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One day, Sam was getting ready for school. They packed their
backpack with all their favorite things – their lunchbox, a notebook,
and their favorite pencil. Sam liked school because they knew what
to expect every day. But today was going to be different.

When Sam arrived at school, their teacher, Ms. Taylor, told the class
that there was going to be a change in their schedule. Instead of
having art class in the morning, they were going to have a special
assembly. Sam felt their heart start to race. They didn’t like
changes to their routine.

It’s okay to feel nervous or upset when things change. Sam felt a
mix of emotions – confusion, frustration, and a little bit of worry.
Sam wanted everything to stay the same because it made them
feel safe and in control.

Sam’s teacher noticed they were upset and came over to talk. Ms.
Taylor asked Sam how they were feeling. Sam took a deep breath
and said, “I don’t like that the schedule is different. I was looking
forward to art class.” Ms. Taylor nodded and said, “It’s okay to feel
that way. Changes can be tough, but we can get through them

Ms. Taylor reminded Sam of a few ways to feel better when things
Take Deep Breaths: Just like in Alex’s story, taking deep breaths
can help calm us down. Sam closed their eyes and took a few slow,
deep breaths.
Ask Questions: Sometimes, knowing more about the change can
help. Sam asked Ms. Taylor what the assembly was about. She
explained that it was a fun event with a magician performing tricks,
which sounded exciting.
Stay Positive: Ms. Taylor encouraged Sam to think about what
might be fun about the assembly. Even though it wasn’t art class,
it could still be enjoyable.
When it was time for the assembly, Sam sat with their classmates
and watched the magician. At first, they still felt a little nervous,
but as the show went on, they started to enjoy it. The magician
was funny and did amazing tricks that made everyone laugh.

After the assembly, Sam thought about how they had felt earlier.
The change had been hard, but it turned out to be a good
experience. Sam was proud of themselves for staying calm and
trying something new. They realized that while changes can be
scary, they can also bring new and fun experiences.

Sam’s teacher told the class that handling change is a skill we can
learn. It’s important to talk about our feelings, ask questions, and
stay positive. Ms. Taylor gave each student a “Change Champion”
badge for trying their best to handle the change in schedule.

Everyone experiences change, and it’s okay to feel nervous or

upset about it. What’s important is how we handle those feelings.
By taking deep breaths, asking questions, and staying positive, we
can turn a scary change into something new and exciting. Just like
Sam, we can all become “Change Champions” and learn to handle
change with confidence!

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