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Cutipa Mamani Jhon Carlos


1. a con - una estafa

2. a fraud - un fraude

3. genuine – genuino/genuina

4. an impostor - un impostor

5. pose as - hacerse pasar por

6. legitimate - legítimo/legítima

7. pretend to be - fingir ser

8. a trick - un truco


1. Deceived people for financial gain? - C. Frank Abagnale.

2. Had to act younger than his real age? - B. Frédéric Bourdin.

3. Tried to make people’s lives better? - A. Doctor James Barry.

4. Spent some time in prison? - C. Frank Abagnale.

5. Invented a story about an accident? - B. Frédéric Bourdin.

6. Was not an easy person to get on with? - A. Doctor James Barry.

7. Did not want to stop working? - A. Doctor James Barry.

8. Changed his name several times? - C. Frank Abagnale.

9. Has a role in a film about his life? - C. Frank Abagnale.

10. Was born over 200 years ago? - A. Doctor James Barry.

11. Went to university? - A. Doctor James Barry.

12. Gave advice to businesses on stopping fraud? - C. Frank Abagnale.

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