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Rajagiri Valley P.O., Kakkanad, Cochin-682 039



Subject: English Maximum Marks: 40 Duration: 90 Minutes

General Instructions:

1. This question paper contains three sections.

2. Section A – Reading has 18 questions. Attempt a total of 14 questions, as per

specific instructions for each question.

3. Section B - Writing Skills has 12 questions. Attempt a total of 10 questions,

as per specific instructions for each question.

4. Section C – Literature has 30 questions. Attempt 26 questions from the sub-

sections V to IX.


I. Read the following passage:

I. The clock ticks slowly above the piano and my fingers, overtaken by a wave of
tiredness, stop flying over the keyboard with the energy they had when I began in
the morning. My eyes tiredly read the time and turn to look at the two pairs of eyes
waiting patiently for me. The leaves of the rain trees have begun casting their early
evening shadows on the wall. It is time for my evening walk.

II. Every evening, I take my dogs for a walk in our neighbourhood. I reach out to
get their harnesses and as I do so, I am thanked with a round of excited barks. We
do a quick 30-minute loop and it’s usually the first time during the day that I lift
my head from my computer screen and look around. What a relief! Sunlight! Birds!
Wild berries just starting to blush…

III. The walk though small is not without its rewards. As I turn round the bend, I
meet my friend Ingrid walking her dog Duke. After a short exchange between
animal and human, we turn toward home. I search my neighbour’s lawn for the
clutter of cats that begin to congregate from the late hours of the afternoon to feed
on the fish that he so lovingly throws to them. I hurry on for I dislike the
commotion that results from warring species. Further down the road two little girls
come hand in hand with their mother bringing fresh carrots for their rabbits. This
is that special time of day, when I seem to be in my element.
By the end of the walk, I feel calmer, more grounded, and yes… happier.

IV. As I was on my walk today, a book I read recently returned to mind, and one
of the pages vividly swam into focus. I saw a little spider spinning her silken web
among the blooms of a bougainvillea tree. A similar incident described in -Room
– written by Emma Donoghue will never be forgotten because it resonates with my

V. “I don’t tell Ma about Spider. She brushes webs away; she says they’re dirty
but they look like extra-thin silver to me. Ma likes the animals that run around
eating each other on the wildlife planet, but not real ones. When I was four, I was
once watching ants walking up the stove and she ran and splatted them all so they
wouldn’t eat our food. One minute they were alive and the next minute they were
dirt. I cried so my eyes nearly melted off. Also, another time there was a thing in
the night nnnnng, nnnnng, nnnnng biting me and Ma banged him against the door
wall below the shelf. He was a mosquito. The mark is still there on the cork. Even
though she scrubbed it, I am still able to see it as it was my blood the mosquito was
stealing, like a teeny vampire. That’s the only time my blood ever came out of me.”

VI. In the book Donoghue, through the eyes of a little boy, finds extra thin silver
spider webs a thing of beauty, and imagines tiny mosquitoes, like vampires,
stealing blood and leaving permanent smears on cork. One minute the ants are
alive, “the next minute they were dirt.” While translating these descriptions onto
the page she has lent her special touch to the book and has made it come alive for
all of us who enjoyed those magical moments in our childhood.

Based on your understanding of the passage, answer any eight out of the ten
questions asked, by choosing the correct option.

1. The sight of the spider makes the writer feel

A. nostalgic
B. cheerful
C. happy
D. awestruck

2. A collocation is a group of words that often occur together. The writer says
that her fingers were overtaken by a wave of tiredness.
Select the option that correctly collocates with overtaken by
A. suffer from
B. race with
C. take out
D. relieve from
3. Select the option that suitably completes the given dialogue as per the context
in paragraph V

Child: A spider web looks like a thread of silver!

Mother: (1) .
Child: Does that mean you do not like spiders?
Mother: (2) , and do not like them in the

A. 1. A wise man makes his own (2) Spiders do not look like silver.
B. 1. Everyone is entitled to his own (2) A spider can kill you with its
opinion bite
C. 1. Your voice and your thoughts are (2) Spiders are dangerous
your own
D. 1. A man is entitled to his own (2) I believe spiders are dirty

4. If the author were to write an article on how she spent her evenings which title
would she choose for the article?

A. A Peaceful Existence
B. Animals and Their Human Friends
C. Dogs and Cats
D. A Walk a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

5. Select the option that clearly indicates the change in attitude during the
author’s childhood and her adulthood
A Childhood Adulthood
Magical Mystical

B Childhood Adulthood
Filled with wonder Filled with slumber

C Childhood Adulthood
Free to watch life A few precious
pass by moments at sundown

D Childhood Adulthood
Friendly, free and Bogged down by
sensitive work, tired and
6. What is the relationship between (1) and (2)?

(1) It is time for my evening walk.

(2) I don’t tell Ma about Spider.

A. 1 is the daily adult chore of the writer and 2 is a childhood memory.

B. 1 is the evening routine of the writer and 2 is a round of nostalgia evoked
during the routine.
C. 2. is the cause of 1.
D. 1. elaborates the enjoyment the author derives from 2.

7. Which quote summarises the author’s feelings in the passage?

A. “Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those
who dream only at night.”
B. “Summer evenings are a time for the perfect reflection of thoughts.”
C. “Memories of childhood are the dreams that stay with you after you wake.”
D. “A dog is one of the reasons why some people can be persuaded to go for a

8. Select the option that lists what we can conclude from the text.
1. All the people in the author’s neighbourhood loved animals.
2. Outsiders were few and far between in her neighbourhood.
3. The writer was hardworking and conscientious
4. The neighbourhood was always quiet.

A. Statements 1 and 2
B. Statements 3 and 4
C. Statements 1 and 3
D. Statements 2 and 4

9. Select the option that best states the writer’s opinion of Donoghue’s writing

A. She is able to transform the mundane into the magical.

B. She is able to transform the magical into the mundane.
C. Through little examples she evokes the thoughts of a bygone era.
D. She writes of simple things with deep messages.

10. The book has been written through the eyes of a small child because

A. the stories of little children never fail to warm the human heart.
B. children find amusement in simple things.
C. the story comes alive with the narration of the child.
D. the story echoes a memory from most of our childhoods

II. Read the passage given below.

I. Despite years of calls to better protect oceanic sharks and rays, a recent study
in the journal ‘Nature’ reveals that, since 1970, the global abundance of these
predators has declined by more than 70 per cent. Over the last fifty years this has
increased tremendously to keep up with the growing international demand for
shark meat.

Figure 1

II. "The alarm bells couldn't be ringing louder for sharks and rays," says Dr Andy
Cornish, shark programme leader at the conservation group, WWF. "We are losing
this ancient group of creatures - starting to lose it species by species right here,
right now - we desperately need urgent action."

III. The global abundance of oceanic sharks and rays has plunged by more than
70% since 1970. In the early 2000s, up to 273 million sharks were killed every
year. Overfishing poses serious threats to the shark population as they grow very
slowly, reproduce late compared to other fishes, don’t have many offspring at once
and so, are easily depleted.

IV. Protection for sharks and rays varies throughout the world. Countries such
as the U.S. comprehensively manage their shark fisheries, while others have
banned shark fishing entirely. However, there are many countries that don’t set
limits on the number of sharks and rays caught. International co-operation is
important for these wide-ranging, oceanic species that many countries fish. Studies
are also beginning to point out the impact of climate change on shark populations.

V. “I would say certainly climate change is going to have some negative

implications, but those are coming on the horizon,” says Sonja Fordham, “and
overfishing is here right now. It's been here for decades.” Researchers looked at
31 species of sharks and rays and found that three-quarters of them were threatened
with extinction. Losing these species would jeopardize the health of ocean
ecosystems because many of them are important predators, she says. Extinction
would also harm food security in developing nations and waste opportunities for
sustainable ecotourism around the world, she says.

VI. “In China, advocacy groups have made progress on limiting finning to make
shark fin soup through regulation and consumer information.” Fordham says. Still,
shark populations continue to plummet as they are also fished for sport.

VII. The public’s negative perceptions of sharks have contributed to their decline,
with these animals receiving less research and conservation efforts. People are
misinformed about the threats sharks pose to humans and other species and
perceive them as pests. This has also led to sharks being viewed as less valuable
than commonly eaten fish such as tuna or cod.

Figure 2
Based on your understanding of the passage answer any six of the eight questions
by choosing the correct option.

11. Select the option that best displays the correct cause – effect relationship.

A Cause Effect
Conservation strategies are Shark populations are beginning to
coordinated effectively plummet

B Cause Effect
Advocacy groups have Shark numbers are on the decline
prescribed limits on finning

C Cause Effect
Shark populations have been Sharks are perceived as pests
affected adversely

D Cause Effect
Research and conservation Shark populations are beginning to
efforts are gradually being put pick up
into place

12. Shark populations have depleted due to overfishing because

1. human demand exceeds sustainable limits.
2. a lack of awareness has reduced their value.
3. sharks need longer to grow than other marine creatures.
4. climate change has led to a change in their growth patterns.
A. (1) and (2)
B. (1) , (2) and (3)
C. All of the above
D. None of the above

13. Select the correct inference with reference to the following.

The public perceives sharks negatively.

A. The media is largely responsible for this.

B. Sharks love good sport and attacks on humans have become common.
C. The movies portray them in a negative vein.
D. Their meat is not as nutritive as that of the cod or the tuna.

14. Read the two statements given below and choose the option that suitably
explains them.
1. Sharks and rays have to be protected the world over.
2. The loss of primary predators would jeopardize the health of ocean

A. (1) is the problem and (2) is the solution.

B. ( 2) is the problem and (1) is the solution.
C. (1 ) is false but (2) correctly explains (1).
D. (1) is true but (2) does not clearly explain it.

15. Based on your reading of the text infer the meaning of ‘finning’ as used in
the context.

A. Swimming under water with sharks

B. Fishing for sharks to harvest their fins
C. Swimming under water by means of flippers
D. Transporting the shark fins from the fishing vessels to the end consumer.

16. Select the option that displays the true statement with reference to fig. 1

A. The Hammerheads and the Grey Sharks are the ones most favoured for sport
and fishing.
B. There are far more White Sharks than Thresher Sharks in the oceans today.
C. The Mako Shark is the most bloodthirsty species.
D. The populations of the White, the Grey and the Blue sharks are at the same
For the visually impaired

Select the correct inference with reference to the following

Besides overfishing, sharks are at a natural disadvantage when it comes to
increasing in numbers.

A. They take long to attain their full size as an adult.

B. They reproduce in huge numbers like other fish do.
C. Ecotourism is a factor that has greatly affected their numbers.
D. They grow slowly and reproduce late.

17. Fig 2. points out that

A. the numbers of the Threshers and the Great Whites are stable.
B. the Threshers and the Great Whites are equal in number.
C. the comeback of the Blue Sharks is commendable.
D. the Hammerhead seems to be clearly out of harm’s way.

For the visually impaired

The efforts of the United States at conserving shark species have not been
successful because
A. many countries do set limits on shark fishing.
B. international co-operation for these oceanic species is not very crucial.
C. climate change has an irreversible impact on these species.
D. certain countries balk at taking any step at all.

18. Based on your understanding of the passage, select the appropriate inference
to the given statement.

“I would say certainly climate change is going to have some negative

implications, but those are coming on the horizon,”

A. The cause of declining shark populations is overfishing.

B. The implications of climate change on shark populations have not been
studied thoroughly.
C. The implications of climate change on shark populations are peripheral
compared to overfishing.
D. With due care the problems of climate change are insurmountable.

III. Answer any four out of the five questions given with reference to the
context below.
Avinash, a student from Class XII lives in a neighbourhood plagued by erratic
power supply. He decides to write a letter to the editor of a national daily hoping
to garner public attention to the problem and waken the authorities from their

19. Choose the option that best lists out the points that Avinash would add in his
Pathetic living conditions

Sufferers – the older generation

Measures taken to seek a solution

Request for power failure timings to be announced

Request to the editor to take necessary action

Self- introduction

Statement of the problem

Problems faced due to erratic power failure

Request for timings to be announced

Request the editor to publish the letter

Sender’s address, receivers address and date


Statement of the problem

Measures to be taken to solve the problem.

Request to the editor to solve the problem

Signature, name and designation

Self -introduction

Statement of the problem

Inability to maintain health and hygiene

Request to the authorities to wake up from their inertia

Signature and by-line

20. On which of the following notes will Avinash end his letter?

A. inconvenience regretted
B. a request to publish the letter in the daily
C. a request to do the needful
D. a plea to look into the matter

21. Avinash would like to use a quote while he concludes his letter. Which of
the following quotes should he use?

A. “ Electricity is just organized lightning.” – George Carlin

B. “ Electricity can transform people’s lives, not just economically but also
socially.” – Piyush Goyal
C. “The secret of getting things done is to act.” – Dante Alighieri
D.” If you don’t pay appropriate attention to what has your attention, it will take
more of your attention than it deserves.” – David Allen

22. What should the tone of the letter be?

A. informal
B. a balance of formal and informal
C. apologetic
D. formal

23. Where should the key point of the letter be mentioned?

A. in the introduction
B. in the conclusion
C. in the subject
D. in the body

IV. Answer any six out of the seven questions given with reference to the
context below.
Meenakshi is a member of the literary club of her school that engages in
promoting reading among teens in the neighbourhood. She has to write an
article emphasizing the need for more book fairs to promote the habit.

24. Select the most appropriate title for Meenakshi’s article.

A. Inculcating Reading Among Teens

B. Bookfairs – A Bliss for Mankind
C. Painting Pictures with the Written Word
D. Stories, Far Away Lands and More

25. Which option would Meenakshi choose to elaborate on the need for

Gadget infiltration Bookfairs Virtual Worlds

Leads to

Lackadaisical Attitude towards Reading

Hence : The Importance of Staying Away From Gadgets

Connect With Reality

Different Reading Mediums Book Fairs Increased Knowledge

Hard Copies Help Relieve Stress

Social Relations Fostered Through Reading Clubs and Groups

Reading Has Declined: Virtual Platforms Have Taken Over

Neighbourhood Book Stores Have Closed

Desire to Read Good Books Book Fairs Rising Cost of Books

Wide Choice at Book Fairs

No special Discounts for Students

Rare Editions Available

Meet The Author Programmes

Various Mediums Available Book Fairs A Treasure Trove of


The Problem of Sifting Through

Vast Amounts of Material Language Improvement New friends

Concise material available formed

Connect With Reality

Organised Reading Programmes

Foster Social Skills

Discounts available

For the visually impaired

While elaborating on the reasons for the decline in reading which idea should
Meenakshi not include in her article?
A. Habitual Gaming
B. Give Up Part Time Jobs to Read
C. Involvement with gadgets
D. Preoccupation with the large screen

26. Which option would help Meenakshi with the appropriate organisation of
relevant ideas for this article?

A. concern regarding leisure activities among teens – exploring the reasons -

mentioning the benefits of reading – suggesting a few titles for teenagers –
presenting a well-informed outlook

B. Introducing the laws governing internet gaming – presenting popular teenage

choices – elaborating the disadvantages of being misinformed – the library as a
haven for reading

C. stating the importance of reading – the advantages of book fairs – the

availability of rare books – the joys of meeting with the community

D. stating the importance of reading – the joy of sharing ideas on books read –
the impact of reading on language improvement – reading makes a man perfect

27. Which quote should Meenakshi use to conclude her article?

A. “The story is truly finished – and meaning is made - not when the author adds
the last period, but when the reader enters.” Celeste Ng
B. “Books are a uniquely portable magic.” – Stephen King
C. “Everything is theoretically impossible until it is done.” – Robert A Henlein
D. “The man who doesn’t read has no advantage over the man who can’t read.”
– Mark Twain

28. Read the following options for the self-checklist for this article and select the
option that includes the most appropriate self-checklist for this article.

My Article Contains

1. A title and a by-line

2. Greetings to the readers

3. An introduction to the importance of book clubs

4. Reports of two eyewitnesses

5. Signature and designation

My Article Contains

1. An eye-catching title and a by-line

2. A quote on the importance of book fairs

3. Advantages of reading

4. An elaboration on the bliss of book fairs

5. A conclusion including personal observations

My Article Contains

1. A catchy title and a by-line

2. Statistical data about book fairs conducted

3. Laws that rule gaming on the internet

4. A quote on the advantages of social media

5. Reports of two eye witnesses

My Article Contains

1. A thoughtful quote as the title

2. A conclusion that includes research done on the subject

3. Data interpretation of reading preferences

4. An expression of gratitude

5. The by-line, the designation and the date

29. Read a sentence from Meenakshi’s article and help her complete it by
selecting the most appropriate option.
In a world where the internet (1) everyone, it is surprising to find
people still interested in books. Going to a book fair and (2)
about it is remarkable indeed.

A. (1) has altered (2) being complacent

B (1) has conquered (2) being diffident
C. (1) has affected (2) being enthusiastic
D. (1) has charmed (2) being nonchalant.

30. Which of the following options best sums up the advice that Meenakshi
would give her readers?

A. Visit book fairs with like-minded friends.

B. Find a quiet time to be read to everyday.
C. Audio books and podcasts help you multi task.
D. Try to read the book instead of buying the book.

This section has sub – sections: V, VI, VII, VIII and IX. There are a total of 30
questions in the section. Attempt any 26 questions from the sub-sections V – IX.

V. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that follow.

At my first opportunity I hurried west, went up the Tieton to Conrad Meadows,

up the Conrad Creek trail to Meade Glacier, then camped in the high meadow by
the side of Warm Lake. The next morning I stripped, dived into the lake and
swam across to the other shore and back – just as Doug Corpron used to do. I
shouted with joy, and Gilbert Peak returned the echo.

31. Why did Douglas go to Conrad Meadows?

A. To showcase his swimming skills.

B. To follow the footsteps of Doug Corpron.
C. To show the world he had conquered his fear.
D. To clear away any vestige of doubt still left in him.

32. What made the author realise he had conquered his fear?

A. The author realised he had conquered his fear when he heard the loud echo of
his shout.
B. The author realised he had conquered his fear when he was able to swim
across to the other shore and back.
C. The author realised he had conquered his fear when he heard the echo of his
exuberant shout.
D. The author realised he could swim like Doug Corpron across the lake and

33. The author camped in the high meadow by the side of Warm Lake.
Select the option that lists the correct inference based on the information in the

A. lived in a tent in the mountains

B. halted to sleep
C. took a break before resuming duty
D. took a rest between two strenuous activities

34. Which part of the story is reflected in the extract given?

A. Douglas’ success in mastering swimming.
B. The author’s decision to walk in the footsteps of his role model.
C. The author finally conquers his fear of water.
D. The author’s assurance that he has conquered his fear.

35. How was the author successful in conquering his fear?

1. Through the guidance of an expert teacher
2. Being patient and failing to confront his fears
3. Through sheer determination, grit and hard work
4. Adopting a spirit of self-approbation and self-admiration
5. Confronting his fear and deciding to address it
6. Watching his friends in Warm Lake

A. options 1, 2 and 3
B. options 4,5 and 6
C. options 1,3 and 5
D. options 2,4 and 6

VI. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that follow:

It would be an exotic moment

without rush, without engines,
we would all be together
in a sudden strangeness

Fisherman in the cold sea

would not harm whales
and the man gathering salt
would look at his hurt hands

36. The silence resulting from introspection is exotic because

A. it helps to nurture unity and foster oneness.
B. the whole world would be enveloped in active quietness.
C. it creates a peaceful atmosphere in the cold sea.
D. it helps in healing.

37 What would everyone feel at this moment?

1. A strange blissful oneness
2. Healing of mind and spirit
3. Respite from hunting, fishing and salt gathering
4. A realization of the implications of our actions

A. 1, 2 and 3
B. 2, 3 and 4
C. 1, 2 and 4
D. 1, 3 and 4

38. What message is the poet driving home through these lines?

A. The desire of man for progress and advancement has caused more destruction
than development.
B. Human beings are aware of the pain they are causing to themselves and
C. The fishermen and the salt gatherers often unwind and sit back to heal.
D. The best way to stop whale hunting is to stop fishing.

39.In the poem the poet uses a conversational style because

A. he wants to reach out to as many readers as possible.

B. he wants his message to be understood by the common man.
C. he wants to establish a connect with those who harm mankind.
D. blank verse helps him put his message across more poignantly.

40. Which images in the poem are linked by pain?

A. the fisherman the movement of arms

B. the movement of arms the salt gatherer

C. the salt gatherer the fisherman

D. Engines Whales
VII. Read the given extract to answer the questions that follow.

Surely Shakespeare is wicked, the map a bad example,

With ships and sun and love tempting them to steal
For lives that slyly turn in their cramped holes
From fog to endless night? On their slag heap, these children
Wear skins peeped through by bones and spectacles of steel
With mended glass like bottle bits on stones.
All of their time and space are foggy slum
So blot their maps with slums as big as doom.

41. All of their time and space are foggy slum’

Which of the following options contains the underlined phrase that applies
the poetic device used in the given line?

A. I hung about their fingers brown my ruby rings and chain,

And with my heart as heavy as lead I turned me back again.

B. Rise, brothers, rise; the wakening skies pray to the morning light,
The wind lies asleep in the arms of the dawn like a child that has cried all

C. Flowers of sunshine cloak the tree and dazzle every eye

and every puff of a wayward breeze drops gold on passers by.

D. There is no clutter cluttered up more closely, I presume

Than the clutter clustered clingingly in my friend, Betty’s room.

42. The pictures and the map hanging in the classroom are meaningless. Why?

A. The world depicted in them is false. The map is not drawn to scale.
B. The map shows them a world of their own. The map does not show the
children their slum.
C. Shakespeare’s stories are those of kings, queens and riches. It is a world
these children hope to attain
D. The stories of Shakespeare tempt the children to steal. The places shown on
the map tempt them to attain the unattainable.

43. Which of the following options brings out the plight of the slum children?
1. Shakespeare’s head
2. the open-handed map
3. slag heap
4. bottle bits on stones
5. skins peeped through by bones
6. ships and sun and love

A. options 1 and 2
B. options 2 and 4
C. options 3 and 5
D. options 4and 6

44. Read the two statements given below and then choose the option that best
describes the relationship between the two.
1. The children in the slum suffer from malnutrition and their bodies are weak and
2. Poverty, social injustice and class inequalities prevail.

A. Statement 1 is the cause and statement 2 is the effect

B. Statement 1 is true and statement 2 is false
C. Statement 1 is the effect and statement 2 is the cause
D. Statement 1 is false and statement 2 is true.

45. ‘From fog to endless night’

What is the significance of this line?

A. The facilities of the city are not appreciated by the children in the slum.
B. The children in the slum have a bleak and uncertain present and future.
C. The slum children live in an uncertain and bleak world till their last breath.
D. The children have no means of escape.

VIII. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that follow.

The Americans were full of prejudice and it had been bitter to live in it, knowing
himself their superior. How he had despised the ignorant and dirty old woman who
had at last consented to house him in her miserable home! He had once tried to be
grateful to her because she had in his last year nursed him through influenza but it
was difficult, for she was no less repulsive to him in her kindness. Now he
remembered the youthful haggard face of his prisoner – white and repulsive.

46. Which problem is being hinted at in the extract?

A. Racial differences and divides

B. Language barriers and isolation
C. Political enmity and patriotism
D. Professional and personal dilemmas

47. How were the landlady, the doctor and the prisoner connected?
A. Both were repulsive.
B. The lady tried to nurse Sadao and Sadao nursed Tom.
C. Both were very friendly and open.
D. While Tom was weak and feeble, the landlady was strong and bold.

48. What embittered Sadao’s life in America?

1. The fact that the Americans thought they were the superior race.
2. The fact that Sadao believed that he belonged to a superior race.
3. The fact that the Americans were very loud and voluble.
4. The fact that it was very difficult for Sadao to find lodging in America.

A. options 1 and 2
B. options 3 and 4
C. all of the above
D. none of the above

49. What does Dr. Sadao remember towards the end of the story?

A. The hardships he faced with language while at America.

B. The face of his landlady in America.
C. The haggard face of the prisoner and the repulsive face of the landlady.
D. None of the above.

50. Which of the following traits of Sadao are brought out through the story?
A. The doctor was a neat and meticulous person.
B. The doctor preferred to obliterate harsh memories.
C. The doctor believed in going beyond geographical divides.
D. The doctor found it hard to forgive those who had wronged him.

IX Attempt the following

51. Select the option that displays a cause – effect set

A Cause Effect
Charley’s wandering into the Charley was stressed
third level
B Cause Effect
Charley’s inability to handle Charley often found himself in
stress unexpected places

C Cause Effect
Louisa was eager and anxious Sam told Louisa about Charley’s

D Cause Effect
The modern world is full of People indulge in stamp and coin
insecurity collecting

52. What did Douglas learn from the near drowning experience?
A. The real relief is relief from fear.
B. Action and not thinking will overcome fear.
C. All we have to fear is fear itself.
D. There is no failure except in no longer trying.

53. What two things happened on the seventh day after the stitches were

A The servants left in the morning. Yumi came back crying in the
B. The general’s messenger came in Sadao went to see the general in the
the morning. afternoon.
C. The servants left the house in the The general’s messenger came in
morning. the afternoon.

D. Hana did all the work in the She sat in the garden for some time
morning. in the afternoon.

54. Classify the following as fact (F) or opinion (O) based on your reading of the
story Deep water.
1. The bully who threw Douglas into the pool was frightened out of his wits.
2. Douglas was determined to learn swimming by aping the boys at the YMCA
3. William Douglas was just three or four years old when he was overpowered
by a wave at the beach in California.
4. The misadventure in the pool gave Douglas a lasting fear of water.

A F 1, 2 O 3,4
B. F 2,3 ,4 O1
C F1 O 2, 3, 4
D. F 3, 4 O 1, 2

55. Language is a tool supposed to unite people. What ironic role does language
play as shown in ‘Keeping Quiet’?

A. It distracts people during the activity of introspection.

B. It divides people into groups and hence is a divisive factor.
C. Speech causes a lot of sound as opposed to being silent.
D. Linguistic divides create more sound than silence

56. ‘The paper seeming boy with rat’s eyes’ suggests that the boy is

A. sly and secretive

B. thin and hungry
C. sad and depressed
D. sly and shy

57. “…on sour cream walls, donations.” This line suggests ……

A. Schools in slums are well equipped.

B. Schools in slums do not depend on donations to meet the education
requirements of the children.
C. Schools in slums have a depressing environment and are poorly equipped.
D. Though the schools are small they try to impart quality education.

58. Which option best brings out the meaning of ‘waking dream wish

A. The human tendency of escapism from the harsh reality of the present.
B. A daydream that one lives through.
C. Self- destruction for the benefit of others.
D. A dream that inspires you to better yourself.

59. Sadao got his reward when

A. there was no flash of light at twilight.
B. there was a prick of light on the island in the dusk.
C. the General thought that the prisoner’s escape was his fault.
D. Sadao knew he had the General in the palm of his hand.
60. Which of the following captions best expresses the theme of the story “Deep

A. ‘A ship is always safest in the harbour’

B. ‘The cave you fear to enter holds the treasures you seek’
C. ‘The fears we don’t face become our limits’
D. ‘Miracles happen when you give energy to your dreams’

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