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1. Introduction to chemistry

2 Scientific methods and familiarization with laboratory apparatus

and used.

3 Nature of matter

4 Elements

5 Particulate nature of matter- 1

6 Particulate nature of matter- 2


8 Compounds and mixture

9 Separation techniques

10 Valency, oxidation & IUPAC nomenclature.

11-13 Revision and Examination

Scheme of work for first term Chemistry evolved from the study of alchemy,
which involves turning leads into gold or turning a
Introduction: WHAT IS CHEMISTRY less valuable substance to a more valuable
Chemistry is the study of the composition,
properties and uses of matter. The study of
Matter is anything that has mass and occupies We study chemistry? :
space. Since everything in reality consist of
⚫ to acquire knowledge about matter;
matter, Chemistry tends to help us understand
them better. ⚫ to acquire scientific knowledge and training
in scientific method;
Branches of chemistry include: Physical, ⚫ to have training in handling and manipulating
Organic, Analytical, Inorganic, Environmental, scientific equipment.
Industrial and Pharmaceutical e.t.c.

Careers in Chemistry: There are many job opportunities available for

students to use and apply their knowledge of
chemistry which include:
1. Analytical, Formulation, Medicinal or Process 4. Drug Discoverer.
5. Environmental, Forensic or Material scientist
2. Chemical or Geochemical engineer
6. Food technologist
3. Biotechnologist
7. Nanotechnologist. 11. Scientific laboratory technician

8. Patent attorney 12. Teacher or lecturer

9. Pharmacologist 13. Researcher

10. Science writer

state. Military cannot effectively do this without

ammunition. Chemistry contributes to the
APPLICATION/ USES OF CHEMISTRY discovery and description of the theoretical bases
The knowledge of chemistry can be apply in the for the behavior of chemical substances such as
following areas; namely explosives used by the military. The gun powder
used in the earliest guns was made by mixing
1. Hospital: The knowledge of chemistry makes sulphur, charcoal and potassium trioxonitrates(v),
it possible for people to involve in chemical compounded by early chemists. The manufacture
research and technology which lead to production of smokeless powder was based upon gun cotton,
of medicine that we use today. which is made from cotton fibers soaked in a
strong mixture of HNO3 and H2SO4.
2. Military: The duty of the military is defense,
to defend the territorial integrity of a nation or
3. Teaching- chemistry teachers and lecturers in around us, special rockets called ‘space rocket’
secondary schools, polytechnics, colleges of are sent into space. The first rocket was sent into
education and universities. space on October 4, 1957 by Russia. In July,
1969, Apollo II astronauts Neil Armstrong and
4. Chemical and petrochemical industries: Edwin Aldrin landed on the moon. These are
Application chemists, research chemists, chemical made possible by science and technology.
engineers and laboratory assistants.
6. Agriculture: Agricultural scientists, chemists,
5. Space science: chemistry is not out in space biochemists and physiologists engaged in
exploration. In our efforts to gain more research to improve the quality and yield of crops
knowledge of the other planets and outer space and livestock, and to advise farmers.
7. Food production and preservation – e.g. The adverse effects of existence of
production of fertilizers, insecticides and food chemistry
The existence of chemistry brought about the
8. Medicine – e.g. production of drugs and release of chemicals. The adverse effects of
various medical services chemicals include; drug abuse, poisoning,
corrosion and pollution.
9. Transportation – e.g. production of suitable
fuel for cars, ships and jets. 1. Drug Abuse: simply involves wrong usage of
drugs. Some of these drugs include heroin,
10. Housing – e.g. production of cement, cocaine and morphine which are used as
concrete, steel, bricks and tiles used for addictive. Unscrupulous people produce and sell
construction of houses them at huge profits. Drug addiction is a major
11. Clothing – e.g. production of man-made problem in our society, especially among young
fibres which are used for the production of people. Many countries have imposed strict laws
various clothing to control pollution and drug abuse. However, the
most effective control measure is education.
2. Poisoning: This is the presence of poisonous
12. Forestry: Scientists engaged in research to chemicals in the food we eat. This happens when
preserve and improve forests and forestry the chemicals used as additives and preservatives
products. are added more than required or expired in the
food stuff where it was added, then instead of
the food stuff bringing health to our body, it turns
to poison.

ADVERSE EFFECTS OF CHEMICALS 3. Corrosion of iron can also be called rusting

and requires the presence of water and oxygen.
Rusting can also be regarded as the slow A scientific law or principle is established only
deterioration of iron to iron (iii) oxide. This iron after the theory has been extensively tested and
(iii) oxide is permeable to both air and water and proven true without any exception. If the
cannot protect the iron from further corrosion of experiments give negative results, then the
iron. scientist goes back to his hypothesis and either
modifies it or puts forward a new hypothesis. This
This rusting can be prevented by four methods. way of studying a problem is known as the
(i) Application of protective coating. scientific method. It is the very foundation of
all scientific discoveries.
(ii) Application of sacrificial metal.
1. Observation – this is the use of senses to
(iii) Alloying. observe what is happening in an environment
(iv) Cathodic protection. 2. Hypothesis – it is a statement which may not
be universally true. When scientists have made a
4.Pollution: Chemical industries through
the action of production pollute our
environment as the smoke enters into the of observations, they see a certain pattern which
air, and dirts of different kinds enter into leads to a problem which they try to solve. A
the water thereby polluting the entire hypothesis is put forward to solve the problem.
environment. Specifically chemical wastes
from factories and oil refineries and 3. Experiment – they carry out experiments to
radioactive wastes from nuclear plants test the hypothesis
pollute our environment. Oil spillage, 4. Further experiment – if the experiment
exhaust from motor vehicles, pesticides, supports the hypothesis, they carry out further
fertilizers and acid rain have made our experiments
environment unclean and endangered
and allow other scientists in the field to test the
plant and animal life. Human health is hypothesis.
also being threatened by environmental
pollution. Presently, chemists are trying 5. Theory – if the hypothesis is found to be
to come up with a fuel that will reduce correct within the limit of available evidence, it
the air pollution problem. They are also becomes a
modifying chemical processes to recycle theory. If the hypothesis is not supported by the
chemical wastes or change them to experiments, it is either modified or discarded.
harmless products which can be safely
6. Law – a scientific theory becomes a law after
discharged into the surrounding.
it has been tested and proven true without any
Make an Observation

Form a Hypothesis



Analyze the Data and

Draw a Conclusion

Chemistry laboratory apparatus: Mostly all COMMON LABORATORY ACCIDENTS

the apparatus are usually made up of glass such
Laboratory accidents are something unpleasant,
as Pyrex (borosilicate) soda glass, beaker, test
undesirable or damaging that happens
tube etc., metals, wood, plastics, and porcelain.
unexpectedly or by chance in the laboratory.
Some are improvised i.e. they are locally made
such as bamboo for making measuring cylinder, Generally it could involve the inhalation of
coconut shell for making beaker etc. dangerous substances or physical injury as the
case may be. Most of the laboratory accidents
occur as follows:
1. GLASS CUT: (ii)Never use sodium, potassium, phosphorus or
concentrated (conc.) acids and alkalis unless you
Report the situation to your facilitator and let him are specially instructed. These chemicals are
help the injured person. corrosive. Always add concentrated acid to water
There is always a possibility of infection, even slowly, when diluting the acid, never add water to
with the most minor injury. For this reason you acid. This is to avoid acid burns, explosion and
should report any cut or scrape, even if there is fire.
no visible blood. (iii)Do not taste or drink any chemical, and never
If there is blood at any laboratory station, move smell any chemical directly .This is to avoid
to your seat in the classroom area until told it is swallowing or inhaling toxic chemicals.
safe to return to the laboratory. (iv)Do not mix chemicals aimlessly, or carry out
2. FIRES: any experiment except when instructed, to avoid
explosion or fire outbreak
Laboratory Bunsen burners are the source of
most problems: (v)Do not put a glowing splint or a burning paper
in the waste bin, to avoid fire outbreak.
Bunsen burners have very few malfunctions. If a
malfunction occurs, turn off the gas and notify (vi)Do not touch or hold any electric instrument
your facilitator. with wet hands.

If a paper fire occurs, push the paper into the lab (vii)All accident should be reported immediately
sink and turn on the water - end of problem. to your facilitator.

Clothing or Hair is the most dangerous type of (viii)Laboratory coats must be worn to protect
fire in the lab. clothing from soiling, damage from accidents of
various sorts.
Don't panic!
No eating or drinking in the lab!
If you are the one involved in a fire - stay where
you are - help is coming. "Stop, drop, and roll" is
still the best course of action. If the fire is not at
your lab station - stay away!
THE WEST WALL. 6.identify the apparatus you would use to carry
out the following in the laboratory
Only the science facilitator is authorized to use
the fire extinguisher. i.Separating two immiscible liquids
Fire extinguishers are classified according to a ii.Condensing steam to liquid
particular fire type and are given the same letter
and symbol classification as that of the fire. iii.Drying a sample of residues

3. ACID BURNS iv.Measuring a small quantity of liquid



SAFETY PRECUTIONS Matter is anything that has a rest mass and

volume, in other words matter is anything that
The following are the basic rules and regulations has mass and occupies space. The three
to guide your safety and hence prevent accidents elementary particle of matter are atom, molecule
in the laboratory. and ion, while the three state of matter are solid,
liquid and gas.
(i)Always handle glass wares being fragile, with
care to avoid glass cuts.
Characteristics of matter


Have definite Have no definite shape but Have no definite shape and
shape and volume definite volume volume

Very dense Less dense Least dense

Incompressible Incompressible Compressible

Fixed mass Fixed mass Fixed mass

Particle vibrate Particles vibrate and move Particles move about constantly
and rotate about a about within a restricted at great speed and at random
fixed point space

Examples include: Examples include: water, Examples include: Oxygen, wind,

concrete objects. juice, etc sprays, etc.

CHANGE OF STATE The boiling point of a liquid change with

change in atmospheric pressure. If the
MELTING pressure is raised, the boiling point will
Melting is the physical process where a substance increase and if the pressure is lowered the
changes from a solid to a liquid. When a solid is boiling point will decrease. Also, the presence
heated, the particles acquire greater kinetic of impurities increases the boiling point of a
energy and move violently. A point is reached liquid.
when the forces of vibration overcome the
cohesive forces holding the solid particles EVAPORATION
together and the crystalline structure collapses. Evaporation is the process of vapourization of
The particles are no longer held in fixed positions liquids at all temperatures. When the surface
but are free to move about and the liquid state is of a liquid is exposed, the molecules near the
reached. The temperature at which this occurs is surface of the liquid will acquire extra kinetic
called the melting point of the solid. energy, large enough to enable them break
away from the cohesive force binding them
BOILING to the neighbouring particles. Once free, they
When a liquid is heated, the rate of escape from the liquid surface to become
evaporation increases and the value of the molecules in the vapour state.
saturated vapour pressure equal the Evaporation results in decrease in the volume
prevailing atmospheric pressure. When this of liquid and lowering the temperature of the
happens, the liquid is said to boil and the liquid, therefore it causes cooling. Also, it
temperature at which this happen is known occurs at all temperature but increases with
as the boiling point of the liquid. increase in temperature. In addition, it is
slower in electrovalent liquids than in
covalent liquids.


Takes place at the surface of the liquid Involves the entire volume of the liquid
Takes place at all temperature Takes place at a fixed temperature

until it reaches the freezing point of the

liquid. At this temperature, the liquid changes
into solid. This process is called Freezing.


Condensation is a process whereby a vapour 1. Describe the melting process of a solid.
loses some of its kinetic energy to a colder 2. State two differences between
body and changes into the liquid state. evaporation and boiling.
When a liquid cools, it loses heat energy to
its surroundings, causing its temperature to
drop. If the cooling continues, the
temperature of the liquid keeps dropping
Chemical Properties:
PROPERTIES OF MATTER. Are those properties which are involved when
matter undergo a change to form new substance.
Physical Properties: E.g rusting, rotting, combustion, etc.
This are properties associated with physical
changes. E.g boiling point, melting point, density,
hardness, malleability, crystalline, colour, odour
and taste.
DEFINITION: A Physical change is one which is easily reversed and in which no new substances are
i. Melting of solids to liquids.
ii. Freezing of liquids to solids.
iii. Vaporization of liquids to gases.
iv. Liquefaction of gases to liquids.
v. Sublimation of solids to vapour.
vi. Magnetization and demagnetization of iron
vii. Separation of mixture by evaporation, distillation, fractional distillation, sublimation, crystallization

DEFINITION: A chemical change is one which is not easily reversed and in which a new substance is
Examples: iii. Chemical decomposition – like digestion of
i. Burning of substances.
iv. Rusting of iron.
ii. Dissolution of metals and limestone in acids.
v. Charring of sugar.
vi. Dissolution of metals in acids.


1. Easily reversible Not easily reversible
2. No new substance is formed New substance is formed
3. No change is mass. There is a noticeable change in mass.
4. Not accompanied by heat Change Usually accompanied by heat change.


An element is a substance that cannot be broken into simpler substances by any chemical methods.
Examples of elements include: Iron, tin, aluminum etc.
There are about 118 known elements of which 92 are naturally exiting elements and the rest are artificially
Symbols are modern ways of representing atoms of elements by using abbreviations. The modern symbols
were developed by Berzelius in 1814.

1) He used the first letter in the name of the element.

Hydrogen H Fluorine F
Boron B Phosphorus P
Carbon C Sulphur S
Nitrogen N Iodine I

2) The second principle uses the first two

Helium He Aluminium Al
Lithium Li Silicon Si
Berylium Be Argon Ar

Nickel Ni Calcium Ca
Barium Ba Bromine Br

The third principle is when the first letter and Example:

another letter in the name are used.
Magnesium Mg Manganese Mn
Chlorine Cl Zinc Zn
The fourth principle is the elements that derived Example:
symbols from their Latin names.
Sodium Natrium Na Copper Cuprum Cu
Tin Stannum
Proton Nucleus + 1 P Sn

Electron Outside _ 0.005 e- Gold Aurum

nucleus Au

Neutron Nucleus Zero 1 N Mercury Hydrargyrum

Potassium Kalium K
Lead Plumbum Pb

First twenty elements with their symbols.

Atomic Element Symbol

1 Hydrogen H
2 Helium He DEFINITION: An atom is the smallest particle of
an element which can take part in a chemical
3 Lithium Li reaction.
5 Boron B ATOM

6 Carbon C An atom is made up of the three sub-particles

known as protons, neutrons and electrons as
7 Nitrogen N shown in the diagram below. Their characteristics
are also summarized in the table below:
8 Oxygen O
9 Fluorine F
10 Neon Ne (proton and
11 Sodium Na neutrons)

12 Magnesium Mg
13 Aluminum Al
14 Silicon Si
15 Phosphorus P
16 Sulphur S

17 Chlorine Cl
18 Argon Ar
19 Potassium K
20 Calcium Ca
(2) Describe the atoms of the following elements
using their symbol, atomic number and mass
ATOMIC NUMBER AND MASS NUMBER number: (a) Phosphorus (b) Silicon (c) Calcium
DEFINITION: Atomic number is the number of
protons in an atom of an element. DEFINITION: A molecule is the smallest particle
of a substance that normally exist alone and still
The atomic number of an element is a whole retain the chemical properties of that substance
number and is designated z. In a neutral atom be it an element or a compound.
the number of protons must be equal to the
number of electrons (since protons are positively Some molecules can exist independently as single
charged and electron are negatively charged). atoms e.g. He, Ne, Ar, Xe etc. Some molecules
may be made up of atoms of the same element
All the atoms of a particular element have the e.g. a molecule of hydrogen is H2, that of chlorine
same number of protons in their nuclei (i.e. they is Cl2, Oxygen is O2, phosphorus is P5, Sulphur is
have the same atomic number). No two elements S8.Some molecules may be made up of different
have the same number of protons in their atoms. elements e.g. a molecule of water is H2O,
DEFINITION: Methane is CH4, ammonia is NH3, carbon (iv)
oxide is CO2 etc.
mass number is the sum of the protons and
neutrons in an atom of an element.
Mass number is represented by the letter A.
Mass number A = Number of protons + number
of neutrons.
i.e. A = p + n. Where p=protons, n= neutrons.
Or number of neutrons n =A – Z.
An atom of an element can be described by
writing its symbol together with its atomic ATOMICITY: Atomicity is the number of atoms
number and mass number. in each molecule of an element.
Class of elements
Monoatomic. One atom makes a molecule. Most
metals are monoatomicll noble gases are
Examples: The atom of carbon, oxygen and Diatomic: Two atoms make a molecule. e.g.
sodium can be written as 126C, 168O and2311Na gases. H2, Cl2, Br2, O2, N2
Triatomic: Three atoms make a molecule e.g..
(1) Define the following: (a) Atomic number
(b) Mass number.
Atomicity of some molecules Phosphorus P4 4
Element Molecular Atomicity Sulphur S8 8
Chlorine Cl2 2
Hydrogen H2 2
Neon Ne 1
Oxygen O2 2
Argon Ar 1
Ozone O3 3
Tetraoxosulphate(vi) acid H2SO4 7
Amonium (NH4)2SO4 15

In 1808 John Dalton proposed the following

Atomic theory.
1. All elements are made up of small indivisible 4. In large organic molecules, such as proteins,
particles called atoms. fats and starch, the combining ratio are in large
whole number.
2. Atoms can neither be created or destroyed
3. Atoms of the same element are alike in every
aspect, and differ from atoms of all other as rings, orbits, energy levels or shells. Each shell
elements. contains electrons with similar energy. Those with
the lowest energies being nearest to the nucleus.
4. When atoms combine with other atoms, they
do so in simple ratios. Thus, the arrangement of electrons in the atom
according to energy is called ELECTRONIC
5. All chemical changes result from the CONFIGURATION. Letters and figures are
combination or the separation of atoms. associated with these orbits or shells as shown
MODIFICATIONS OF DALTON’S ATOMIC above. The maximum possible number of
THEORY electrons that can be accommodated in a shell is
given by the formula:
The following are the modifications to Dalton’s
atomic theory. Nmax= 2n2. Where Nmax = Maximum no of
electron. n= no, of shell.
1. All matter is made up of small particles,
protons, neutrons and electrons. Thus K- shell can contain 2 × 12 = 2 electrons.

2. An atom can be destroyed and created; when L- Shell can contain 2 × 22 = 8 electrons.
radioactive atoms disintegrate with the emission M- Shell can contain 2 × 32= 18 electrons etc
of particles, new atoms are produced.
3. The atoms of the same elements are not all
alike, but may have different masses as proved
by the phenomenon of isotopy.
The electron structures of the atoms of the
first twenty elements are given in the table

Element Symbol Atomic number Number of electrons and their distribution in the shells.

Hydrogen H 1 1
Helium He 2 2
Lithium Li 3 2 1
Beryllium Be 4 2 2
Boron B 5 2 3
Carbon C 6 2 4
Nitrogen N 7 2 5
Oxygen O 8 2 6
Fluorine F 9 2 7
Neon Ne 10 2 8
Sodium Na 11 2 8 1
Magnesium Mg 12 2 8 2

Aluminium Al 13 2 8 3
Silicon Si 14 2 8 4
Phosphorus P 15 2 8 5
Sulphur S 16 2 8 6
Chlorine Cl 17 2 8 7
Argon Ar 18 2 8 8
Potassium K 19 2 8 8 1
Calcium Ca 20 2 8 8 2

The electronic configurations of some elements are shown below:

Hydrogen, H (atomic number 1) Helium, He (atomic number 2)
Electron k1


Lithium, Li (atomic number 3). Neon, Ne (atomic number 10)

K 2 L1

Sodium, Na (atomic number 11) Argon, Ar (atomic number 18 )

281 2 8 8

2, 8, 1
Potassium, K (atomic number 19) Calcium, Ca (atomic number 20)
2881 2 8 8 2

2, 8, 8, 1 2,8,8,2

EVALUATION: Draw the electronic configuration of the following elements.

(a)Carbon (b) Fluorine (c) Aluminium (d) Nitrogen


The periodic table consist of some elements which are arranged in some pattern with respect to certain
properties. This order of arrangement is atomic number and which tells the number of electrons contain in
any atom. So, the element in the periodic table are arranged in order of their atomic number.
The mode and pattern of arrangement of these electrons within each of the elements is known as
electronic configuration.
Since electrons occupies certain space called shell, and maximum number of electron in a shell is 2n 2
where n are whole numbers, the following types of shell can be obtained

When n = 1 = K shell
When n = 2 = L shell
When n = 3 = M shell
When n = 4 = N shell

The numbering of the shell starting from the innermost 1 and towards outside, that is, the shell closest to
the mulens is assigned number 1.
The electronic configuration of the first twenty elements in the periodic table is shown below.

Element Symbol Atomic No Electronic Configuration

Hydrogen H 1 1S1

Helium He 2 1S2
Lithium Li 3 1S2 2S1
Beryllium Be 4 1S2 2S2
Boron B 5 1S2 2S2 2P1
Carbon C 6 1S2 2S2 2P2
Nitrogen N 7 1S2 2S2 2P3
Oxygen O 8 1S2 2S2 2P4
Fluorine F 9 1S2 2S2 2P5
Neon Ne 10 1S2 2S2 2P6
Sodium Na 11 1S2 2S2 2P6 3S1

Magnesium Mg 12 1S2 2S2 2P6 3S2

Aluminium Al 13 1S2 2S2 2P6 3S2 3P1
Silicon Si 14 1S2 2S2 2P6 3S2 3P2
Phosphorus P 15 1S2 2S2 2P6 3S2 3P3
Sulphur S 16 1S2 2S2 2P6 3S2 3P4
Chlorine Cl 17 1S2 2S2 2P6 3S2 3P5
Argon Ar 18 1S2 2S2 2P6 3S2 3P6
Potassium K 19 1S2 2S2 2P6 3S2 3P6 4S1
Calcium Ca 20 1S2 2S2 2P6 3S2 3P6 4S2

Scandium Sc 21 1S2 2S2 2P6 3S2 3P6 4S2 3d1

Titanium Ti 22 1S2 2S2 2P6 3S2 3P6 4S2 3d2
Vanadium V 23 1S2 2S2 2P6 3S2 3P6 4S2 3d3
Chromium Cr 24 1S2 2S2 2P6 3S2 3P6 4S1 3d5
Manganese Mn 25 1S2 2S2 2P6 3S2 3P6 4S2 3d5
Iron Fe 26 1S2 2S2 2P6 3S2 3P6 4S2 3d6
Cobalt Co 27 1S2 2S2 2P6 3S2 3P6 4S2 3d7
Nickel Ni 28 1S2 2S2 2P6 3S2 3P6 4S2 3d8
Copper Cu 29 1S2 2S2 2P6 3S2 3P6 4S1 3d10

Zinc Zn 30 1S2 2S2 2P6 3S2 3P6 4S2 3d10

However, for charged ion (cation and anion) The aufbau approach to the filling of electrons
there electronic configuration will be slightly into orbital involves the use of a model which
different from those of their corresponding enable someone to write down the electronic
neutral atoms. E.g configuration of any atom for which the atomic
number is known.
11 Na
= 1S2 2S2 2P6 3S1 (neutral)

10 Na
23 +
= 1S2 2S2 2P6 (cation)
16 S
= 1S2 2S2 2P6 3S2 3P4 (neutral)
2s 2p
18 S =
32 2-
1S2 2S2 2P6 3S2 3P6 (Anion)
3s 3p 3d
4s 4p 4d
This principle state that the filling of electrons 4f
into atomic orbital’s, orbital with the lowest
energy is filled first, followed by orbital with 5s 5p 5d
higher energy value. 5f
6s 6p 6d located. The value are K,L,M,N 1,2,3,4 …….n
6f where n= whole numbers
7s 7p 7d
2. Azimuthal Quantum number (L): this
governs the shape of the orbitals. S-orbital, p-
orbital, d-orbital and f-orbital
Further sub-divisions of shells or orbits or energy
levels is known as orbitals which is located within 3. Magnetic Quantum number (m): this
the energy levels of the atoms, that is the shell in described the orientation in space of the orbital.
the atom having orbitals within them e.g
S-orbital – has one(1) degenerate orbital, hence
2e (two electron)
TYPES TYPES OF p-orbital - has three(3) degenerate orbital, hence
OF SHELL ORBITALS 6e (six electron)
d-orbital - has five(5) degenerate orbital, hence
K 1s 10e (ten electron)

L 2s 2p f-orbital - has seven(7) degenerate orbital, hence

14e (fourteen electron)
M 3s 3p 3d
N 4s 4p 4d 4f
4. Spin Quantum number: this describes the
spin of electrons in the orbital and have value of
+ 1/2 or – 1/2 or ± 1/2
This is the location of an electron in any orbital.
There are four types
1. Principal Quantum number (n): this
explains the energy level in which electron is
s- orbital: it is spherical in shape and has no orientation in space.

p-orbital: the orbital has a shape in which three possible orientations in space can be obtained. It consist
of three types of degenerate orbital with possible orientations of px, py and pz called sub-orbital.
2px 2py 2pz
This rule however may not be strictly followed for
the group O elements because they always have
Differences between p-orbital and d-orbital complete OCTET SHELL
s/ p-orbital d-orbital
1 They have They have
two lobes four lobes This is the mixing of atomic orbital and electrons
which are in the same energy level or shell but
2. They can They can not in the same type of orbital. The concept of
accommod accommod hybridization of electron can purely understood
ate six ate ten by using the pictorial representation of electrons
electrons electrons distribution into orbitals according to HUND’S
3. They have They have RULE.
three five 6 C
= 1S2 2S2 2P2
degenerate degenerate
sub-orbital d sub- Ground state configuration
4. There lobes There lobes
all lies on do not lie
the axis on the axis 1s2 2s2 2px1 2py1 2pz0
Excited state configuration

6 C
This state that in the filling of electrons into
orbital, the orbital of the same energy are filled
first with single electrons before pairing can
further takes place in them.
It can also be define as the maximum number of 1s2 2s1 2px1 2py1 2pz1
electron in any orbital must not be more than two
and each must point in opposite direction, that is,
opposite spin. SP3 hybridization
It is the pictorial representation of electron
7 N
= 1S2 2S2 2P3
arrangement into orbital. e.g

6 C
= 1S2 2S2 2P2
Ground state configuration

1s2 2s2 2px1 2py1 2pz

1s2 2s2 2px1 2py1 2pz1
Excited state configuration
11 Na
= 1S2 2S2 2P6 3s1
7 N

1s2 2s2 2px2 2py2 2pz2 3s1

1s2 2s1 2px2 2py1 2pz1 Radical Symbol Valency Oxidation
SP2 hybridization Ammonium ion NH4+ 1 +1
8 O
= 1S2 2S2 2P4 Hydroxyl ion OH- 1 -1
Ground state configuration Trioxocarbonate (iv) CO32- 2 -2

Tetraoxosulphate(vi) SO42- 2 -2
1s 2
2s 2
2px 2py 2pz
2 1 1
Trioxonitrate(v) NO3- 1 -1
Excited state configuration

8 O

1s2 2s1 2px2 2py2 2pz1 Definition: Isotopy is a phenomenon whereby
SP hybridization atoms of an element exhibit different mass
number but have the same atomic number.
Mass spectrometric studies show that the atoms
PAULI EXCLUSION PRINCIPLE of most elements exist in more than one form.
This is due to the difference in number of
State that no two electrons in the same atoms
neutrons present in these atoms. Such atoms are
can have the same value for each of the four
known as isotopes. Isotope of an element is
quantum numbers. This principle further implies
represented by the original symbol of the element
that no two electrons in any one atom behave in
with the mass number and atomic numbers. For
exactly equal manner.
example 126C, 136C, 146C represent atoms of the
isotopes of carbon. For each atom, the number of
neutrons can be obtained by finding the
FORMATION OF IONS, VALENCY AND difference between the mass number A and the
RADICALS atomic number Z i.e. A – Z. Each isotope of an
DEFINITION: element has its own mass known as isotopic
Some substances are not built of atoms or
molecules but are made up of charged particles Isotopes of an element have slightly different
called ions. Ions are formed when an atom physical properties because neutrons contribute
losses or gains electron. only to the mass of an atom and not its chemical
behavior. But isotopes of an element exhibit the
There are two types of ions. The positively same chemical properties because the number of
charged ions or cations e.g. K+, Ca2+, Zn2+, Al3+ valence electrons in an atom of an element
etc. they are formed when atoms loss electrons determines its chemical behavior (properties) and
and negatively charged ions or anions which are since isotopes have the same number of valence
formed when atom gain electrons e.g. Cl-, N3-, O2- electrons they will be chemically alike.
, S2- etc.
RADICALS: These are groups of atoms of
different elements that come together and react (i) An analysis of the chlorine isotopes.
as a unit. These radicals are charged, that is, Isotope 35
17Cl : Isotope 37
they either carry a positive or a negative charge.
An acid radical is thus a small group or cluster of Mass number, A 35 : 37
atoms carrying a negative charge that keeps its
Atomic number,Z 17 : 17
identity. These groups of atoms originate from
the acids which have formed the salts. For No. of protons 17 : 17
No. of electrons 17 : 17
No. of neutrons (A-Z) 35 – 17=18 : 37 – 17=20
Abundance in nature (%) 75 : 25 CALCULATION INVOLVING ISOTOPY.

Element Carbon Oxygen

(ii) The names of the isotopic forms of hydrogen
ABUNDANCE IN 98.9 1.1 99.76 0.04 0.20
1H --- Protium (or hydrogen) NATURE (%)
1H--- Deuterium (or heavy hydrogen or D) Determine the relative atomic mass of element X
1H--- Tritium or T from the data below

(iii) The relative atomic mass, RAM of an element ISOTOPE MASS %ABUNDANCE
which exhibits isotopy is the average mass of its 24
X 24 78.70
various isotopes as they occur naturally in any
quantity of the element and they are not usually x 25 10.13
in whole numbers. 26
x 26 11.7

(24 x 78.70) + (25 x 10.13) + (26 x 11.17) = X

1888.8 + 253.25 + 290.42 = X

2432.47 = X

X = 24.3247, X = 24 Approximately
1. An element X has two isotopes of 2010X and
10X in the ratio 1:3. What is the relative atomic
Add ratio 1 + 3= 4
(20 X 1) + (22 X 3) = X 22 + 66 = X 86 = X, X = 21.5
4 4 4
2. Isotopes of an element X have isotopic masses Let the relative abundance of element X be y and
65 and 63 respectively. If the relative atomic Z respectively.
mass of X is 63.60. Find the relative abundance
of each isotope of the element.
Z +Y =100
∴ Z = 100 – y....... (i)
(65 X y) + (63 X y) = 63.60
65y + 63z = 63.60 × 100
65y + 63z = 6360 ......(ii)
65y +63(100 – y) = 6360
65y – 63y + 6300 = 6360
2y = 60
Y= 60
/2 , Y = 30
Z = 100 – y= 100 – 30 = 70
Y = 30, Z = 70
The relative abundance of X = 30% 0f 65
X and Note: practically all elements exhibit
70% of 63X different levels of isotopy. This is the
reason why relative mass of elements are
not whole numbers.
NB. P1 and p2 are percentages and add up The mass of an atom is measured by an
to 100. instrument called mass spectrometer.
Relative atomic mass has no unit.
Definition: The Relative Atomic Mass of an element is the number of times the average mass of
an atom of the element is heavier than one-twelfth of the mass of one atom of carbon -12
RAM of an element = Average mass of one atom of X
/2 Mass of 1 atom of carbon - 12
Thus the atom of carbon -12 is adopted as the standard for defining the relative atomic mass of
the other elements and is given a basic mass value of 12units.
The relative atomic mass of each element has been determined accurately with the aid of the
mass spectrometer. This instrument measures the masses of the isotopes of the elements and
their abundance and the relative atomic mass is calculated from the data.
Relative atomic masses of the first twenty elements in the periodic table

Element Atomic number Relative atomic


Hydrogen 1 1.008
Helium 2 4.0026
Lithium 3 6.939
Beryllium 4 9.0122
Boron 5 10.81
Carbon 6 12.011
Nitrogen 7 14.0067
Oxygen 8 15.9994
Fluorine 9 18.9884
Neon 10 20.183
Sodium 11 22.9898
Magnesium 12 24.312
Aluminum 13 26.9812
Silicon 14 28.086
Phosphorus 15 30.9738
Sulphur 16 32.06
Chlorine 17 35.453
Argon 18 39.948
Potassium 19 39.102
Calcium 20 40.08

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