Available:
interests include embedded systems and A330-MRTT, and Santiago (SCATER and [13] OsmocomBB project. (2015). [Online].
wireless networks. He has participated in SCAPA), a new electronic warfare suite [14] Ettus Research. (2015). [Online]. Available:
many projects in these fields. for the Spanish Ministery of Defense.
[15] Fairwaves. (2015). [Online]. Available: https://
Pablo Couñago Soto (pcounhago@ Andrea Di Giovanni (andrea.­ received his B.S. degree in received his [16] Nuand. [Online]. Available:
[17] Sysmocom—systems for mobile communica-
telecommunication engineering from the M.Sc. degree in electronics engineering tions GmbH. (2015). [Online]. Available: http://
University of Vigo, Spain, in 2009. Since from the University of Perugia, Italy, in
[18] N. L. Atallah and S. Marcos, “DOA estimation
then, he has been with the Information 2008. He has worked as a research and and association of coherent multipaths by us-
Technologies Group, University of Vigo, development engineer in aerospace ing reference signals,” Signal Process., vol. 84,
no. 6, pp. 981–996, 2004.
as a research and development engineer. companies. Currently, he is the systems [19] Aurora 8B/10B Protocol Specification. (2010).
His main areas of research interest are design leader in CENTUM Research and [Online]. Available:
[20] S. Preissig. (2006). Programming details of codec
embedded systems, wireless networks, Technology, Spain. The areas of his ex- engine for DaVinci technology. [Online]. Texas
and mobile communications. pertise are digital electronics and signal Instruments whitepaper. Available: http://www.
Felipe Gil-Castiñeira (xil@det.uvigo. processing. [21] ETSI Recommendation GSM 05.05, Radio Trans-
es) received his Ph.D. degree in telecom- Pablo Colodrón Villar (pablo.colo- mission and Reception, Version 8.5.0., 1999.
[22] HOMSEC. (2013). In 5th International Exhibi-
munication engineering from the Univer- received his M.Sc. tion of Security & Defense Technologies. [On-
sity of Vigo, Spain. He is an associate pro- degree in electronic engineering from line]. Available:
[23] AIRTEC. (2013). International Aerospace Supply
fessor with the Department of Telematic the University of Vigo, Spain, in 2008. Fair. [Online]. Available:
Engineering, University of Vigo. He is also He has worked for University of Vigo, in
with Gradiant, Spain, as chief technical the Electronics Technology Department, 
officer in intelligent networked systems. and he is currently working for CENTUM

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