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July 2024

System Verilog

Interview Handbook

200 Questions & Answers

By Gowtham Seela
System Verilog Basic & Fundamental Interview Questions

1. What is SystemVerilog, and how does it differ from Verilog?

SystemVerilog is an extension of Verilog, which is a hardware description and verification

language. It combines Verilog with features from hardware verification languages (HVL) to
enhance design verification. SystemVerilog adds data types, control flow structures, and a rich
set of verification capabilities, making it more powerful for both design and verification.

2. What are the key features of SystemVerilog?

Key features of SystemVerilog include:

- Extended data types (`logic`, `bit`, `byte`, etc.)
- Enhanced procedural blocks (`initial`, `always_comb`, `always_ff`, etc.)
- Interfaces and virtual interfaces
- Assertions for design verification
- Randomization for testbench creation
- Object-oriented programming features

3. What is the difference between a module and an interface in


- Module: A basic building block in SystemVerilog used to define a hardware component. Modules can
contain ports, parameters, and instances of other modules.
- Interface: Used to group related signals and their associated logic, making the connections between
modules cleaner and more manageable. Interfaces can also include tasks, functions, and modports to
control access to their members.

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System Verilog Basic & Fundamental Interview Questions

4. How do you declare a variable in SystemVerilog?

Variables in SystemVerilog can be declared using various data types. Here's an example:

5. What is the scope of a variable in SystemVerilog?

The scope of a variable in SystemVerilog is determined by where it is declared:

- Local variables:declaredd within a block (e.g., `begin-end`) and scoped to that block.
- Module-level variables:declaredd within a module and accessible throughout the module.
- Global variables:declaredd outside of any module or block, accessible throughout the
compilation unit.

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System Verilog Basic & Fundamental Interview Questions

6. What are the data types available in SystemVerilog?

SystemVerilog offers a rich set of data types, including:

- `logic`, `bit`, `byte`, `shortint`, `int`, `longint`
- `reg` (legacy from Verilog)
- `wire`, `tri`, etc. (for net types)
- Enumerations (`enum`)
- Structures (`struct`)
- Unions (`union`)
- Arrays (packed and unpacked)
- Classes (for object-oriented programming)

7. How do you perform arithmetic operations in SystemVerilog?

Arithmetic operations in SystemVerilog are similar to those in C/C++. Here are some examples:

8. What is the difference between `logic` and `reg` in SystemVerilog?

- `logic`: A new data type introduced in SystemVerilog that can be used for both combinational
and sequential logic. It is more flexible than `reg`.
- `reg`: A legacy data type from Verilog used primarily for sequential logic (e.g., within `always`
blocks). In SystemVerilog, `logic` is preferred over `reg`.

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System Verilog Basic & Fundamental Interview Questions

9. How do you declare an array in SystemVerilog?

Arrays can be declared in SystemVerilog as packed or unpacked:

10. What is the purpose of the `typedef` keyword in SystemVerilog?

`typedef` is used to create an alias for an existing data type, making code more readable and
easier to maintain.

11. How do you define a struct in SystemVerilog?

A `struct` in SystemVerilog is a composite data type that groups different data types together:

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System Verilog Basic & Fundamental Interview Questions

12. What is the difference between `packed` and `unpacked` arrays in


- Packed arrays: a contiguous collection of bits treated as a single unit. They are used for
defining widths and bit slicing.
- Unpacked arrays:separatee elements, each of which can be accessed independently.

13. How do you use the `enum` keyword in SystemVerilog?

`enum` is used to define an enumeration, a set of named values:

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System Verilog Basic & Fundamental Interview Questions

14. What is the purpose of the `const` keyword in SystemVerilog?

`const` is used to declare constants, which are variables whose value cannot be changed after

15. How do you declare a parameter in SystemVerilog?

Parameters are used to define constants within a module, which can be overridden during module

16. What is the difference between `localparam` and `parameter` in


- `parameter`: Can be overridden during module instantiation.

- `localparam`: Cannot be overridden, making it a constant within the module.

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System Verilog Basic & Fundamental Interview Questions

17. How do you use the `import` keyword in SystemVerilog?

`import` is used to include packages or specific items from packages:

18. What is the purpose of the `export` keyword in SystemVerilog?

`export` is used in DPI (Direct Programming Interface) to export SystemVerilog functions to be

accessible from foreign languages like C:

19. How do you declare a macro in SystemVerilog?

Macros are declared using `define`:

20. What is the difference between `define` and `macro` in SystemVerilog?

- `define`: Used to define a macro.

- Macro: refers to the code or constant defined by `define`.

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System Verilog Data Types & Operators

21. What is the difference between `bit` and `logic` in SystemVerilog?

- `bit`: A 2-state data type that can hold values 0 and 1. It is used for simple binary data.
- `logic`: A 4-state data type that can hold values 0, 1, X (unknown), and Z (high-impedance). It
is more versatile for representing digital logic where unknown and high-impedance states need to
be modeled.

22. How do you declare a vector in SystemVerilog?

A vector is an array of bits or logic types. Here’s how you declare it:

23. What is the purpose of the `signed` and `unsigned` keywords in


- `signed`: Indicates that a variable or vector is signed, meaning it can represent positive and
negative values.
- `unsigned`: Indicates that a variable or vector is unsigned, meaning it can only represent
non-negative values.

24. How do you perform bit-wise operations in SystemVerilog?

Bit-wise operations are performed using operators like `&`, `|`, `^`, and `~`.

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System Verilog Data Types & Operators

25. What is the difference between `&` and `&&` in SystemVerilog?

- `&`: Bit-wise AND operator, operates on each bit of the operand.

- `&&`: Logical AND operator, evaluates to true if both operands are true.

26. How do you perform logical operations in SystemVerilog?

Logical operations are performed using `&&`, `||`, and `!`.

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System Verilog Data Types & Operators

27. What is the purpose of the `?` operator in System Verilog?

The `?` operator is the conditional (ternary) operator, which selects one of two values based on a

28. How do you use the `case` statement in System Verilog?

The `case` statement is used to select one of several possible blocks of code to execute based on
the value of an expression.

29. What is the difference between `case` and `casex` in SystemVerilog?

- `case`: Performs exact matching and does not treat `x` and `z` as wildcards.
- `casex`: Treats `x` and `z` as wildcards, ignoring them during matching.

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System Verilog Data Types & Operators

30. How do you use the `if` statement in SystemVerilog?

The `if` statement is used for conditional execution of code blocks.

31. What is the purpose of the `else` clause in SystemVerilog?

The `else` clause is used to specify a block of code to execute if the `if` condition is false.

32. How do you use the `while` loop in SystemVerilog?

The `while` loop repeatedly executes a block of code as long as the condition is true.

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System Verilog Data Types & Operators

33. What is the purpose of the `do-while` loop in SystemVerilog?

The `do-while` loop is similar to the `while` loop but guarantees at least one execution of the loop body
before checking the condition.

34. How do you use the `for` loop in System Verilog?

The `for` loop is used for iterative execution of a block of code with a counter.

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System Verilog Data Types & Operators

35. What is the purpose of the `repeat` loop in SystemVerilog?

The `repeat` loop executes a block of code a fixed number of times.

36. How do you use the `break` and `continue` statements in SystemVerilog?

- `break`: Exits the nearest enclosing loop.

- `continue`: Skips the remaining code in the current iteration and starts the next iteration of the

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System Verilog Data Types & Operators

37. What is the purpose of the `return` statement in SystemVerilog?

The `return` statement is used to exit a function or task and, optionally, return a value.

38. How do you use the `assert` statement in SystemVerilog?

The `assert` statement is used for verification purposes to check if a condition is true. If the
condition is false, an error is reported.

39. What is the purpose of the `assume` statement in SystemVerilog?

The `assume` statement is used in formal verification to specify conditions that are assumed to
be true during analysis.

40. How do you use the `cover` statement in SystemVerilog?

The `cover` statement is used to specify scenarios that should be covered during simulation or
formal verification, ensuring that all specified conditions occur.

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System Verilog Data Types & Operators

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System Verilog Classes & Objects

41. What is a class in SystemVerilog?

A class in SystemVerilog is a blueprint for creating objects that encapsulate data (properties) and
functions (methods). Classes support object-oriented programming features like inheritance,
polymorphism, and encapsulation.

42. How do you declare a class in SystemVerilog?

A class is declared using the `class` keyword. Here’s a simple example:

43. What is the purpose of the `new` keyword in SystemVerilog?

The `new` keyword is used to create a new instance (object) of a class. It is also used to define a
constructor within the class.

44. How do you create an object in SystemVerilog?

You create an object by declaring a variable of the class type and using the `new` keyword.

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System Verilog Classes & Objects

45. What is the difference between `static` and `dynamic` objects in


- Static objects: Declared and instantiated at compile time. They have a fixed memory
- Dynamic objects: Created at runtime using the `new` keyword. They provide flexibility and
are managed dynamically.

46. How do you use the `this` keyword in SystemVerilog?

The `this` keyword is used to refer to the current instance of the class.

47. What is the purpose of the `super` keyword in SystemVerilog?

The `super` keyword is used to refer to the base class in a derived class. It is commonly used to
call the base class constructor or methods.

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System Verilog Classes & Objects

48. How do you use inheritance in SystemVerilog?

Inheritance is used to create a new class based on an existing class. The new class inherits
properties and methods from the existing class.

49. What is the purpose of polymorphism in SystemVerilog?

Polymorphism allows objects of different classes to be treated as objects of a common base class.
It enables methods to behave differently based on the object that invokes them.

50. How do you use encapsulation in SystemVerilog?

Encapsulation is the concept of bundling data and methods that operate on the data within a
class, restricting direct access to some of the class’s components.

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System Verilog Classes & Objects

51. What is the purpose of abstraction in SystemVerilog?

Abstraction allows you to hide complex implementation details and expose only the necessary
parts of an object or a system. This simplifies interaction and promotes reuse.

52. How do you use the `virtual` keyword in SystemVerilog?

The `virtual` keyword is used to declare methods in a base class that can be overridden in derived classes.
It supports polymorphism.

53. What is the purpose of the `pure` keyword in SystemVerilog?

In SystemVerilog, the term `pure` is not used explicitly. Instead, `pure virtual` functions are declared by
using `virtual` followed by the `;` without a method body, indicating the method must be overridden in
derived classes.

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System Verilog Classes & Objects

54. How do you use the `const` keyword with classes in SystemVerilog?

The `const` keyword is used to declare constants within a class, ensuring their values cannot be changed
after initialization.

55. What is the purpose of the `static` keyword with classes in SystemVerilog?

The `static` keyword is used to declare class members (variables or methods) that are shared among all
instances of the class. Static members belong to the class itself rather than any particular instance.

56. How do you use the `local` keyword with classes in SystemVerilog?

The `local` keyword restricts the visibility of class members to the class itself, preventing access from
derived classes or external entities.

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System Verilog Classes & Objects

57. What is the purpose of the `protected` keyword with classes in


The `protected` keyword restricts access to class members to the class itself and its derived classes. It
provides a level of encapsulation that allows inheritance but not external access.

58. How do you use the `private` keyword with classes in SystemVerilog?

The `private` keyword restricts access to class members to the class itself, preventing access from both
derived classes and external entities.

59. What is the purpose of the `public` keyword with classes in


The `public` keyword allows access to class members from anywhere. Public members are accessible
from outside the class, derived classes, and any other part of the code.

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System Verilog Classes & Objects

60. How do you use the `interface` keyword with classes in SystemVerilog?

In SystemVerilog, `interface` is not used directly with classes. Instead, it is used to define signal groups
for modules. However, `virtual interfaces` can be used within classes to facilitate communication with

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SV Interfaces and Modports

61. What is an interface in SystemVerilog?

An interface in SystemVerilog is a construct that bundles together signals and functionality that
multiple modules can share. It simplifies connectivity and enhances code modularity and

62. How do you declare an interface in SystemVerilog?

You declare an interface using the `interface` keyword. Here’s an example:

63. What is the purpose of the `modport` keyword in SystemVerilog?

The `modport` keyword in SystemVerilog is used within an interface to define the direction
(input, output, or inout) of the signals for different modules that connect to the interface. It
allows for flexible and structured communication between modules.

64. How do you declare a modport in SystemVerilog?

You declare a modport inside an interface using the `modport` keyword. Here’s an example:

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SV Interfaces and Modports

65. What is the difference between `import` and `export` in SystemVerilog


- `import`: Brings in external tasks or functions into the interface or module.

- `export`: Makes tasks or functions within an interface available to modules that connect to it.

66. How do you use the `clocking` block in SystemVerilog interfaces?

A `clocking` block groups signals that are sampled or driven synchronously with a particular
clock. Here’s how you use it:

67. What is the purpose of the `default` clocking block in SystemVerilog


The `default` clocking block is a special clocking block that can be set as the default for
sampling or driving signals within a module or interface, simplifying the code by avoiding the
need to specify the clocking block every time.

68. How do you use the `input` and `output` keywords in SystemVerilog

The `input` and `output` keywords are used in modports and clocking blocks to specify the
direction of the signals.

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SV Interfaces and Modports

69. What is the purpose of the `inout` keyword in SystemVerilog interfaces?

The `inout` keyword is used to declare bidirectional signals in an interface, meaning the signal
can be both read and written.

70. How do you use the `ref` keyword in SystemVerilog interfaces?

The `ref` keyword is used to pass arguments by reference to tasks or functions, allowing the
called function to modify the argument's value.

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SV Interfaces and Modports

71. What is the purpose of the `const` keyword in SystemVerilog interfaces?

The `const` keyword is used to declare constants within an interface, ensuring that their values cannot be
changed after initialization.

72. How do you use the `virtual` keyword in SystemVerilog interfaces?

The `virtual` keyword is used to declare a virtual interface, which is a reference to an actual
interface instance. It allows classes to interact with interfaces.

73. What is the purpose of the `pure` keyword in SystemVerilog interfaces?

SystemVerilog doesn't use the `pure` keyword explicitly. Instead, the concept of `pure` functions
is implied in `pure virtual` functions (abstract methods) declared using `virtual` followed by a `;`
in the base class.

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SV Interfaces and Modports

74. How do you use the `interface` keyword with modports in SystemVerilog?

Modports are defined within interfaces to specify signal directions for different roles.

75. What is the purpose of the `modport` keyword with interfaces in


The `modport` keyword defines roles for different modules that connect to the interface,
specifying the direction (input, output, or inout) of signals for each role.

76. How do you use the `import` keyword with interfaces in SystemVerilog?

The `import` keyword is used to bring tasks or functions from packages into an interface or module.

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SV Interfaces and Modports

77. What is the purpose of the `export` keyword with interfaces in


The `export` keyword makes tasks or functions within an interface available to modules that connect to it.

78. How do you use the `interface` keyword with classes in SystemVerilog?

In SystemVerilog, you can use `virtual interfaces` within classes to facilitate interaction with

79. What is the purpose of the `modport` keyword with classes in


The `modport` keyword is not directly used with classes. However, classes can interact with
modports by using virtual interfaces to connect to specific modports.

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SV Interfaces and Modports

80. How do you use the `interface` keyword with modules in SystemVerilog?

Modules use interfaces to group and manage related signals, enhancing modularity and reducing
the complexity of signal declarations.

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SV Assertions and Coverage

81. What is an assertion in SystemVerilog?

An assertion in SystemVerilog is a statement used to check that certain conditions hold true in a
design. It helps verify the correctness of the design by catching errors during simulation or
formal verification.

82. How do you declare an assertion in SystemVerilog?

Assertions are declared using the `assert` keyword. Here’s a basic example:

83. What is the purpose of the `assert` keyword in SystemVerilog?

The `assert` keyword is used to check if a condition is true. If the condition is false, it triggers an
action, such as displaying an error message or halting the simulation.

84. How do you use the `assume` keyword in SystemVerilog?

The `assume` keyword is used to specify assumptions about the design's environment or inputs.
It is often used in formal verification to constrain the inputs.

85. What is the purpose of the `cover` keyword in SystemVerilog?

The `cover` keyword is used to specify coverage points that monitor how often certain conditions
or events occur in a design, helping to measure the completeness of verification.

86. How do you use the `coverpoint` keyword in System Verilog?

The `coverpoint` keyword is used within covergroups to define specific conditions or ranges of
values that should be covered during simulation.

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SV Assertions and Coverage

87. What is the purpose of the `cross` keyword in SystemVerilog?

The `cross` keyword is used within covergroups to define coverage points for combinations of
multiple variables or conditions, ensuring all possible combinations are exercised.

88. How do you use the `expect` keyword in SystemVerilog?

The `expect` keyword is used to specify expected behavior or values in a simulation. It can be
used for post-simulation analysis to ensure the design behaves as expected.

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SV Assertions and Coverage

89. What is the purpose of the `prove` keyword in SystemVerilog?

The `prove` keyword is not a standard part of SystemVerilog. Instead, `prove` is a concept used
in formal verification tools to ensure that assertions hold under all possible conditions.

90. How do you use the `assert` keyword with classes in SystemVerilog?

Assertions can be used inside class methods to check the correctness of class behavior.

91. What is the purpose of the `assume` keyword with classes in


The `assume` keyword is used within class methods to specify assumptions about the class's
environment or inputs, aiding in formal verification.

92. How do you use the `cover` keyword with classes in SystemVerilog?

The `cover` keyword can be used within class methods to monitor the occurrence of specific
conditions or events related to the class’s data members.

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SV Assertions and Coverage

93. What is the purpose of the `coverpoint` keyword with classes in


The `coverpoint` keyword within classes is used to define specific conditions or ranges for
coverage analysis, similar to how it is used in covergroups.

94. How do you use the `cross` keyword with classes in SystemVerilog?

The `cross` keyword within classes is used to define coverage for combinations of multiple data

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SV Assertions and Coverage

95. What is the purpose of the `expect` keyword with classes in


The `expect` keyword is used within class methods to specify expected behavior or values for
post-simulation analysis.

96. How do you use the `prove` keyword with classes in SystemVerilog?

The `prove` keyword itself is not part of SystemVerilog, but formal verification tools use the
concept of proving assertions within classes to ensure correctness under all conditions.

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SV Assertions and Coverage

97. What is the purpose of the `assert` keyword with interfaces in


The `assert` keyword within interfaces ensures that the signals and behavior of the interface
comply with specified conditions.

98. How do you use the `assume` keyword with interfaces in SystemVerilog?

The `assume` keyword within interfaces specifies assumptions about the signals or environment
of the interface.

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SV Assertions and Coverage

99. What is the purpose of the `cover` keyword with interfaces in


The `cover` keyword within interfaces monitors the occurrence of specific conditions or events
to ensure comprehensive verification coverage.

100. How do you use the `coverpoint` keyword with interfaces in


The `coverpoint` keyword within interfaces defines specific conditions or ranges for coverage

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System Verilog Randomization & Constraints

101. What is randomization in SystemVerilog?

Randomization in SystemVerilog is the process of generating random values for variables within
constraints to thoroughly test and verify the design's behavior under various scenarios.

102. How do you declare a random variable in SystemVerilog?

You declare a random variable using the `rand` or `randc` keyword inside a class.

103. What is the purpose of the `rand` keyword in SystemVerilog?

The `rand` keyword designates a variable as a random variable, which can be randomized using
the `randomize` method.

104. How do you use the `randc` keyword in SystemVerilog?

The `randc` keyword is used for cyclic random variables, where values are generated without
repetition until all possible values are exhausted.

105. What is the purpose of the `constraint` keyword in SystemVerilog?

The `constraint` keyword is used to define rules and conditions that random variables must
satisfy during randomization.

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System Verilog Randomization & Constraints

106. How do you declare a constraint in SystemVerilog?

Constraints are declared within a `constraint` block inside a class.

107. What is the purpose of the `solve` keyword in SystemVerilog?

The `solve` keyword specifies the order in which constraints are solved, helping to control
dependencies between variables during randomization.

108. How do you use the `randomize` keyword in SystemVerilog?

The `randomize` method is used to generate random values for the variables in a class.

109. What is the purpose of the `post_randomize` keyword in SystemVerilog?

The `post_randomize` function is called automatically after successful randomization, allowing

for additional operations or checks on the randomized values.

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System Verilog Randomization & Constraints

110. How do you use the `pre_randomize` keyword in SystemVerilog?

The `pre_randomize` function is called automatically before randomization, allowing for setup
operations or checks before the random values are generated.

111. What is the purpose of the `random` keyword in SystemVerilog?

The `random` function generates a random value for the variable it is called on. It’s part of the
`$urandom` and `$urandom_range` family of functions.

112. How do you use the `std::randomize` function in SystemVerilog?

The `std::randomize` function is used to randomize variables in a standard way, typically within
a class.

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System Verilog Randomization & Constraints

113. What is the purpose of the `std::uniform` function in SystemVerilog?

The `std::uniform` function generates random numbers with a uniform distribution, providing a
random float between 0.0 and 1.0.

114. How do you use the `std::normal` function in SystemVerilog?

The `std::normal` function generates random numbers following a normal (Gaussian) distribution
with a specified mean and standard deviation.

115. What is the purpose of the `std::exponential` function in SystemVerilog?

The `std::exponential` function generates random numbers following an exponential distribution

with a specified rate parameter.

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System Verilog Randomization & Constraints

116. How do you use the `std::poisson` function in SystemVerilog?

The `std::poisson` function generates random numbers following a Poisson distribution with a
specified mean.

117. What is the purpose of the `std::bernoulli` function in SystemVerilog?

The `std::bernoulli` function generates random boolean values based on a specified probability of

118. How do you use the `std::binomial` function in SystemVerilog?

The `std::binomial` function generates random numbers following a binomial distribution with
specified number of trials and probability of success.

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System Verilog Randomization & Constraints

119. What is the purpose of the `std::geometric` function in SystemVerilog?

The `std::geometric` function generates random numbers following a geometric distribution with
a specified probability of success.

120. How do you use the `std::uniform_int` function in SystemVerilog?

The `std::uniform_int` function generates random integers uniformly distributed within a

specified range.

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SV Object-Oriented Programming

121. What is the concept of inheritance in SystemVerilog?

Inheritance in SystemVerilog is an object-oriented concept where a class (child class) can inherit
properties and methods from another class (parent class). This allows for code reuse and
extension of existing functionality.

122. How do you use inheritance in SystemVerilog?

You use inheritance by using the `extends` keyword to create a child class that inherits from a
parent class.

123. What is the concept of polymorphism in SystemVerilog?

Polymorphism allows objects of different classes to be treated as objects of a common

superclass. It enables a single interface to represent different underlying forms (data types).

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SV Object-Oriented Programming

124. How do you use polymorphism in SystemVerilog?

Polymorphism is achieved by using virtual methods and overriding them in derived classes.

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SV Object-Oriented Programming

125. What is the concept of encapsulation in SystemVerilog?

Encapsulation is the bundling of data (variables) and methods (functions) that operate on the data
into a single unit, i.e., a class. It restricts direct access to some of the object's components, which
is a way of limiting and controlling access to the data.

126. How do you use encapsulation in SystemVerilog?

Encapsulation is used by defining classes with private and public members, and using methods to
interact with the private data.

127. What is the concept of abstraction in SystemVerilog?

Abstraction in SystemVerilog is the process of hiding the complex implementation details and
showing only the essential features of an object. It allows the programmer to focus on
interactions at a higher level without worrying about the low-level details.

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SV Object-Oriented Programming

128. How do you use abstraction in SystemVerilog?

Abstraction is achieved by using abstract classes and methods (declared with the `virtual` and
`pure` keywords).

129. What is the purpose of the `virtual` keyword in SystemVerilog?

The `virtual` keyword is used to declare a method that can be overridden in a derived class. It
enables polymorphism by allowing methods to be defined in a base class but implemented in
derived classes.

130. How do you use the `pure` keyword in SystemVerilog?

The `pure` keyword is used in conjunction with `virtual` to declare a pure virtual method, which
must be overridden in a derived class.

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SV Object-Oriented Programming

131. What is the purpose of the `abstract` keyword in SystemVerilog?

SystemVerilog doesn't have an `abstract` keyword. Instead, abstract classes are created by
defining one or more pure virtual functions.

132. How do you use the `extends` keyword in SystemVerilog?

The `extends` keyword is used to derive a new class from an existing class, inheriting its
properties and methods.

133. What is the purpose of the `implements` keyword in SystemVerilog?

SystemVerilog does not have an `implements` keyword. However, it supports interfaces and
virtual classes for similar functionality.

134. How do you use the `interface` keyword in SystemVerilog?

The `interface` keyword is used to define an interface, which can encapsulate signals and provide
a common connection between modules.

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SV Object-Oriented Programming

135. What is the purpose of the `class` keyword in SystemVerilog?

The `class` keyword is used to define a class, which is a blueprint for creating objects (instances)
with properties and methods.

136. How do you use the `struct` keyword in SystemVerilog?

The `struct` keyword is used to define a composite data type that groups multiple variables under
one name.

137. What is the purpose of the `union` keyword in SystemVerilog?

The `union` keyword is used to define a union, a data type that allows storing different data types
in the same memory location.

138. How do you use the `enum` keyword in SystemVerilog?

The `enum` keyword is used to define an enumeration, a user-defined data type consisting of a
set of named values.

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SV Object-Oriented Programming

139. What is the purpose of the `typedef` keyword in SystemVerilog?

The `typedef` keyword is used to create a new data type name for an existing data type, which
can improve code readability and maintainability.

140. How do you use the `alias` keyword in SystemVerilog?

The `alias` keyword is used to create an alias for a net or variable, allowing multiple names to
refer to the same data.

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SV Advanced Topics

141. What is the concept of phasing in SystemVerilog?

Phasing in SystemVerilog is used to divide a testbench simulation into several well-defined

phases to ensure proper execution order of operations, such as configuration, reset, stimulus
generation, and checking.

142. How do you use phasing in SystemVerilog?

Phasing is typically implemented using the UVM (Universal Verification Methodology) library,
which provides built-in phases like `build_phase`, `connect_phase`, `run_phase`, and more.

143. What is the concept of clock domains in SystemVerilog?

Clock domains refer to different sections of a design that operate on different clock signals.
Proper handling of clock domains is crucial for ensuring correct timing and synchronization
across the design.

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SV Advanced Topics

144. How do you use clock domains in SystemVerilog?

Clock domains are managed by defining separate clock signals and using appropriate
synchronizers for crossing clock domains.

145. What is the concept of asynchronous FIFOs in SystemVerilog?

Asynchronous FIFOs are used to transfer data between different clock domains. They allow for
safe data transfer between modules operating at different clock frequencies.

146. How do you use asynchronous FIFOs in SystemVerilog?

An asynchronous FIFO typically involves using dual-port memory and synchronizing the write
and read pointers between the clock domains.

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SV Advanced Topics

147. What is the concept of synchronous FIFOs in SystemVerilog?

Synchronous FIFOs are used to buffer data within the same clock domain, allowing for
temporary storage and retrieval of data at the same clock frequency.

148. How do you use synchronous FIFOs in SystemVerilog?

A synchronous FIFO is implemented using a single clock signal for both reading and writing

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SV Advanced Topics

149. What is the concept of mailbox in SystemVerilog?

A mailbox in SystemVerilog is a communication mechanism used to transfer data between

different processes or threads. It allows for synchronization and data exchange between different
parts of the testbench.

150. How do you use a mailbox in SystemVerilog?

A mailbox is created and used with the `mailbox` class, which provides methods like `put()` and
`get()` for sending and receiving data.

151. What is the concept of semaphore in SystemVerilog?

A semaphore in SystemVerilog is used to control access to shared resources by multiple

processes. It helps manage concurrency and ensure that only a limited number of processes can
access a resource at the same time.

152. How do you use semaphore in SystemVerilog?

A semaphore is created and used with the `semaphore` class, which provides methods like `get()`
and `put()` for acquiring and releasing resources.

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SV Advanced Topics

153. What is the concept of event in SystemVerilog?

An event in SystemVerilog is a synchronization primitive used to signal and wait for occurrences
of specific conditions. Events are used to coordinate the actions of multiple processes.

154. How do you use event in SystemVerilog?

Events are declared using the `event` keyword and can be triggered with the `->` operator.
Processes can wait for events using the `@` operator.

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SV Advanced Topics

155. What is the concept of fork-join in SystemVerilog?

The `fork-join` construct in SystemVerilog allows parallel execution of multiple processes. All
processes within a `fork-join` block start executing concurrently and the join ensures that all
processes complete before proceeding.

156. How do you use fork-join in SystemVerilog?

You use `fork-join` to execute multiple statements in parallel.

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SV Advanced Topics

157. What is the concept of disable fork in SystemVerilog?

`disable fork` is used to terminate all processes within a `fork-join` block before they complete.
This can be useful in case of errors or when certain conditions are met.

158. How do you use disable fork in SystemVerilog?

You use `disable fork` to stop all concurrent processes in a `fork-join` block.

159. What is the concept of wait fork in SystemVerilog?

`wait fork` waits for all processes within a `fork-join` block to complete before proceeding. This
ensures that all concurrent operations have finished.

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SV Advanced Topics

160. How do you use wait fork in SystemVerilog?

You use `wait fork` to wait for the completion of all processes in a `fork-join` block.

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SystemVerilog for Verification

161. What is the concept of verification in SystemVerilog?

Verification in SystemVerilog involves checking that a design behaves as expected. This is done
using a combination of testbenches, assertions, and coverage to ensure that all parts of the design
are functioning correctly.

162. How do you use SystemVerilog for verification?

SystemVerilog provides several features for verification, including assertions, coverage,

randomization, and advanced constructs like classes and interfaces. A typical verification flow
includes writing testbenches, using assertions for checking conditions, and collecting coverage

163. What is the concept of testbenches in SystemVerilog?

A testbench is a piece of code used to apply stimulus to the design under test (DUT) and check
its response. It is used to verify the functionality of the DUT.

164. How do you write a testbench in SystemVerilog?

A basic testbench involves instantiating the DUT, applying stimulus, and checking the output.

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SystemVerilog for Verification

165. What is the concept of assertions in SystemVerilog?

Assertions are used to check if certain conditions hold true during simulation. They help in
identifying design errors early in the verification process.

166. How do you use assertions in SystemVerilog?

Assertions can be used with the `assert` keyword to check conditions.

167. What is the concept of coverage in SystemVerilog?

Coverage is used to measure how thoroughly a design has been tested. It helps identify untested
parts of the design and ensures all functionality is verified.

168. How do you use coverage in SystemVerilog?

Coverage is typically defined using covergroups, which specify what to cover and how to collect
coverage data.

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SystemVerilog for Verification

169. What is the concept of constrained randomization in SystemVerilog?

Constrained randomization involves generating random values for variables within specified
constraints. This helps in testing a wide range of scenarios automatically.

170. How do you use constrained randomization in SystemVerilog?

You use the `constraint` keyword to specify constraints on variables and the `randomize()`
method to generate random values.

171. What is the concept of scenario-based verification in SystemVerilog?

Scenario-based verification involves testing the design with realistic and complex sequences of
operations that mimic actual use cases.

172. How do you use scenario-based verification in SystemVerilog?

Scenario-based verification is implemented using sequences and transactions that define specific
scenarios to be tested.

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SystemVerilog for Verification

173. What is the concept of UVM (Universal Verification Methodology) in


UVM is a standardized methodology for verifying complex digital designs. It provides a

framework for creating reusable and scalable verification environments.

174. How do you use UVM in SystemVerilog?

UVM is used by creating components like agents, drivers, monitors, and scoreboards, and
integrating them into a testbench.

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SystemVerilog for Verification

175. What is the concept of OVM (Open Verification Methodology) in


OVM is an earlier verification methodology that provides a framework for building modular,
reusable verification environments. It has since been replaced by UVM.

176. How do you use OVM in SystemVerilog?

OVM is used similarly to UVM, with components like drivers, monitors, and scoreboards, but
using OVM base classes.

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SystemVerilog for Verification

177. What is the concept of VMM (Verification Methodology Manual) in


VMM is a methodology developed by Synopsys for creating structured and reusable verification
environments. It provides guidelines and a set of base classes for building testbenches.

178. How do you use VMM in SystemVerilog?

VMM uses base classes and guidelines to build verification components and testbenches.

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SystemVerilog for Verification

179. What is the concept of AVM (Assertion-Based Verification Methodology)

in SystemVerilog?

AVM focuses on using assertions to verify the correctness of a design. Assertions are embedded
in the design to check for specific conditions during simulation.

180. How do you use AVM in SystemVerilog?

You use AVM by writing assertions that check for conditions in the design and integrating them
into the testbench.

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SV Miscellaneous

181. What is the difference between SystemVerilog and Verilog?

SystemVerilog is an extension of Verilog that includes additional features for design and
verification, such as advanced data types, object-oriented programming, assertions, and
coverage. Verilog is primarily focused on hardware description, whereas SystemVerilog adds
capabilities to support verification and complex modeling.

182. How do you use SystemVerilog with other languages?

SystemVerilog can interface with other programming languages using the Direct Programming
Interface (DPI), allowing C/C++ functions to be called from SystemVerilog and vice versa.

183. What is the concept of DPI (Direct Programming Interface) in


DPI allows SystemVerilog to interface with C/C++ code, enabling the use of external functions
and procedures within a SystemVerilog environment.

184. How do you use DPI in SystemVerilog?

To use DPI, you declare the external function or task in SystemVerilog and implement it in

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SV Miscellaneous

185. What is the concept of PLI (Programming Language Interface) in


PLI is an older interface that allows Verilog/SystemVerilog code to interact with C/C++
programs, typically used for tasks such as file I/O and other system-level interactions.

186. How do you use PLI in SystemVerilog?

PLI involves creating a C/C++ function, registering it with the simulator, and invoking it from

187. What is the concept of VPI (Verilog Procedural Interface) in


VPI is an interface for interacting with the Verilog simulation environment from C/C++
programs. It provides more control and capabilities compared to PLI.

188. How do you use VPI in SystemVerilog?

VPI involves creating and registering C/C++ functions and calling them from SystemVerilog.

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SV Miscellaneous

189. What is the concept of FLI (Foreign Language Interface) in


FLI is an interface for interfacing with foreign languages (typically VHDL). It allows for
mixed-language simulation environments.

190. How do you use FLI in SystemVerilog?

FLI usage is more common with VHDL simulators and requires specific tools and
methodologies provided by the simulator vendors.

191. What is the concept of SystemVerilog compiler directives?

Compiler directives in SystemVerilog are commands that control the compilation process, such
as defining macros or including files.

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SV Miscellaneous

192. How do you use SystemVerilog compiler directives?

Common compiler directives include `define`, `include`, and `ifdef`.

193. What is the concept of SystemVerilog pragmas?

Pragmas are special instructions to the compiler to alter its behavior or to provide additional

194. How do you use SystemVerilog pragmas?

Pragmas are typically vendor-specific and used for optimization or special processing.

195. What is the concept of SystemVerilog attributes?

Attributes are metadata annotations attached to language constructs that provide additional
information to tools.

196. How do you use SystemVerilog attributes?

Attributes are specified using the `(* ... *)` syntax.

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SV Miscellaneous

197. What is the concept of SystemVerilog macros?

Macros in SystemVerilog are used to define reusable pieces of code that can be expanded inline
during compilation.

198. How do you use SystemVerilog macros?

Macros are defined using `define` and used with the macro name.

199. What is the concept of SystemVerilog file I/O?

File I/O in SystemVerilog allows reading from and writing to files, useful for testbenches and

200. How do you use SystemVerilog file I/O?

You use the built-in file I/O system tasks like `$fopen`, `$fclose`, `$fwrite`, and `$fscanf`.

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