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Timo : r hou! and ro ninut!.

B th. 6!st Co-op€lsliE Sci€iie. Act in Indi,.
(A) 190r (B) r90r
(c) 1884 (D) rs70

i. the lls Elrtirs Co.op.laliE Seietie.j! tle Skt .

(N KCSA l96e (B) I{CSA reTo
(c) KcsA 1914 (D) I(CSA r$3
numh6. ofp€Fotu arc rcquircil for Fsi8tlalid in . Coope&tiw S@iery.
(A) 25 (B) r0
(c) 8 (D)u
L th. s@hn€nt n.y apFint i !€M! to h. the rcailtls
(A) 30) (B) 3(2)
(c) 3(3) @) 3(0
U.. dd! tL. cbai66tto! ol @i.ty.
(A) 14 (B) 16
(c) 13 (D) 16

0. Rd. 16 ud 20 of th. 8@i.ti€. Alt U6 don l'o preilN 6! sottila I

7. Secrion | 8 of th€ A.r . Saiett 6. dnit ildividul .. .

8. rF dle nenbdBofICA
(^) N bdl federrrior
(c) cod{oer fedqaiid

,. tlsryof'SuNiv.l of the
(c) (D) capitaUsn and Socicliob


ll. b the oldesr fom ol.Monic .)sraE.

12. R.chdlle eqqihble Sociery s|'rtEd in tte rear of:

(B) 18.{4
(c) r$2 (D) rs2s

13. Fornliio! ofCo'op€rative wLolesele 6rore was ih6 &v.Ioptult of CcoI€raiion iD

(s) Italy (D) USA

C.E!w j! @Biile€d to h€ .he plae oacEdit C!,opcratives.

(B) Cndle
(L) None oftrl4e
Schulb D€Urach vas lorn in :
(B) 1303
(c) 1306 (D) 180r

16. TIE S.hllrc ba.t we fomea on |be basi.

(A) Unlimited
(c) cunnt€€
1?. Rsi6eien we bom itr th€ lrd of:
(A) 1818 {B) 1er9
(c) l8t4 (D) 1301

18. Luz,rri srdrtci Saicry :
(D) US]\

pnEsry obj*liw of Luati lo hslp the

(A) Middl€ ches pepl. (li) Uppa] cjlss psple
(c) !'em.r6 (D) L,{ incomc Peoplc

20. T!€ s@& pFdrcerl bY ihe dlsry @rpo.ation i! De.nark ac &ld udct lhe rradentrk :
(A) F€d.ral
(c) Bun

21, Tte Co.oDe!.tive f.rms in USSn e hdn s :

(A) Kolkloz (B) Bln
(c) CF m€rY

22. Tho o€mbe!. ol XOLKHOZ are orstni*d i.to worLina areuD aF knNn ot :

O) Dsny

,t. + i6 6nsideoit thc .upemo authdity ot a micrv

(A) CmEitte (B) M6ntging conDiltt.
(C) Adhd6nEitt€
t.r. T!6 .leriot of th€ bemb€rs of a 4ietv .haU bc diluctld ac@.dins b ine rul€

(A) 35 (lt) 34
(c) 33 (D) 32

t5. Cieil prudw @d€ €De illo fo@ I.ilit o! :

(A) 1-r-r909 G) r-r-r9o3
(c) r4l9o9 @) r.2-r0o9

26. ols.liarioo. !re Edlssd de nGati€uv.

27. tb€ ide, olo;non*€srtrl eas tust siven by:
() D.B- Gadgil (B)
(c) R.S. Plt€l (D)

23. The tust Moehsv ddim wss establishcd in :

(B) 1919
(c) 192r (D) 1913

29- Tbe chdrDan ofAlRCSc:

(A) Sfttri
(C) Vertit{pai
30. ACRC wus etup in the y€a. of:
(A) 1986 (B) 193?
(c) 1985 (D) r93,t

3r. sa. wit! :

65 deals
(A) Eoquy
(C) Eleiion
32. Th6 d€t€rninario! of dispute 6y de d@i6ioD ofde o. noft !e@m i! c.!!d :

33. Rcle 69 sp*rfr€s tb6

31. m€rm the &)nal exi,Esion ofrny deirim ofs Civil Coult.

14.3-l9a? (B) 103.1987

(c) s-3.1937 (D) 15.4.193?

t6. i! . d@unert isu€d by the Cout dira.ting ! pe.en to appe.! bs6F a Couri
@) Aw$d
(C) suneoB
37.'thsFuolprynGntoIBonu.A.t I

(A) 1972 (B) re66

(c) 1962 @) 1963

88. i! flils r p€titior by tle assri*d Ddtv befob a higher alinori+

(B) oraer

,0. n r! dr@ic eEedJ for @nomi@l .djutEcnr'

ao. The boolofdisiltl .ntry it CooperatiE seierv u

(A) Srr.. dry b@L . (B) P@h'& day b@l
(O C..Lhek
al. '8&b for AU'or "Atl Fd EacL" i3
(A) obtet G) Moit
(C) O.garintio! (D) Nd€ ofthe*

12. ltE fFt Co{p.ratiE Sci.ty i. :

(A) 1160 (a) r?61

(c) r?58 @) 1?64

4t, i. ih. 6st Co.!4riiv. nod.l ir tl6 {orld.

(c) no&.I dtl.

aa. UNICOOP wu etabli3hod ir lS0l bY :

7 23a2ol5
,t5. Th. aH ofcelarrl Cdipqsd@ Bank it
(,\) All ltrdi!

. (O India excpt J- K. (D) A R€Enue dbhici

46. NCDC wrd e.tlbushed in :

(B) 1962
(c) r9?5 (D) r9?4

(A) Amnd Mil! Unio. Uhitad

(B) ADrd MarLetils Union Linitad
' (C) An.rd Mmlsing U,ion LiEit d
{D) None ofthese
aa. Crest Co-op€.alors befoE c.eating Co,op€mtiv€s Dointed oui by
(A) Maclegan CoDmiti@

!9. Ccop.rative PrinciDld rere fo.ndatcd

(A) Chicaso

50. World food day on :

() Octoh..l6
{C) Ociobe. 14

5r. 'Cooporation has failed but it busi .@d" erpre@d by :

(a) Ar&csc (B) AIRCAC

(c) A.RICS

52. 6€c. 4Solthe IPCdedLwith:

(A) Decree (B)
(C) Fo.cary (D)

@upics d impo.trn! pmition in the ilem@ratic aetup of tle sei€ty.

(c) 'r!e AMu'r6 olfrer

prcvrdsg thria s(iery arc e*emDl€d 6ob stmp duty.

(B) 9E
(c) 40 (D) 41

siEtemelt ihe 6oci€ty pcpared the nnal a@unis-

(A) Receipts and diabullement

60. Slbjltlice m€a$ :

(A) Judge
E€fore a (B) Noi rudiciany
(c) 8€6r sftrnnert (D) Noneolthese

5t. n.m th. .ldEen! ilelf prcdced tor .ho indpet'on of ahe C.rd
C4) sorlary evid€@ {B) P.idarr didetr

66. ir ab ofier@ uder S4. .l?7 ot IPC.

(A) Falsi6@tio! otacout

69. TIE ontnhftols of Ccop€laiivs iil4 in England by Roberl Owen aDd :

(A) R if.i$n (B) Willian kins

(C) Schulz (D) Nono o{ these

60. Tb€ nanaeeDen orJ.inr Sbck Conp.av i3:

, (A) B.adofdjEctors (B) C4mhittee
(.) Cldnan rD, None of th€s

61. R€giri.ation ofPdtneEli! i! :

(.rr) (D) Ne@sary
(c) optional (D) Nore orth€&

0 23192016
' Er,ol
(A) Nad@al Diary Deveiopbon! Board
(B) National Di,ry D€v€lopE€lr Bu.incs
(C) Ndliodl Dialy Dflelopneni Ballis
(D) Nationrl Diary Developbdeni Banch

63, The KSCU the bkgesi body of the o-opeBtiv€ Eoweni rn th. sr,i€.
(A) Ce,eEl
(c) Nd{6cibr (D) O6d.r
64. FANTEX r. th. apex eiety e€rabli6h.d in :
(c) t963 (D) 1t62

66. T!€ lEad cua$ers ofhowe Fed;

(O Mahppq@ o)
66. In (*6b tiere are 4enber of dialr @opetsti@,
(a) 324X (B) 3?16
(c) 3246 @) 3249

67. Th€ arca of uban bank

@) Uui.ip.utY
(c) TrhL (l|) Ar'ofiho*
68, Th€ @Fehd@ whicL a@ r[€ beDb.E oih6r th.! !y paidi'3 @dlt i! EU.d :
(A) PriDftys@i€i (B) Nd ftdic Co{polaiiw
(q Uftan Sdiety

er. The D Fora wilt be giren to tne bfanch of:

(A) Prinary Smiety
(C) Di.kicico{p€lariret

nuzot6 t0
70. CEEtrd Co{p.ntive bar} br .el r@n@ dirrtict i! I(.!.l!.
(B) T\,o
(c) l'l'e (D) Four

t!. I1E Didy fa6 ofEunD€ i. r

6) Eigraqd (B) D.nMarL

'' ici" c.;iir ' (D) t"U

?!. Suficient StrDD .[ouu t6 .fi&d if lho v.r6 @.& :

(A) 6000 (B) !000

(c) ?ooo (D) 50OO

74. d.v.LD.d t chliqe rdop..d by d! 64dtia

' d.p.ttu.!t
(A) T€64 (8) M.n4!Dnt
' (O lild
?a l!-I(.rdr t Dd R.ftcd! Aat r.. Dd${
6) r9G8 @) 1960
(q rtr|o @) rt?l
75, Aldn &. cd.ubt i bt anD.pdi -d.tt i.:
GA) En!d.n!!cdL.i.d (B) 8.r..
(c) lbt rilon. (D) W.t€*alt
' 7G l}a*q.t riirf.s.dlb a.y h. :
(A) - (s) P,id
(O Eolwrtt. (D) Nooof tlcs

77. A.rds*,-srynmbdofesodlt.tdl@deil.tut i!D.rs.

<a,2, ., @) 8l
(c) 28 ) (D) 2a

tl lSrV!0tt
73. The.elfhcb Ead€ €ltectir by o.isineies is caled:
(41 Ca.opPrarivc So, iprr (F)
rC\ Parhersnrp (l

?9. TheAuth.r of"P€opl€s Brol fnrNorthern Indra

G) cinani


(B) Dan€ Prulim C@tr

(D) Ja ley

81, the Qrii India MoveEelf sas adopred by INC dr its .od.ion b€ld ar :
(D rlhoe
(D) calcuttr
89. Wlo wret. ih6 boo! "1n i,'s A{e6r O.rBp; dia@sins Mh@rsy .u.roudirg Subhs

(C) SaBth Chtudn B6e (D)

8t. Wlo of ihe folo{ins was t}e lady repr.*rr.iive of hais at the Se@nd Raun.l Table

(A) Sucleta Hriprlani (B)

(C) Vt.yalakhni Pmdit (D)

84. JinDh .lecl@il wliirh day e

(A) l0 Aqsi 19,!6 (D 16 Julr 19,16

(C) l6.touaiy 1946 (D)

85. Wbo wa. ihd Chaim,n ortlE

(A) M.A. Jinnah (B) Ja*ldljrNe}tu
(C) B.R. Aabedrar (D) lr.il Mountbatt€n

23420t6 t2
80. Duins iLe Civil Dimb€di.ne nov€menl who lcd thc'Ibd Ahirb'ofNolth-W@t€E lDdta?
(A) Mohanmrd Ali Jinnlb (B) Kh.nAbdul Ghdlllr tlhan
(Cl) Abur l{llaE Arud (D) syed Almed Khan

8?. In *hicb ycs. SR NaEyaru Guru held an A1 ndign'n. Cont6E s at AdvdtsBd, Allva?
(A) l9r1 (B) r92a
(c) 1924 (D) 1926

88. Wlb loundoil.n olgrni!.tio! caled Su.tl s,najan ?

(A) BmhMtud. Sie$!€i

. (c) vdLuda Sslni
39. ve&dldlsldrupadn i6 {rilien by
(A) Chatiempi Ss.niial (a) srec Nd.yau cln
(c) I<un,ranA3dn

$, lttho is popul.rly knosn by ihc cDith! l,i!@lr of Ker.lt ?

(A) Panilit l(rnppan (B) MannathPgdnanabhan

(C) Ayyad.lri (D) qhattlmpi SmEiId
91. wlricl M.ndE€nt ot lbo oatiauaion rdded rhe wor& Sciali.t d S€.'du ir
6) 25aAn€ndmcnt (D il2d AE.ndDe.t
(c) 4s Anandn.ni (D) rr.Anendnent
9l. wnl! @n b. i*u€d 6r tbe.rl@E.ni ol F\ndan€nt l Right! by :
(A) Atl Coub; hdi!
(a) P6tid.nl
(C) The SupEne Cout dily
(D) Botb tho SupteDs Coqr tnd th. Hich Cou .
98, lfhich onc .f the aolloFirs is,tt! we de&nb€d by Dr. B. R ADhedld .. ih. h€.tt ud srd

(A) Risht to Equalil,y

(C) Righr co Fcdon ofR.Usion (D) Right io Consiii{tion.l R4ee<Ler

la 234A016
,4, Th€ Emr *sential fealu.€ ofe fed€rd gov*nn€nt la I

(A) Supredacy of the Pdrli.reni

(B) SDprcrecyof ,ndiciary
(C) Divisim of power6 b.tFeeD thc ftdelal aDd
(D) Siwle Citizenship

,5. Wbich low 6hall nol b€ a 6lbial for disolutioD?

{A) Lok Sabha

. (C) State r,sislaiur€g

00. Whic} arricle of the lntLan @hslitution dc{ls wjth an6ndment pro6dft?

l?. I! th€ e.te ofthe budcet, ine tem guillotin€ ir usd *jth referere to:
(A) ApprcD;atio. biu (B) VotingofDendd.
(C) Cd$lnlat.d Fud charye! . (D) Fi!@ B r

08. AdicL 3l5 6ftle lndisn Cofttitltion pmvid€s to.:

(A) Filde C.mi*io! (B) El€tio! CoEoi6sion
(C) Pdlianentsly Cadnitbe. O) Public S€Fic. Conni6tiotr

00, Pan IV of Indirn Comliiution d€ab *iih :

(A) Fmd@ental dliie8
(O Dn€chre principl* olsiate Polict (D) Fnnrlln€ al ishts

100. How nary kjndr of ene.cenci€s rF th€6 !@!ding ou onstitution?

(A) ThE (B) Fou
(c) T@ (D) Five


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