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Overview of the GRC Professional (GRCP) Exam v3.

and Sample Ques�ons

The GRCP certification exam is based on a blueprint that serves as a competency model for GRC
professionals. This blueprint was developed through an extensive job analysis and research
involving over 1,000 GRC professionals who analyzed over 200 skills to determine their significance
in the field of GRC.

The GRCP certification exam assesses your knowledge and ability to apply the GRC Capability
Model. The exam content is weighted as follows:

30% GRC Key Concepts

• Understand key concepts associated with

o Reliably Achieving Objectives
o Reliably Addressing Uncertainty
o Reliably Acting with Integrity
• Understand key concepts associated with the Lines of Accountability™ and Integrated
Action & Control Model™
• Understand key concepts associated with measuring the GRC Capability Model

70% GRC Capability Model Details

• Understand components, elements, and practices

• Understand key actions and controls
• Understand design and implementation considerations
• Details are grouped by components (adds up to 70%)
o Learn Component: 15%
o Align Component: 20%
o Perform Component: 25%
o Review Component: 10%

The exam ensures that you understand:

1. Principles, outcomes, and key terms. Prove that you can communicate across disciplines
using a common and unambiguous vocabulary.
2. Core components, practices, and activities. Demonstrate understanding of the
components and elements of the GRC Capability model.
3. Relationship of GRC to disciplines. Discuss how GRC incorporates the governance,
management, and audit of strategy, performance, risk, and compliance.

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Licensed for noncommercial personal use by Iwan Santoso ( on 7/2/2024, 6:44:57 AM
Whether you are engaging in self-study of the GRC Capability Model, using OCEG’s on
demand certification prep course (GRC Fundamentals), or attending a deeper dive course
presented by one of OCEG’s training partners, you can use the following sample questions to
see how the exam is structured. These samples are live ques�ons in the test databank; and
therefore, some of these ques�ons may be on your exam if they are randomly selected.


1. What is the primary purpose of the GRC Capability Model?

a. To establish a set of best prac�ces for corporate governance and board-level decision-
b. To provide a framework that helps organiza�ons achieve Principled Performance by
integra�ng the Cri�cal Disciplines, including governance, risk management, and compliance
c. To provide guidelines for managing financial risks and ensuring fiscal responsibility
d. To create a roadmap for achieving opera�onal excellence and maximizing efficiency
2. What are the three main aspects that organiza�ons must face and address while driving toward
a. Growth, diversifica�on, and resiliency
b. Profitability, liquidity, and solvency
c. Leadership, teamwork, and communica�on
d. Opportuni�es (reward), obstacles (risk), and obliga�ons (compliance)
3. Which trait of the Protector Mindset involves taking ownership?
a. Accountable
b. Visionary
c. Proac�ve
d. Responsible
4. What is the highest level in the Maturity Model, as described in the GRC Capability Model?
a. Level 5 - Op�mizing
b. Level 4 - Measured
c. Level 3 - Consistent
d. Level 6 – Advanced
5. In the Educa�on Element of the GRC Capability Model, what does "Responsiveness" refer to when
assessing Total Performance?
a. Quickly evalua�ng and improving the soundness and logical design of an educa�on program
when issues arise and periodically
b. The agility of a program, including the �me taken to educate a department, iden�fy
educa�on needs, achieve coverage, detect and correct errors
c. The cost savings achieved by implemen�ng an educa�on program quickly
d. The ability to withstand and recover from disrup�ons that bring about delays in delivering
6. What does it mean for an organiza�on to "reliably achieve objec�ves" as part of Principled
a. It means achieving short-term goals regardless of the impact on long-term success

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Licensed for noncommercial personal use by Iwan Santoso ( on 7/2/2024, 6:44:57 AM
b. It means always achieving profitability targets and maximizing shareholder value
c. It means achieving mission, vision, and balanced objec�ves though�ully, consistently,
dependably, and transparently
d. It means having measurable outcomes
7. What is the purpose of mapping objec�ves to one another?
a. Mapping objec�ves shows how objec�ves impact one another and helps allocate resources
to achieve the most important objec�ves and priori�es
b. Mapping objec�ves allows the organiza�on to ignore subordinate-level objec�ves and focus
only on superior-level objec�ves
c. Mapping objec�ves is only relevant for financial objec�ves and has no impact on non-
financial objec�ves
d. Mapping objec�ves is a way to reduce the need for communica�on and collabora�on
between different departments within the organiza�on
8. What is the term used to describe a measure that es�mates the consequence of an event?
a. Likelihood
b. Consequence
c. Cause
d. Impact

9. Why is it important for an organiza�on to define events and �mescales that trigger reconsidera�on
of external factors?

a. It ensures that the organiza�on remains responsive and adaptable to changes in the external
context that may impact its opera�ons and objec�ves
b. It allows the organiza�on to reduce its staff �me addressing changes in the external context
c. It eliminates the need for supply chain management and procurement ac�vi�es on an
ongoing basis and only requires response to defined events in the supply chain
d. It helps the organiza�on avoid the need for hiring consultants or law firms to recommend
how to respond to changes in the external context

10. What is meant by the term "interrelatedness" in the context of iden�fying opportuni�es, obstacles,
and obliga�ons?

a. It refers to the process of conduc�ng brainstorming sessions with stakeholders to iden�fy

opportuni�es, obstacles, and obliga�ons
b. It refers to how opportuni�es, obstacles, and obliga�ons are linked and influenced by each
c. It refers to the use of modeling and analysis of interrelated data to predict future events
d. It refers to the categoriza�on of opportuni�es, obstacles, and obliga�ons based on their
level of importance

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Licensed for noncommercial personal use by Iwan Santoso ( on 7/2/2024, 6:44:57 AM
QUESTION 1: answer b
QUESTION 2: answer d
QUESTION 3: answer a
QUESTION 4: answer a
QUESTION 5: answer b
QUESTION 6: answer c
QUESTION 7: answer a
QUESTION 8: answer d
QUESTION 9: answer a
QUESTION 10: answer b

© oceg 2023

Licensed for noncommercial personal use by Iwan Santoso ( on 7/2/2024, 6:44:57 AM

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