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Naskah soal ujian sekolah peminatan/lintas minat Bahasa Inggris

To My Teenager
© Tricia Shanahan
Published: February 2006

It's hard sometimes, when people are changing their lives

To understand each other or even talk

You are struggling right now for independence

and to live your own way...
And sometimes we struggle for the strength to let you do it

I wish now and then for the days when a kiss and hug
could make your world bright again
but your world is more difficult now
and you want to make your own way in it
which is as it should be

I want you to know that when you get hurt

I will hurt with you
and that deep down, I will always have confidence
in your ability to find your place in your world

When you need a caring heart

or someone to listen to your deepest dreams or concerns
I will be there for you because I love and care for you

Above all else, know that I love and care for you

1. Based on the poem above, what information does the poem give you?
A. The teenager age is the changing time
B. The teenager are always struggling
C. The parents always long for their children
D. The parents feel the same as the children do
E. The parents always love and care for their children

2. This! Sometimes it's good to be away from your partner, because it makes you want to see
each other again.
Which proverb is suitable with the statement above?
A. "Absence makes the heart grow fonder."
B. "Don't bite the hand that feeds you."
C. There's no time like the present.
D. "You can't judge a book by its cover."
E. "The grass is always greener on the other side of the hill."
This text is for questions number 3 to 5.
Jimmy Carter was born in Georgia, USA, in 1924 in a small rural community. He was brought
up in the Great Depression and joined the US navy. In 1953 after his father died he took
control of the family business and proved a successful manager. He entered politics at a local
state level, helping to reduce Georgia‟s traditions of racial segregation. Nevertheless when
Jimmy Carter ran for the president in 1976 he was a big outsider to Washington, having only
served as governor of Georgia. This meant he was distrusted by some Democrats, especially
from the north.

Nevertheless he defeated the Republican candidate G. Ford in 1976 to become President of

the US. President Carter made efforts to promote human rights both at home and abroad and
also creating a new education department. On an international level he also made attempts
to promote arms reductions treaty‟s such as SALT II.

However he was president during a difficult time. Having to deal with energy crisis, the war in
Afghanistan and the hostage crisis. As a consequence he lost the 1980 election to R.
Reagan.Since leaving the White House Jimmy Carter has maintained a high profile, often
acting as a negotiator in difficult situations. He was awarded the Nobel Peace prize in 2002.

3. Why did the writer write the text?

A. to get attention from Jimmy Carter.
B. to honour Jimmy Carter for his work.
C. to make people proud of their country.
D. to give information about Jimmy Carter.
E. to show the importance of getting a Nobel Prize.

4. What can be inferred from the text?

A. Jimmy Carter became the president of USA after defeating Ronald Reagan.
B. Jimmy Carter took care of his family business after his parents passed away.
C. As governor of Georgia, Jimmy Carter promoted human rights in national and
international level.
D. As president of United States, Jimmy Carter focused on reducing tradition of racial
E. Nobel Prize was given to Jimmy Carter as he often assigned as mediator in tough

5. “President Carter made efforts to promote human rights both at home and abroad …”
The underlined word is closest in meaning to ….
A. frustrations
B. confusions
C. attempts
D. defeats
E. attacks

This dialogue is for number 6-7

Receptionist : Sharon Restaurant.
Guest : Hi, could you help me? I need to make a dinner reservation.
Receptionist : I can help you if you can just tell me what evening you like the reservation
Guest : Saturday night is when we need the reservation for.
Receptionist : What time do you think that you would like to have dinner?
Guest : 7:00 would be best, or maybe 7:30.
Receptionist : How many diners will be in your group?
Guest : We need a reservation for ten.
Receptionist : I have a table for four available at 7:00, if you would just give me your
Guest : My last name is Benny. Thank you for the reservation.
Receptionist : Mr. Benny, we will be expecting you this Saturday at 7:00.
Guest : We will be there! Thanks for the help!

6. According to the dialog above how one book a room, write the correct order
1. Tell how many dinners you would like to order
2. Tell your own details
3. Describe what kind of dress you wear
4. Call the receptionist
5. Tell the time when you want to have your event
A. 2-3-4-1
B. 4-1-5-2
C. 2-5-1-3
D. 4-5-1-2
E. 5-1-3-2

7. According to the dialog above, we can conclude that the receptionist would prepare.....
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 7
E. 10
8. Based on the leaflet above, who is not intended to attend the fair?
A. Senior high school student
B. Parents who have children.
C. Teacher and educators
D. Education agents
E. Undergraduate students

This text is for questions number 9 to 11.

Television becomes one of the most important devices which take place in almost
houses. It can unite all members of the family as well as separate them. However, is it
important to know what your kids are watching? The answer is, of course, absolutely
“Yes” and thatshould be done by all parents. Television can expose things you have tried
to protect the children from, especially violence, pornography, consumerism and so on.

Recently, a study demonstrated that spending too much time on watching TV during the
dayor at bedtime often cause bed-time disruption, stress, and short sleep duration.
Anotherresearch found that there is a significant relationship between the amount of
time spent forwatching television during adolescence and early adulthood, and the
possibility of being aggressive.

Meanwhile, many studies have identified a relationship between kids who watch TV a
lot and being inactive and overweight.

Considering some facts mentioning above, protect your children with the following tips:

 Limit television viewing to one-two hours each day

 Do not allow your children to have a TV set in their own bedrooms

 Review the rating of TV shows which your children watch

 Watch television with your children and discuss what is happening in the show
9. Why is it important for parents to watch television with their children?
A. to supervise what the children are watching on TV.
B. to gather the children with their friend for watching TV.
C. to allow the children to watch their favourite TV program.
D. to limit the food intake the children have while watching TV.
E. to identify the problem the children have while watching TV.

10. What can be inferred from the text?

A. Televisions provide suitable programs for children at any age.
B. Children make their own schedule to watch TV in their room.
C. Research suggests children watch TV during napping time.
D. Parents should make timetable for children to watch TV.
E. Parents and children should watch TV together all day.

11. One of the advantages of watching television is that it can ... the relationship between
parents and children by setting time to watch it together.
A. pull
B. bind
C. adjust
D. adhere
E. restrict

12. It was a very interesting story. I read it in one sitting.

From the sentences we may conclude that…
A. The story was such a very interesting that I read it one sitting.
B. It was such a very interesting story then I read it one sitting.
C. It was such a very interesting story that I read it one sitting.
D. It was so a very interesting story that I read it one sitting.
E. The story was so very interesting than I read it one sitting.

13. Andi : Hi Rony, you have such a big bag pac.

Rony : Yeah. I haave a lot of stuff in there suh as books, pencil case and ather stuff.
Andi:Only those? But so big stuff.
Rony : There are large and also I have .... a big dictoinary .... I need.
The correlative conjunction which can complete the situation is .....
A. Such, what
B. So, which
C. Such, then
D. So, then
E. Such, that

The following text is for questions 14-15

Tomy : Hi, Rosie, What‟s up?
Rosie : I‟m doing good. How about you?
Tomy : Not bad, but I‟ve got to finish my English assigment. You look in a hurry, where are
you going?
Rosie : To the library to borrow some books.
Tomy : Are you sure? I„m going there too. I need to borrow some reference books to
completemy assignments.
Rosie : Alright. Let‟s go!

14. Tomy wants to borrow some reference books. He needs them to complete his assignments.
The best sentence to represent of both sentences above is....
A. Tomy wants to borrow some reference books who he needs them to complete his
B. Tomy wants to borrow some reference books whom he needs them to complete his
C. Tomy wants to borrow some reference books which he needs them to complete his
D. Tomy wants to borrow some reference books of which he needs them to complete his
E. Tomy wants to borrow some reference books whose he needs them to complete his

15. Based on the dialog above we can infer that...

A. Both Tomy and Rosie have English assignment.
B. Not only Tomy but also Rosie are going to the library.
C. Neither Rosie nor Tomy has English assignment.
D. Either Rosie or Tomy goes to the book store.
E. Tomy and Rosie are going to the book store.

The following dialogue is for questions 16-17

Rebecca : Hi Jordan. Come in. 16) ......the last bit of Coronation Street.
Jordan : What? You‟re watching a soap opera?
Rebecca : Yes – So what? I like it.
Jordan : How can you watch that? It‟s awful! I just can‟t stand soaps, reality TV, serials,
stuff like that.
Rebecca : Well, fine, but that 17) ..... I can‟t watch them.
Jordan : Yeah, you‟re right. Sorry.

16. The most appropiate finite clause to complete the dialogue above is .....
A. She‟s watching
B. I‟m just watching
C. You‟re just watching
D. We‟re just watching
E. He‟s just watching

17. The most appropiate words to complete the dialogue above is .....
A. is mean
B. don’t mean
C. doesn’t mean
D. didn’t mean
E. haven’t mean

18. Derry : “Tell me, why did you leave the job?” It was hard to find job at that time, wasn‟t it.”
David : “……..”
The most suitable expression to complete the dialog is …..
A. I would have stayed if the payment had been better
B. I will stay if the payment is better
C. I would stay if the payment were better
D. I stay if the payment is better
E. I would stay if the payment was better.

19. Anto : “First, I‟ll play futsal then finish my homework. What do you think ”
Anita : “ I wouldn‟t if I were you!”
We may conclude that Anita____
A. thinks he should play futsal
B. wants him to finis his homework
C. think they should finish their homework
D. think it is good idea
E. would like him to do what he wants

The following text is for questions 20 to 22

I am sure most of you have downloaded music a number of times. Downloading
music is one ofour favorite activities on the internet. Most of us love surfing web site that
facilitate music downloads. Downloading music may make it conveniently available. But
does it have a negative effect on the music industry?

Downloading music makes it readily available to the masses. Music reaches the
masses in minute. When it can be downloaded, music lovers get what they need without
struggling for long periods of time. When music becomes available within sometime after its
release, it is a real musical treat for those waiting for the release.

When you download music, you save on the costs that would be incurred if you
wouldhave decided to buy it. The original copies of music need you shell out big bucks. If
music downloadable, you are sure to save money and thanks to the facilities of free

Supporters of music downloading claim that making music readily available

contributes to the increased popularity of the artists. The concept of making music available
for free downloads has in fact contributed to the fame of the music industry. Being available
for download, music reaches the crowd in a relatively lesser amount of time thus boosting
its popularity.

On the other hand, though downloading music makes it readily available to the
masses, it also makes it spreadable and wide overly. Something that is scarce is precious
while something that is plentiful and easy to get tends to have lesser value.The practice of
downloading music leads to the diminishing sales of music cassettes, CDs and DVDs. It
reduces the sale figures of music companies. It has an adverse effect on the music industry.

Downloading music gives rise to copyright and piracy issue. By downloading music
you lose its originality. When you use the copied versions of music, you indirectly encourage
piracy. As you download music, you do not go for purchase of the original copies of music,
which may result in an indirect violation of copyright.

20. What is the text about?

A. Downloading music gives more advantages than disadvantages
B. Downloading music is one of our favorite activities on the internet.
C. Downloading music gives both positive and negative effects.
D. Downloading music gives rise to copyright and piracy issue.
E. Downloading music gives rise to copyright issue.

21. What is argument against downloading music?

A. Music lovers get what they need without struggling for long periods of time
B. By downloading music, we can save on the costs
C. Making music readily available contributes to the increased popularity of the artists
D. The concept of downloading music has contributed to the fame of the music industry
E. Downloading music gives rise to copyright and privacy issues

22. “When you use the copied versions of music, you indirectly encourage piracy.” (Paragraph
The underlined word is closest in meaning to ….

A. promote
B. guide
C. influence
D. ignore
E. affect

23. .............. the train was late, he managed to reach on time.

A. because
B. even though
C. therefore
D. however
E. but

24. Ratih : I can‟t believe how you could finish your project on time.
Diana : Even though I had a lot of problem, I continued to work on it.

From the dialog we can conclude that ...

A. Diana failed in finishing the project.

B. Diana’s problem disturbed her in finishing her project.
C. Diana stopped her project because of her problems
D. The problems motivated Diana to finish her project.
E. Diana could not be disturbed by her problems

The following text is for questions 25 to 26

Reading the three plots of Marry Higgins Clark in All Through the Night concern a stolen gold
ornamental cup, a missing baby, and a will which seems to be deceitful. To solve the
mystery,she revives her beloved characters; Alvirah, the former cleaning woman; and Willy
Meeham, the plumber who won the lottery. They left their life in Jackson Heights, Queens,
for an apartment on Central Park. The two have fun along the way solving the puzzle.

The pace is swift and the story is pure escape - totally fun Mary Higgins Clark. I admit,
however,that l am still trying to know what melody of the song "All Through the Night"
sounds like.

This holiday season, put aside your chores and curl up on couch with All Through the Night.
When you close it you will be relaxed and more ready to enjoy the festivities. And then you
might just want to tuck a copy into someone's stocking or gift bag, as well.

25. In the first paragraph, the reviewer …..

A. introduces the Marry Higgins Clark
B. Analyzes the three plots in the story
C. mainly discusses about Alvirah
D. is solving all of the mystery
E. summarizes the characters

26. What is the writer’s suggestion for the holiday season?

A. Left your life for an apartment in Central Park
B. Put aside your chores and read the novel
C. Tuck a stocking into someone‟s gift bag
D. Stole a gold ornament and be deceitful
Company, Inc.and solve puzzles
E. Have fun
123 Alphabet Drive
Los Angeles, California 90002

15 December 2017

Dr. Kris Johnson

Marketing Representative
Creativity Plus, Inc.
824 Imagination Lane
Miami, Florida 33111

Dear Kris,

Working with Creativity Plus, Inc., for the past four months has been a wonderful
experience.Regrettably, Company, Inc. no longer has need of your services. We have
decided to move our company in a different direction, and that decision requires that we
make a number of changes to our infrastructure. To that end, we have decided to keep all
of our current marketing efforts in-house, so we can no longer make use of your marketing
consultation on services.
This text is for questions number 27 to 30.
Thank you for the excellent work you have done for us. I hope to remain on good terms
with you and Creativity Plus, Inc., and if we require services similar to what you have
provided forus in the past, we would certainly like to consider you again.

Warm regards,
Sam Brown
27. What is the topic of the text?
A. Changes direction of the Company, Inc.
B. Decision to move the company in a house.
C. Consultation of changing direction of the company.
D. Discontinuation of marketing consultation services.
E. Consideration of having a new marketing consultation services.

28. Why did Mr. Brown discontinue Mr. Johnson‟s company as their marketing consultation?
A. to run marketing for the company internally
B. to change some company‟s infrastructure
C. to require another best marketing service
D. to get the good location for their company
E. to find the good marketing team

29. What can we conclude from the text?

A. Creativity Plus, Inc. will have a new office in a house.
B. Company, Inc. will apply their own marketing strategies.
C. Company, Inc. will require a new marketing consultation.
D. Creativity Plus, Inc. will have new directors of the company.
E. Company, Inc. will focus on changing directors of the company.
30. “I hope to remain on good terms with you and Creativity Plus, Inc.…”
The underlined word is closest in meaning to ….
A. hit
B. strike
C. locate
D. adjust
E. continue

31. These lyrics is for questions number 31 - 35

Nothing’s gonna hurt you the way that words do

When they settle ‘neat your skin
Kept on the inside and no sunlight
Sometimes a shadow wins
But I wonder what would happen if you

Say what you wanna say

And let the words fall out
Honestly I wanna see you be brave
With what you want to say
And let the words fall out
Honestly I wanna see you be brave

Everybody’s been there

Everybody’s been stared down by the enemy
Fallen for the fear
And done some disappearing
Bow down to the mighty
Don’t run, just stop holding your tongue

Maybe there’s a way out of the cage where you live

Maybe one of these days you can let the light in
Show me how big your brave is

31. What the theme of the song ?

A. Hope
B. Friendship
C. War
D. Self esteem
E. First love

32. Whom the song is intended to ?

A. For parents
B. For children
C. For everyone
D. For lovers
E. For heart breakers
33. What is the message of the song ?
A. To feel confident
B. To save the world
C. To get dreams
D. To stand for friends
E. To fight for love

34. What kind of song is it ?

A. Inspiring
B. Doleful
C. Sad
D. Tragic
E. Gloomy

35. Below are the social function of song, except ...

A. To entertain the listeners
B. To persuade
C. To teach moral value
D. To have an emotional connection
E. To express personal’s feeling

36. I am so happy seeing the family again.

What types of non – finite verb contain in the sentence ?
A. Gerund
B. Infinitive
C. Perfect Participle
D. Past Participle
E. Present Participle

37. If I .......... a car, I ..................... to work. But, I didn’t own one, so I took public transportation.
A. own – will drive
B. had own – would drive
C. had owned – would have driven
D. had owned – would have drove
E. had own – would drive

38. Galuh’s family spends the holiday in Lombok.

What does the underlined word indicate ?
A. Manner
B. Cause
C. Degree
D. Place
E. Role

39. He is the person .....................

A. who is next to you
B. which is next to you
C. where is next to you
D. when is next to you
E. while is next to you
40. The car ............ the blue one is the one I want to buy.
A. outside
B. into
C. beside
D. inside
E. Up

41. The teacher said, “what is the meaning of policy?”

Indirect speech of direct speech above is…
A. The teacher said what was the meaning of policy
B. The teacher asked what was the meaning of policy.
C. The teacher asked what is the meaning of policy.
D. The teacher asked students the meaning of policy.
E. The teacher asked the student what the meaning of policy was.

42. The police said, “the accident happens because of the broken traffic light”.
The police said that…
A. The accident happened because of the broken traffic light.
B. The accident happens because of the broken traffic light.
C. The accident happening because of the broken traffic light.
D. The accident had happened because of the broken traffic light.
E. The accident was happen because of the broken traffic light.

43. Receptionist: …………….

Customer: I will order later, I wait for my friend.
A. Do you need to add other service?
B. Do you want to request the menu please?
C. Do you prefer single or double room please?
D. Do you need a help please?
E. Will you need a breakfast to add sir?

44. Receptionist : ………………

Customer : a single deluxe room please.
A. Do you have a room sir?
B. What type of room do you prefer sir?
C. Do you want to make a reservation sir?
D. Do you want to order a table sir?
E. Do you want to add other service sir?

45. What is a flyer?

A. Informative paper document that can be folded into a template
B. a form of paper advertisement intended for wide distribution and typically posted or
distributed in a public place.
C. a small booklet or leaflet containing information or arguments about a single
D. a bulletin issued periodically to the members of a society, business, or
E. a periodical publication containing articles and illustrations, typically covering a
particular subject or area of interest.
46. “I’m sorry to hear that your parents had passed away”
The expression above expressing…
A. Apology
B. Pride
C. Sympathy
D. Request
E. Happiness

For all students
To celebrate the teacher’s day, our school will hold “Performance of art and culture” on:
Day/Date : Sunday/ 25 February 2024
Time : 10.00 am- 16.00 pm
Venue : Binjai Super mall
Each class must participate in the event. The event consists of:
- Traditional dances
- Singing pop and traditional songs
- Fashion show
- Handycrafts exhibition
For further information, please contact: Ariana
Thank you,
Binjai, 10 February 2024
The chairman of committee
Mr. J.Tarigan

47. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To invite all students to attend the event
B. To promote the event to all students
C. To inform the event to all students
D. To entertain all students with the event
E. To celebrate the teacher’s day

48. How long does each class take time to prepare their performance?
A. A week
B. Two weeks
C. Three weeks
D. A month
E. Two months

49. Who are the participants of the event above?

A. The teachers
B. The students
C. The committee
D. The chairman
E. All people

50. Events are held in the event are except

A. Fashion show
B. Model
C. Traditional dances
D. Singing pop and traditional songs
E. Handycrafts exhibition

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