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There's nothing to tell! 这没什么好说的[00:55]

He's just some guy I work with! 他不过是我的同事[00:57]
C'mon, you're going out with the guy! 少来了 你们都在约会了[00:59]
There's gotta be something wrong with 这个男人一定有什么问题[01:02]
All right, Joey. Be nice. 打住 乔伊 嘴下留德[01:04]
So does he have a hump ? A hump and a 他是驼背吗 戴着假发的驼背[01:06]
hairpiece ?
Wait, does he eat chalk? 等等 他吃粉笔吗[01:11]
Just, 'cause, I don't want her to go 我只是不想你 重蹈我和卡尔的覆辙[01:14]
through what I went through with Carl
Okay, everybody relax. This is not even a 拜托各位 放松点 这甚至不算是约会[01:17]
It's just two people going out to dinner 只不过是两个人出去吃个饭 而且不会上床
and not having sex. [01:21]

Sounds like a date to me. 听起来像是和我约会[01:26]

Alright, so I'm back in high school, 于是我回到了高中学校[01:30]
I'm standing in the middle of the 我站在食堂中间 然后发现自己全身赤裸
cafeteria and I realize I am totally naked. [01:32]
Oh, yeah. Had that dream. 噢 做过那种梦[01:37]
Then I look down, and I realize there's a 然后我低下头 看见那里有一部 大哥大
phone there. [01:39]
Instead of...? - That's right. 那话儿变成了 -没错[01:48]
Never had that dream. - No. 这种梦倒从未做过 -没有[01:50]
All of a sudden, the phone starts to ring. 突然 那电话响起来了[01:52]
What do I do? Everyone starts looking at 我不知道该怎么办 大家都看着我[01:56]
They weren't looking at you before? 之前就没人看着你吗[01:59]
Finally, I figure I'd better answer it. 最后 我觉得应该接这个电话[02:03]
and it turns out it's my mother, which is 结果是我妈打来的 这非常非常奇怪 因为她
very-very weird because- she never calls 从来不打电话给我[02:07]
Hi. 嗨[02:20]
This guy says hello, I wanna kill myself. 这家伙一张嘴打招呼 我就想自杀[02:25]
Are you okay, sweetie? 你还好吧 亲爱的[02:28]


I just feel like someone reached down my 我感觉有人把手伸入我的喉咙 抓住我的小肠

throat grabbed my small intestine , 从我嘴里扯出来 然后缠在我脖子上[02:30]
pulled it out of my mouth and tied it
around my neck...
hump:n.驼峰; hairpiece:n.假发; cafeteria:自助餐厅 Instead:代替,反而 grabbed:v.攫取; (grab的过去分词形
式); intestine:adj.内部的;国内的;n.肠;
Cookie? 饼干[02:37]
Carol moved her stuff out today 卡罗尔今天把她的东西搬走了[02:40]
Let me get you some coffee. - Thanks. 我帮你泡杯咖啡 -谢了[02:43]
No, no don't! Stop cleansing my aura ! 不 不要 别再净化我的灵气了[02:49]
No, just leave my aura alone, okay? 求你了 别碰我的灵气 好吗[02:54]
Fine,be murky. I'll be fine, alright? 行,接着抑郁吧 我会没事的 好吧[02:59]
Really, everyone. I hope she'll be very 真的 各位 我希望她能幸福[03:01]
No you don't. - No I don't, to hell with 不 你不会 -没错 我不会的 去她的 她甩掉了
her, she left me! 我[03:03]
And you never knew she was a lesbian ... 你又不知道她是女同性恋[03:07]
No!! Okay?! 不知道 行了吧[03:13]
Why does everyone keep fixating on 为何大家都绕着这个话题打转[03:16]
She didn't know, how should I know? 她都不知道 我怎么会知道[03:20]
Sometimes I wish I was a lesbian... 有时我希望自己也是个女同性恋[03:25]
Did I say that out loud? 我大声说出来了么[03:29]
I told Mom and Dad last night. They took 我昨晚告诉爸妈了 他们看起来还好[03:34]
it pretty well.
Oh, really? 真的吗[03:38]
So that hysterical phone call I got from a 那么凌晨三点我接到电话 一个女声歇斯底里
woman sobbing at 3:00 A.M., "I'll never 地嚎啕道 我不会有孙子了 我不会有孙子了
have grandchildren , I'll never have [03:39]
was what? A wrong number? 是怎么回事 打错电话吗[03:45]
Sorry. 对不起[03:48]
Alright Ross, look. 好了罗斯 瞧[03:49]
You're feeling a lot of pain right now. 你现在很痛苦[03:51]
You're angry. You're hurting. 你很生气 很伤心[03:53]
Can I tell you what the answer is? 要不要我给你支一招[03:55]
Strip joint! 脱衣舞俱乐部[03:58]
C'mon, you're single! Have some 别这样 作为光棍儿 爷们起来[04:01]
hormones !
I don't want to be single, okay? 我不想单身的 好吗[04:05]
I just...I just wanna be married again! 我只想 再次结婚[04:08]

And I just want a million dollars! 而我只想要一百万美金[04:15]

aura:n.光环;气氛;(中风等的)预兆;气味; lesbian:adj.[心理]女同性恋的;n.女同性恋者; fixating:注视;
hysterical:adj.歇斯底里的;异常兴奋的; sobbing:adj.湿透的;v.啜泣;哭诉(sob的ing形式); grandchildren:孙子
们(grandchild的名词复数) hormones:n.[生理]激素; (hormone的复数);
Rachel?! 瑞秋[04:23]
Oh,God, Monica, hi! Thank God! 噢 天啊 莫妮卡 嗨 谢天谢地[04:24]
I just went to your building and you 我刚去了你家 可你不在 有个拿大锤子的家
weren't there and then this guy with a 伙说你可能会在这儿 结果你真的在这儿 你
big hammer said you might be here and 真的在这儿[04:27]
you are, you are!
Can I get you some coffee? - De-Caff 要来杯咖啡吗 -无咖啡因的[04:33]
Okay, everybody, this is Rachel, another 好了 各位 这是瑞秋 另一位林肯高中的幸存
Lincoln High survivor. 者[04:37]
This is everybody, this is Chandler, and 这就是各位啦 这是钱德勒 菲比 还有乔伊 还
Phoebe, and Joey, and you remember my 记得我哥哥罗斯吗[04:41]
brother Ross?
Hi, sure! - Hi. 当然 嗨 -嗨[04:46]
So you wanna tell us now or are we 你是想现在跟我们说说 还是我们再等四位湿
waiting for four wet bridesmaids ? 漉漉的伴娘过来[04:57]
Oh, God...well, it started about a half hour 噢 上帝 好吧 大概在婚礼前半个小时[05:03]
before the wedding.
I was in the room where we were keeping 我当时在存放礼品的房间里 看着调味汁瓶
all the presents, and I was looking at this [05:08]
gravy boat.
This really gorgeous Limoges gravy 那是一件极其美丽的里摩日细瓷调味汁瓶
boat. [05:13]
When all of a sudden 然后 突然间[05:17]
Sweet 'n' Lo? 有糖吗[05:18]
I realized that I was more turned on by 我发现我对这个调味汁瓶 比巴瑞更能引发我
this gravy boat than by Barry! 的兴奋感[05:20]
And then I got really freaked out, and 然后我真的吓坏了 突然想到 巴瑞真的超像
that's when it hit me: how much Barry 薯头先生[05:26]
looks like Mr. Potato Head.
Y'know, I mean, I always knew he 我是说 我总是觉得他眼熟 但是[05:32]
looked familiar, but...
Anyway, I just had to get out of there, 不管怎么说 我必须离开那里 我开始想 我干
and I started wondering "Why am I doing 吗这么做 我这么做是为了谁[05:38]
this, and who am I doing this for?"
bridesmaids:n.女傧相; gravy:n.肉汁;不法利润;轻易得来的钱; gorgeous:adj.华丽的,灿烂的;极好的;
Limoges:n.法国中部Limoges地方产的瓷器; (法中西部城市); freaked:adj.有斑纹的; v.激怒; (freak的过去分
So anyway I just didn't know where to go, 不管怎么说 我不知该去哪里 而且我知道我
and I know that you and I have kinda 们有点疏远了 但是 你是我在这个城市 唯一
drifted apart, but you're the only person I 认识的人[05:46]
knew who lived here in the city.

Who wasn't invited to the wedding. 还没有被邀请参加婚礼[05:54]

Ooh, I was kinda hoping that wouldn't be 噢 我希望这不是个问题[05:56]
an issue...
Now I'm guessing that he bought her the 我猜他送她一台管风琴 而她很不喜欢
big pipe organ, and she's really not happy [06:14]
about it.
'"Tuna or egg salad! Decide!" 金 鱼或鸡蛋沙拉 快决定[06:21]
'"I'll have whatever Christina's having." 克莉丝汀吃什么我吃什么[06:25]
Daddy, I just... I can't marry him! 爸爸 我只是 不能嫁给他[06:30]
I'm sorry. I just don't love him. 对不起 我只是不爱他[06:34]
Well, it matters to me! 可是对我来说就有关系[06:39]
'"If I let go of my hair, my head will fall 如果我不抓着头发 我的头就会掉下来
off." [06:45]
Ooh, she should not be wearing those 噢 她真不应该穿那条裤子[06:51]
I say push her down the stairs. 要我说 推她下楼[06:55]
Push her down the stairs! Push her down 推她下楼 把推她下楼 把推她下楼[06:57]
the stairs! Push her down the stairs!
C'mon Daddy, listen to me! 爸 你听我说[07:04]
It's like, it's like, all of my life, everyone 这就好像 在我一生中 所有人都一直告诉我
has always told me, 'You're a shoe! 你是一只鞋子[07:06]
You're a shoe, you're a shoe, you're a 你是鞋子 你是鞋子 你是鞋子[07:12]
And today I just stopped and I said, 'What 可今天我停下来说 如果我不想成为一只鞋呢
if I don't wanna be a shoe? [07:14]
What if I wanna be a- a purse, y'know? Or 如果我想当一个包包 或是一顶帽子呢
a- or a hat! [07:18]
No, I'm not saying I want you to buy me 不 我不是要你给我买帽子[07:24]
a hat,
I'm saying I am a ha- 我说我是一顶帽子[07:25]
It's a metaphor , Daddy! 这是比喻啦 爸爸[07:27]
You can see where he'd have trouble. 这就是他的问题所在了[07:30]
Look Daddy, it's my life. 听着爸爸 这是我的人生[07:36]
Well maybe I'll just stay here with Monica. 或许我可以和莫妮卡住在一起[07:39]
Well, I guess we've established who's 我猜和莫妮卡一起住的人选已然敲定了
staying here with Monica... [07:44]
Well, maybe that's my decision. 也许那是我的决定[07:48]

Well, maybe I don't need your money. 也许我不需要你的钱[07:52]

Wait!! Wait, I said maybe!! 等等我说也许[07:54]
Just breathe, breathe...that's it. 深呼吸[08:05]
Just try to think of nice calm things... 就这样试著想些美好平静的事物[08:08]
Rain drops on roses and rabbits and 玫瑰上的雨滴 小兔子和小猫咪 还有风铃草
kittens bluebells and sleighbells and 雪橇铃 和啥啥的手套[08:11]
something with mittens ...
La la la something and noodles with 啦啦啦 啥啥和绳子串起的面条[08:19]
These are a few... 还有一些[08:23]
I'm all better now. 我现在好多了[08:24]
I helped! 我帮上忙啦[08:27]
Okay, look, this is probably for the best, 瞧 或许这样反倒最好[08:31]
Independence. Taking control of your life. 你独立了 可以主宰自己的人生[08:34]
The whole hat thing. 就像你说的 帽子 的事情[08:37]
And hey, you need anything, you can 如有任何需求 尽管来找乔伊[08:39]
always come to Joey.
Me and Chandler live across the hall. 我和钱德勒就住在对面[08:43]
And he's away a lot. 而且他经常不在家[08:46]
Joey, stop hitting on her! 乔伊 别再勾引她了[08:49]
It's her wedding day! 今天是她结婚的日子[08:50]
What, like there's a rule or something? 怎么啦 难道还有什么明文规定不成[08:52]
I got it. 我来[08:57]
Please don't do that again, it's a horrible 请不要在这么干了 这声音很烦人[09:00]
It's, uh, it's Paul. 我是保罗[09:03]
Oh, God, is it 6:30? Buzz him in. 天呀 六点半了吗 让他进来[09:05]
Who's Paul? - Paul the Wine Guy, Paul? 保罗是谁 -调酒的那个保罗吗[09:09]
Maybe. 也许吧[09:12]
Wait. Your 'not a real date' tonight is with 等等 你今晚的 非正式约会 对象 是调酒师保
Paul the Wine Guy? 罗[09:12]
He finally asked you out? - Yes! 他终于开口约你了吗 -是的[09:16]
Ooh, this is a Dear Diary moment. 噢 这真是值得永久铭记的时刻[09:18]
Rach, wait, I can cancel... 瑞秋 我可以取消[09:21]
Please, no, go, that'd be fine! 不 你去吧我没事[09:24]
Are, are you okay? I mean, do you want 罗斯 你没事吧你要我留下来吗[09:26]
me to stay?
rabbits:兔子(rabbit的复数) bluebells:n.风信子;蓝铃花(bluebell的复数); mittens:n.棒球手套,拳击手套;
That'd be good... 那样最好[09:30]

Really? - No, go on! 真的吗 -才怪 去吧[09:34]

It's Paul the Wine Guy! 那可是调酒师保罗[09:36]
What does that mean? Does he sell it, 那是什么意思 他是卖酒 喝酒[09:39]
drink it?
Or he just complains a lot? 还是对酒抱怨过多[09:40]
Hi, come in! Paul, this is... 嗨 请进 保罗 这是[09:44]
...everybody, everybody, this is Paul. 大家 各位 这是保罗[09:47]
Hey! Paul! - Hello! 嘿 保罗 -你好[09:50]
Hi! The Wine Guy! 嗨 调酒师[09:51]
I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name. Paul, 抱歉 没听清你的名字 保罗 是吗[09:53]
was it?
Okay, umm-umm, I'll just--I'll be right 好啦 我去 我一下就好[09:57]
I just gotta go ah, go ah... 我就是去 去[09:59]
A-wandering? 去逛一下[10:01]
Change. 换衣服[10:03]
Okay, sit down. Two seconds. 好了 坐会 马上就好[10:04]
Ooh, I just pulled out four eyelashes . 噢 我刚拔掉四根睫毛 不是好兆头[10:11]
That can't be good.
Hey, Paul, here's a tip. 你好 保罗 告诉你个小秘密[10:19]
She really likes it when you rub her neck 她很喜欢被人揉着脖子的某一处 揉啊揉啊
in the same spot over and over and over 直到变红为止[10:22]
again until it starts to get a little red.
Shut up, Joey! 闭嘴 乔伊[10:30]
So Rachel, what're you, uh... what're you 瑞秋 你 你今晚打算怎么过[10:33]
up to tonight?
Well, I was kinda supposed to be headed 这个嘛 本来我应该 在阿鲁巴岛度蜜月 所以
for Aruba on my honeymoon, so 没事做[10:36]
Right, you're not even getting your 对哦 你都不能去度蜜月 上帝[10:44]
honeymoon, God..
No, no, although, Aruba, this time of 不过在阿鲁巴岛的这个时候 说到你的 大蜥
year... talk about your big lizards... 蜴[10:47]
Anyway, if you don't feel like being alone 不管怎样如果你今晚不想独处的话[10:59]
Joey and Chandler are coming over to 乔伊和钱德勒要到我那儿 帮我组合新家具
help me put together my new furniture. [11:02]
Yes, and we're very excited about it. 是呀 我们特别期待特别兴奋[11:05]
Well actually thanks, but I think I'm just 真的很感谢 不过我今晚想待在这儿[11:08]
gonna hang out here tonight.
complains:v.抱怨; (complain的第三人称单数形式); eyelashes:n.睫毛(eyelash的复数); Aruba:n.阿鲁巴岛(加
勒比海); gonna:即将,将要(同goingto)


It's been kinda a long day. - Okay, sure. 今天真的很漫长 -好吧 当然了[11:12]
Hey, Pheebs, you wanna help? 菲比你想来帮忙吗[11:14]
Oh, I wish I could, but I don't want to. 我倒希望能去帮忙 但我不想去[11:16]
*Love is sweet as summer showers ,* *爱情就像夏日冲凉一样美*[11:27]
*Love is a wondrous work of art.* *爱情是无以伦比的艺术品*[11:31]
*But your love, Oh, your love, your love,* *可你的爱呀 你的爱 你的爱*[11:34]
*Is like a giant pigeon* *就好像一只巨大的鸽子*[11:40]
*Crapping on my heart.* *在我的心上拉了一坨屎*[11:44]
Thank you. 谢谢[11:50]
I'm supposed to attach a brackety thing 我应该用一套这样的小蜗杆 将托架装在侧面
to the side things, using a bunch of these [12:01]
little worm guys.
I have no brackety thing, I see no whim 但我没看见托架 也没有看见什么蜗杆 而且
guys whatsoever and I cannot feel my 我的腿麻了[12:09]
We got a bookcase. - It's beautiful. 我想我们弄好书架了 -挺不错[12:21]
What's this? 这是什么[12:25]
I would have to say that is an 'L'-shaped 我会说这是 L 状的支架[12:26]
bracket .
I have no idea. 我也不知道[12:33]
Done with the bookcase! - All finished! 书架做好了 -全部完工[12:38]
This was Carol's favorite beer. 这是卡罗尔最爱喝的啤酒[12:44]
She always drank it out of the can, I 她总是不用易拉罐喝 我该知道[12:48]
should have known.
if you're gonna start with that stuff we're 你要是再这样 那我们就走了[12:56]
outta here.
Please don't spoil all this fun. 不要把快乐搞砸了[12:58]
Ross, let me ask you a question. 罗斯 我问你一个问题[13:01]
She got the furniture, the stereo, the 她得到了家具 音响和很棒的电视机 你得到
good TV- what did you get? 什么[13:03]
You guys. 你们[13:09]
Oh, my God. - You got screwed. 天啊 -你被坑了[13:10]
Oh my God! 天哪[13:11]
Oh my God! - I know, I know, I'm such an 天哪 -我知道 我是个大白痴[13:13]
I guess I should have caught on when 她每周看四五次牙医时 我心里就该有数了
she started going to the dentist four and [13:17]
five times a week.
showers:n.[气象]阵雨 wondrous:adj.奇妙的;令人惊奇的;非常的; whim:n.奇想;一时的兴致;怪念头;幻想;
I mean, how clean can teeth get? 我是说 牙齿能需要多干净呢[13:22]


My brother's going through that right 我哥也碰到这种事了 他也很纠结[13:25]

now, he's such a mess.
How did you get through it? 你是怎么熬过来的[13:27]
Well, you might try accidentally breaking 你可以尝试 不小心砸烂她贵重的东西
something valuable of hers, [13:29]
say her... - ...leg? 比如她的 -腿[13:33]
That's one way! Me, I- 那也是种选择 至于我嘛[13:34]
I went for the watch. 我砸烂了她的表[13:38]
You actually broke her watch? 你真的把她的表弄坏了[13:39]
The worst thing I ever did was 我干的最坏的一件事[13:41]
I-I shredded my old boyfriend's favorite 我把前男友最喜欢的浴巾撕烂了[13:43]
bath towel.
Steer clear of you. - That's right. 还真要提防你呢 -没错[13:47]
Barry, I'm sorry... I am so sorry... 巴瑞 对不起 真是对不起[13:50]
I know you probably think that this is all 你一定认为这件事跟 我那天说你穿着袜子做
about what I said the other day about 爱有关 其实不是 是我的原因 我只是[13:54]
you making love with your socks on, but
it isn't... it isn't, it's about me, and I just...
Hi, machine cut me off again... 喂 电话又断了[14:08]
anyway...look, look, 不管怎样 听着[14:10]
I know that some girl is going to be 一定会有很幸运的女孩 将成为巴瑞·芬克尔太
incredibly lucky to become Mrs. Barry 太的[14:16]
But it isn't me. It's not me. 但她不会是我[14:22]
Not that I have any idea who "me" is 不是现在这个茫然失措的我 但你得给我机会
right now, but you just have to give me a 去[14:25]
chance to...
I'm divorced. 我离婚了[14:32]
I'm only 26, and I'm divorced! 我才26岁就离婚了[14:34]
Shut up! - You must stop! 闭嘴 -你得停下来[14:37]
That only took me an hour. 我花了一个小时才弄好那个[14:45]
Look, Ross, you gotta understand, 听着 罗斯 你必须明白 在我俩之间 我们的恋
between us we haven't had a relationship 爱时间从未超过吃一颗曼妥思糖[14:47]
that has lasted longer than a Mento .
shredded:adj.切碎的; v.变成碎片 (shred的过去分词形式); socks:袜子(sock的复数) incredibly:adv.难以置信
地;非常地; Mento:n.门特(一种牙买加民间音乐);
You, however have had the love of a 而你已经和一个女人相爱四年了[14:56]
woman for four years.
Four years of closeness and sharing at 四年的肌肤相亲和悲喜与共 最后她把你的心
the end of which she ripped your heart 给伤透了 这就是为什么我们不这么干
out, and that is why we don't do it! [15:00]
I don't think that was my point! 我不认为这是我说话的重点[15:09]
You know what the scariest part is? 你知道最可怕的是什么[15:13]

What if there's only one woman for 万一人这一辈子只有一个女人怎么办[15:15]

everybody, y'know?
I mean what if you get one woman- and 我是说如果你找了个女人 然后就此过一生
that's it? [15:17]
Unfortunately in my case, there was only 不幸的是 我唯一的女人爱的是 女人[15:21]
one woman- for her...
What are you talking about? 'One 你说什么呢 一个女人[15:27]
That's like saying there's only one flavor 这就像是在说 你只能吃一种冰淇淋口味
of ice cream for you. [15:32]
Lemme tell you something, Ross. There's 让我告诉你 罗斯 还有很多种口味[15:35]
lots of flavors out there.
There's Rocky Road, and Cookie Dough , 有巧克力坚果味 曲奇味还有香草味[15:39]
and Bing! Cherry Vanilla .
You could get 'em with Jimmies , or nuts, 还可以和糖条 果仁 或者奶油一起吃[15:44]
or whipped cream!
This is the best thing that ever happened 这简直是你一生中最大的喜事[15:49]
to you!
You got married, you were, like, what, 你难道是八岁结的婚吗[15:52]
Welcome back to the world! Grab a 欢迎回到现实世界 拿起勺子开挖吧[15:57]
I honestly don't know if I'm hungry or 我真不晓得现在自己是真饿了还是欲火难耐
horny . [16:01]
closeness:n.亲密;接近;密闭;严密; scariest:恐怖的;吓人的(scary的最高级); flavor:n.情味,风味;香料;滋味;vt.加
味于; Lemme:n.雷米王国; flavors:n.风味调料 v.添加味道 (flavor的三单形式); Dough:n.生面团;金钱;
Vanilla:n.香子兰,香草;adj.香草味的; Jimmies:vt.撬开;n.撬棍;铁撬; horny:adj.角的;角状的;淫荡的;
Stay out of my freezer ! 离我的冰箱远点[16:04]
Ever since she walked out on me, I, uh... 自从她甩掉我之后 我就[16:09]
What?... What, you wanna spell it out 怎么了 你打算边搅面条边讲吗[16:13]
with noodles?
No, it's, it's more of a fifth date kinda 不 这该是第五次约会时候才说的事儿
revelation. [16:18]
Oh, so there is gonna be a fifth date? 噢 这么说会有第五次约会了[16:23]
Isn't there? 你不想吗[16:27]
Yeah... yeah, I think there is. 想 我想的[16:29]
What were you gonna say? 你刚才想说什么[16:32]
Well, ever-ev-... ever since she left me, 好吧 自从她离开后 我就一直无法过[16:36]
um, I haven't been able to, uh, perform.
...Sexually. 性生活[16:47]
Oh, God, Oh, God, I am sorry... 天啊 天啊 对不起[16:51]
I am so sorry... - It's okay... 真不好意思 -没事 没事[16:53]

I know being spit on is probably not what 我知道你现在需要的必然不是被人喷一身水

you need right now. [16:54]
Um... how long? - Two years. 多久了 -两年了[16:58]
Wow! I'm-I'm-I'm glad you smashed her 我真高兴你砸烂了她的表[17:03]
So you still think you, um... might want 那你还想要第五次约会吗[17:10]
that fifth date?
...Yeah. Yeah, I do. 是的 我希望有[17:16]
We are gathered here to join Joanie 我们今天聚在这里参加乔安妮·路易丝·坎宁安
Louise Cunningham.. [17:21]
and Charles Chachi-Chachi-Chachi Arcola 和查尔斯·卡奇·卡奇·卡奇·阿可勒的 神圣的婚
in the bonds of holy matrimony . 礼[17:26]
Oh...see... but Joanne loved Chachi! 看 乔安妮是爱卡奇的[17:35]
That's the difference! 这就是不同[17:41]
Grab a spoon. 拿起勺子[17:45]
Do you know how long it's been since 你知道我拿起勺子多久了吗[17:47]
I've grabbed a spoon?
Do the words 'Billy, don't be a hero' mean 难道 比利 别逞英雄 这句话对你没意义
anything to you? [17:50]
Great story. But I gotta go. 真是个好故事!但是,我得走了[17:58]
I got a date with Andrea--Angela-- 我要和安德 安吉拉 安德 救命[18:02]
Andrea... Oh man,
Andrea's the screamer . Angela has cats. 安德是爱尖叫的那个 安吉拉有猫[18:07]
freezer:n.冰箱;冷冻库;制冷工; smashed:v.粉碎 adj.破碎的; bonds:n.镣铐; v.使…凝固; (bond的第三人称单
数); matrimony:n.结婚,婚礼;婚姻生活; screamer:n.尖声叫喊的人;
Right, thanks. It's Julie. I'm out of here. 对 谢啦 是朱莉 我走了[18:10]
Y'know, here's the thing. 还有个问题[18:16]
Even if I could get it together enough to- 就算我鼓足了勇气 想约个女人出来[18:18]
to ask a woman out,...
who am I gonna ask? 我又能约谁呢[18:24]
Isn't this amazing? 不可思议吧[18:50]
I mean, I have never made coffee before 我这辈子从没泡过咖啡[18:51]
in my entire life.
That is amazing. - Congratulations. 真不可思议 -恭喜你了[18:54]
Y'know, I figure if I can make coffee, there 我觉得只要我会泡咖啡 就没有什么我不能干
isn't anything I can't do. 的事[18:56]
No, I think it's, "If I can invade Poland , 我认为应该是 如果我能入侵波兰 就没有什
there's nothing I can't do." 么我不能干的事[19:01]
Listen, while you're on a roll 既然你现在正进入角色[19:06]
If you feel like you have to make a 有没有想做个煎蛋卷之类的东西[19:07]
Western omelet or something..
Although actually I'm really not that 不过事实上我还不太饿[19:14]

Oh,good. Lenny and Squiggy are here. 不错 莱尼和斯奎基在这里[19:18]

Morning. - Good morning. 早安 -早安[19:22]

Morning. - Morning, Paul. 早安 -早安 保罗[19:26]

Hello, Paul. - Hi, Paul, is it? 你好保罗 -嗨 保罗是吧[19:28]
Thank you. Thank you so much. - Stop. 谢谢 太感谢你了 -不要这样[19:38]
No, I'm telling you last night was like 不 听我说 昨晚上就像 就好像我所有的生日
umm, was like all my birthdays, both 两次毕业典礼[19:41]
plus the barn-raising scene in Witness. 再加上《目击者》电影里谷仓落成庆典
We'll talk later. 晚点联系[19:55]
Yeah. Thank you. 谢谢你[19:56]
That wasn't a real date?! 那还不叫真正的约会[20:10]
What the hell do you do on a real date? 那你真正的约会到底要干些什么[20:14]
Shut up, and put my table back. - 闭嘴 把桌子抬回去 -好啦[20:18]
All right, kids, I gotta get to work. 好了孩子们 我必须上班去了[20:22]
If I don't input those numbers... 但如果我不输入那些数字[20:24]
it doesn't make much of a difference... 也没什么关系[20:27]
So, like, you guys all have jobs? 你们大伙儿都有工作[20:32]
Yeah, we all have jobs. 对 我们都有工作[20:36]
Poland:n.波兰(欧洲国家); omelet:n.煎蛋卷;炒鸡蛋;
See, that's how we buy stuff. 这样才有钱买东西[20:38]
Yeah, I'm an actor. 对 我是个演员[20:43]
Wow! Would I have seen you in 你演过什么 我看过吗[20:45]
I doubt it. Mostly regional work. 难说 大部分范围都挺小的[20:47]
Oh wait, wait, unless you happened to 等下 除非你碰巧看过[20:50]
catch the
Reruns' production of Pinocchio , at the 《匹诺曹》的重播 在公园的小剧场里
little theater in the park. [20:52]
Look, it was a job all right? 那也是份工作好吧[20:56]
'Look, Gippetto, I'm a real live boy.' 瞧 盖佩多 我是真正的小男孩了[20:58]
I will not take this abuse. - You're right, 别这么侮辱人 -你说得对 对不起[21:04]
I'm sorry.
'"Once I was a wooden boy, a little 我曾是个小木偶 小木偶[21:08]
wooden boy..."
You should both know that he's a dead 你们该知道 他马上就会死了[21:13]
Oh, Chandler! 钱德勒[21:17]
So how you doing today? 今天感觉如何[21:22]

Did you sleep okay? Talk to Barry? 睡得还好吧 跟巴瑞谈过了吗[21:23]

I can't stop smiling. 我无法停止笑[21:26]
I can see that. 看得出来[21:28]
You look like you slept with a hanger in 你活像昨晚睡觉时嘴里放了个撑衣架[21:29]
your mouth.
I know, he's just so, so... 我知道 他是那么[21:38]
Do you remember you and Tony 还记得你和托尼·德马科吗[21:41]
Oh, yeah. 记得啊[21:43]
Well, it's like that. With feelings. 就像那样 那种感觉[21:44]
Wow,are you in trouble! - Big time! 哇 你真是有麻烦了 -没错[21:48]
Want a wedding dress? Hardly used. 想要婚纱吗 几乎没用过哟[21:52]
I think we're getting a little ahead of 我想我们谈的远了点[21:56]
Okay. Okay. I am just going to get up, go 好啦 好啦 我要站起来 去工作 而且一整天都
to work and not think about him all day. 不要想他[21:58]
Or else I'm just gonna get up and go to 或者只是站起来去工作[22:05]
Oh, look, wish me luck! - What for? 祝我好运 -为什么[22:08]
I'm gonna go get one of those job things. 我要去找那个工作什么的东西[22:10]
Hey, Monica! 嘿 莫妮卡[22:24]
Hey Frannie, welcome back! 嘿 弗兰妮 欢迎回来[22:26]
How was Florida? 在佛罗里达过得如何[22:27]
You had sex, didn't you? 你做爱了 对不[22:29]
How do you do that? - I hate you. 你怎么知道的 -我恨你[22:32]
regional:adj.地区的;局部的;整个地区的; Pinocchio:n.童话中的主角;
I'm pushing my Aunt Roz through Parrot 我推着我的罗兹阿姨穿过鹦鹉丛林 你却在做
Jungle you're having sex. 爱[22:34]
So? Who? 那么 和谁[22:39]
You know Paul? 你认识保罗吧[22:42]
Paul the Wine Guy? 保罗 那个调酒的[22:44]
Oh yeah, I know Paul. 对 我认识保罗[22:46]
You mean you know Paul like I know 你是说你认识他就像我认识他一样[22:50]
Are you kidding? I take credit for Paul. 开玩笑吧 保罗还欠我一个人情呢[22:53]
Y'know before me, there was no snap in 遇到我之前他已有两年无法过性生活[22:55]
his turtle for two years.
Of course it was a lie! 显然他是骗你的[23:03]
Why?! Why? Why, why would anybody 为什么 为什么会有人那样做[23:06]
do something like that?


I assume we're looking for an answer 我想你是想让我们拿出一个 比 想和你上床

more sophisticated than 'to get you into 更为复杂的回答[23:09]
I hate men. I hate men. 我恨男人 我恨男人[23:15]
Don't hate. You don't want to put that 不要这样 你也不想把他们赶出宇宙吧
out into the universe. [23:18]
Is it me? 问题出在我身上[23:22]
Is it like I have some sort of beacon that 难道我身上带着某种味儿 只有狗和有严重情
only dogs and men with severe 感问题的男人才会发觉吗[23:24]
emotional problems can hear?
All right, c'mere, gimme your feet. 好啦 过来 把你的脚给我[23:30]
I just thought he was nice, y'know? 我只是以为他是个好男人[23:40]
I can't believe you didn't know it was a 我真不相信 你不知道那是个谎言[23:46]
Guess what? - You got a job? 猜猜怎么了 -你找到工作了[23:54]
Are you kidding? I'm trained for nothing! 开玩笑吗 我什么都不会[23:56]
I was laughed out of twelve interviews 今天十二个面试 我都是被嘲笑轰出来的
today. [24:00]
And yet you're surprisingly upbeat . 不过你却异常兴奋[24:03]
You would be too if you found John and 如果你遇见 约翰&大卫 的皮靴打五折 也会
David boots on sale, fifty percent off! 跟我一样的[24:04]
Oh, how well you know me... 是呀 你多了解我啊[24:10]
They're my new 'I don't need a job, 这就是 我不需要工作[24:14]
Parrot:鹦鹉 sophisticated:adj.复杂的; v.使变得世故; (sophisticate的过去分词形式); emotional:adj.情绪的;
易激动的;感动人的; gimme:adj.贪得无厌的; n.贪心,贪婪; upbeat:n.兴旺;上升;弱拍;adj.乐观的;上升的;
I don't need my parents, I've got great 不需要父母 一双好皮靴足矣[24:16]
boots' boots!
How'd you pay for them? 你怎么付的款[24:20]
Uh, credit card. 用信用卡[24:22]
And who pays for that? 那谁付账单[24:23]
Um... my... father. 我爸啊[24:25]
Oh God, come on you guys, is this really 天呀 各位 这真的很重要吗[24:31]
I mean, I can stop charging anytime I 我随时都可以停止使用的[24:33]
C'mon, you can't live off your parents 拜托 你不能靠你爸一辈子[24:35]
your whole life.
I know that. That's why I was getting 我知道 这就是为什么我要结婚[24:38]
Give her a break, it's hard being on your 饶了她吧 第一次独立并不轻松[24:42]
own for the first time.
Thank you. 谢谢[24:46]


You're welcome. I remember when I first 不客气 我记得我第一次来纽约时的情景

came to this city. [24:47]
I was fourteen. 当时我十四岁[24:49]
My mom had just killed herself and my 我妈刚自杀 我继父再度入狱 我来到这里 举
step-dad was back in prison, and I got 目无亲[24:50]
here, and I didn't know anybody.
And I ended up living with this albino 最后我和一个白化病患者住在一起 他给港务
guy who was, like, cleaning windshields 局的人清洗车窗玻璃 后来他也自杀了 然后
outside port authority , and then he 我成了按摩师[24:56]
killed himself, and then I found
aromatherapy .
So believe me, I know exactly how you 所以相信我 我完全了解你的感受[25:04]
The word you're looking for is "Anyway"... 你想要说的话是 无论如何[25:10]
All right, you ready? 好了准备好了吗[25:19]
No. No, no, I'm not ready! 没 我没准备好[25:21]
How can I be ready? Hey, Rach! 我怎么准备啊 喂 瑞秋[25:23]
You ready to jump out the airplane 准备好跳机了吗 没有降落伞哟[25:24]
without your parachute ?"
Come on, I can't do this! - You can, I 我做不到 -你行 我知道你行![25:27]
know you can!
charging:n.炉料; v.使承担 (charge的现在分词); albino:n.[皮肤]白化病者;[遗]白化体;白化现象;
windshields:n.[车辆]挡风玻璃(windshield的复数形式); authority:n.权威;权力;当局; aromatherapy:n.用香
料按摩; parachute:n.降落伞;vi.跳伞;空投;
I don't think so. - Come on, you made 我不这么想 -别这样 你会泡咖啡[25:30]
You can do anything! 你无所不能了[25:32]
C'mon, cut. Cut, cut, cut,... 剪掉 剪掉 剪掉[25:35]
You know what? I think we can leave it at 知道吗 我觉得我们就到这儿吧[25:43]
It's kinda like a symbolic gesture. 就当是标志性姿势[25:47]
Rachel, that was a library card. 瑞秋 刚刚只是图书证[25:49]
Cut, cut, cut, cut,... 剪掉 剪掉 剪掉 剪掉[25:54]
Y'know, if you listen closely, you can hear 知道吗 如果你仔细听 你可以听到店主们在
a thousand retailers scream. 尖叫[25:58]
Welcome to the real world! 欢迎来到现实世界[26:06]
It sucks. You're gonna love it! 它糟透了 但你会喜欢的[26:08]
Well, that's it. You gonna crash on the 好啦 你要睡在沙发上吗[26:19]
No. No, I gotta go home sometime. 不 我要回家[26:22]
You be okay? - Yeah. 你没事吧 -没事[26:25]
Hey Mon, look what I just found on the 莫妮卡 看我在地板上发现了什么[26:28]

What? 什么[26:32]
That's Paul's watch. 那是保罗的表[26:34]
You just put it back where you found it. 放回原地就好了[26:36]
Oh boy
Alright. Goodnight, everybody. - 好吧 晚安各位 -晚安[26:41]
Sorry- - No no no, go- 对不起 -不不 你来[26:56]
No, you have it, really, I don't want it 不不 你吃吧 真的 我不想吃[26:57]
Split it? - Okay. 分着吃 -好吧[26:58]
You know you probably didn't know this, 你大概不知道 我在高中时 曾经 暗恋过你
but back in high school, I had a, um, [27:05]
major crush on you.
I knew. 我知道[27:12]
You did! Oh.... 你知道 哦[27:14]
I always figured you just thought 我还以为你一直认为[27:17]
I was Monica's geeky older brother. 我是莫妮卡的怪哥哥呢[27:18]
I did. 的确如此[27:21]
Oh. Listen, do you think and try not to let 听着 你是不是认为 不要太在意我 脆弱的心
my intense vulnerability become any 灵 但是你觉得我能约你出去吗[27:27]
kind of a factor here but do you think it
would be okay if I asked you out?
symbolic:adj.象征的;符号的;使用符号的; retailers:[贸易]零售商; geeky:adj.(俚)令人讨厌的; intense:adj.强烈
的;紧张的;非常的;热情的; vulnerability:n.易损性;弱点;
Sometime? Maybe? 偶尔 有可能吗[27:37]
Yeah, maybe... 当然 或许[27:40]
Okay... okay, maybe I will... 好 好 或许我会的[27:45]
Goodnight. - Goodnight. 晚安 -晚安[27:58]
See ya.... 再见[28:14]
Waitwait, what's the deal? 等等 你怎么了[28:18]
I just grabbed a spoon. 我刚刚拿起了勺子[28:23]
I can't believe what I'm hearing here. 我真不敢相信我的耳朵[28:34]
I can't believe what I'm hearing here... 我真不敢相信我的耳朵[28:36]
What? I-I said you had a 怎么了 我说你有一个[28:37]
What I said you had... 我说你有一个[28:38]
Would you stop? 你能不能不这么干[28:41]
Oh, was I doing it again? - Yes! 噢 我又来了 -是的[28:42]
I said you had a nice butt . 我说你的屁股很翘[28:46]
It's just not a great butt. 算不上绝世翘臀[28:48]
Oh, you wouldn't know a great butt if it 你没尝过我的翘臀 你怎么知道不是[28:51]
came up and bit ya.
There's an image. 可以想象[28:54]
Would anybody like more coffee? 有人要咖啡吗[28:58]

Did you make it, or are you just serving 是你冲的 还是你端来的[29:02]
I'm just serving it. - Yeah. Yeah, I'll have a 我端来的 -好吧 给我来杯咖啡[29:04]
cup of coffee.
Kids, new dream... 孩子们 我又做新梦了[29:08]
I'm in Las Vegas. 我在拉斯维加斯[29:10]
Miss, more coffee? 小姐 能再来点咖啡吗[29:11]
Excuse me, could you give this to that 对不起 你能把这个给拿到那边吗[29:14]
guy over there?
Go ahead. Thank you. 快点呀 谢谢[29:18]
Sorry. Okay, Las Vegas. 对不起 继续吧 拉斯维加斯[29:21]
I'm in Las Vegas. 我在拉斯维加斯[29:24]
I'm Liza Minelli- 我是丽莎·明妮莉[29:27]



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