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IGNITION Contents Introduction. 4, General Description 1.1 Hall-sender Electronic Ignition. Electronic ignition With Knock Sensor. Digiant Engine Management Systems From 1991 (California only). 1.4 System Identification and Applications Maintenance Troubleshooting 3.1 Basic Troubleshooting Principles Test Equipment Quick-check of Ignition Systam Ignition System Visual Inspection Testing Coil and Spark Plug Wires Testing Hall Sender and Ignition Control Unit Ignition Control Unit Power and Ground Coit Power Output Stage Power and Ground Powar to Cail Primary Cireuit Checking Hall Sender hacking ignition Contro! Unit Hall-sender Electronic Ignition 41 gh 42 ¢ 43 otstugal and Vacuum Spark Advance Electronic Timing Advance—Sciracco 16V PM-dependent Timing Advance Vacuum Advance. 10 10 10 " n 4 16 15 18 Section 7 5. Knock Sensor 5.1 Reimoving and installing Knock Sensor 5.2 Knock Sensor System Diagnosis (Scirocco 16V) Distributor . 8.1. Removing and Instaling Distributor Cap, Rotor and Spark Plug Wires Replacing Spark Plug Wires Spark Plug Firing Order Risplacing Distributor Cap and Rotor. 2 Removing and installing Distributor 6.3 Disassembling and Assembling Distributor JH, 2H Engines PL (16-valve) Engines 7. Technical Data 4 1 1986 to 1989, CIS and CIS-E 1, Electronic Ignition System Specifications— Digitant ! and Digifant I rom 1990. TABLES \gnition System Applications {gnition System Troubleshooting ignition Coil Resistance Electronic ignition System Specifications Electronic ignition System Specifications Knock Sensor Specifications lectronic Ignition System Specifications 16 16 16 7 8 18 9 9 20 20 a ar Fa IGNITION 7-3 Ignition Introduction ‘The ignition systems used on the cats coveredby this manual incorporate many technolog- ically advanced components to maximize engine performance and reliability in the facs of in- ‘oreasing restrictions on engine exhaust emissions, The ignition system, in cooperation with the fuel system, precisely controls engine operation to ensure maximumpower andefficioncy ‘romthe engine under al operating conditions ‘Dus to the use of sophisticated electronics to operate and control these modem ignition systems, the naed for routine maintenance 's reduced and troubleshooting can be more dfi- CUI Any service or repair work must be carried out carefully, with special altention tothe cau- tions and warnings and proper working procedures. Most necessary service and repair information is provided here, although somo of the operations that are described may be of practical value only to professional mechanics. ityou lack the skills, or the special tools and ‘equipment, we suggest you leave the service and repair ofthe ignition systemnto an authorized Volkswagen dealer or other qualified repair shop. We especially urge youtto consult your au- thorized Volkswagen dealer before attempting any repairs on a vehicle stil covered by any warranties, 7-4 IGNITION 1, GENERAL DESCRIPTION “The spark ignition systemprovides ach cylinder with apre isely timed high-voltage spark toignitethe air and fuel mixture inthe combustion chamber. The system adjuste the timing of that sparkto compensate for changing engine speed and oad, 1.4 Hall-sender Electronic Ignition The basic ignition system for cars coveredby this manual is a transistorized coil ignition with Hall gence, ropresented in Fig. 1-2. The Hall sender in the distributor is the electronic equivelent of breaker points It provides a timing signal to the gntion conteol unit, which in turn ewitches the 12-valt coil pri mary circuit to discharge the high-voltage spark. The basic system's equipped with mechanical advanee mechanisine in the uistrbutor that adjust the igntion timing for loadand speed, 1.2 Electronic Ignition With Knock Sensor For the Scirocco 16V, the basie electronic ignition has the added capability to sense pre-igition or datonation (common Iycalledknock or ping), and adjustigntion timing electronically to eliminate i. The system, represented in Fig, 1-2, includes a kook sensor (Fig, 1-8) andknock sensor control unit, With this system, the distributor has no mechanical advance mecha: nisms. Ignition timing advance is controlled electronically 1.3 Digifant Engine Management Systems Gabriniet models from 1990 are equipped with a version of the Digitant engine management systam. Digant controls all, pects of fuel injection, ignition, knock conto! and emission Ignition control Control. The coil primary circuit is stil switchad by a saparate ignition contre! unit, but all timing advance and knock regula tion ate controlied electronically by the Digitant control unit. From 1991 (California only) Beginning with the 1991 model year, ears built forsale in Caifornia.are equipped wis Speciatversion of Digant called Digilant Signticant diferencas ae * special ignition coil wih power output stage * no separate ignition control unit (primary circuit) * Digfant ! control unit with fault memory and on- board diagnosis (OBD) capability ‘CAUTION — Volkswagen specifies that the frst stop in any Digiant 1 sysiom iroubleshooting must be 1 heck the OBD fault memory, and '0 find and corco! any feuits that may be inlcaied. See FUEL SYSTEM, 1.4 System Identification and Applications Table a lists engine codes and the corresponding ignition system for ears coveredtby this manual. For mor information cn donitying aparieviar engine, 68 ENGINE Tablo a. ignition System Applications Tprition system Hall sender electronic lecuonie whnock sensor Oigient ‘Application 1960 one. 16 XX 3Eh Ignition distributor with Hall sending unit Fig. 1-1 Schematic clagtam showing basis eomances al-serder eleven itn for all $985.19 cies engine code JH} except Sonccco Tv Loni distur ‘rt Ha sender Kock sensor contol unt | o L | Kors lay sensor Fig. 1-2, Scheritic vi of Hal sendy eboctroni igntion wih krock sans bot unt Fig. 1-3. Typical knock sensor and mounting lecaton on ede of ender block. IGNITION 7-5 oni igninon col | | Ignibon | | | i 2. MAINTENANCE Volkswagen spacities the maintenance steps below to 62 cartied out at particular time or mileage intervals for proper maintenance of the ignition system, A number in bold type indicates maintenance that is cov- «ered inthis section, under the heading with that number. Sea LUBRICATION AND MAINTENANCE for information about other listings, and fer the prescribed maintenance intervals. 1. Replacing spark plugs 2. inspecting and replacing distributor cap and rotor 3.2 8. Inspecting and replacing spark plug wires 3.3 3. TROUBLESHOOTING Complate failure to produce spark at the spark plugs is a ‘most certainly an igntion system problem, For ether problems ‘such as poor starting, rough idle, or misfiring, the cause may ot be as clear. Start by checking the ignition system, butif no ignaion problems are discovered, proceedelsewhera. Lawen- gine compression ot fuel system faults will also cause such probisms. Also cae ENGINE and FUEL SYSTEM. 7-6 IGNITION 3.1 Basic Troubleshooting Principles Taek ition system's main function isto provide a properly timed high-voltage spark to the spark plage, if eranking spead 's normal, not starting may be caused by a complete failure of the system to produce spark. A basio check to see # spark is beingproduced willbe the most important first troubleshooting step. Ifa strong sparkis observed, then the failure to start has nother cause. perhaps incorrect ignition timing o¢ a mechan: reat engine faut. {the engine starts and runs, the ignition system ie basically Sound-~t is delivering voltage to the spark plugs. An engine that is hard to starter tuns badly may have problems affecting how wall the sparkis delivered, A tauity coil, poor spark plug wires, a worn or cracked dis- ibutor cap er rotor, and worn or fouled spark plugs are also Possible causes of reduced spark intensity and inefficient sorrbustian, For cars with catalytic converter, this is an espe ally serious problem, WARNING — A catalyic conveder overeated by rough nun ‘ag ar mise may be a fi nazar. AvoKd ning the engine for very longi itis running uly Tne ignition systern contains delicate electronic compo: nents. itis sensitive to corrosionand loose connections, espe. cially aully groundconnections. For yoursatety, andto protect the system, read these Cautions and follow them during any troubleshooting or other wark on the ignition systern, caution — * Nevor touch orasconnact any ofthe Dig on sion cables frm the eo, dstnbulor, or spark luge wile the ongine is running or beng cranked by the stator, ‘+ Connect er sisconneet ignition system wares, connectors, nnd lost equipment only white the tain is swathed oft * Before operating tho staner without starting tho ongire (as when making a compression {est}, alscomnect the wire trom the canter tower ofthe cistnbutor cap ani positively connect itt jeround on the angina, oF fon Digan! ony) s- fonnset the coi power ouput stage © Do not connect fost nstuments with a 12.volt currant supply to tomina’ 18 (+) of tho igntian col Reverse vattage low wil damage the igi- tion contol emit. Make connections only 28 specified by Volkswagen, as descr inthis ‘manual or By the nsiumeni manuiactaror © Bo nat connect a condenser to negative (-) ol Terminal 1, This may damoqe we ignion system or cause misinng, ‘cauTION— * Your Volkswagen uses a special resistance: ‘ypo eistibutor rolor. Take care to Install only the coneet part Do nat substiute any ofr Volkswagvn or Bosch part * Donotcisconnect the battery while te engine is running, Do net quick-change oF boost the bation for anger than ono minute, anc do not exeeod 18.5 voll at tho battary with the booster cabios co nected. Waitt least one minute before basting the battory a second tine. * Do not tow a car suspected of having a detec ta ignition system vathout frst sconnacting ‘he fgnton contra unit or (on Dilan ont) s+ ‘onnoctng sgnion coil torminal 3 (arven wit} * Do nat wash the engine while itis running, oF _anylime th igniton is ewtched on * Disconncet both battery terminals when dong any electric are or spot welaing on the ca, * Bo not ty to stat the engine ofa car bich bas oon heated above 176°F (80°C), (for example. ‘na paint crying booth) unt lowing it fo cool to poral femperatire * Do no test the ignition systorn with a nocmat incandescent bulb test light. The high current foal nay damage the electronic companants ‘Test Equipment Many ofthe tests in this manual call for measuring valtage, currentor resistance using a vott-ohm meter (VOM) or a mult meter. A digital volt;ohm meter (OVOM) or cigital multimeter is highly recommended to prevent circutt damage, An LED (light emitting diode) test ight such as Volkswagen specialtoo! VAG 15278 (order no. TAG 152 78028 ZEL)s an inexpensive too! that is used for many simple electrical test, The LED lights to indicate when there is voltage potential ba- ‘tween any two test points in a circuit. The LED's low currant draw makes i sate for testing sensitive electronic circuits. For more information on test aquipment and sate electrical testing, see FUNDAMENTALS. ‘CAUTION — + Choase test equipment carotuly. Use an LED {6st light oF meter with at ast 10 megan in put impedtance. Other tools may damage sensi tive electronic components inthe contol uni. * Voikswagen part numbers and special tool or- dor numbers tod inthis manual are provided lor teferance cniy. Check with an avihonsed Volkswagen dealer Parts department for the ‘mest accurate and up-to-date information Quick-check of Ignition System tthe engine does not start, the most fundamental trauble- shooting step is to determine whether or not the systemis cre- ating sparkat the spark plug, Ia sparkis present, then t isthe system's efficiency and accuracy or anather system's, jon thot is in question. Ifno epatk is present, thon more Jed testing of the ignition system is necessary. “To check for spark, switch the ignition off and disconnect one of the spark plug wire connectors from the spark plug ‘Temporarily connect itto a known good spark plug, preferably anew one. Hold the spark plugwith insulated pliers so thatthe ‘outst she! or electrode ara grounded on the engine. cauTION— Any last set-up other tan tho one described above may give meonehaive reaults or damage the dain syst While helper actuates the startar, look for sparkin the gap between the two spark plug electrodes. A bright blus spark in dicates a healthy ignition system. A yellow-orange spark is weake! and indicates that, while sparks present and the sys- tomis functioning, tis net operating at peak eficiency. Check ‘the condition of the ignition system components as deseribed 19 82 Ignition System Visual Inspection and replice any fauly components, IGNITION 7-7 warnine — + 11th ignition system is not tay, the engine may stat dung this ast, Bo proparedto sich ff the ignition immnodtatly. + Running the endine foo lang witha spark plog ‘wee cisconnected will contaminate and demago the catalytic convortor note — ‘Before checking the ignition system when there iso spark ora weak spark, maka sure that the battery is fully charged Seo ELECTRICAL SYSTEM. If there is no spark, test for primary voltage at the ignition coil. Connect atest light betwaen terminal 1 (~} ofthe ignition coil and ground. While the starter is actuated, the test light ‘should flash, indicating that the col is recewing primary volt- age, ifthe coll is not receiving primary citcult voltage, thera is a faultin the wiring hamess orthe ignition switch, i the coil is re coving vollage, ofa strong spark is observed but the engine stil il not stan, refer table for more troubleshooting infor tation, Bold numbers in the eorreetive action column rater to information under numbered headings in this section. ‘cAUTION— For Digifant cars (rom 1990), also soe the en ‘gine management system electical tess FUEL SYSTEM. Table b. Ignition System Troubleshooting Symptom Probable cause 1. Eng wi nat 2. Sating system faut Sart ranking ‘speed too ow 1. No spark 2engne wa pot | sta —cranking | Wet stiutor cap andor spark pu ‘speed OK wires: oe pee «Werk col | 4. Dotoctve spark plug wires | | @- Faulty Hal sander | flncorectigriton tring 8. Engine mechanical falure | Fut system fut, 3. Engine stars but | a. Incorect gnon ting runs badly mises, |p. wat cletibutor cap andi spark plug loses power. ‘ectcroe |. Fouted spark plugs 1. Weak coi Corrective action ‘2. Soe ELECTRICAL SYSTEM | eames ee 2, Check and aust timing. . |b. Remove cap and wires. Dry and reinstall | reac spake See LUBRIGATION AND MANTENANCE | 6 Test anc reptce we nese 9.3 ‘continued on next page 7-8 IGNITION ‘Table b. Ignition System Troubleshooting (continued) Symetom Probable cause Correstve action 3. Engine state bat | @. Detectve spark pig wires fe, Test and replace 03 needed. 3.3 srs bach res, | om dstbtr captor {inspect ane replace as needed. 3.2 Feat 9. Fauity knock sense contol unt |g Tost rac sensor syst. 43, 52 (TCH wath knack sense only 1. Fut centrtugal advance mechariam |, Tes and renlece as needed. 4.2 ent } | | ireth onay | Fauty contol unt i Test and replace as noeded. 4 [L Fauty tate swtehes |. Tos swachos and replace as needed. See FUEL SYSTEM | kenge mecca damage Soe ENGINE Koocking or pinging | aL Incorrect gniton ting a Gnesi and acst ting 44 ote wile bs Fauty cenrtugal vance mechanism |b, Test and replace a8 needed. 4.2 accelerating (ethony «Fauityignton conto! unt 6. Test and replace as neoded 3.5 4. Faulty krack sensor andi contr! | Test krack sanscesystomn. 42, 5:2 ont | .Fauny contol unt | test ant epiace as needed. | 1. Preightion due to carbon buildup or {Overhaul oc replace cylinder head, See ENGINE, bbumed vales in engne combustion chambers | 3.2 Ignition System Visual Inspection 3.3 Testing Coil and Spark Plug Wires Accumulated dit and moisture, wear and electrical break Use an ohimenetertotestcollprimary and secondary circuts down may keep the distributor cap, rotor and spark plug wires _as shown in Fig, 3-1, Replace the cailf primary or secondary trom delivering aprocise and powerful spark. Thorough visual resistance measurements exceed the vals listed in table inspection isthe way to checkon these conaitions, Some mare etailed assembly information can be found in 5. Distributor. Fiemova the cap and inspect the contacts inside the distri tor cap and atthe tip ofthe rator for corrosion, wea or iting You can stallfortime by cleaning and reusing parts with slight: ly corroded contacts but replacement is highly recommended, especially # there is noticeable wear and pitting. The center black carbon brush inside the cap is spring-loaded to ensure Gontact, end should spring back when depressed, Roplace a distributor cop that shows any sign of cracks. white buen spots or catbon tracking. Carbon tracks are faint black tines, usually between two wire terminalsor rom one ter. minal to ground, The cracks may be fine and difficult to see. Check carefully, especially around the contacts. Be sure to check underthe radio: suppression shield, Gently bend the spark plug wires to expose cracks inthe n= ulation that cause yottage “leaks”. The rubber boots should be soft and pliable to seal out dirt and moisture, Replace wires jat are cracked, oll-soaked, or hardened and brite, Lustenforthe soundot arcing whi the engine runs. tight. high-voliegeatcng to ground because ofa crackin the cap oF 2 poorly insulated wire may be visible as smal bivo spark For another quick check of cap and wire condition, use a spray | 4 bate to spray a ine mst of water around them while the on 4gne runs ifthe cap and wites are in good condition and inet fear lated propery, the added movsture should have no effect. ead reece Ta ee their condition is marginal, the added moisture may promote cia das tissoonae ' areing and.cause the angina to un rough prorat ‘Table c. Ignition Coil Resistance Test Engine [Risistance~ ohms rinary resistance ‘ermal (-) nd 18 ( “FH (1805-1808) xcept I e-valve) 2H (excopt Digfant -aliomia) | PL (eenocco 16¥)_ 2H (Digiant only. aorta rom 1291) ose 0760 [ocwoan Tosto7a dary esstance | JH (195.1969 minale 19 (3) and | except 16-vaia} [erent tevatva) (col cantor wer) 2400 1 3500 62 2H (exeapt Distant | Caliornia) [PL (Seroeco vev) | e500 500.0 [2H (Digiant only, | 8009 1240000 | Galtom tom 1981) | Disconnect the spark plug wites from the spark plugs and fromthe distributor cap. Use an ohmmeter to check resistance fas shown in Fig. 3.2, If resistance is too high, check the wire and the ware end connectors separately. as shown in Fig. 3-3 asured wh at ohmeete ‘caurion — To avoid demaging the cistnbulor cap, do not iggie the connectors. Inocessary, wit tooo fon therm. Then, pul straight out ram the cap. Fusistance specifications (with connectors) * spark plug wire "4600 to 7400 82 coll wire 1200 to 2800.0 Remove the connectors carefully. Twist, then pul. the: metal wie end stays in the connector, the connection is ruined ‘and both the connector and the wire must be replaced. Check for corrosion atthe connactions, Wites or connectors with too IGNITION = 7-9 Fig. 3-8. Rosistanco of spars uy we fecttomy ae coi wre (op) being measured with an ohmmster {shown schemata much resistance shouldbe replaced. The distributor rotor also. has a spectic resistance value. Test between the center termi ral andithe end, Do net interchange rotors. Resistance specifications: * wire (alone) Continuity (approx. 0.2) ‘+ spark plug connector 4000 to 6000 02 CIS and Digitant (all except Scirocco 16V): *coildistibutor cap connectors 600t0 1400.12 * distrbutor rotor 60010 14000. CIS-E (Sciracco 164): * caildistibutor cap connectors 800 te 1200 (2 * distributor tor 8000 12002 3.4 Testing Hall Sender and Ignition Control Unit, The Hall sender and igntion control unit only need to be tested if there is no spark at the spark plugs. To prozead, i ‘must fist be confirmed that the ignition coll is OK. Check the ‘spark plug wires and collas descnbedin 3.3 Testing Coll and, ‘Spark Plug Wires, The ightion control unit isin the fresh air plenum beneath the hood in front of the windshield, The Hall ‘sender connectors on the side of the distributor. ‘The tests that follow requite the use of a high-impedance voltmeter or iow-current LED test light. For more information about test equipment and testing precautions, see 3.1 Basic ‘Troubleshooting Principles. 7-10 Ianition ‘caUTION— Alnays switch mulimoterlanction or range bo: fore conecting the test grobes. Conmact or is ‘connec robes only mith the ignition swriched of Ignition Control Unit Power and Ground (except Digifant |, California from 1991) With the ignition switched off, disconnect the harness con- Rector from the ignition control unit. Connect a multimeter to 198 (20 volt scale) between connector terminais and 4 (+) as shown in Fig. 3-4. With tha ignition switched he meter should indicate battery voltage about 12 volts 19). I not, check for faults in the wiring harness batwean ter ‘minal2 and graund, and between terminal 4 and the coll. Wit- ing diagrams are found in ELECTRICAL SYSTEM. Fig. 2-4. nition control unt vekage supply bein checked at connector teemnois 2 and & Coil Power Output Stage Power and Ground, DDigitant} oniy, Calfomnia from 1991) With the ignition switched off, disconnect the 3-pin harness mnector tram the power output stage. Connect 2 multimeter to measure voltage (20 volt scale) between connector term: nals and 3.asshownin Fig. 3-5. Withthe ignition switched on, the meter should indicate battery voltage (about 12.volts DC). ttnot, cheek for faults in the wiring harness. Power to Coil Primary Circuit With the igntion switched off, connect a muimater 0 mea- sure voltage between ignition coil trminals 1 (-) and 15 (4). See Fig, 36 of, for Digitant | (Calfornia from 1991), Fig. 3-1 earlier nthis section. Oo not disconnectthe existing col wring. c * disconnect Hall sender connector at distributor CIS-E (Scireceo 18} * discannect knock sensor controf unit connector Digitas it (ram 1990} * disconnect Digifant control unit connector Digtant (California rom 1991) * reconnect coil power outpul stage connector Fig. £5. Votage being measured ot Dion! goer out put stage harness connector erminais 4 and Fg. 3-6. voltage being mecsured at inion eat terminals 46) ond 46 4) asa lose Fg S41) With the ignition switched on, the meter should indicate at least 2 volts, then drop to 0 volts after 1 to 2 seconds. If not, check the ignition ceil should be replaced if there is any sign offluidieakage. i the collis OK, replace the ignition contral unt or, 09 Digitant cars, the coil power output stage, Checking Hall Sender With the ignition switched off, disconnect the Hall sendar harness connector at the distributor. Connact a multimeter 12 ‘measure voltage between connector terminals 1 (-)and 3 (+), 8 shown in Fig. 2-7. With the ignition is switched on, the meter should indicate battery voltage (about 12 volts DC}, it not, check for faults in the wiring hamess. Disconnect the coil wie from the center of the distributor ‘cap (terminal 4) and connect itto ground with a jumper wire to disable the secondary ignition (high voltage) circuit. On Digi tant ears, disconnect the main fuel injector harness connecter to disable the solenoid-type fuel injectors. Carefully push back the rubber boot to expose the back of the Hell sender harness connector. Connect an LED test ight Fig. 3-7. Pon and grourd belng checked at Hol sendor situ betvisen the center terminal and one of the other terminals, as shown in Fig, 3-8, As you briefly actuate the starter, the LED should flicker on end off. Knot, the Hall sender is defective and should be replaced, See 6, Distributor. US 1115 Vw 1594/12 “~ Sght Vokewwagen special tools VAG 1527 teat NY are VAG 152768 aapler K 3 Gn Bigitant cars, connect the LED test light atthe ignition coil and repeat the test. the LED does nt flicker on and af ‘hore are faut in the witing harness, or the Digitant control units taulty and should be replaced. * Digfant coll terminals 1 and 18 ‘+ Digifant | (California from 1991): power output stage connector terminals 1 and2 (Fig, 3-5) IGNITION 7-11 Checking Ignition Control Unit ‘The primary switching function can be checked by simulat ingasignal romthe Hall sender. Connect amulimeter to mes- sure voltage between ignition collterminals 1 (~) and 15 (4+) ols: ‘* disconnect Hall sander connector at distributor ‘test with eanneetor terminal 2 (eenter) IS-E (Scirocco 16V) * disconnect knock sensor control unit connector * test with connector terminal 12 (Fig. 3-9) Digitant (ram 1990): * disconnect Digitant control unit connector * test with connector terminal 25 (Fig. 3-10) Switch the ignition on, then briefly connect the dasignated connector terminal te ground. The meter should indicate a brie rise to atleast 2,volts at the col. na, the ignition control units defective and should be replaced, Baas aaa Bad Boae Fig. 39, CIS. Elaock sonser contrl ut connector GaaaaReananea | Fig. 3-10, Digit i contol unt connscter 4, HALL-SENDER ELECTRONIC IGNITION The main components of the Hall-sender electronic ignition system are the distributor with Hall sender, the coll, an elec- tronte control, andthe sparkplugs (Fig. 4-1). The knock sensor system for 16.valve engines (engine cade PL) adds the knock sensor anda knock sensor control unit, or electronie control of timing advance (Fig, 4-2} On Digifant cars (from 1990), the Digifant control unit is re sponsible forall timing advance and knack control. Digifant | (Caltfornia from 1991 )alsotakes over control ofthe ignition pi ‘mary cireut, and eliminates the separate ignition control unt, ‘This section covers ignition timing and timing advance, with procedures for adjusting basic tirung adjustment and cher ing timing advance functions. {gnition system specications a listed in table d and table e. Troubleshooting for the 16- valve Sciraceo’s knock sensor system is covered Ister in 5. Knock Sensor System. 7-12 \GNITION sy | oe a Ia@NITION = 7-13 7-14 IGNITION Table d. Electronic ignition System Specifications (1985 1989, CIS and CIS-E) Engine odes Th PL Fting ordor haae Igeition tng atid (see FUEL SYSTEM) to lstntutor (engine code JH) ‘connected to kroek sensor control unit (PL) connected checking 4to# BTDC lusting 61° BTDC, Centrifugal advance (engine code JH only) farts 1050 ~ 1300 rpm degtooe advance & pm 15 19" @ 2600 REM fetal advense & rpm Vacuum advance (engine code JH ony) 22 28° @ 4500 RPM stat 4-8" B70C [basic timing) @ 120 — 160 mbae (90 120 min Hg) otal 10 18" BTDC @ 240 ~ 260 mbar (180 - 105 men Ha)] £20 Nm (154 1b) pak sl tightening onus Engine code Fring omer Ignition timing ool temperature sensor disconnected ‘engine enced £2000 to 2500 rpm checking 4108" BTDC adustrg eet eTDC Firing advance (Digifant it) ‘coolant temperature sensor engine speed ‘otal advance Timing advance (Digitant connected 2000 to 2500 rpm basic ting plus 20° +3 ‘coolant temperature sensor connected fengine speed 44500 rpm total aovance base tiring plse 30° (minimum) Spark plug tightening tore 20.Nm (151.1) 4.4 ignition Timing Correctignition timingis essentiaitthe ignition andtuel sys teins are to daliver top performance and maintain control of harmful exhaust emissions, Checking and adjusting ignition tmingisan importantpartof any fuel system adjustmentssuch as idie speed andidle mixture. See FUEL SYSTEM. Ignition timing also needs to be adjusted whenever the dis- ‘ibutor has been removed or taken apart, and whenever the carnshatt drive belt has been adjusted or replaced, Roquirements: ‘+ Engine waim—tminimum oif temperature 176°F (80°C) + Ile speed Ok (see FUEL SYSTEM) ‘tachometer and tring light eonnectod ‘+ throtlle switch(es) OK (see FUEL SYSTEM) To check basic ignition timing: 4. On manual transmission cars, remove the plastic plug from the timing check hole at the top ef the transaxle belhousing, Note — Flomovo the ante plug, The emalerhole ie for a special timing indicator used by Volkswagen dealer Senice technicians Stas the engine and lott idle, Briefly raise the speed above 3009 rpm three or four times. ngine 3. On Digitant cars only (Irom 1990), disconnect the blue hhasness connector from the coolant temperature sen sor. See Fig, 43, Fig. 4-3. Caciant temperature sensor harness conector tbe) dscorinectd for igntion timing check on Diatont fal Digtort cars trom 1220, 4. Check the timing. With a timing light, the timing mark on the flywheel should appear al the pointer in the timing check hole in the transaxle, as shown in Fig. 4-4, Ignition timing specifications: ‘checking +018, O1S-E = Digitant (| andi) 4°10 8° before TOC check at ite ‘at 2000-2500 rpm warnina — ‘Koop hands and other objcts clear ofthe rad: ‘ter eaoting fan. The fan may start at any tne, ven von the inition is smiched of ‘cauTION— © The timing inteation is accurate only when the engine ido speeds within specications, * Chock the timing marks nly when the rector noting fan isnot unning. Fig. 4-4. Timing mark on Seat alaned with gente in ting check hol (top of helhousng) Tin ‘mark nates 6° before tp dae canter (210 5, Switch the ignition off. Hf the ignition timing is OK. ds connect the test equipment and, on Digfant cats, re connect the covlant temperature sensor. If Fhing is Gisside the spectiad checking specification, t should bo adjusted, Note — For Digilnt | only, (Calilomia cats from 1881), Ssconnecting the coolant tompersture sensor rogisirs 4 faut that must be clearod trom the Diafant OBD fault memory, See FUEL SYSTEM. To adjust basic ignition timing: 1. With the ignition switched of, loosen the distributor hold clown bolt. On PL (36-valve) engines, there are two. ‘CAUTION — Tao ckstibu just loage enough to bbe movod by hand, but not so foase that it an ne wbraten alone can tum it Start the engine and check the timing as described in the previous procedure, ‘To adjust, gradually tum the distributor housing until the ‘ining mark on the flywhee! ines up with the pointer in the timing check hale in the transaxle, as shown above InFig. 44, Ignition iming specifications: dusting BPE 1° before TAC check at ale ‘at 2000-2500 rpm 4. Stop the engine and tighten the distributor hold-down bot(s) without moving the distibutor. Tightening torque 1H, 2H fallexcap'18V) 25 Nn (1@ fb.) + PL tev) 10Nm (87 in.) Statt the engine and recheck the ignition timing, Re- peat the adjustment if necessary, ‘Turn the ignition off and remove the test equipment. On cars with manual transmission, replace the plastic plug in the timing check hole. IGNITION 7-15 Note — jaitant only, (Callomis care ors 1891), ‘he Digifant OBD fauli memory mustbe coared. “ithe timing has bean changed, the Diifant | contro! unit must be retumed ts basle eating, ‘Soo FUEL SYSTEM, ‘Unsteady ignition timing may be caused by worn distributor shaft bearings. f the shaft can be wiggled in the housing, the distributor housing assembly should be replaced, 42 Centrifugal and Vacuum Spark Advance (1985-1989 except Scirocco t6V) ‘Checking timing advance requires an adjustable timing light ‘or an engine analyzar suchas Volkswagen spacialtool VW 1367 ta accurately 1ead ignfion timing throughout the range of timing advance, Follow the instrumant manufacturer's operating in- structions. Seo table d earlier inthis Section for centrfugal and vacuum advance specttications, ‘The centritugal advance mechanism inside the distributor avanices ignition timing with engine mpm. When checkingcen ‘wtugal advance, frst disable the vacuum advance, Discon- ect the vacuum hose from the vacuum diaphragm on the distributor, and plug it ‘Vacuum advance helps establish the basic ignition timing at low load when intake manifold vacuumis high. Itgives tess ad- vance at higher load when intake manifold vacuum is low. To check vacuum advance, disconnect ha vacuumhose fromthe vacuum diaphragm on the distributer and substitute a hand: held vacuum pump, “The vacuum advance diaphragm must not leak, It should hold about 500 mbar vacuum, losing no more than 50 mbar in fone minute. Also make surathat the hase does not leak. ‘Also check he plate on which the Hall sender is mounted, It should move back and forth smoothly without sticking, and spring back to its original position when released. If not, then the plates bindingor the vacuurnadvance diaphragmis faulty. 43 Electronic Timing Advance—Scirocco 16V Checking timing advance requires an adjustable tiring light ran engine analyzer suchas Vokswagen spacialtool WW 1367 to accurately teadightion timing throughout the range of timing acivance, Follow the instrument manufacturer's instructions. RPM-dependent Timing Advance Start the engine and lett idle for a few minutes to establish base timing value in the knock sensor control un, Check and record this base reading. Disconnect the vacuum hose from the knock sensor control unit, Raise engine rpm as indicated, then compare maximum timing advance withthe base value, CIS-E 1prm-dependant timing advance: ‘total timing @ 2500 rpm= measured base timing value (4° fo 8° BTDC) plus approximately 13° 7-16 IGNITION Alter this check, stop the engine and reconnect the vacuurn hose te the knock sensor control unit If timing does not ad- vance at increased rpm as specified, the knock sensor or the control unit is al fault, See 5, Knock Sensor System. Vacuum Advance (Check vacuum advance only after determining thatthe rpm dependent timing advance is correct, Stat the angine and in crease engine speedito about3400 rpm. Recordthe total tiring. Disconnect the vacuumose fromthe knock sensor control unit find again raise the engine speed to about 3400 spm. Timing should advance approximately 6° from the previous value. i ot, check the vacuurn hase for kinks orleaks. the hose is OK, the lock sensor control unt may be faulty, 5. KNock SENSOR Details on removing and installing the knack sensor apply to allcars that have a knock sensor. The rest ofthis section cov- ers tests of the knock sensor and knock sensor control untthat are part of the Scirocco 16V ignition system, For information fon system electrical checks for later cars with the intagrated Digiant engine management system, see FUEL SYSTEM, 5.1 Removing and Installing Knock Sensor ‘The two types of knock sensors used on engines covered by this manual are shownin Fig. §-1. The Selrocea 16V maybe equipped with either type. All other (Digifant} cars are equipped with type Il. Correct mounting bolt tightening torque is very important. The knock sensor wil not operate properly i the mounting boltis toe loose of too tight, Table f lists knock sensor rasistance values and tightening torques. Fig. 51, sock sensors typ | Gat) wth wing effet fom fier and type # fight) with wing confer) Tagptering torus crea, See fet caution — * Disconnect batty negative (-} cable before jooaaning oF lahtoning the frock sensor, The hnook sensor must be instatied sing the precise ighioning torque aa spociod © Do mat use was ith the mounting bot cauTion — * Volkswagen replacement knock sansors have 9016 plato connector terminals. Whan replacing ‘an older sansor now hamess connector (Vo Skagen Part No. 449 806 239) and gold plated lorminats (Vatkswaagen Part No. N 803 352 07) ‘mus also be installed to proven eorrasion * Volkswagon part aumbors are provided fr r- orenco only. Check wit an authenzed Vok=wa gen dealer Pants department for tho most ‘necurate and uipto-date information Table f. Knock Sensor Specifications ‘Application [Resistance | Tightening torauo | Scieeze 16¥ approx. 300 Ka ohms 181625 Nm (17 618 fh. | Diaant 1 5.2 Knock Sensor System Diagnosis, {Serocco 16V only) The knock sensor cantrol unit stores certain system fauts in alectronic fault memory. These oan later be recalled using a testconnector in tho wiring harnoss. The test connectorisnear the igntion col. thas a single wire, usually bluefbrowmn in col fF, leading to terminal 4 at the knock sensor contro! unit hat- ness connector, To display foults stored in memory: 1. Connect an LED test ight between the test connector and the battery positive (+) terminal, See Fig, 5-2 2. Switch the ignition on ‘the LED shauld light 3, Stan the engine, * the LED should go out (a slight glow is OK) 4, Briefly raise the engine spoed to at jeast 3000 rpm. Hf the LED test light comes on again, procesd with the noxt stop. If no, there are no faults stored in memory 5, Wah the engine iding and the LED test light connected, use @ jumper wite to ground the test connector for at least three seconds, as shown in Fig, 5-2, ‘the LED test light should begin to flash NOTE — DDonot ewtch the ignition off during this stap.Do- ing so wil pormanenty erase the fault memory Series of two flashes indicate a fault in the wiring harness, the knock sensor, or the knock sensor control unit, Loosen and retighten the knock sansor using the proper tightening torque. Check the wiring harsess using the appropriate wising dia grams in ELECTRICAL SYSTEM as a guide, Fig, 5-3 and Fig, 5-4 identify the control unit connector terminals, Repair wining tects as necessary and reconnect the hamness connectors, Series of three flashes indicate a problem with the vacuurn connection to the knocksensor controlunit. Checkthe vacuum ted 1 etek sonsor cont 1), and tost c recteat by un per wea grown, Fig. 54. cs se for kinks, damage or leaks and replace iti neeassaty. If the vacuum hose and hose connections are OK, the knock sor control unt is faully and shot 6. DisTRIBUTOR This heading covers removing and installing the dist he distributor cap and rotor, the spark plug wites, and th -adet. Inspection and testing procedures for these campo- nents are covored in 3. Troubleshooting, Disassembly 01 e- moval ofthe distributor willequire chacking and adjusting the ignition timing. See 4.1 Ignition Timing. Crclips, gaskets and D tings should always be replaced, ‘san expladedview ofthe distributor with cortritugal 1m advance mechanisms used on JH engines 1989 except Scirocco 16) Fig. 6-3 show the distributer versions used on s€VandDigifantcars, with ignition systems featuring IGNITION 7-17 — Rotor rig Dust shed PY — trigger het = Washers ~ Hal sone acu actance 5 S? x Hold down Sal fF cam {es Fig. 61. Distibutor assereiy for basic Hal soncer ite ‘wth contriugal and vacuum advance (eran cod JH 1985-1989 excant Sceacon 16V electronic contro af igntion timingadvance. The Hall senderis Nigidly mounted and there are no mechanical advance mecha: nisms. The Scirocco 16V distributor, because of ts eylindar head mounting, has a shorter housing with a different drive The Hail sender, the trigger wheel and the vacuum advance diaphragm are avaiable as replacement parts, but other inter- nal parts of the distributor are not. if the centrifugal advance ‘mechanism of the distributor shaft bushings are worn, the complete distributor housing must be raplaced as a unit 6.1 Removing and installing Distributor Cap, Rotor and Spark Plug Wires The cap, rotor and wires all carry high voltage to the spark plugs, so proper engine performance depends on getting the best possible spark at the spark plug. These components should be replaced i they have worn of corroded contacts, of 7-18 IGNITION _— Rotor —traget whee! we Ss ae | Fig. 62. Disniburor assomiy for coos 16V engine broken down insulation that can allow the high-volt to short to ground, e spark Replacing Spark Plug Wires Each spark plug wite leads from a specific terminal on the distributor cap to a speotfic spark plug. When removing the wes, label their positions so that they canbe reinstalledin the proper places. Also see Spark Plug Firing Order. ‘The spark plug wires are removed from the distributor cap and spark plugs by pulling the boots straight up. Pull only on the connector, not on the wite itse. Twisting the connector fiest may make it easier to remove the wire without damage cauTioN — ‘Waal the conmectors fram side sie wiper romoving tho spark plug wires from the cst {or cap may damage the cap, Fig. 6.3, Datitater aesemby for Dirt | andl Dae ire menagemeet stems fngne cade 2 7 Dust hela 8 — Hal sender harness connecter 9 Osteutee 40-25 {18 14 Beso damp 42-Oui1ng Spark Plug Firing Order Spark plug wires must be installed so that the spark plugs have the proper fring order. For all engines covered by this ‘manual, the firing order is 1-3~4~2, Looking at the top of the distributor cap, the spark plug wires are connected in clock- wise order for cylinders #1, 43, #6 and 42. Note — Dylndare are numbered 1 tough 4, Cylinder ‘11s tho one onthe right (paszenger) side, clos betta the camshall ve belt * Tho distbutor olor points te te #1 terminal inside the cap whon #1 oplinder is noar ora top ‘dead canter (TDC) See Fig. 4 Fig. 64, bse 4 {vcr gre ith 8 cytnor mark on ator housing Replacing Distributor Cap and Rotor The distributor cap is held in place with two spring clips ‘which ean be pried loose using the blade of a screwdriver. Avotd bending the clips. To replace the cap remove the spark plug wires, then temove the suppression shield by releasing the spring clips and sliding off the cap, Fig. 6-5 ehows the dis- ‘nibutor cap and suppression shield used on distributors for all engines covered by this manual, brush a Fig. 6-5. Distr cup with suppression shield Sti is grounded by conte wth metal etbutor cap On JHand 2H engines (al except Seiroeeo 16V), simply pul straight up on the fetor te remove ft. When instaling a rotor, rnake sure thal the molded key inside fits into the notch en the saribut IGNITION 7-19 (On PL engines (Scirocco 16V), the rotor is attached to the distributorshatt with an adhesive. To replace the rotor, the part ofthe old rotor that fits over the distrbutor shatt must be care fully crushed using apair of pliers or other suitable tool, caunion— Do not hit the rotor or the distributor shaft with ‘any tool n an effort to remove the rotor Nove — Vokkswagen part numbers listed in this manual «re for reference ony. Check with an authorized Volkswagen dealer Parts department for the ‘post accurate and up-to-date information Cleanoffallofthe old adhesive. When instaling a new rotor, aitach do the shaft using Volkswagen Part No, AMV 185 100 01 oF an equivalent instant adhesive such as Loctte® 325 ‘Speed Bonde. Make sure thatthe molded key inside the rotor fits into the notch on the distributor shat 6.2 Removing and installing Distributor Ignition timing must be checked and adjusted any time the distributors loosened or removed. See 4.1 Ignition Timing. To remove! 1 Rotate the engine crankshaft by hand until the tia of the istnibutor rotor is aligned withthe #1 oylinder top dead center (TDC) mark on the distributor housing, as shown earlier n Fig. 6-4 2. Disconnect tho Hall sender hamass connector fromthe istributor. On JH engines, also disconnect the vacuum ‘ine from the vacuum diaphragm. 3, Remove the distributor hold-down, and remove the dis- tuibutor by puling it straight out, Retrieve the sealing washer or Oxing from the bottom of the distributor, Cover the opening. NOTE — (On JH and 2H engines (all except Scirocco 16V), tho distnbutor wail want fo rotate counter ‘ckwse as tho beveled dive gears isangage. Hold the rotorand shaft steady andlet the whole assembly tum. Koop track of haw much t tums ‘and sar at thal angle o eins To install: 1. ¥ the crankshaft has been tumed since the dietributor Was removed, rotate the crankshaft so that the cylinder #7 is at TDC. Use the flywheel, front pulley and cam shaft timing marks as described in ENGINE, 2. On JH and 2H engines (all except Scirocco 16V), align the lug on th oll pump dive shaft so that i is parallel to the crankshaft as shown in Fig. 66. 7-20 IGNITION 3. Using a new sealing washer or O-ring, install the dis- tnibutor. Align the rotor with the distributer housing, as shown in Fig. 6:4 above, Be sure that the distributer housing is seated firmly and that the distributor shaft ‘engages property Fig. 66. tu alge ow) on of pure evs ehatt should be - paral to engine cianksh. Note — * The rotor wit otal as the bavelad drive gears engage, s0 check again for propar rola agp ‘man aller istalaton + On PL (16-ave} engines, make eure thatthe dsinbutor drive clutch is properly engaged with tho natehas in the eamanat 4. Install the distributor hold-down and the distributor cap, Feconnect the Halt sender harness connector, On JH fenatnes, reconnect the vacuum line 5, Adjust the ignition timing as doseribed earliar in this ‘section under 4.1 ignition Timing, 6.3 Disassembling and Assembling Distributor Some disassembly is required to replace the Hall sender. it will equire asnap-ring pliors and, for Pl (16-valve) engines, a thin dit or punch, The base plate, the distributor shaft andthe centrifugal advance mechanism on JH engines can be 10 moved fer cleaning and inspection, but these are not available a individual replacement paris. Fig. 6-1, Fig, 2 and Fig. 6-3 ‘aartiorn this section are exploded views showing details of the distributor assemblies First remove the distributor cap and suppression shield, the ‘tor, and the dust shield as described in 6.1 Removing and Installing Distributor Cap, Rotor and Spark Plug Wires JH, 2H Engines {all except Scirocco 16V) Use a snap-ring pliers ta remove the snap-ring that secures: ‘the Hall sender trigger wheel. To remove the wheal, use two screvidrivers positioned at opposite sides of the rigger wheel 10 pry itup as shown in Fig, 6-7. caution — Push the scrawchivars in as far as possible, and ty up only under the strongest cantor portion of the tigger wheel. Tako care not to lese the smalfpin that koys the thagor whoo! o tho shaft NOTE— ‘Abont inggor whee! must be replaced, Fig, 67. Tigger whee berg prot ot of cstrutor hat Pry evenly undor contor of tager whee, fa bath ees wth Nao fat Bla Srevrdnves Flemove the Hall sender by removing the screws holding it tothe base plate, PL (16-valve) Engines Use a thin dit or punch to drive out the retaining pin in the distributor deve clutch, and pull the distributor shaft, the rotor, the dust shield, andthe trigger whee! out fromthe top as aunt ‘The Hall sander is removed from the base of the distributor housing by removing the mounting seraws. 7. TECHNICAL DATA |. Electronic Ignition System Specifications. 1985 to 1989, CIS and CIS-E Engine code Fring omer 194-2 Ignition timing tii FUEL SYSTEM) Yacuurs hoses dstibutor (engine code JH) ceonnentod to knock sensor extre uit (PL) connected chine Atos BTOC adjusting Be! BTDS titugal advance (ongene code JH ony) arts 1050 ~ 1900 rpm degrees advance @ Tm 1519" @ 2600 RPM total contmfugal advance @ rpm | 22~ 26" @ 4500 RPM \Veowum advance (engine code JH ony) ‘tat 48 BTDG (base timing) @ 120 ~ $60 mbar (90-120 mm Ha) Total vacuum advance... 10 14° BTDG @ 240 ~ 260 mbar (180-195 mm Ha Spark pag tightening Sor 20.Nm (15 1b) fl, Electronic Ignition System Specifications— Digitant | and Digifant Il from 1990 Engine coat 2A rong onder eae leita ting ‘coolant fompersturo sensor disconnected ‘engine speed ‘2000 to 2500 spm necking 4108 BIDC adseting 641 BDC, “Timing advance (Digtant) fant tomporatute sensor cormected engna speed £2000 to 2500 rpm tn tne ting plus 20° + 8° Timing advance (Digiant Soolant femaeratire sensor ‘connected bngine speed 4500 1pm ane basi timing plus 80° (minimum) tug ightoning torque 20 Nr (15 1b} [0 IGNITION 7-21

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