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DRAMATIS PERSONAE DEAN/DEVIN: extraate 20s, “white” KENDRAJENNA: mid late 20s, Chinese-American or Korean- Ametican, ANUSASHA/CALLIE: catty 20s, “white” GLORIAINAN: extra-ate 30s, “anything rally” -MILES/SHAWN/RASHAAD: 20 years ol, “blac LORIR: hte 30s, “uncleas” SETTING ‘The Miidtewn offices of an American magazine, circa the 2010s. s “By:01 SL (gM A uy prema Bsa srs op sou may Gyruouas Basqoey Binge sy pot soon vac po my xafiras g) “eCy ur] 39 Wo st yuo — 4} Buewuafrans suosng 524f) + panos 2u0 ‘Sx °° aoyyo pay Suu0W poor) "IN¥ su suogd say sunfog 119 2 anf Susysom oBessuo uy Suzavey “asp (Gildas fo ww oy porn dn 23 sop JON YO, = nod pynory aded ; jo ano s} mud > ‘Sa (ono sms ‘ues ys py ‘ouoyidion 9 Jo res 424 sou SEN) SON Cp AIP 2 0 pry 104 290g) STEN" SON C2 ONY) TIN "INV ya age sono peg 39 Kang 29 ng wonucy spy 28 09 Su 245. som.M pay “eds ws ‘eaog Shugo sens sagas sud » ‘susod owes 3y apron suse Bago, 1 spy yp fo wen : op parydu ace “sof pasa wy porppue wafo aur sprgns ap ‘aue a pgno p04, ‘top sq sof Sugsodaud pun sno Bugapowos Busrused fo sopad yf tog "ey ky povdoo apie ggg peo prune Segpouts Bop pinion se ss 2 pt pa xe dade wy epee fo asm y gNO IOV VRIOTS DEAN. Shut up. I sill bat Kendra ANI. Are you hungover DEAN. Glosia’s housewarming. ANI. Wait — You actually went? E | Why didnt you text me back? ANIL. Oh no! I thought we were joking! DEAN. How would me texting you “are you coming to Glorias” bo a jokes! 5 were texting me as if you were at the there 5, forthe rears the way felis sor of your ft ANI. T'm so sorey! Was it awful? DEAN, So awful So soso aval — and sad — ANL Qh no— (Miles reenters with the printerpaper.) DEAN. No one showed up and shed hired a bartender and every- thing — (Seeing Miles, pulling himself up, bright.) Good morning, ILES. Good morning. DEAN. Fl come by with something for you to do in just second. MILES. Okay, no rash. DEAN. (Whispering to Ani, harshly) How eatly did he get here? NL. (Whipering.) le was here when I got her. DEAN. (Stil whispering.) Why would you show up before your supervisors? ‘That isso weird. ‘Ths isan internship — ANIL, Wait — No one eke was there? DEAN. Well no one else from edit. Lydia from photo was chere, for like, a minute, and the new.guy in copy, but they were smart ‘enough to be on theie way to another party. Unless they were lying? y god they were lying 6 2B 8 POR ORORESOZOROL RUTEBES £ sof puospoun ayonpvay fo 309 » usec] spuny ty) "261009 $0) “INV “nok mou0g | Ue (79p 42y wo Furyiowos os Suns) “soudyddx> dood Sumis8 aq pynoys prj seq, "ye0qe7e oyeur pur Sup pidnas Acsumnp dd eds pidms renrp waopreyd eypows iaursauy wo 31K ams 10 Keatue aSoyj00 zoye ays sgo! so0q papuey Sop nowy & Sunpéue op or popinus oot 2 Aomp asteo0g 308 4snq dn SipgeesAyreszas] — durea usu jo 1408 suis Sama 2pm 219s uotp pur — spuunsos prdmms sip ped 02 Bupyoo} nf — suoniepuswuo2a1 ¢sossqyo1d Supe Suey Ip YE Buyers 2109 szxory ane Aa Ageq > [fe MON “NOK a1O}oq pasta pur ou 2 S22qL "gol v 305 Sup Pap nos sox 3p Sumonord, sme] ogg], ou oso aio%p pue fun snp op'o2 peq Ajjemoe nog aentaq p up ypeg, 9KaNg 2s10m 242 288 ROX "INV (302 0) 2385 “STUN uyypees Bagpuss 2 twosy soreSSUTUTENLA, ajdind v8 08 pre syp ayes and wer (“uous way Sua) “NACL aims (asey Sue) “STIL apuoone » 309 ara] 21409 NOK wee) “NVA eK “SATIN a2 OH (urBe Gagiug) “NVACL "p ssoonp 01 posoddns a1294 ‘sdn-usor8 aif 3U0P TPH "GEEK “INV PPqaHT NVA jonows — a8rs04 “kaos 08 wa "we Yi. INV SF Buy oP apa MILES. Here you go. DEAN. Thanks, Miles. I'l be over in like 2 second. MILES. Noworries. Miles wanders bac over to his desk, erasing paths wich Kendva, who sratsin with some Starbucks and a shopping bag.) KENDRA. (To Miles, brightly.) Morning! i.) Oh may god look how sweet you are! Already hard jo even lunch time — Youre Kendra, I hi it making you look bad. Dean, what's going on? Why do you looke like you've KENDRA. Thought you guys wer joking —? ANI See? KENDRA, some dumb street fait for trans people or some crap — DEAN, Because she gets actual assignments — KENDRA. Right because her boss is che web editor and borderline illiterate and basically out to lunch. Meanwhile, Kara is rewarded for literally being in his visual field and gets a million bylines even though she isa terrible writer. This place is so Fucked up. Your whole fate depends on who you wind up working for. mean, if —or any of us — had wound up the web assistant or the news assistant or Michaels assistant, we'd be much farcher along, in our careers right 8 Ne en ER 8 2 TED ERD AOD REE 6 _aaaodluny uy suo say yp stp ow pun axE SH AUS] “VYCNE {urous nox op 3eKLA (Bape dega “mow nfs Bran suodiano pue ,2majna, uy a1 Mop AeA IO: 34 PENS oun lad PUD} nok p aynex (3 and (To Mile.) Miles, 1 wane you to be care. Too much necworking ‘ums you into an alcoholic. Wite it down — 25 supervisors. ANI. Tevacully js ely ity KENDRA. Come on. I ove Dean! We alllove him — He's clearly il — he always had it — but what has he actu- fecause he spends every night out industry at every svupid networky recovering fom the hangover and ANIL Gloria’ housewarming was not a networky pary. KENDRA. Ani, do you know how long has Like fifteen years. Which means sat arolind in copy for over a decade losing he ‘one here has the balls hereto tell people chey'l never be promoted «fre them and put chem out of cheir misery — but Glo- had the good fortune of getting to know and watch who ‘or reporter somewhere se. Im willing to put money on zhe fact that Dean thought some of those people would be there apll he would get to starfuck until the sun came up. Why do you think he actually stayed the whole time? But he obviously misca the offce freak and no one wa ‘outside of the office, which Dean 0 desperate and drunk, and we all know heavy di your judgement, which brings me back ro my original poine: eee ee just made that up. If Nan. had half brain, she would take away his expense account and put that money towards rchab. And, honestly, for the both of them. That ‘woman's about as big of a lush as he is. ‘The only difference i somehow, she manages to work chrotigh the hango Tye had alot of caffeine — ‘al oappropria for you tobe saying all 10 BBS RL ERE RE ROR REOROTROP OR ROP OP SS URED EE " co axey | pu ays" pur o1 Suyyaue sft arop spoapod 2q py “How AY swoMy AjurELED ays ‘HOPG saYyO ap wt BuIpus [eos oy MoU UPI WEwOM sp 3] Ehsed quimp soy Suddrys 20) ,22ffojode, of uosied as1y op aanox up no, AICI “(fo sams ous wou ay ey tp (ano payoay Iggpamp oquad Gosuayes my aap 248 CH tape hy cweacy “eu ase 31 2xsu PAOD y Az0s OF ‘2 anoge Sa FPHo[S) “Hy yo Sunyead pasa bom 3p Biowa say "png Gade svag fo suas tu sdaas agg ound s2q Supanps es Burges suas my 30 nf ‘008 Sap Mou sor ayy sags mgpuay) esourypees Sompuoa 343 WOH HL YNIT#2t0338 pre sup ayes nod we emoy SumBON “VAYINEDL aeyan (fo souogdpvay s0y Busy) “STON POO) “INV suo ssuodpeoy 2134 art on “1D pmo ays poe ‘po -upt ue on in being fake to hee. (Mi INI. I'm not being fake. Here you go. KENDRA. Thank you, Miles. Beat, in which everyone “works.” :) ANI. Arthur Kimble’ office. (Bea) Hi Clara. Arthur's meeting with a writer at he moment, but can he call you right back? (Beat,) Okay great. (Ani hangs up the phone.) KENDRA. Oh my god, Sarah Tweed is de ANE, What? KENDRA. ‘They found her body this MILES, Who is Sarah Tweed? KENDRA. Oh my god are you kidding me? / Ani — songs. 1d to love Sarah Tweed. (A moody song, ay of moaning, begins, ‘along ford lene girl whe thinks she likes to sing but really doesn't) MILES. T have never heard this before. KENDRA. Is this Ophelia Street? ANI. No. Glitter Witch. KENDRA. Ugh, duh— ANI. Twas obsessed with this album for an entire year of my life. KENDRA. She got me through such a bad depression. (Beat,) Oh ANI Me, too! (Ani and Kenda half sing that part ofthe song togeter) MILES. You guys are so weit KENDRA. Youe weird. Dean finally emerges from Nan’s office) DEAN. Okay, well let me know if you need me / to get you asprin or anything KENDRA. I love this song. (Dean goes to his desk and grabs some manusript,) on yeads | Be) * aap wropy 5] “Pec 4H (35m opsoun Wy) “KANT Cela a snp Bay 9 24 yomray dae ty yas oy ray sof uoyou ple dnd 0 ata of pun» Ip pao auoyd 9d syed mapa) “x “NVA (Supiaquucuiry) Ha4s 24 donagpiqes — uvasoy 40 250 3th “STN ns yo pu oyp Aq seas aur a8 pure asoy pros 20g “id 2310 403 Sup sad un djfeas Bu0s stp 5] -YYCINADL 394 p20] | PMY INV “sem — pod 4 4 “NVA ‘ogee 35°] "VENA yA “NVC POP ous “WHCINAN AIP aus / INV, mp Sundeyd axa are Aya zpoomy, yeaeg a (Go vspuay sdf uvagy) pstoumo xaqp9 21qU>94 ov ares sop moy if suyp §] aasofuny Heats NOL -VACNEN. pI 8945 "NYA ae tpi BOM SEAN “INV (24) Bupoov aujod 0 Hil L totally forgor it was your birthday : day buc I was — Happy healing okay? Are ielping? Good ... Good .... Okay’... ‘Well Thave to go. I'm at work. Okay. I love you! Bye! (Beat. They work.) ANI. Oh, Dean, Gloria came by looking for you. DEAN. Why? ANT I ave no idea. But she was in like extra-crazy mode. MILES, Hey Dean? (Taking out his headphones.) DEAN. Yes, Miles? MILES, (Holding out something for him. left this in the ple. DEAN. (Gnatching it away, hind of freaking out) | Oh my god! ‘Thahk you. 1k you accidentally ANL. What was it, Miles? DEAN. Gnapping.} Stop. Anil Mind your bi KENDRA, (Hanging up.) You guys —- what phone! DEAN. You were on a person: sors of talks om, gos aver to. LORIN. H: ly hear everything, so please. Thanks KENDRA. Well keep ir down. (Lorin leaves) DEAN. Oh my god, Lorin, ext a dick 4 i I I 1 i 1 4 I 1 I 4 I st sofuoy a1oy uo0g S46 “ON “NVA © exo MPL UO syumpsse Buagy asluo] yn 204 pm Mp Ploy NOK D0q] “VAIN, pu asnong “NVA. ‘pes Aneuozanes sre :ayduress 104 ast (4pmay ding uvoq) “3 ps 24] on aAey NOK UTP Pure JBOIED AMAA Aye 5; afajjoo soye op 0: Suep Suns ay8noys nos ‘Surgp op pur dep ao dn ayes o1 Fuyo$ a4 nok “yup nok x asMe2>qf ‘ued ea4-ang & YE) “HO YS MmoX SupnBy ares yarq nos ang, | saouatj 20 jootps andres 40 Tooups uRIq, ng gms zoindusoo pure ‘panos Ayjauaproe ang noo 35 uo] oon s0y 20nd snoopy sr uy Aes 0K way stodde “son yas op 01 SumspO% auey ‘ska noK “VCD — eeopeapy 51 HOUT SY ON “INV [wens | Toypo yx oT TEA "NVA gow] nod op MOH "VACNEDI 498 you sy uuoY "VAC : ¢&eB oy x] ano puy 2099 98 pap NOU, Jared sorgo ase 24p 38 Bupoe arom NOx Mo I0U S9eY, "YUGNTY ‘pod Aus Yo — uyoy wo ysnu> © asey 30u OP | “INV tuo ysnua ® 24Py NOX “NTC. jdneo saxpoure asm prno> 22450 smoraqo os $3] AYN “VUCNAM aeya\ “NVI png money pur Lorry 9 sp ‘Sopyog "ty nod Seo 2tp EPL / "INV ay ype 0] tH 3} NOK "AY 31382 "VEC ‘ssous a10w apn 334 2qMe A. INV parouord uo9q §34 32418 as10m woROH Sa] “VARCNEDL “ayp au0dIaN9 a ssuoydpeoy 238 asf 30m Sue Sujop 2909 wostad suo amp 394 >a] — BoMoute Sug anf cao oso eons. NVACL ‘peey $1 Buppaqp-aoeg fea 2g] INV oer, snp ane pos a 98 te we (2 G8 pos apo ipod A Aigo oq uo] aansk ANI. (Back at her cubicle,) Dean, what happened? (Dean sums around sly. He is holding a plastic ag fll of vomit.) KENDRA. Dean, plese rll me that is not what I think itis (Stony ly as if he, too, might upchuck, Dean runs offtage,) god ev. Is chat bag fll of puke? MILES. (Taking his headphones off) Wha KENDRA. Dean just walked out of N: of puke. MILES. (Peeking around the cubicle) Ysw. What? (Dean resurns shamefly looking blanched.) ANI gon? office holding a bag c talk about it at helped your hangover. you going to throw up, too? Ihave a thing with could gee you a ginger ale or something? some cafeine at caffeine? There's no more coffe in the s room. But I'm probs fou wane somethin (Kendra drains the dregs of her Starbucks, do you gee away with tis? KENDRA. How pri somehow, also very ga Dreams, (Beat, as Dean DEAN. Puck you guys! You went through my desk!? KENDRA. Ani went chroygh i. DEAN. Anil cs KENDRA. Here I was thinking you were wasting away on che editor 18 axfrens pat ypu or ps 1 yfnows soueayg 5 aay 30 — poomy.yeres poureu oye “oie sap Suromns 2129 “NIIOT (Copng. oage mt speus 3tp ce (onan a Shr nok > sin nod «sin nox, . idm spay 1 soy Supppry prdms mod pur no¥ 238 Ajpeuy 01 12pr0) pia Sump Suppny j prdnas mod uasop sad pur anSuo1 Supppry 48 sno 01 now AjBn Suppry Hig snk uado dis ov susnaas ure Seq ¥ Sump " auonog 03 patn uacy sep ako 2yioM on Surén are sn yo au105 (Base tvs ketone pds moc atom) axp vedo quop inf se nats quimp se ot a0 “Posada fo PRT xp 2qupe ox any jam aos we soy ura uo guy MBG TPE ums way KENDRA. This is so unfaie! Why is Kara getting to write about A actually pretty good. KENDRA. What? ANI She alieady fled a draft in the system. every day after she dies? We ‘come with me! lo it (Kendra stands up, resolutely walks off) chat Austin is editing the piece? so mean, Dean! What did you just do? icaway from me soI could get some work 20 1 “po son 0 ous pay y>fsnl [9g oyaKGd jor e9q or no pou sjo0g anos ayfno¥p [ng “en ayn ad) smu eo» Seu ny ogg Sues sin nok UOID We SEN “SATIN. mo papa hinds pasgeg wa uaa fo ses sal 24 uaypns ways, “syped say 19 Sunguuci pny Sujgzraas Gos et age 524s 29 lt Say vsof uy se BaP PM}D) WA “VEIOTD nod ae ADH] (sag) juny sem niu] (309g) SY “NVA ©N “VRIOTD uoxp poot nog oct 2ygoud sp2e9 moge uasny suoyuoo espury Suntprea Stuy “NVICL Pronoun Burapess somes muons) Sunyson fo wos “upouuzt ‘mapuayys2if Jo ramos uy) ‘sie yore 02 poot AeP | “INV Bayo nod are 94%, (Suagpe nay Busosoyy) “sop Sus ySnonp 08 3u0C| (-uosey Y) "UO spom au zoprsnt (fosque 2s 2105 sheajed seanaru pasqas anoge &: feel like T could fig write about before you decided to bea writer? or something, nove that with population of the wiped out. I suddenly fel this deep anxiety about how everything I know now could ne one day — or like fiying out this leavi about to leave for a noon lunch, and chen I ‘be back to the office before she heads to the aspore. 2 01 speoy > Leap por ou aay op Ajpear nod os 80M “NVEC. Joy woy Buppom sjaowor “VIGNAN —— WaNqupE Slurnpo s1ss0q tao anos rey sows nop NO, “NVA i 70ue ON “VUCNIT ea NVad stp Bop rey Supipa ou st unsny “VUCNAM apounddey sey “NVC 39 PIROD? se Bupony e axe No “YYCNAN (hdd Aigo Buryo0y ‘Brisu0 4004 sys vapuay) spouoddey 3A “NVEC. (3075.24 0 kom 2g Burpee ‘spegy sod ‘Beauo yong BusCunos woos se 1uy se 9a pau? 2H © yoo uTaCT s00p 348 D8 LIB) “SeyO— anys jo 29aid nod ‘22016 ‘you Ajsno Ay Spt ‘sown UE 10 joorps Sa08 uy am ojo Ayes nf : aigpeq aXqpoo8 iodoid 2 paves &2 aps e20 AHA: ‘003 NOK 9 she starts screaming at me, accus is nat fair because I totally have a "Are these coming from Eleanor?” An from me, why would they becom 4 then the room gets really quiet and Michael’ like, “Because Fleanor's coliting the piece.” And [have to make up some excuse about how leanor’s been in meetings all morning and I look like fucking asshole when you and Kara are che fucking assholes! ‘ANI. How is chis Karas faule “KENDRA. Because she was turninga vety professional conversation cout to be some sort of catfight and trying to imply I was there to saborageher — DEAN. Which you were — KENDRA. No I was not! was wing to DEAN. Kendra, you know, Karas in the middle of closing a piece thar’ turning around in a day KENDRA. So? Ir’ been in inventory for months. Ic was basically to profile in a day. I know this ce you spent half your day in line stressful and youse sore someone trying to “help you” by fucking with it. KENDRA. Thanks forthe life lesson. Now I have to warn Eleanor about this shicshow— You know % Fd “foporp-y Peo am 24ROK — FA “NVC eho notary 'N ‘NVaC gue ug fics of Bupa de Bue0) “INY (ssa sg Kio agg sare Guay Mur) BAEWHON “NRIOT “spngies "NVC rosy yp m4 40H] on Sino an (08 ou PrP >IALAN“NIIOT “ayy HL NVC, iN ONIGADS NOK TV EIVHAN “NRIOL — areiodioou: 01 14 8 pw ano exey paypésd Suro syord amp 80H] “INV ‘kn0g ‘NVIC -Aeyo ‘osou wep azow Sueur are nok asie30q auts-astou rejop-Aas Au J340 no Jet souoydproy Su ueo | jnod ze>q [TBs UeD | pur ssuoyepeDy Uso Aas DAEY | °N] _souotydpeay jo sted ¥ oxT0q 03 pau Nok OC] * RAON LHOM IW ONIGADI SKAD NOA HAY “NRIOT (4200 09 suo si pose ag p08 puay) SXOMBVIS OLONIOD soto sy Hansen At Spe YURI anoge aaa nod nop Zig NVECL sump ou pur 2jged pue ews pue Sunok st spy puy pre] NOs ya passage pours sey wey, 2up ours agp gol mo oy xa ‘arsy pur 3J00q 2008 oqe 304 Sump $94] KEW 1 "VANDA ‘dn mus "YO “N¥EC asst §24 29460030, WRICINTDL -gof mos 105 Br on nou ope: Suppry ‘xoyah 30% Puy 2 axiom om a S94 pu eanry Says emo tq P sno py fucking facts the writers could actually gi ‘ant wo caw youre of and bled Jour mailbox on Monday ides chrovring one human be ives fat and uncomy dead? Why does dying su to do with a profile now? Sell her Cl emake mons cof people who sec ‘only want you dead, who o is terrible plac LORIN. No one went to her party lastnight. ANI. Dean went. LORIN. Oh, you did? a -psjuroud | ou 30 nod se sontqure pu aon -ano sean pu soompos e pu so00m eas $94] 5e2I4 YO “NVC. Sp 3 age 3088 B38 ST “INY tp ut uo usp Sup08 4igeqosd sax mow pur soureeur wy poasrmiay wd y0> s3ye Op 02 porteas 24 2%}. KOU 3UPIP 2] 04 fs ous stp 3 ave pre a e824 OU NOX “NVA oN 'INY 1 cs sage §94 up nO og XUIY ION “NVA “Bupppoy (907) wane io) *ausa¥ ny © 29 SPENOS “IN APTA YY “NYE (0p 248 20 900) revogy aro sunny mos soon Login fo panos 249 siaeq ‘aeg 1E0 teu) om dy anoradd on Buy wa "90s 298 wo 0) Y>2q 5 Og ‘ays uy, yg “rHaH for0n v Bun20dx9 219% (our mou 7 2348 op Aes 02 eg 08 on axey Mesdtry (H0Ag) {yeu ve Joq a1lsa prmoys | “wedi suaN nox poo8 sa] “wOge Supyper wry sera sows; Ueacy “sue sureaxp snox, 2U08 spuaty sno} "2408, ypok sno, “sioysora> Joy spc] wauNIede Ada Suryory & yptas nok esata} puE NOs Jo Ino INO: 5 UO|S) Puy zd moys 02 paratpoq 2q pH 2u0 ow pur dared snp Suwon or oy 199 Jo [fe smnod ays og 724 02 taddey on Sump sny np Ignqond sy, "OE uo 24 Ang o> oypaon Ares dexo soy Jo yBnous adeaDs on aqge Aqpeuy 38n{ so yg ‘sour aqs ajdoad 4p sou adspx9 OUD] J 9p 3 arp 01 x24 sor Aoyy, ‘Buoy os oxy uo2 aE pres aySre yeassy mq ape PEG OFT "gBA"NIOT ‘Sam ye te bey op ou pos a pow ed pup anoge sor pay | Pue yap 0220 ey agg 348 2pou agp apdood smog ayy sea KP “YER “NVACL ‘pleaopa os se pue aptp se 200 Ou _smesnq eas upp 24s pres PAT edn non sp soda PIC] “NRIOT ‘PPI NVEC. ysen op ot pins ‘yp wo peat speo1 3110 rps nok ‘nok Snoge asomp fe 88 aye pur s ai has 03 ‘3ent299 95. ANI I donit know if I consider myself'an ambitious person. is read English! You could go somewhere else. But he happens to the rese of us, Ani. You wake up one day and the | D. fun thing wo do| M And then youhave | in GLORIA. Whece did Kendra go?! T was here, but then she went to Starbucks. Do | D M 2H om ago? 1D 8 ag0! a GLORIA. Well when is she usualy bac M DEAN. Its Kendra, For all we know she’ already home getting, cdi people are just never at your «have like nothing to da?! DEAN. Ha ha ha sore GLORIA. Puck this! (Gloria stalks off hands in ber packets) DEAN. as “office opens and Miles enters) M be Al G G u NAN. (Offi Sounding uh ee) Wel ave a good senior yet! 38 MILES. Yes thank you! Fave a safe trip! And fel beter! D NAN. (Offtage) Tanks. [wil Can you close the door? i ‘MILES. Sure, (Miles closes the door.) bs DEAN. ‘That was quite a goodbye. ww MILES. He ha ha. [know Nan is really amazing, G DEAN, She is. Whae were you guys laughing about? D MILES, Oh, just like G DEAN. What about Rick? D MILES. Justa funny story about him, G DEAN. Okay. And what else? D feSsor Morrison. 6 iz Cy po wong purgeg ag “un 9 quien aBoasuosaqpma I Ho rai oy susdog poo fo sos y) smo 363 Sums 2 HA) — COU, “STUN (one v aglopyparog a soqpund y) 03g ayp ys 03 ay IP! 08 pmnoys suosmog “Fuppayp.azey wox Sul (paveg sSrurass 2109) oa-spn noun nok “sorte ate adood 94 oa Berne ay 01 Suppxe Sunncue anoge prot 2243 ur sax8 ays pur wmouy Apex (op 01 BuyoS seas aeyas au poy GLORIA. You were always so nice ‘Thanks. (Beat) And ave to say you had a fun “Thanks. (Gloria goes into a commer and raises the ) DEAN, Wh— wh —wh— (Gloria pul she miggr Blood splatters everywhere as: Blackows, In the dark, Bach's Mass in B Minor picks up where it efi of and plays on through the intermision.) End of Act One 24 Ajwopues sn spit duryis autos toy sony nox “298 HoodsioxpLy sey Jo suo 24s zessauea — a194 spon oxjn 8 sD yess 30N “NVC ep 298 1009 0K Apoqpunes 297 3100] Nak axaH MOU] NOK “s208j as0tp Jo auo aary isn{ nos aqKeyy “peg Ay BTV “NANVHS “NVC gnok st Sunpou so 1 wo 100 nO “NAWWHS ‘08 Gullp 3UOp | “NVAC oIpo ype mow; ax OC] eyHUIRy 08 00] asn nok — hatog (0 sna aon 290 pur cuoydpoog ng vac] ‘uorsuanse suevacy 8 2py) Soy oy “** 08 S25 °N sn uf 908 pnt soings Spm am 039950839 gan ug ep tee] eagy we Saases fo or tanened om peagog spurs SSH 24 1) 0) eg “uy, ads Bain ps oan ue ope ong auosuas af Sagas pf ops 2 smo sorry? Gpruogsoaso apy Msnonsou axoys oy spy sume suai 2a 9 — 20) 0p 2p) “sung! 2g uo isms sy ayy foto oan fo dna ‘easmura dn Susyeru pues Bu lonszso as up suuszuuos uceapapy ay oon us sppnganns kids Gpors0g Wy omy uous see Tem OAM.L.IOV din spud sous swousryds pony sop pu urge pey ne pay (70g) Witherspoon. Is not like when people coming in here mistaking me tudent they had the year they did Teach for Americal Vanessa the shoulder and be like, said she Jook like Reese oon face. I mean, it would be diffeencif somebody mistook me for somebody famous once ina ‘while. That would be nice. But that, like, never happens. (Exensuall, 1 bundled up Kendra has crosed past the window and enters now, ile off ber hoodie. Seeing her se, (Beat,) ts 0 good to see you. 10 see you, 100. (Beat as they dsengage,) How been ... preuy good. You know. (Beat, as Dean And how are you? (Beat) Any DEAN. Can I get you ro something? Some kind of almond milk DEAN. Oh, !'m sorry’ KENDRA Oho! No wo=Tjusecan stomach dhe sul. Ti i DEAN. ... Because of Glo —? KENDRA. Oh yeah I mean yeah tee bit bu so because I realized it makes me anxious which is probably related because you know. ‘When I drink, it does sor of remind me of where I was. 32 : —areunyfiu Sorry vant se 2y pur ‘e2y dus ayorg Aoxp setp aun pjon Ayeay Aap Temp UOUT Joy auroq sea | pum ase a waxp pus yrs Kua jo pe dn posped pr sures Suared Sur asap sea, aYMIMG§ — yea YO “NVACL omg S40 “VUCNEX evLmy “NVA ve nok sry “ON VUGNED — siyp noge Teoq aEpIp nok auaypg area | — So] Aa94 305 use 3 — 40m Og “NYT — wraq ‘pol dw yO “VACNDT 1 Jo mos pey | spas expour aun pM MOE MO "VENA qe sAoUR| UPIP Nox (3099 » s9yfy) “NVACL ‘oxi yp axp 28 01 Aipeas “aiqeudpe s3eqn — wro3 aa (ss i pandora dk TAN ON, “NVECL juypauios 106 fared ~ » ans 02289 nok pret WO — nT, “VIANA “syueyp anq ‘oft sypuour iMepeaang ‘Hepypaig Addeyy ape. -uwop poap 30208 ye a pe wif“ s9N0 pure 1240 32 Sant; — mos oa pres ays 3eys pur Sared pds s5y pure m amoge op 01 pet nok smstarsnt sous Te U>Ip Puy “VCE —spskur poss py ay — poo (pasmunquy) “NVEC Sago] 42 jo ano pours $ops38 4a4o put 3940 nod Jo 980300) sures we alueyp aupynoo 7 a 5 {quo vp ayy pouinas af “PYM Oy gIIVq UEAD NA Bae 319yM 0g (00g) "Sou 9:99 JO Vor © dary no ams uy UeOW! | ‘oom. emg eps susddey Sunyp suns amp yr ase oy) “ou ou ON “VUCNDX ti 9 —Ab0§ "NVC ‘agp aroqanouuos of je sour nas asm ary yasmexe uy wy ‘gros: ay —spnqre — sto ae pudwype 5 ‘hyena os ymq— apa ‘ur 28 09 pom “parag ay 24) weagy 99 “29, ogy (2518s fom xp ye ou jar: (wag seat say Bugg 4 ‘non sztta pe Sjpmauanzy pyres ues 0091 79 YO" ‘omy 3q pues UNA JOH su Busjosqa: KENDRA. Oh no! DEAN. A fucking nightmare. Iewas like being kidnapped. (Beat Buc I'm actually in the ‘moving back — though moving! is The Worst. Fm still uying t0, | rainly keep my ears out for any) the hospieal dui offered the most. (Beat) Anyway, how kaye you been? You left * + phe isa di ‘waumatized. She gives (Beat) Anyway. So what are you doing now? ome freelancing, somewhere you got 2 book deal? (Bea. just happened. I thinke FSG is * a meeting with my editor and got about ami Tmaoteven finished yet. Bur theyre tying co rs 34 sé (sq) jou mnoge Suns nos ary *** ypsinod roney 3vop "4, “VACINE man ssy NVtel Woy mun sou oemoxy "YONA (arog) gous moge Sun os sy (meg) som snk por sMeaye | NOU, IU, “NVEC -" Soup otf per 949 [2H] ION “VUCINADT OSD TET paced dey anf (7979) 12% sow Suyop (omg) 8p 2p Suge ' 7 -suos 10 stuf xp uo st29] © an x Timowy nod nod. pT OK ¢039q Bauooga spas res Sonppig at ( souape ey fue soy 3n0 sxe o 8ayin Suyour (270g) ‘pode, DEAN. Well, I mean, its a memoir. 1d what have you wri ‘Yet. (Beat) Ws actualy been a weird this thing, You know, T've actually) topuritall together and myself and w! ‘Lind of come 10 this conclusion that maybe I wasnt Aap aha was an ahole basally — which migh have some, siang to do with that environment — but also you know T was {etnkingaJorand soreof unkappy with where L was in my life and just realizing that — And, anyway. fled pace of relly wanting to apologize you .. for anything resid that hurt your feclings or anything like chat — ave to do this. (Beat,) Sso, 1 guess, 1 fee! f— however we fle lash wd be another thing if these feelings sor wy ineo out work. You know what I mean? Sine that tne and that place — | KENDRA. What could I possibly have to write abou “That you were a mediocre assis rit know, Kendra ink ir would just bea isa hatchet. Because Reams eS ERROR thing ro have flr — or cach other, but gu it might be nice to ac other, you know, as we both embark on cis new d KENDRA. Sute, Dean DEAN. Olay great! (Beat,) Ob! And chen the thing. (Dea pushes a small sack of pages t this. that my lawyer and agents drafted up and) want us © both sgn. | sare agreement? But since youre not (Beat) KENDRA, Dean, this is crazy. Tm not sigaing ehis. 36 “ 310m 0 — nok on wopspaduso> = 30 ApeSen axp 01 souorpae we ssuoioao arede 216) not tay Zp BuO te 225m NOK oqe Suni 3 3 pFhorp no s399 yn oy 30 ed Tp Jono Max IH JO Buo8 Apes Nok 32y “NVACL (wg) ‘ou pure oq e apssut ses oy pur dn paypesp s ou 208 pu Spog saye Apo Keme are dtp y>dea pus Bupieag 2eip apssino pure oF ayy] se af ey mou NOK OG) “VYCNEX —— (mspueye nox d204, punos wea) et 4s PUNIOS ap AOU Sroge off ok 8 0 Sy STH NVI mod ob pauaddey Sumpaiana ng WANE vos on pausdder, Sunpony “sppnqreag we asam nox “aqp aNasaM Nex “nok WEY B10Ul aL a8op “apuiny “odsox np Te SMA “NVI “unagy soustiedso sp ws re | ey our [ot 02 Suno8 Aqpemoe oa papa © u20q 4) — mot moyg j — sea nox x ‘su0y 2 a9 WED MOK “NWACL | as Fou wigan ipa ok se i westigativejousnalint No one is 's nothing that qualifies you to you know this, which is why’ youre) | this exap concept about “victims."| leech —a parasite — and those} the only person who interacted with him. You sad rened by him, suspicious of him — 38 we poureuos uso Aoqp “11 Yoon FHO|S) — auMeDIp JaN9 24ynod wrea5p ‘Laon — uayea 240s yeang Araxg {M0 $3428 NOs 3HOK] (7029) jyo0q Au ut dn pene 4us0p 5009 NOM yryRTeD og “VYCNDL “y00q ar uy da puys 3u0p nox pares 9qasnf “NYHCL — pes os stg, jzumop jE SR ‘nua pinom nox oy —ayeu ppon sip 20908 ayp mnoge BNUIS urn Sjoxm snp ary Sumas uodq Ajpess nos 3eEY"VCNEM fuses Susaionuy ue ear {BA sup puy 24 Suypus kos wana yaney T ‘Mow MOA “NVEC (sep), 4345 22NF0 390 403} ot093 v se Sura NOK somuyes usoiyy 2524p IOM a sea Zope SEN se aPEQH sep UH Burpomrau wep tu pps ano Dep Wo nos soy Supyen sy sore Buna e ony Alene: nox gaunelpun ip st wey 104 anes 02 Sundn MOK te 2 [eq antl ox auoep ay] ou Sea 2304p mq eq ay MOK NOK BULB seat ays 148nop 9YS UPI aus ‘nok ages 4UpIP 23Yg “PEP Ajpem>e eTOIE) ey O pommrns | aegis mows] up NOK “NVA : ‘snesojo} ap aatAms AUPIP NOK "PEP PO2KL TEES dep ayy staat exp Sep ap anoqesaquaus fygegon ps spdod Suny quo ay ouaqorA weaLoUTy Jo speuuE tp UT suaNEBS IONS pur sonzoys © sotuoonq *iouDus Onur ype UE soMETE; papaaaz Sey op yous passed seyp 197g 43000 PLA “2240 s2onop ¢ 10 yeu Suyddoys e 10 uaareopury © 10 Torey 2,400 1 Mop Sumsour Apoqouos paprmfitp v 1399 §sIoKp POM JOHpO ays roqpoue — Apatien roqpoue usa SauaKp pase JRO 109 “ts mHOH) UO P2AOW! SEY PHOM ayp 30301 ap IEEE (Carag) aquinp nod reqs pu aes oC rege pa nos ‘1 paps 2104 st2909 +, sas nok amnesog 104 SPHo|D. ‘nok amenog Arps Ages uy “nak on dquo pouaddey 31 spunp o3 was nox aq — 8930 Te ‘1 jsn yo qpoq oa pouaddey Sump peq e ‘NOW| NOX “VACINAN —aiys30 my 05 8 NOK “NVC —anoge pe sea sip ey 58 ee UR BADT uoxo yuo J "nos 20j oytaud *** mos wse19 2 st reqp, 3t uy pouoddey reqs pu sta plow erp sey SUIGUDSIP ord esmac-aoet 21403 Ur poxon 24 puorasd 01 Sur08 you s90p eHO|S) sunny 3p + riod asn209q sno jo ku umes 23 PIES Tok, sin | 005, y pur sur Suqo8 wy p sasod $0iq 51340 ON} ans 01 40¢ PURpp, og (3098) em aary ‘ipsu0y yas ajdos your memaieto Gloria, But maybe is time to wakeup, Dean. Maybe | Those "Zine Dreams” are dead. Maybe that life means noshing now — ‘your life means nothing, Cut your losses and start over. (Dean reaches| “ors the table and slaps Kendra aevos the face. Shawn reat) SHAWN. (To Dean.) You gona get out of here! Got out of here! (Dean exis. Shawn maker sure he gone. Kenda scoms genuinely freaked tue but eis io bold it rogezher) What was that Are you oly? KENDRA. F'm fine. Do you have ice? SHAWN. (Getting br ice.) Do you want me to call somebody of — fora ite bit with Sasha, an editor ata near assistant, who looks a lot like Ani. Sash Shawn when Nan sees Kendra.) (To Kendra.) Kendza? (Kends NAN. (To Sasha.) it's er. Beat, in which she daesn wheels around, ees Nan, i (1p vapucy) 2Ka-96q WHSYS ‘nod oxuy Suyuums 224 seo [oor ‘08 on 208 aa AMAT “VAN 46228 03 one [pap (89g) “UPB WOH 31288 WED NOK “NVN, “AqmeL, “VND ing fez ja —2u 371 2510050 “NYN _g000s Sunypousos 40 ypuny op prmos a 2qKeyy (72g) 8 ‘001 Sumo agnf seas azoup asaydsouuse ap smd" YAY. “N| Syvougip 0s 4 ueeq poowp2e flows pos rep Puy SAK “VAC 9g vee 3 “uotp vm ajfuoureyp ® sn) “NYN. "mn wo $3] — dors "VISVS imo YO / FO “VANE — rweuoad uy ogy (Buspronas ‘sayov! aq Susuad) “NN sp Bunpcuy / “NANVHS: “oft yuom “aoy nso tps orm PCU WHFS ® 3ABY TL SK] "VHSVS PR “VENA mok ares | HED / (24S OL) “NAKVHS "pi ‘are oa nod yp 10918 Os st eUL“aTep 2300 Sujpuess-Bu0y (vepuay of) cweoql Sea wey], (YS OT) “NVN ‘Quay Sulop no / E329 “VUCNEN upop ays ome pans oMp sypuay) espe (op sos 7 297 Guo, sw 25 ay “py 34 24g 20 jwoodsimpi a ‘now 0.7} NOR sour, — 3 oo] 34 S348 24g apy © 105 20 Apogpat fojon prywaif Gauss jisy Jo-mm0 28 ey 005 | suas racy) (10m pas wwacy)* “ino Supe sary CT type of anybody that ‘mean, the ugh they were just chese sample pages from shopping around — Did you ever see them? did — le, right? And che whole thing was so icy with h faction less chan a week afier the shootin, ia, Didnt you? rely knew the woman. Ist tha rerbl and T were the same exact age and we started around ye. Tse that exary? I mean, we mu have worked on something together at some point bur T usual request Christine. a ca — ssourees Se gy pay cma 2 420 Supers) “NUAVHS 1g dar 1 ry As 309 | “NWACL op 1uo¢] “uo 3tH09 “OH "NARS (ug sles unos opy spo saow srypUe LEG) 3] — YOK “NVA eyo Buygpdsow2 5] “NVN —doded ssoqy, “simp 2484 — 1 goed sip woy pouueg > “nod 08 3 Su (aay 300g 05 0 sao » sryr “uray af] 2g vosmnss agp zany 03 sepia urH (aris organ? psy suit) — ve Sa 208 mop, (2004) Opt 2b Sumppnos snoqe yf 01 see} — WS. “NVN, UMEYS SHUR, (ep aay Buren) “WSWS vumoy tj oreRDHUL LIDS (Rp gown m0 BiE82S) “NARVHS Ayensn as pur lquia esp wy at sy uo pc Bye ays pure aus poy ‘i319 39 prom 30 sppe > payee spourer DEAN. Good, SASHA. Are chose the proofs for your book? DEAN. Yes. SASHA. I'm so looking forward to reading it DEAN. Don’ hold your breath, SASHA. T'm sorry? DEAN. I said dont hold your breath. I may be dead — I may. ‘mean [ may be dead before I ever fnish 5 maybe L (Beat,) What ace you guys mecting about? NAN. Oh were .. just eatching up — DEAN. (To Sasha.) Ive been trying to get a coffe with thi for months, Youd think fve years would pur you a the cop of list but I guess not. (To Nan.) Did you get any of my emails? NAN. Yes! Som I'm so behind. But you know — (Gesurer stomach, And scheduling been so hand without a superstar ass (Beat,) ... But we just ran into Kendra! (Beat.) She says yor 1. my book. Youtrean What do I do with ete NAN. Dean! Whar’ going on? DEAN. I'm fine. Ihave to go. I have to go. NAN. (Al eared) Wh SASHA. No ne no — NAN. (San) Wy dee you let him in? 10 T go after him? NAN. Oh my / god. SASHA. He slapped her? (Off Shawn's nod.) She didnt see shed been slapped! (Nan asa moment.) Nan, ate you okay? NAN. What do I do, Sasha? SASHA. ‘This is may fault. Do you want 10 go somewhere 4 7] 1 Bayuoddey sarege apy axoxp skespeaxom aroep pu anoy we ep Arse gas aroyiaou spumos Aurea sures tunseu pey ayn vay 3peq acuB xp moqe Sore sem a uno Jo -povtodeap wang poy pow pomp eye no sy 208 UH 7909 21 ‘yaya ao0ur 02 posse oy ovoqas “Susp aemp pip 94 puy OU} | "NYN “pod Au YO "VHSWS sp feadury “PREATEH SPE "PP 4ouyf gs 08 sy suossropy PREYPNE JO 2% op seq zB ype ay jo sno ane Aps3ido> 20qp ays oye fom nak ses 9 | puos jo don oy: | uo siyp uss 2 pimpoypess o1 ae, ‘nod ap 16) ‘24 Spogduaso oat uns pmo a1 uaoUy a4¥4 PIONS ee SS all over the office and coke being done in bathrooms and other hijinks, and yes, I guess chat exact historical ime did sore of P ‘the most interesting work — or atleast the work the ‘magazine was known for — but it was also — SASHA. Pre-internet. NAN. Yes, wel, was going co say a disaster to0, I suppose. SASHA. ‘There was no internet. When you sat at your desk, you hhad no choice but to work. And then when you were done working, pre-internet, ime was aso a financial disaster — mostly walking around with chee substance abuse haf the reason why we went corporate the way ‘out — We were so in the red, But Mark was memory for me— and it back to you in that way —as anecdo person — And we both found ous that hed only heard about and this verything was new and exci ‘old, We got old. And nove things moment and we talked 2 hadnt just cold this boy that he had che power, that youth was .. 46 a sea. pur runspsse dus pue ueuiom sep snoge sxodas sqau 2534p re Sepp ‘pineq ua yonoo us ao Su 24, 380 poze [way Se es Kuy 4y reunite sent puny reyp 270d 2tp pu 116 ang (Pag) A HT GPUS aa aj A 30 yer os nuads Suey pen dejo | ure puy 24240) {Sut 305 aq wooq atm Au Sey eux, Bupjunp sea y pur sum eyo we pey pay ats ops ant pre sod Aw aueyoq paysey x7 Postar | soop 2p uado 3upmno3 1 1 puy ‘sae om sano ye ay 398 pyro “oiayputiond poorg ‘our mo ease 139} os weyp 89] Spoq aanyp2zam 2104]. 100p KU Jo oy UT SiaNp A Fs9M OOYS ayS sOWjo Aur jo 100 UH YL U2 02 s9prop eyO}e) San] Aur en DU Nod ‘pure asp sen. ay ory 1UpIp | — wo Bayo sea eqn mousy ruprp iq — somun woaY way asey sm Sup aforpH 31 Ure 1200 sea. 56 uoos se tpmis Anaad m0 108 a 2UO.LDA “NYN, PUA “VHSYS —sinoy 49) 9539p 3H sopun sem 1 (202g) soepa8or x Ind | uy. Ip OP | PG eth OP I PIC ap Pip ou, Bunun 1d0y | pay BuronoW uaAa Js snopsse0> Au anoypis UoIsPop ayp apeur Apeoe py ‘uu Jo red aulos 2a seas 311 Suppow uax9 du morpua Suppose ‘pee sea 9ut Jo aned 2140s 2 2 Supyurp poe oxpsor Sumnd pur yewiors da sso possou> swore ure wap Bupjooy quar dpuaa 40a | puy "yrewons kus B10 as spuey dtu aroqa sea ey, sfpq den Semy=xnyp Ue 23}0U J0:408 Fos aye Pyrows y preage ‘xp 9p Aw qpeousapan poxpnos> tang — TH K0 153) Poy "NYN i~0u yo "VHS¥S ‘ouof sea rpmo weep py “peap sem 27] ISP aetp epeausopun seas | Suuaddey sea sey MoUN uoAa [aI0;2q pure sureaios soup pu sioysun ssotp preapy ‘pouaddey e1s0|¢) en] Sanus aay “uDyI,'yp| pue aus Poytexp IsM{ pue ‘ey S14 LO JOO} ‘Suywounjasour ssoppes ays ya ou 2 pajooy nay pure —-uodeam | oun oe | =e pu 1¢0n, I thought you said everyone was sick of books them, Gloria is bbackdiop vo a very real very i and time passing and mortal real people — can conte’ x really think chere's something there? SASHA. Yes. NAN. You know, Fhad actually been wondering ... Beat,) Wha do you think I could ge? (Blachous, Baht Massie B Minor continues) o end tou. mo 30 00 uo. a 305 poo aq af ‘pe ono 3 adios sor me LF at Seep poe nel gp, “CVvHESV ; i “int “NINO = soo Aan an (Bem oe 9g) yun woe ptm pood soueu wea yea ay Sealy UOT "apoy ane pO] aA RUE “GVVHISVAL 1 NRO gujeSe aureu nod paso wes po anos (200g) 2000040, "WWHSV buoy uu fase Ue [fee rom ee APN NH rap sdoysouoyd Bvvancut Sep 5 (10g) SAO “NPIOT nts song des pry (woop Grou » Besa) "CY HSYA (202g) "8318 840 "NRIOL ays T,nok 12q, s210y puy (290) oF 20M apigno ayy Sunoopuy) “GVVHSVR reg) 10°) ‘NIYOT “mos stp Ajpeiseg seep PUY “CYWHSVYL sds poo GBusgadens uso] Ig uoyswadong eee a PE, aioy ‘aloydua ou sy ge sara “eryy 24g 34» 50) agen omy 2uaog gens 9 sof goa per spa ag mss fo 109 0 quien 90 10g a0 Kpouosr Buaggny pouopous igi > pur sdoa 5 ays aduosmusue 7 Bugprat ss pn ‘ys pn say 24 301» 009 O42 2H MY posdnavo sng as ado 3 240 “Rpg Co fo asm Y swpely 297 us uoyous Levu uosrmpesd wesganryuay » fo 22Hfo 24), “my ser, LORIN. Total RASHAAD. Allright. T'ljuse... I'l princthem outand .. (Gestures (Callie doesns respond, absorbed as she isin the ook, Lorin sort of takes that as a cue so sit down and mind bis own ‘busines, He turns on the computer at his desk and wares at Callie as it loads, She reminds him af someone. She eventually fel him staring at ther and'tooks up. They meet eyes.) Wi, (Callie doesn’t say anything, looks so disturbed, forces a smile, gos back to reading. He looks around for wha be should do, Lorin watches her read fora bis, thinking about “Ant, before be realizes tha bis computer bas loaded. He tries to log in and fail.) Hey, Vm sorry, but do you know what the log-in is for this computer? (Beat) CALLIE. (Sounding om she verge ofrears,) LT. was just here tose it up for you, tight back, LORIN. Okay ... For lack of anyhing beter do, Lavin settles in, takes out bis heaphones and bis phone and check his mailor something. Eventually Calle fnishes whatever she’s reading and puts it ta the side, sits back, and heaves a satisfied sigh.) CALLE, (Sinall,toerelf) Ob tay god. (Beat, in which she sews in hr feelings, blows her nose, tres to pull herself together.) LORIN. Are you okay? CALLIE. Yes, Sorry. Hi. Tin doing coverage — (She gertures to the manuscript.) : LORIN? No problem. CAILIE, You're Rashaad’s new assistant LORIN. Uh, I guess ... Lorin, CALLIE. Callie. (They shake hand) So-weitd sight? He loos, like, nineteen? LORIN. Who? CALLIE. Rashaad. LORIN. Oh —ha—A litde bit, yeah. CALLIE. He juse just got promoted. Like wo weeks ago, he was an assiscant — sitting right there where youtre sitting. Then he started optioning peoples Instagrams and now he’s a VP and it’s like what the Fuck — Bue there you do? sh he wasnt, like, being so gros like his hiring you — What a douche move, 16 our Supppry Suppry axn0, “NPYOT eRe SUN 4 (9009 298 BeRRA4D) “ATTTV PuRD EP S| “NOT annoys Notoee {2uoosaq 9s ng — pososgo sea — aon] nal ‘Aqemee peu 49, YR “NAIOT jolted © 2 sunzeeus wep we pouaddey seep Bunooys 244 sequious nod o¢y Surzeure demo s sip “yes souo> 210309 Mas yo 20] peat o1 x 0p sspq Aes pe prow yooq iq # wy ‘324 31 | MOK >>I “NNO sreak oan uo de Surs0> “ary Ty {1H 394 NOK aAey BuO} HOLY “NRIOT ‘x0}9q pousddey sey chess rime. ynown| nod op ‘s:0y nos. SUYST28p 294 dod J app IH BtIOp asm | APOH ION. ATIOT {uotsia9> uy po Povoddey sae, jnox sung aye Sou. S40 YQ) 14 “AETV ‘su09UH0s spuy °* a4 sson8 steve wo HOR cdumm vas (amg) Bukouue og, im aii “Pep s1y 2q sows pen nag nq — osuayo ox Mutou | “AETTV PAK “NRIOT CALLIE, Yous no who she ist LORIN. Yes way. CALLIE, Oh my god! Oh my god! (Beat) LORIN. (Re: she manuscript) Do you think Ti CALLIE. I— ner.) Yes. OF course! Oh my god. ing here i like ten minutes fora (Callie nods.) Wait — Are you guys thir CALLIE, We boughe chem off the proposal — but the feature guy andled them lefeand may boss thinks we should pi aazing fram nde he dk ‘you dont rotally know why realize that the shooting is happening, and ic all cakes pl of her head during like the ewo hous she had to be under the des, ing ro hours and reveals that she just found out she es ‘semupw uo ayy ay Bulwioo amy says genmeyy AoURNY MoU nos oC Y, repag “oH a) "RK “NNIOT upp axon nox BuypAsors au pyon asf ayer X08 WE -YNNAL (e070 dn sifives 08 renal eof seal taal tatass 2) pro we Woy Afr wy 3poK oN] OI} y>eq pasout ssn auvoyy 2004 nox aU AA SU HOUT | : aja ‘omy Siny spor om sodas 5] (wompsiannas Suoyy) “NIIOT (aerndiuon 5407 wo syn HoT Wo Yom oF 12D) “NIAIC tunaq) “wag py (veindwos AT 4 GQ “NRIOT LTP? dpoqeutos 4] “NIATE : (aqua ‘ura 2 20)» S909 0908 a8 217 199 amr, aganuveyy pep ‘opm 400 24 “wif ronuy 39 2a) pu el) SALE], “NEIOL *aronpoa Ia (2024) 398 | — UY “VNNUL Buyuoy wy — Jo wos aumsise mou speeyseyy nox any "H 'NRIOT nH (18007 0 YNNAL 3 28 ue pur ponte asa yn Porsensip 108 | — ruwaf nog (:sdesomam a Suuogee) “aPTIVD, ipBeson00 ayp paot | 00 Bano8 s1aeqN ATE -VNNAL ae many ‘21a fo ma pray soy soyod 109 samy “oue]) “oon ‘ues |" 05 Suzuun ajdood mes" |G) “NIYOT Daramns nod PIP MOK] (7M) “OLN “ATTIVI Inq Spuaredde sem Ss yp aste20q ‘aprsur ews pue sio0p 1 Ajddas at sun ap Buypeo} e12046) 03 3 ‘YEA “NIIOT AP ATID, Sunpaue 295 omy] “U8 YUpIP stopo oy] OM Ue sea DUS PUY “NINO PA AITIVD "usonb 204 Jeon ® stax wey “esa yon st PPD ‘NRIOT LORIN. I mean, we worked together for along time — JENNA. ‘Tharis nusst Did you know she's coming. in herein like ren rinutes? (Rahaad comes out of is ofce) RASHAAD. Guys, could you keep it dows thing, JENNA. Uh, did you know your new assistant worked at that ‘magazine where that lady shot everyone? RASHAAD. From the Gloria Project? Oh snap. (The phone on Calis desk buzzes) JENNA. Oh my god — Is char ‘CALLIB, (Into the phone.) Yes. Hi Isher (Callie exits) JENNA. How long has it been since you and Nancy have seen watching some- hes ‘come get her. (Hangs up.) JENNA. This is going to be so crazy! What are you going to say? LORIN. I dont — I don't know — people knew her. JENNA. What about the guy who was, like, her best friend? The JENNA. Didnt h What was cha? LORIN. Uh— JENNA. Do you know ifhe ever finished i RASHAAD. Hey Jenna? Lets have one question at atime? Lorin, sorry dude. Do you know what packaging is? (Lorin shakes bis und attach get done. co package Gloria, wiho would you go to? 1 be any star Dream big. LORIN. Gloria? A star? I don't know RASHAAD, Olay... Can you give us some sense of her qualities? 34 CALLIE. Here she is... (Beat. Nan clearly has no idea why everyone is manding around, looking at ber.) N JENNA. Hi, Nancy. vergone loks at Lovin expectant.) NAN, Do we? LORIN. 1 think we used to work rogether? NAN. Oh! Oh my god, hi! Remind me your — LORIN. ‘Yorin, NAN. Oh god! A fact-checker, 1 are you doing? LORIN. Good. es been years! Hello! How crazy — about what happened at the office? With sure you heard — IN. Yeah. {was there .. NAN. Oh! Oh course! Oh god — of course! (Beat) Bur ean you boeliewe i’ been two years? NAN. Sometimes cven happen to me? (Beat) But look at in LA now— LORIN. Yup. NAN, Wodking in elevsion! How exciting! LORIN, Tm actully ust emping, NAN. (Disappointed) Oh ... (Beat.) Wallis so good to see you! LORIN. Yeah, you, too. (Beat, in which everyone seems completly snderwhelmed) DEVIN. Wait, dude! You're a ss. god. (Devin walks off) RASHAAD. ‘That guy has NAN. So, JENNA. Oh, yeah. Yes. Do you, want anything? NAN. I would love a coffee. CALLIE.” I was just going to go for a Starbucks run. What do you Jha had attitude. Jenna — should we stare? NAN. Just a regular coffe. Large. Skim milk. * JENNA. Actually, could you get me an almond milk cortado? Four shots. 56 ‘s sorgo ap do rooys ‘yeu 0M mH] OUT} MOK “NIATC (29g) "us dep joys us pads 2pdoad 2p NOt] ‘wun | x Sxoyau ano Sump sap Sinn snl wl “YER “NIIOT ‘dara asn{ no auase ang °° “NUNS (amg) 2009, poor ‘vo Sujo8 sneqm — “1:1 moqe mnoge snouno asnf se | “NTHOT —An08 “NIATG —100 1] “NRIOT Assos j po8 YO HO “NIAC aurot {ON —4O Suppawos 40 204 ¥ as “498 w oney fqpmaze J nq nok Jo 20ru Seas S3E4L, “YD (Cyeog) f10 ouspaWos yup » qesll 0. we nod OC] “NIXOT (avg) samen 3805 CRM Ae HY) “NINE “apy que, (dons wuaoqy) “EL NPIOT nok arepaydde Ayan ipod Sufony sep ae any Supppry poor (42 a 4g) “NIATC ‘os son [ “NRIOL aLreyL, “NIATG, £210 "YO "NRIOT -woqreusoyut uy Boy tok ye seq soded yo anand sty, “CT dtza © 28 nog ‘q] wo mod 198 yop n0K ch (05 Hey aJousse we aT] Hurqooy dn 240 J] PSP 2H $24 ‘pur alay punoze Sun Suppry Aue at syn 940 ony (usded v avond w quum sorgns EuesoT ey 04s wgaacq 5 “89 IAPR) “NYS WH ABP ALOP | "NIATC Sunpdce sue nok ogi “um sponqrag e Bupjeur wy « 9 0 suis SYD) “DRL AIO (14) “SHOE 5 poress ‘ony 2 pense Temp | (HOT aL) “ALTIVD ' (i sg ora yg 380 Pompey) cag am] ee SKE AONE “IVES MBunpouios nos 238 Ue> | “NPIOT (aap gave 0 ys pits 26 Yom pevargan wary pur pony voog) “wsnsisse uno amok ey NOK “PEERY “AITTVO ope TL ATPMEY "AYVHSVA 4640 “AITIVD ‘pod ws] “ON “NIHOT Bungadue yes nox (uU07 oF) “ALTIVO. (sr og x way pr mee) 90 0) ("EN AL) "WNL “440 “AITIVO LORIN, No, no—I'm Tee forgotten how to be comfortable around peo more ... present, (Beat,) ice. Pm just starting to be more AA year ago, I coulda even step sorry, LORIN. Oh, DEVIN. See you later. (Devin exits, Lorin sts at his computer desk He logs ints bis computer. Nats laughter comes fom Jenna office. Tt ‘annoys Lorin, He tiesto ignore it but, eventually, theres more laughter ‘and thenzomeone else down the hall starts having & loud conversation. ‘Lavin tres to deal with it, but he can. He puts on his noise-canceling ‘headphones, plug them into his Phone or his computer, and plays the Sarah Tweed song extra-loud. Meanwhile, the printer next 10 him churns for a bit, sears to print stops, and then beeps loudly, Rashaad’s door slides open. He seems to be calling for Lorin, but can't bx beard ver the mesic.) RASHAAD. Lawrence? (Beat) Hey, Lawrence! (Beat) Logan?! (Blackout) End of Play Suyureszos pu soysunsy Buoe yor L YES, sOUIPY UL SSEYY SHEE, sIoadda GNNOs souoye pray Supome-os10y somos, = suaunseie ainsoppeip-uoN 3u0%! aayoo jo dey un syuroa go Jy Beg onseiq sooid 5004, sadiosnire 30 34g 2q NAT seq Surddoys umdse jo apnog AQu0yy uoy souoydpeoyy, ASITADAAOU

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