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This framework has three domains: career opportunities in learning and teaching;
1) Excellence in student learning and teaching practice; • encourage meaningful career conversations between
2) Excellence in contemporary curriculum design and managers and academic staff;
engagement; and
• reinforce the importance of externality in learning and The framework has both quantitative (see activities
3) Excellence in Scholarly Teaching.
teaching and its impact at different levels; with an asterisk *) and qualitative indicators. The TPE
Each of these domains has a range of activities which
• encourage internal and external recognition for high Framework has also been aligned to the Higher Education
support the collection of evidence for teaching quality and
performers but also a guide for supporting individuals Academy’s (HEA) Professional Standards Framework (PSF)
performance. The framework is intended to:
who are underperforming; and in the UK to support staff gaining external recognition
• provide clear statements of expectations for all academic and accreditation for their teaching, learning support,
• encourage mentorship and peer review across academic
staff with a learning and teaching role; curriculum and professional activities.
appointment levels to build capacity to maintain, improve
• ensure individual accountability for managing one’s and promote the high standards of learning and teaching For full details about each of the domains, please
performance, individual development, promotion and at UTAS. turn over the page.


An important element of the UTAS Teaching The PSF has been aligned to the TPEs so that staff role and experience, as an Associate Fellow, Fellow,
Performance Expectations is the Professional can seek external recognition and reward for their Senior Fellow or Principal Fellow of the Academy.
Standards Framework (PSF), developed by the teaching and learning support. The HEA provides The Tasmanian Institute of Learning and Teaching
Higher Education Academy (HEA) in the UK, a recognition and accreditation scheme which (TILT) will support staff in achieving recognition
which has international recognition and support. enables staff to be recognised, depending on their using the PSF.


1. S
 upports the initial and continuing professional development of staff engaged in teaching and supporting learning
2. F
 osters dynamic approaches to teaching and learning through innovation and continuous development in diverse academic and/or professional settings
3. Demonstrates to students and other stakeholders the professionalism that staff and institutions bring to teaching and support for student learning
4. Acknowledges the variety and quality of teaching, learning and assessment practices that support and underpin student learning
5. Facilitates individuals and institutions in gaining formal recognition for quality-enhanced approaches to teaching and supporting learning, often as part of wider
responsibilities that may include research and/or management activities


Areas of Activity
A1 Design and plan learning activities
and/or units of study
A2 Teach and/or support learning
A3 Assess and give feedback to learners
A4 Develop effective learning environments and
approaches to student support and guidance
A5 Engage in continuing professional
development in subjects/disciplines and
their pedagogy, incorporating research,
scholarship and the evaluation of
professional practices

K1 The subject material Professional Values

K2 Appropriate methods for teaching V1 Respect individual learners and

and learning in the subject area and at the diverse learning communities
level of the course V2 Promote participation in
K3 How students learn, both generally and within higher education and equality of
their subject/disciplinary area(s) opportunity for all learners

K4 The use and value of appropriate V3 Use evidence-informed approaches and

learning technologies the outcomes from research, scholarship and
continuing professional development
K5 Methods for evaluating the
effectiveness of teaching V4 Acknowledge the wider context in which
higher education operates recognising the
K6 The implications of quality assurance and implications for professional practice
quality enhancement for academic
and professional practice
with a particular focus
on teaching

For more information on the PSF see

Domain 1: Excellence in student learning and teaching practice • FACULTY
•  ommunicates knowledge and understanding of learning outcomes, discipline content and generic student capabilities
• Incorporates learning and teaching strategies that support student learning
• Uses a range of assessment strategies and provides timely feedback

The use of learning technologies and online resources is integrated and appropriate
Mechanisms are used to evaluate and review the effectiveness of teaching • GLOBAL
Develops a statement of teaching philosophy/principles or self-reflective journal Statement or excerpts from self-reflective journal in portfolio All

Unit/course outline; unit/course materials, report from unit or course coordinator;

Prepares unit outlines which clearly communicate learning outcomes,
tutor feedback/feedback from teaching teams; effective preparation and All
teaching and learning activities and assessment
management of tutors, teaching teams; expert peer review on unit/course materials

Conducts tutorials, practical classes, demonstrations, workshops, student Student feedback; tutor or feedback from teaching teams; formal peer review
field excursions; clinical sessions and student sessions of teaching

Prepares and delivers quality lectures and seminars (face-to-face Student feedback; tutor or feedback from teaching teams; formal peer review
and/or online) of teaching

* Undertakes teacher/tutor/unit evaluations (for e.g. eVALUate) Formal survey reports; provides feedback to students on responses made; evidence
of changes made in unit outline

Projects that address student retention and pass rates; evidence of what staff are
* Improves student learning outcomes Mid to later
doing in response to increasing student retention and success A1
Undertakes peer observations of teaching Formal peer review report of unit outline, unit materials and assessment All
Prepares and uses a range of learning technologies and online resources Independent reviews; evidence of impact of learning technologies and online A4
(for e.g. MOOCs, Open Educational Resources) resources K1
Designs a range of assessment tasks that demonstrate intended Extracts from a number of units/courses showing variety of assessment tasks; K2
Mid to later
learning outcomes examples of innovative assessment tasks K3
Provides timely feedback to students Student feedback; evidence of feedback to improve student learning All
Student feedback; examples of student work which address different learning styles K6
Incorporates learning and teaching strategies that support student learning All
and needs

Undertakes supervision and training of Honours/Masters/Postgraduate students Evidence of Honours/Masters/Postgraduate student supervision and completion rates Mid to later

Quality assurance workshops, moderation; feedback on role in establishing

Undertakes quality assurance activities (for e.g. moderation, curriculum
moderation processes; peer review of course assessment, TEQSA recognition as
mapping of learning outcomes, generic attributes and assessment, AQF All
an expert; OLT recognition as an assessor; peer review of teaching; AQF alignment
alignment and compliance)
and compliance
Participates in and/or organises formal teaching activities (for e.g. career Independent reports from participants, teaching workshops; Peer Professional
development, mentoring, collaboration and leadership in team teaching; Learning For Awards; details of mentoring roles and outcomes; details of leadership Mid to later
peer review) roles and contribution confirmed by peers

Awards that validate nominated areas of expertise; for e.g. Office of Learning and
*Participates in and/or assesses University or national teaching awards Teaching (OLT) Awards and Grants, Teaching Development Grants; UTAS Teaching Mid to later
Awards; UTAS recognition as an assessor; OLT recognition as an assessor

Domain 2: Excellence in contemporary curriculum design and engagement

•  urriculum design and activity supports discipline, vocational, clinical pathways and professional partnerships which address the workforce context
• Curriculum design, including assessment, is efficiently managed and coordinated across campuses
• Curriculum design includes evidence of multidisciplinary and international perspectives and knowledge of national standards
• Curriculum evaluation and review includes renewal, innovation and change
• Contribution to curriculum design, through engagement with University Committee work and/or professional contributions to the wider community
Independent reviews; ELT 501; completion of Sessional Staff workshop; curriculum
Contributes and develops unit/curriculum design and development
mapping; development of course level learning outcomes; introduction of major All
(including assessment)
innovations in curriculum

*Undertakes unit and course evaluation and review Unit/course evaluation reports; curriculum reviews; moderation and benchmark reports More likely mid to later

Contributes and/or manages unit/tutor/major/course (including cross- Any stage but more
Independent reports from tutors and/or lecturers/ HOS/Deans
campus courses/consultation, student support) likely from mid

*Participates in online curriculum management (for e.g. online resources,

Demonstrates evidence of MyLO Levels 0-5; student feedback All
communication activities, assessment, interactive tools)
Participates and/or manages vocational, clinical pathways and partnerships
Stakeholder reports or survey; community partnerships and feedback on outcomes Mid to later K2
which address the workforce context (for e.g. contribute to outreach events)
Undertakes formal leadership roles in curriculum design, development, Independent feedback from mentees, achievements as a result of being mentored, K5
review and partnerships (for e.g. mentor, chairing a review, advisory role, number of invitations to undertake peer review, outcomes of advisory work, outcomes Mid to later K6
peer reviewer of curriculum) of peer review of curriculum
Demonstrates and/or leads engagement and service on committees; policy V2
Committee actions as a result of your input; policy outcomes; involvement in CoP Mid to later
development and Communities of Practice (CoP)

Contributes and/or leads projects/grants to support curriculum

Participation in projects/grants; funds awarded; outcomes of grant Mid to later
development, innovation or partnerships

Undertakes and/or leads quality assurance and evaluation of curricula,

Membership of advisory panel; peer review of contributions; accreditation review Mid to later
frameworks and standards, accreditation

* Publishes textbooks and publications for undergraduate audiences

(dictionaries of key concepts; encyclopaedias; reference books aimed Adoption; reviews; sales incl. libraries Mid to later
at school students)

Domain 3: Excellence in Scholarly Teaching

• Implementation of a scholarly approach to learning and teaching
• Professional development in learning and teaching
• Contribution, evaluation and dissemination of teaching/disciplinary practice
• Teaching and learning fellowships (such as HERDSA; national OLT Fellowship; OLT secondment)
Develops statement/or plan on scholarship direction Statement/or plan presented All

*Attends and/or contributes to University teaching preparation/induction Certificate of completion, for e.g. ELT 501 All new staff; early

Completes formal qualification in teaching University transcript Early to mid

Institutional records, Faculty/School workshops; organises/presents learning

Attends and/or presents at teaching-related workshops All
and teaching workshops or online workshops; convenes events

Institutional records, for e.g. presents at Teaching Matters; chairs/facilitates

Attends and or/presents at teaching-related conferences All
conferences; presents keynote sessions at national/international SoTL conferences

Undertakes and/or leads training sessions in the relevant industry/ A5

Formal records of professional experience and training All
*Engages with the Professional Standards Framework Peer-reviewed teaching portfolio All V4

*Publishes peer-reviewed papers Publications; citations All

CRICOS Provider Code: 00586B

Grant application; report; attends workshop sessions on writing teaching

Mid onwards
*Participates and/or leads learning and teaching grants development grants; facilities Professional Learning Circle (PLC) to develop
grant application; mentoring in PPLP for Grants program

Peer review for a SoTL journal/publisher; invitation to join a SoTL journal’s

Peer review of publications Mid onwards
editorial board; editing a special issue/series/journal

Participates/leads in a SoTL focused CoP and/or collaborative TDG, OLT grant

Peer learning activities Mid onwards
or other research project

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