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1. Berilganlardan foydalanib ning qiyma- 5.

To‘g‘ri burchakli parallelepipedning hamma

tini toping: yoqlari yuzlari yig‘indisini hisoblang:

(a) 18
(b) 27
(c) 28 (a) 108 cm2
(d) 36 (b) 54 cm2
(c) 94 cm2
(d) 47 cm2

2. 2 · 3 · 4 · . . . · 16 · 17 − 1 · 3 · 5 · . . . · 15 · 17
ayirma qanday raqam bilan tugaydi?
6. Agar A = 310 + 311 + 312 + . . . + 320
(a) 3 va B = 110 + 111 + 112 + . . . + 120
(b) 5 bo‘lsa, A − B ifodanning son qiymatini top-
(c) 0
(a) 2220
(d) 4
(b) 2200
(c) 2000
(d) 2020

3. Tenglamani yeching:
(17 + x · x) · 6 = 18 · 71
7. Birinchi dastgoh har soatda 69 ta, ikkinchi dast-
(a) 16
goh 84 ta o‘yinchoq tayyorlaydi. Agar bir ish
(b) 98 kuni davomida 1-dastgoh 552 ta o‘yinchoq tayy-
(c) 49 orlagan bo‘lsa, ikkala dastgoh birgalikda nechta
o‘yinchoq tayyorlagan?
(d) 14
(a) 1224 ta
(b) 1104 ta
(c) 1416 ta
(d) 1560 ta
4. Chizmada uzunligi 20 cm bo‘lgan AB kesma
teng 10 ta bo‘lakka bo‘lingan. CB – CD kesma
uzunligi AB kesmaning qanday qismini tashkil
8. Agar Aziz imtihonda Dilshoddan 12 ball ko‘p
olganida, ikkalasining jami olgan ballari 168
bo‘lar edi. Lekin Aziz Dilshoddan 10 ball kam
oldi. Aziz imtihonda necha ball olgan?
(a) 10 (a) 72
(b) 10 (b) 78
(c) 20 (c) 66
(d) 20 (d) 68

2 1
9. Chizmada har bir katakning eni va bo‘yining 12. Aziza va Suxrob sotuvchidan shaftoli sotib ol-
uzunligi 1 cm ga teng. Berilgan shaklning yuzi- ishdi. Bunda Aziza 4 kg, Suxrob 7 kg shaftoli
ni toping. sotib oldi. Shu xarid uchun Suxrob Azizaga
qaraganda 22 350 so‘m ko‘p pul to‘ladi. Aziza
sotuvchiga qancha pul to‘lagan?
(a) 27 250 so‘m
(b) 28 600 so‘m
(c) 29 800 so‘m
(d) 28 750 so‘m

(a) 52 cm2
(b) 72 cm2
13. Meva va sabzavotlar narxi quyidagicha:
(c) 64 cm2 - 4 kg piyoz va 3 kg pomidorning narxi 1 kg
(d) 66 cm2 banan narxiga teng;
- 5 kg sabzining narxi 1 kg uzum narxi bilan bir
- piyoz pomidordan 6 marta arzon;
- uzum olmadan 2 marta qimmat;
- sabzi pomidordan 2 500 so‘m arzon.
Agar piyozning narxi 850 so‘m bo‘lsa, 1 kg ol-
10. Shokolad plitkasi bir xil bo‘laklardan iborat.
ma va 1 kg bananning birgalikdagi narxini top-
Sardor bu plitkani o‘zicha hammaga bo‘lib ber-
di. Avval 6 ta bo‘lagini sindirib oyisiga, keyin
7 ta bo‘lagini sindirib otasiga berdi (chizmada (a) 27500 so‘m
ko‘rsatilganidek). Uning o‘ziga nechta bo‘lak (b) 26400 so‘m
(c) 27800 so‘m
(d) 25200 so‘m

14. Quyidagi mulohazalarning to‘g‘ri (T) yoki

(a) 36 ta noto‘g‘ri (N) ekanligini aniqlang:
(b) 35 ta
(c) 30 ta Mulohazalar T N
(d) 29 ta I. Agar ifoda bir yoki bir necha
qavslar bo‘lsa, dastlab qavslar
ichidagi amallar, keyin qolgan
amallar bajariladi.
II. Harakat vaqtini topish uchun
masofani tezlikka ko‘paytirish ker-
11. Jaloliddin 4 ta bir xil shokoladli va 6 ta bir xil ak.
III. Ikkita tomonining uzunliklari
yong‘oqli muzqaymoqlarni bir xil narxda sotib
o‘zaro teng bo‘lmagan uchburchak
oldi. U hamma muzqaymoqlar uchun 65 000
so‘m to‘lagan bo‘lsa, 4 ta shokoladli muzqay- turli tomonli uchburchak deb atal-
moq necha so‘m turadi? adi.

(a) 26 000 so‘m (a) I – to‘g‘ri, II – to‘g‘ri, III – to‘g‘ri.

(b) 25 000 so‘m (b) I – noto‘g‘ri, II – to‘g‘ri, III – noto‘g‘ri.
(c) 27 000 so‘m (c) I – noto‘g‘ri, II – noto‘g‘ri, III – to‘g‘ri.
(d) 30 000 so‘m (d) I – to‘g‘ri, II – noto‘g‘ri, III – noto‘g‘ri.

3 1
15. Itlar o‘rtasida yugurish musobaqasi o‘tkazishdi. 17. Rasmdagi turli shakl turli sonni, bir xil shakl
Unda 01 raqamli it bilan 04 raqamli itning bir xil sonni ifoda etadi. So‘roq belgisi turgan
harakatlanish grafigini ko‘rib chiqing va joyda qaysi son bo‘lishi kerak?
quyidagi savollarga mos javoblarni tanlang:

(a) 12
(b) 16
(c) 14
(d) 18

Savol Javob
1. 01 raqamli it marragacha A) 300
necha metr yetib kela olmadi? B) 120
2. 04 raqamli it dastlabki C) 100 18. Berilgan ma’lumotlar asosida so‘roq belgisi
350 metrni necha sekundda D) 50 o‘rnidagi sonni toping:
yugurib o‘tdi? E) 160
3. Start boshlangach qan- F) 200
cha vaqt o‘tganidan keyin 04 G) 150
raqamli it 01 raqamli itni H) 250
quvib o‘tishni boshladi?
4. Dastlabki 180 sekundda 01
raqamli it va 04 raqamli it (a) 24
orasidagi masofa (metr) qan-
cha bo‘lgan? (b) 30
(c) 27
(a) 1 – B, 2 – B, 3 – C, 4 – F
(d) 29
(b) 1 – A, 2 – A, 3 – F, 4 – C
(c) 1 – G, 2 – E, 3 – C, 4 – C
(d) 1 – H, 2 – B, 3 – A, 4 – F

19. Rasmda A, B va C idishlar suv bilan

to‘ldirilgan. Agar A idishdagi suv B idishdagi
suvdan 4 marta ko‘p bo‘lsa, A idishdagi suv C
16. Sinfdagi barcha o‘quvchilar tartib bilan qa- idishdagi suvdan necha litr ko‘p bo‘ladi?
torlarga o‘tirib olishdi. Har bir qatordagi
o‘quvchilar soni bir xil. Suxrobning oldida 2
ta qator, orqasida esa 1 ta qator bor. Suxrob
o‘tirgan qatorda, uning chap tomonida 3 ta
o‘quvchi, o‘ng tomonida esa 5 ta o‘quvchi
o‘tiribdi. Sinfda jami nechta o‘quvchi bor?
(a) 27 ta (a) 4
(b) 33 ta (b) 7
(c) 36 ta (c) 6
(d) 24 ta (d) 5

4 1
20. 4 ta bola bor: Fotima, Komila, Sardor va Ah- 23. Kompyuter savodxonligi uchun informatika
mad. Har bir bolada bittadan kitob bor: tarix, fanidan 75 ta o‘quvchi test topshirishdi va unda
fizika, matematika va informatika. Fotimada in- o‘quvchilar 0 dan 100 gacha bo‘lgan ballda ba-
formatika va tarix kitobi yo‘q. Agar matematika holandi. Agar testda 25 nafar o‘quvchi 84 dan
kitobi bo‘lgan bola Ahmad va fizika kitobi bor yuqori yoki unga teng ball to‘plagani ma’lum
bola bilan, Sardor esa tarix kitobi bor bola va bo‘lsa, barcha 75 nafar o‘quvchining eng kichik
Komila bilan yonma – yon turgan bo‘lsa, qaysi o‘rtacha bali qancha bo‘ladi?
bolada qanday kitob borligini aniqlang.
(a) 40
(a) Fotima – fizika, Komila – matematika, (b) 50
Sardor – tarix, Ahmad – informatika.
(c) 28
(b) Fotima – matematika, Komila – tarix,
Sardor – fizika, Ahmad – informatika. (d) 35

(c) Fotima – fizika, Komila – matematika,

Sardor – informatika, Ahmad – tarix.
(d) Fotima – matematika, Komila – fizika,
Sardor – informatika, Ahmad – tarix.

24. Qonuniyatini aniqlab, so‘roq belgisi o‘rnidagi

mos sonni toping:

21. Ketma – ketlikning qonuniyatini aniqlab, so‘roq

belgisi o‘rnidagi mos sonni toping:

(a) 67 (a) 101

(b) 74 (b) 95

(c) 66 (c) 100

(d) 71 (d) 90

22. Shakl ichidagi qonuniyatni aniqlab,

so‘roq belgisi o‘rnidagi mos sonni toping: 25. Rasmdagi uchta kubning ko‘rinmaydigan
yoqlaridagi ochkolar yig‘indisini toping:

(a) 20 (a) 38
(b) 16 (b) 39
(c) 28 (c) 22
(d) 32 (d) 41

5 1
28. Read the text and decide which answer (a, b, c
or d) best fits the gap (3).
(a) relatives
(b) pets
(c) self
(d) classmates

29. Read the text and decide which answer (a, b, c

or d) best fits the gap (4).
(a) those
(b) their
(c) they
(d) them

30. Read the text and decide which answer (a, b, c

or d) best fits the gap (5).
(a) at
(b) to
(c) in
(d) on

31. Choose the right synonym to the word

(a) usual
Read the text and decide which answer (a, b, c (b) well known
or d) best fits the gap (1). (c) interesting
(a) computer (d) unpopular
(b) fun
(c) minute 32. Choose the right antonym to the word in capi-
tal letters:
(d) share "People all over the world use the internet to
BUY things."
(a) sell
(b) bring
(c) pay
(d) sold

27. Read the text and decide which answer (a, b, c

or d) best fits the gap (2). 33. Find the line with only irregular verbs.

(a) plant (a) listen, do

(b) garden (b) know, want
(c) tree (c) have, buy
(d) flower (d) chat, use

6 1
34. Choose the superlative degree to the word in 38. Choose the right alternative meaning to the
capital letters from the statement: statement given below:
"There are lots of famous songs and some more "There are lots of famous songs and some more
UNUSUAL ones too." unusual ones too."
(a) more unusual (a) There are many famous songs and no
(b) usually more unusual ones too.

(c) the unusualness (b) There are few famous songs and some
more unusual ones too.
(d) the most unusual
(c) There are no famous songs and some
35. Find the right Past Simple of this sentence in more unusual ones too.
the positive form given below:
"Website has got hundreds of songs." (d) There are a lot of famous songs and
some more unusual ones too.
(a) Website had hundreds of songs.
39. Find the correct word according to the defini-
(b) Does website have hundreds of songs? tion given below:
(c) Website does not have hundreds of "not commonly done"
(a) unusual
(d) Website did not have hundreds of
(b) information
(c) chat
36. Choose the right answer. Why do people use
the internet? (d) online

(a) Because the internet is dangerous for 40. Find only TRUE statements according to the
life. text.
(b) Because the internet makes life harder.
1 You can find a lot of information from chats.
(c) Because the internet makes life easier. 2 You can chat online with your friends.
(d) Because people can only chat. 3 You can find your favourite music from
37. Find the suitable sentence changed into the op-
4 You cannot find friends online.
posite form:
5 You can use the internet to buy things.
"I’ve got a song from website that nobody
(a) I have a song from website that anyone (a) 2,5
knows. (b) 3,5
(b) I haven’t a song from website that any- (c) 1,2
one knows. (d) 4,5
(c) I haven’t got a song from website that
anyone knows.
(d) I did not have got a song from website
that anyone knows.

7 1

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