5_chatgpt-4o_prompts_that__thread_by_bimanroy002___jul 8, 24_from_rattibha

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Biman Roy Ananda


6 Tweets • 2024-07-08 •  See on

rattibha.com 

5 ChatGPT-4o Prompts that will make you a


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1. Personalized Learning Plan

: - Create a detailed learning plan for me to

become an expert in [specific subject or skill] within
[desired timeframe]. Include daily study schedules,
recommended resources, and milestones.

2. Skill Development Roadmap

: - Outline a step-by-step roadmap for me to

develop proficiency in [specific skill or hobby]. Include
beginner to advanced stages and practical exercises.

3. Personal Development Plan

: - Develop a personal development plan for

me to enhance my emotional intelligence and
interpersonal skills, particularly in [specific context or
environment]. Include activities and reflection
4. Solve Any Problem

: - Explain various problem-solving

techniques and methodologies that I can apply to
[specific type of problem or industry]. Provide
examples and scenarios for practice.

5. Memory Development Techniques

: - Give me a comprehensive guide on

effective memory improvement techniques tailored to
my current study routine in [specific subject or field].

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