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“The joys of the rich man are nothing, as they who How to Get There

hang around with sinners, scoffing at the simple

Most people arrive at Diamond Lake by carriage or
paths of righteousness. Their delights are a pittance
by accident. The Able Carter Coaching Company
compared to eternity, and their rewards shall be
possesses a fleet of horse-drawn coaches, and inns
devoured by the wriggling powers of darkness. They
positioned at various points in its paths. It has direct
seem as trees along a riverbank bearing luscious
connections between Diamond Lake and
fruits, but I tell you: they are plagued from within by
Greyhawk(3 days east), the town of Blackstone (1
blind, consuming things that eat without mercy and
day east), the town of Elmshire (2 days north), and
leave nothing behind. Not a one of them will be safe
Blackwall Keep (2 days southeast).
on the day of final judgment, when the slithering
darkness feasts upon them. We tread toward a red Another sure-fire way to get into town is to commit
day, full of writing doom and a dread feast of a crime in the Free City, especially one involving
bloated, ravenous hunger. Dark times is coming. debts. A lot of criminals are offered extended stays
Slithering times, when the clouds snuff the sky and in one of Diamond Lake’s mines in return for a
the austerity of flesh is the path of salvation. Be deferred sentence, so many people arrive in town
ready, and prepare your body for the coming Age . . with shackles and an armed escort.
. an Age of Worms . . .” - Jierian Weirus, Priest of St.
How to Get Out
Depending on your situation, you might have a hard
Since the beginning of history, humanity has
time leaving the town. Hiring a coach from Able
measured time in ages, Ages of Glory, of Dreams
Carter costs 5 sp per day of travel involved (so
even of Great Sorrow mark the human tally of years,
traveling by coach to Elmshire would cost 1 gp).
giving a sense of order to the events of past
Horses are available for sale at the Lakeside Stables,
centuries. But one age has yet to occur-An age of
but the ostler Lanch Faraday is known for rather
darkness, of decay, of writhing doom. Witty bards
vicious mood-swings; be sure to check any mounts
and Wrathful preachers know it as the Age of
you buy for odd bruises.
Worms, weaving it into the peripheries of their
passion plays as a mythic era of destruction that Passage is available across Diamond Lake, but with
could begin at anytime. Astrologers, diviners and the the lake’s excessive pollution (the result of mining
servants of fate know more. The canniest among run-off and extensive smelting), there are no longer
them fear that the Age of Worms has already begun. any other towns on the lake’s shores. The retired
marine Durskin will gladly take passengers across
Statblock the lake, assuming they can deal with the smell of
urine and the constant flea-bites. The Cult of the
Diamond Lake (small town): Conventional;
Green Lady has a sailboat and will gladly ferry
AL N; Population 1,023; Known Assets 40,920 gp;
passengers, as long as they’ll listen to a Timeshare
Isolated (96% human, 2% halfling, 1% gnome, 1%
other races). presen...Uh sermon along the way.

Authority Figures: Governor-Mayor Lanod Neff; Character Class Story

Balabar Smenk, mine manager; Chaum Gansworth, Suggestions
mine manager; Ellival Moonmeadow, mine
manager; Gelch Tilgast, mine manager; Luzane Barbarian: Diamond Lake has its share of bar-room
Parrin, mine manager; Ragnolin Dourstone, mine brawlers, and the secluded valleys of the Cairn Hills
manager; Sheriff Cubbin; Oliver Trask, garrison are full of “wild men,” as is the vast, swampy
commander. expanse of the Mistmarsh to the south. Diamond
Lake is a good place for someone with a strong body Rogue: Pretty much everything about Diamond Lake
and willingness to use it. should fit a rogue easily. You might be a con artist
working for (or against) the house at Lazare’s, or
Bard: The Emporium seems to be a natural fit for any
perhaps you’re one of the feature entertainers at
bard PC’s, as do the other locations in the Diamond
The Midnight Salute or the Emporium. Every Mine
Lake Entertainment section. Diamond Lake has a
Manager has at least a few toughs at their disposal,
lively night life well suited for performing types. You
and there are several street gangs active in town.
may also be one of the guards stationed at The
Garrison, a clerk in the Governor-Mayor’s Sorcerer : Mine Managers would love to have some
administration, or be a member of one of the magical muscle on staff, as would The Emporium.
various street gangs in town. Maybe you’re also part of a street gang that claims
the Feral Dog as their headquarters, or even a
Cleric: Heironeous, Wee Jas, St. Cuthbert, Obad-Hai,
devotee of Istus working at The Midnight Salute.
Ulaa, and Istus all have active religious followings in
You’re simultaneously feared and respected for your
town, but you could also be a lone preacher hoping
magic (if you practice it openly), or holding on to a
for converts or a member of an allied faith filling in
terrifying secret weapon (if you hide it).
at the Chapel of Heironeous in the Garrison until a
new head priest arrives. Wizard: You might be an apprentice to “the smartest
man in Diamond Lake,” Allustan Neff. Maybe you
Druid: The Bronzewood Lodge is a loose affiliation of
work for Lazare as an in-house Dragonchess expert,
outdoorsmen who gather at an old set of standing
or even as part of Governor-Mayor Lanod Neff’s
stones a few miles outside of town.
advisory staff. You could have studied in Greyhawk
Fighter: The Garrison is full of soldiers, and seems before returning to your birthplace in Diamond Lake.
the immediate likely choice, but you could work for
one of the Mine Managers, The Able Carter Race Story Suggestions
Coaching Inn, or even be one of the few deputies of
Dwarf: No dwarves are really HAPPY to live in
Sheriff Cubbin who actually tries to do the right
Diamond Lake, but those that do usually are
connected to Greysmere Covenant in some fashion-
Monk: Monks are a bit unusual in Diamond Lake, but maybe a guard, adviser, or negotiator. You might
the Twilight Monastery nearby occasionally sends even be a criminal from the Free City working off
someone into town to barter for necessary goods. your sentence in the mines.
You might be a feature performer at The Emporium
Elf: Similar to dwarves, elves don’t really like
or a laborer who developed fighting skills in secret
Diamond Lake, as it represents the worst aspects of
to avoid being noticed by Sheriff Cubbin.
human civilization: it’s dirty, boorish, and proud of
Paladin: The Chapel of Heironeous in The Garrison it! Only Ellival Moonmeadow and their house guard
regularly houses paladins, but depending on your seem to spend much time here. You might be
outlook, you could just as easily work for any of the affiliated with them in some fashion, or maybe
Mine Managers, the Bronzewood Lodge, or even you’re connected with The Bronzewood Lodge or
The Midnight Salute or the Cult of the Green Lady. the distant Elven nation of Celene in some way.

Ranger: Diamond Lake is mostly a mining town, but Gnome: Gnomes could be lodgers at Tidwoad’s or
they still appreciate the skills of canny outdoorsmen work for any of the Mine Managers as technicians. A
in providing game, furs, fish, and the like, and The few gnomes find steady work as clerical staff and
Bronzewood Lodge makes a natural gathering place. advisors for the Governor-Mayor and the Mine
You might also look at the barbarian, fighter, and Managers, and they are also common sights at
druid entries for inspiration.
Lazare’s House and The Spinning Giant. Most have You ain’t going away are, ya?
some connection to Grossetgrottel.
Well then, sit down. . . I’ll talk to ye about the sights
Halfling: Halfling caravans are the backbone of around here, but it’ll cost ya a few rounds . . . the
Diamond Lake’s supply chain, and typically gather at Good Dwarven stuff too, you cheapskate.
The Able Carter Coaching Inn and Manager Chaum
Okay, where was I? Diamond Lake, a shithole like no
Gamsworth’s estate. Halflings in town often find
other. .
roles in hospitality as clerks, cooks, and servers. It’s
rumored that a group of Halflings has begun carving Politics
a niche for themselves in Diamond Lake’s criminal
world, but you wouldn’t be involved in that, would Governor-Mayor Lanod Neff is the head cheese
you? around here. He’s been appointed by Greyhawk
itself because his father was a head cheese and got
Half-Elf: Half-elves could conceivably fit in anywhere
him started with a position at the Garrison that he
in Diamond Lake. Maybe you’ve got connections
didn’t deserve. Now, he sits in his massive manor
with the Bronzewood Lodge, or perhaps you work
house on the hill overlooking the town. It’s
for Manager Moonmeadow as someone who’s
constantly under construction, mostly so Neff can
almost- but not quite- good enough to be worthy
try to outclass the other bigwigs in this berg.
company. Many half-elves end up at Jalek’s
Flophouse, as Diamond Lake isn’t well known for its The man himself? Hells! He’s a lying, cheating
warmth and kindness towards them. philanderer who spends more time chasing tail than
doing any real work. He lines the pockets of his
Human: Humans are the majority in Diamond Lake,
cronies to stay in power, and pays off that sheriff to
and fill every role from the humblest of miners to the
keep him and his boys in line.
most prominent citizens.
If it weren’t for his brother, Allustan Neff, Lanod’s
Tiefling: Tieflings aren’t completely unknown in
body would have been dumped into a dry mine
Diamond Lake, but almost all of them are either
years ago by the other power brokers in town.
prisoners or indentured servants toiling in the mines
Allustan’s a pretty powerful Wizard, probably the
or staff at The Emporium, The Midnight Salute, and
smartest man in town. I heard that back in
Lazare’s House, where they provide a bit of a
Greyhawk, he had designs on being the head of a
dangerous, exotic flare. The Smelting House also
wizard’s academy, but fell out of favor and was
seems to have some sort of connection with
forced into retirement. Since he was born and raised
Tieflings, but no one is quite sure what it is.
here, he ended up back where he started. I like to
Diamond Lake think he may have ran away from the big city with
his tail between his legs, but, um . . . don’t tell
The ramblings of Knuckston Grizzlebeard, common anyone I told you that.
miner and regular patron of the Feral Dog Tavern, a
Anyway, the law around here, if you wanna call it
week before his death by a falling girder in the
that, is a big old bastard named Sheriff Cubbin. It’s
Tilgast Mines:
no secret he’s in the pocket of the Mayor, and
So, you wanna know what life is like in Diamond spends his time drinking and carousing in the various
Lake? Hells man, why would you want ta give a shit cathouses. When he got elected Sheriff, we laughed
about this place? It’s a piss hole. My old bones sweat in our cups and threw darts at his head, until he
their last in those mines, and I’ve got nothing to arrested us all with his private battalion of cronies.
show for it except a case of gout and the hacking Son of a bitches. . .
The only other law in town is the Garrison, ran by his own, but he’s usually too powdered up with
Captain Oliver Trask. He runs about 60 men in the perfume and sweaty finery to think about lifting a
old keep, but the snots never bother to step foot sword.
inside the town proper. Mostly, they patrol the miles
Of course, this has really pissed off Gelch Tilgast.
of wilderness outside of town, and pray to their self-
Right now I work for the old fart, but it may not last.
righteous god of honor. Truth is, Trask doesn’t care a
Before Smenk come into the picture, Gelch reigned
lick for Diamond Lake, and he keeps his men out of
over this berg for years like a petty lord, and now
our affairs. He’s just here to make sure his precious
he’s getting a taste of what it’s like to be on the outs.
metropolis Greyhawk don’t get attacked from our
I’ve even heard rumors that he’s trying to get
direction. If anything really bad happens here, the
support from other mine managers to fight off
gates of the keep will shut so fast that any honest
Balabar Smenk, but that’s probably hogwash. Tilgast
wage earner standing in the way’ll get dashed
doesn’t know which way is up these days, and they
against the walls.
sure as hell wouldn’t deal with him after the way
Business he’s backhanded them over the years.
He’s still better off that Luzanne Parrin. She inherited
The mines are everything here, and I’ve been
her mines from her mother, who died in the Red
breaking my back inside of ‘em for 30 years. The
Death when she was still a pup. Now, twenty years
mine managers come and go, and deeds exchange
later, she’s almost bankrupt, and it’s no secret that
hands over blackmail, gambling, and even
she’s sleeping with Chaum Gansworth to try and
downright murder and theft. At least that’s the
protect her own skin. She’ll be broke soon.
rumor. It a tough business and I can say that through
it all, I’m still here, digging away to line the pockets Chaum Gansworth has been in town for a while, and
for every backstabbing son-of-a-bitch that ever keeps a pretty low profile. Other than the fact that
owned a mine. he’s sleeping with Luzanne, there ain’t much to tell.
He does own the Rusty Bucket, and has dinner there
Right now, there are six mine managers, who are
quite often. I guess his mines are doing okay, but
considered to be the ones that matter in town. They
then again . . . how the hell am I supposed to know?
have the chink to ignore the law, and hire their own
thugs to keep order in their respective areas of The same can be said for the other two mine
business. They fight with the mayor sometimes, but managers. One’s an elf, some prancing panty waste
for the most part they don’t do much but bicker named Ellival Moonmeadow. He only owns one
amongst themselves for every scrap of ore they can silver mine, and doesn’t have anything to do with
squeeze out of the hills. regular townsfolk like us. He just hangs out with his
fellow elves, doing . . . well, whatever it is elves do
You want a rundown of who they are? What’s the
when they’re together. Haw ha!
point of that? It won’t last. . .
The other one is a dwarf, named Ragnolin
Ah . . . the hells with it . . . keep the ale coming. . .
Dourstone, who’s been here ever since I can
Right now, the comer is Balabar Smenk. He is a fat, remember. Like most Dwarves, he does well for
lecherous bastard who got his start from his old himself in the mining profession, and has
contacts in Greyhawk. He spends his time gambling, handpicked a number of spots to start new mines,
drinking, and scheming up new ways to take over all of them pretty damn successful. So far, neither
this entire town. The mayor hates him, mostly Tilgast nor Smenk has managed to dent his business
because he’s scared. Smenk owns 4 mines right now, one bit . . . though they’ve both tried their best over
and is poised to get more. Balabar may have just the years.
enough of the town in his pocket to stage a coup of
In addition to the mines, all six mine managers share Lake. Now, the smelting house and associated runoff
a single smelting house, located near the old piers. has polluted the water so much, the merchants have
It’s pretty much monopolized by the city council in to send off to Greyhawk just to get a week-old,
Greyhawk, and run like a tight ship. The chief salted flounder.
smelter, Vulgan Durtch, is a recluse, and the entire
As far as recent history goes, there ain’t much to tell
operation resembles a fortress with no windows,
. . . honest folk are still getting screwed and the
and no unguarded entrances. They had to step
wealthy are still getting richer off of our sweat. Let’s
things up a bit security wise, after one of the mine
see. . .
managers sabotaged a rival’s shipment.
There’s an old ring of stones out in the boonies,
History called the Menhirs. It’s visited by Rangers, Druids,
and other freeloaders. No one knows who built it,
Well, I can’t really go back all that far. My memory
but they say the worn stone have been there for
gets a little fuzzy when I think back to the old days. .
. I do know that the area near the lake was run by
some uppity feudal lord a long time ago. He built a The Old Observatory used to be a haven to some
keep, which currently houses the Garrison’s men. scholarly Monks, who used to prance about and
There are also a couple of old fences in the cairn hills read off astrology. They packed up shop when I was
where he tried to get his farming subjects to grow just a kid, and since then it’s pretty much sat
carrots and potatoes. I wonder how many of the abandoned.
idiot’s subjects starved to death!
Then, of course, about 19 years ago, a pretty bad
Well, his sons started exploring the cairns and old plague called the Red Death swept through and
gravesites that litter this whole area. I guess they killed a good many of us. I lost my sister to the
found quite a bit of loot from the olden days . . . and Boneyard, and me son’s still got vapors and can’t
I don’t mean 50 years ago. I mean really old days. make a living. I even had it myself, but it’s weren’t
Hunerdz of years ago. too bad on me. I did get a pretty lumpy scar from it
on the back o’ my head though. You wanna see it?
Anyway, all this loot attracted the attention of
Greyhawk, and pretty soon they bought off the No?
noble kids and annexed this whole area for
Ah well. . .
themselves. They hired a group of adventurers to
explore it all, and sucked every last treasure dry from Entertainment
those old tombs.
There’s nothing like spending a day’s wage in
That would have been the end of Diamond Lake,
Diamond Lake. We may not get much in the way o’
except prospectors and surveyors came in and took
housing, sanitation, or any of that frilly city crap that
measure of the land. It’s still shit for growing
doesn’t do any good anyway . . . but we do have
anything but weeds, but wouldn’t you know they
entertainment in spades.
discovered a massive cache of silver lodes and
massive veins of iron under the hills, including the If you have the money, the Emporium is the place to
one we’re sitting on right now? be. It’s run by a lady of the night, Zalamadra, and
she’s got a whole cadre of the sweetest ladies you
Now, years and years later, it’s said that that we’re
ever saw at her disposal. They sit in perfumed glory
the cornerstone of Greyhawk's ore supply. Not like
in the upstairs area she calls the Veiled Corridor.
they’d pass any of that wealth onto common
There aren’t any veils there that I’ve seen, but then
laborers like us, you understand. When I was a kid,
again, I’ve never asked for one. There’s also a Den on
getting a meal was as easily as casting a line in the
the top floor where you can obtain the use of other Bucket, which has a pretty decent common room as
substances that twist your mind around and make well.
you talk funny, if you’re into that. There are plenty
Finally, if information of the outside world is your
of games of chance, and a very interesting freak
cup of tea, many out-of-towners stay at the Able
show downstairs full of dangerous and exotic
Carter Coaching Inn. The main thrust of the business
creatures. Just last week, I heard a rumor that a
is running coaches and supplies back and forth to
crazed demon child escaped it cage and went on a
Greyhawk, Blackwall Keep, Elmshire, and other parts
fiery rampage. They haven’t caught it yet, and I’m
west. Boarders from all over stay there, mostly for
keeping a sharp lookout. They say its hide has magic
short term business, so a good conversation about
designs on it, and I’ll bet its worth a few pennies to
Greyhawk and other part o’ the world are in good
its owners. I have a boot dagger handy in case I run
order there. Plus, if you’re willing to pay, they’ll take
into the thing.
horses too.
If you like boredom, you can always visit Lazare’s
Nine Hells, you can always do what I do. You can
House. It’s a fancy, high class place with a steep price
always spend thirty years of your life slaving away to
I remember when Lazare managed a mine in town,
Gelch Tilgast, only to see your life get poured down
until his wife got sick and he was bankrupted, selling
the drain when he sells the mine to Balabar Smenk
everything to that bastard Smenk. Inside his place,
in a few years. Smenk pays two coppers cheaper, and
there’s no music, no dancing girls, and no fun. I
you work a longer shift. Bastards.
heard everyone sits at tables and plays Dragonchess,
a game with over 40 pieces and a multilevel board. Shops
Lazare used to be a champion, and has somehow
pushed his habit on some of the upper crust. It’s a There are plenty o’ places to get business done in
snore, but at least you can gamble on it. Diamond Lake. You got something to buy or sell, you
can most likely procure your needs right here.
If you find yourself a little light of chink, there are a
few other places you can visit for fun. The Midnight Let’s see. . . we got Tidwoad’s Jewelry, run by a
Salute is a pretty cheap place to get some female uppity gnome of the same name. He cheated my
action, but they cater heavily to the Garrison’s mother out of her jewels for half their worth, so I
crowd. If you’re looking to get drunk or do some low- can’t vouch for his honesty, but you should see his
end betting, there’s the Feral Dog, where you can collections in the window – whew! . . . He swears
see some pit dogs tear each other to pieces, and get that his shop is burglar proof, and so far, no one’s
into a bar brawl or two. It can get rough, even for a taken him up on the challenge. I’d like a few of those
guy like me, but it’s worth it because they don’t baubles for myself, that’s the honest truth.
charge you to get in. Your other choice among the
The General Store is where you can pick up just
chaff is the Spinning Giant, but the other patrons are
about any mundane equipment you’d ever need.
usually garrison soldiers, so you have to be tolerant
Taggin runs it pretty reasonable, and has all the
of drunken chants and men who like to slap each
supplies you need to travel overland for a month, or
other on the butt. They don’t tolerate stealing or bad
survive a mountain climb. He stays outta people’s
manners, and there isn’t a card game to be found
business, and sticks to his own outfit.
anywhere in the vicinity.
The Lakeside Stables are run by a half-elf named
If you’re just hungry for some food, you can go to the
Lanch Faraday. I ain’t ever owned a horse myself, so
Hungry Gar. The chef there is a pretty decent cook,
I don’t know him well. I only met him once, during a
but there’s only so much you can do with snared
card game, but I took my leave when he upset a
rabbits and deer meat. One alternative is the Rusty
table and pulled a knife. He’s a mean, sour drunk,
but he takes care of most of the community’s horses, Jierian Wierus, whose favorite activity is to flog his
so he can’t be all bad. own backside with a cat-o-nine-tails, and go to the
seedy parts of town to covert others to do the same.
If you’re looking for weapons, Tyrol Ebberly has a
His following is 150 strong and growing.
good shop. He claims to be a watch captain in
Greyhawk, but be must’ve done something wrong to If they’d make you feel welcome, you can go to the
end up here. He has a few artifacts from the Cairn garrison and sit at the Chapel of Heironeous. It’s
hills that he’s found. If your interested his place is mostly full of soldiers, who like to puff themselves
called The Captain’s Blade. up with honor before riding around the countryside
in their fancy armor. Valkus Dunn is the righteous
Venelle’s contains some of the finest bows in the
bastard in charge, preaching about public do-
land. Venelle herself is happy to sell anything she
goodery, but doing nothing about it. He opens the
has, if she can locate it through all the clutter o’ her
service up to the public, but no one goes except men
shop. I took up bow hunting myself once, and stood
who swing swords for a living.
all day in a tree stand, on her advice. The only thing
I caught was a damned cold. If you like nature, you can traipse out in to the
boonies to visit the Bronzewood Lodge. Its run by
Manlin Osgood. . . now there’s a man I can hang a
Nogweir, a cleric of Obad-Hai who likes to scare
reputation on. He’s a right fellow and an able
people about bogeymen in the hills, but I can’t
drinking companion, if his head’s right. He doesn’t
imagine why they’d sit out in the middle of nowhere
bluff at cards, he’s always ready with a backslap and
with nothing to entertain them. Trying to fill the
a handshake, and he makes the finest masterwork
coffers so he can get back to real civilization is my
armor in the region. A few from Greyhawk come to
Osgood’s Smithy special, just to access his team of
apprentice blacksmiths. There’s also a Temple of Wee-Jas around here
somewhere, called the Cult of the Green Lady, but
That’s about it. There are other places in town to get
you won’t see them much unless you go the
things, but I wouldn’t recommend it. When your life
Boneyard and visit the graves they tend to. When my
depends on a wooden girder underground, you
Suzie died from the Red Death, they took her thin,
better make sure the right hands set it up, if you
deformed bones and washed her up real pretty.
catch my meaning.
Then they stood around and gave a little speech
In Diamond Lake, it’s better to be gouged by an about mortality and life, but I didn’t have a penny to
honest exploiter than outright cheated by a thief, so give ‘em. They went ahead and did it for free.
stick to those places I mentioned . . . you should be
Anyway, that’s pretty much a good rundown of
Diamond Lake for ya. You wasted enough of my time,
Churches so get out of my face and stop asking questions. I got
a few coppers left in my pocket, and I want to get to
There are a few churches in town that have gained a the Emporium to see that damned two-headed
following, but I wouldn’t recommend any of ‘em. mule again . . .
The best church for me are the Halls of the Veiled
Knuckston Grizzlebeard was buried in the Boneyard
Corridor, where you can tithe your money for a
of Diamond Lake. His burial was overseen by the Cult
cause that’s worthy of your coin, and get a little bit
of the Green Lady, and he is survived by his adult son
of sweetness besides.
Renald Grizzlebeard, in the direct custody of the
However, if you insist, you can go to the Church of mine manager Gelch Tilgast.
St. Cuthbert, right on the center of town. The
sermons there are full of piss and vinegar, led by
Greyhawk Deities Weapons: spear. Celesti is Farlanghn’s sister, and
concerns herself with the stars, planets, and the
The following pantheon represents the majority of planes, making sure each maintains its rightful
deities widely recognized and worshiped in the position relative to the others. She seldom interferes
world. Other divine beings may exist as regional in Oerthly affairs, as her attention is focused
gods, and many have been killed, banished, or elsewhere. Celesti seems to be the only deity who
simply vanished without a trace. doesn’t find Pholtus insufferable- perhaps because
she is so occupied with her other concerns his
Berei (BEH-ray), Keeper of the Hearth [NG goddess
directness is seen as a virtue.
of home and family] – Symbol: A sheaf of wheat
stalks – Domains: Life, Knowledge – Weapons: sickle, Ehlonna (eh-LOHN-nah) of the Forests [NG goddess
scythe. Berei is sometimes believed to be a of the woodlands] - Symbol: unicorn horn -
manifestation of Beory’s benevolence, but instead Domains: Life, Nature - Weapons: longbow,
of being focused on the entirety of life, Berei is longsword. Ehlonna is the protector of the
interested in the well-being of sentient creatures. woodlands, hunting, and wilderness craft. She
She blesses weddings and births, harvests and believes that skill, foresight, and resourcefulness
plantings, and oversees the happy functioning of the should be rewarded, and those with knowledge
home and community. have a duty to share it. This outlook puts her at odds
with Obad-hai, who she sees as needlessly
Beory (bay-OH-ree), The Oerth Mother [N goddess
capricious and cruel. She is generally allied with the
of nature] - Symbol: Green disc or a full-bodied
other good gods, and the only deity who seems to
female figurine - Domains: Nature, Solidarity -
have any influence on Beory, however small.
Weapons: druid weapons. Beory is the
manifestation of the will of Oerth itself, and she is Erythnul (eh-RITH-nul) the Many [CE god of envy,
concerned almost exclusively with the fate and hate, and slaughter] - Symbol: a drop of blood -
prosperity of the land and the natural cycle of life. Domains: Strength, War - Weapons: mace,
Petty concerns like national borders, governments, morningstar. Erythnul represents unchecked
or economies are of no interest to her, though she bloodlust, and he revels in ugliness, brutality, and
does care deeply about the well-being of the slaughter of all kinds. He is depicted as a grotesquely
creatures that live upon her. muscular, hairy humanoid combining the features of
man and beast. He is an ancient god of blood,
Boccob (BOK-kob), The Uncaring, The Font of
slaughter, and rage, and he longs for the world to
Power [N deity of magic] - Symbol: an eye within a
return to a more primitive state so he can run
pentagram - Domains: Arcana, Knowledge -
rampant once again.
Weapons: dagger, quarterstaff. Boccob oversees the
flow of magical energy throughout the Oerth- and Fharlanghn (far-LANG-un) the Dweller on the
possibly beyond it- and sees themselves as magic’s Horizon [NG god of horizons and travel] - Symbol:
guardian. Boccob is thought to be magic itself, and circle crossed by a curved horizontal line - Domains:
typically shown as a non-gendered humanoid figure Knowledge, Nature - Weapons: quarterstaff.
or a staggeringly complex geometric form. Boccob is Farlanghn is the brother of Celesti, and allied with
in many ways the magical counterpart to Beory, in almost all the good aligned gods and gods of nature.
that he cares little for things that do not affect the He is the patron of travelers, explorers, and
proper flow and use of magical power. wanderlust, and has occasional trysts with
Olidammara in various guises. Fharlanghn delights in
Celesti (seh-LES-tee), The Far Wanderer [LN
new discoveries, and claims that his love of novelty
goddess of stars and wanderers] - Symbol: arc of 7
and not his divinity is what keeps him eternally
stars within a circle - Domains: Order, Knowledge -
youthful and energetic.
hideous is said to reveal something about your
Heironeous (hi-ROE-nee-us), The Invincible, The
Valorous Knight [LG god of chivalry and valor] - Iuz (EYE-ooze) the Evil, the Old One [CE god of pain
Symbol: lightning bolt - Domains: Protection, War - and oppression] - Symbol: a grinning skull - Domains:
Weapons: longsword or battle axe. Heironeous is the Death - Weapons: great sword. Iuz is one of several
battle- field champion of all that is right and good in mortals who attained godhood, the son of a demon
the world, and wages an eternal war against the prince and a powerful wizard. He is the seemingly
forces of tyranny and evil embodied by his brother, invincible god-king of his own realm, and has a
Hextor. He believes that justice is the natural state of special hatred for Vecna, St. Cuthbert, and the Free
the universe, and combating evil and chaos is merely City of Greyhawk, all of whom oppose him.
the restoration of the rightful order of things.
Kord (KOHRD) the Brawler [CG god of athletics and
Hextor (HEKS-tor) the Scourge of Battle, Herald of strength] - Symbol: four spears and four maces
Hell [LE god of war and conflict] - Symbol: six arrows radiating out from a central point - Domains:
facing downward in a fan - Domains: Order, War - Tempest, Strength - Weapons: great sword,
Weapons: flail. Hextor is the dark mirror to his longsword. Kord admires strength and prowess in all
brother Heironeous, and seeks to conquer and forms, and loves competition and sport above all
dominate all who oppose him. He is typically shown other things. He is rumored to have been the father
holding a different weapon in each of his six arms. of a number of mortals who became mighty heroes,
Like his brother, Hextor believes there is a rightful and is said to have once been Pyremia’s lover,
and natural order to existence, with him as ruler and though now the two hate each other with a passion.
all weaker beings naturally falling under his sway. He is capable of entering rage so intense they last for
years, and in these states only Lendor or Rao can
Incabulos (in-CAB-yoo-lohs) The Black Rider [NE
calm the Brawler. His faithful often defer to clerics of
god of plague and famine] - Symbol: reptilian eye
those gods for this reason.
with a horizontal diamond - Domains: Death -
Weapons: war pick. Incabulos is the embodiment of Lendor (LEN-dor), the Prince of Time [LN god of
disease, disaster, famine, and nightmares. Some time, patience, and study] – Symbol: A scroll
claim he is not actually a god, but something much surrounded by stars – Domains: Knowledge, Order –
darker and more primal. He despises all other gods Weapon: Greatsword. Lendor is typically shown as
except Nerull, who finishes the work he starts. His an elderly man with a full beard and long white hair.
faithful almost always operate in secret, as they He is a remote god, so absorbed in his studies he has
spread fear, disease, and torment wherever they go. little time for the other gods, much less the actions
of mortals. Lendor believes knowledge is power, but
Istus (IS-tus) The Lady of Fate, The Colorless and All-
the wisdom to use it correctly is even more powerful
Colored [N goddess of fate and destiny] - Symbol:
weaver’s spindle with three strands - Domains:
Knowledge, Trickery - Weapons: dagger, whip. Istus Lydia (LIH-dee-uh), The Pure Song [NG goddess of
is the keeper of fate, and the only one who can see music, the arts, and insight] – Symbol: a rainbow
the future- ALL possible futures- clearly. She carries shooting from an open hand, eye, or prism -
a golden spindle with which she weaves new threads Domains: Trickery, Knowledge - Weapon: A shaft of
into the web of fate. She can seem remote and light (spear). Lydia is Lendor’s wife, and his equal in
uncaring because she alone knows how even small wisdom and insight. Unlike her dour husband, she
actions can have enormous effects. Whether you delights in interacting with the mortal world and her
see her as astonishingly beautiful or breathtakingly fellow deities, freely exchanging information and
making ever more beautiful songs. She hates secrets Olidammara, and the deity’s faithful emulate that by
and those who horde information. making wine, love, and mayhem wherever they see
the opportunity. Olidammara has no gender, and
Myhriss (MEE-riss), Maid of Light and Dark [CG
seems to enjoy taking on as many forms as possible.
goddess of love, romance, beauty and tragedy] –
They are usually shown as a humanoid figure split
Symbol: A raven and a dove – Domains: Knowedge,
down the middle, with a male and female half, or as
Life – Weapon: Shortbow or Whip. Myhriss is a dual
an androgynous figure with an impish smile.
aspect goddess, with a light and dark nature. She
Olidammara’s lover, Fharlanghn, is delighted by
represents both the creative and destructive aspects
Olidammara’s infinite imagination, and the two
of passion. Hers is the fire of youth and creation, of
often share shrines.
emotions so powerful they drive you to madness- or
greatness. She and Wee Jas each claims beauty as Osprem (AH-sprem), Walker of the Waves [LN
their domain, though the only god Myhriss directly goddess of the sea] – Symbol: a barracuda or sperm
opposes is Erythnul, as he represents the antithesis whale – Domains: Knowledge, Strength – Weapons:
of everything Myhriss embodies. Trident – Osprem is the protector of sailors,
fishermen, and sages. Her faithful value physical and
Nerull (NEH-rul) the Reaper, Bringer of Darkness
mental strength equally, seeing them not as
[NE god of death and murder] - Symbol: a rusty
opposites, but as co-requisites. One cannot have a
sickle or scythe - Domains: Death - Weapons: scythe,
strong body without an equally strong will, and will
sickle. Nerull hates all living things and even the
without the might to enforce it is equally useless. It
concept of life itself. He is seldom worshiped except
is said that she knows everything that happens on or
out of fear, but Nerull does not care. Nerull wishes
near water, wherever it may be.
only to end his own existence, but cannot do that
until all other beings have died first. The only being Pelor (PAY-lor) The Sun Father, the Shining One [NG
Nerull tolerates is Incabulos, whose workings send god of the sun and healing] - Symbol: the rising sun
millions to their death without Nerull’s intervention. Domains: Life, Protection - Weapons: mace. Pelor,
like the sun, is the embodiment of warmth, life, and
Obad-Hai (OH-bahd HI) the Great Beast, the
compassion, but he is willing to bring down
Gathering Storm [CN god of weather and beasts] -
righteous wrath on evil-doers and injustice. Pelor
Symbol: an oak leaf and an acorn - Domains: Nature,
loves life and wishes to alleviate the suffering
Tempest - Weapons: druid weapons. Obad-Hai is in
wherever it is found. While he is usually peaceful, he
many ways the male counterpart to Ehlonna. He is
has no place in his world for undead of any kind,
affiliated with beasts and the weather, and has a
pursuing them fearlessly into the darkest of places.
love for all wild things- especially beasts of the hunt.
He and Ehlonna have an unfriendly rivalry, as Obad- Phaulkon (FAHL-kahn) The Winged Master [CG god
Hai sees her as naïve and overly permissive, of wind, birds, archery] – Symbol: a winged human
protecting her flock from what should be the natural silhouette – Domains: Nature, Tempest – Weapons:
consequences of their own actions. Obad-Hai’s Longbow - Phaulkon is the master of the air and sky,
world is nature, red in tooth and claw, where survival and sees all things happening in or under the sky as
is earned daily and the thrill of the hunt is a way of his domain. He is second only to Kord in his fighting
life. prowess and love of competition. He is usually
depicted as a bare-chested man with the head and
Olidammara (oh-lih-dam-MAH-rah) the Laughing
legs of a fierce raptor and six enormous wings. He
Rogue [CN deity of revelry, humor, and trickery] -
believes all beings should be as free as birds, able to
Symbol: a laughing mask - Domains: Trickery -
travel where and how they wish under the open sky.
Weapons: rapier. No one loves to comfort the
afflicted and afflict the comfortable more than
Pholtus (FOHL-tus) of the Blinding Light [LN god of negotiator and always tries to achieve a non-violent
light and order] - Symbol: silver sun or a full moon resolution to a problem. Her love is so great she has
partially eclipsed by a crescent moon - Domains: willingly allowed herself to be imprisoned by
Light, Order - Weapons: javelin, spear. Pholtus is a Incabulos, Nerull, and Erythnul on multiple
stern god and sees himself as the undisputed lord of occasions, knowing that ultimately reason, serenity,
order, light, and law. His absolute, unflinching and love will win the day.
adherence to hierarchy and protocol makes most of
St. Cuthbert (saint CUTH-bert) of the Cudgel [LN
the other gods bristle, especially St. Cuthbert, but he
god of discipline and zeal] - Symbol: a circle at the
seems to get along well with Celesti. Pholtus, as the
center of a starburst of lines - Domains: Protection,
god of light, lives in a world absolutely devoid of
Order - Weapons: bludgeoning weapons. Saint
shades of gray. With enough light, all things are
Cuthbert was once a mortal follower of Pholtus who
revealed as they truly are.
ascended into godhood. Like his former patron, he is
Pyremia (pie-REH-mee-uh) the Blazing Killer, the a strict god who speaks his mind plainly and has little
Deadly Venom [LE goddess of assassination, storms, tolerance for nonsense. He tries to do good in the
and poison] – Symbol: a snake with fangs made of world, but his strict adherence to rules sometimes
fire or lightning – Domains: Trickery, Tempest – leads him astray. The surest way to incite a follower
Weapons: longsword, whip. Pyremia was once a of St. Cuthbert to violence is to compare them to
minor servant of a now-forgotten deity of storms devotees of Pholtus.
and destruction, but after poisoning her master, she
Tharizdun (tha-RIZ-dun) the Hungry Darkness [CE
absorbed his portfolio and is now the patron
deity of entropy and insanity] - Symbol: a dark spiral
goddess of assassins, storms, and poison. She is
or an inverted ziggurat - Domains: Death, Trickery -
distrusted by all the other gods, even Nerull, but
Weapons: scimitar. Tharizdun is the embodiment of
Kord and Osprem seem to have a special hatred of
entropy, decay, chaos, and madness. Very little is
known about Tharizdun- is it a god or something
Ralishaz (RAL-ih-shaz) the Unlooked For [CN deity else? Is it one being or many? Nothing survives
of chance, bad luck, and insanity] - Symbol: three contact with Tharizdun unchanged, so we may never
sticks of bone for reading fate - Domains: Trickery - know. The other gods banded together and locked
Weapons: short bow. Ralishaz is ever-changing and Tharizdun away in prison so remote, even it cannot
unpredictable, and worshiped only by the truly escape... but the Hungry Darkness knows that even
desperate and insane. Unlike Olidammara, Ralishaz this shall end, in time.
does not play tricks, but randomly rewards or
Tritherea (tri-THEH-ree-uh) the Summoner [CG
punishes risk takers. Ralishaz represents the
goddess of liberty and retribution] - Symbol: three
instability and unpredictability of the universe, and
interlocking spirals - Domains: Tempest, War -
is most often called upon by beggars, prisoners, and
Weapons: spear, longsword, great club. Tritherea is
the insane; those who have the most to gain and
worshiped by prisoners and the oppressed, as she is
least to lose from the intervention of such an
vehemently opposed to tyranny and abuse
unpredictable god.
wherever it arises. She believes that no authority is
Rao (RAU) the Mediator, the Calm [LG goddess of beyond question and no rule is absolute, and so she
peace and reason] - Symbol: a white heart - and her faithful clash with gods like Heironeous,
Domains: Life, Solidarity - Weapons: mace. Rao sees Pholtus, and St. Cuthbert when their need for order
herself as the ally of and advocate for all beings, becomes stifling. She is the wife of Ulaa and
even the gods. She believes that all beings can be occasional lover of Myhriss.
redeemed, and is said to be so serene, even Nerull
is calmed by her presence. Rao is the ultimate
Ulaa (OO-lah) the Stonewife [LG goddess of the and forbidden secrets eventually revealed to him
mountains and gemstones] - Symbol: a mountain the means of attaining godhood. He hates the other
with a circle at its heart - Domains: Life, Forge - gods in general, and Iuz in particular, but as is fitting
Weapons: war hammer. Ulaa is the favorite god of for a god of secrets, no one knows why. His hand and
dwarves, gnomes, and miners, and she loves them eye remain some of the most powerful artifacts in
in turn. She loves craftsmanship and honest labor, existence, and some say they hold the key to his
favoring diligence and practice over natural talent, ultimate undoing.
and despises greed and materialism. She loathes
Wee Jas (WEE jas) the Witch Goddess, the Green
slavery most of all, a view she shares with her wife
Lady [LN goddess of beauty, magic and death] -
Tritherea. The generally avoids intervening in the
Symbol: a skull in front of a green fireball - Domains:
affairs of others except in dire circumstances,
Arcana, Grave - Weapons: dagger. Wee Jas is as
preferring to let others choose their own paths
beautiful as she is deadly, and she serves as the
through life.
judge for all souls upon death. She is allied with
Vashti (VOSH-tea) The Merchant [N goddess of Boccob and Istus, both of whom she respects, and
trade, negotiation, appraisal, and reciprocity] – opposes Vecna, who she despises. She and Myhriss
Symbol: A set of scales and weights – Domains: have a bit of an intense rivalry, as each of them holds
Knoweldge, Order – Weapons: Dagger – Vashti is a beauty and vanity as their purview.
calculating, transactional goddess, neither good nor
Xan Yae (ZAN YAY), Lady of Perfection [N goddess of
evil. She oversees negotiations, bargaining, and
twilight, shadows, and stealth] – Symbol: a black
business transactions of all kinds, and loves nothing
lotus blossom – Domains: Trickery, Knowledge –
more than the free flow of trade. She has an
Weapons: Falchion – Xan Yae is a mysterious
uncanny knack for figuring out exactly what
goddess, the patroness of the liminal space between
someone truly needs and what price they are willing
day and night. She advocates for moderation and
to pay, as well as where those things can be found.
balance in all things, and her faithful call her
The only beings Vashti works against are
teachings the Middle Way. She has little patience for
Olidammara, Ralishaz, and Tharizdun, whose
divine squabbles, but opposes both Pholtus and
natures are too wild for the Merchant to predict.
Pyremius, whose divine lights shatter her precious
Vatun (VAY-tun) The North God [CN god of Ice, shadows. She is most closely allied with Istus and
Winter, Courage, and Endurance] – Symbol: a sun Boccob, with whom she shares a mutual respect.
made of ice crystals or bear claws – Domains:
Zodal (ZOH-dal), The Gentle Hand [NG goddess of
Nature, Strength – Weapons: Battleaxe – Vatun’s
mercy, hope, and benevolence] – Symbol: a hand
followers are mostly giants and the raiders of the
wrapped in gray cloth – Domains: Solidarity,
northern lands. He sometimes forms alliances with
Protection – Weapons: monk weapons – Zodal is the
Obad-Hai, Kord, or Erythnul, and frequently clashes
handmaiden of Rao. She believes fervently that with
with both Heironeous and Hextor. He is a god of cold
time and care, even the most hateful and
fury, who teaches his faithful that the best way to
destructive beings can be lead to change their ways,
survive is to be the toughest, meanest, and
in the same way that a gentle stream will eventually
carve out the mightiest canyons. Zodal suffers when
Vecna (VEK-nah) the Arch-Lich, the Whispering One any being suffers. Ironically, this results in her being
[NE god of forgotten lore and evil secrets] - Symbol: associated with many of the most violent and
a left hand clutching an eye - Domains: Arcana, warlike deities, as she tries to soothe the harms they
Knowledge - Weapons: dagger, quarterstaff. Vecna cause.
was a lich whose unrelenting study of magical rituals

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