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It pacen tects feeble reno ¥ | ’ : eh . >” Anatomy 2 : General Anatomy 4, )_ tthe paranasa sinuses 0 “redltoncbe eles The maxillary sinus communicates with the iferior meatus ofthe nose) F ft] The posterior wall af the spheroid sinus i relate to the: pons oT J] ee 9.1 Fak cavernous sinus ie later to the sphenoid sinus a Fr] v/a The xphenoi simases drain inte the retropharyngeal Iyriph nodes or eh € lb 9, fe The ethimoid air cells drain ints the inferior meatus of the nese ere eae ae 4 or “The normal human comeat stroma contains the following a Cells 7 at Type collagens 7 eT. cr Type lV collagen 7 a Laminin 2 Chondivitn sulphate tthe time of bieth in ful term babies (go week gestation) Ir] a. The pupil is les responsive to mydriatic agents than atthe age of one year Fb The tunica vasculosa lentis surrounds the lens ae + back = Lael skit F[s<& —_Vascularisation of the retina is complete—r#te tur Pelham oF caoeaJecrtntion A net ochrcnd [| 7“d. — Myelination of gangtion cell axons is complete —y FAS She Si a drt opt fom «| FL @fir. The paranasal air sinuses are present oc : Flnegscoae we LN ape merenate Bin ‘The infundibulum of the hypophysis cerebe (pituitary gland) aebveteghe « AEby 3. Lies anterior t the opti chiasm ‘ Rb. Consists of neurones connecting the fuer cinerum ofthe hyperthalamus to ' the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland | Issurrounded by a portal system of blond vessels L Contains many exsinophilic, Gisophilic and'chromephobie secretory eclls > { aujacent te the pic tract ‘The following lie within the cone of the rectus muscles in the orbit a. The lower division of the oculomotor nerve - Outside b The truchlear nerve. aa f Thetranut none Le Theoptic nerve \ he orbicularis oculi muscle . PE Ie EG pee ecctonctn ebainale lacepmae oLefhe © Bosc otelawot cot igamen | CIS Regarding the eyelids cnt amt mca | Tr] s scmsnittcttatktigene een | ry" statesmen Se hy evgeal shrvehan [eC teeveal shin tibetan conch gee A i ee tomers Ch ET pak oT Cagis sey = Sphinwid alow phe Lorc ening oe se Lead palpebral supicinsis arisen frim the infection Sucface oF aa Ahead pelmtee E auhiting te Se ophic caine’) a He ape of He ev bit fot peetere eagtio Henke anuaiuo oP Bln = fee Hullees murcl he te Ha wppac berduc af Hoe apc tatined + -to Ha ceejemcbin i oe noe TO Cigale fm ee Pema ona * pss rma che ay rie in Metbascs Manel oF f6 aps. bral boned of inf ees areata eee eek ee eae ee ee eT H Gre ap Tuatca Larcutose Lent AO NE ole Onbetlteret ee ee evclogty leas of te Fak, | — Nowerlly Ha sheaclire reper disappans stalls before bith. = Tee dele pet of ote fea emocialad Udit He Fermedion eR Ha ahulior porleon OF Me tanten Ondislasen Leer ~ Tos ve embetter pothion of He Huntin Gadenlita lesa vi mplocent by Hm pupillary 7 Spb ince maoele OCcue al Srentins CB spathcin » Dlr mele secu at Gomockh of geahiion, = TT pupileny porn oF He Menten Garedase leahin a tenbtutbed ahucty the Gh oth of geoheka. = TR pupillagy merken cibraphien name hen , me Te tes Ts SHIN tate. eck birth. * hry cells ® Aakeir tobe Aerloplily Cotcatls obouk 48%) pale Con : Ochormephilis alt se Peer eo, aback %. eh level, @ chromophoble calle (524) CO tollmetinde lobe casadde up of muwetoun badephil ells + chromeplohe tls suttourdeol urine K colloid wehecil @ Pore lsbe DLarge umber F ‘nem maple Pibsbes (hy prtheburs Ay pophyse.t teach) . OMB Modified rentoleytad colle «PItniegbern« abil saghim ap Wer pasdatice Fo mnwdiad Polpelerat Nqumak + peckecisn te Ha Webscnd OO aiclen tack hard he kel tebik Vigan = : s - Qeular Anatomy et T patpebint lyennct most nd be comlased it te Ibs palebrf 1 cabs eae Ne eee ged tnsth ot 8 Which of the following propositions represents the'tbtred spmapite = Heber nL marek, relationship between various retinal layers re . » Ra EL Photoreceptor-\iller celi-ganglion cell Fr]+%Mhowresspiors pelareelamgton set alse F| © Photoreceptor horizontal cell-amacie ceil» ee ee FE] Photoreceptoramactine cell-bipolar cel ~ cee F| © Mhotoreceptoramacrine cell-ganglion celt 9 The nbital septum —> ZF G gtfecles teh aber sustacs oF He levaher moc 5. Fons a margin of the obit Sey ts phi a ecld Exely bag pte of ead Ie : “ eh ait Pacey Covers superficially the palpebral part of the Orbiclaris ocall 7 . ‘ a barcer forthe spreading of haemorthage or infection AFTkld We orbit $k 7m pox hin Atte tovel of the superior and inferior eyelid, texters frm the tarsal plate to the periosteum ‘ He he Sg the fascial coat af the obicularis ceult bpm bt rbiatcis mack di Qty adlumt de A Intace Laat sophion Sopeabe Hm Lid ennechion hstas sface inne He eth corks a TA44n 10 Theconjunctiva lamm «4 €| % —Thesuperior fornix lies about 6mm from the superior comeal limbus vim S| ar} b The lateral forts extends posterior tothe equator ofthe eyeball Imm ates «| }e. —The bulbar conjunctiva fuses with the selers about 1-Smor posterior to Tat cornea imioue i T | &—Theconiunctisa in the fornichas a stratified squamous epithelium [tecdel ate] gly ® Atcesery lata glands are lected only the conunetva of he ate SUBTOTAL peevcurat vit A jpoletad ay CeneohcaidLaprogh Rie Sie TIE Henke Rie le, yh ofl nacenn i mE OF biP : in precharge ene a Cons ella the eg tee name aS ak £ be a. (“'Weontains thelfint neti at the affencal optic pathowa Vat | F f-& \ thesia pent eptncinn continswrihephyllororbn meres LAS eiylann yond | TE The retina is trafisparentes this meteors hauiny & purplish reel cola tn Wo GiSetise | 4. an. The retina is murished by retinal and chorea cessels 4 Lrwpaly net bg [re noes onan decene ely eu thetorep nthe pion, et cance SRL orm i oe Big PT 12, |< COncernitig the BeuOHEA pocant i bret mbes Cotte oe secede reacagid «LF |\ a, Thelinner limiting membrane consists of fibroblasts iE, ets T)e-h. The inner nuctesr layer comprises the cell bodies of the bipolgr, horizontal (= “T fe] cathe mile tose st for synapse th the ganglion - eraemibie Lr] Thetis cosine men IN tion ae ty yz metbran orm cnetonstet Matler' cpa abel Jetnon ef GC etinal pigment epithelial cells Ferment by yadial proemnty 2b tte Mulls colle -& plot steep tats eae Concerning the retinal pigment epifheljumm nome gf. &mi lon Bee (oath Bape sr igomechent 1 ee s % Foe ae ne as therks ant Fm ha Iisa unicellular ayers age po net maggot The number pf cells dn The cells cb mite hinge hes with ageing ae aml . rack Sake REPL gh endoplate recap Srcedeepastisipte) The cells cannot phagnecent ts sco 3 Od oleate ance bee im these cll Fen eee SR gaining E Normal vitteous contains p+ ypeTI~rt0H Laven of Electreret anya aad = PH AAT | Cotgen Tope hE Gimcr tl mmet (Qa utes! Gosakad = phoma het all T] bE Necetetagucagine yp eh CL ame i oo Mable calls Calepal 5: ipids oi. nccfdanehiy| VE. Amora aat ing of brpoleeaton Pere Le UMpaturmne mera ten geen eps Helium i= ae MEangebion of Redtad pgm ot O UIE A rrebboluson. E th mae © wininbnnes a He moe blood meine boa ne “ieee age D playgeyore af He plabmmephy ube sgmh- Ei Aebise banepath of makelial a toh of tle ROE © abicegtiin of light Crecboe bin sf Seah Sharh exehvge « © Fatrredionat te baonl humians 14 Fecatile rant cyt A laken! geniculate Boi cB) + ee genitalate Bedlien: CLOBD < at Arochoy i= a Uh tr a Sint ovine scclltng om Hs Ordatsudees gh Hh Puluineg af He NeBanas, = Sthacheal alb-ecmninahion of tle ophe Hacks vet = Each gentealebe body consishs of 6 Angers of nencons Cte rach) athecncity oh Kobe sath Chatinead by phi Fike) « om Tibets of Seceneagy reunsn Cacuiry Uth aphte Hench relay vie Sofie gets Sane a hs hn Penmber of rats Lbm topic nebue bepha teat Daabecter choraidal bene 6E MA tle cotelstal ct rhaly « Ms @ Mabe mosenecalste brant of Ale trshtiiecucbok crohatye © Nehetat hocoided acheter 4 Pogihin of Visual fibces ALL El hes OQ Macdne Fibers comnigg, tn the opbieteach—e ocenpy Mle porlutear Ye af the LOB. @ the weird Fiber —> occupy Ha medtal Vo of Me arhecra Ys wile LGB, @ Levee mbit Abs oeenpy He lahent Ie of He ankcia ly sha LGB. a . ce Tee weucans of LGB fama Han Soh woke rears of Heotsin: , ~ Te sting of Pa end orclagnacans Cangliin calla) Syjnaptcn esihh He olenddifes of He meacams ieee “y one) 0 . fs A LCR ane gob 6 Lavrsnae C1- 6) te 0 Ten censsed Fiber end inte (aucnen Itty © + Ceambatchiet) , ‘ 2 Unerested fibres enbin te luninn 2355 Kipsclatect) Sete ee eet eee oa bleh bh peb'nnt Aibtes endl « = Lesion in Heo tnuek corhot > teawkh te Bagenctidiin OF ath te © lana sh LGB, wees GRRE Caliban Comnsanen Cres dU Me 6 lowinun Ke gqanglan call exant project « debulel spall mprece delim of Ne catin onde LEB with PRCLLe gevra ten gotah locabstentin = Ln tbee wnaborste tiarceipthion LEB coubaind Gora dafiacal lays: wom emch side lefees Ny Hy 69 teeters Vnguk Coma te cankratetcal eofe + La gct 23,5 —e receiinn ingich fromm He Tpaitahuc aye » — hagers Vand 2.664 LG 9 have lage cally called a Hagens collude, —bages 8-6 7% ~ alan sutlath eMel—> parvocellular . = Magrocelloler lage veciesen Uiseal tntet alambenbiiely fim othe lange Ym gaglin Cetls of Ha sebiien creat Oca APE comdmcigg pablary te fhe vest carbex Ne ees tgnads for debectin TF csi. bot Plickéc. 15 colone blind 3 Nes only temuths black 4 abite Aafarvactven, its pornh— port bransuarssim is peer Checause Ygurglion cally 2 Read fet toad AS peel tae inn } f asp Ly th ta: gehinn 3 Concerning the tens poectdee Ff Ue originates for the endevlerm + Fem uctneseetedeem af : TEA. othe tens fibres grows throughout life ead J The. Thelens canoe infected during ts development by micro-organisms * ay T TH Foetege some Gane opitelnyloo ts pono surect Tank pti toc fr Che ER 1 a ne a an SCH prea Co HOES peat coho ie os Ee 8 The superior rectus & primarily an eseyehot re . EER - the torsional effect ofthe inferior cet is maxienal in abduction (i> oMlebuckeor > et fr The inferior rectus is an’ excyelotorter ‘ ; ao eee sues maximal in aducton Fee nsf rc ml artes Bech Le urea net il cen one Echt nity mene tect a] Ace derived from neuroectoderm BAe testa supportive fanctem—e-tnaterton he Harts ot ila Flee eum pastel Brac’ membrane epee lee pepe ris ELLE THe tonpreeses consti intemat iting membrane 6 | th oka ing et to ws The toc shat teeta leper are — ha eyeball fae kul, Tenors ape oy ahh a9 Teeth RP Be ack EA RBRegoy Sout woes vane Ec ry telnet ond one pic Ss : ad nn cs La SIE hl ph |<. Fuses with the posterior sclera and the meninges of the pptic nerves Beoued Be Aphal el a ah as See Tee ee el shat of aphicmtee web es 4a et intege B55 a] ae ; 3 ie AEs leant ting Nhe em eae wet gp abun Ger na nt ta eg eS Ya EOS cn ma Neuro Anatomy 8 ‘The lateral geniculate nucleus, {OTT Receives ts snd supply from branches ofthe mide ane posterior cet 7 aeries F Receives its neural input solely from the retinal ganglion cells e ‘Thee belies ae longer in layers SATE 4 F Teves fron the peintra ena synapse in ayers tra wae 2, 2S Fis fe a iy heuer bg aie iA Gta ye a ns Itmgetn te sur cacy Usp A [757 Concerning the ciliary ganglion, Fe Hoa. 0 fea ganglion ofthe 8 ic nervous system S| DA. Derives its pregangeigqnie fibres via the nasoei Ya Some sensory fibres from the eyeball pass through the gangtion gr pumateqoes le] Queen SREebenrentoe cel gf hes neal T re. Lies laterat to the optic nervelbelten th uphte meu lakeak “The nasa itwes may icop fora short distance jato the y Joop reat Hees) before emesing in the shiagm "437 ver bec lateral optic tract 7 ate pee aphe chaiema FEE Thenmprat vets a Seance ose tToeE oe ccotering, the optic tract conte pr? The macular fibres that eross in the chiasm tend todo so at the 3g Set bese io the ould teak fee aca wae gearnlee Se that FE & La Fibres from the inferior nasal retina tend to cross in the pastefior part of the x ching. Cin Heaybeinee Pack oF te Choe) 7% ~ Fits feo the inferior nasal quadrant cess anteriraly it the contralateral optic neree Bc BH K Folelable LOL car law Usable From = @ Aetylic @OShione O hycltoge—\ | @ poly HEH pa) tte sme Buceph PMMA i igi te Caint low flee a Mhelin oF Been otatat rauncle ONE reg cin Rag ln) [hie Conk Dhobetal tecubur Mbduchin| @ Meoldll rechuy Aelductiny @ Surpactin rechr — | cteunbion | Portararion | Aeldchin Sprecpengen ae i “ lduachion ee @® In besior secon dapressin| excterstan «| Adduc! eaaum ch ptemin Coussicast (924% Rasdelaco Recep prom hick srcint Yrseldh @ Sapacion Shleyer | tntersion | depreriten | Abduekion elit nl Td mecernctin accion @© Cabecir ob lyus exist | eledeadcidn Aloclacleon, = Parrocillabe byeere recceun dase eamsuail cole Convery scene paste pireh spatial tafe dein tor heckess 5 shage Ae Fine chepth wistn dock ak only aniodtcbe uclocihy of cmdactton Ftlecten Kish welocihy ra loses evbyeely Female. x garahion calls. vista. ve Paint Oecd cotta Caren vi) Heme, Hay 6 layer: © shecs of Gennagr —p thts eeproet lager (V tn the carhexe G@ cotts tn laminae By TL —» projec $e He ary itech corbase Caren 18319) @ cathe ty Lamina Vo —> pryeck be He supesrt collrealan . @ cetly > Lamina WE —o prrjech te He Los, . ee Arangemect sh pttue flees tn vischedios- | aa. gly ay OPE runt Geter reciven faipelees arty fom fend f Tana 4, oF Ub tedine ot Fenpatal ob Ut tobinn @ UF visual carken recieve npulee aerinry fom yy ot Rh nhs a te Lotencrbitel Coutae tt Michtes maken Ramen toratard beer the origi oF hehe Palpebrd sapervese clan TEAS Oe gee te fale : y cemsish of Ela qets BY ezrersepl seston CSE Tpit TTeniaael Gea faml eile ti cones te ge oF et, EGE spe Bafana beng eta fo tt 7 nce sr 5 The cell of ivers land Uggeiget athe seeondagy visual covtegms specs "ecto Bele] a, Messen ney SRR Ear gemcuinemicleus Cup Pratt eT Syperotemporal retinal fibres connect with ipsilateral cells lying above the feo ee sn am ee ua dace cots ‘The trochlear (fourth cranial) nerve—> iaingh egal mtu lagna 7 Me EE Tle aise om te mii jst above enc cael at be ae Edd Be ABMS INN RUAN mc they stot Branson the open : nBlecawieettiemmee ae seemeee eb eaed se |. .rC—“—~srss—stss=Cs—“(C ESststitsCSC#sCSEC_Cf ECE std USPTOTRETE|S, pace thre the superior ori fissue adjacent to the frontal nerve Cau M@DAF Fat A) Te. Esitethe mid brain on its dorsal aspect bw othe nckae feus veabent Farhan E) J r tom plone [E Pregenglon Blow] F IKE Ph ea Is-aemmalll C2-shingh BE pina tah ects torte of re a ie SUE a LZ Concemming the nervous supply tothe lacrimal gland Xa. Preganglionie pacasympathetic fibres rgach the pterygopalatine ganglion (@)F Teer velngconly wth he bint neve goa" Or & Awe. Sympathetic postganglionic ies arise From the daft ganglion Phracympetiote petiganglonc fore reach he aerial gland via the @)F (pterygoid canat Pre“ 3” @ 1 acirs Beegtont parasympathetic bres travel inthe greater petal nerve @ | cee MedangloniSeceeetr Fore arse inthe siperorsalfnrymucleus (LT = 2s So Which of the following structures pass theough the jugular foramen th sloth $ 1h eeuaad aocte. " Fergus 1h te Vagus nerve Pgie yt cueeen e ieoem, Inferior petrosal sinus hawk peak Sympathetic chain ee Tddle maningeat artery > exit Me ead mented hey S, Hypoglosel nerve, Wrannat tabygegianel canal 26 Smooth pursuit and saccades a1asms 2 | S208 et tea tlsec sabes an A444 wR? ee Semoull pusshit merversents are contratied by the contralateral eccipito c Sr at leet serntganect gi q x : ately Hee fone vcity of fle degrees per second —> Bate 7 Ss ves meg dane pa Lady eo Saceades are conteoee by the contralateral frontal Inbe Physiology . : pend heen es a7) Concerning tears i 7 bE]: a. The ph ieslightly actdic > kar o neatet PH < T| “b. ° The concentration of potassium is higher than that of plasma JE. < Ig isthe major imminoglobulin in tears Ltd be Minn 9 ot Pm FWY 7 "Ten film thickness is around 80 sim C2 —Leurt)—P> space bape ~ PES HS Min Thee. 1 Psychogenic tearing is always bilaters! Hew leger os Or = B Hm ig axel Be a saakcen sanenprchel touch te cotton say wabiin pegelookyagebn | concerning the sy thn cee oo at ge Meaghct sesn. Efo% — Theatferant and effecort patbwsayse are meckated through dffewnt branches Of the filth cranial nerve-b Techie ehtchon of Soe cone Eegges. brn they reflex Win SHA STAL © Relosation of the tevator muscle is followed by camteaction ofthe rekarsal et Aan nb nde pata the aebiclars maselebsge ese epg toatl oops ne tang ME JE ly Siok vor = 0 Hypeglosial depend im Te Trees O07 Me love berdareh the Qetrowy Pech 9B Hhecte pura bane fe ranch the furanon @ 4th, loth st cant mee. Hh laaga. 5 pymod sinan — burns cbovin fyaclr vein Cfo fagee ve thee veh Hl Reraments becasue the jrbecnt tere tala Silt on greets gE thea ca Shi Oy Lae epiticleca eam en Tiegh ae 2 ye 9 Inthe corned shrank = ott ml ok thn ail hom. Els serconsttutrdty 20% of he wet weigh eke #5 2, [Co The predominant gieosaminteee keratan sulphides, hence ale gt Ef ehogitn sameeren ety ace ee 4. Glycogenis sored in lnge quanti - 2 » piece snipe © (nalts ees Shi ctereneaoy os intact OM ttn fg incantation ene eRe eat ym TAG The Nek’ ATPase helps regulate the naeerad oe eee oR ie tite Ge ae ce eae rc ey ange Tv. Bares fsa ent upon the intraocular pressure being within Nem the physiological cange br 7 ddamat 3), The intraocular pressure is ower SLeB] Ze thelderly than te young 4 & In the morning than in the aflemoaan =» < EG "Sine waking ours than during slasp or annctente FY] Phan normal in patonts taking tercel oa —] metabolic atetosie 8 la ‘The pre-ocular mucous gel containg alee Lnchefectins lye temes Belgie 42g 2 Semptement factors ¢, Tey fhe 3 Lege bia 2 © Lipocat 4. Lretorer 2 + z t ee ae ee eee geotools = Me ue decd 33° Choroidal blood flow ie CL SUaT DR MB af Bond Seay: tamer hash 7 E] A© — Autongguiaer ent ce se hags tdi uty, EY] Lo iniivenced by sympathetic stimelation Zl z a N + E FE ey @ | More than 74" of etal ah bool owe e——C torportant for eculartemperatute migulston Retinal bioed flow is Autoregulated Fase 2%0t a blood ow in the eye ean ResPensibte for nutrition of the outer reting {reer Proportional in intrancular preserve win Taso ty cihag bly > 94 areal > 987 nea lye xyapbay cokok aie ee oh egy ha (eee % Mainiy supplied by the Posteciar ciliary arterioe eee) GES | 3) THeloliowing contbuteto the bood outa haiseo 0" 9 end by eben age ow % Tight junctions’ bet PA et sagen the non-pigmented ciliary epithetial celts eerigececrned 5 Tigh junctions between the endothelial e¢ Ca = F lls ofthe oneal = TI] LA, Tehtlumctonsserween the cei ofa ease FIRMEN epltheliumeconts selhetene 4 pects) to Ti Ta functions between the endothelial ceed eon eee Rope vaclabion, TL © Ticht junctions between endhatlch + z a ie F al cll of te wtinl wee Dating accommodation thr is : veto z rehome pst scape tg pe CH Shtlonog altar cme I Sep <4 Lengthening the zones ne mene SERteE of the lens decreases olin Seety (from waynalgny oe seg 5: i PH paedanstctly sel se Fall Oshath celicg matas pee em chity goin afore Casta bm pein Ht pradarctinly . Mechanians of Mydrake agents gx a a O Mobic. @ Alco} @ Ceca wan by rrccenning eoraceealtna. clam fem rete shaconinadr aplahamine Bicocaine by preventtiy ratadrenbine euphats tule He wetsecbecnund we Heroin —-» Care ries cp rpiont papilt) ly elsctng the ecbical tabehitin of Ha fedniger —Llesbphal rucheus aa Phpestypniaa— HTS presek only if tle rans seopne O rece Hoan a reopens te berght Igek » ark calnys chete « dawinirhend Cig ropense Cuok « hypecactive reat Aeppense)> ~~ Couped! G Rehinal lenion « @Lrkecealabed aes © Prekehi lain ami Syluton apreduc syrdeme + @ (Their natus leator + @ Cincy ganglion leatn a2 Ackiets pup © Aigg!) Robsestom pupil == len side in He vicinthy OF Be prteetol acta > Smal pug reiet take & Abeopian + > phys > pk hed Iybh sash 4 Vacke. onerbevebsans rekinnas Good pupillary rent eapence bubalidorhscapiond +e Ayu > ont in phevith taken detsatin > ” 37 Aidie’s pupils ~~ TL] afro Are hypersensitive to cholinergies 22 pilcacpins 6-28) E | bir. Accommodative paresis is rary a featore % 1. Light nea dissociation i nots fete ' a5 cnpelpmstpto [G2 AR byrorertce eae ea wi ey Banning ta pleat, 0.125 ip CPetes gl TT 8% Caused bya lesion inthe ciliary ganglion > casoiag cownaye 4 conten oss sf acemeaned-bon iq Supa the od Gphonnscthic ts laa of niin PR) Homers ore 9 try haat nis euentlont te velge Spexvag on cab afk by Ep Gaels so ture of pegangioni Homer's syndrome *P Ugo tat dane Cain wo LE |p Mrenincniinened meg , © Acentral and preganglionic Homer's ean be diferentiated by 2 pharmacological testing oes oo Phatmeagfk fe tH can clifhedeatik blast daabeat Ae T [4 Cocaine will not dilate a Homer's pupil Pasgecqhine Wotan’ poph F | © oo The partiat ptosis is versal by ceva 29° Etfevent pupillary detects Gla an hi eneiooe pee not aeh nate FF b. May arise asa result of otic ganglion trauma 13 branch of baslet ont ¢-connect bo-thm TYG AE SSeMmoRY Produced ty posetocceera anensaheaniane panne Med tees aah F [4 Avenever miata with an afernt pophiep dete 1 uke commensaleg arty AT | © 2% Result from ciliary ganglion lesions Peeeriets fan beeen Anam 4 ce Componenten + & __Asuden increase in the intraocular presure reduces the few of aqueous %. Sear formation inthe trabecular meshvork following aot Inset trabecsloplasty reduces the flv of aqueous TE Contraction of the ciliary muscle increases the flow of aqueou F [4 Deepening the anterior chamber reduces the low ef sataoes F X® —Dilating the pupil increases the flow of aquese Bh. Boe =t1ae fm lenge Hhan B= Gt doy +1 | Aqueous in the cdnat of Scfilemm (sinus venosu slerac) TFS Enters from the anterior chamber in giant vacuoles T &._Isnormally ata pressure of about 25mmfip a | F 1S Bains res into 4 or 5 collector channels (25 — 35 cele chomld thay 2-4 8 mynen | Ultimately drains to the posterir ciliary veine YS" : THE Fatersthe opincleral wenn plosus 42] fo the cornea . | 2] pitti ces and keratacytes atively express both cass fan ela | TLS antigens Oxygen and glucose are abtained mainly from the limba capillaries andthe tear ideo mgm os me eb apillges and he a FA & —_Thecomeat stroma has higher rate of onygen consumption than the ‘ endothelium Ya. The intérty ofthe endothelium is important in maint ining the cornea in a relatively dehyerated state wid beg, the contal cornea i free of resenting el wth catego the ell? mo 0 rane Seeks spscherngany aie ptc mens Qu ge sept ne Qe oti at fe pif Oo Pe raeepaNent® PILE gioke amocractanil age Goce | 2. CF Bas phenomernn i absent in Is of normal atvidwake | b+ Ihe levator palpebrae superioris muscles demonstrate Hering’ lave | | of innervation | E [Float ofthese is astcatd with tight lowering ofthe upp ad ] F |e During blepharospasm, oniy the palpebral portion of tne srbielare sole Sacitaal oonte eee ee ap ern the SE mbes SF ege broad « Tif& © The proseptt fibres ofthe erbiulagsoculinititeceflex blinking Gre os inept daa ae chap rng ter fm. Wendt dann signin baat Ceca ig 1 eptleliiny Shee elebiliie tinct Ane rece a of Beale ack Haale Ltr rat re) 4 follows tha Wetting gus 2F epnad fantunbin (ies beamhet 29 Hoke muscle eee eee Heber sbinktins gob Cetin yop mene is Seay ment long I RneCunBiDN peel the erbrenltce os tabebsbed e gals Pinimuum tntiubimn. A Reverse aetent tty Closing SE Acclosis nes 4 lecreae in the CHco5]/ Eco] rebis, » Ocbriliins ts a net 4 in bicarbmobe concestacin + Geuunens ARS Obieltal auidisio DPearenoed bietboate pacbctuin @ veem lost of bitach arabe Dircceaae acel production hich brils He bras tbarake-lo pradsce Haag + Couspentedion bys Hypecvonbteing rssh redlers he Co, concendradinA $0 vechores tm, (11€5/e0z] sab Befinthions an snereooe inthe [Heats] | Leei] rebio: Orctbolee Seabee Ovomibing on case of pyle Chevesl, date loss Pacedic gentile cmbecks 4 of ANd dsodanhjinicen- + Conpensahions = Hate a Moccia “hey oUkales a = Miypoventdblan a con ater conpensoht For seatudelie a\ilosis Nseonasoe Gre vedas SAW Shindahe the maprntncy cmkce -€ nctene Reuben. t Deosponsry acéolasin * Elfen csrny be Reake on Ch eanie © cousent Both ype cemded! by Mupairen! deehs tow luce lar Ventilabia Aeon. hvala i Lat haps cath capeaoated Fut tomny Styniltdic cence by remak usechantsms , + anicheanie 2clvmie emebl + @ Resp y ANWabes in Rama Cbmcranial resenee con cnt bypecibilchion endow gy Tr. a r t F Reoprinkry 1 Chom) 4 FE Seba ae Eerae Se 4 carclmeo bp ens ' mia weeks et yp aidina*® Eadowine byt ghaga: +f Pas Carr be compl | 49 Beading jeg TA hace 9 Pgluconagenesia 4 alyenges syatlesr Ln bffte Hino L glacote op teke bot 1 fet abate me bizcin Grmpertaian ir Bi pants probs tynttene iglacate uphiest prsiers Teaoead be Maciel bag gates ofaitan destin, ze mony bun to abumin noo! ‘ isc ghcrnes Dawes iplys a Cortcosteroid secretion has a dzrl pater —> ith Peak at 2600 4 +0 the ieee = af tes . ies tet apbien be tla s Fad. Trane Ie et EE EIN Sea aa on Adult ose dsosinion ure -{ ith gu sia Uh Ms cans 0% Isa sigmoid curve Increased carbon dioxide shifts the curve to the right L § ir According to Starting law Increase venous return causes a decrease in stroke volume —> (Aeteos 1m shee alae Cardiac ott is incrensed wih incesing preload Increased venous return have a positive chronatropc effet espebt {Te fre of mace contatonhesno relation tthe ital muscle length Freeze ‘Cardiac output is decreased with vcresed peripheral resistance See eae elastin ait a typ A OM i dil ny he DDepolrisatin is caused ban inf of svn fae = Potassium condacance i increased during dpolr Sodium conductance decenses during repolarzation potassium difses owt ofthe cel during repolarization ‘The membrance poental never reaches positive vals ‘Action potential te gin gem tion ek cig regobaie bm Cane peree tod ye we (sole As Plas is par of extracellular Bui ” Group AB tee univers onan eet 6 (5 « ia EEE ey a rng AB|hasntHh erent ABs Proven ar dential n pisma an in extreellar uid Eghoblaseis ots occurs in RH postive cus of RH negative mather Tansfsion of RH negative bod lene tharos a Regarding nsulin which of the fatowing ate tue Insulin produetion is stinuulated by a fa in blood glacuse 24 blood gletosey anne acib pe gba wlan stippatys alycagenlysis —> @t-ngen # ates Sqegenlyse INULIN nee SSNS or une aoe Fee Rooter kaon teertererie ring Rice ig iia site ia tn ad ee et heey aha lets of Tangerhane * Insulin production is stimulated by glucages Insulin is produced by the B cells oF the i Renal physiology ‘Renal mechanisms can compensate for chronic respiratory acidosis Renin is produced by the cells of the juxtaglomerular apparatus in response la fall in blood presssire Antidiuretic hormone decreases the permeabitity of the collecting, ducts tn ly stimulates aldosternae re Alslostorone increases soxtinnt vals in the prosimal tubules Blood ocular Bavcieci au Tee = Mascans “the pislarn 4 ober large maleeade’ Size subithances ate locgatly preveabel ho enhee Pa Coulter Cankestet Chensbery poshetiit chawbar Atm bear uth) of Ha a4. we EEO emsish 2 packs t= © Poshecisr bload-eahinnl barcver — apachs yu jorcbion of ebind captllacits enckatlalit 4) Vovar Hned=rebini beater competed oF git from of sehind capillacin, eat ol beter 9 coupotecl f hig suichinal eowplanae Corel ocean by owker blood - abt she-tonule adbatero which Nocahel bles adjaceat RPE cath @ Noho blood -apreous buccier a) “Tigh jrchine Ceomula occluders 4Hle Zamule cellatend) be buleer tle cells oh the Famed mamnpipmectel epitteliin of He coli hedy BD Teh jaanedin of He rts teaming compo inthe padre of le cco We Ie the underiying cause of some types of lomercloneet aie gan 7 Sithin ale wat i enti eng ee ene HN Fe Rats Xo Serpresses complement activation Type shautte cenplnnt ochisiin so pred. sgn cake \eblomndey melon Menara noe ee eo TEE PN ha shiek woken Genrgeh clan ins t Manaictemescanereacs fay, a Moca bee Ray altho al for A Bete anche “a ye mL tbe ll aba aboin Fey ng \S Dysplas Sta eS eolls “Pr Vnecemacd Messer FY eration ells» Contino pure atl 3 to hou daughter eels ene of la FA vee ‘a haploid number of ios Roe es 4 SST gunalicinmesin CSC b. The miu oo 7 Ss chp sh Sidenote nsclewn chisepent 4 mitebic a During metaphase the condensed chromosomes ard/attanged in an Oquatonal plane F |“@. The chromosomes separat tthe centromere during telo re ; % Sepacate atte centromere during telophase Cty anaphaney T |S When mites is complete the eel crn pects a 'S phage Rendeenlinh oeas Grcenpsy Moicosa associated lympoid tissues (MALT)~ inclade th Unings of the qaabrercbeten ts renpicchey Lest geht Fach dle ca jeehia mt gluudont es scdae 2° Conjunctiva isa MALT adeno v tener . Gj Rebiteiep anal tet deca casera tt gy, Gi emeataseDetionyaaiseeas EF TIL: ak la Bets ‘ Ia ble hn gate far ope [ese Sass bmpses heey MALTS cael in othe Eee ‘Toxoplasmieretinochoroiditis Hi a f° Mey te nPtcton nero gin Maat neu of Pacunh FN ivintcton 2a ace Ge aes te due tnporalsaton ofthe chew by orgie geal i Weenie ro chek ee teri by to Splthngclny Sulphate Pf naHntny sulftelinndne ©. Exm ineol spend a aaa NEL mck be henge jc eer ———————__—_. | ilts Denetanee and Sameer ix 4 i, Any child of an afected parent has 3 50% chante of hing affected wo 20 Male to maie transmission is more likely than female to female teansmigsion x, , \sqahgetre il sppe inal gowrans of bind foe tat MAGA] XX GE Mtlocted fathers will pass the condition to all their daughters deepak Le Consanguinity isa likely feature >In, Acdesoned tentnen vote ky, “4 he following are trv of antibodies tiyeimnmpie dea : & Comin often pale nae f Aeayntected as ees s 7 Tn rh ImmunilaBulie monomer has two fragment antigen tinting (Fab) n bee momtnflantary caller ad Meena eel — Dypactoogley > incense S120oF indica cally GS Aplavin —s lack oh eaubeplaje develaprnko Fa -hscus - G Nypepladns ates of ebyplay’e clvalprhaf abn, @ Abevoly —n deccease in steed Kathy donlopel betsves © Regeneshinn a Chgsein Weave want fone frevior esenans © dystoply piiiaty Habart Leracles G Nectosin dt heals, % chomessme = Haman ells epee Cepheid) —reonnaby 06 22 a pair af Bex clmmosemes,—s shcch conettabe He Katyehgpe de ractisddit ehathaso & designated ‘PF. Cs Oe al and = Chronesame consich sh 2atm a= Ducitg, Somber dissin or walssha> nck chomeeton sige napbche preciiely = Caniake Ferien Ulett facial euch abisisiln Crmieoris) yin which Le hawolagoun chomosom sptake fom ench sther 50 Hk each cell cxnbuin 23 chowaromes., Cheplocel). Mibesi ee ~ Ducting amihory each clemeeranes& with st every geos «beg the besths wepliate be protien, Qidediial lunghter call « Seo thab cong me leabel coll Ceneaph gurrchs) hus 46 cleonstone (diploid) mm Cell eyclk of mock mammalian calls! varity bub cd uouelly 2ubawe — Milests dime 22 V hour of He htt Hire “Tina far synthcsten DNA repaired Gor mplichin = 6—8 hove, © divisin ah egteplaamd . & ") = = Me Hphasic 4 eghe Hines = S = agyntlon et PA fe = Gp Pane G1 = bihinen mvtotin £ syntioans of DUA. a Geap plane Ga = bahrnen syntheous an nilosis = Cray 0 5 some calls clomh diurde ance thegyate Folly ch ane pernsannaSly adtesbel tna plage tenown 42 Ce dibbecadikel Cog? reacens €espthogts) ~ Shee of tithend @ Interphase; Restirg plate. @ prophase chamasame Melenb Table 1m mac leas . G Hebsplen : Cheowesowes aligned tm conbte of nuclan G Anathem 3 Cenbromare of chmwosene diviles wth hereeatid £ep © Telaphane F Dasighhe chimasane seprabe, saa waa 4? aay vy f ye V/ Collaboration Between Fad By Wy wv i ggtyet ee RET Legren thin cael by sos ee {fers gE leaks gy mahal Se pe ees {Mast all deranaaicnocirsin ype ane hypersensiviy Sat Ph Fame ote 40 Ra sung lee ae assiated wih peo ypeentigiePe Siegel eS tacts Soi demas sp es opernty ig era ai ae i eS fg Pamphigid isa ype fur pest Z 172. ismane complexes he tae ere pe tne kypesentvly TEE estou nh hs fieicne sane Gems batans as a magganty teins ng can eine Sn ein py Zine me NOSES ume sepa hess stemoesh Shonen bend wit Gane Ce 4g pp mit a Nein shi 5 ef oceans seas £ ee mn far Met Cae a eee In corneal wound heating Va. tra pitti migration is stimulated by fibronectin YE Riba praton is stmalated byes ct pehebn nbabet by blonn Epithelial mitoses nccur at the edge of the wounds" : of ful thickness injures fat Hace agpaat beso 7: n Mvofonaase cagae meat ll oy tact eM eene af Sd Smteatinn The following are seen on micrncony oo Fo tate den tr in (7% Myoepithetal celts in the Inrimal gland —»dowprsut sls cuboritt palin» eee XS Maslin the cnncias ne Se aa a in « Elastic fibres, in the scleramy cobain dense busclle of Molle Filnets Muccpelssucetide » MY Fibre blagh ab 4 Ie Plat apt Me fe wt. Keratinocytes in the comeal omer nn abn hank fe Sanomegetseeme! Concerning the immune res A, Tmphoeres may stint andy pratcion by 8 ymphocte % FT phoeyes mis depres any pctv bypeeh { Raphchespotipating in carrie secognitn nut ore ae same antigenic epitope onthe eorperstnn Dre Soi gay ponse responses {nterction between Tand B els always induce immune complex formation 3 | Chemotasins are responsible for shores buns | t FT Je a Dicected maiitity of neutrophils &. Ervthrocyte rete formations & _Haemagglutination inhibition WIE Tivmphocyte dexranulatieg ey Mastett dyson “A Phagocytosis uncon of: Eats; awophage easicagil (EMM) n i + bale Tei osnophis : an Ef Pasmneta ‘ 5. Masteels T fo Newrophis Dp foe Bote i 51 Concerninig Cytomegalovirus infection 7 | FE] 8 TEEBReemmenintctions appenr to be congenital and now tal acquired ac te oh mye a | E [8 Theslinical disease i usually Reg to individuals under the age'st 10 pears Fl] Latency Iymcrace atten sired immune deficiency yncioine YS, ow polpom be hf RNA polymerase inhibitors isa trestment opts F [ce Induecs systemic immunmuppeeene ’ WP echack cate leuicas -3—~ : OGancitocnt —o Cad ATF CHU eT cals immanaconquomisel ph. fs ins Chor she spes tiinplen, Unt 'emble eathee +KIV, Ofentnal CON pe yn lilt) aqaoat Epona Bed eG Sy) rages bape single hepan zathes CH ado FOV HLV, @ Femtate sen a antisense ang leak bn gehs CMU om Ban) —n Aura CMU chav he va Hh caneet Acsacahion ef Ureures Hl ne ae Asset OES = AWA BIA actun gree excaph far He Parvovitan faraily hae been mr cccehel Wotth Cancer . recaune AU DNA Ware asteciaheal aitkl GRIM coneet cachals lowbla~ Steanded BNP 4 cabacean He Prttourtunen contain oly sty e- Strantel OMA © Prpiilowaricu CPapoveurias qeouf) —m prison Gell Cast need Pillar nb @ Wopalrhn & yitan —a peaanty Lapedecrtlidant cneeinonses th ham © Epstein Baer usta moe Bureihh Lgughonn de snanephanyisjend caraingnias @ Nelpeo simpler vitar type T _, earernama oflle lip wt arophagynx . G Herpes Staple Wer Aye — Conenca te ubclnn Gaevit since Kien aneplagyns |} cploragelourear —s prostate cancets Keposi sarcoma, 4 cccrnonna sft toe bockdc dusleling geevix Wie. thn Mabie ty eres Wetton Zoster Clot ella agshag te) —srceah atoiabed spree 5 66 Regarding recurrent infection by herpes simplex virus garding A. “The lesions tend to recur atthe site of primary infgtinn a mara enby ty ctl of etait iM A recurrent infection may be induced by stintigt abe Mannan tonpreniia patrons lV Fa ET Steatham ete ob “fg 6s The vives ntntin the eptetun atthe ste ecurgpeesgigi tage eae om ells Fea” Ghreutating antibodies piay small vole inthe contd of aeaTateg AGAR Frey P~.—Can be rested by gincyciovi sete rte ataracts can develop aa result oh fS Pt Rate Fates can develop 393 reat OE ie Lines Vg Uypogiyenemia “ENS abpes es uameet th a, 0 ee ut ¢ teehee dot eS Pca Glutathione to Rie ele Sit ee ptet Piu T 14. Reduction{y the conser of glucose ts 'x(cetl—ceFicint behest creche i Reena [|i Possess cell walleye unig snatet Ay etc owe E]x 8 Are sensitive io peicilin wb beeen eggnog ht tl unl gah me Ice Fe May be transmitted by the ingestion of clintatfinated foggy wi bass "kita, Hh ator by Send ee “T[o7i. May eause infections ofthe genital trac an Cnien-genncecad oat E” 4s F [Xe Possess flagellae Pe(coptaoma exases maltple dierdesi—m phacyyihis atthe maakih stracheobrenclitrspmenonsins enckonele 78 | The following are RNA viruses Pephrthesencept lepetly, optic me neatibinug octet play sph ctentttile a Chlamyctia rachomatis Pr |X P Rubella virus Crag Tegan Re Herpes simplex vous a eK & Varicella Pea 272) Acanthamoeba Iain of i in nancmabeagh die cavelee eth tan AVF | © & Cr «Can be grown on blood agar culture plates 9440) EX ake. oe wt a Food! Soule Pr] b Can be grown on & Coli ehriched culture plates Issue te teacytne ae “en F Infection most common in contact ens wearers : (@ ~Team acre ogpnism= ei Fre lereyeeeeeke Cabiquitoupen hes rf aa epee 73) Concerning bacterial growth dpe! mo to oe Se ei Ne Caaap eqn a ly etn oped Pye ie ee eee eer a Bo ou ea Ft Betern into row immediately shen placed i culture men 92! tes . fr fis Brew oh tes ave elt by ht ttn ener ‘. . [UA Breton rates ave regulated by temperature i settee The. teri nov COs tutte enh Call bectors) Bett —lo— . consis 2F:O peplicogl can (mnsce guptile of ner CeSn) maaan state YG msined pa lyuice of hevete sugatt Cteee la ato since ek ks = REtf nosttnice acid) - Oanine atts + F “ oe G4 pte ie eigen S| Gahgriquelydexite strays © eC # BF taining 2] 4 Canney FI © ticlerinmcinms ne 7S Sepa glove cn be serie: tent ie ft. Day teat 130 eres Sractioe ©) [nk Dotera ng a ‘sae Seam at see | [ee Sep Pharmacology . Particular eave should liver disease Ze Sulphonamides 3 Prythromyedn > tes cscs . ' We Aminogivensides eacaey pons cout fhinggpestie otteeieehy manghn beni lp cty Xd. Vancomycin bt 3 Ke Penicilin Fe £ e E F eine for mesh angi ine Bags oat canna Polyene antibiotics such as amphotericin 8 ace most likely to “Fel FE F Tr T 2 Thibit bacterial DNA synthesis bintacreh tm wth cab! un benne {elec} ad tga => &. Bind to prokarvotic ribosomes Qa, Ga gantimeaboiten sesso -Raghshecennsan relate Dg, 4. Renct with stems in thoeel merthenee ® “a tr Gm dace gnats “yer megh hwy sapolelanny Bee Ete ba wn sent pene heen meet het reean 4 B 78 | Chloramphenicol acts by Sti tee py else fot Sopagen B_jRtbiting the peptide bond formation on the 505 ribasames-¢4ebiaeyel mais ena Binding to tne 208 bosomal sonst © Binding to both 505 and 60S bacterial ribasomies e328 SHEE e_ Peagenis Potcin synthesis inthe mitochondria -s rnb bi wba orders syebbns eon nen oer rig Peptide chains te ether amine acids Fn eee SR LG chy chek 2 Bate rena gg PSS eee _ ie ey Be tka «Stor fates Ea on hy vat Ae clas Vgotenioy «and fal bin of muhasin ale «FG é 'b.°- FExhibi antimicx Cholinergic agonists cause miosis Physotigmine will cause miosis by increasing resynaptic terminals, FX © Theallected pup acetylcholine release at il ina complete thind nerve palsy will constrict with pilocarpine 2% A. Miosis will be induced by Prosta /% x Miosis will increase the depth of rain Pgs Cds? Baglin Foeuyt Diteschisdchamebicbeearonys silessetushe ye eK ASEM Gunn linabad oy LD preargug bool ppemloceeangue aoe : * Sexuery bite Car fain ekg ahr) , Capers riaes Fee FORD iy a TAIL boeken athe becnuat Maida Olenypr davatiin #achtin @ less Sit Met Og a Ph ~ eben Back nafs. crndclng by bing eel mocbonn ot lock He site Im pincbality Bocce teem 3s i Duran of Aineostheain [Hpratagat | Shegth | arse [Prenas) @ Lidocaine Coflecavay | amide % | smin | I~ 2houce TMeprvacerine Cearbocaias) | amide m-3y rapt msc | 2- Show G BuprmecrinaCMarcarie) | mice | 0:25-0-4SY hyphal velo Bh. @ Etrclocatne. Duranok) | amide OSY-1S1 | Sinn ouer She. @ Pre paracan Oster os) IS Second] Romi! @ Benainede : oki oy, 1 Secon] omin @ Teleacaine rai o-tty Longer onfab-m decodicin Backim| torn peopacacsi

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