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Instructions: While watching Domain 1, fill in the missing words according to the information presented by the instructor.
[References are found in the brackets.]

Lesson 1
1. Existing document templates are in the folder. [Modify Existing Document

2. Checking a document back in allows others to and the changes.

[Manage Document Versions]

3. A link to an external document will the information inserted in a Word document if changes are
made on the external document. [Link to External Document Content]

4. When linking external Excel documents, the sheet is used automatically. [Link to External
Document Content]

5. One way to enable macros in a document is to click Enable Content in

the . [Enable Macros in a Document]

6. The Quick Access Toolbar is customized with that represent commands independent of the
open tab on the ribbon. [Customize the Quick Access Toolbar]

7. on the File tab has the Customize Ribbon settings. [Display Hidden Ribbon Tabs]

8. The Set As Default button is located in the . [Change the Normal Template Default

7 | Domain 1: Fill-in-the-Blanks Word 2019 Expert Project Workbook, First Edition

Modify Existing Document Project Details
Project file
Templates 111 UAC Invoice.docx
UAC Logo.png

Existing document templates are in the Custom Office Templates folder. Estimated completion time
Modified templates are saved for future use. 5 minutes

Video reference
Purpose Domain 1
Topic: Manage Document Options
Upon completing this project, you will know how to find, modify, and save
and Settings
existing document templates. Subtopic: Modify Existing
Document Templates
Steps for Completion
Objectives covered
1. Open the 111 UAC Invoice.docx template found in the Custom Office 1 Manage Document Options and
Templates. Settings
1.1 Manage documents and
2. Change the theme of the template to Basis. templates
1.1.1 Modify existing document
3. Insert the logo in UAC Logo.png above the address. templates

4. Resize the logo to fit above the address.

5. Save the completed project as 111 UAC Invoice-Completed

8 | Domain 1: Modify Existing Document Templates Word 2019 Expert Project Workbook, First Edition
Manage Document Versions Project Details
Project file
If using SharePoint or OneDrive, document versions are available for check out. 112 HZ Draft.docx
Check a document out by clicking the Manage Document button on the Info
Estimated completion time
5 minutes
The AutoRecover feature saves work periodically and is accessed even if it was Video reference
not saved. Access the AutoRecovery feature by clicking the Manage Document Domain 1
button on the Info page. Topic: Manage Document Options
and Settings
Purpose Subtopic: Manage Document
Upon completing this project, you will know how to check out documents, make
changes, and add notes before checking them back in. You will also know how Objectives covered
1 Manage Document Options and
to access the AutoRecovery features.
1.1 Manage documents and
Steps for Completion templates
1.1.2 Manage document versions
1. Open the 112 HZ Draft.docx file found in the Domain 1 Student folder.
Check Out the document.

2. In the Lodge Information section, add the 2300 Zion-Mount Carmel

Hwy address after the text, The lodge is located at.

3. Check the document back in with a note that says: Included lodge

4. Save the completed project as 112 HZ Draft-Completed

5. Where are the AutoRecovery features modified?

9 | Domain 1: Manage Document Versions Word 2019 Expert Project Workbook, First Edition
Compare and Combine Project Details
Project file
Multiple Documents 113 HZ Draft.docx
113a HZ Draft.docx

When making changes to a document, compare the document to another Estimated completion time
document to determine if the documents should be combined. 5 minutes

Video reference
Purpose Domain 1
Topic: Manage Document Options
Upon completing this project, you will know how to compare a document with a
and Settings
revised document and combine two documents. Subtopic: Compare and Combine
Multiple Documents
Steps for Completion
Objectives covered
1. Open the 113 HZ Draft.docx file in the Domain 1 Student folder. 1 Manage Document Options and
2. Compare the 113 HZ Draft.docx document with the 113a HZ 1.1 Manage documents and
Draft.docx document. templates
1.1.3 Compare and combine
3. Show the changes in a new document. multiple documents

4. How many revisions have been made to the document?

5. Combine the 113 HZ Draft.docx document with the 113a HZ

Draft.docx document.

6. Save the completed project as 113 HZ Draft-Completed

10 | Domain 1: Compare and Combine Multiple Documents Word 2019 Expert Project Workbook, First Edition
Link to External Document Project Details
Project file
Content 114 HZ Report.docx
Hike Zion Participants.xlsx

If changes are made on an external document, a link to an external document Estimated completion time
will update the information inserted in a Word document. This option needs to 5 minutes
be selected when inserting an external document. When linking external Excel Video reference
documents, the first sheet is used automatically. Domain 1
Topic: Manage Document Options
Purpose and Settings
Subtopic: Link to External
Upon completing this project, you will know how to insert, link, edit, and update Document Content
an external document.
Objectives covered
1 Manage Document Options and
Steps for Completion
1. Open the 114 HZ Report.docx file in the Domain 1 Student folder. 1.1 Manage documents and
2. In the Number of enrolled participants area, Insert the Hike Zion 1.1.4 Link to external document
Participants.xlsx file. content

3. Remove the apostrophe from the Excel chart title.

4. Change Rick's sex to M in the M/F column.

5. Change Suzie’s sex to F in the M/F column.

6. Update the Word document to show the changes.

7. Save the completed project as 114 HZ Report-Completed

11 | Domain 1: Link to External Document Content Word 2019 Expert Project Workbook, First Edition
Enable Macros in a Document Project Details
Project file
Macros are a list of commands and instructions that function together as a 115 HZ Macro.docm
single command to complete a task automatically. Macros are a huge time saver
Estimated completion time
for tasks that are performed frequently. Macros, in Word, are disabled by default
5 minutes
and need to be enabled to be used.
Video reference
Purpose Domain 1
Topic: Manage Document Options
Upon completing this project, you will know how to enable macros in a and Settings
document. Subtopic: Enable Macros in a
Steps for Completion
Objectives covered
1. Open the 115 HZ Macro.docm file in the Domain 1 Student folder. 1 Manage Document Options and
2. Enable macros for the file. 1.1 Manage documents and
3. Take a screenshot of the Word screen without the Security Warning 1.1.5 Enable macros in a document
message bar.

4. Save the screenshot as 115 HZ Macro-Completed

5. Describe three ways macros can be enabled.


12 | Domain 1: Enable Macros in a Document Word 2019 Expert Project Workbook, First Edition
Customize the Quick Access Project Details
Project file
Toolbar 116 HZ Report.docx

Estimated completion time

Customize the Quick Access Toolbar by adding frequently used commands. 5 minutes
Some frequently used commands are Save, Undo, Redo, or Print. Doing this Video reference
saves the user time when working on documents. Domain 1
Topic: Manage Document Options
Purpose and Settings
Subtopic: Customize the Quick
Upon completing this project, you will know how to add or remove commands Access Toolbar
from the Quick Access Toolbar.
Objectives covered
Steps for Completion 1 Manage Document Options and
1. Open the 116 HZ Report.docx file in the Domain 1 Student folder. 1.1 Manage documents and
2. Add the Print Preview and Print command to the Quick Access Toolbar. 1.1.6 Customize the Quick Access
3. Take a screenshot of the Quick Access Toolbar showing the Print
Preview and Print command button.

4. Save the screenshot as 116 HZ Report-Completed

5. What are three ways to access the Quick Access Toolbar so that
customizations can be modified?


13 | Domain 1: Customize the Quick Access Toolbar Word 2019 Expert Project Workbook, First Edition
Display Hidden Ribbon Tabs Project Details
Project file
The Draw and Developer tabs are not used commonly, so they are not default 117 HZ Report.docx
tabs. The Draw tab is useful when using a stylus on devices. The Developer tab is
Estimated completion time
useful when using macros.
5 minutes

Purpose Video reference

Domain 1
Upon completing this project, you will know how to display hidden ribbon tabs. Topic: Manage Document Options
and Settings
Steps for Completion Subtopic: Display Hidden Ribbon
1. Open the 117 HZ Report.docx file in the Domain 1 Student folder.
Objectives covered
2. Add the Developer tab to the ribbon. 1 Manage Document Options and
3. Open the Developer tab on the ribbon. 1.1 Manage documents and
4. Take a screenshot of the ribbon showing the open Developer tab. 1.1.7 Display hidden ribbon tabs
5. Save the screenshot as 117 HZ Report-Completed

14 | Domain 1: Display Hidden Ribbon Tabs Word 2019 Expert Project Workbook, First Edition
Change the Normal Template Project Details
Project file
Default Font 118 Default Font.docx

Estimated completion time

If a business has a style guide, it may have required fonts that need to be used 5 minutes
on all documents. The default font is customizable to the desired font, font style, Video reference
font size, and other available font effects. Domain 1
Topic: Manage Document Options
Purpose and Settings
Subtopic: Change the Normal
Upon completing this project, you will know how to set the default font and Template Default Font
Objectives covered
Steps for Completion 1 Manage Document Options and
1. Open the 118 Default Font.docx file in the Domain 1 Student folder. 1.1 Manage documents and
2. Change the default font to Arial. 1.1.8 Change the Normal template
default font
3. Make the default font size 12.

4. Use the default font on all documents based on the Normal template.

5. Take a screenshot of the Font dialog box showing the Arial size 12 font
is being applied to all documents based on the Normal template.

6. Save the screenshot as 118 Default Font-Completed

15 | Domain 1: Change the Normal Template Default Font Word 2019 Expert Project Workbook, First Edition

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