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Topic 1: Are you addicted to smart devices like smartphones or tablets? Why/ Why not?

Today, everyone owns a smartphone, a laptop or a tablet. They are not only important but also have
many benefits in our lives. Although many people say that using them can be addictive, I believe I am
using the devices electronics such as phones, tablets, computers in a smart and reasonable way.
Normally, I will use the smart device for about 7 hours for study and 1 hour for entertainment.
Specifically, I use my phone to look up information and related vocabulary in the lesson. As for my
laptop, I use it for online learning or taking courses. Moreover, after a tiring study time, I will spend time
alone, relax by reading books, listening to music, watching movies on my laptop, chatting with my
parents, friends on the phone. I know how to use these devices safely, effectively, and without
distracting from my studies. In conclusion, I believe that I am using my smart devices appropriately as
useful tools for my study and recreation.

Topic 2: Write a paragraph about a person who is important to you

For me in this life, no one is as important and meaningful as my mother. She is not only a mother but
also a wonderful companion of mine from the time I was a child until now as an adult. She always taught
me good things, took good care of me, she was willing to sacrifice for me and put her family first. She is
the one who is willing to listen and confide when I have a sad story, the first person to hold my hand to
school and the person to give me valuable lessons. She is the role model of the woman I aspire to and
strive to emulate. Honestly, no one can replace my mother and I promise to always remember the
lessons and care she gave me.

Topic 3: Write about future flans (after graduation / might do)

As a student, I think that each of us should have a goal, a desire in the future and need to prepare for
ourselves a very careful plan to achieve that goal. After graduating from university I want to travel to
England for a while. It not only helps me relax after 4 years of exhausting study, but also gives me an
opportunity to better understand the culture, people and working environment here. Therefore , I am
planning step by step to reach my target . First, I will try to improve my English speaking and listening
skills, which is very necessary, not only to understand what they say, but also to be able to communicate
with people here. Secondly, I need to learn more about British culture because each country will have
different customs and practices. That helps me behave properly and integrate well.. Last but not least, it
is money because if I want to go to a foreign country, it will not only cost me money to eat, drink and
sleep, but also airfare. So before that, I will work part-time to earn money and also help me confidently
communicate with people. I believe that I will be able to complete all the goals and plans that I have set.

Topic 4: Write about your town or city (your ideal city or town)

The living environment is very important for humans, it directly affects health.
Fortunately, the city where I live is very clean, there is no bad smell from garbage and
environmental pollution. Infrastructure and public facilities are increasingly modern,
such as bus and subway lines very quickly and conveniently to move to every corner of
the city. Along with that, the streets are filled with trees that make this place very cool
and comfortable. In addition, there are many high-quality high schools and universities which equip
students with useful knowledge and living skills. From the above reasons, I can confirm that the city I live
in is the most wonderful and worth-experienced city in Vietnam.

Topic 6: Write about something (surprising / frustrating / interesting) that happened to you

When I was little, something happened that made me extremely surprised and unforgettable. When I
was 5 years old, my father gave me a cute dog for my birthday. It has fluffy white fur and cute black
eyes. It has played with me for many years, suddenly one day it disappeared, I was very shocked and
sad. I cried a lot and wanted my parents to find it back for me, but a week passed and I still couldn't find
it. I thought that all hope was over, as soon as I got home from school, that dog ran out from the yard
wagging his tail to welcome me back. At that time I was so surprised and couldn't believe my eyes. It
turned out that my grandmother went all over the village looking for it and luckily found it and brought
it back.

Topic 7. Write a paragraph about the advantages of using social media

Nowadays, social networks are becoming more and more popular like Facebook, TikTok,
Instagram, especially with young people. There are many benefits that social networks
bring to us. First, it is a tool to support learning such as searching for documents, joining
answer groups to improve knowledge. Second, it is incredible that we can connect to our
friends and relatives who are very far away with just a calling button.. In addition, it is a tool
to help us entertain after stressful school hours. Besides such benefits, social networks
also cause unintended harm. Therefore, we must use it rationally and effectively so as
not to be dominated and adversely affected.
Topic 8: Write about one of your last posts on a social networking site

Sharing on social platforms is not my thing, but last week I shared one
this great video with everyone. A friend of mine posted on Facebook about her
experience volunteering at a local animal shelter. She shared some touching stories of
the dogs and cats she interacted with and how rewarding it is to help them find new
homes. She also attached some pictures of the animal friends she met along the way. I
was really touched by her post and it made me appreciate the efforts of the volunteers
who took the time to help the animals in need. It's a great reminder of the positive
impact we can all make in our communities.

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