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Topic 5

The Theme of Alienation in Modern Literature

Introduction to the theme of alienation:

 Definition: Alienation refers to a sense of isolation and estrangement from society or

 Significance: Common theme in modern literature reflecting existential and societal

Analysis of alienation in Franz Kafka's "The Metamorphosis":

 Overview of the story: Gregor Samsa's transformation into an insect.

 Exploration of Gregor's alienation from his family and society.

Exploration of alienation in J.D. Salinger's "The Catcher in the Rye":

 Overview of the novel: Holden Caulfield's journey and struggles.

 Examination of Holden's sense of alienation and his search for authenticity.

Examination of alienation in Albert Camus' "The Stranger":

 Overview of the novel: Meursault's indifferent and detached perspective.

 Analysis of Meursault's alienation from societal norms and his existential crisis.

The portrayal of alienation in contemporary literature:

 Examples from modern authors and works exploring themes of alienation.

 Comparisons with classic literature on the theme.

The relevance of the theme of alienation in today's society:

 Reflection on how alienation is depicted in current cultural and social contexts.

 Discussion of how technology, social media, and modern lifestyles contribute to feelings
of alienation.


 Summary of key points.

 The enduring relevance of the theme of alienation in literature.

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