Photosynthesis- BOOK 9 NOTES

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Definition: Photosynthesis is the process by which green plants convert light energy, usually from the sun,
into chemical energy in the form of glucose and release oxygen into the atmosphere.

Overall Equation:

Key Components:

1. Chlorophyll:

o A green pigment located in the chloroplasts of plant cells.

o Absorbs light energy, which is necessary for photosynthesis.

2. Chloroplasts:

o Organelles found in plant cells and algae.

o Contain chlorophyll and other pigments that capture light energy.

3. Light Energy:

o Usually comes from the sun.

o Provides the energy needed to drive the chemical reactions of photosynthesis.

4. Carbon Dioxide (CO₂):

o Taken in from the air through small openings in the leaves called stomata.

5. Water (H₂O):

o Absorbed by the roots from the soil.

o Transported to the leaves through the xylem vessels..

Importance of Photosynthesis:

1. Food Production:

o Produces glucose, which is used by the plant for energy and growth.

o Glucose can be stored as starch or used to make other organic compounds like cellulose.

2. Oxygen Production:

o Releases oxygen as a byproduct, which is essential for the respiration of most living

3. Energy Source:

o Forms the base of the food chain by producing energy-rich organic compounds.

o Essential for the survival of almost all life on Earth.

Factors Affecting Photosynthesis:

1. Light Intensity:

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o Higher light intensity increases the rate of photosynthesis up to a certain point.

2. Carbon Dioxide Concentration:

o Higher CO₂ concentration increases the rate of photosynthesis up to a certain point.

3. Temperature:

o Photosynthesis is temperature-dependent.

o Too low or too high temperatures can slow down or stop the process.

4. Water Availability:

o A shortage of water can slow down or stop photosynthesis.

5. Chlorophyll Concentration:

o Affects the plant's ability to absorb light energy.

To remember the factors affecting photosynthesis, you can use the mnemonic "LIGHT Can Turn Water


Materials Needed:

 Fresh leaf (preferably from a plant kept in light for several hours)

 Ethanol (70% or higher concentration)

 Boiling water

 Iodine solution (iodine dissolved in potassium iodide solution)

 Bunsen burner or hot plate (for boiling water)

 Petri dish or small glass container

 Forceps

 Tweezers

 Paper towels or tissue paper


1. Collecting the Leaf:

o Choose a healthy leaf from a plant that has been exposed to light for several hours. This
ensures that the leaf has undergone photosynthesis and accumulated starch.

2. Boiling the Leaf:

o Place the leaf in boiling water for about 1-2 minutes. This stops all metabolic activity and
breaks down the cell membranes to release the contents of the leaf.

3. Blanching the Leaf:

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o Remove the leaf from boiling water using forceps and immediately place it in a container with
ethanol. This blanches the leaf, removing the chlorophyll and making the starch more visible.

4. Boiling in Ethanol:

o Boil the leaf in ethanol for about 2-5 minutes. The leaf will turn pale due to the removal of

5. Staining with Iodine Solution:

o Rinse the leaf with water to remove the ethanol, then place it in a Petri dish or on a white tile.

o Add a few drops of iodine solution (iodine dissolved in potassium iodide) to cover the leaf.
Iodine stains starch blue-black.

6. Observation:

o Allow the leaf to sit for a few minutes (5-10 minutes) to allow the iodine to react with any
starch present.

o Observe the leaf. Areas containing starch will turn dark blue or black where the iodine has


 Presence of Starch: Dark blue or black areas on the leaf indicate the presence of starch. These
areas correspond to where photosynthesis has occurred and starch has been stored.

 Absence of Starch: If the leaf remains brownish-yellow after staining with iodine, it indicates that
little or no starch is present, suggesting that the leaf either did not undergo photosynthesis or used
up all the starch it produced.


 Control Experiments: It's important to perform control experiments using a leaf kept in the dark as
a negative control. This leaf should show little or no starch after the iodine test.

 Safety: Handle ethanol and iodine solution with care as they can be hazardous. Work in a well-
ventilated area and wear appropriate personal protective equipment.



To determine the effect of varying light intensities on the rate of photosynthesis in a plant.


 Elodea (or any aquatic plant)

 Beaker

 Water

 Sodium bicarbonate (to provide CO₂)

 Light source (lamp)

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 Ruler

 Timer

 Thermometer

 Graph paper or data logging software (optional)


1. Preparation:

o Fill a beaker with water and add a small amount of sodium bicarbonate to ensure an ample
supply of carbon dioxide.

o Place a piece of Elodea in the beaker with the cut end facing up to allow oxygen bubbles to
escape more easily.

2. Setting Up the Experiment:

o Position the light source at a fixed distance from the beaker.

o Ensure the room is darkened so that the light source is the primary source of light.

3. Baseline Measurement:

o Allow the plant to acclimate to the light for a few minutes.

o Start the timer and count the number of oxygen bubbles produced by the Elodea in a set
period (e.g., 1 minute). Record the number of bubbles.

4. Varying Light Intensity:

o Move the light source closer to the plant in set increments (e.g., 5 cm closer) and repeat the
bubble count for each distance.

o Record the distance and the corresponding number of bubbles produced.

o Ensure to maintain other factors constant such as temperature, CO₂ concentration, and
water availability.

5. Control:

o To ensure the validity of the experiment, perform a control test without the light source to
confirm that bubbles are due to photosynthesis and not other factors.

Data Collection

 Record the distance of the light source and the number of oxygen bubbles produced in each trial.

 Optionally, measure the temperature of the water to ensure it remains constant.

Distance of Light Source Number of Oxygen Bubbles (per Temperature of Water

(cm) minute) (°C)
1 5
2 10
3 15

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***Number of Oxygen Bubbles represents the rate of photosynthesis.


 Plot the data on a graph with light intensity (distance of the light source) on the x-axis and the rate of
photosynthesis (number of bubbles per minute) on the y-axis.

 Look for trends such as an increase in the rate of photosynthesis with increasing light intensity up to
a certain point, after which the rate may plateau or even decrease due to other limiting factors.


 Analyze the results to determine the optimal light intensity for the highest rate of photosynthesis.

 Discuss any potential errors or variables that could have affected the results and suggest
improvements for future experiments.


 Ensure the experiment is repeated several times to obtain reliable data.

 Be cautious of heat from the light source, as it can affect the temperature and thus the rate of



To determine the effect of different types and amounts of fertilizers on plant growth.


 Plants (e.g., fast-growing plants like beans or radishes)

 Pots

 Soil

 Different types of fertilizers (organic, inorganic)

 Water

 Measuring cups and spoons

 Ruler

 Labels for pots

 Notebook or data logging software


1. Preparation:

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o Choose similar-sized plants or seeds of the same type.

o Fill the pots with the same amount and type of soil.

2. Experimental Setup:

o Divide the plants into several groups, each group receiving a different treatment (e.g., no
fertilizer, organic fertilizer, inorganic fertilizer).

o Ensure you have a control group that does not receive any fertilizer.

o Label each pot clearly with the type and amount of fertilizer used.

3. Applying Fertilizers:

o Apply the fertilizers according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

o Use different concentrations or amounts if testing the effect of different quantities.

4. Consistent Care:

o Water the plants regularly, ensuring all plants receive the same amount of water.

o Place the plants in a location with consistent light and temperature.

5. Data Collection:

o Measure the initial height of each plant.

o Regularly measure and record the growth of each plant (e.g., height, number of leaves, leaf
size) at consistent intervals (e.g., every 3 days) over a set period (e.g., 4 weeks).

o Note any other observations such as color, health, and overall appearance.

Data Collection Table

Plant Type of Amount of Height Number of

Day Observations
ID Fertilizer Fertilizer (cm) Leaves

0 1 None 0 5 4 Healthy, green leaves

3 1 None 0 6 4

6 1 None 0 7 5

9 1 None 0 8 5

0 2 Organic 5g 5 4 Healthy, green leaves

3 2 Organic 5g 7 5 Slightly greener than control

6 2 Organic 5g 9 6

9 2 Organic 5g 11 6

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Plant Type of Amount of Height Number of
Day Observations
ID Fertilizer Fertilizer (cm) Leaves

0 3 Inorganic 5g 5 4 Healthy, green leaves

Greener than control and

3 3 Inorganic 5g 8 5

6 3 Inorganic 5g 10 6

9 3 Inorganic 5g 13 7


 Compare the growth measurements across different groups.

 Analyze which fertilizer type and amount resulted in the most significant growth.

 Note any differences in plant health and appearance.


 Determine the effectiveness of each fertilizer type on plant growth.

 Discuss any observed trends or patterns.

 Consider any external factors that might have influenced the results and suggest improvements for
future experiments.


 Ensure to replicate the experiment to verify the results.

 Maintain consistency in environmental conditions to minimize external variable impacts.

 Properly dispose of any excess fertilizers according to safety guidelines.


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Definition: The carbon cycle is the series of processes by which carbon atoms circulate through the
Earth's ecosystems, involving the atmosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, and geosphere.


Key components of the carbon cycle include:

1. Photosynthesis: Plants absorb CO₂ from the atmosphere to produce glucose and oxygen.

2. Respiration: Both plants and animals release CO₂ back into the atmosphere through the process of

3. Decomposition: Dead organic matter is broken down by decomposers, releasing CO₂.

4. Combustion: Burning of fossil fuels and biomass releases CO₂ and other greenhouse gases.

5. Ocean Uptake: Oceans absorb CO₂ from the atmosphere, which can be stored as dissolved
inorganic carbon or used by marine organisms to form calcium carbonate.

6. Fossilization: Carbon from dead organisms can form fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas.

Key Processes:

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1. Photosynthesis:

o Plants, algae, and some bacteria take in carbon dioxide (CO₂) from the atmosphere and use
sunlight to convert it into glucose (C₆H₁₂O₆) and oxygen (O₂).

o Equation:

2. Respiration:

o All living organisms, including plants, animals, and microorganisms, convert glucose and
oxygen into energy, releasing carbon dioxide and water as byproducts.

o Equation:

3. Decomposition:

o Decomposers, such as bacteria and fungi, break down dead organic matter, returning
carbon dioxide to the atmosphere or converting it into fossil fuels over millions of years.

4. Combustion:

o The burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas) and biomass (wood, plant material)
releases carbon dioxide and water into the atmosphere.

o Equation: Fuel+O2→CO2+H2O+energy

5. Sedimentation and Fossilization:

o Carbon from dead organisms can be trapped in sediments and over geological time periods
can form fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas).

6. Ocean Uptake:

o Oceans absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

o Carbon dioxide can dissolve in seawater and be used by marine organisms to form calcium
carbonate (CaCO₃), which is used to make shells and skeletons.

Human Impact on the Carbon Cycle:

1. Burning Fossil Fuels:

o Releases large amounts of carbon dioxide, contributing to the greenhouse effect and global

2. Deforestation:

o Reduces the number of trees available to absorb carbon dioxide through photosynthesis.

3. Industrial Processes:

o Cement production and other industrial activities release significant amounts of carbon

4. Agricultural Practices:

o Livestock production and rice paddies produce methane, another potent greenhouse gas.

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Importance of the Carbon Cycle:

1. Regulates Climate:

o Carbon dioxide and methane are greenhouse gases that trap heat in the atmosphere,
influencing Earth's climate.

2. Supports Life:

o Carbon is a key component of biological molecules (proteins, lipids, carbohydrates) essential

for life.

3. Ecosystem Function:

o Maintains the balance of carbon among the atmosphere, oceans, and living organisms,
supporting diverse ecosystems.



1. Photosynthesis:

o Plants absorb CO₂ from the atmosphere during photosynthesis to produce glucose and

o This process reduces the concentration of CO₂ in the atmosphere.

o Equation:

2. Respiration:

o Plants also respire, converting glucose and oxygen into energy, releasing CO₂ back into the

o This process increases the concentration of CO₂, but it is generally less than the amount
absorbed during photosynthesis.

o Equation:

3. Decomposition:

o When plants die and decompose, decomposers (bacteria and fungi) break down their
organic matter, releasing CO₂ into the atmosphere.

o This process also increases atmospheric CO₂ levels.

4. Carbon Sequestration:

o Plants, especially trees, can store carbon in their biomass (trunks, branches, leaves, roots).

o Forests act as carbon sinks, reducing the concentration of CO₂ in the atmosphere by storing
it for long periods.

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1. Respiration:

o Animals, like plants, respire and convert oxygen and glucose into energy, releasing CO₂ as
a byproduct.

o This process increases the concentration of CO₂ in the atmosphere.

o Equation:

2. Consumption of Plants:

o Animals eat plants and obtain carbon stored in plant biomass.

o This carbon is then used for growth and metabolic processes, and eventually released back
into the atmosphere as CO₂ through respiration.

3. Decomposition:

o When animals die and decompose, their organic matter is broken down by decomposers,
releasing CO₂ into the atmosphere.

o This process also increases atmospheric CO₂ levels.

4. Methane Production:

o Some animals, particularly ruminants (e.g., cows, sheep), produce methane (CH₄) during

o Methane is a potent greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming, and it can be
oxidized in the atmosphere to produce CO₂.

Overall Impact

The balance between these processes determines the net effect on atmospheric CO₂ levels. Generally:

 Photosynthesis by plants reduces atmospheric CO₂.

 Respiration by plants and animals increases atmospheric CO₂.

 Decomposition of organic matter from both plants and animals increases atmospheric CO₂.

 Carbon Sequestration by plants helps in reducing atmospheric CO₂ over long periods.

 Human Activities, such as deforestation and burning fossil fuels, disrupt this balance, often leading
to higher atmospheric CO₂ levels.


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1. Greenhouse Effect:

o CO₂ and other greenhouse gases (such as methane and nitrous oxide) trap heat in the
Earth's atmosphere, preventing it from escaping into space.

o An increase in CO₂ levels enhances this greenhouse effect, leading to global warming.

2. Human Activities:

o Burning Fossil Fuels: Combustion of coal, oil, and natural gas for energy releases large
amounts of CO₂.

o Deforestation: Removing forests reduces the number of trees that can absorb CO₂ through
photosynthesis, leading to higher atmospheric CO₂ levels.

o Industrial Processes: Certain industrial activities release CO₂ and other greenhouse

3. Ocean Acidification:

o The oceans absorb about one-quarter of the CO₂ emitted by human activities.

o Increased CO₂ levels lead to higher concentrations of carbonic acid in the oceans, causing
ocean acidification, which can harm marine life.

4. Feedback Loops:

o Positive Feedback: Warming temperatures can lead to the release of additional

greenhouse gases from permafrost and ocean sediments, further accelerating climate

o Negative Feedback: Increased plant growth due to higher CO₂ levels can enhance carbon
sequestration, potentially mitigating some warming.

Impacts of Climate Change on the Carbon Cycle

1. Altered Photosynthesis and Respiration Rates:

o Higher temperatures can increase the rate of photosynthesis up to a certain point but can
also increase plant and soil respiration rates, leading to more CO₂ being released.

2. Changes in Ocean Absorption:

o Warming oceans may absorb less CO₂, reducing their effectiveness as a carbon sink.

3. Permafrost Thawing:

o Thawing of permafrost releases stored carbon in the form of CO₂ and methane, contributing
to atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations.

Mitigation and Adaptation

1. Reducing Emissions:

o Transitioning to renewable energy sources, increasing energy efficiency, and implementing

carbon capture and storage technologies can reduce CO₂ emissions.

2. Reforestation and Afforestation:

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o Planting trees and restoring forests can enhance carbon sequestration.

3. Sustainable Agriculture:

o Practices such as no-till farming, cover cropping, and improved livestock management can
reduce CO₂ emissions and increase soil carbon storage.

4. Protecting Oceans:

o Reducing pollution and overfishing, along with protecting marine habitats, can help maintain
the ocean's capacity to absorb CO₂.


Mechanisms of Sea Level Rise

1. Thermal Expansion:

o Explanation: As water heats up, it expands. This process is known as thermal expansion.

o Impact: The oceans absorb a large portion of the Earth's heat. As global temperatures rise,
the upper layers of the ocean warm up and expand, contributing to sea level rise.

o Contribution: Thermal expansion is responsible for a significant portion of the observed sea
level rise. It was a major factor in the 20th century and continues to contribute to rising sea

2. Melting of Glaciers and Ice Caps:

o Explanation: Rising temperatures cause glaciers and ice caps, which are found on
mountains and polar regions, to melt.

o Impact: The melting of these ice formations adds fresh water to the oceans, increasing sea

o Contribution: Glaciers and ice caps, particularly in Greenland and Antarctica, contribute
significantly to sea level rise as they melt. The Greenland Ice Sheet alone holds enough ice
to raise sea levels by about 7 meters (23 feet) if it were to melt completely.

3. Melting of Polar Ice Sheets:

o Explanation: The large ice sheets covering Greenland and Antarctica are melting at an
accelerating rate due to rising temperatures.

o Impact: The melting of these massive ice sheets directly adds water to the ocean,
significantly increasing sea levels.

o Contribution: The Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets are critical contributors to long-term
sea level rise. The Antarctic Ice Sheet contains enough ice to raise sea levels by about 58
meters (190 feet).

4. Loss of Sea Ice:

o Explanation: While the melting of sea ice does not directly contribute to sea level rise (since
it is already floating on the ocean), it does have indirect effects.

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o Impact: The loss of reflective ice surfaces reduces the Earth's albedo (reflectivity), leading
to more absorption of heat by the ocean and further warming. This can accelerate the
melting of adjacent land ice and contribute to thermal expansion.

Impacts of Sea Level Rise

1. Coastal Erosion:

o Rising sea levels increase the rate of coastal erosion, leading to the loss of land and habitats
along coastlines.

2. Flooding:

o Higher sea levels increase the frequency and severity of coastal flooding, particularly during
high tides and storm surges.

3. Saltwater Intrusion:

o Rising sea levels can cause saltwater to intrude into freshwater aquifers, contaminating
drinking water supplies and affecting agriculture.

4. Loss of Habitats:

o Coastal ecosystems, such as mangroves, marshes, and coral reefs, can be submerged or
eroded away, leading to loss of biodiversity.

5. Impacts on Human Populations:

o Millions of people living in low-lying coastal areas are at risk of displacement due to rising
sea levels. Cities and communities near coastlines may face increased risks of flooding and
property damage.

Long-Term Consequences

 Economic Costs:

o The economic impacts of rising sea levels include damage to infrastructure, increased costs
for flood defenses, and losses in tourism and fisheries.

 Cultural Impacts:

o Some coastal and island communities face the loss of cultural heritage sites and ways of life
due to rising sea levels.

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