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Draw the shear force and bending moment diagram for a cantilever beam with a uniformly
distributed load spread across its entire span.

Let us consider one beam AB of length L as displayed in following figure. As we can see here that one
end of the beam AB is fixed at one end i.e. at A and other end is free i.e. at end B. Therefore, we can
say that we have one cantilever beam here and we will have to find the method to draw shear force
and bending moment diagram when cantilever beam will be loaded with uniformly distributed load.

Let us consider that cantilever beam AB is loaded with uniformly distributed load of w per unit length
over the entire cantilever beam as displayed in following figure.

Let us consider one section XX at a distance x from free end i.e. from end B. Now we will have two
portion of the beam AB i.e. left portion and right portion. Let us deal with the right portion here; you
can also go with left portion of the beam in order to draw shear force and bending moment diagram.
Shear force diagram
Recall the concept of different types of loads on beam, during determination of the total load, total
uniformly distributed load will be converted in to point load by multiplying the rate of loading i.e. w
(N/m) with the span of load distribution i.e. L and will be acting over the midpoint of the length of the
uniformly load distribution.

Let us assume that FX is shear force and MX is the bending moment at section XX. Shear force at
section XX will be equal to the resultant force acting to the right portion of the section.

We will recall here the sign conventions for shear force and bending moment and we can conclude
here that resultant force acting to the right portion of the section will be w*x and it will be positive.

Therefore, shear force at section XX will be written as mentioned here

FX = w*x

As we can see here from above equation that shear force at section XX will follow the linear equation
and on the basis of value of x we can conclude value of shear force at critical points i.e. at point A and
at point B.

Shear force at free end i.e. at point B, x=0

FB = 0

Similarly, Shear force at fixed end i.e. at point A, x=L

FA = w*L
FA = W
Where, W = w*L

Now we have data for shear force at critical points i.e. at point A and at point B and as we have stated
above that shear force at section XX will follow the linear equation and hence we can draw shear force
diagram i.e. SFD as displayed in following figure.
Bending moment diagram
Bending moment at section XX will be written as

MX = - (Total uniformly distributed load) x (distance between section XX and point of action of total
uniformly distributed load)
MX = - (w*x) * (x/2)
MX = - w*x2/2
Above equation indicates that bending moment at section XX will follow here the parabolic equation.
Again if we will recall sign conventions for shear force and bending moment, we will conclude here
that bending moment at section XX will be negative.

We can also conclude here that bending moment will be directionally proportional with the square of
distance x and we can secure here the value of bending moment at critical points i.e. at point A and at
point B.

Bending moment at free end i.e. at B, value of distance x = 0

MB= 0

Bending moment at fixed end i.e. at A, value of distance x = L

MB= - w.L2/2
MB= - W.L/2
Where, W = w*L

Strength of material, By R. K. Bansal
Image Courtesy: Google
2. A cantilever beam of length 2.5mts carries uniformly distributed load of 50kN/m run over a length
of 1.5m from the free end. Draw the bending moment diagram for this cantilever.
3. In a hollow circular shaft of outer and inner diameters of 20cm and 10cm respectively the shear
stress is not to exceed 40MPa.Find the maximum torque which the shaft can safely transmit.


Given data,

The outer diameter of the hollow circular shaft, D = =

The inner diameter of the hollow circular shaft, d = =

The shear stress of the hollow circular shaft, = =

The maximum torque that can be transmitted by the shaft, T =?

From the formula given below, we can find out the maximum torque:

• T=

After putting the given values of diameters and the shear stress in the formula, we get:

• T=
• T=
• T=
• T=
• T=

Hence, the maximum torque that can be transmitted by the shaft, T = .

4. A solid round bar 3m long and 5 cm in diameter is used as a strut with both the ends hinged.
Determine the crippling load. Take E=2X105 MPa.

Step 1: Data

Length of the column = 3000mm

Diameter of the column = 50mm

condition = Both ends hinged

Crippling load = ??


Step 2: Calculation of moment of inertia

I = π d 4 / 64

I= π (50)4 / 64

I = 0.306X106mm4

Step 3: Calculation of crippling load

Condition = Both ends hinged

P = Π 2E I/ L2

P = Π 2(2x105) (0.306X106 ) / (3000)2

P = 67.11 KN

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