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By: Annivic E.

Big Question:

How do we develop the powers

of our mind?
At the end of this module,
learners will be able to:
1. discuss that understanding
the left and right brain
functions may help in
improving one’s learning,
2. Explore mind-mapping
techniques suited to
right brain- or left brain
dominant thinking
styles, and
3. Make a plan to
improve learning using
both left and right
brain development.

1. You are driving down the road
in your car on a wild, stormy night,
when you pass by a bus stop and
you see three people waiting for
the bus:
a. An old lady who looks as if she
is about to die
b. An old friend who once saved
your life
c. The perfect partner you have
been dreaming about
Knowing that there can only be one
passenger in your car, whom would
you choose?
The old lady of course! After
helping the old lady into the
car, you can give your keys to
your friend, and wait with
your perfect partner for the
2. Acting on an anonymous phone call, the
police raid a house to arrest a suspected
murderer. They don't know what he looks
like but they know his name is John and
that he is inside the house. The police bust
in on a carpenter, a lorry driver, a
mechanic and a fireman all playing poker.
Without hesitation or communication of any
kind, they immediately arrest the fireman.

How do they know they've got their man?

The fireman is the
only man in the room.
The rest of the poker
players are women.
3. A man lives in the penthouse of an
apartment building. Every morning he
takes the elevator down to the lobby
and leaves the building. Upon his
return, however, he can only travel
halfway up in the lift and has to walk
the rest of the way - unless it's

What is the explanation for this?

The man is a dwarf. He can't
reach the upper elevator
buttons, but he can ask
people to push them for
him. He can also push them
with his umbrella.
4. A father and his son are in
a car crash. The father is
killed and the child is taken
to hospital gravely injured.
When he gets there, the
surgeon says, 'I can't operate
on this boy - for he is my
How can this possibly be?
The surgeon cannot
operate on her own
son; she is his mother.
5. There are six eggs in
the basket. Six people
each take one of the

How can it be that one egg

is left in the basket?
The last person took the
basket with the last egg still
6. How could a baby
fall out of a twenty-
story building onto
the ground and live?
The baby fell out of
the ground floor
7. Alice comes across a lion and a unicorn in the
The Lion lies on Monday, Tuesday, and
Wednesday and speaks the truth the other days.
The Unicorn lies on Thursday, Friday and
Saturday and speaks the truth the other days.
Today, the Lion tells Alice , ” Yesterday I was
The Unicorn replied, “So was I.”

Which day of the week is it?

The day they were
talking about is
8. Mr. and Mrs.
Scotfield have 5 sons
and each son has one
sister. How many people
are there in the Scotfield

9. S is P’s father R and U are brother Q is the brother of
and L’s grandfather. and sister of P. T’s husband.

As T is a wife , we
can imply that P This explains that P How many males in
& T are is also a male. the Family?

“ As you were
thinking of
solutions to the
puzzles, what was
going on inside

What organ was

“What is the
brain and how
does it work?”
The Brain
The Power to Act
Human Brain is an organ that serves as
the center of the nervous system in all
vertebrate and most invertebrate
It is located in the head, usually close
to the sensory organs for senses such as
It is the most complex organ in the
vertebrate’s body.
- Controls our thoughts, memory
and speech, movements of the
arms and legs, and the function
of many organs within our body.

- The Central Nervous System

(CNS) is composed of the Brain
and spinal cord.
Is one of the largest and most
complex organs in the human body.

It made up of more than 100 billion

nerves that communicate in trillions
of connections called synapses.
Three major parts of the Brain

•Brain Stem
• How do you tell the difference between alligators and
crocodiles? The answer to this question is found in your
• Your cerebrum is the main part or the largest of the three brain
sections in humans and other vertebrates.
• Functionally, it obtains information from your surroundings
and body and then sends that information to a specific part of
• In short, your cerebrum holds the instructions for everything
you do in your daily life.
Cerebrum - Location
• It accounts for about 85 percent of the brain’s weight.
• The cerebrum is located in the upper part of the cranial activity,
which is a space inside the top of the skull.
• It is divided into a right hemisphere and a left hemisphere,
• The right hemisphere controls the left side of the body while the
left half controls the right side of the body.
• The two halves are linked by the corpus callosum, a bundle of
neural impulses.
• The corpus callosum passes messages between the two halves so
that they can communicate with one another.
Lobes and Function
•The cerebrum is divided into four regions called
lobes that control senses, thoughts and
•The four lobes are occipital, temporal, frontal
and parietal.
Occipital Lobe
•Found in the back of your cerebrum, plays a role
in processing visual information.
•It can be related to oculus, the latin word for eye.
Temporal lobes
• There are two temporal lobes one in each hemisphere –
close to where your ears are.
• It primarily functions in auditory processing. However,
it may involved in emotion, learning and
pronunciation/learning a new language or word
• If you hear a loud temp or beat, you may cover your ears,
thus blocking the sounds from getting to your temporal
Frontal lobe
• It allows you to solve complex task, undergo voluntary
movement of your body parts, form complete sentences
and is responsible for your .personality traits.
• Think about the last time you had a difficult exam,
what was your first reaction? You probably put your
elbow on the table and your hand on your forehead,
precisely where your frontal lobe is located.
Parietal lobe
• It functions in general sensation and feeling.
• If you stand too close to a campfire, you probably take
a few steps backwards to avoid the excessive heat.
• Your parietal lobe helps to communicate this
information with the rest of your brain.
• It is found between the frontal and occipital lobe
• It is located behind the top part of the brain stem
(where the spinal cord meets the brain).
• It receives information from the sensory systems, the
spinal cord and other parts of the brain and then
regulates their motor movements.
• It coordinates voluntary movements such as posture,
balance, coordination, and speech, resulting in smooth
and balanced muscular activity.
• It is also important for learning motor behaviors.
• It is relatively small portion of the brain – about 10
percent of the total weight, but it contains roughly
half of the brain’s neurons (specialized cells that
transmit information via electrical signals)
• Damage to the cerebellum will cause paralysis or
intellectual impairment, might lead to a lack of
balance, slower movements and tremors (shaking).
• It is a stem-like part of the base of the brain that is connected to
the spinal cord.
• It controls the flow of messages between the brain and the rest
of the body and it also controls basic body functions such as
breathing, swallowing, heart rate, blood pressure, consciousness
and whether one is awake or sleepy.
• It consist of:
• Midbrain
• Pons
• Medulla oblongata
•It is also called mesencephalon, is a small region of
that brain that serves as relay center for visual,
auditory, and motor system information.
•It regulates autonomic functions, those that the
body carries out without conscious thought,
such as digestion, heart rate and breathing rate.
•It is involved in the transmission of signals to
and from other structures in the brain, such as
cerebrum or cerebellum.
•It also involved in the regulation of deep sleep.
Medulla oblongata
• It is located in the lower portion of the brainstem.
• It is very important in things like heart rate and blood
• It’s responsible for many reflexes in the body or involuntary
controls, such as vomiting, sneezing and coughing.
• A brain stem stroke happens when the brain’s blood supply
is interrupted in this area.
• This type of stroke can result in death, since the damaged
brain stem can no longer control the body’s vital functions.
Which of these apply to you?
__I am very organized. __I work best in quiet
__I remember faces more place.
than names. __I daydream a lot.
__I think things through __I hate taking risk.
before making a decision. __I tend to get emotional.
__ If someone’s mad at __I make a to-do list.
me, I can tell even without
the person saying a word. __I trust my gut instinct.
Personal Preference
Left Dominance Right Dominance
üClassical Music üPopular music
üBeing on time üA good times
üCareful planning üTo visualize the outcome
üTo consider alternative üTo go with the first idea
üBeing thoughtful üBeing active
üMonopoly, scrabble, chess üAthletics, art, or music

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