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General Instructions
*This paper is divided into three sections:A,B and C. All the sections are compulsory.
*seperate instructions are given with each sections and questions.
*Read the instructions carefully and follow them.

Q1.Read the passage carefully (8)


On June 24, 1859, Emperors Napoleon III and Franz Joseph I engaged in the Battle of Solferino,
commanding a combined total of about 270,000 troops onto the field for a single day of battle.
Nearly 40,000 were either dead, injured, or missing, many of whom were simply left to die on the
battlefield. Later, spectators crowded the fields, looking for loved ones, searching for items they
could sell, or simply taking in the horrors of the battle .A Swiss businessman and social activist Jean
Henri Dunant, who was traveling in Solferino witnessed all this. Jean Henri Dunant witnessed the
atrocities of war as well as the countries not prepared or equipped to ease the suffering of those
who had been injured in the Battle of Solferino. Dunant organized a group of volunteers to help bring
water and food to the injured, to assist with medical treatment, or write letters to the families of
those who were dying and he urged the public to create an organization which would assist the
wounded, regardless of which side they fought for during times of war. After that moment, he wrote
the book, A Memory of Solferino, which urged the public to create an organization which would
assist the wounded, regardless of which side they fought for during times of war. His writing inspired
countless others to rally behind him in the creation of the International Federation of the Red Cross.
The modern-day Red Cross began by devoting itself largely to disaster relief and epidemic treatment.
This effort continues to this day. One of the easiest ways you can help the Red Cross is to make sure
you are able to donate blood and make an appointment at the Red Cross website. But, donating
blood isn't the only way you can help out—the Red Cross also encourages donating your time if you
can. This is what the Red Cross wants everyone to know

On the basis of your reading of the passage given above, answer the following questions
a. How many soldiers fought in the battle of Solferino on June 2?

i. 270,000 ii. 40,000 iii. 230,000 iv. 23,000

b. What is the correct order of the information given below

I. Dunant organised a camp of volunteers. II. Emperor Napoleon III and Franz Joseph I fought
a battle. III. The book ‘A Memory of Solferino was written. IV. Dunant travelled in Solferino.
(i) IV, III, II, I (ii) I, II, III, IV (iii) II, I, IV, III (iv) II, IV, I, III
c. The writer of 'A Memory of Solferino’ was?
i. Emperor Napoleon III ii. Franz Joseph I iii. Jean Henri Dunant iv. International Red Cross
d. The modern day Red Cross does not deal with
i. Blood donation ii. Disaster Relief iii. Epidemic Treatment iv. Writing a book
e. The most appropriate sub-heading to para 2 of the passage is:
i. How International Federation of Red Cross Evolved! ii. Functions of Red Cross iii. The
Contributions of Jean Henri Dunant iv. The Battle of Solferino
f. The aid provided by Dunant’s volunteers during the battle of Solferino was:
I. to help bring water and food to the injured II. to assist with medical treatment III. to write
a book IV. to give relief in epidemic (i) I and III (ii) III and IV (iii) I and II (iv) II and III
g. You can donate your blood and your _________ to Red Cross.
h. Jean Henri Dunant participated in the war.( True/ False)
Q2. Answer any three out of the four questions given, with reference to the context below (3)

You are Debashree, a resident of Siliguri, Assam. You have to write a letter to the editor of The Times
Of India , drawing attention towards the difficulty faced by differently-abled people at tourist places.

I. Select the option with relevant aspects that Debashree should select, for this letter.

(1) The newspaper’s name (2) Attached proof of the newspaper subscription (3) Debashree’s address
(4) Formal tone (5) Expected date of publishing the letter

A. (1) and (5) B. (2), (3) and (4)

C. (3) and (5) D. (1), (3) and (4)

II. Select the appropriate subject for this letter.

A. Drawing attention towards differently-abled people

B. The Differently-abled: Neglected or Misunderstood?

C. Tourist places are an inconvenience to differently-abled people

D. Inconvenience Faced by the Differently-abled at Tourist places

III .Select the option that correctly justifies the choice of the concluding portion of this letter.

1. I expect the authorities to take actions on this issue. Please post my thoughts in your newspaper.

2. I therefore request the concerned authorities to kindly look into the matter.

A. Option(1) B. Option(2)

C. Both (1)&(2) D. None

IV. Select the option that completes the concluding line appropriately.

I hope that my letter will ………….

A. Help spread awareness amongst the concerned authorities about the issue

B. Improve circulation of the news paper

C. Result in positive reviews of the readers

D. Lead to an action taken against the concerned authorities

Q3. You are Neha/Nihal Singh, library In-charge of Army Public School,Gujrat. Your school wishes to
buy books of different subjects from Book World, New Delhi. Draft a letter placing an order for the
same. (100-150 words) (5)


You are Namrata/Naveen of A-406,Jeevan Vihar ,New Delhi .Day before yesterday there was a
marriage procession in your neighbourhood, the procession was very late and the orchestra kept on
playing loudly even after midnight. It disturbed students, old people and infant. Write a letter to the
Editor of The Times Of India, New Delhi, requesting the concerned authority to ban the use of
loudspeaker after 10pm.

Q4. Fill in the blanks with appropriate determiners (5)

1. We invited ______ (a few/many) friends over to our house for a party.

2. _____ ( a/the) National Health Service was set up in Britain in 1946.

3. Only _____ (many/a few) houses were spared by the earthquake.

4. There are ____ (much/many) books in the library.

5. There isn’t ____ (any/many) bread in that tin.

Q5. The following passage has not been edited there is an error in the lines indicated. Write the
incorrect and correct words in your answer sheet. The first one has been done for you (3)

Incorrect Correct

Scientists who tracked five

Leopards fitted with GPS

Collars gathered any any some

new insights.
Much of these leopards (a) _______ _______

ventured as close as 25 mts.

to individual houses at

night. Dogs appeared to be

their both preferred prey. (b) _______ ________

Other of the leopard, Jay and (c) _______ ________

Lakshavi, were also captured.

Fill in the blanks with suitable determiners choosing from the given clues:

( a, an, much, a little, many, a few, some)

a. May I taste ________ of the soup that you cooked this morning? How ______ pepper did you put

b. The man complained that ________ boys were stealing ________ of his mangoes.

c. I took ________ apple from the refrigerator and ate it.


Q6. Answer the following in about (40-50) words (6)

(i) What did Mandela realise about his brothers and sisters?

(ii) What was feeling when the hailstorm stopped?

Q7. Answer any one of the following in about 100-120 words (4)

(i) Comment on the use of symbols in the poem ‘The Dust Of Snow’. What is the purpose to use
those symbols?

(ii) Describe the values of freedom for human beings and how it is important for the growth of
civilisation and humanism as described in this lesson.

Q8. Read the extract carefully and answer the following questions (6)

I. The way a crow

Shook down on me

The dust of snow

From a hemlock tree

(i) Name the poem and the poet?

(ii) What is the rhyming scheme for the above lines?

(iii)Which negative symbols have been used to create a positive effect?

(iv) What was the mood of the poet?

(v) What was saved by the crow for the poet

(vi) Name the poetic device used in the poem.


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