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•Zodiac is an imaginary belt of about 9`north
and 9` south of ecliptic within which the
moon and all other planets remain in the
course of their movements.
1.First point of aries is fixed always at an angle of
180 degree to chitra star.
2.Permanent star composition with permanent
longitudes known Nirayana longitudes .
3.The Nirayana system always contains the same
star groups .The zodiac has 12signs.
1. It is at the first point of vernal equinox.
2. The star composition varies and is known as sayana system with
sayana longitudes.
3. This system has changing star compositions but also divided into
12 signs.

• Zodiac has been divided into 12 signs /rashi of 30`each. These are
aries to pisces.
• These 12 signs accommodates 27 nakshatras of 13`20’ . Each one
is further divided into padas . The nanes of nakshatras are
Ashwani to Revati.
• The vernal equinotical point or the first point of aries is taken as the starting
point for measuring celestial longitudes . The celestial longitude of a heavenly
body measured on this initial point is known as tropical or sayana longitude.
Due to precession of equinoxes,the vernal equinox point is receeding back
over the ecliptic at the rate of 50”.3per year as aresult of which the longitudes
of stars are increasing every year at the same rate. In order to stabilize the
zodiac ,a point has been taken as the origin which is permanently fixed on the
ecliptic and this point is different from the vernal equinox point. The distance
between the fixed initial point and the vernal equinox point is called
AYANAMSHA. The zodiac starting from this fixed of origin is known as
SIDEREAL or NIRAYANA ZODIAC. The tropical longitude of any celestial object
minus the amount of Ayanamsha on that date, gives the nirayana longitude.
The Nirayana and the Sayana zodiac coincide in 285AD,when the Ayanamsha
was zero.
Ques. Difference between Indian and Western astronomical concepts.
• 1.The Indian astronomical calculations are GEOCENTRIC i.e. the
calculation of Indian classical astronomy takes the observer on Earth as
centre and the resultant motion of planetsare measures relative to
earth. where as in the western astronomy ,it is heliocentric . Here the
sun is considered as stationary in the solar system with all the planets
moving around it.
• 2.In India Astronomy and Astrology developed as a twin science.
Astronomy considered as body Astrology as the soul. Astronomy was
linked to philosophy and the cyclic origin of the universe where
astrology is considered as soul and a Vedang . Here only angular
position & motion of the planets ,stars etc were given prominence.
IN western astronomy ,the position of planets,sun and stars were fixed and their
motions were determined i.e. they worked out linear distances &
velocities.western astronomy is a secular and physical science.
3. In INDIA ,the astroronomical points are also given importance in addition to
the physical bodies like the NODE points of moon and other planets ,motion ,
conjunction points,astrological positions like Mandi,Upgraha,Karan, Yoga, Right
ascentions etc They all are calculated astronomically. IN western system these
are not at all considered.
4.The western astronomy ,universe is said to have originated in a split second
out of nothingness about 20 billion years ago( Big Bang Theory).
but in India ,in one mahayuga (4,320,000)i,.e.4million three hundred twenty
thousand Solar year. All the planets & other astronomical points complete an
allotted no. of time is reckoned from the beginningof the
• 5. The system of measurement of time varies between India & Western Astronomy. In
Indian system month is related to Sunrise to Sunrise.Month is measured from Amavas to
next Amavas. i.e.the exact conjunction of moon . But IN Western system month is in
relation to moon’s motion round the earth.the year in Indian System refers to the sidereal
i.e.the apparent motion of the sun in the ecliptic degree aristo next zero aries which
is very different from the western , whereyear starts with January to December. In Indian
system we have the solar days and lunar months call as LUNI SOLAR YEAR. In western the
months are divided into 30/31/28/29 days & each day is divided into 24 hrs. IN India,we
follow the local time while in the west,the standard zonal time is followed.
• 6. The Indian system ,earlier observations were all made by naked eye and calculations
were made by using SUNDIAL,Geometrical shapes , Trignometrically & allogrical
calculations. The concepts of Devtas accelerating &retarding motions in different directions
was considered. They adopted the EPICYCLIC theory. THE westeners followed the KEPLER’S
theory /law of planetary motion with mathematics and detailed calculations. They also had
telescopic observations & photographic records of heavenly bodied.they used
spectroscopyfor calculation of motion of stars.
6. The western system follows a moving point of zero refrences which is the moveable
equinox position of sun in the first degree of aries but in India Chitra PakshSystem,the
zero point of ariesin exactly180degree opposite the star chitra,here the sidereal
location of stars is fixed from zero degreeof aries(fixed)i.e. Ashwiniwith referencepoint
at theend of revati. The zero aries of western system is above 6 1/4in pisces of Indian
system . This angular distancebetween first point of aries in fixed and moveable zodiac
is called AYANAMSHA .Sideereal longitudes are followedin India where as equatorial
longitudes are followedin west. These are referred as Nirayana and Sayana longitudes
respectively. Here Nirayana Longitudes=Sayana longitudes-Ayanamsha.
The changes due to the precession of equinox by 50’.3 of an arc every year.

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