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HRMN 1017-Assignment Three

Development of a Recruitment and Selection Plan

25% of overall course mark – Group Submission

Due: Thursday, December 2, 2021 by 8:00 a.m. via email to:

Assignment Purpose: To develop a recruitment and selection plan for a job. Students will
form their own groups (4-6 people per group) and they will choose their own job. This
assignment will provide an in-depth understanding of the major components of the recruitment
and selection process and an appreciation for each of the component areas including
advertising and outreach, screening and assessment, testing and development of interview
questions and rating scales.

Assignment Method:
1. Each group will choose their own job posting. Review the information from Chapters 6 -
10 in your course text.
2. The group will develop a recruitment and selection plan for their chosen job. This plan
will include the following components:

Advertising and Outreach – a detailed listing of the method to be used for

advertising and outreach channels for your assigned job including a cost summary
[assume you have membership pricing and are purchasing a single job ad from each
vendor]. You have a $500.00 budget. Include your rationale for the advertising and
outreach you selected. Research the position’s organization to learn about their
culture and values and include in your submission what aspects of the organizational
culture you would use to attract your candidate pool.

Screening, Assessment and Testing – outline the methods to be employed for

screening and assessment of the initial candidate pool. Include the criteria you will
assess, how you will assess them, as well as your rationale for the methods selected
and include a copy of your assessment and rating scales in an appendices. Outline
why or why you did not include components and if you will be using a telephone
screening interview, outline the questions you would ask and how you would rate
the candidate responses.

Outline any tests you would employ for your chosen job and why these tests were
selected. What stage in the process would you utilize your tests. Include details on
who would administer and assess the test results. Ensure testing is valid and reliable
to the position you are recruiting for.
Interview Guide and Rating Criteria – develop a series of interview questions to be
used for assessing candidates for this position (include the interview question in
appendices). Assume you will allow one hour for each interview which will include
10 – 12 questions. For each question, outline the rating scale you will utilize and
include your rationale for selecting this scale. How would you structure your
interview and what information about your corporate culture would you share with
the candidates to ”sell the organization”. Additionally, what type of interview(s)
would you recommend to the hiring manager and who would you recommend to
participate. Include rationale for your decisions in your report.

Your final report submission should include any assumptions you have made throughout the

Project Methodology:

You will select your group members. You will choose a job posting for which you will develop
your plan. Each group member will select one component to respond to (Advertising and
Outreach, Screening, Assessment and Testing and Interview Guide and Rating Criteria). Include
a page in your group report which outlines which team member was responsible for each
component. You will need to ensure that each component is connected. Each group member
will receive the same mark so it’s imperative that the work is evenly distributed.

Assumptions: Your employer has advised that the recruitment budget for your assigned job is
limited ($500) and thus, your group must be selective with respect to the mediums and costs
undertaken. Your employer has both a corporate website as well as an employee intranet in
the organization. Your HR department uses an Applicant Tracking System [ATS] which has the
capability to include screening questions when posting jobs.

Your group submission should include the following components:

1) A copy of the job posting

2) Three paragraph maximum for each component [not including a telephone interview or
interview guide]
3) Copies of your screening, assessment, and testing tools, and your final interview guide,
and rating criteria and scale

Final Notes

1. The professor reserves the right to alter this process to meet the needs of our class and
the objectives of this assignment.
2. Please have one group member submit the assignment via email to: Please ensure all groups members are copied on the
3. Please follow the rubric with these instructions.
Thank you!

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