فيزياء 2_الاسبوع السادس (4)

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Physics 2

Part 2

Heat and Thermodynamics

‫الحرارة والديناميكا الحرارية‬
‫‪Lecture 6‬‬
‫المحاضرة السادسة‬
‫‪Chapter 4‬‬
‫‪Heat engine‬‬
‫المحرك الحراري‬
1. Heat engine ‫المحرك الحراري‬

A heat engine is : a device that converts thermal

energy into other useful forms of energy, such as
mechanical and electrical energy.
‫هو جهاز يستخدم لتحويل الطاقة الحرارية الي صورة اخري مفيدة من الطاقة مثل‬
‫طاقة كهربية وميكانيكية‬
(1) Heat is absorbed (Qh) from a
hot reservoir at a high temperature (Th)
(2) Work is done by the engine
(3) Heat is expelled (Qc) to a cold reservoir at
a lower temperature (Tc)

W = Qh - Qc
Thermal efficiency of a heat engine
‫الكفاءة الحرارية للمحرك الحراري‬
useful output W
e 
input Qh

• It the ratio of the net work done to the heat

absorbed during one cycle.
‫• هي النسبة بين الشغل الناتج والحرارة الممتصة خالل دوة‬
W Qh  Qc Qc
e  1
Qh Qh Qh
Problem 3
• A heat engine performs 200 J of work in each
cycle and has an efficiency of 30%. For each
cycle, how much thermal energy is (a) absorbed
and (b) expelled?

W  200 J , e  30%  0.30

a)  e   Qh 
Qh e
Qh   666.67 J
b) Qc  Qh  W  466.67 J
2. Carnot engine (ideal engine)
)‫محرك كارنوت ( المحرك المثالي‬
• Carnot shows that the maximum thermal
efficiency of the Carnot engine is obtained
Qc Tc

Qh Th
So. the thermal efficiency of a Carnot engine or
maximum efficiency is given by
ec  1 
Problem 7
• A Carnot engine has a work output of 150 kJ.
The engine operates between two reservoirs
at 20°C and 500°C. (a) How much thermal
energy is absorbed? (b) How much thermal
energy is lost?

W  150kJ , Tc  20  273  293K

Th  500  273  773K
Tc 293
a)  e  1   e 1  0.38
Th 773
 e  Qh 
Qh e
Qh   394.7kJ
b) Qc  Qh  W  244.7 kJ
3. Second law of thermodynamics
‫القانون الثاني للديناميكا الحرارية‬
• Second law of thermodynamics state that:
It is impossible to convert all of the absorbed
heat energy Qh into mechanical work (W) in
heat engine.
e = 100% (impossible)

‫من المستحيل تحويل كل الطاقة الممتصة الي شغل ميكانيكي‬

‫في المحرك الحراري‬
4. Entropy (S)
Entropy is a measure to the disorder
of the system
‫• األنتروبي هو مقياس لعدم ترتيب النظام‬

Note that: for a Carnot engine operating in

a cycle DS = 0
‫شكرا لحضراتكم‬

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