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Shree Swaminarayan Institute of technology Gandhinagar

A Project Report

Under Subject of

B.E. Semester-5th
(Civil Branch)
Guided by - Prof. Ashwin Sharma


1 MEHTA PRIYANKA 221253106016
2 MODI HEPPYBEN 221253106017
3 MOHOD KARAN 221253106018
4 KODIYATAR VIJAY 221253106011
5 PATEL ROUMIL 221253106028


Shree Swaminarayan Institute of technology Gandhinagar

Near EDI, &
Sardar Patel Ring Road,
Bhat, Gandhinagar - 382428

This is to certify that project entitled Hybrid energy generator been carried
out MEHTA PRIYANKA R. under My guidance in partial fulfillment for the degree of
Bachelor of Engineering In civil Engineering 5th Semester of Gujarat Technological
University, Ahmadabad during the academic Year 2023-24.


Prof. Ashwin Sharma Prof. Dipika Shah

(Faculty Guide) (Head of Department)

Signature of
External examiner


Shree Swaminarayan Institute of technology Gandhinagar

Near EDI, &
Sardar Patel Ring Road,
Bhat, Gandhinagar - 382428

This is to certify that project entitled Hybrid energy generator been carried
out MODI HEPPYBEN K. under My guidance in partial fulfillment for the degree of
Bachelor of Engineering In civil Engineering 5th Semester of Gujarat Technological
University, Ahmadabad during the academic Year 2023-24 .


Prof. Ashwin Sharma Prof. Dipika Shah

(Faculty Guide) (Head of Department)

Signature of
External examiner


Shree Swaminarayan Institute of technology Gandhinagar

Near EDI, &
Sardar Patel Ring Road,
Bhat, Gandhinagar - 382428

This is to certify that project entitled Hybrid energy generator beencarried
out MOHOD KARAN G. under My guidance in partial fulfillment for the degree of
Bachelor of Engineering In civil Engineering 5th Semester of Gujarat Technological
University, Ahmadabad during the academic Year 2023-24 .


Prof. Ashwin Sharma Prof. Dipika Shah

(Faculty Guide) (Head of Department)

Signature of
External examiner


Shree Swaminarayan Institute of technology Gandhinagar

Near EDI, &
Sardar Patel Ring Road,
Bhat, Gandhinagar - 382428

. This is to certify that project entitled Hybrid energy generator been carriedout
KODIYATAR VIJAY R. under My guidance in partial fulfillment for the degree of
Bachelor of Engineering In civil Engineering 5th Semester of Gujarat Technological
University, Ahmadabad during the academic Year 2023-24.


Prof. Ashwin Sharma Prof. Dipika Shah

(Faculty Guide) (Head of Department)

Signature of
External examiner


Shree Swaminarayan Institute of technology Gandhinagar

Near EDI, &
Sardar Patel Ring Road,
Bhat, Gandhinagar - 382428

This is to certify that project entitled Hybrid energy generator been carried
out PATEL ROUMIL N. under My guidance in partial fulfilment for the degree of
Bachelor of Engineering In civil Engineering 5th Semester of Gujarat Technological
Ahmadabad during the academic Year 2023-24.


Prof. Ashwin Sharma Prof. Dipika Shah

(Faculty Guide) (Head of Department)

Signature of
External examiner

> Abstract vi
> Introduction 01
> AEIOU Summary 07
1. Activities 07
2. Environments 08
3. Interactions 09
4. Objects 10
5. Users 11
> Mind Mapping 12
> Empathy Canvas 13
1. Users 13
2. Stakeholder 14
3 . Activities 15
4. Story Boarding 16
> Product Development Canvas 17
1. Purpose 17
2. Product Experience 18
3. Components 20
4. People 21
5 . Customer Revalidation 22
6. Retain, Redesign or Reject 23
> Ideation Canvas 24
1. People 24
2. Activities 25
3. Situation, Context and Location 26
4. Props, Tools, Objects And Equipment 26
> LNM Canvas 27
> Conclusion 34


Primary would thank for my group members being able to complete this project
with Success. Then would like to thank my Prof. ASHWIN SHARMA whose valuable
guidance has been the ones that helped me patch this project and make it full proof success his
suggestion and
his instruction has served a major contributor towards the completion of the project.

Then I would like to thank my friends who have help me with their valuable suggestion
and guidance has been helpful in various phases of the completion of the project.


Self-compacting concrete (SCC) has many benefits in terms of production and

placement compared to traditional concrete namely, elimination of external or internal
vibration for compaction, better flowability, workability and pumpability, as well as
increased bonding with congested reinforcement. Moreover, the placement of SCC is faster and
requires less labour. The appearance (surface finish), mechanical performance and
durability of SCC can be considerably better than traditional concrete. However, the
methods of production, placement, quality control and finishing are essential for SCC.
Constructability issues may arise for specifiers and contractors if related standards,
guidelines or practices are not appropriately followed for production and placement. Self-
compacting concrete is less tolerant to abrupt
changes in aggregate moisture content, chemical admixtures and water content..

The type of concrete mixer, transport time and the methods of concrete placement
and finishing can affect the properties of SCC. Therefore, robust quality control measures
must be in place during the production and placement of SCC. The excellent flowability
of SCC compared to traditional concrete makes pumping the best method of placement.
However, there is a high chance of air entrainment due to a higher flow rate, which can result
in bugholes and

Normally SCC has less surface imperfections compared to traditional concrete, but
it would be susceptible to bugholes, honeycombing and cracking if guidelines of production
and placement were not followed appropriately. This chapter explains how the
admixtures, aggregate moisture content and water to solids ratio should be controlled for
the reliable production of SCC. Also, the effect of concrete mixers on the properties of
SCC, and the methods of quality control at batching plants and during placement are
explained. Finally, transport, pumping, placement and finishing of SCC with common issues
and solutions will be


What is Design Thinking?

Design Thinking is an iterative learning process of problem solving

protocol thatcreates the concepts and develops the new and improved
products, processes and technologies required by industry to Achieve

. Encourage creative consideration of a wide array of innovative solutions.

. Can be applied to any field, including higher education.
. Approaches challenges from the point of view of the end users.
. Call for a deep understanding of what user’s emotional needs.

Design Thinking is a process of Mindset that has features like:

. Human – centered
. Collaborative efforts
. Optimistic &
. Iterative / experimental.

Design Thinking is askill that allows a Designer to align what people

wantwith what can be done and produce a viable business strategy that
creates customer
value and market opportunity.

Design Thinking is the process of thinking and making new and useful
product for users and that persons who needs. Design Thinking is the way to
learn, to think about the world in such a way that important for
engineers. Design thinking is a way to think about new product or about
available product's
Design Engineering is not for just making a product or project, but it
is the way to feel about user’s problem and give them the answer by solving

Its importance, Socio-economical relevance

Design thinking best describes a specific approach to innovation. It is

an approachlargely ignored by business professionals, educators, and even

Design thinking starts with empathy. The major context for

any innovation effortis understanding the needs of your user. This is typically
done through direct observation. Instead of listening to what people say, you
observe what they are actuallydoing. This develops a point-of-view and
begins to
provide inspiration for generating ideas.

Design thinking is multidisciplinary and collaborative. Though there

are certainlyspecialists of design practice, design thinking applies multiple
lenses to a problem. Design projects are typically team-based. Design
thinking synthesizes information across multiple disciplines and isn't the
realm of a
single specialist.

Design thinking is iterative and visual. At some point prototyping

becomes designpractice and the realm of professionals, though rapid
prototyping plays an important role within design thinking. Visualizing
ideas takes them from concepts that could meandifferent things to different
people. Creating even a crude prototype makes an idea tangible and allows
you to get feedback on an
actual thing in order to revise and refinewith a user-centered process.
Ideas are powerful things. Good ideas can make an organization.
Bad ideas can break one. Design thinking is the process that provides
context for your innovation efforts. Typically you will engage a diverse
team in order to
gain more diverse insights. Also, you will develop opportunities that are
specific to your users, your market and your organization.

Design thinking often begins by simply identifying a problem and

seeing an opportunity. Hate something. Change something.

Socioeconomics is sometimes used as an umbrella term with different

usages. The term 'Social economics' may refer broadly to the "use
economics in the study of society."

A distinct supplemental usage describes social economics as

"a discipline studying the reciprocal relationship between economic science
on the one hand and social philosophy, ethics, and human dignity on the
other" toward social reconstruction and improvement or as also
emphasizing multidisciplinary methods from such fields associology,
history, and political
science, technology.

In many cases, socioeconomics focus on the social impact of some

sort of economic change. Such changes might include a closing factory,
market manipulation, the signing of international trade treaties, new
natural gas regulation, etc. Such social effects can be wide-ranging in
size, anywhere from local effects on a small communityto changes to
an entire society. Examples of causes of socioeconomic impacts include
new technologies such as cars or mobile phones, changes in laws,
changes in the physical environment (such as increasing crowding
within cities), and ecological changes (such as prolonged drought or
declining fish stocks). These may affect patternsof consumption, the
distribution of incomes and wealth, the way in which people behave (both
in terms of purchase decisions and the way
in which they choose to spendtheir time), and the overall quality of life.

The goal of socioeconomic study is generally to bring

about socioeconomic development, usually by improvements in metrics
such as life expectancy, solveproblems, user friendly, etc. Although harder
to measure,
changes in less-tangible factors are also considered, such as personal dignity,
freedom of association, personal safety and freedom from fear of physical
harm, and the extent of participation in civil society.
Thus, causes of socio-economic impacts are, for example,
new technologies, changes in laws, changes in the physical
environment and
ecological changes.

Learning Tools and its importance

1. Innovation Flowchart - The Innovation Flowchart gives a detailed

overview of the various stages in an innovation process, listing the
activities, requirements and goals of each stage. These include an
overview of the different people, skills, activities and fiancés that a project
or an organization might need in order to succeed. The structured
overview this tool provides helps to review where you are in the process,
and to organizethe next steps in your work.

2. Question Ladder- The Question Ladder tool is a quick and easy way to
start asking your questions in a few different ways, and to start
combining questions in order to reachmore complex answers.

3. Design thinking tool kit - This toolkit by Frog Design was first designed
to help girls living in developing communities solve problems and
deliver solutions. It is now available for anyone to download, and explains
the design thinking process in simple, concise language.

4. IDEO design kit-This design thinking tool from open IDEO is a step by
step guide to the elements of human-centered design. It is specifically
designed for social enterprises and NGO’s and gives an in depth looks
at design thinking. If you are new to design thinking this is a great place to

5. Google ventures design sprint- A one-week plan for a design “sprint”.

If you have a project you want to tackle quickly with a small team, look at
this design thinking resource. It is designed to solve problems over the
course of 4

5 days, each represented byone stage of design thinking.

6. Design thinking mixtapes - These fun recordings will help you go in
depth into the design thinking process. Each “tape” takes you through a
stage in design thinking and aims to help you keep your projects on track.

Team building and Logbook exercises and importance

Team building is the collective term for various types of activities used
to enhancesocial relations and define roles within teams. These often
involve collaborative tasks. Many team building exercises are intended to
find and address interpersonal problemswithin the group. As a small
business owner, a cohesive team of employees might be imperative to your
success. According to Inc. Magazine, many small businesses find high-
performing teams critical because "people must work closely together,
wear many hats and work effectively across the organization to get tasks
accomplished quickly enough to remain competitive." Because teamwork is
so critical to a business'success,
team-building activities are vital.

For engineering educators who employ active learning techniques such

as designprojects, logbooks are an ideal way to enhance students’ ability
to communicate effectively. Logbooks are an excellent repository for
documentation andencourage regular use.

Logbooks are primarily used in the engineering profession as a way

to documentan individual’s progress with a particular project. Activities such
as precursoryanalysis, initial sketches, task lists, programmatic issues,
reflections of past work, meeting agendas and meeting minutes are typical
items recorded
in a logbook.

Design projects present an ideal situation to employ logbooks to

enhance communication skills. Many engineering educators require their
students to use logbooks in active learning projects. Engineers
must process information as they develop their design and should
anything that is relevant to the design problemin a notebook. This includes
alternative design solutions, discussions, changes to the design
solution, analyses, test plans, test results and reflective thoughts
related to the
In very first chapter of our design engineering report we should
like to introduceour team mentor and college guide Prof. Ashwin
Sharma. We have adopted name forour team and that is SELF

Self-compacting concrete (SCC), also known as self-

consolidating concrete, is one of the most widely used concrete types,
mainly because of its self-compacting characteristics and strength.
SCC is a highly flowable, non-segregating, special concrete type
that can settle into formworks, and encapsulates, heavily
reinforced, narrow and deep sections by means of its own weight.
Unlike conventional concrete, SCC does not require compaction
using external force from mechanical equipment such as immersion
vibrators. In addition to these attractive benefits, as a high-
performance concrete SCC maintains all of concrete's common
mechanical and durability characteristics. SCC was developed in Japan
in 1980s in order to achieve high-performance durable concrete
structures, and with advancements in concrete technology its use
has become widespread all over the world (Ozawa et al., 1989; Okamura
Ouchi, 2003).
The advantages of SCC in its fresh and hardened states
include economic efficiency (i.e. it shortens the construction time as
well as it reducing the labour and equipment required), improvement
in working and living environment (i.e. it may consume high amount of
industrial by- products, it reduces construction noise and health
hazards) and enhancement in automation of the construction process
(Ozawa et al.,
1995; Bartos and Cechura, 2001).
Generally, SCC is used for constructing reinforced concrete
elements with closely arranged reinforcement sections, construction
elements with
limited compaction possibilities, filigree construction elements, exposed
concrete parts where high surface quality is required, texture
surfaced 6
concrete construction elements, and reinforced concrete parts in
environmentally noise sensitive sites (Vejmelková et al., 2011).
Compared with ordinary concrete, SCC includes large amounts
of binder, superplasticizer, and/or viscosity modifying admixtures
(VMA) (Nehdi et al., 2004). The supplemented binder content is
associated with SCMs such as fly ash (FA), ground-granulated
blast furnace slag (GGBFS), silica fume (SF), metakaolin (MK), rice
husk ash (RHA), etc. The incorporation of SCMs into cement or
concrete mixes provides many benefits to fresh and hardened
concrete, such as improvement in workability and ultimate strength
values. It also reduces the construction cost (Dinakaret al., 2008). SCC
with high-volume SCMs is defined by the replacement of large amount
of SCMs (generally this ratio is more than
40-50%) with cement in SCC mixes.

Environment objects User
•Release of heat cement OPC grade , Workers
hydration •Heated 53 fly ash Engineer
atmosphere Aggregates(10mm,20mm) Plant Operator
•Humidity Mould 15*15*15cm TM Driver
Sand < 4.75mm Lab Technician
Domestic water Builder
Interactions Contractor
Activities Pan mixture
•Material Skip Bucket
arrangement •Material Fly ash
storage Send to Aggregate
•Mix design
Aggregate to cement
Send to Cement
•Concrete Mix Course Aggregate C.A
•Trial Mix Fine Aggregate F.A
•Testing Admixture
•Mix of Admixture
Mind Mapping
Empathy Canvas
Topics of Empathy Canvas
•Workers Nuway Ultra Project
•Engineer (Gaurang Vegda)
•Plant Operator
•Lab Technician Businessmen
Plant Operater
(Umesh Chaudhary)

•Material arrangement
•Mix Design Concrete mix
•Material Storage Trial mix
•Batching Testing
Mix of Admixture
Product Development Canvas
Purpose Customer
• Durability
• Customer Specification
• High Compression Strength
• Workability Assessment
• Improve Quality
• Field Inspection
• Easy of Placement
• Communication

Product Experience Product Functions

• Time Saving
• Eliminate manual
• Improve Finish Compaction
• Structure Intergrity • Improve Durability
• Consistency • Enhance Quality
• Efficiency and Time Shaving
• Engineer • Cement (opc) grade-53
• Worker • Aggregate (10mm,20mm)
• Transporter • Admixture
• Lab Technision • Sand < 4.75mm
• JCB Operator • Fly Ash
• TM Driver • Domestic Water

Product Features
• Consistency Flowability
• Workability Improve Finish
• Reduced Labor Self-Compacting
• Engineer • Materialarrangement
• Worker • Mix Design
• Transporter • Material Storage
• Lab Technision • Batching
• JCB Operator • Cocrete Mix
• TM Driver • Testing
• Trial Mix
Situation/context • Mix of aamixture
• Precast Concrete
• Beams,panel Possible solutions
• Precast Concrete Industry • Oil
• Foundation Rafts • Admixture
• Mat Foundation • Mould 15*15*15cm
• Tall building Residential Construction • Sand < 4.75mm
• Complex Framework • Aggregates(10mm,20mm)
• Galleries curved walls • Fly ash
Textured Surface • Cement (opc) grade-53
The reason of this project is to design a suitable SCC mix and evaluate it by 4 tests
which are slump flow, V-Funnel, L-Box, and J-Ring and then determine the strength
of it by casting the concrete in cubes and then put it in the compression machine
and measure the strength after 7-days curing. The main conclusions of this project
are: ·
• SCC is recommended in complicated frameworks which have narrow places
and congested steel bars, because it can flow throw this places very smoothly
and without vibration and give the best compaction and surface finishes. ·
• Trial and error method was been used to design the SCC mix because the is
no standard method for SCC in any institutes and concrete mix plants. ·
• SCC is recommended in high rise building because by using SCC the time for
construction will be shorter and also the cost will be cheaper than using ordinary
concrete. ·
• Fourteen trails have been done for SCC and the critical ingredients were the
superplastisizer, VMA and fine materials (cement & fly ash) which play a big role
in the SCC properties. ·
• SCC do not depend in a single test, but it depends in all of the four tests and
it must pass all of them to be called Self-compacting concrete.

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