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Content Standard Demonstrates understanding and skills in managing family resources

Performance Standard Manages family resources applying the principles of home management


Learning Competencies Code : TLE6HE-0a-1 (Week 1)

1 Identifies family resources and needs (human, material, and non-material) 1.1 lists of family resources 1.1 lists of basic and social needs

Lesson Objectives Define family resources Identify lists of family resources Explain the types of family resources Explain the importance of time
management Prepare one week schedule of work Identify basic and social needs



This lesson will help you learn to identify the resources available in the family and how to properly manage these resources in order to provide
sufficiently for the family’s different needs. Apart from money, family resources also include things non-working members of the family may
possess. These are energy, time, and skills. Like money, these resources are finite. This should be instilled in the minds of the members of the

Types of family resources  Human Resources Every able-bodied member of the family is considered an important human resource. People who can
contribute their time, effort, skills, strength, and expertise is considered part of the family’s human resource.

Capabilities, Intelligence, and Skills Every person has his or her unique ability and intelligence in a way that improves not only himself or herself
but also others. It is important to identify the talents and skills that each person has and utilize them for the common good.

Strength/Energy The strength of a person does not only mean having good health and strong body. It also means having emotional stability, mental
alertness, and having reasonable commitment and positive outlook in life, especially in work that improves self and society. Strength is also needed
to accomplish tasks on time in order to play, entertain, and relax with the family afterwards.
 Material Resources Tangible assets such as house and lot, furniture and appliances, jewelry, automobiles, and cash are referred to as the family’s
material resources. Every family must invest wisely in material resources, making sure that they consider quality, durability, and appreciation value
when choosing what to purchase. Real properties and jewelry increase in value over time while the value of furniture, appliances, and automobiles
depreciate or go down as they get old and worn out. Non – monetary material resources are valuable too because they can be sold for a certain
amount of cash.

 Non-material Resources Time, health, and experience are intangible resources but are also important. Without non- material resources, family
members will be unable to perform their duties and responsibilities at home, in school, and at work.

Time Time is very important. This is the resource that cultivates cooperation, fulfilment of the prescribed duties, and smart maintenance of homes.
This is used to start and finish the work without giving burden to the body or resentment to the person.

Health The health of family members is important. When family members are in good health, they can do their duties without delay.

Experience The more experience a family member has, the more likely he or she will get hired and be paid a good amount for his or her services. So,
job or work experience is an important non-material resource to have.

Time /Energy management There are some tasks that require only little time and energy to accomplish. Take these things into consideration when
scheduling activities. Household activities should be managed properly to lessen unnecessary labor and help speed up work and reduce stress.

Below are some helpful reminders or tips to simplify work at home.  Identify and analyse each activity. Not everything has to be done every day.
Plot the activities that can be done daily, weekly, or monthly. The following is an example of how to plan activities so as not to overwork the
household and allow for other activities to be included during the day.

Basic needs – are requirements for sustaining life and promoting physical and mental growth for the children within the family.

1. Food, water, shelter, and clothing. These needs are provided by parents to their children since birth, to keep them alive.
2. Security and safety needs. The parents provide security and the safety needs of their children to make them comfortable and to keep them
free from fear. This includes healthcare and education .

Food – fuels the human body. Without it, the body cannot grow or perform at its best, the organs will stop working properly, and th body eventually
dies. Food supplies nutrients, which are used by every cell in the body as building materials and fuel.

Water –is vital to life, humans, plants and animals are made up of mostly water. All living things would die if it weren’t for water. We use water for
drinking, washing, cleaning, cooking and watering plants.

Shelter. Human beings need shelter for protection against natural threats, such as extreme weather and dangerous creatures, and even as security
against other human beings.
Clothing – is a fiber and textile material worn on the body to enhance personal appearance and protect it from extreme temperatures and elements of
various climate.

Education – boosts self esteem, gives the confidence to pursue dreams and alleviates poverty.

Social needs - are things such as acceptance, appreciation, belonging and companionship. Essentially, social needs are met by forging relationships
with other people. Social needs are also considered to be deficiency needs or something that is essential for growth and development. According to
Maslow's theory, social needs are important because forging emotional relationships is essential for preventing anxiety, depression and loneliness.
Social needs are met in a variety of ways. Families meet the social needs of children, but later in life, romantic partners, friends and co-workers
further meet social needs. Joining groups, such as a church or athletic team, also meets social needs.

LET’S EXPLAIN 1. What are the different family resources? 2. How can you manage family resources wisely? 3. Why should you learn how to
manage your time, money, and energy? 4. What are the basic needs of man?


The proper management of the home depends on how family members utilize their materials and non-material resources. Using family resources
properly will help attain goals for a better home life.


A. Place a check under a resource that you value for each row. Legend: T – Time S – Strength M – Money C – Capability/Skill/Talent

Task T M S C 1 according to the given schedule. 2 after the assigned task. 3 the dish garden in a creative way. 4 a small portion of the allowance
daily. 5 (doing two or more tasks at the same time) 6 a recipe of a new food item. 7 clothes for long term use. 8 recreation activities to forget
problems. 9. Expenses that come regularly. 10 earned from business.

B. List 10 household chores done in the home everyday. Prepare a work schedule for one week. Write your answers in your notebook.

REINFORCEMENT How do you use your time? Make a one week schedule of your activities and household chores. Write it in your notebook.


farnellfamily/cfarnell/why/uses.html reference/world-view/need-shelter

8#q=Clothing&* 8#q=reasons+why+is+education+important&*
The real income of the family consists of: a. Inherited landed property, which yields crops for the family. b. Food furnished by a kitchen garden. c.
Dairy farming and poultry farming. d. Durable goods and commodities owned by the family. e. Kneading, embroidery, tailoring, pickling, baking
and activities carried out in home. f. All types of knowledge and services (Household activities) provided by the members of the family. g.
Community facilities like parks, markets, hospitals, roads, schools, colleges, libraries, dispensaries, fire and police protection, community
entertainments, social centres etc. Proper utilization of all these can increase the real income of the family.

Psychic Income: This income is the flow of satisfaction derived by the family from the use of money income and real income. This income is also
called as enjoyment income, experienced over a given period of time by the proper utilization of money income and real income. We must maximize
psychic income, because our ultimate goal is to derive maximum satisfaction and peace from life. It is in the form of rewards (as in prestige, leisure,
or pleasant surroundings) not measurable in terms of money or goods but serving as an incentive to work in certain occupations or situations a
creative artist can reap a psychic income that money cannot match.

Total Income: Total income consists of money income received over a certain period of time and the real income received during the same period
from other sources without spending one’s own money income. The family utilizes this total income to obtain goods and services for the satisfaction
of its needs and saves some unused money income for future use, gifts to other persons or payment of taxes.

Tips in Wise Spending of Your Income  Make a lists of all the things needed at home and their specification.  Compare the prices of the products
to be bought. Avoid buying things with higher prices than usual.  Buy in bulk the things that are needed everyday.  Buy fruits and vegetables in
season.  Know the substitute ingredients for expensive items.  Be familiar with the stores offering lowest prices.  Go to a store where you can be
assured of good quality and standard price.


What are the sources of family income? How do you differentiate direct income from indirect income? What are the types of family income and give
examples. How can you spend your income wisely?


Using family resources properly will help attain goals for a better home life. The home serves as the workshop where skills are honed, attitudes and
values are developed, habits are formed. LET’S DO TOGETHER

Classify the following income according to the three types of family income:

Monthly salary Weekly wages Interest from deposits Orchard (farm) Rice plantation Invitation to a dinner Trip to HongKong reward Dividends
Interests from deposits (RENT from apa Vegetable garden

Money Income Real Income Psychic Income


Identify the source of income of the family. Interview members of the family. Write you answers in your notebook.

References: 8#q=types+of+family+income&*

A family budget may differ from one family size and composition, family values and standards of living. Some families may spend more on food,
others on clothing and still others on education. The values of the family influence its priorities.

Sample of Monthly Budget Monthly Income: Php 25, 000. Family Members : 4

Item % of Budget Allotted Amount Food 40 10,000. Education 16 4,000. Shelter 15 3,750. Utilities 12 3,000. Household Operation 6 1,500.
Clothing 3 750. Recreation 3 750. Savings 5 1,250. Total 100 25,000.

How to manage family resources efficiently  Inform all the members of the family about the budget.  Make adjustments to your budget as
necessary. Keep within the amount allocated for budget items.  Choose a simple lifestyle that you can sustain with your earnings.  Buy only things
that are needed.  Schedule your expenses.  Follow a shopping and marketing schedule.  Avoid making unscheduled, unplanned purchases
especially at a store you are not familiar with.  Teach the children to spend their allowance wisely.  Conserve energy and other utilities.  Recycle
or reuse materials.  Repair appliances and furniture as needed.  Take good care of your belongings.  Buy products that are of good quality and
reasonable price.  Develop the habit of walking short distances.

Factors affecting the family budget The following are some factors that can affect a personal or family budget.

1. Amount of Income – the higher the income of the family, the greater the amount that the family members can spend for their needs and
wants. But, the greater the income, the more savings the family can have for the future. On the other hand, the smaller the income of a
family, the more it needs to spend for what is most important and immediate needs. Food, shelter, clothing, education, and utilities are some
of the immediate needs of most families today.
2. Size and Composition of the family – the more family members are there, the bigger amount of income is spent on food, schooling, clothing,
and for their other basic needs. Also, when family members are still young and growing up, the more expenses are needed for their food,
health and medical expenses, clothing and other basic needs.
3. Values of the family – different families and different individuals have different values so they have different priorities on how to spend their
4. Needs and wants of the family – needs are materials which the family members need to survive on a day to day basis. Food, shelter, and
clothing are basic needs. Today, however, education, transportation, lights, and water are also considered needs. Wants, on the other hand,
are materials that the family members desire to have. They can be postponed if the budget is not enough but can be purchased if the budget
allows it. Jewelry, new dresses, cell phones and other electronic gadgets, appliances, and cars are some of the wants most families would like
to buy.
Needs and Wants Our needs and wants motivate us to work hard. They encourage and inspire us to get involved in productive endeavors that will
help our families live better. It is important for family members to distinguish clearly their needs from their wants. In family budgeting, we must
prioritize our needs and not wants.


Why is there a need to budget the income of the family? What are the components of a family budget? How can we manage family resources
efficiently? Differentiate needs from wants and give examples.


Every member must also know how the family income is budgeted. Through budgeting, family members learn to spend money wisely, thus, saving
money which could be used for other family needs. Resources such as time, energy, and utilities are also used well when income is budgeted..

LET’S CHECK YOUR PRACTICES How can you help in the effective implementation of your family budget? Put a check on the blank before
each number. _____ 1. I save a part of my daily allowance for future use. _____ 2. I buy only the things which is needed and within the allotted
budget. _____ 3. I stick to my market list when buying. _____ 4. I recycle my used notebooks, pens, etc. so that I can use it again. _____ 5. I mend
tears on my clothes right away to avoid buying a new one. _____ 6. I avoid buying unnecessary things, like toys, if they’re out of the budget. _____
7. I buy unlabelled canned goods with dents and scratches to save money. _____ 8. I always wash my hands before and after eating to avoid sickness
and buying expensive medicine. _____9. I switch off the lights, TV, and electric fan if it is not being used. _____10. I find some income-generating
activity like selling bottles of ketchup, soy sauce, old newspaper, etc.,in junk shop.


A. Identify the components of a family budget.

Demonstrates an understanding and skills in sewing household linens

Performance Standard Sews household linens using appropriate tools and materials and applying the basic principles in sewing


Learning Competency Code : TLE6HE-0c-5 (Week 3)

2 Classifies tools and materials according to their use (measuring, cutting, sewing)

Lesson Objectives: Identify the different tools in sewing hold linens Give the uses of tools Identify the classification of tools. Classify tools and
materials according to use. Discuss the tips to keep sewing tools and equipment longer

It is easy to look for the sewing tools you need when the sewing tools are well placed in a clean well- organized sewing box. With the right needle,
the appropriate thread, and the needed fasteners or buttons, one can save time and energy. Having the complete basis on hand, tools greatly
contribute in making garment construction easier, faster, more efficient, and enjoyable.

Tools and Materials

Measuring Tools  Tape Measure – is a measuring tool used for taking body measurements to produce well-fitting clothes and pants. This is usually
made of cloth or plastic.  Ruler- is a measuring tool used to measure and draft lines on a fabric or pattern.  Metal Gauge- is a movable marker that
measures short distances and correct thickness such as distance between buttons, pleats, and hems.  Hem Gauge- is a measuring tool used to
measure the correct hem for a piece of clothing or linen.  French Curve-is a measuring tool used in drafting curves in the pattern of the arm,
neckline, and crotch.  Meter or Yard Stick – this is used to measure fabric.  Tailor’s Square- is used for drawing straight lines and true right
angles.  Curve stick-is used to have curved lines on necklines and armholes.

Cutting Tools  Embroidery Scissors- are small scissors designed for needle work.  Dressmaking Shears- is used for cutting heavy fabric. It has
uneven shapes of handles.  Pinking Shears – are scissors with serrated blades or zigzag edges (similar to saw) used for cutting the fabric edge and
prevent it from fraying or ravelling.

 Light Trimmer – is used for cutting small corners or portions of the fabric, this tool has one point blunt to prevent the fabric from snagging. 
Brent-handled Shears- Shears with straight blades and a handle that is off-set at an angle to allow the lower blade to stay flat in a cutting surface. 
Sewing Scissors- is a cutting tool used for trimming seams and facings.  Thread Clippers-is a small cutting tool used for snipping thread.  Seam
Ripper-is a cutting tool used to open seams as well as other detailed work.  Stitch Ripper- is a small tool made of metal used to remove stitches.

Marking Tools  Tracing Wheel- is a marking tool with saw tooth blade used to transfer the marks from the pattern paper to the cloth.  Tailor’s
Chalk- this is an orange colored hard square wax used for marking guidelines or sewing lines in fabric.  Tracing Paper- this is used with the tracing
wheel to transfer marks from the pattern paper to the cloth.  Soft Pencil – this is used in drawing lines in pattern construction.

Sewing Tools  Needle-is a sewing tool that has one sharp end and a hole at the other end to make the thread pass through. They come in different
sizes and are used in sewing to pass the thread through the cloth either by hand or machine. The three types of needles are sharps (longest with round
eyes for general sewing), crewels ( next in length with slender eyes for darning and embroidery), and betweens (the shortest needles with round eyes
for fine sewing in tailoring or dressmaking), Long darners Long thick needle suitable for mending holes in heavy fabrics.

Cotton darners (fine points) Used for darning, suitable for delicate yarns such as cotton and silk.

Beading needles Very long and fine with a sharp point; used for decorative work, particularly for attaching beads and sequins.
Curved needles Needles used in sewing mattress and doing upholstery work.

Ball point needles (round point) Used between knit yarn fibers.

Straws Longer needles than betweens; used for tacking

Tapestry needles Strong, thick needles that have a sturdy, blunt point; suitable for working tapestry and needle point projects.

Embroidery crewel needles


Classify the sewing tools below. Write them in the box where they belong. Ruler Tape Measure Soft Pencil Pinking Shears Light Trimmer Needle
Threader Tracing Wheel Thread Clippers Trapestry Needle Curved Needles Tailor’s Chalk French Curve Emery bag Ball Point Metal Gauge
Tracing Paper Thimble Seam Ripper

Measuring Tools Cutting Tools Marking Tools Sewing Tools


Tools greatly contribute in making garment construction easier, faster, more efficient, and enjoyable.


Identify the correct answer. Write your answer in your notebook. ________ 1. It is a cutting tool used in cutting heavy fabrics. ________ 2. A
sewing tool used to protect the finger to be pricked by the needle in doing hand sewing. ________ 3. It is used to keep needles and pins in place
when not in use. ________ 4. It is a marking tool with saw tooth blade used to transfer the marks from the pattern paper to the cloth. ________ 5. A
sewing tool that has one sharp end and a hole at the other end to make the thread pass through. ________ 6. A measuring tool used to measure
fabric. ________ 7. is a marking tool with saw tooth blade used to transfer the marks from the pattern paper to the cloth. ________ 8. This is a
measuring tool used in drafting curves in the pattern of the arm, neckline, and crotch. ________ 9. A measuring tool used to measure and draft lines
on a fabric or pattern. ________ 10. this is an orange colored hard square wax used for marking guidelines or sewing lines in fabric.


Identify five tools laid on the table and give their functions.


Learning Competency Code TLE6HE-0c-6 (Week 3) Prepares project plan for household linens

Lesson Objectives:

IV. Materials and tools needed Write the materials and tools needed

V. Procedure Write the steps in doing the project

VI. Evaluation Use this scorecard to evaluate your project

Scorecard Points Score A. Safety Practices (30%) 1. Washed hands before working 2. Light is coming from the left shoulder 3. Used proper
materials and tools 4. Work area was maintained clean and orderly



B. Workmanship (50%) 1. Correct and tidy 2. Right tightness of the stitches (not loose or tight 3. Able to execute the desired design




C. Overall design (20%) 1. Neat and appealing 2. Right color combination




Explain the parts of the project plan. What is the criteria in evaluating the project? Explain.


Sewing materials are important to make sewing successful and enjoyable. Orderliness and cleanliness can be developed by taking care of your
sewing materials. Maintain your work area clean and orderly.

LET’S DO TOGETHER Prepare a project plan for a household linen and present it in class.

REINFORCEMENT Prepare materials and tools needed for your project.


Learning Competency: Code TLE6HE-0c-7 (Week 3) 2 Identifies supplies/materials and tools needed for the project


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