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Analyzing the Best Curriculum in Indonesia

The education curriculum in Indonesia has still changed since Indonesia's

independence, so that the quality of Indonesian education has not yet met clear

and focused quality standards. According to history, the national education

curriculum has undergone changes, namely in 1947, 1952, 1964, 1968, 1975,

1984, 1994, 2004, 2006, and 2013. These changes are a consequence of changes

in the political, socio-cultural, economic and science and technology systems in

national and state society. The curriculum is prepared dynamically to follow

changes occurring in society on the basis of Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution.

The following is an analysis of the education curriculum in Indonesia:

1. 1947 curriculum

The 1947 learning plan was only implemented by schools in 1950. 1947

Curriculum. The 1947 curriculum contains two main things, namely a list of

subjects and teaching hours. This curriculum prioritizes character education,

awareness of the state and society, rather than mind education considering that at

that time we had just become independent.

2. 1964 curriculum

The 1964 learning plan is an active, creative and productive learning

concept that requires schools to guide students to be able to think about solving

problems themselves. This curriculum focuses on developing creativity, taste,

initiative, work and morals or known as Pancawardhana. Pancawardhana is five

groups of study areas, namely, moral, intelligence, emotional, skills and physical

development. How to learn using the guided mutual cooperation method.

3. Curriculum 1968

The 1968 curriculum was born with ideological political considerations

with the aim of forming true Pancasila people and eradicating socialist society.

This curriculum is a correlated subject curriculum, meaning that the learning

material at the lower level is related to the secondary school curriculum. The

fields of study in this curriculum are grouped into three large groups, namely

Pancasila development, basic knowledge and special skills with nine subjects.

4. Curriculum 1975

This curriculum is more complete than before. There are seven main

elements, namely foundation, goals and principles; curriculum program structure;

GBPP; presentation system; assessment system; guidance and counseling system;

supervision and administration guidelines. This curriculum is based on the SAS

concept (Structural, analysis, synthesis) with the aim of students becoming smart

because they understand the subjects at school. In this curriculum mathematics

and science are sharpened. The positive impact is that the basic knowledge

absorbed by elementary school students develops, but the negative impact is that

many teachers spend their time doing administration.

5. Curriculum 1984

This curriculum prioritizes a process skills approach which is in line with

GBHN 1983 that education must be able to produce students who are creative,
qualified and work efficiently. Students are considered as learning subjects or

what is usually called the concept of active student learning.

6. Curriculum 1994

Born because of Law no. 2 of 1989 concerning national education.

National education aims to brighten the nation's life and develop Indonesian

people as a whole. Basic education is set at 9 years (Primary and Middle School).

This curriculum attempts to unite the two previous curricula, namely the 1975

curriculum with an objective approach and the 1984 curriculum with a process

approach. This curriculum includes local content to develop students' abilities that

are deemed necessary by their region. However, it is considered heavy because it

has national and local content.

7. Curriculum 2004

Competency-based curriculum born from demands for reform. KBK does

not question the learning process, what is important is that students achieve the

expected competencies. Competence is defined as knowledge, skills, values and

attitudes that are reflected in habits of thinking and acting. KBK has four

components, namely curriculum and learning outcomes, class-based assessment,

teaching and learning activities, and school-based curriculum management. In this

curriculum, the teacher is not only the only source of learning, but also a

motivator who creates an optimal atmosphere.

8. Curriculum 2006

Education Unit Level Curriculum as a reinforcement of the KBK but by

reducing the learning load by 20%. This curriculum emphasizes developing

student competencies rather than what teachers do. The principles of KTSP

development are centered on the potential, development, needs and interests of

students and their environment, diverse and integrated, responsive to

developments in science and technology, relevant to life's needs, comprehensive

and sustainable, lifelong learning, and a balance of national and regional interests.

The components in KTSP are the goals of basic education: laying the foundations

of intelligence, knowledge, personality, noble character, and skills for living

independently and attending further education as well as the structure and content

of KTSP at the basic education level.

9. Curriculum 2013

In meeting the needs of the 21st century, educational goals must be

achieved, one of which is through the implementation of a competency-based

curriculum. Three competencies, namely attitudes, knowledge and skills, to

produce complete humans. The 2013 curriculum is a competency-based

curriculum that was initiated in the 2004 Competency-Based Curriculum (KBK),

but has not been completed due to pressure to immediately implement the 2006

Education Unit Level Curriculum (KTSP). It is possible that there are differences

in perceptions about how the curriculum should be designed.

From the 1947 curriculum to the 2013 curriculum, each has its own

advantages and disadvantages. The curriculum is always adapted to the needs of

the nation and state at that time. Every era definitely has different social and

political conditions. Sometimes, a curriculum is also created to improve the

previous curriculum. In my opinion, the best curriculum is the 1975 curriculum,

because it is very complete and firm.The teaching methods, materials and

objectives are stated clearly in the Instructional System Development Procedure

(PPSI). Through PPSI, lesson units were born, namely lesson plans for each unit

of discussion. Each language unit has elements: general instructions, specific

instructional objectives (ICT), lesson materials, learning tools, teaching and

learning activities, and evaluation.

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