Agriculture Data Point

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Agriculture Data Point

Friday, 23 August 2019 12:53

1. State of Agriculture Report 2015-16
2. Strategy for new India @75
3. Economy Survey 2018-19
4. Krishi Report 2017-18

• Agriculture contribute to 17.5% of GDP( at current price in 2015-16)

• Contribution of agriculture, forestry and fishing
○ >50% in 1950s
○ 15.4% in 2015-16
○ 14.9% in 2017-18
○ 14.4% in 2018-19
• Gross capital formation (GCF) in agriculture and allied sector as a percentage of
○ 17.7% in 2013-14
○ 16.4% in 2015-16
○ 15.2% in 2017-18 (declining share of private sector)
• India is highest producer of milk
• Second highest producer of fruits and vegetables
• In 2013, India contributed 25% to worlds pulses production (highest for any one
• 2013, 23% of rice production
• 13% of wheat production
• 25% of total cotton production (second highest cotton exporter)
• Low yield compared to China, Brazil, USA.
• Volatile agricultural growth

○ 5.8% in 2005-06
○ 0.4% in 2009-10
○ -0.2% in 2014-15

State of agriculture of India

• 2009-10, more than half of the total workforce(53%)- 243 mn were employed
in agriculture
• Figure (contribution to GDP of sectors)
○ Agriculture share

§ 54% in 1950-51
§ 15.4% in 2015-16
○ Service
§ 30% to 53% over above said period
§ Employing 25% of population
○ Manufacturing
§ Employing 10.5% of population
• Area, Production and yield of major crops

crops Area (lakh Production Yield

hectare) (mn tonnes) (kg/ha)

2015-16 2016-1 2015-16 2016-1 2015-16 2016-1

7 7 7

rice 435 432 104.4 110 2,400 2,550

wheat 304 305 92 98 3,034 3,216

Coarse 243 247 38.5 44 1,580 1,780


Pulses 249 294 16 23 656 780

Food 1232 1280 251.5 275.6 2,042 2,153


oilseeds 260 262 25 32 9,68 1,225

sugarcane 49 43 348 306.7 70,720 69,886

• Production of various crops

Year Rice Wheat Pulses Oilseed

1950-51 21 6 8 5

2015-16 104 94 16 26

• Top producing states of major crops (2014-15)

Crop Production (mn Yield (kg/ha)


States Total production states Average of

of India India

Wheat U.P(25) 89 Punjab (4,491) 2,872

Rice W.B(15) 105 Andhra 2,390


Pulses M.P(4.7) 17 M.P(877) 744

Oilseed M.P(7.7) 26.7 Gujarat(1,500) 1,037

Sugarcan U.P(138) 360 Karnataka 69,860

e (93,000)

• Variation in yield of food grains:

Rajasthan 1,535

Odisha 1700

Uttarakhand 1800

Haryana 3800

Punjab 4100

State Yield (kg/ha)

• Food grain production

○ 51 mn tonne in 1950-51
○ 252 in 2015-16
○ Wheat and rice account for 78% of food grains
○ Yield increased by more then 4 times since 1950-51 to 2070 kg/ha in
○ India is second highest producer of paddy in world but its yield is lower
then China, Brazil, and USA
○ Slow rate of growth of productivity. (yield of rice)

Country 1981 2011

Brazil 1.3 4.9

India 2.0 3.6

China 4.3 6.7

○ Staple crops (cereals, pulses and oilseeds) occupy 77% of the total gross
cropped area but contribute only 41% to total output of the crop sector.
○ High value crop occupy only 19% of GCA and contribute an almost
similar amount to total output as staple
Agriculture trade
• Import of pulses, edible oil, fresh fruits cashew nuts.
• Export of rice, spices, cotton, meat, sugar, etc.
• Share of agriculture import in total import

○ 2.8% in 1990-91
○ 4.2% in 2014-15
• Share of agriculture export in total export
○ 18.5%
○ 12.7%
• Agriculture export and import (in $ bn)

2013-14 2014-15 2015-16

Export 32 33 30.1

Import 16.8 14.9 15.9

Factors affecting agricultural productivity

• Land holding (mn ha)

Holding 1970-71 2010-11

Marginal 36 93

Small 13 25

Medium 19 20

Large 3 1

○ Operational land holding increased by 5.3% from 2010-11 to 2015-16.

○ Share of land holding in operational holding

marginal small large

2000-01 62.9 19 6.5

2015-16 68.5 17.7 4.3

○ Operational land holding operated by women

Size group 2010-11 2015-16

Marginal 13.6 14.6

Small 12.2 13.3

Medium 8.5 9.6

Large 6.8 7.7

All size group 12.8 13.9

• Land leasing

○ Only 10% of land given for agricultural lease

§ 34% in Andhra Pradesh
§ 25% in Punjab
§ 21% in Bihar
§ 18% in Sikkim
○ Prohibited
§ Kerala, Jammu and Kashmir, Manipur
○ Allowed for certain category of land owner

§ Bihar, Karnataka Uttar Pradesh Telangana and Odisha

○ No explicit prohibition
§ Gujarat
§ Maharashtra
§ Assam
○ Allowed
§ Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and West Bengal(Bargadars system)
• Access to agriculture credit and investment

Size of land Cooperative society Bank Money lender

0-1 10% 27 41

1-2 15 48 23

2-4 16 50 24

4-10 18 50 19

10+ 14 64 16

○ Corporate investment in agriculture infrastructure has not exceeded 2%

• Insurance

○ As of 2011, about 10% if Indian farmers were covered under crop

• Irrigation

Source % share of holding

Tune well 44

Well 20

Canals 26

Tanks 6

○ Consume 84% of total available water in country

○ 65% irrigated by ground water
○ India uses 2-3 times as much water to produce one tonnes of grain as
other countries like China, Brazil and USA
○ Close to 53% of cropped area is water stressed.
○ Area under micro irrigation has grown 2.5 times in last four years.
○ According to Asian Water Development Outlook, 2016:
§ Almost 89% of ground water extracted is for irrigation.
○ The water guzzler, paddy and sugarcane consume more than 60% of
irrigation water available in the country
• Soil health

○ About 5.3 bn tonnes of soil is eroded annually at a rate of about 16.4

○ As of feb. 2017, 2.9 crore farmers cover under soil health card scheme
• Fertilizers

○ Recommended 4:2:1 against Indiaʼs current 6.7:2.4:1 (NPK)

○ Average Consumption increased

§ 106kg/ha in 2005-06
§ 128 kg/ha in 2012-13
○ China consume 396 kg/ha
○ Fertilisers subsidy increasing at an annual rate of 11.4% between
○ Fertilizer response ratio is declining

Response ratio

1970 13.4

1980 8.2

1990 5.8

2000 4.1

• Pesticides
○ 55,540 tonnes in 2010-11
○ 57,353 tonnes in 2014-15
• Agricultural machinery

○ Overall mechanisation is less then 50% compared to over 90% in

developed countries
○ Harvesting and threshing activities (60-70%)
○ Irrigation (37%)
○ Lowest in seeding and planting
• Storage
○ Wastage

§ Fruits and vegetables (4.6-15.9)%

§ Pulses (6.4-8.4)%
§ Oilseed (5-10)%
○ Gaps in cold chain development

Type All India requirement (2015) Availability (2017)

Pack houses 70,000 20,900

Cold storage(mn) 34 MT 36 MT

Reefer vehicles 53,000 1,050

Ripening Chambers 8,319 450

• Agriculture pricing
○ According to Niti Aayog findings, only about 10% of farmers are aware
of MSPs before showing season.
○ 62% of farmers informed of MSPs after theirs sowing.

• Farmers income
○ Double in 22 years i.e. 1993-94 to 2015-16 at annual growth rate of
○ Aiming to double between 2015-116 requite annual growth rate of
10.4% in farmers real income.
• Expenditure in agriculture research and education
○ Increasing trend

Share in agriculture GVA (%)

2012-13 0.30

2015-16 0.33

2016-17 0.36

2017-18 0.32

2018-19 0.37

Allied sector
○ Animal Husbandry

§ According to 19th livestock census, India has about

• 300 million bovines,
• 65 million sheep (6.4% of world)
• 135 million goats (16% of world)
• 10.3 million pigs
○ Ship and goat contribute to 39% of country's total
livestock population)
§ According to 70th round of NSSO, livestock rearing is principal
source of income to about 3.7% of agricultural labour
○ India ranks first in milk production accounting fo 20% of world's
§ 55.6 mn tonnes in 1991-92
§ 176 mn tonnes in 2017-18
• Average annual growth rate of 4.5%
§ Per capita availability of milk is 375 grams per day,
• 71 grams per day in Assam
• 1120 grams per day in Punjab
§ 52% of total milk produced in rural area is marketable surplus, of
which less than half is handled by organized sector
§ schemes
• Rashtriya Gokul Mission
• E Pashu Haat Portal
• National Livestock Mission
• Livestock Health & Disease control Scheme
• Dairy development

○ Fisheries sector
§ Employing more than 14.5 million people
§ Second largest fish producer in the world with a total production
of 13.7 million metric tonnes in 2018-19 of which 65% was from
inland sector.
§ Account for 5.23% share of agricultural GDP.
Food Security
• India ranks no. 1 in Nutritional standards.
• Overall Food Security score is 50.1/100 which ranks it 76/113 countries.

year Food grain Food grain Procurement (% share of

production procurement production)

2016-1 252 61 24

2017-1 259 69 26.6


2018-1 257 72 29.3


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