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1- How often do you eat out?

I usually go out to eat with friends twice a week. We have the same hobby of meeting each other
and enjoying delicious food together.
2 - How do you usually spend your free time?
In my free time, I often watch movies, play games and listen to music. They help me relax and
relieve stress after a tiring day.
3 - Are you reading any good books at the moment?
Are not. I don't like reading books because they have too many words and if I read, they make
me feel sleepy
4 - Where do you normally go on holiday
On holidays, I often go on a beach trip with my family to Vung Tau for about 2 days to help
everyone relieve stress and pressure in study and work.
1-What sport do you play?
I like playing badminton because it helps me exercise and improve my height
2-What sport do you want to try?
The sport I want to try is Mountain Climbing because it requires endurance and skill. Besides, it
also helps me enjoy natural beauty from different heights.
3- Which sport is most popular in your country?
I think football will be popular in my country because it appears and has a high amount of
interaction on social networks
4- What sports do you not like watching?
I don't like watching chess. Although chess is a game that requires a lot of thinking, watching
chess matches is usually quite quiet, which reduces the appeal for me.
1- How do you go to university every day?
I usually go to university on foot because my house is very close; it only takes about 10 minutes
to get to class.
2- Which type of transport is the most popular in your city?
There are many convenient vehicles such as buses, taxis and water buses. But the most popular is
still motorbike because it is used by the majority of people in Ho Chi Minh City.
3- How do you feel about public transport in Ho Chi Minh city?
For me public transport in HCM city is very cheap and convinience. It only cost 3.000 VND if i
use my student card for one time and about 10-15 minute have one bus.
4- Are there often traffic problems in your city
Yes there are.With high population density like HCM it always has traffic jam not only in rush
hour. And accident also happend frequently
1- Are you a person who takes risks or are you usually very careful?
I'm a risk taker because I want to exceed my goals
2- What is a big achievement in your life so far?
My biggest achievement is graduating from high school and going to the university I like
3- What will be a big challenge for you in the future?
My biggest challenge in the future is to get a job right after I graduate
4- Is there any kind of risky activity you would like to try in the future?
I try to conquer Fansipan peak alone
- Describe your daily routine.
Hello teacher, my name is Tuyen, today i want to talk about my daily routine. In the morning, I
usually wake up at . I wash my face and go to school at I usually don't eat breakfast
because I don't feel hungry. After school I will have lunch with my friends and go home at 12
o'clock. I often listen to music, watch movies and cook in my free time. In the evening I usually
watch the news of the day on social media and then go to bed at . It's my daily routine.
Thank you for listening
Talk about how to improve your life style
Hello teacher, my name is Tuyen, today I want to talk about improving my lifestyle. I have a
habit that I think is not good for me, which is waking up late. Because when I wake up late, I
won't have enough time to eat breakfast. I have to go to school or I will be late for school. I know
not eating breakfast is not good for the stomach. It makes me not healthy enough to study and
work. So I will improve by waking up early to have enough time to eat breakfast. I know
breaking a habit is difficult so I will try my best. Thanks for listening!
- Talk about your interests
Hello teacher, My name is T. My hobby is cooking. Whenever I have free time, I often go to the
kitchen to create delicious dishes. Cooking is not only a way for me to satisfy my hunger, but
also a way for me to express my creativity and passion for food. I also love making desserts,
such as cakes and cookies and sharing them with my family and friends. Cooking is a hobby that
brings me joy and allows me to share my love of food with others. Thank you for listening!
- Talk about your favourite sport.
Hello teacher, my name is Tuyen. Today I want to talk about my favorite sport which is
badminton. I like it because it is an easy sport that helps me relax after a stressful week of
studying. I usually play badminton with my sister and some friends on weekends. We can play
badminton anywhere as long as there is enough space, racket and shuttlecock. Playing badminton
not only helps me relax and improve my height and health, but also helps me make many friends.
Talk about your favourite means of transportation.
Hello teacher, my name is T. Today I want to talk about my favorite means of transportation.
Nowadays there are many different means of transportation, but my favorite means of
transportation is the motorbike. I like it because it is compact, convenient, it can move back and
forth easily between narrow roads. Furthermore, using a motorbike helps me easily control my
time to always get to school on time without being dependent on public schedules or traffic jams.
Thanks for listening!
Give travel advice to a visitor who arrives in Vietnam for the first time.
Hello teacher. My name is T. today I have some advice for travelers on how to get around when
they first come to Vietnam.
FIRST, you can take a taxi but make sure to only use trusted companies like MaiLinh or Vinasun.
SECOND, you can also try taking a motorbike taxi or "xe om" but be careful and wear a helmet.
AND FINALLY, buses are a cheap option but can be crowded, so try to avoid peal hours. Thank
you for listening!
- Talk about an unforgettable event that happened to you in the past
Hello everyone, my name is T. Today, I want to share a memorable experience from my
past.Back in 6th grade, on a rainy day, my sister was taking me to school on her motocycle.
Suddenly, another motocycle rushed out from an alley, causing a collision that resulted in our
bike falling on my foot. It was a frightening moment for both me and my sister.I had to go to the
hospital where I received 5 stitches for my injury. Since then, whenever I ride a motorbike, I feel
nervous. Although it was not a pleasant experience, it taught me to be more cautious when
riding.Thank you for listening!
- Give some English-learning tips to a beginner.
Hello teacher . My name is Tuyen. Today I talk about some English learning tips for beginners.
Firstly, you can watch movies, cartoons, and listen to music to improve your listening skills
Second, you can start with simple vocabulary such as numbers, colors, and clothing names.
Finally, try to read newspapers and magazines because in books there are many new and
interesting words that we do not know. That's why I try to read in English at every opportunity I
get. Thanks for listening!

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