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Physics 2

Part 2

Heat and Thermodynamics

‫الحرارة والديناميكا الحرارية‬
‫‪Lecture 4‬‬
‫المحاضرة الرابعة‬
‫‪Chapter 3‬‬
‫الديناميكا الحرارية‬
I. Definitions ‫تعريفات‬
1. Thermodynamics ‫الديناميكا الحرارية‬
The thermodynamics deals with
the relation between
heat (Q) and work (W).
‫• هو العلم الذي يتعامل مع العالقة بين الطاقة الحرارية والشغل‬

2. Thermodynamic System:
‫النظام الديناميكي الحراري‬
A definite quantity of mass bounded by some surface.
‫كمية معينة من الكتلة محدودة بسطح‬
3. Types of the systems ‫انواع األنظمة‬
• Open system: is one in which the mass may
enter or leave.
‫• نظام يمكن ل الكتله ان تخرج منه او تدخل‬
• Closed system: is one whose mass is constant
‫• نظام كتلته ثابته‬
• Isolated system: is the system for which no
energy in any form passes across its
‫• نظام ال تمر الطاقة في اي صوره من صورها خالل حدوده‬
The quantities whose values determine the state of
a system are P, V and T
‫الكميات التي تحدد حالة النظام هي الضغط والحجم ودرجة الحرارة‬
• P: pressure of the system
• V: Volume of the system
• T: Absolute temperature of the system ( Kelvin)

For ideal gas

PV = nRT
n = number of moles; T = absolute temperature;
R = gas constant = 8.314 J /mole.K
II. Work done of the gas

‫للغاز‬ ‫المبذول‬ ‫الشغل‬
Let us consider a given quantity of a gas in cylindrical
container with a movable piston.
• The work done by the gas in displacing the piston
through infinitesimal distance dy is given by
• dW = F.dy
• F = PA
• dW = P.Ady = PdV
V2 •

W   PdV
• graphically : V1

Work is the area under the curve in

of P-V diagram.
Problem 1
• Gas confined by the piston and
expand from 2 m3 to 6 m3 according
to the relation P = 2V. Calculate the
work done by the gas.
V1 = 2 m 3 , V 2 = 6 m 3

V2 6
W   PdV   2VdV
V1 2
W  V 2  36  4  32 J
• Gas confined by the piston and
expand from 1 m3 to 6 m3 at
constant pressure P= 2 atm (Isobaric
process). Calculate the work done
by the gas.
V1 = 1 m 3 , V 2 = 6 m 3
P1= P2= P = 2 atm = 2 x105 Pa

W= area under the curve = 5x2 x105=106 J

III. First law of thermodynamics
‫القانون األول للديناميكا الحرارية‬
• When a system absorbed heat(Q) and
does a work (w)
• Then
• The change in the internal energy
of the system (DU) is given by:
)DU( ‫التغير في الطاقة الداخلية‬

DU = Q –W
Sings ‫االشارات‬
• Work done (W)
• Work done by the system (expand) W is positive (+)
• Work done on the system (compressed) W is negative(-)
• Heat(Q)
• Heat given to the system (gained) Q is (+)
• Heat taken from the system (lost) Q is (-)
• DU (change in the internal energy)
• DU increased DU is positive (+)
• DU decreased DU is negative(-)
Problem 2
• A thermodynamic system undergoes a
process in which its internal energy decreases
by 500 J. If at the same time, 220 J of work is
done on the system, find the thermal energy
transferred to or from it.
• Solution:
DU = -500 J, W = -220 J m3, Q = ?
Q = DU+ W
Q= -500-220 = -720 J
• A gas is taken through the cycle described in
Figure. Find work done and the net thermal
energy transferred to the system during one
complete cycle.
W  area under thecurve
W AB  (4)(6 x103 )  2 x103 x 4  20 x103 J
WBC 0
WCA  (2 x103 x 4)  8 x103 J
W  20  8) x103  12 x103 J  12kJ
For cycle DU  0
 Q  W  12kJ
Prove that the Work depends on the path:

W2 > W3 > W1
Then The work and heat depends
on the path
‫شكرا لحضراتكم‬

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