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Good morning, everyone, I already checked the tools and materials to be used for this assessment. All I
can say that all the tools and materials are available and it’s all functional. The venue or site also
complies OHS requirement and very conducive for working.

1. Once again, Good morning everyone! My name is Josephine C. Mora. I am your accredited assessor
for this qualification BREAD AND PASTRY PRODUCTION NC – II.

2. I would like to acknowledge the presence of our TESDA Representative.

Good Morning.

You don’t have to worry about their presence, they will not assess you. They are just here to observe if
the conduct of competency assessment is in accordance with the prescribed competency assessment
methodology procedures.

3. Before we start, please submit your admission slip and As I call your name, please sign in the
attendance sheet. (Call their names, let them sign…)

4. I have here with me your accomplished APPLICATION FORM and SELF ASSESSMENT GUIDE. This is an
indication that you know and can perform all the units of competency enumerated in this qualification,

I would like to welcome everyone to our center for your assessment in BPP NC II here at LSSTI. The
purpose of our assessment is to determine the level of your competency. Today, I am going to
administer competency assessment for BPP NC-II the qualification composed of BASIC, COMMON and
CORE competencies. For our core competencies we have 5 unit of competencies.

These are:

1. Prepare and produce bakery products

2. Prepare and produce pastry products

3. Prepare and present Gateaux, Tortes and Cakes

4. Prepare and display Petits Fours

5. Present Desserts

We will collect evidences through, oral questioning and demonstration.

This would help me measure your underpinning knowledge and skills for BPP NC – II

For your personal needs, lavatories are located at the back of this center. For your meal, canteen is
located at the left side of this room. However, during the assessment you are not allowed to leave
within the premises of the assessment center.

If you have difficulty coping up with the instructions, please do not hesitate to approach me. I would be
willing to translate it for you.

If you have questions and clarifications concerning the assessment result, you have the right to appeal,
you can just submit your appeal to TESDA Provincial Office or any Accredited center where the assessors
are accredited.
For the issuance of NC Certificate, you can claim your NC to TESDA PROVINCIAL OFFICE OF LDN Located
at Maria Christina, Iligan City, within 5 working days after the Assessment. Please don’t forget to bring
50 pesos, Your CARS and 1 picture passport size.

During the actual Assessment, please observe safety as you perform the different tasks. Make sure to
check your tools and equipment before doing your task. In case of any accidents please call my attention
immediately so that we can provide first Aid.

With regards to the result of your assessment, we observe strict confidentiality. This is to ensure your
integrity. The Assessment package is kept on a secured place to guarantee its safety.

Also, may I ask the candidates to refrain from giving any form of information that took place during the
assessment process.

Do you have any questions or clarifications?

Now, please accomplish the competency Assessment Agreement within 5 minutes

Do you have any questions or clarifications?

You may start now.

Are you done?

May I have the form please. okay thank you

Now I will assign your candidate No. … Candidate No. 1, candidate No. 2….

Here’s your Specific Instruction. Please read it carefully for 5 minutes.

Do you have any questions or clarifications?

You may start now.

Are you done? Okay, may I have the Specific Instruction?

This time, let us proceed to your performance/ demonstration

Please wear your PPE

All candidates please proceed to the Assessment Area. Using the tools and materials, you are given 1
hour and 30 minutes to Decorate cake with butter cream icing .I will be observing you while you are
performing the tasks (bring rating sheet)

Do you have any questions or clarifications?

You may start now.

Last 10 minutes…..TIME’S UP!!!!!

Okay, now let’s go back to the Orientation Area

Now, I will be calling your no. and please proceed to the Interview Area for your Oral questioning.

Candidate # 1

QUESTION # 1. How do know that you have creamed the butter well enough?

ANSWER: It will come up into a dirty white color.

Okay, Candidate # 1 you were able to perform the task well and regarding to your oral questioning, you
are able to answer the question correctly. which shows that you really have the knowledge about the

So this time, I would like to congratulate you for a job well done. You are now rated as COMPEETENT.
Congratulations. Please SIGN the Rating sheet and COMPETENCY ASSESSMENT RESULTS SUMMARY.
(Give the CARS) For the issuance of you NC, you can claim your NC to TESDA PROVINCIAL OFFICE OF LDN
Located at Maria Christina, Iligan City, within 5 working days after the Assessment. Please don’t forget
to bring 50 pesos, Your CARS and 1 picture passport size.

Please inform candidate # 1 to be here.

Thank you and Congratulations!

Candidate # 2

QUESTION # 1. How do you measure 2 and ¾ cups of flour? Since, there is no ¾ measuring cup.

ANSWER: I will measure 2 and ¾ cups by using 1 cup.

Okay thank you.

Candidate # 2 actually, you are NOT able to Select and use the appropriate tools and materials during
your demonstration and regarding to your oral questioning, you did not correctly answer the questions
that I’ve asked from you.

Based on my observations, the result of your assessment shows that you are Not Yet competent.

Don’t worry, you may come back for your Reassessment at the nearest Accredited Assessment Center
in your most convenient time.

Now, please sign in the rating Sheet and Competency Assessment Result Summary. (give the CARS)

Thank You for taking the courage in taking the Competency Assessment. (CA) in BPP NC II

Please go back to the orientation area.

Since, we are done to our assessment today. I would like to request everyone to perform 5’S before
leaving this area and thank you so much for your presence and God Bless.

For the result of the assessment I will give the assessment package to the TESDA Representative.

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