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Name: Glory Euodia

Student ID: 1804664

Class: 5B
Course: Evaluasi Pembelajaran

5 53 4 4 3
55 2 5 45
2 23 5 35
5 5 5 55 2
2 3 42 2 2

5 5 25 5 3
2 3 55 5 5
4 3 33 3 3
2 3 55 5 4

Scenario 1
Multiple choice tests are practical since they do not require a lot of time to be done and
checked, that is why I gave it a five in practicality. With that being said, the teacher will not
have a hard time processing the test, remembering that most multiple choice tests have
answer keys. However, multiple choice tests tend to have ambiguous answers, especially one
with reading comprehension, which is why I gave it a three on test reliability. In terms of
content validity, the test’s content is aligned with the target outcome of the test. Students can
understand why they were given that type of test and it is organized.

Scenario 2
Timed Impromptu Test offers huge practicality because it does not need a lot of time to be
done. The test scores only range from zero to six which make it easier for the rater to grade.
However, the test cannot be counted as reliable since the students’ writing skill may only
appear in the test a little. The test content is valid since it represents a part of the tested
language skill. The students can understand which type of skill is being tested and it also
represents real-world task.

Scenario 3:
The interview can represent the students’ oral production well and it does replicate real-world
task but it is not practical in terms of time, both when the test takes place and when grading
them. Since it takes a while for the teacher to grade them, the rater’s reliability will also be
compromised. The students can also understand why the test is in the form of interview.

Scenario 4:
This type of multiple choice test is unambiguous since it is picked out from a text book. Text
book rarely contains more than one answer. It does not reflect day –to-day task.

Scenario 5:
Giving a test in vocabulary reflects a bit of sudents’ writing ability. However, it is not
practical in terms of time.
Scenario 6:
Reading comprehension in a multiple choice test tends to have ambiguous answers in them.
Like any other multiple choice test, it is practical.

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