Highly Efficient Thermal Energy Storage Using a Hybrid Hypercrosslinked Polymer_

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Phase Change Materials Hot Paper International Edition: doi.org/10.1002/anie.202103186
German Edition: doi.org/10.1002/ange.202103186

Highly Efficient Thermal Energy Storage Using a Hybrid

Hypercrosslinked Polymer**
Changhui Liu,* Jiahao Zhang, Jian Liu, Zengyi Tan, Yuqi Cao, Xia Li, and Zhonghao Rao

Abstract: In this work, an organic/inorganic hybrid polymer storage density, small temperature fluctuation during the
containing siloxyl functional groups was synthesized and working stage.[4]
applied to encapsulate phase change materials (PCMs). Owing Phase change materials (PCMs) are functional materials
to the mild conditions of the hypercrosslinking reaction, which which can absorb or release thermal energy in the form of
only requires the addition of a catalytic amount of aqueous latent heat within a certain temperature range.[5] PCMs can be
alkaline solution, both organic and inorganic PCMs are generally divided into four forms in terms of phase change
tolerated. It is noteworthy that the initial homogeneous state states, namely, solid-solid, solid–liquid, liquid–gas and solid–
of the reaction mixture allowed the ultimate encapsulation rate gas.[6] Solid-gas and liquid–gas PCMs benefit from high phase
of the PCMs and the uniform blending of the third nano- change energy storage density, however, the large volume
additives with the aim of thermal conductivity enhancement. change of material during phase transition makes it is difficult
Further study reveals that the presence of this hybrid hydro- to be used in practical.[7] Solid-solid PCMs bearing the
phobic polymer in a phase change composite endows the latter advantages of small volume change and low degree of
with a unique self-cleaning property. This novel PCM encap- supercooling,[8] but either suffer from low thermal energy
sulation protocol is suitable for nanoparticles including density or limited temperature scope.[9] Solid-liquid type
carbon-based nanomaterials, metal oxide nanoparticles, and phase change is the most common and widest utilization form
inorganic oxide nanoparticles. A thermal conductivity en- because of its negligible volume change during the phase
hancement of 600 % was achieved along with 93.7 % light-to- transition process and high energy storage density. However,
thermal conversion efficiency with a latent heat of 180 J g 1 people must face the problem of liquid leakage during the
without leakage. phase change process associated with the poor thermal
conductivity. Therefore, a shape-stabilized phase change
Introduction material which generally constituted by a working material
and a supporting material has emerged an important protocol
Depletion of fossil energy has become a critical issue with for the use of solid–liquid phase change material.[10] Though
the rapid development of industry and economy. The search so many existed methods have been dedicated to seeking
for new energy resource alternatives and improving the a way for the solution of liquid leakage and poor thermal
energy conversion efficiency are continuous endeavors of conductive performance, the room for further improvement
researchers.[1] Energy storage technology is considered as an still existed.[11] Such as sophisticated preparation process,
effective way to solve the problem of mismatch between which generally requires the addition of extra chemicals or
energy supply and application in terms of space and time. harsh reaction conditions. The participation of supporting
Thermal energy storage (TES) plays a vital role among materials will inevitably reduce the energy storage density as
various energy storage techniques.[2] TES can be used to the it has no contribution to the latent enthalpy.[12] Therefore,
collect and store heat energy and release heat energy with the an efficient way which could enhance the thermal conductiv-
demand in the future. The forms TES can be classified into ity on the premise of keeping the thermal energy storage
thermal chemistry energy storage, sensible heat energy density is of highly demand.[13] As one of the most efficient
storage, latent heat energy storage or a combination of some approach to address the above-mentioned problems, recently,
of them. Among the aforementioned forms, latent heat we used benzene and PPh3 as precursors to encapsulate
energy storage,[3] also termed as phase change energy storage, PCMs, in which an FeCl3 catalyzed, 1,2-dimethylmethane
has been widely applied in practical due to the high energy aided intermolecular Friedel–Crafts reaction is the key
procedure to effect the encapsulation rate and impacts the
final thermal properties of obtained PCMs composite.[14] In
this process, we found moisture has a great influence on the
[*] C. Liu, J. Zhang, J. Liu, Z. Tan, Y. Cao, X. Li, Prof. Z. Rao success of encapsulation reaction since FeCl3 is too sensitive
School of Electrical and Power Engineering against water which would thus lead to the failure of Friedel–
China University of Mining and Technology
Crafts reaction behind. To overcome this inherent drawback,
Xuzhou, Jiangsu 221116 (China)
E-mail: liuch915@cumt.edu.com we envisioned that whether we could graft a functional group
[**] A previous version of this manuscript has been deposited on who will easy to be crosslinked on the skeleton of monomer,
a preprint server (https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-152851/v1). thus deemed to participate in the hypercrosslinked reaction
Supporting information and the ORCID identification number(s) for without the need of harsh reaction condition. In this work, for
the author(s) of this article can be found under: the first time, we synthesized a -Si-O- containing polymer,
https://doi.org/10.1002/anie.202103186. which could be crosslinked with each other under a mild

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condition and formed a porous structure after integrating with Results and Discussion
a nanomaterial. More importantly, our study revealed that the
presence of -Si-O- group could serve as a micro water Preparation and Characterization of the New Materials
reservoir which was able to prevent the loss of bounded water
from inorganic PCMs, which thus ensured a good encapsu- Our study commenced from the synthesis of the hybrid
lation efficiency and recyclability. Blending a third high polymer (HP). The reaction was carried out under a nitrogen
thermal conductivity component with PCMs composite is atmosphere by employing AIBN as a radical initiator. The
a common way to enhance the thermal conductivity of PCMs proportion of styrene (organic part) and silica-containing
composites.[15] However, it also suffers the risk of phase styrene (inorganic part) was facilely tuned by the amount of
separation during the phase transition state, thus causes the two different starting materials. After obtaining the HP, the
invalidation of the energy storage function. Wrapping PCMs preparation of the PCMs composite was started. As a proof-
with a polymer is a good solution towards the problem, while of-concept, the preparing technique was designed based on
it should also face the solubility and compatibility between a homogeneous-to-heterogeneous protocol with the aim at
PCMs and that of polymers.[16] In this work, we adapted solving the poor encapsulation efficiency along with the
a homogeneous-to-heterogeneous protocol, mixing PCMs compatibility problem between PCMs and thermal conduc-
with soluble linear polymer prior to PCMs holding process tivity enhancement nanoparticle (Figure 1 a and b). In
and then initiates the hypercrosslinking reaction via a simple addition, integration in 1H NMR shows a good agreement
alkaline treatment. This method was able to ensure the with the proportion of the two parts and demonstrates the
utmost uniform and even mixing of PCMs and nanoparticle reliability of our polymer preparation method (Figure 1 c and
and avoid the phase separation in the downstream real Figure S1) To facilitate the optimization process, we firstly
application case. It is worth noting that our protocol is fixed the mass of paraffin wax (PW), CB and the HP to study
allowed the incorporation with several different nanoparti- the effect the proportion of these two different monomers
cles, such as, graphene, SiC, carbon black (CB), SiO2, etc. Due (Tables S2 and S3). As it is displayed in Table 1, the leakage of
to the synergistic contribution from polymer and nanoparti- PCMs was up to 8.7 % in the absence of a HP which is far to
cles, the highest thermal conductivity can achieve to 600 % satisfactory. The leakage rate drastically reduced to 4.28 %
with a light-to-thermal conversion up to 93.7 % without owing to the contribution of the HP, it provides both binding
observation of liquid leakage during the energy storage effect and more fertile pore to CB, which might act as
process with respect to both organic and inorganic PCMs. a holding material in the process. Our protocol exerts the

Figure 1. Schematic illustration of the preparation of HP/CB-OPCMs composite. a) The synthetic concept of HP/CB-PCMs. b) Facile aqueous
alkaline aided encapsulation of PCMs via hypercrosslinking a hybrid polymer. c) 1H NMR spectra of different hybrid polymers (detailed data can
be seen in the Supporting Information).

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Table 1: Different reaction parameters.

Entry Sample[a] Molar ratio of monomers Mass of polymer [g] Mass of CB [g] Leakage rate [%]
1 CB-PCMs – – 5 8.7
2 HP/CB-OPCMs (9:1)[b] 9:1 0.5 5 4.28
3 HP/CB-OPCMs (8:2)[c] 8:2 0.5 5 2.36
4 HP/CB-OPCMs (7:3)[d] 7:3 0.5 5 1.28
5 HP/CB-OPCMs (6:4)[e] 6:4 0.5 5 0.45
6 HP/CB-OPCMs (5:5)[f ] 5:5 0.5 5 0.3
7 HP/CB-OPCMs (5:5)[f ] 5:5 0.4 5 1.68
8 HP/CB-OPCMs (5:5)[f ] 5:5 0.3 5 2.63
9 HP/CB-OPCMs (5:5)[f ] 5:5 0.2 5 4.75
10 HP/CB-OPCMs (5:5)[f ] 5:5 0.1 5 5.88
11 HP/CB-OPCMs (5:5)[f ] 5:5 0.4 4 1.32
12 HP/CB-OPCMs (5:5)[f ] 5:5 0.3 3 3.54
13 HP/CB-OPCMs (5:5)[g] 5:5 0.5 5 7.9
[a] Unless otherwise stated, the mass of all added CB is 5.0 g and the melting phase transition temperature of PW is 60 8C. [b] For the preparation of
polymer, monomer A is styrene, monomer B is trimethoxy(4-vinylphenyl)silane, styrene (5.0 g), trimethoxy(4-vinylphenyl)silane (1.2 g), AIBN
(15.8 mg), and trichloromethane (10 mL). [c] A 0.75 g, B 0.404 g, AIBN 15.8 mg. [d] A 2.0 g, B 0.922 g, AIBN 6.3 mg. [e] A 1.0 g, B 1.43 g, AIBN
3.15 mg. [f ] A 1.0 g, B 2.15 g, AIBN 6.3 mg. [g] Control experiment: without alkaline treatment.

occurrence of hypercrosslinking reaction under alkaline obtained PCMs composite was carried out. As it is displayed
conditions on the premise of the presence of silica containing in Figure 2 a and Figure S4, SEM images of the PCMs
monomer, which could couple with each other via a cascade composites reveal that PCMs were either encapsulated on
intermolecular electrophilic substitution and elimination and the pore and surface of the supporting materials without the
thus delivers the hypercrosslinking reaction. Under this observation of liquid state PW. This result also directly proves
consideration, we are interested in the concentration of the success of our solid–liquid PCMs shape-stabilization
monomer B as it directly determines the hypercrosslinking protocol as the SEM taking temperature is much higher than
rate of the HP. As it is shown in Figure 2 g, the leakage rate its phase change transition temperature. Other character-
really displays a decline trend with the concentration rising of ization, Fourier-transform infrared spectra (FTIR), X-ray
monomer B, and the leakage rate could even lower to diffraction (XRD), and thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA)
a negligible level (0.3 %) after blending a HP with a 1:1 of (Figure 2 b, c and d), were also conducted to understand the
monomer A and monomer B. Owing to the relatively high stability and chemical composition of the obtained PCMs
cost of the silica-containing monomer and the acceptable composite, all these analyses demonstrates the success of the
0.3 % leakage rate, the continue increase on the proportion of hypercrosslinking reaction and the highly effective PCMs
monomer B was not carried out. After knowing the trend on encapsulation (detail analysis can be seen in the Supporting
the chemical composition of HP, we started to investigate the Information). Moreover, the influence of PW on the hyper-
effect of total mass of polymer. As it is predicted, the leakage crosslinking reaction was studied by means of BET analysis.
rate gradually increased with the weight decrease of the HP. As it is shown in Figure 2 e, f and Table 2, the specific surface
This result further demonstrates the function of the HP that it area of the supporting materials become even higher than that
was able to encapsulate PW during the phase transition of materials prepared in the absence of PW and CB, which
process (Figure 2 h). Additionally, compared with HP, CB further indicates the good compatibility between PW and the
displayed a slight influence on the carrying performance of supporting materials.
the PCMs composite since the leakage efficiency kept almost
unchanged in the case of 0.4 g HP associated with 4.0 g CB
(entry 11) by a comparison with that case of 0.4 g HP and 5 g Thermal Physical Performance of the New Materials
CB (entry 7) (Figure 2 i). Further decreasing the total amount
of supporting materials unexpectedly led to the rising of With the optimized preparation method and the corre-
leakage rate which demonstrated the synergistic effect sponding PCMs composite, some thermo-physical properties
between the polymer and CB (entry 12). Moreover, a control were studied. At the first, thermal conductivity of the
experiment was carried out to illustrate the importance of the obtained PCMs composite was analyzed because it associates
hypercrosslinking reaction in the process. As shown in with the energy storage and release response time and thus
entry 13, the PCMs composite gives a comparable encapsu- determines the application efficiency. As it is depicted in
lation performance with the sole CB supported PCMs Figure 2 j, the thermal conductivity of HP/CB-OPCMs (5:5)
composite without the addition of a base solution, which can achieve to 0.5–0.6 W m 1 K 1, which is approximately
clearly demonstrated the occurrence of the hypercrosslinking 250 % higher than that of pure PW (0.22–0.24 W m 1 K 1).
reaction and success of the encapsulation of PCMs after The instability of the thermal conductivity of liquid PW above
alkaline treatment. the melting point will lead to a great change in the phase
After determining the optimized preparation parameters transition temperature of the composites. This result further
and the preparation procedure, structural analysis on the demonstrates the feasibility of our PCMs shape-stabilization

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Figure 2. Structure and porosity of HP/CB-OPCMs. a) SEM images of HP/CB-OPCMs (5:5). b) FT-IR images of HP/CB-OPCMs. c) XRD images of
HP/CB-OPCMs. d) TGA images of HP/CB-OPCMs. e) Nitrogen adsorption and desorption isotherms at 77.3 K of HP/CB-OPCMs. f) Pore size
distribution of HP/CB-OPCMs. g) Leakage rates of PCMs composite with different proportions of polymer monomers. h) Leakage rates of PCMs
composite with different proportions of supporting materials. i) Leakage rates of PCMs composite with different polymer masses. j) Thermal
conductivity of the HP/CB-OPCMs samples. k) Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) curves of the melting and freezing process of pure PW and
HP/CB-OPCMs. l) Measured latent heat of HP/CB-OPCMs (5:5) during 500 melting–freezing cycles.

Table 2: Surface area and total pore characteristics of the as-synthesized

samples. effect on the formation of the thermal transportation means
led by the high thermal conductivity nano-additives.
Sample BET Pore Average pore
Energy storage density of the obtained PCMs composites,
surface area volume diameter [nm]
[m2 g 1] [cm3 g 1] represents in the form of latent heat enthalpy, was measured
by DSC. As it is shown in Figure 2 k, the energy storage
CB + HP 131.54 0.59 17.93
characteristics of PCMs with respect to both phase change
CB 121.83 0.85 27.91
CB + HP + PW 151.14 0.39 10.25
temperature and enthalpy were measured. It can be seen from
(washed PW) Table 3 and Figure S5, both pristine PW and shape-stabilized
PCMs show two peaks in melting and solidification process,
which were, respectively attributed to solid-solid phase
protocol that the participation of HP was able to prohibit the transition and solid–liquid phase transition. Through the
leakage of PCMs during the phase transition process without synergistic effect of CB and polymer, HP/CB-OPCMs (5:5)

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Table 3: Data for the DSC curves for the HP/CB-OPCMs samples.
Sample Melting process Freezing process
Onset [8C] Peak [8C] DHm [J g 1] Onset [8C] Peak [8C] DHm [J g 1]
PW 49.55 55.62 188.62 53.62 50.82 185.36
CB-OPCMs 49.96 55.98 87.48 57.52 49.90 84.95
HP/CB-OPCMs (9:1) 49.24 57.39 82.40 53.51 49.62 79.79
HP/CB-OPCMs (8:2) 49.63 55.35 82.46 53.69 50.82 80.11
HP/CB-OPCMs (7:3) 49.53 56.66 87.29 53.62 49.98 85.19
HP/CB-OPCMs (6:4) 48.74 56.81 88.34 53.44 50.28 87.33
HP/CB-OPCMs (5:5) 49.06 56.36 82.62 53.55 50.32 82.30
HP/CB-OPCMs (5:5)[a] 49.83 56.45 80.46 53.28 49.04 75.29
HP/CB-OPCMs (5:5)[b] 49.92 55.65 80.93 53.31 49.61 76.65
HP/CB-OPCMs (5:5)[c] 50.08 55.68 80.17 53.39 49.70 76.73
HP/CB-OPCMs (5:5)[d] 50.09 55.52 79.44 53.42 49.88 75.54
HP/CB-OPCMs (5:5)[e] 50.26 55.71 79.02 53.33 49.82 74.74
[a] DSC data after cycling 100 times. [b] DSC data after cycling 200 times. [c] DSC data after cycling 300 times. [d] DSC data after cycling 400 times.
[e] DSC data after cycling 500 times.

has a slight temperature variation during the phase transition process as the temperature responses rapidly for the HP
process, and the peak temperature of the melting process and encapsulated PCMs composite (Figure 3 e and f). Besides the
solidifying process shift from 55.62 8C and 50.82 8C to 56.36 8C thermal energy storage and release property regarding the
and 50.32 8C respectively. The reason responsible for this low obtained PCMs composite, light-to-thermal conversion per-
temperature change can be ascribed to the good affinity formance of this shape-stabilized PCMs composite was also
between HP and PW, which further affects the vicinal organic studied. As a kind of clean and sustainable energy, solar
PW molecules in this three-dimensional network structure, energy has been applied in many fields. Whereas, the
thus delaying the phase transition process of the PW. More instability of solar energy in time heavily limits its application
importantly, as it is shown in Figure 2 l and Table 3, this HP scope. Solar energy collection technology or the storage of
carried PCMs shows a promising cyclability that it was able to solar energy in materials and the conversion of solar energy
keep almost unchanged with respect to both phase transition into another kind of energy could solve this shortcoming to
temperature and latent heat after 500 times melting and some extent. Figure 3 i is the photothermal conversion curve
solidification process. Moreover, leakage performance of the of HP/CB-OPCMs (5:5) and pure PW recording from
PCMs composite was further determined by using a digital a photothermal conversion device (Figure 3 g, detailed plat-
camera along with an infrared camera. As shown in Figure S3, form can be seen in Figure S9 a). As seen in Figure 3 h and j,
the leakage-proof performance is quite in line with the the initial temperature of the two materials are the same
leakage rate calculated with an accurate balance. Considering (30 8C), under a 110 mW cm 2 sunlight simulation condition,
the excellent encapsulation efficiency, promising latent heat the temperature of the sample and pure PW increased with
storage and the charging-discharging reliability, this HP illumination time, but the temperature rise rate of the PCMs
supported PCMs composite possessing a great potential to composite is much prompter than that of pure PW owing to
be used as an ideal thermal energy storage medium, especially the superior light response ability derived from CB inside.
in practical scenarios. Based on the temperature change curves of the HP encapsu-
lated PCMs composition and the latent heat of the PCMs
composite, the light-to-thermal conversion efficiency was
Real Application of the New Materials calculated to be 93.7 % (Note 3 in the Supporting Informa-
tion). Notably, light-to-thermal conversion of this PCMs
To test the practical feasibility of this HP encapsulated composite is quite promising considering its relatively low
PCMs composite, some application study was carried out. On thermal conductivity. As it is shown in Figure 3 k and
the first hand, thermal energy storage and release perfor- Table S1, previous study indicates that an enhanced thermal
mance of the obtained PCMs composite was studied using conductivity is essential for light harvesting for the heat
a home-made setup (Figure 3 a and b). As can be seen from transfer requirement. While, a higher thermal conductivity
Figure 3 c and d, neither T1 nor T2 could forward a prompter will also lead to a harder energy conservation. From the
response during the heat energy charging process for the HP viewpoint of the relatively low thermal conductivity and
encapsulated PCMs composite than that of pristine PW excellent light-to-thermal conversion efficiency, this PCMs
thanks to the superior thermal conductivity. However, when encapsulation protocol really provides a practical method for
the temperature approaches to the melting temperature, the the fabrication of solar utilization materials.
slope of temperature change of pristine PW overwhelms that Additionally, the hypercrosslinked polymers not only help
of shape-stabilized PCMs composite probably owing to the encapsulate the PW but also good for the hydrophobicity of
thermal resistance deriving from the inherent swelling the PCMs composite. Superhydrophobicity of materials has
property of carbon-based supported PCMs composite. Similar drawn ample attention owing to its unique advantages, such as
phenomenon was observed in the thermal energy releasing self-cleaning, water-proof, anti-corrosion and so on. Surface

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Figure 3. Comparison of the energy storage and release performance of PW and HP/CB-OPCMs (5:5). a) Schematic diagram of the thermal
energy storage and release tests. b) The site and detail size of the thermocouples and heat storage chamber, and the thermal storage properties
of HP/CB-OPCMs (5:5) at site 1 (c) and site 2 (d) and the thermal release properties of HP/CB-OPCMs (5:5) at site 1 (e) and site 2 (f).
g) Schematic illustration of the light-to-thermal energy conversion and storage measuring platform. i) Light-to-thermal energy conversion curves
for pure PW and HP/CB-OPCMs (5:5). Heat transfer rate of PW and HP/CB-OPCMs (5:5) during h) light-on and j) light-off process.
k) Comparison of results reported by different scholars.[2a,c, 6c, 17]

modification or spraying are commonly used approaches for hypercrosslinking skeleton features a hydrophobicity as its
the set of hydrophobicity, but they must face the inherent main framework is constituted by organic alkane chain.
shortcomings due to the susceptibility brought from physical Owing to the bulker property of organic component com-
or chemical fragility of the micro structure. In this regard, we pared with silica group, the main contribution of this HP
used a homogeneous-to-heterogeneous strategy, by which an should be hydrophobicity, and thats why the addition of the
even blending among the hypercrosslinked polymers, CB and HP was able to make a hydrophobicity increment (Fig-
PW can be unambiguously expected, thus could ensure ure 4 b). The presence of silica will allow the hydrophilicity
a stable and long-term hydrophobicity. As shown in Figure 4 increase, in the meantime, it also leads to the enhancement of
and Figure S9 b, a water contact angle analysis platform was hypercrosslinking and thus leads to hydrophobicity enhance-
set and comprised by a testing unit, a high-speed camera and ment. Out of this consideration, the final PCMs composite
a data analyzer unit. PCMs composite without the addition of displays a phenomenon of hydrophobicity increase compared
the hypercrosslinked polymer displays a water contact angle with that of PCMs without the addition of hypercrosslinked
to be 998 might be accounted by the intrinsic hydrophobicity polymer.
of PW and the rough surface due to the CB. Because of the
addition of HP, the water contact angle to can be significantly
increased to 1208, and it can be further increased to 1378 when Characterization of Inorganic Materials
changed the polymer to a 5:5 monomer ratio (Figure 4 c, d
and h). Based on this interesting result, we proposed Comparing with organic PCMs, inorganic PCMs bearing
a plausible mechanism that the silica content should be some unique advantages, such as high latent heat capacity,
helpful for the enhancement of hydrophilicity of the PCMs good thermal conductivity, promising fire-proof performance,
composite. Silica-oxygen bond is a polar functional group non-toxicity and so on.[18] However, some specific shortcom-
which will form a weak Vander Walls force with water ings of inorganic PCMs, for example, phase separation, large
molecule and therefore produced a good compatibility with supercooling degree, which will cause a large temperature
water. However, the silica content also determines the difference between charging and discharging process and thus
hypercrosslinking rate of the HP, it is predictable that the bring many problematic issues from the practical point of

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Figure 4. a) Schematic illustration of the contact angle platform. b) Experimental diagram of contact angle of CB-OPCMs. Photographs showing
the contact angle of a water droplet on c) CB-PCMs, d) HP/CB-OPCMs (9:1), e) HP/CB-OPCMs (8:2), f) HP/CB-OPCMs (7:3), g) HP/CB-OPCMs
(6:4), h) HP/CB-OPCMs (5:5).

view,[20] still heavily hamper the way of its widely application. adding the hybrid polymers during the preparation process.
Shape-stabilization strategy provides a feasible venue for the More importantly, samples with different HP display different
practical utilization of inorganic PCMs.[19] For example, Yang performance regarding water loss, and the larger proportion
et al.[21] obtained hybrid properties by combining sol-gel of silica containing monomer could deliver a better perfor-
method with interfacial polymerization, taking calcium hex- mance on the restriction of water loss. Based on this
ahydrate as the representative polychlorinated biphenyl of interesting phenomenon, we tried to explain the result in
salt hydrate as the core material, and using organic alkox- molecular level. Firstly, the presence of silica group on the
ysilane as the medium of hydrophilic core material and skeleton of polystyrene could lead to the hypercrosslinking
hydrophobic shell material. Fu et al.[22] developed a novel reaction due to the cascade substitution and elimination
phase change temperature-regulated composite phase change reaction between siloxyl groups, the proportion increase of
material using sodium acetate trihydrate (SAT) and urea non- siloxyl groups would inevitably make the increase of the
eutectic mixture as phase change material and gas-phase SiO2 hypercrosslinking rate among the pristine linear polymer
as supporting material and temperature regulator. Xiao which thus results in the formation of a porous structure
et al.[23] prepared a novel polycrystalline phase change hydro- bearing a larger specific surface area. On the other hand, the
gel composed of NaAc·3 H2O, acrylamide-acrylic acid sodium presence of siloxyl group on the hypercrosslinked polymer
copolymer and CuS by a melting impregnation method. could act as a micro water conserver, similar with a water
Though some endeavors have been dedicated to the practical sponge, which could thus restrain the bound water from loss
use of inorganic PCMs, a simpler and more accessible way is owing to it intrinsic hydrophilicity (Figure 5 f). To support our
still highly desirable. In this work, a new HP aided homoge- hypothesis, some experiments were carried out. As it is seen
neous-to-heterogeneous protocol was developed, the out- in Figure S10, the flow ability of the polymer was obviously
standing superiority of this protocol is mainly ascribed to its hindered after the addition of aqueous sodium hydroxide due
compatibility towards water as the hypercrosslinking reaction to the confinement of water in this hypercrosslinked polymer.
was initiated by just adding catalytic amount of aqueous Moreover, the leakage rate of this inorganic phase change
sodium hydroxide solution. We chose SAT as an inorganic material composite can be significantly reduced from 14.5 %
phase change material and subject to the preparation of the to 0.1 % after blending SAT and CB with HP. This result
PCMs composite using the above-mentioned homogeneous- clearly demonstrates the feasibility of this HP participated
to-heterogeneous protocol (the detail preparation process can homogeneous-to-heterogeneous phase change shape-stabili-
be seen in the Supporting Information). As it is shown in zation strategy, which could not only be applied in organic
Figure S8, water loss phenomenon of SAT/CB composite was PCMs but also feasible towards the synthesis of inorganic
clearly observed as the surface of the composite gradually shape-stabilized PCMs. As can be seen from Table 4, Fig-
changed to white due to the precipitation of sodium acetate ure 5 e, and Figure S11, supercooling degree of pure SAT is
under a heating condition (water loss process was recorded in about 15.98 8C, and by adding HP with CB after only 0.27 8C
a video and shown in the Supporting Information). Interest- of supercooling degree, it was basically eliminated the
ingly, water loss phenomenon alleviates significantly after supercooling phenomenon of sodium acetate. Additionally,

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Figure 5. Chemical structure and thermophysical performance of HP/CB-IPCMs. a) XRD images of HP/CB-IPCMs. b) FTIR images of HP/CB-
IPCMs. c) TGA images of HP/CB-IPCMs. d) DSC curves of the melting and freezing process of pure SAT and HP/CB-IPCMs. e) The supercooling
degree of HP/CB-IPCMs. f) Schematic diagram of water storage with HP. g) Bar graph showing the leakage rates of HP/CB-IPCMs with different
polymer mass. h) Bar graph showing the thermal conductivity of polymer composites with different nanoadditives. i) Bar graph showing the
leakage rates of polymer composites with different nanoadditives. j) Leakage rates of HP/CB-IPCMs with different proportions of polymer
monomers. k) SEM image of HP/CB-IPCMs (7:3).

Table 4: Data for the supercooling degree curves for the HP/CB-IPCMs Table 5: Data for the DSC curves for the HP/CB-IPCMs samples.
Sample Melting process
Sample Freezing process Onset [8C] Peak [8C] Hm [J g 1]
Theoretical Actual Supercooling
SAT 57.13 61.35 224.73
phase change phase change degree [8C]
CB-IPCMs 56.22 59.60 185.85
temperature [8C] temperature [8C]
HP/CB-IPCMs (9:1) 60.83 61.35 179.14
SAT 55.24 39.26 15.98 HP/CB-IPCMs (8.5:1.5) 55.41 61.54 174.64
CB-IPCMs 53.83 38.34 15.49 HP/CB-IPCMs (8:2) 54.75 61.54 176.87
HP/CB-IPCMs (9:1) 55.61 48.98 6.63 HP/CB-IPCMs (7.5:2.5) 57.30 61.30 176.49
HP/CB-IPCMs 55.22 54.06 1.16 HP/CB-IPCMs (7:3) 57.31 62.55 180.04
HP/CB-IPCMs (8:2) 54.53 54.21 0.32
HP/CB-IPCMs 53.35 53.08 0.27
(7.5:2.5) stabilization protocol (detailed demonstration can be seen in
HP/CB-IPCMs (7:3) 53.89 53.17 0.73
the Supporting Information).

the latent heat of inorganic PCM composite is up to Application of this Strategy

180.04 J g 1 (Table 5). Through research and analysis, the
reason is that the three-dimensional network structure To broaden the application range of the polymer prepared
polymer formed through cross-linking not only serves as the in this study in PCMs, we tested five kinds of thermal
supporting material of inorganic PCMs, but also provides conductive nanoadditives (graphene, titanium dioxide, cop-
more binding sites for inorganic PCMs in the solidification per oxide, silicon carbide, and expanded graphite), which
process, so that inorganic hydrated salt can solidify better. were commonly used in the study of shape-stabilized PCMs to
Some structural analysis along with thermo-physical proper- demonstrate the general adaptability of this strategy. The
ties study were also performed (Figure 5 a, b, c, d, g and k). all proportions of all materials are the same as the mass fractions
of them verified the feasibility of this inorganic PCMs shape- of each material in HP/CB-OPCMs (5:5), which well illus-
trates the feasibility of our strategy. As seen in Figure 5 i, the

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Research Articles
Phase Change Materials

C. Liu,* J. Zhang, J. Liu, Z. Tan, Y. Cao,

X. Li, Z. Rao &&&&—&&&&

Highly Efficient Thermal Energy Storage

Using a Hybrid Hypercrosslinked
Polymer A hybrid hypercrosslinked polymer was materials via a novel homogeneous-to-
prepared that is capable of encapsulating heterogeneous encapsulation strategy.
both organic and inorganic phase change

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