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The Ab’s Rowland School

Unit Test -2019-20

Class-XI Subject-Computer Science

Chapter – 1(Computer System Overview)

One Mark
Multiple Choice Questions
1. Which of the following components is the main memory of computer?
(a) CD (b) DVD (c) Internal hard drive (d) RAM
2. Which component of a computer connects the processor to the other hardware?
(a) System Bus (b) CPU (c) Memory (d) Input Unit
3. Which of the following is referred to the brain of computer?
(a) Processor (b) RAM (c) ROM (d) Hard drive
4. What is the name of programs that control the computer system?
(a) Hardware (b) Keyboard (c) Software (d) Mouse
5. The physical components of a computer are called?
(a) Software (b) Hardware (c) ALU (d) CPU
6. Which of the following is the common measurement of unit of computer memory?
(a) IQ (b) Byte (c) Terabyte (d) Gigabyte
7. What is the name of the component that used to both read and writes data?
(a) ROM (b) The Processor (c) Hard Drive (d) Cache Memory
8. The CPU is also known as :
(a) The Brain (b) RAM (c) The Central Processing Unit (d) All of these
9. Which smaller unit of the CPU directs and coordinates all activities within it and determines
the sequence in which instructions are executed, sending instructions sequence to other
smaller unit.
(a) CU (b) ALU (c) PROCESSOR (d) All of these.
10. Which smaller unit of the CPU performs all arithmetic and logic functions in a computer?
(a) CU (b) ALU (c) PROCESSOR (d) All of these.
11. Component of CPU which is responsible for comparing the contents of two pieces of data is
(a) ALU (b) CU (c) memory (d) register
12. In a computer, CU stands for-
(a) control unit (b) cache unit (c) calculating unit (d) communication unit
13. Arithmetic and logic unit alongwith control unit of a computer, combined into a single unit,
is known as
(a) central processing unit (b) memory unit (c) I/O unit (d) operating unit

Q14. Define about Registers.

Q15. State the basic units of the computer.

Q16. What do you understand by input unit?

Q17. What functions are performed by the control unit?

Q18. What functions are performed by the ALU?

Q19. What is the function of output unit in a computer system?

Q20. Define the Operating System.

Two Mark

Q1. Write difference between RAM and ROM.

Q2. What is the meaning of the term volatile primary memory?

Q3. what is the utility of these software?

(i). disk fragmentor (ii). backup software

Q4.What is GPU? How is it useful?

Q5. What is the importance of an OS?

Q6. What is SoC? How it is different from CPU?

Three Mark

Q1. What is the function of memory? What is its measuring unit?

Q2. Why is primary memory termed as ‘destructive write’ memory but ‘non-destructive read’

Q3. Distinguish between internal and external memory.

Q4. What are major functional component of a mobile system?

Q5. Draw a block diagram depicting organization of a mobile system.

Q6. What is application software? Why is it required?

Q7. What is difference between Interpreter and Compiler?

Four Mark
Q1. What is the role of CPU of a mobile system?
Q2. What are various categories of software?
Q3. Briefly explain the basic architecture of a computer.
Q4. Explain the Storage Unit.

Chapter – 2 (Data Representation)

One Mark
Multiple Choice Questions

1. The value of radix in binary number system is

(a) 2 (b) 8 (c) 10 (d) 16
2.The value of radix in octal number system is
(a) 2 (b) 8 (c) 10 (d)16
3.The value of radix in decimal number system is
(a) 2 (b) 8 (c) 10 (d) 16
4.The value of radix in hexadecimal number system is
(a) 2 (b) 8 (c) 10 (d) 16
5.Which of the following are not valid symbols in octal number system?
(a) 2 (b) 8 (c) 9 (d) 7
6.Which of the following are not valid symbols in hexadecimal number system?
(a) 2 (b) 8 (c) 9 (d) G (e) F
7.Which of the following are not valid symbols in decimal, number system?
(a) 2 (b) 8 (c) 9 (d) G (e) F
8.The hexadecimal digits are 1 to 0 and A to
(a) E (b) F (c) G (d) D
9.The binary equivalent of the decimal number 10 is
(a) 0010 (b) 10 it (c) 1010 (d) 010
10.ASCII code is a 7 bit code for
(a) letters (b) numbers (c) other symbols (d) all of these
11 How many bytes are there in 1011 1001 0110 1110 numbers?
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 4 (d) 8
12. Define the Digital Number System.
13. What is the use of encoding schemes?
14. What is the utility of ISCII encoding scheme?
15. What are ASCII and ISCII ? Why are these used?
16. what is code space ? How is it related to code point?

Two Mark
Q1. Discuss UTF-8 encoding scheme.
Q2. How is UTF-8 encoding scheme different from UTF-32 encoding scheme?
Q3. What is the most significant bit and the least significant bit in a binary code?
Q4. What is Unicode? What is its significance?
Q5. What do you understand by code point and code unit ?

Three Mark
Q1. The following is a message encoded in ASCII code. What is the message?
1001000 1000101 1001100 1010000
Q2. Add the binary numbers:
(a) 110101 and 101111 (b) 10110 and 1101 (c) 110101 and 101111
Q3. Encode the word ‘COMPUTER’ using ASCII and convert the encode value into binary

Four Mark

Q1. convert the following binary numbers to decimal:

(i). 1010 (ii). 111010 (iii). 101011111 (iv). 11001100

Q2. convert the following decimal to binary numbers:

(i). 23 (ii). 145 (iii). 121 (iv). 161

Q3. convert the following Hexadecimal numbers to binary numbers:

(i). A6 (ii). A07 (iii). 7AB4 (iv).BE

Q4. convert the following binary numbers to Hexadecimal numbers:

(i). 10011011101 (ii). 1111011101011011 (iii). 11010111010111 (iv). 1010110110111

Q5. convert the following octal numbers to binary numbers:

(i). 7642 (ii). 7015 (iii). 3576 (iv). 123

Q6. convert the following binary numbers to Octal numbers:

(i). 111010 (ii). 110110101 (iii). 1101100001 (iv). 11001

Chapter – 3 (Boolean Logic)

One Mark

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to Boolean laws : A +1 = ?
(a) I (b) A (c) 0 (d) A'
2. According to Boolean laws :
(a) I (b) A (c) 0 (d) A'
3. According to Boolean laws : A . 1 = ?
(a) 1 (b) A (c) 0 (d) A'
4. According to Boolean laws : A . 0 = ?
(a) 1 (b) A (c) 0 (d) A'
5. The expression for the Absorption law is given by
(a) A+ AB= A (b) A+ AB= B (c) AB+ AA' = A (d) A+ B= B+ A
6. The involution of A is equal to
(a) A (b) A' (c) I
7. If an input A is given to an inverter gate, the output will be :
(a) 1 / A (b) 1 (c) A (d) A
8. The output of a two-input OR gate is high when
(a) both inputs are low (b) both inputs are high
(c) any one input is high (d) only one input is high
9. The output of a two-input AND gate is high when
(a) both inputs are low (b) both inputs are high
(c) any one input is high (d) only one input is high
10. According to the associative law
(a) A+B=B+A A (B) A=A+ A (c) (A+ B)+C=A+(B+C) (D) A+0=A
11. According to the commutative law
(a) AB= BA (b) A =AA (C) (AB)C=A(BC) (d) A.0 =A
12. According to the distributive law A(B+C)=?
(a) ABC (b) AB+AC (c) A+B+C (d) A+ BC
13. According to the DeMorgan laws, the comple- ment of a product of variables is equal
(a) the complement of the sum (b) the sum of the complements
(c) the product of the complement (d) none of these

14. What do you understand by 'truth value' and 'truth function'?

15. What do you understand by 'logical function'? What is its alternative name?
16. What is meant by tautology and fallacy?
17. Prove that 1 + Y is a tautology and 0.Y is a fallacy.
18. What is a truth table? What is its significance?
19. What are the basic postulates of boolean algebra?
20. What does duality principle state?
21. Give the truth table proof for distributive law of boolean algebra.

Two Mark
Q1. In the Boolean Algebra, verify using truth table that X + XY = X for each X, Y in {0, 1}.
Q2. In the Boolean Algebra, verify using truth table that (X + Y)' = X'Y' for each X, Y in {0, 1}.
Q3. Reduce the expression (XY)’+X’+XY
Q4. Reduce the expression (XYZ)’+X’YZ’+XY’Z’+XYZ’
Q5. Prove that X.(X+Y)=X by algebraic method.

Three Mark
Q1. Name the low shown below and verify it using a truth table
Q2.Draw logic circuit diagram for the following expression:
Q3. Prove algebraically X.Y+X’.Z+Y.Z=X.Y+X’.Z
Q4. State and verify Absorption law in Boolean Algebra.
Q5. Give duals for the following:
(i). XY+XY’X’Y (ii). (A+0).(A.1.A’) (III). ABC+AB’C+A’BC’
Four Mark

Q1. Prove that DeMorgan’First law.

Q2. Prove that DeMorgan’Second law.

Q3. Represent the Boolean expression X’Y+Y’Z with the help of NAND gate only.

Q4. Represent the Boolean expression F(X,Y,Z)=(X’+Y)(Y+Z)

Q5. Prove algebraically X.Y+X’.Z+Y.Z=X.Y+X’.Z

Chapter – 4 (Insight Into Program Execution)

One Mark
Q1. What is Source code?
Q2. Define the Machine code.
Q3. Explain the Parallel computing
Q4. What is Compiler and Interpreter?
Q5. What is the Throughput?

Two Mark
Q1. Explain the Active process of processor.
Q2. Explain the PCB.
Q3. What is the difference between linker and loader parts of a compiler?
Q4. What are the steps of compilation?
Q5. What is process scheduling?
Three Mark
Q1. What are the advantages of parallel computing?
Q2. What are the front end and back end phases of a compiler?
Q3. Describe the role of operating systems as a resource manager.
Four Mark
Q1. Explain the cloud computing and its types.
Q2. Explain Memory Management System of OS.
Q3. Explain Processor Management System of OS.

Chapter – 5 (Introduction to problem solving)

One Mark
Q1. What is an Algorithm?
(a). A set of steps to solve a problem (b) Software that analyses data
(c). A hardware device that stores data (d) All of these
Q2. What shape represents a decision in a flowchart?
(a) A diamond (b) A rectangle (c) An oval (d) None of these
Q3. The process of checking the correctness of an algorithm by checking the variable values after
every steps, without actually running the program is,
(a) No execution (b) Dry run (c) Dry output (d)n Dry test
Q4. What is Decomposition?
Q5. What do you understand by analyzing an algorithm?
Two Mark
Q1. What is testing and debugging?
Q2. How do you implement Decomposition while problem solving?
Q3.Mention the steps you would follow while writing a program.
Three Mark
Q1. Draw a flowchart to find the largest of three numbers A, B, and C.
Q2. Draw a flowchart to find Area and Perimeter of Rectangle, along with algorithm.
Q3. Draw a flowchart to find the sum of first 50 natural numbers.
Q4. Draw a flow chart to count and print from 1 to 10.
Q5. Write pseudocode to count and print from 1 to 10.
Four Mark
Q1. Write pseudocode to calculate the factorial of a number (N).
Q2. Draw a flow chart calculate the factorial of a number (N).
Q3. Draw a flowchart to print Even numbers between 1 to 50.

Chapter-6 (Getting Started with Python)

One Mark
Q. Which of the following is not a python IDE?
(a) IDLE (b) Spyder (c) Jupyter Notes (d) Sublime Text
Q. To print the value of a variable, Python uses
(a) Print statement (b) Print() function (c) print statement (d) print() function
Q. Python programs are typed in-
(a) interactive mode (b) Script mode
(c) A combination of interactive and script modes (d) All of these
Q. Python code can run on a variety of platforms, it means Python is a ………….. language.
Q1. Who develop Python Programming Language?
Q2. Is Python an Object Oriented Language?
Q3. ‘Python is an Interpreted high level language?
Q4. What does a cross platform language mean?
Q5. Python is a free and Open Source language. What do you understand by this feature?
Two Mark
Q1. What are the advantages of Python programming language?
Q2. What are some limitation of Python programming language?
Q3. Write difference between Interpreter and Compiler?
Three Mark
Q1. What are the advantages/disadvantages of working in Interactive mode in Python?
Q2. What are the advantages/disadvantages of working in Script mode in Python?

Chapter-7 (Python Fundamentals)

One Mark
Q1. What is Keyword?
Q2. Define the identifier.
Q3. Write about Token in Python.
Q4. How many types of strings in Python?
Q5. What is the role of indentation in Python?
Q6. What would the following code do: X=Y=7?

Two Mark
Q1.What are literals in Python? How many types of literals are allowed in Python?
Q2. What is an expression and a statement?
Q3. What are variable? How are they important for a program?
Q4. How can you create multi-line strings in Python?
Q5. What are Token in Python? How many types of Tokens are allowed in Python?

Three Mark
Q1.How many ways are there in Python to represent an integer literal?
Q2. What will be the sizes of following constant:
(i). ‘\a’ (ii). “Reema\’s” (iii). ‘\” ‘
Q3. Explain the None literal in Python.
Q4. What is the error in following Python program with one statement?
Print(“My name is”,name)
Q5. Why is following code getting errors?
Print(“Greetings !!!”)
Print(“How do you do ?”)
Q6. What will be the output of the following code?
Q7. Predict the output of following:
Four Mark

Q1.identify the types of following literals?

(i). 23.789 (ii). “False” (iii). 0o213 (iv). False
Q2. Write the following real constants in exponent form:
(i). 17.251 (ii). 151.02 (iii). 0.00031 (iv). 0.452
Q3. Write a program to obtain temperature in Celsius and convert
it into Fahrenheit using formula
Q4. Write a program to obtain three numbers and print their sum.

Chapter-8 (Data Handling)

One Mark

Q1. Which data types of python handle Numbers?

Q2. What are data types?
Q3. What are Python’s built-in core data types?
Q4. Identify the data types of the values given below:
3, 3j, 13.0, ‘13’
Q5. What do you understand by term ‘immutable’?
Q6. What are three internal key-attributes of a value-variable in Python?
Q7. Why is Boolean considered a subtype of integers?
Two Mark

Q1. What will be the output of following code?

(i). 5<5 or 10
(ii). 5<10 or 5
(iii). 5< (10 or 5)
(iv). 5< (5 0r 10)
Q2. What will be the output produced by these?
(i). 12/4
(ii). 14//14
(iii). 14%4
(iv). 14.0%4
Q3. What will be the output of the following statement when the inputs are:
(i). a=10, b=23, c=23
(ii). a=23, b=10, c=10

Q4. How would following relational expressions be internally interpreted by Python?

(i). p>q<y
(ii). a<=N<=b
Q5. Consider below given expression what. Will be the final result and final data type?
(i). a,b = 3,6
(ii). a,b = 3.6
Three Mark
Q1. What will be the output produced by the following code?
A, B, C, D=9.2, 2.0, 4, 21

Q2. Explain types of Data types.

Q3. What is the difference between value1==3 and value1=3?
Q4. Explain the types of Operator.
Q5. What is difference between Explicit type and Implicit type conversion.

Four Mark

Q1. Write the corresponding python expression for the following mathematical expression:
(i). √a2+b2+c
(ii). 2-ye2y+4y
(iii). P+q/(r+s)4
(iv). |e2 – x |
Q2. What will be the output produced by following code statements?
(i). 87//5
(ii). (87//5.0)==(17%5)
(iii). (17%5)==(17%5)
(iv). 17%5.0
Q3. Write the program to find the area of circle.
Q5. What will be the output produced by these code statement?
(i). bool(int(‘0’))
(ii). bool(str(0))
(iii). Bool(float(‘0.0’))
(iv). Bool(str(0.0))

Chapter – 9 (Flow of Control)

Class - XI

Subject – Computer Science

One Mark

Q1. What is a statement? What is the significance of an empty statement?

Q2. What are two types of else clause?
Q3. Write about the Pseudocode with example.
Q4. Write about the Decision Tree.
Q5. Define the for loop with syntax.
Q6. Define the while loop with syntax.

Two Mark
Q1. Explain the range() function.
Q2. Explain Continue and break Statement.
Q3. Write about While loop and its syntax.
Q4. What is the output of following code?
If(4 + 5 == 10):
Print (“TRUE”)
Print (“FALSE”)
Print (“TRUE”)
Three Mark
Q1. Draw the flow chart for accept three integers and print the largest of three.
Q2. Draw the flow chart for takes a number and checks whether the given number is odd or even.
Q3. Draw the flow chart for sum of three integers.
Q4. Write python program to print table of a number. Say 6.
Q5. Write python program to print sum of natural numbers between 1 to 6.
Q6. Write python program to calculate the factorial of a number.
Q7. Write python program to print a pattern like-
Q8. Write python program to print a pattern like-
Q9. Write python program to print a pattern like-
Q10. Write python program to print a pattern like-
Four Mark
Q1. Write python program for calculate sum of two numbers.
Q2. Write the python program to calculate area of circle or perimeter of a circle.
Q3. Write the python program that reads two numbers and an arithmetic operator and displays
the computed result.
Q4. Write the python program to print whether a given character is an upper case or a lowercase
character or a
digit or any other character.
Q5. Write python program to calculate and print the sum of even and odd integers of the first n
natural numbers.
Q6. Write python program to input a number and test if it is a prime number.
Chapter – 10 (String Manipulation)

Class - XI

Subject – Computer Science

One Mark

Q1. What is a string slice? How is it useful?

Q2. What is the traversing a String?
Q3. Define the string Concatenation Operator +.
Q4. What is result of ‘2’+’3’=?
Q5. What is the result of ‘2’+3=?
Q6. What is the result of “1”*2=?

Q1. Explain the strings operator.
Q2. How is islower() function different from isupper() function?
Q3. How is capitalize() function different from upper() function in String?
Q4. What is the utility of find() function?
Q5. Explain the Membership Operators.
Three Mark
Q1. What is the role of these function?
(i). isalpha() (ii). isalnum() (iii). isdigit()
Q2. What is the output given below if the string namely word storing a string ‘amazing’-

a m a z i n g

(i). word[ 0 : 7]
(ii). word[ 2: 5]
(iii). word[-5 : -1]

Four Mark
Q1. Write the python program that prints the following pattern without using any nested loop.
Q2. What is the result of following expression-
(i). “abc” * 2
(ii). 5 * “@”
(iii). “:-“ *4
(iv). “1” * 2
Chapter –11 (List Manipulation)
One Mark
Q1. What are lists?
Q2. Why are lists called mutable types?
Q3. Which function can you use to add elements to a list?
Q4. What does list.clear() function do?
Q5. Define the count method in lists.
Q6. How can create the list?
Two Mark
Q1. What is the difference between append() and insert() methods of lists?
Q2. What is difference between pop() and remove() methods of list?
Q3. What is the difference between append() and extend() methods of lists?
Q4. How does the sort() work? Give example.
Three Mark
Q1. How are lists different from strings when both are sequences?
Q2. Write the most appropriate list method to perform the following tasks-
(i). Delete a given element from the list.
(ii). Delete 3rd element from the list.
(iii). Add an elements of a list in the end of a list.
Q3. What does each of the following expression evaluate to? Suppose that L is the list-
[“These”, “are”, “a”, [“few”, “words”], “that”, “will”, “use”]
(i). L[3:4]
(ii). L[3:4][0][1][2]
(iii). [L[1]] + L[3]
Four Mark
Q1. Write python program to count frequency of a given element in a list of numbers.
Q2. Write python program to calculate mean of a given list of numbers.
Q3. Write python program to find minimum element from a list of element along with its index in
the list.
Q4. Write python program to search for an element in a given list of numbers.

Chapter – 12 (Tuples)
One Mark
Q1. Define the tuples with example.
Q2. What is the Empty Tuple?
Q3. Define the Nested Tuple with example.
Q4. What are operation follow on Tuples?
Q5. What is the meaning of Slicing the Tuples?
Two Mark
Q1. How are tuples different from lists when both are Sequences?
Q2. How can you say that a tuple is an ordered list of objects?
Q3. What is the length of the tuple shown below?
T=((((‘a’,1), ‘b’, ‘c’), ‘d’, 2), ‘e’, 3)
Q4. How can you add an extra element to a tuple?
Q5. What is difference between (30) and (30,)?
Q6. Explain the Unpacking Tuple with example.
Three Mark
Q1. What is the similarity and de-Similarity between Tuple and Lists?
Q2. Explain the len(), min() and max(tuple) function in the tuples.
Q3. Explain index() and count() function in the tuples.
Four Mark
Q1. If a=(5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0) evaluate the following expression:
(a). a[0]
(b). a[1]
(c). a[a[0]]
(d). a[a[-1]]
Q2. How can Creating Tuples from Existing Sequences, give example.

Chapter – 13 (Dictionaries)
One Mark
Q1. What is the Dictionary, give the example.
Q2. What are step follow to create the Dictionaries.
Q3. What are nested Dictionaries?
Q4. What is the dict() method?
Q5. Define the Key:Value term.
Two Mark
Q1. Write the characteristics of the Dictionary.
Q2. How we can delete elements from the dictionary?
Q3. What is the Pretty Printing a Dictionary?
Q4. Why cannot Lists can be used as keys?
Q5. How are Dictionaries different from lists?
Three Mark
Q1. Explain the following methods in Dictionary-
(i). The Keys()
(ii). The values()
(iii). The update()
Q2. Define the get(), items() and clear() method in Dictionary.
Q3. What is the output of these Dictionary program?
aDict={‘Bhavna’:1, “Richard”:2, “Firoza”:10, “Arshnoor”:20}
for value in aDict.values():
Q4. What is the output of these Dictionary program?
aDict={‘Bhavna’:1, “Richard”:2, “Firoza”:10, “Arshnoor”:20}
temp=” “
for Key in aDict :
if temp<key
Four Mark
Q1. What is the output produced by above code:

D1={5:[6, 7, 8], “a” : (1, 2, 3)}

Q2. Which of the following will result in an error for a given valid dictionary D?

(i). D + 3

(ii). D * 3

(iii). D + {3 : “3”}

(iv). D.update({3 : “3”})

Chapter – 14 (Understanding Sorting)
One Mark
Q1. What is the Sorting?
Q2. What is the Bubble sort?
Q3. What is the Insertion sort?
Q4. You are asked to sort 15 randomly generated numbers. You should prefer
(A) Bubble Sort (B) Insertion sort
Two Mark
Q1. Give an array: 89, 20, 31, 56, 20. Sort this array in ascending order using-
(i) Bubble Sort (ii). Insertion Sort
Q2. In which situation, would you prefer bubble sort over insertion sort?
Q3. What is the main difference between Bubble and Insertion Sort?
Four MarK
Q1. Write Python program of Bubble sort.
Q2. Write Python program of Insertion sort.
Chapter – 15 (Cyber Safety)

One Mark
Q1. Define Cyber Safety.
Q2. What is Identity theft?
Q3. Define the Cookies.
Q4. Define Proxy.
Q5. What is mean of VPN?
Two Mark
Q1. Define Private And Anonymous Browsing.
Q2. What is the different-different ways to tracking the websites?
Q3. What is Cyber Trolls and Bullying?
Q4. Define Cyber Stalking and digital Footprints.
Q5. What is the Cyber crime? How can you report it?

Three Mark
Q1. Why are privacy setting of a social networking site so important?
Q2. Robin wanted to gift his friend a football or a wrist watch. So he searched for many sports
items and wrist watches online.But after that every time he goes online, his web browser
shoes him advertisements about sports items and wrist watches.
(a). Why is this happening?
(b). How could have avoided them?
(c). How can Robin get rid of this now?

Four Mark
Q1. What are the usage rules for effective use of social networking sites?
Q2. Explain common Social Networking sites.
Q3. How can be best practices used to ensure confidentiality of information.

Chapter – 16 (Online Access And Computer Security)

One Mark
Q1.What is the threat?
Q2. Define the Malware.
Q3. What is mean of Spyware?
Q4. Explain the Adware.
Q5. Explain the Spamming.

Two Mark
Q1. Describe why authentication is important for file protection.
Q2. What is the need for secure password?
Q3. Explain Digital Certificates and Digital Signatures
Q4. What are solutions to computer security threats?

Three Mark
Q1. What measures should you take to keep data secure?
Q2. Explain PC Intrusion.
Q3. What is active Protection follows for Viruses, Adware and Spyware?
Q4. What is Preventive Measures for Viruses, Adware and Spyware?
Q5. What is active Protection follows for Spam, Eavesdropping?

Four Mark

Q1. Explain following terms-

(i). Pharming

(ii). Phishing

(iii). Eavesdropping

(iv). Trojan Horses

Chapter – 17 (Society, Law And Ethics)

Q1. What is online fraud?
Q2. What are intellectual property rights?
Q3. What do you understand by plagiarism?
Q4. Define the free software.
Q5. Define open source software.
Two Mark
Q1. What is secure data transmission? What technical ways are used to ensure the
secure data transmission?
Q2. Expand the following terms:
(i) OSS (ii) SDLC (iii) GNU (iv) FLOSS
Q3. What is digital property? Give some example of digital properties.
Q4. Why should intellectual property rights be protected?
Q5. “Privacy is the protection of personal information given online. In e-commerce especially,
it is related to a company’s policies on the use of user data.”
(a) Why is the above given statement important?
(b) What is the need to safeguard user privacy?
Three Mark
Q1. Differentiate between Copyright and Patents
Q2. Differentiate between non-ethical hacking and Ethical hacking
Q3. Differentiate between Active and Passive footprint
Q4. Differentiate between Plagiarism and Copyright infringement

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