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Ankan Sir's suggestion

1. Difference between soft computing vs hard computing.

S.NO Soft Computing Hard Computing

Soft Computing is liberal of

Hard computing needs a exactly
1. inexactness, uncertainty, partial
state analytic model.
truth and approximation.

Soft Computing relies on formal Hard computing relies on binary

logic and probabilistic reasoning. logic and crisp system.

Soft computing has the features Hard computing has the features
3. of approximation and of exactitude(precision) and
dispositionality. categoricity.

Soft computing is stochastic in Hard computing is deterministic in

nature. nature.

Soft computing works on Hard computing works on exact

ambiguous and noisy data. data.

Soft computing can perform Hard computing performs

parallel computations. sequential computations.

Soft computing produces Hard computing produces precise

approximate results. results.

Soft computing will emerge its Hard computing requires

own programs. programs to be written.

Soft computing incorporates

9. Hard computing is settled.
randomness .

Soft computing will use Hard computing uses two-valued

multivalued logic. logic.
2. Mathematical model of ANN.

3. Description of ANN with diagram.

An artificial neural network is a system that receives an input,
process the data and provides an output as shown in Fig 3. Input
consists of data array which can be anything such as data from an
image file, a wave sound or any kind of data that can be
represented in an array.

4. NN topologies -> Single layer, multi layer, recurrent (diagrams only)

5. Learning strategies.

2 marks

Q1. Define the term fuzzy set

A fuzzy set is a class of objects with a continuum of grades of membership. Such a set is
characterized by a membership (characteristic) function which assigns to each object a
grade of membership ranging between zero and one.

Q2. Define membership functions

A membership function maps items in a set to numbers in the real interval [0, 1]. This can be
a one-to-one mapping where one item is a member of one and only one other set, or it could
be a fuzzy and/or probabilistic relationship. Membership functions are often used in fuzzy

Q3. Define the equality of fuzzy sets

The equality and inclusion relation for fuzzy sets are defined as
follows. Definition 1.2. Let A, B ∈ F(X). If µA(x) ≤ µB(x) for all x ∈ X,
we write A ⊆ B and say that A is included in B or B contains A.

Q4. How to find the difference between 2 fuzzy sets.

A(x) = B(x), if µA(x)= µB(x) Note: Two fuzzy sets A(x) and B(x) are
said to be unequal, if µA(x) ≠ µB(x) for at least x ∈ X.
Q5. Illustrate how to find the algebraic sum of 2 fuzzy sets.

To find the algebraic sum of fuzzy sets A and B, add their membership values element-wise. The
result is a new fuzzy set representing the combined influence of A and B.

Q6. Illustrate how ai and soft computing are related.

1. Soft Computing in AI:

 Soft Computing is a subset of AI that deals with uncertain, imprecise, and
ambiguous information. It provides techniques to handle fuzzy, probabilistic,
and approximate reasoning.
2. Relationship:
 Soft Computing techniques, such as fuzzy logic, neural networks, genetic
algorithms, and swarm intelligence, are often integrated into AI systems.
 AI systems may utilize Soft Computing approaches to handle uncertainty and
imprecision, making them more adaptable and robust.

5 marks
Q1. Explain with example fuzzyfication defuzzyfication with suitable

Fuzzification: It is the method of transforming a crisp quantity(set) into a

fuzzy quantity(set). This can be achieved by identifying the various known
crisp and deterministic quantities as completely nondeterministic and quite
uncertain in nature.
Defuzzification: It is the inverse of fuzzification. The former one was used to
convert the crisp results into fuzzy results but here the mapping is done to
convert the fuzzy results into crisp results. This process is capable of
generating a non-fuzzy control action which illustrates the possibility
distribution of an inferred fuzzy control action.

Q2. Explain how fuzzy relationship matrix is formed

Q3. Given two fuzzy sets find union intersection

Cartesian products and algebraic sum

Q5. What do you mean by scaler product of fizzy sets. Illustrate with one
Example .

The scalar product of fuzzy sets involves multiplying each membership value in one fuzzy set
by a constant scalar value. Here's an illustration with an example:

Q1. A={1/a,0.2/6,0.4/c,0.9/d,0/e}


Calculate the support of A , B

Q2. What is fuzzy matrix

Whats is crisp set and crisp matrix

Relation between fuzzy set & crisp set

Find the following operations on fuzzy sets

Addition , maximum , minimum and product

 Fuzzy Matrix:
 A fuzzy matrix is a matrix where each element represents a fuzzy set. The
entries in the matrix are membership values indicating the degree of
membership of elements in the fuzzy set.
 Crisp Set and Crisp Matrix:
 A crisp set is a conventional set where elements either belong or do not
belong, without any uncertainty. A crisp matrix is a matrix with binary entries,
representing the presence (1) or absence (0) of elements in a set.
 Relation between Fuzzy Set & Crisp Set:
 A fuzzy set is a generalization of a crisp set. While a crisp set has binary
membership (1 or 0), a fuzzy set allows degrees of membership between 0
and 1, capturing uncertainty and imprecision.
 Operations on Fuzzy Sets (Short):
 Addition: The algebraic sum of membership values for corresponding
 Maximum: Take the maximum of membership values for corresponding
elements (union).
 Minimum: Take the minimum of membership values for corresponding
elements (intersection).
 Product: Multiply membership values element-wise.

These operations are fundamental in fuzzy set theory and are used to manipulate
and combine fuzzy sets.

Q3. Illustrate the following defuzzification method

Center of sum

Lymda cut method

Maxima methods
Q4. Weighted average method

Q5. Centroid method

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