SSC Paper 6

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(stiensne ‘Mob.No. Roll No, ‘Time: 1Hrs. Instructions of Candidates} ‘Maximum Marks :200 1. This Booklet contains 100 questions in all comprising the four points Part Goneral intelligence 25 Ques. and Reasoning Part IL General Knowledge 25 Ques. and General Avvareness Part I ‘Numerical Aptitude 25Ques. Part IV English Comprehension 25 Ques, 2 All Questions are compulsory and carry equal marks, 3. Before you start to answer the questions your must check up this Booklet and ensure that it contains all the pages and see that no page is missing or repeated. If you find any defect in this Boklet, you must get it replaced immediately 4. The Paper carries negative marking, 0.25 marks will be deducted for each wrong answer. 5. you will be supplied the Answer-Sheet separately by the Invigilator, You must complete and code the details of Ticket Numer, Roll Number and Test Form Number of the Answer-Sheet carefully before you actually start ‘answering the question. You must also put your signature on the Answer Sheet atthe prescribed place ‘These instructions must be fully complied with failing which, your Answer-Sheet will not be evalunted and ‘you will be awarded 'ZERO mark. ‘Answer Must be shown by Completely Blackening the ‘Comesponing rectangles on the Answer Sheet against the relevant question number by Black Ball-point pen only 7. Space for rough work has been provided below the ‘questions in Part-I and Part-II of this Booklet & The Answer Sheet must be handed over to the Invigilator before your leave the Examination Hall 8 Answerthe question as quickly and as carefully as you ‘can. Some questions may be difficult and others easy Do not spend too much time on any question, a Contact : 0755-2665306 1 w se fen Ags 10000 81 Pe Presta aie ® a1 rg feet 2551 ea: are ore 2551 So = Hee aie) 25 rv sit ar 2501 Bet mt arr attend 8 cer ash aed & sie aera set oo A A eh om ae ferme wh te fe gal Rye 2 om ae ge eT gare at a TT Bah gy ea Gla BE ge it, dh ara ww A wat gear 8 8 ee A ree ea ame Te aT # FG 0.25 oe re Fier aa soegfees seem & 4 neh set Bact area 8 gu ah 8 ced om sae a erat argent ra ore fea pre, fig are oar Bee a dey sae Be she sacytesy ox flies er A sry sre cet Hf sae RU aaa opt a gh we SERA Peay ane, Sree sm seta a otey ET sare ire a sks Peay a sae feos a wer aw RA ay Peg snare aot @ wd Teuge tH A of ae wen Beh eel ap eel & Fae wa gh ye gw aw qd S eT B43 fay vey ae ote ear eA a A Cheat Bact Sera tee 8 eh oe Bh aie ued & act Pest ore @) a aon wre ae ue Sr oer ae ita Bi Peak Ge me oe ER OE wT a am wifciol s-edliceyc Test Paper - 6 era : 60 Pee anftrencra fas : 200 a GENERAL INTELLIGENCE Directions (1-5) : In each of the following ques- , select the related word/letters/number from the given alternatives. Freer (1-8) = Preaterferm wet wos H far, a, fect Ha wea ore ore io at PT 1 . Illiteracy + Student : Book :: Postman : ? fred yore 2: Shot : 2 () Delivery / Fert 2) Bicycle / weft (8) Uniform / 7% (4) Mail / 7% Education :: Drought: 2 Frew : fee es He: 2 () Well / et @ 8) Dam / 7 @ Rain / River / 71 LOM : NMC: PKL: () RIA ) RIG 5:30 0) 4 0 @ 12:20:20: () 48 a2 6) 36 2 Directions (6-9): In each of the following que: 2) 4 SHG RHG (2) 50 4) 80 tions, select the one which is different from the other three responses. ‘fre (6-0) : Previa 38 afte st act in Pret ater t 6. (1) EBD (2) Cement az (8) Gum (7% (1) 23 @) 19 (2) 61a {g) 1036 2) Glue / ata (4) Lock / (a) 25, (a7 (2) 7368 (4) 2710 2) 1FH (3) NO (@) wx Direction : In the following question, which one of the given responses would be a meaningful order of the following words in ascending order? ‘frie : Prefered wer 4 fae me feenedt Ha ae pseiideebeg aba Eat heed Child / are Profession / 7a Marriage / fae Infant / 1 Education / Pre 1,3,5,2.4 4.1,5,2.3 (2) 2.1,4,3,.5 M4) 5,4,1,8.2 rt Tithe following words are arranged according to English Dictionary. which word will be on third place? Frees wet at oh wearer oh ge mm a Te} wah aa dat eK on? 1) KNOW (2) KNACK (9) KNIT (@) KNOB Directions (12-19) : In cach of the following questions, choose the correct alternative from the given ones that will complete the series : de (12-13) : Previa ede mo seth opp at ger at 12. ACE, BDF, CEG, 2 (4) CED (@) Dem 33, 48, 68, 84, 7,2 (2) 105, 128 @) 101,118, @) DEH (4) HED @) 105, 126 |. Savitha introduced a boy as the son of the only 15. daughter of the father of her maternal uncle. Hose Is boy related to Savitha ? cabin 3 we cree ee ery er fee BR rat fe wt weit ah ce ge A ee aT a aT @ (1) Brother / "1 (2) Son / (8) Nephew / srs (4) Son-in-law / 3% A father is three times as old his son. Eight years ‘ago, the father waa five times as old as his son. What is the present age of the son? ww fen oR Sag dan Tae to Feo ong at og FH oa a at () 12years (ri) 14 years /7H (8) 16 years /7f (4) 20 years /-at From the following alternatives select the word which can be formed using the letters ofthe given word: EXPERIENCE Prestige Premed 8 a ee wee am st fe re are aot mae ce AT SI aT EXPERIENCE (0) EXPIRE (8) EMPIRE (2) PERCIEVE (4) EXPENSE In certain code COMPUTER Is written as OCPM. ‘TURE. In that code which alternative will be writ- ten as OHKCYE ? aft we ag aM Y COMPUTER #i OCPMTURE ferat crn # oh aah ag a hy a rere OKCYE fret are ? (1) HCOKEY (3) HOCKEY (2) HYKOCE (@) HOYECK Contact : 0755-2665306 Some equations are solved on the basis of a cer tain system. Find out the correct answer for the unsolved equation on that basis 19+5=5, 4+ 7=6,8+7=6 then, what should 920be? [ap aiiiern om fein woth snare we few aa # eh are wm orgafin weeroT a we sa aT sf wR 94525,447=8,8+7=671940 tm? a4 Qe gs 4) 6 Select the correct combination of mathematical signs to replace ¢ signs and to balance the given equation : aerator le faq waren at igh aa cen Production in Tonnes 8 ‘The chart shows production of an item (in tonnes) during certain years one ft We de we mH Te (a) ate #1 Contact : 0755-2665306 ‘The production in 2006-07 in comparison to the production in 2002-03 increased by 2002-2008 31 44 ¥ 2006-2007 Tare H ats et (2) 150% 2) 110% @) 120% (@) 125% ‘The production decreased from 2004-05 to 2005- OB by 2004-2005 4 2005-2006 4 area 4 fart aft eg 87 ay 1296 @) 85% 7 102% 9 ‘The year In which production increased the low- est a8 compared to the previous year Is frat ere srry foe a at ger A as = w (1) 2007-08 (2) 2003 ~04 (8) 2004-05 (8) 2006-07 ‘The production from 2003 — 04 to 2007 = 08 tn. creased by 2003-04 4 2007-08 mp aT ats (1) 125% (2) 5096 (3) 75% (4) 100% ENGLISH COMPREHENSION Directions (76-78) : In the following questions, some part of the sentences have errors and some have none. Find out which part of a sentence has an error. The number of that part is your answer. If there is no error, then your answer is (4) fe. No er- 76, He remembered (1)/that his visa (2)/ will be ex- pired in a month. (8)/No error (4) When I shall see him (1)/ I shall (2)/ tell him. (8)/ No error (4) I wasn't (1)/ at the last meeting and (2)/ neither was you. (8}/ No error (4) Directions (79-80) : In the following questions sentences are given with blanks to be filled in with ‘an appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are sug- gested for each question. Choose the correct alter- native out of the four as your answer. 79. An optimist thinks that all —_ world. (1) shall 2) will be () 18 (3) was ‘There aren't __ mountains in that part of the country. (2) much @) many (3) more 4) less Directions (81-83) : In the following questions ‘out of the four alternatives, choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the given word as your 81. 7. 78. well with the Dishonour (2) Infamy (@) Uncouth 2) Glory. (4) Wicked - Novice (1) beginner (8) trainer Idea (2) comprehension (2) notion (8) emotion (4) gist Directions (84-85) : In the following questions, choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word as your answer. 84. Repulsive (0) attractive (8) defensive Obvious (0) simple 2) clear ®) difficult 4) vague Directions (86-88) : In the following questions, four alternatives are given for the idiom/phrase. Choose the alternative which best expresses the ‘meaning of the idiom/phrase as your answer. ‘86. togive currency (0) Tomake publicly known (2) Tomisinterpret {8) Tobestow importance 4) To originate herculean task (0) aneasy puzzle (2) agood contest (8) a diffentt thing (4) ahurried job . to play havoc with 0) to rain ©) to alter 8) to swallow @) to affect Directions (89-90) : In the following questions, ‘a part of the sentence is printed in bold. Below are given alternatives to the bold part at (1), (2) and (3) which may improve the sentence. Choose the cor- rect alternative. In case no improvement is needed your answer is (4). '89. Your answer book will be answered ofa computer, (0) juriged (2) tested (8) evaluated (4) seen ). In the hot afternoon after a long walk, I rested under the shadow of a tree. (0) shelter (2) shade (8) cool (4) No improvement Directions (91-93) : In the following questions, out of the four alternatives, choose the onc which ‘can be substituted for the given words/sentence as your answer, 91. An instrument for measuring wind pressure (1) Manometer 2) Micrometer (8) Temperature (4) Barometer Ability to go on inspite of difficulties 0) delirious (2) desirous (8) perseverance 4) pervasive @) virtuous: (4) learner (2) offensive 4) pensive 85. ith the help 92. Contact : 0755-2665306 93. To die in water or any other liquid because one is unable to breathe (0) sink 2) drown (8) flounder (4) founder Directions (94-95) : In the following questions, groups of four words are given. In each group, one word is correctly spelt. Find the correctly spelt word and as your answer. 94. (1) potatos (8) potatose 0) cman 2) emante @) emancipation (4) emansipation Directions (96-100) : In the following passage, some of the words have been left out. First read the assage over and try to understand what it is about ‘Then fill in the blanks with the help of the alterna- tives given. ‘The great advantage of early rising the good (98) it gives us in our day's work. The early riser can do a large amount of work before other men get out of bed In the early morning the mind is fresh, and there are few sounds or other (87), so that wore done at that (2) potatoes @) None of those 95. ‘ume is generally smartly. In many eases the early also finds time to (98) some exercise in the fresh morn- ing air, and this exercise supplies him with a fund of nergy that will last until the evening, By beginning so early, he knows that he has plenty of time (0 do (99) or the work he can be expected to do, and is not tempted to (100) over any part of it. All his work being finished in good time, he has a long interval of rest in the evening, before the timely hour when he goes to bed. 96. (1) kick (2) habit {8) rise (3) start 97. (1) distractions __@) attractions (3) passions (4) contraptions 98. (1) perform (2) act (8) do (@) undergo 99. (1) happily @) letsurely {8) thoroughly (4) slowiy (0) xn ©) bury 8) wory (8) ponder Contact : 0755-2665306

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