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Player’s Guide

Special Thanks:
Carl and Shirley McBride, Mike and Teresa Hall, Jim Hall, Michelle McBride-Hall, Kimberly Knight.

Things in this document have been changed from their original content to make this adventure path
compatible with Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition..

Fire Mountain Games LLC
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does not guarantee compatibility and does not endorse this product.

D&D is a registered trademark of Wizards of the Coast, and the D&D 5e Roleplaying Game are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast.

Way of the Wicked © 2011 Fire Mountain Games LLC, Open Gaming License © 2007 Wizards of the Coast. All rights reserved.

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royal family of Talingarde, are devout followers
of Mitra.

It wasn’t always this way. Before the Darians

took over, Talingarde worshipped an entire
This section is essentially a copy of the similar pantheon of deities. Preeminent among those
section from the "Way of the Wicked" campaign deities was Asmodeus, Prince of Hell, Lord of
book. However, it has been modified to fit the Ambition and Order. Now it is forbidden to
Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition system.. worship Asmodeus. To do so is to be
condemned. The Mitrans destroyed all the
Asmodean temples and burned his books and
priests. There are no followers of Asmodeus
anymore in Talingarde – at least none you know
Guilty. You are a lawbreaker – the worst of the of. Devout Mitrans will not say the name
worst. Too dangerous to live amongst the good Asmodeus. He is simply “The Fallen” or “The
people of Talingarde, they dragged you in Enemy”.
chains before a magistrate and condemned you.
They sent you to the worst prison in the land and
there they forever marked you. They held you You tell us. You must pick a crime (there is a list
down and branded you with a runic F. You are provided below) that you were condemned for.
forsaken.You won’t be at Branderscar Prison for They are only two requirements – you got
long. Branderscar is only a holding pen. In three caught and you really did it.
days – justice comes. In three days – everything
ends. It’s not surprising that the Talireans (the people
of Talingarde) caught you, though. Talingarde is
What a pity. If only there was a way out of this a fiercely lawful and good society. Crime
stinking rat-hole. If only there was a way to (especially heinous crime like yours) is not
escape. If only… tolerated.

No. No one has ever escaped from Branderscar

Prison. This is where your story ends.

Talingarde is the most virtuous, peaceful, noble

nation in the world today. This land is ruled by
King Markadian V called the Brave of House
Darius. He has only one heir – the beautiful
princess Bellinda. This benevolent monarchy is
heavily intertwined with the Church of Mitra, the
Shining Lord. You are from Talingarde. This is
your home. You have lived here your entire life.
And if they gave you half a chance, you would
have your revenge on all of them.

Mitra, the so-called Shining Lord, is the god of

the sun, bravery, honor, justice, charity and
other such pusillanimous rubbish. The Church of
Mitra is the preeminent religion of Talingarde
these days. The Knights of the Alerion, the elite
warriors of Talingarde, are a Mitran order. The
monks of St. Macarius, who travel the land
healing the sick and the helping the needy, are
also a Mitran order. The House of Darius, the
a secret mission to infiltrate and destroy
Making a character for the “Way of the Wicked” Talingarde. It will be more difficult to infiltrate
Campaign is similar to making characters for anything if you are travelling with a dragonborn,
any campaign using Dungeons & Dragons Fifth minotaur, or goblin for example. Tread carefully
Edition with just a few modifications. with these choices.

The variant human from the 5e Player’s

Handbook is allowed.

Any method will do, but we present here an

alternate method appropriate to this adventure All classes are permitted for this adventure path.
path called ‘Focus and Foible’.It’s challenging A few classes require some special
being a villain with the whole world against you. consideration below.

Clerics are allowed but must worship a god who

Choose a Focus, an ability score at which you approves of the villainous path ahead of you.
excel. You receive an 18 in that score. Worshipping the lawful evil god Asmodeus is
strongly encouraged (Asmodeus grants the
Choose a Foible, an ability score that is your Trickery and War domains). At the GM’s
weakness. You receive an 8 in that score. discretion it may be required for clerics and
warlocks. The Death domain from the Dungeon
For the other four, roll 1d10+7 four times in Master's Guide would be an excellent choice for
order. There are no rerolls or moving of ability this campaign as well, although Asmodeus does
scores. Those are your other four scores not grant it.

Most paladins do not walk the Way of the

Wicked. The great majority of Paladins in
This method makes slightly more powerful
Talingarde worship the lawful good god Mitra
characters on average. It compensates for the
and this is unacceptable for this adventure path.
potential increase in power by making
It might, however, be reasonable to play a fallen
characters slightly random. Randomness never
Paladin of Mitra that retains his or her powers,
completely hamstrings a character though (the
with the intent of taking the Oathbreaker
lowest total you can roll is ’8’ after all) and never
archetype (from the Dungeon Master's Guide) at
gives them an ability score higher than their
level 3 in service to Asmodeus. Such a fallen
Paladin would be an excellent choice.
Therefore, your wizard might have a high
Rangers walking the Way of the Wicked might
dexterity and charisma as well as having a high
be well-advised to consider Celestials and
intelligence and a low strength. The writer finds
Humanoid (Humans) as favored enemy choices.
this tends to create slightly more interesting,
This campaign features a wide variety of terrain,
unusual and diverse characters.
but the coast terrain in particular might be a
good choice for the Natural Explorer feature in
this adventure.

Warlocks are a fantastic choice for walking the

This is unchanged. All races in any WotC Way of the Wicked. Making a pact with
Hardcover are permitted with the Dungeon Asmodeus himself or a lesser devil such as a pit
Master's approval. fiend (talk to your DM for suggestions) is
strongly encouraged and may, at the DM's
Certain races that will be more difficult to play in discretion, be required. However, a pact with
this campaign. Extremely unusual or monstrous another entity could work as well.
races are likely to be troublesome. PCs of those
races may find themselves uninvolved in certain
parts of this campaign. The PCs after all are on
While the Draconic bloodline is certainly allowed There is a further requirement and it is
for Sorcerers, with a little work it could easily be something of an intangible quality. At some point
reflavored as an Infernal bloodline. in this adventure path every character is going to
have the chance to join an evil organization and
While any sort of Wizard would be a great swear allegiance to the master of that
choice, creating a prospective Necromancer organization and its patron – the lawful evil god
would be a perfect fit for this adventure path. Asmodeus. The adventure path assumes you
. say yes to this chance. Therefore, you should
make a character who can say yes.

This campaign does not use the normal

background rules. As Forsaken, the PCs will Perhaps right now, you may be experiencing a
generally not be able to rely on their past life and little cognitive dissonance.
connections. Instead, the PCs each gain
proficiency in two skills and a total of two tool This campaign is about breaking out of prison,
proficiencies or languages. joining an evil organization and then seeking
revenge. Above, we recommend that characters
In place of a background trait, every character be lawful evil. You may be asking yourself right
must choose a crime that landed in them in now “how is breaking out of prison and getting
Branderscar. They were not wrongly imprisoned revenge lawful?”
-- they are guilty of their charge.
It isn’t.

Lawful evil is the recommended alignment not

because your character is obeying the laws of
The characters begin with nothing. They have Talingarde but because your characters seek to
no money, no weapons or armor, no gear, no impose a new order.
animal companions of any sort and no material
possessions besides tattered, dirty prison This is not the campaign for chaotic loners or
clothes. Equipment will be acquired in game. free spirited vagabonds. Those campaigns exist
in abundance and if they are what you are
Bards begin without an instrument. looking for, perhaps you are in the wrong place.
This is a campaign about joining an evil
Clerics begin having memorized spells for the organization with a wicked agenda. Eventually,
day. They do not have their holy symbol or any you may even come to control that evil
material components however. Druids also organization.
begin having chosen all their spells for the day.
“Way of the Wicked” is a chance to play an
Sorcerers, Warlocks, and Wizards do not have unusual sort of character. You will play a
their spell books, material components, familiars burgeoning dark lord -- someone who will rise
(if summoned by find familiar) or arcane foci. from imprisonment and destitution to become
Wizards, however, begin with a full selection of one of the greatest villains of this age. At first,
memorized spells from before their you will be a minion in service to a sinister plot.
incarceration. But eventually, you will be a minion no longer.
You, if you can survive, will become the master.

And that is almost the definition of lawful evil.

As normal except that good and chaotic
alignments are not allowed. Every character
must be lawful neutral, lawful evil, neutral or
neutral evil. Of those four alignments, lawful Each character chooses one heinous crime that
evil is definitely the preferred choice. At the has earned them a place in Branderscar Prison.
Game Master’s discretion, lawful evil may be the Each crime grants a different benefit. You may
required alignment.
have committed many crimes during your
lifetime, but this is the crime that finally got you Either you have defamed the great god Mitra or
branded and condemned. you have been found guilty of worshipping one
of the forbidden deities (who preeminent among
This list of twenty crimes is not intended to be them is Asmodeus).
comprehensive. Feel free to invent your own
crime, punishment and benefit (with the DM’s Punishment: Death by burning
approval of course). Benefit: You gain proficiency in Religion. If
already proficient then choose another skill of
Besides simplying choosing a crime, you should your choice.
also consider how the crime was done. Was this
a well-planned criminal enterprise or a crime of
passion? Did you do it alone or did you have
accomplices? Was this the first time you did this
crime or are you a repeat offender? Answering You have been found guilty of summoning an
these questions will help flesh out your evil outsider. Likely you were captured by the
character’s background. famed witch hunter Sir Balin of Karfeld. The last
thing he said to you was, “May Mitra have mercy
This has been said before, but it bears upon your wretched, damned soul.” If only you
repeating. Your character actually perpetrated could get a chance at revenge!
this crime. You may have done it for what
seemed like noble reasons. You may have Punishment: Death by burning
gotten entangled in this criminal enterprise Benefit: You gain proficiency in Arcana. If
unwillingly. But there is no doubt that you are already proficient then choose another skill of
guilty. You have not been sentenced to the your choice.
worse prison in Talingarde unjustly.

You are here because you deserve to be. You have violated one of the church’s,
cathedrals or holy shrines of the great god Mitra.
To be sent to Branderscar this was no minor act
You have willfully started a fire that destroyed of vandalism. Instead you have done something
property. To be sent to Branderscar, you didn’t flagrant and spectacular to dishonor the Shining
start just a minor little trash fire. Your act of Lord.
arson threatened a major town, city, church or
castle and likely cost someone their life. You’ll Punishment: Death by burning
be punished for your crime by facing the fire Benefit: You gain proficiency in Religion. If
yourself. already proficient then choose another skill of
your choice.
Punishment: Death by burning
Benefit: When you roll damage for a spell or
weapon that deals fire damage, you can treat You have deserted from the Talirean military
any 1 on the damage die as a 2. and been recaptured. To get sent to
Branderscar this was not some minor or routine
dereliction of duty. Instead, you abandoned your
You tried to kill someone and botched the job. post during a time of crisis -- perhaps battle or
To be sent to Branderscar Prison, you did not try while defending the Watch Wall. Regardless of
to kill just anyone. You likely assaulted someone the exact circumstances, your laziness and
of great importance and prominence. cowardness must have caused loss of life.

Punishment:Death by beheading Punishment: Death by hanging

Benefit: You gain proficiency in Intimidation, If Benefit: You gain proficiency in History. If
already proficient then choose another skill of already proficient then choose another skill of
your choice. your choice.
Benefit: You gain proficiency in Deception.
You have engaged in a duel to the death and
mortally wounded an opponent. The opponent
was honorable enough to say nothing before he It is forbidden by sacred law to dishonor a
expired. Alas that his family or companions was corpse after it has been sealed in its tomb by a
nowhere near so honorable. Dueling was once clergy of the Mitran faith. Some may not honor
common in Talingarde before the House of this ban: necromancers, golem crafters, self-
Darius came to power. The House of Barca all styled scientists, and alchemists delving into the
but encouraged duels of honor. Now, dueling of forbidden secrets of life and death. These
any sort is punished severely. Dueling to the ghouls can expect no mercy from the Talirean
death is a sure way to be sent to Branderscar Magistrates. And by sending you to Branderscar
Prison. Prison, you have received none.

Punishment: Death by beheading Punishment: Death by beheading

Benefit: You gain proficiency in Intimidation. If Benefit: You gain proficiency in Medicine. If
already proficient then choose another skill of already proficient then choose another skill of
your choice. your choice.

You have defrauded money from someone by You have denied the supremacy of Mitra and
holding information of their wrongdoing over been condemned for it. For this to be a crime,
their heads. To end up in Branderscar, this was you were not content to keep your heresy to
no minor act of merely threatening to expose yourself. You tried to sway others. Likely you
someone. Instead you ave attempted extortion were captured by the famed witch hunter Sir
against someone of great prominence and for Balin of Karfeld. The last thing he said to you
exorbitant stakes. was: “Mitra may forgive you yet for your lies.
Talingarde will not.” If only you could get a
Punishment: Life at hard labor in the salt mines chance at revenge!
Benefit: You gain proficiency in Intimidation. If
already proficient then choose another skill of Punishment: Death by burning.
your choice. Benefit: You gain proficiency in Religion. If
already proficient then choose another skill of
your choice.
You have forged documents issued either by the
crown or by the Church of Mitra. Alas, that your
forgery while competent was not entirely You had a foolproof plan to steal some great
undetectable. To be sent to Branderscar, this treasure. Alas, the scheme had a fatal flaw and
was no minor finagling of paperwork. This forged went horribly awry. To be sent to Branderscar
document could have cost lives, undermined the prison, this was no ordinary robbery attempt.
reputation of the Church or endangered the You tried to steal something of great value or
security of the realm. religious significance.

Punishment: Life at hard labor in the salt mines Punishment: Life at hard labor in the salt mines
Benefit: You gain proficiency in Deception. If Benefit: You gain proficiency in Sleight of Hand
already proficient then choose another skill of or with Thieves' Tools (choose one). If already
your choice. proficient with both then choose another skill or
tool of your choice.

You tried to bilk someone out of their cash. To

end up in Brandescar Prison, this was no petty You have willfully worked to bring down the
con job or penny ante racket. Instead, you current Monarch of Talingarde -- the beloved
brazenly tried to defraud someone important of a King Markadian V called the Brave of House
huge sum of money. And it almost worked too! Darius. To be successfully tried for High
Treason you have done more than merely
Punishment: Life at hard labor in the salt mines dislike the king, you did something tangible to
undermine his rule. Alas, that you failed at your with both then choose another skill of your
plot and are now headed to Branderscar Prison. choice.
Treason is the only crime that is still punished by
the gruesome ritual of being drawn and
quartered. Your stay at Branderscar will be brief. You have attempted to covertly stir up rebellion
against your rightful sovereign. This differs from
Punishment: Death by drawing and quartering high treason in that you attempted to convince
Benefit: You have advantage on saving throws others to make war against Talingarde instead
against being frightened. of taking direct action yourself. A subtle
difference to be sure. But it is the difference
between receiving the swift justice of the axe
You have abducted someone perhaps to instead of the slow suffering upon the rack.
ransom them or do unspeakable things to them.
Unfortunately, you were caught and your victim Punishment: Death by beheading
was rescued (if they weren’t rescued -- you Benefit: You gain proficiency in Deception or
would be guilty of murder instead). To be sent to Persuasion (choose one). If already proficient
Branderscar Prison, you must have abducted with both then choose another skill of your
someone of great importance or in a particularly choice.
gruesome manner.

Punishment: Death by beheading Slavery is illegal in Talingarde and a very rare

Benefit: You gain proficiency in Intimidation. If crime. Still, once in a great while, slavers from
already proficient then choose another skill of the mainland will foolishly make an incursion into
your choice. Talirean protected territories. When they are
captured alive they are always made an
example of.
You have killed without just cause and been
condemned for it. To be sent to Branderscar Punishment: Death by beheading
Prison, this was no typical killing but a Benefit: When you make a Strength (Athletics)
particularly savage and unforgiveable act. You check to grapple, you are considered proficient
may also have killed someone with powerful in Athletics. If you are already proficient in
friends. Athletics, you may add double your normal
proficiency bonus to the check, instead of your
Note: You are not allowed to have killed normal proficiency bonus.
someone in the royal family of Talingarde. You
may have tried (this would instead be High
Treason -- see above) but ultimately, they are Slavery is legal in other parts of the world and it
too well protected. can be tempting to the most decadent of
Talingarde’s nobility to acquire a “souvenir”
Punishment: Death by beheading when traveling abroad or to purchase the object
Benefit: When you score a critical hit, you may of their desire from a less reputable merchant.
roll one of your damage dice an additional time However, you ended up trading slaves in
and add it to the extra damage of the critical hit. Talingarde, you were caught red handed and
now you will lose more than simply your
You have been caught in the act of piracy on the
high seas. This is a rare crime these days since Punishment: Death by beheading
Markadian I called the Victorious burned the last Benefit: You gain proficiency in Persuasion. If
major pirate fleet to threaten these isles. Still the already proficient then choose another skill of
crime is punished harshly. Likely you are the your choice.
sole survivor of your ship.

Punishment: Death by hanging

Benefit: You gain proficiency in Deception or
Intimidation (choose one). If already proficient
include personality traits, positive or negative,
that would similarly surprise others.

Not quite yet. Because this is an evil campaign 4. What are your character's goals, conscious
and most of us are not evil at heart sometimes and, perhaps, subconscious?
players have a hard time figuring out their
characters. Sure in a normal campaign it is 5. How easily does your character love? Have
pretty easy to play yourself. In fact in most they been in love?
Adventure League games I rarely even see
players using any of their background in play. It 6. Is your character racist at all, either now or in
becomes a combination of go kill this, get that, their past?
rinse, repeat, done. Not in this one. We need to
know a lot more about your character and so do 7. All people believe something that is not true,
you. Some players come up with special voices both about the world around them and about
they use during play, others act with a certain themselves. What lies/untruths does your
mannerism and some do both, it is completely character believe about themselves and the
up to you on how in character you get. The world around them?
main thing is to remember that this particular
character is not you. So let’s find out more 8. How is your character about material
about him first shall we. possessions?

9. What does your character perceive their

major problems to be?

10. What does he/she perceive the solutions to

Ok, so let’s get some things out on the table in those problems to be?
front of us. By now you should have a fully filled
out character sheet with all your stats filled in. 11. What are your character's religious beliefs?
You should have picked your starting spells etc.
No need to worry about equipment because you 12. What does your character fear?
don’t get any. So you have your character
sheet, you should have selected two personality 13. How much of a temper does your character
traits, one ideal, one bond and one flaw from the have? What sorts of things set them off?
background that you chose this will be important
in a minute. 14. Write five things essential to your character’s
background including previous adventures and
Now make sure you have a copy of the Way of events.
the Wicked 5e Players Guide (yep, you are
reading it now) and a few blank pieces of paper 15. List your character’s goals and things you
and a pencil. Now let’s get started. want to see happen to your character.

On that blank paper write the following questions 16. List two secrets about your character. Keep
and then their answers. Remember to use the in mind secrets your character may not know
background information you selected to help you yet.
fill in the questions. Take your time you do not
have to rush this process. 17. List three people that are tied to the
character through blood, romance or honor.
1. How does your character interact with the Remember to include positive and negative
others within a group? reflections.

2. What is your character's role in a group? 18. Describe your character in detail as you see
fit. Relate any additional information you believe
3. How is your character not as they seem? I is important or required. Include personality and
want one or two skills that would surprise others mannerisms.
if they found out he/she knows them. Also
appeal. He also was a murderer and a grave
robber so he had to fit that in as well. Now you
certainly don’t have to go to this length but
Is your hand tired of writing yet? You could doesn’t this character sound exciting to play.
have probably typed this out on the computer Without further ado I give you Dr. Ottakar Wilken
and saved that hand. ☺
The tale of the mad Dr. Wilken begins over forty
Now save this sheet of questions. Reread over years ago, in the hinterlands of Ustalav. A
them. You know a lot more about your traveling Varisian band came upon a scene of
character now. So now you are ready to carnage, the remains of a small party of elves
combine all the information that you have into a that had been ambushed by one of the land's
backstory that tells you and I (the DM) all about nefarious denizens. The lone survivor was a
your character and what some of his/her goals young elven girl who had managed to hide
and in game desires are. This helps your DM herself well, and the band, sympathetic to her
build a world where your character can fulfill his plight, took her in and raised her as their own.
destiny while accomplishing his personal goals This young maiden embraced her adopted
as well. family whole-heartedly, discarding her original
Elven name to take up a Varisian one: Essenia.
You do not have to be a professional writer to do
the backstory but you want to include all the For a decade Essenia traveled with the
details that you desire. You do not have to Varisians, and in this time she blossomed into a
share this with anyone other than yourself and true beauty. Still very young by elven standards,
your DM. But when other characters in game she was nonetheless courted by many of the
ask you questions then you know exactly who young men who she remembered as but boys
your character is, what his motivations are, even when she had joined the band. Confused and
his secrets. uncomfortable, she spurned their affections, but
one, a young man named Varlich, was truly
You do not have to share this information with persistent. He doted upon Essenia, constantly
any other player if you do not desire. Since it is showering her with gifts and compliments to her
your past and who you are. Maybe some things beauty, trying to win her heart. For her part,
in your backstory need to be revealed to the Essenia was flattered by the attention, but
other players over time. That also gives you continued to make it clear to Varlich that she
something to talk about with other players as the simply had no desire for romantic entanglements
game progresses. But now you at least know at that point in her life.
who he/she is and how to play them.
One day, Varlich came to her with a truly great
If at all possible turn the sheet of questions and gift: a beautiful necklace he had purchased from
your backstory into your DM before the first a merchant in a town they had passed through,
session. Feel free to ask him/her questions wrought in silver and set with moonstones, that
about things that you are not sure of but want to he had scrimped and saved for years to afford.
include in your backstory. Perhaps you have the He presented it to her with the expectation that
prostitute background and are a drug addict. she would finally see how great his devotion for
Your DM can let you know what you are her ran, and accept him as her husband. When
addicted to and how it affects you if you don’t she did not, but rather declined the gift as too
have it or if you do from a mechanical valuable for her to accept in good conscience,
standpoint. Varlich became incensed. He screamed at her
for having impossible standards, struck her,
claimed that the necklace was cause enough for
him to claim her... and then he forced himself
upon her and quickened her with his seed. After
One time when I ran this campaign under the
the deed was done, Varlich, whether from
Pathfinder rules, I had a player that was playing
shame or fear of retribution, fled.
an Alchemist and the character used mutagens
that he would drink or inject for strength
The elders were furious when the bruised and
bonuses, transformation, etc. Well he wanted to
shaken Essenia stumbled back into the camp
flavor this with a little Doctor Jekyll & Mr. Hide
hours later, sobbingly confessing the story of her
mistreatment and rape. One in particular, a she had finally fallen in love, and wished his
cunning old crone with a strong gift for magic, blessing upon her union with a local man named
angrily growled a curse upon the absent man as Gottfried. Ottakar was surprised to find that his
punishment for his deeds. "If he shall behave as mother, who had always been his only confidant,
a beast," she intoned, "then a beast he shall be. and, he thought, he hers, had met someone and
His baser urges have led him to defile fallen in love without him knowing. She
something that was beautiful and pure, and so explained that she had not wished to distract
shall he forever be ruled by them and forced to him during his final year of examinations, but
live apart from those who might have otherwise was now hoping that he, too, would have time to
offered him succor." It is not known how this look to romance. Ever mistrustful of outsiders,
curse affected Varlich, for he was never heard Dr. Wilken decided to investigate this Gottfried
from again by any who would know who he was. on his own.
What is known, is that somehow the energies of
this curse targeted his blood, and so part of it His suspicions were upheld when he discovered
latched onto the blood of the unborn child even that the man who had stolen his mother's heart
then quickening within Essenia's womb. was already married and living a life as a miller
with a wife and children in Tamrivena. Incensed
When the baby boy, Ottakar, was born, many at this perceived betrayal, the doctor burst into
whispered that the babe was an ill omen and their home where he fell upon the family like a
should be left for the elements. He had his beast possessed, striking, strangling, and finally
mother's coloration, and the sharply pointed tearing Gottfried's throat out with his bare teeth,
features of the elves, but he also was born with all the while displaying superhuman levels of
a full set of teeth, and the midwife swore that strength and shrugging off the man's dagger as
when he was born he did not cry as a child, but if it were nothing. When he gained control of
howled like a wolf. Essenia would hear nothing himself once more, Dr. Wilken did as his father
of it, however, and chose to raise the boy had done before him a quarter century before,
despite her family urging her to the contrary. and fled the scene of his crime before he could
Wishing to ensure Ottakar grew to know be brought to justice.
something other than the dangerous life of a
wanderer, she moved to the city of Chastel, For the next few years, Dr. Wilken moved from
where she found work as a maid. In fifteen short one nation to the next, trying to find a home. His
years, the boy had grown into a handsome skills were welcomed, but his tendency to
young man, tall, strong, and keenly intelligent. alienate those around him insured that he was
He had a manner about him that dissuaded constantly at odds with what he deemed "The
others from getting close, however, choosing to willfully ignorant, boorish, and vapid." During this
spend his time with his mother, or the rare book time, he also came to better understand the
he could get his hands on. Intent on making sure Beast that was his father's legacy: at times,
her son's gifts were put to good use, Essenia especially those of high stress, he would all but
packed up Ottakar and moved them to lose control as his vision turned red, his muscles
Lepidstadt, where she was told resided the bulged, and a desire to kill and destroy pounded
finest university in all the Inner Sea region. Upon through his brain. He was certain that it is some
presenting him there, along with a "gift" form of brain disorder, treatable with the right
comprising of almost everything she had saved alchemical formula, and sure that any hints of
over the course of fifteen years, Ottakar was his nails, teeth, and hair growing during these
accepted as a student at the university. episodes was simply a result of distorted
As Ottakar grew, so did his intellect, but so, too,
did his off-putting nature. He was sarcastic, His wanderings eventually brought him to the
acerbic, sometimes outright cruel, but, as he island nation of Talingarde, where he hoped the
painstakingly pointed out, always truthful, always tradition of law and order would indicate those of
technically right. He excelled in his classes, sufficient intelligence to overlook his less-than-
taking most to the study of anatomy, medicine, stellar bedside manner and appreciate him for
alchemy, and the natural sciences. At the age of what he brought to the table. That is exactly
twenty five, he graduated as a full doctor, a what he found, though not in the matter he had
great honor for one so young. His mother was expected, when he met a young woman, also a
overjoyed, and had happy tidings of her own: half-elf, by the name of Talia, who seemed
oblivious to his coarseness, but quickly grew forever. After some time, Talia finally left him,
enamored of his mind. Unused to being shown broken-hearted but convinced that she could not
affection by anyone but his mother, Ottakar was remain with the shell of a man her husband had
at confused by Talia's advances, and before he become. After living with her sister and seeking
knew it he had taken to simply agreeing to her her advice, she became convinced that her
suggestions in order to see the radiant smile she beloved Ottakar must have become addicted to
favored him with that, inexplicably, made him a drug, and so she informed the authorities that
feel very good. One of those suggestions, after a they should search his business, thinking they
couple years of companionship during which would arrest and fine him, but then heal him and
time she had levied her diplomatic skills into set him back on the road to becoming once
securing him work as a healer, was that they more the man she knew and loved. What the
marry, and so, under the auspices of the church constables found when they broke through the
of Mitra, they did. sound-proofed door of that basement, however,
was darker than anyone had predicted...
Still, Dr. Wilken never trusted Talia with the
secret of his curse, nor did he do so with So in this backstory the player delivered the
Stengur, a dwarven Abadarran priest who was names of both parents, his wife, his crimes, how
the only other person who seemed willing to put he got caught, his mannerisms and even named
up with him for long enough to call him friend. one friend. So it gave me a ton to work with as
Rather, he led a secret double life, one in which far as possibilities went during the game of him
he researched formulae with the intent of finding running into someone he knew, it also gave the
one that would finally forevermore excise his character a romantic interest and a goal of
"demon" which he had taken to referring to as finding a cure.
the Beast. After almost losing himself at a party
Talia had dragged him to, he realized that he I hope you liked the story as much as I did when
finally had something other than just his freedom it was submitted to me.
to lose, and so he redoubled his efforts to find a
cure. Since his simple dabbles into herbs and
chemicals had revealed nothing, he decided to
investigate the possibility that it was not the
mind, but the body that was the culprit, and in In Way of the Wicked, experience points are not
order to do that he decided he needed to study tracked and serve no purpose. You can kill as
the body more closely. At first he started with many guards as you like and it will not level you
small animals, then larger ones, always working any faster. In fact you will level by story
late into the night in the basement of his office. completion only. This eliminates the bag of rats
Eventually he decided that he would get syndrome where players are just looking for
nowhere without studying the anatomy of fellow things to kill so they can get xp and level. The
humanoids, and so began his stint as a purpose is to complete your objectives by
graverobber. Unhappy with the difficulty and the whatever means you like, not kill everything in
state of most of the cadavers, he decided what sight.
he truly needed was a live subject, and so he
began to lure vagrants, prostitutes, the lost and In D&D 5e it is setup so that you level up to level
unremarkable that had yet to be swept up by two and level three very quickly in a normal
Talingarde's laws into his basement, and the campaign. Usually after only a session or two.
things he did to them are best left unwritten if That is not the case in Way of the Wicked
you want to keep down your supper. because it just does not make sense that you
increase in power that quickly.
Such activities take their toll on a psyche, and so
it was that the already taciturn doctor became In Way of the Wicked you will earn every
more and more obsessed, haunted, and grueling level. It will seem like an eternity at
reclusive. Talia begged him to tell her what was some points but you must prove your worth to
wrong, but he took to ignoring her, his all- Asmodeus to be bestowed with more power and
consuming search for a cure more important at abilities.
that time than seeing her smiles, for he feared if
no cure was found he would eventually lose
control at the wrong time and lose those smiles
Yeah ok, whatever. But seriously the level
increases have been put on more of an even
pace throughout all levels.
Below you will find a list of things that are
Each of the six books of the adventure path is common knowledge in Talingarde. It is a very
broken up into four acts. You level after each handy list to keep with you when you play.
act. Some acts you might even gain two levels.
I will tell you that after the first four acts you Also you should be ready for three questions at
should be level six. Breaking out of Brandescar the first session once the group gets placed in
prison is the first act, so once you make it out your cells. It’s what every prisoner will ask you if
then you gain your first level increase. they don’t know you.

What wicked deed made you a criminal bad

enough to end up in Brandescar prison?

How did you get caught?

Villain points allow a player to “take a 20” on any
d20 roll or force an enemy to “take a 1”, Did you have help?
changing the outcome of a pivotal moment in the
game. These three things are great to know when
introducing yourself to other players and/or
▪ Each time you gain a level, you lose any inmates.
unspent villain points and gain a new
total equal to half your level (rounded Have fun and please ask your DM if you have
down, minimum 1). any further questions.
▪ A villain point must be spent before a
roll is made.
▪ You can spend a villain point whenever
you are asked to roll a d20 to make an
attack roll, an ability check, or a saving
throw (including death saving throws),
allowing you to “take a 20”.
▪ You can spend a villain point whenever Here are thirteen things everyone knows about
an enemy is required to roll a d20 to the kingdom of Talingarde.
make an attack roll, an ability check, or
a saving throw, forcing an enemy to 1. Talingarde is an island. It is about the size
“take a 1”. of England in the real world. It is an isolated
▪ You can spend only 1 villain point per place far from any other nations and outsiders
session. are something of a rarity. In the south it enjoys a
temperate clime, but the north of the island is
▪ A spent villain point roll should be quite cold and often blanketed with snow. Most
considered natural, the same as rolling people avoid this part of the island because it is
the result with a die. populated by monsters.

2. Talingarde is a lawful good nation.

Talingarde is a place of law and order. Violations
of the law are punished severely but fairly.
Talingarde is also a place that reveres the ideals
of goodness. Clergy tend to the sick, often for no
pay. Knights seek to protect the weak. Paladins
are fabled individuals often featured in stories
and songs. Talingarde might be, in all the world,
the nation most committed to the ideals of law
and good.
Talingarde – the faith of the devil-god
3. Talingarde is a monarchy. It is ruled by Asmodeus, the lord of the Nine Hells. Before the
good king Markadian V called the Brave. House of Darius rose, Asmodeus was part of the
Markadian is a much beloved ruler from a well- pantheon of Talingarde. Asmodeus was not
established royal family known as the House of loved, but he was feared and respected
Darius. alongside the other gods. Markadian IV called
the Zealot outlawed the faith and unleashed the
4. The King has no son. He does however Inquisition against it. In the Asmodean Purges of
have a daughter, the beautiful princess Bellinda the twenty years ago, every temple and high
who is twenty years old and still unmarried. The priest of Asmodeus was burned. The Temple of
king and the princess are the only full-blooded Asmodeus never recovered.
members of the royal family, though they have
lots and lots of cousins and more distant family. 10. Talingarde is defended by the Knights of
The King’s wife Lucinda died in child birth and the Alerion. The Knights are a storied and
he has never remarried. legendary order of warriors who uphold the right,
protect the weak and work to see justice done.
5. The Victor was the first Darian king. They are a religious order and everyone has
Markadian V is actually the great grandson of sworn oaths to Mitra. Uniquely, they are not all
Markadian I called the Victor who established nobles. Even those of common blood may
the House of Darius and defeated the former become a knight if they are deemed worthy. Not
royal house, the House of Barca, at Battle of every Knight is a paladin, but their order has
Tamberlyn. The Victor remains beloved in produced more paladins than any other.
Talingarde even decades after his death and
you still see statues of him everywhere.
11. Talingarde has six regions. The Island of
6. The only god you are allowed to worship Talingarde has six parts – The Cambrian Ports,
in Talingarde is Mitra. Once other gods were The Heartland, the Borderlands, the Caer Bryr,
worshipped, but that all came to an end under the Savage North and the Lands of the Yutak.
the House of Darius. Worship of Asmodeus, The Cambrian Ports are the three large cities of
arch-enemy of Mitra, is outlawed and punishable Talingarde that sit upon the Bay of Cambria. The
by death by burning. Worshipping other nonevil Heartland is the farms and rural parts of
gods is technically allowed but highly Talingarde. The Borderlands are the northern
discouraged and very rarely seen. reaches of the kingdom protected by the Watch
Wall. The Caer Bryr is a great forest inhabited
7. Mitra is the Lord of Light. Mitra is the god of by the savage Iraen. The Savage North is a
light, healing, goodness and leadership. He is wasteland of ice ruled by monsters. And the
usually depicted as having three aspects – a Lands of the Yutak are scattered small northern
king, a healer or a living flame. Mitra is islands inhabited by strange men very different
benevolent god and the arch-enemy of the First from the men of Talingarde (or Talireans as they
Tyrant, Asmodeus. are sometimes known).

8. The Church of Mitra is everywhere. No 12. Talingarde is protected by the Watch

town in Talingarde lacks a church of Mitra. The Wall. Twelve fortresses mark the northern
priests are almost always important men in their border of the kingdom of Talingarde. These
community. The second most powerful man in fortresses control every point of access from the
the kingdom is the High Cardinal of the Church, Savage North and defend the land from
Vitallian of Estyllis. There word is not law but it is incursion by the bugbears and other monsters
heard and respected and ignored only that live there. Markadian V called the Brave
infrequently. The House of Darius and the earned that name defending the Watch Wall.
Church of Mitra are allies dedicated to keeping
Talingarde the bastion of goodness, law and 13. Talingarde is at peace. But will it last?
Mitran devotion that it is today.

9. Asmodeus is the enemy of Mitra and

Talingarde. Only one faith is banned and
punishable by death within the kingdom of
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