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General Studies Paper 1


Name of the post Gujarat Administrative Service, Class-1, Gujarat Civil Services,
Class-1 & Class-2 & Gujarat Municipal Chief Officer Service, Class-2

Advertisement No. 20/2022-23

Preliminary Test held 08-01-2023
Question No. 01-200
Publish Date 11-01-2023

Last Date to Send Suggestion(s) 18-01-2023


Instructions / ૂચના
Candidate must ensure compliance to the instructions mentioned below, else objections
shall not be considered: -
(1) All the suggestion should be submitted through ONLINE OBJECTION SUBMISSION SYSTEM only.
Physical or submission through E- Mail of suggestions will not be considered.
(2) Question wise suggestion to be submitted in the prescribed format (proforma) published on the
website / online objection submission system.
(3) All suggestions are to be submitted with reference to the Master Question Paper with provisional
answer key (Master Question Paper), published herewith on the website / online objection
submission system. Objections should be sent referring to the Question, Question No. & options of
the Master Question Paper.
(4) Suggestions regarding question nos. and options other than provisional answer key (Master
Question Paper) shall not be considered.
(5) Objections and answers suggested by the candidate should be in compliance with the responses given
by him in his answer sheet. Objections shall not be considered, in case, if responses given in the answer
sheet /response sheet and submitted suggestions are differed.
(6) Objection for each question should be made on separate sheet. Objection for more than one question
in single sheet shall not be considered.

ઉમેદવાર નીચેની ૂચનાઓ ુ ં પાલન કરવાની તકદાર રાખવી, અ યથા વાંધા- ૂચન ગે કરલ ર ૂ આતો યાને લેવાશે નહ

(1) ઉમેદવાર વાંધાં- ચ

ૂ નો ફ ત ઓનલાઈન ઓ શન સબમીશન સી ટમ ારા જ સબમીટ કરવાના રહશે. બ અથવા ટપાલ
અથવા ઇ- મેઇલ ારા આયોગની કચેર એ મોકલવા આવેલ વાંધા- ૂચનો યાને લેવામા આવશે નહ ની ખાસ ન ધ
(2) ઉમેદવાર વાંધા- ૂચનો ર ૂ કરવા વેબસાઈટ / ઓનલાઈન ઓ શન સબમીશન સી ટમ પર િસ ધ થયેલ િનયત
ન ૂનાનો જ ઉપયોગ કરવો.

(3) ઉમેદવાર પોતાને પર ામાં મળેલ પ ુ તકામાં છપાયેલ માક ુજબ વાંધા- ૂચનો ર ૂ ન કરતા તમામ
વાંધા- ૂચનો વેબસાઈટ પર િસ ધ થયેલ ોિવઝનલ આ સર ક (મા ટર પ )ના માંક ુજબ અને તે સંદભમાં
ર ૂ કરવા.

(4) મા ટર પ માં િન દ ટ અને િવક પ િસવાયના વાંધા- ૂચનો યાને લેવામાં આવશે નહ .
(5) ઉમેદવાર ના િવક પ પર વાંધો ર ૂ કરલ છે અને િવક પ પે જવાબ ૂચવેલ છે એ જવાબ ઉમેદવાર પોતાની
ઉ રવહ માં આપેલ હોવો જોઈએ. ઉમેદવાર ૂચવેલ જવાબ અને ઉ રવહ નો જવાબ ભ હશે તો ઉમેદવાર ર ૂ કરલ
વાંધા- ૂચનો યાનમા લેવાશે નહ .

(6) એક માટ એક જ વાંધા- ૂચન પ ક વાપર ું. એક જ વાંધા- ૂચનો પ કમાં એકથી વધાર ોની ર ૂઆત કરલ હશે તો
તે ગેના વાંધા- ૂચનો યાને લેવાશે નહ .

Website link for online objection submission system :

001. MkÇÞíkk (civilization) Lkk {wÏÞ Wøk{ fuLÿku fu su{ýu {kLkðòíkLkwt «khçÄ ½zâwt, íku Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞk Au ?
1. [eLk
2. ¼khíkeÞ WÃk¾tz
3. V¤ÿwÃk yÄo[tÿkfkh (Crescent) (ESÃík yLku {uMkkuÃkkuxur{Þk)
4. ¼q{æÞ (økúeMk yLku hku{)
ÞkuøÞ rðfÕÃk ÃkMktË fhe Mkk[ku W¥kh ykÃkku.
(A) {kºk 1, 2 yLku 3 (B) {kºk 2

(C) {kºk 2 yLku 3 (D) WÃkhkuõík ík{k{

002. Lke[u ykÃku÷k rðÄkLkku æÞkLk{kt ÷ku.
1. ÄkŠ{f «Mktøkku yu MLkkLk fhðk {kxu {kunUòu Ëzku ¾kíku rLk{koý fhðk{kt ykðu÷ rðþk¤ MLkkLkkøkkh yu íÞktLkwt MkkiÚke {n¥ðLkwt

ònuh MÚk¤ níkwt.
2. MLkkLkkøkkhLkwt ¼kUÞík¤eÞw íkkÃkÚke Ãkfðu÷e #xkuLkwt çkLku÷wt níkwt.
ykÃku÷ rðÄkLkku Ãkife fÞwt/fÞk MkíÞ Au ?
(A) {kºk 1 (B) {kºk 2

(C) 1 íkÚkk 2 çkLLku (D) 1 yÚkðk 2 yuf Ãký Lknª

003. ïuíkktçkh siLkkuLkk {íkkLkwMkkh, {nkðeh îkhk ykÃkðk{kt ykðu÷ {q¤ WÃkËuþ ..........{kt Mk{krðü níkku.
(A) ytøk (Angas) (B) Ãkðo (Parvas)

(C) rÃkxf (Pitakas) (D) Mkqºk (Sutras)

004. Lke[uLkk rðÄkLkku æÞkLk{kt ÷ku.
1. økwÃíkfk¤ ËhBÞkLk r[rfíMkk rð»kÞLkk ÃkkuíkkLkk fkÞo {kxu Mkw©wík òýeíkk Au.
2. ‘Mkw©wík Mktrníkk’ yu MktMf]ík ¼k»kk{kt ÷¾kÞu÷wt þMºkr¢ÞkLkwt ÃkwMíkf Au.
3. Mkw©wík yu Mkki«Úk{ ¼khíkeÞ þÕÞr[rfíMkf (surgeon) Au.
4. Mkw©wík yu yLkwLkkrMkf þMºkr¢Þk (Rhinoplasty) MkrníkLkk þÕÞíktºk (þÕÞ rð¿kkLk)Lkk ÏÞk÷ {kxu òýeíkk Au.
WÃkhLkk rðÄkLk Ãkife fÞwt rðÄkLk/fÞk rðÄkLkku MkíÞ Au ?
(A) 1 yLku 2 (B) 1 yLku 4

(C) 1, 2 yLku 4 (D) WÃkhkuõík ík{k{

005. ÃkÕ÷ðkuLke hksÄkLke Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞk MÚk¤u ÂMÚkík níke ?
(A) øktøkkfkuLzk [ku÷Ãkwh{ (B) fkt[eÃkwh{

(C) [uLLkkÃkxLk{ (D) ríkÁ[ehkÃkÕ÷e

006. {nkçkr÷Ãkwh{ ÂMÚkík ‘Mkkík hÚk’ {trËhLkwt rLk{koý fkuýu fÞwO níkwt ?
(A) [ku÷ þkMkfkuyu (B) Ãkrù{ [k÷wõÞ þkMkfkuyu

(C) ÃkÕ÷ð þkMkfkuyu (D) fkfxeÞ þkMkfkuyu

2 [[CSP-1]
CSP-1] [Contd.

001. Which are the main cradles of civilizations which have shaped the destinies of mankind?
1. China
2. Indian Sub-continent
3. The Fertile Crescent (Egypt and Mesopotamia)
4. The Mediterranean (Greece and Rome)
Select the correct answer using the code below:
(A) 1, 2 and 3 only (B) 2 only

(C) 2 and 3 only (D) All of the above

002. Consider the following statements:
1. The Great Bath was the most important public place of Mohenjodaro made for ritual bathing.
2. The floor of the bath was made of burnt bricks.
Which of the statement(s) given below is/are correct?
(A) Only 1 (B) Only 2

(C) Both 1 and 2 (D) Neither 1 nor 2

003. According to Svetambara Jains, the original doctrine taught by Mahavira was contained in
(A) Angas (B) Parvas

(C) Pitakas (D) Sutras

004. Consider the following statements:
1. Sushruta known for his work on medicine during Gupta period
2. Sushruta Samhita is a Sanskrit text on surgery
3. Sushruta is the first Indian surgeon
4. Sushruta known for concept of Shalya tantra (surgical science) including Rhinoplasty
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(A) 1 and 2 (B) 1 and 4

(C) 1, 2 and 4 (D) All of the above

005. The Pallava capital was located at which place?
(A) Gangaikonda Cholapuram (B) Kanchipuram
(C) Chennapatnam (D) Tiruchirapalli

006. Who built the Seven Rathas Temple located in Mahabalipuram?
(A) Cholas (B) Western Chalukyas

(C) Pallavas (D) Kakatiyas

CSP-1] [P.T.O. 3

007. ¼khík WÃkh rçkúxeþ hksfeÞ ykrÄÃkíÞLke þYykík fÞk ÞwØÚke ÚkÞu÷e økýe þfkÞ Au ?
(A) ÃkkrýÃkík (B) Ã÷kMke

(C) çkfMkh (D) ðkLzeðkuþ

008. hkò hk{ {kunLkhkÞ yu ...
1. Mkwþwrûkík íkÚkk çkúñkuMk{ksLkk MÚkkÃkf níkk.
2. çkúñkuMk{ksLke MÚkkÃkLkk yur«÷ 1828{kt ÚkE níke.
(A) {kºk 1 MkíÞ Au. (B) {kºk 2 MkíÞ Au.

(C) 1 íkÚkk 2 çktLku MkíÞ Au. (D) 1 yÚkðk 2 yuf Ãký MkíÞ LkÚke.

009. MðËuþe [¤ð¤Lkwt íkkífkr÷f fkhý .......... níkwt.
(A) ykð~Þf [esðMíkwykuLkk ¼kð{kt ðÄkhku (B) ÷kuzo fÍoLk îkhk çktøkk¤Lkk ¼køk÷k
(C) çkuhkusøkkhe{kt ðÄkhku (D) ¾uzqíkkuLkku yMktíkku»k

010. ðzk«ÄkLk sðknh÷k÷ LkunYLkk {tºke{tz¤{kt LkkÞçk ðzk«ÄkLk fkuý níkk ?
(A) Mke. hksøkkuÃkk÷k[khe (B) MkhËkh ðÕ÷¼¼kE Ãkxu÷

(C) ðe.fu. f]»ý {uLkLk (D) hksuLÿ «MkkË

011. Mðíktºk ¼khík{kt «Úk{ {rn÷k {wÏÞ{tºke fkuý níkkt ?
(A) Mkw[uíkk r¢Ãk÷kýe (B) yYýk ykMkV y÷e

(C) EÂLËhk økktÄe (D) rðsÞk÷û{e Ãktrzík

012. ‘1956Lke {nkøkwshkíkLke [¤ð¤’ rðþu Lke[uLkk rðÄkLkku æÞkLk{kt ÷ku.
1. íku ¼k»kk ykÄkrhík y÷øk hkßÞLkk {wÆk WÃkh fuLÿeík ÷kufr«Þ [¤ð¤ níke.
2. íkuLke ykøkuðkLke rðãkÚkeoyku yLku yøkúýe Lkkøkrhfku îkhk ÷uðk{kt ykðe níke.
3. ykuøkü 1956{kt íku rLkýkoÞf {wÆk Ãkh ÃknkU[e níke.
4. íkífk÷eLk {wÏÞ{tºke {kuhkhS ËuMkkEyu íkuLku nfkhkí{f «rík¼kð ykÃÞku níkku.
WÃkhLkk rðÄkLk/rðÄkLkku Ãkife fÞwt/fÞk MkíÞ Au ?
(A) 1 yLku 3 (B) 1 yLku 4

(C) 1, 2 yLku 4 (D) 1, 2 yLku 3

013. ®MkÄw MkÇÞíkkLke yuf {wÿk{kt «kýeykuÚke ½uhkÞu÷k ÞkuøkeLke Axk{kt çkuXu÷k, Lkh Ëuðíkk ..........Lkk ykrËYÃk íkhefu

yku¤¾kÞ Au.
(A) ¼økðkLk rð»ýw (B) ¼økðkLk rþð

(C) ¼økðkLk çkúñk (D) WÃkhkuõík Ãkife yuf Ãký Lknª

4 [CSP-1] [Contd.

007. The beginning of the British political sway over India can be traced to the battle of
(A) Panipat (B) Plassey

(C) Buxar (D) Wandiwash

008. Raja Ram Mohan Roy was
1. A well-read man and founder of the Brahmo Samaj.
2. Brahmo Samaj was established in April 1828.
(A) only 1 is correct
(B) only 2 is correct
(C) both 1 and 2 are correct
(D) both 1 and 2 are not correct

009. The immediate cause of the Swadeshi Movement was

(A) Rise in prices of essential commodities
(B) Partition of Bengal by Lord Curzon
(C) Rising unemployment
(D) Discontent of the peasants

010. Who was the Deputy Prime Minister in the cabinet of Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru?
(A) C. Rajagopalachari (B) Sardar Vallabhai Patel

(C) V. K. Krishna Menon (D) Rajendra Prasad

011. Who was the first woman Chief Minister in Independent India?
(A) Sucheta Kriplani (B) Aruna Asif Ali

(C) Indira Gandhi (D) Vijayalakshmi Pandit

012. With regard to ‘Maha Gujarat Movement of 1956’, consider the following statements:
1. It was popular movement centered on linguistic assertion for separate state
2. The lead was taken by students and prominent citizens
3. The turning point came in August 1956
4. Then Chief Minister Morarji Desai responded positively
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(A) 1 and 3 (B) 1 and 4

(C) 1, 2 and 4 (D) 1, 2 and 3

013. A male-god on one Seal of Indus, seated in the yogi posture, surrounded by animals is identified as

a prototype of
(A) God Vishnu (B) God Siva

(C) God Brahma (D) None of the above

[CSP-1] [P.T.O. 5

014. ®MkÄw MkÇÞíkkLkk Mkqhfkuxzk MÚk¤Lkwt Wík¾LkLk fkuýu fÞwO níkwt ?
(A) Mkh ËÞk hk{ MknkLke (B) ©e søkík Ãkrík òuþe

(C) ©e yuMk. ykh. hkð (D) {kuxeo{uh Ône÷h

015. Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞk MÚk¤u økkiík{ çkwØu íku{Lkku Mkki «Úk{ WÃkËuþ ykÃÞku níkku ?
(A) MkkhLkkÚk (B) fwþeLkøkh

(C) ÷wBçkeLke (D) çkkuÄ økÞk

016. siLk Ä{oLkk ºký rMkØktíkku, fu su ‘rºkhíLk’ íkhefu yku¤¾kÞ Au íku .......... Au.
1. MkBÞf ËþoLk 2. MkBÞf ¿kkLk

3. MkBÞf [rhºk 4. MkBÞf ðkýe

ÞkuøÞ rðfÕÃk ÃkMktË fhe Mkk[ku W¥kh ykÃkku.
(A) {kºk 1 (B) {kºk 1 yLku 2

(C) {kºk 1, 3, 4 (D) {kºk 1, 2, 3

017. [ku÷ Mkk{úkßÞ yu Ërûký ¼khík{kt ÷ktçkk Mk{Þfk¤ MkwÄe þkMkLk fhLkkhk hkßÞ ðtþku{ktLkwt yuf níkwt.
1. rðsÞk÷Þ yu yk ðtþLkku MÚkkÃkf níkku.
2. [ku÷ þkMkfku íku{Lkk þkne «íkef íkhefu ‘®Mkn’Lkku WÃkÞkuøk fhíkk níkk.
3. íku{ýu íkktòuh ¾kíku çk]nËeïh {trËhLkwt rLk{koý fÞwO níkwt.
4. [ku÷ þkMkfkuyu øktøkk LkËeLkk rfLkkhu «ðuþ fhLkkhk Mkki «Úk{ þkMkfku níkk.
WÃkhLkk Ãkife fÞwt rðÄkLk/fÞk rðÄkLkku MkíÞ Au ?
(A) {kºk 1 (B) 1, 2 yLku 3

(C) 1, 3 yLku 4 (D) 1, 2, 3 yLku 4

018. {nt{Ë ½kuheLku E.Mk. 1178{kt nhkðLkkh økwshkíkLkk þkMkfLkwt Lkk{ ykÃkku.
(A) ¼e{Ëuð Ãknu÷ku (B) ¼e{Ëuð çkeòu

(C) {q¤hksËuð (D) WÃkhkuõík Ãkife yuf Ãký Lknª

019. snktøkeh îkhk fuË fhðk{kt ykðu÷ MkqVe fkuý níkk ?
(A) ÞkneÞk rMkhrnLËe (B) r{Þk hMkw÷ rMkhrnLËe

(C) þu¾ ynu{Ë rMkhrnLËe (D) EM÷k{ rMkhrnLËe

020. 1857Lkk ¼khíkLkk MðkíktºÞ Mktøkúk{ (Indian Revolt) {kxu MkeÄe heíku s sðkçkËkh økýkíke ¾k÷Mkk Lkerík fkuýu Ëk¾÷

fhe níke ?
(A) ÷kuzo zu÷nkWMke (B) ÷kuzo fuLkªøk

(C) ÷kuzo ðu÷uM÷e (D) ÷kuzo r÷èkuLk

6 [CSP-1] [Contd.

014. Who excavated Surkotada site of Indus?
(A) Sir Daya Ram Sahani (B) Sri Jagat Pati Joshi
(C) Sri S R Rao (D) Mortimer Wheeler

015. Gautam Buddha delivered his first sermon at which one of the following places?
(A) Sarnath (B) Kushinagar

(C) Lumbini (D) Bodh Gaya

016. Three principles of Jainism, also known as Triratnas, are
1. Right faith 2. Right Knowledge

3. Right conduct 4. Right speech

Select the correct answer using the code below:
(A) 1 only (B) 1 & 2 only

(C) 1, 3, 4 only (D) 1, 2, 3 only

017. The Chola empire was one of the longest ruling dynasties of South India
1. Vijayalaya was the founder of the dynasty
2. Chola rulers used ‘Lion’ as their royal emblem
3. They constructed Brihadeeswara temple at Thanjavur
4. Cholas were first to venture into banks of the Ganges
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(A) 1 only (B) 1, 2 and 3

(C) 1, 3 and 4 (D) 1, 2, 3 and 4

018. Name of the ruler of Gujarat who defeated Muhammad Ghori in 1178.
(A) Bhimdev I (B) Bhimdev II

(C) Mulrajdev (D) None of the above

019. Who was the Sufi imprisoned by Jahangir?
(A) Yahiya Sirhindi (B) Mia Rasul Sirhindi

(C) Shaik Ahmed Sirhindi (D) Islam Sirhindi

020. Who was remembered for the Doctrine of Lapse policy which many hold directly responsible for

the Indian Revolt of 1857?
(A) Lord Dalhousie (B) Lord Canning

(C) Lord Wellesley (D) Lord Lytton

[CSP-1] [P.T.O. 7

021. fE LkeríkÚke rçkúxeþhkuyu ¼khík{kt £ktMkLkk «¼kðLku LkkçkqË fÞkuo ?
(A) ¾k÷MkkLkerík
(B) MknkÞfkhe ÞkusLkk
(C) òuzkýLkk ËMíkkðusÚke (Instrument of Accession)
(D) rçkLk nMíkûkuÃkLke Lkerík

022. yMknfkhLke [¤ð¤ fÞk ð»ko{kt þY fhðk{kt ykðe ?

(A) 1919 (B) 1920

(C) 1930 (D) 1947

023. “yr¼Lkð ¼khík”Lkk Lkk{u ¢ktríkfkheykuLke økwÃík {tz¤e (secret society)Lkwt økXLk .......... îkhk fhðk{kt ykÔÞwt.
(A) ¾wËehk{ çkkuÍ (B) ðe.ze. Mkkðhfh

(C) «VwÕ÷ [kfe (D) ¼økík ®Mkn

024. ðzkuËhk hkßÞLkk MkÞkShkð økkÞfðkz (1863 - 1939) yu Mkk{kSf MkwÄkhk ½zâk su{kt Lke[uLkkLkku Mk{kðuþ ÚkkÞ Au.
1. çkk¤ ÷øLk «ríkçktÄ yrÄrLkÞ{
2. MÚkkrLkf Mðhks Mkhfkh yrÄrLkÞ{
3. ®nËw rðÄðk ÃkwLk÷oøLk yrÄrLkÞ{
4. ík{k{ Lkkøkrhfku {kxu {Vík yLku VhSÞkík þk¤kfeÞ rþûký
WÃkhLkk Ãkife fÞwt rðÄkLk/fÞk rðÄkLkku MkíÞ Au ?
(A) {kºk 1 (B) 1, 2, 4

(C) 1, 2, 3 (D) WÃkhkuõík ík{k{

025. MkhËkh ðÕ÷¼¼kE Ãkxu÷u økktÄeSLkk {køkoËþoLk nuX¤ fhðuhk W½hkððk rðYØ çkkçkíku ¾uzqíkkuLkwt Lkuík]íð fÞk MÚk¤u

fÞwO níkwt ?
(A) [tÃkkhý (B) y{ËkðkË

(C) ¾uzk (D) çkkuhMkË

026. fE Mkr{ríkLke ¼÷k{ýku ytíkøkoík 1÷e LkðuBçkh 1966Lkk hkus nheÞkýk hkßÞLke h[Lkk ÚkE níke ?
(A) MkhËkh Ãkxu÷ Mkr{rík (B) VÍ÷ y÷e Mkr{rík

(C) MkhËkh nwf{ ®Mk½ Mkr{rík (D) ÷k÷ çknkËwh þkMºke Mkr{rík

027. fÞk çkLkkð çkkË ntxh ykÞkuøkLke rLk{ýqtf ÚkE níke ?

(A) ç÷ufnku÷ ½xLkk (B) s÷eÞktðk÷k çkkøk níÞkfktz

(C) 1857Lkk çk¤ðk (D) çktøkk¤Lkk ¼køk÷k

028. økktÄeSLkwt r«Þ ¼sLk ‘ði»ýð sLkíkku’Lkk h[rÞíkk fkuý níkk ?
(A) Lkh®Mkn {nuíkk (B) heÞkÍ ÷íkeV

(C) hrðLÿLkkÚk xkøkkuh (D) fçkeh

8 [CSP-1] [Contd.

021. By which policy the British eliminated the French influence in India?
(A) Doctrine of Lapse (B) Subsidiary Alliance

(C) Instrument of Accession (D) Policy of Non-interference

022. In which year was non-cooperation movement was launched?

(A) 1919 (B) 1920

(C) 1930 (D) 1947

023. “Abhinava Bharat” a secret society of revolutionaries was organized by
(A) Khudiram Bose (B) V. D. Savarkar

(C) Prafulla Chaki (D) Bhagat Singh

024. Sayajirao Gaekwad (1863-1939) of Baroda state enacted a set of social reforms which includes
1. Infant Marriage Prevention Act
2. Local Self Government Act
3. Hindu Widows Remarriage Act
4. Free and compulsory schooling to all citizens
Which of the statements given above is/ are correct?
(A) 1 only (B) 1, 2, 4

(C) 1, 2, 3 (D) All of the Above

025. At which place Sardar Vallabhai Patel, under Gandhi's guidance led the farmers against the

collection of taxes?
(A) Champaran (B) Ahmedabad

(C) Kheda (D) Borsad

026. Haryana was formed on first November, 1966 on the recommendation of which committee?
(A) Sardar Patel Committee
(B) Fazl Ali Committee
(C) Sardar Hukam Singh Committee
(D) Lal Bhadur Shastri Committee

027. The Hunter Commission was appointed after the

(A) Black hole incident (B) Jallianwala Bagh massacre

(C) Uprising of 1857 (D) Partition of Bengal

028. Who wrote Gandhi’s favourite bhajan Vaishnava Janato?
(A) Narsinh Mehta (B) Riyaz Latif

(C) Rabindranath Tagore (D) Kabir

[CSP-1] [P.T.O. 9

029. rçkúxeþ ¼khíkLkwt, ¼khík yLku ÃkkrfMíkkLk{kt rð¼ksLkLkwt rLkheûký fhLkkh ðkEMkhkuÞLkwt Lkk{ ykÃkku.
(A) ÷kuzo ðuðu÷ (B) ÷kuzo {kWLxçkuxLk

(C) õ÷u{uLx yux÷e (D) ÷kuzo r÷Lkr÷Úkøkku

030. ykurhMMkk{kt .......... MkqÞo {trËh yu h[Lkk MðYÃk{kt Au.
(A) çk]nrËïh (B) rË÷ðkzk

(C) fkuýkfo (D) {eLkkûke

031. .......... yu çkeòÃkwhLkk Mkw÷íkkLk {nt{Ë ykrË÷þknLke fçkh Au.
(A) rMkftËuhk (Sikandera)
(B) [kuMkX hWÍk (Chausath Rauza)
(C) Eíke{Ë-WË-Ëki÷k (Itimad-ud-Daulah)
(D) økku¤ økwtçks (Gol Gumbaz)

032. {nkhkò hýSík ®MknLke hksÄkLke .......... níke.

(A) íkûkrþ÷k (B) Ãkuþkðh

(C) s÷tÄh (D) ÷knkuh

033. rLkfkMk Úkíke ¼khíkeÞ ðMíkwyku{kt «k[eLk ¼khík{kt {÷çkkhLkwt .......... Wíf]ü níkwt.
(A) fk¤k{he (Black pepper) (B) ykËw (Ginger)
(C) hkuÍ{he (Rosemary) (D) ÚkkE{ (Thyme)

034. fE [¤ð¤ ËhBÞkLk Mkíkkhk «rík MkhfkhLkwt ðifÂÕÃkf hk»xÙeÞ Mkhfkh íkhefu økXLk ÚkÞwt ?
(A) ®nË Akuzku [¤ð¤ (B) yMknfkhLke [¤ð¤

(C) çkkhzku÷e MkíÞkøkún (D) [tÃkkhý MkíÞkøkún

035. MkhËkh Ãkxu÷Lkk «ÞíLkkuLkk fkhýu .......... suðk hkßÞku ¼khík{kt rð÷eLk fhðk{kt ykÔÞk.
(A) sqLkkøkZ yLku niËhkçkkË (B) sqLkkøkZ yLku ÃkríkÞk÷k
(C) sqLkkøkZ yLku ðzkuËhk (D) sqLkkøkZ yLku fw[ rçknkh

036. 1916Lkk ÷¾Lkki fhkh yu MktÞwõík .......... Lke ÞkusLkkLke Ëh¾kMík fhe.
(A) ÷eøk - ®nËw {nkMk¼k
(B) ÷eøk - Mkt½ðkËeyku
(C) Mkt½ðkËeyku - fkUøkúuMk
(D) ¼khíkeÞ hk»xÙeÞ fkUøkúuMk yLku yku÷ EÂLzÞk {wM÷e{ ÷eøk

10 [CSP-1] [Contd.

029. Name of the Viceroy who supervised the partition of British India into India and Pakistan.
(A) Lord Wavell (B) Lord Mountbatten

(C) Clement Attlee (D) Lord Linlithgow

030. The _______ Sun temple in Orissa is in the shape of a chariot.
(A) Brihadeeswara (B) Dilwara

(C) Konark (D) Meenakshi

031. _______ is the mausoleum of Mohammad Adil Shah, Sultan of Bijapur.
(A) Sikandera (B) Chausath Rauza

(C) Itimad-ud-Daulah (D) Gol Gumbaz

032. The capital of Maharaja Ranjit Singh was
(A) Taxila (B) Peshawar

(C) Jalandhar (D) Lahore

033. Outstanding among Indian items of export was the _______ from Malabar in ancient India.
(A) Black pepper (B) Ginger

(C) Rosemary (D) Thyme

034. Satara Prati Sarkar emerged as a form of alternative national government during the
(A) Quit India Movement
(B) Non-cooperation Movement
(C) Bardoli Satyagraha
(D) Champaran Satyagraha

035. It was due to the efforts of Sardar Patel, states like _______were merged into India.
(A) Junagadh and Hyderabad
(B) Junagadh and Patiala
(C) Junagadh and Baroda
(D) Junagadh and Cooch Bihar

036. The Lucknow Pact of 1916 offered a joint _______ scheme.

(A) League-Hindu Mahasabha
(B) League-Unionist
(C) Unionist-Congress
(D) The Indian National Congress and the All India Muslim League

[CSP-1] [P.T.O. 11

037. ¢ktríkfkhe yLku yhksõíkkðkËe økwLkkyku yrÄrLkÞ{ ‘Revolutionary and Anarchical Crimes Act’yu «[r÷ík

heíku .......... íkhefu yku¤¾kíkku níkku.
(A) ¼khík Mkthûký yrÄrLkÞ{ (Defence of India Act)
(B) Mk¥kkðkh hnMÞku yrÄrLkÞ{ (Official Secrets Act)
(C) rÃkxMk EÂLzÞk yrÄrLkÞ{ (Pitts India Act)
(D) hku÷ux yrÄrLkÞ{ (Rowlatt Act)

038. nku{Y÷ ÷eøkLkk Lkuíkkyku fkuý níkk ?

1. yuLke çkuMkLx yLku ðÕ÷¼¼kE Ãkxu÷ 2. yuLke çkuMkLx yLku ÷kuf{kLÞ rík÷f
3. yuLke çkuMkLx yLku ¼røkLke rLkðurËíkk 4. yuLke çkuMkLx yLku ËkËk¼kE LkðhkuS
ykÃku÷ Ãkife fÞk rðÄkLkku MkíÞ Au ?
(A) 1 yLku 2 (B) 2 yLku 4

(C) {kºk 2 (D) {kºk 3

039. Lke[uLkk Ãkife çku {n¥ðLkk ¢ktríkfkheyku fkuý níkk ?
1. ¼økík®Mkn yLku [tÿþu¾h ykÍkË 2. ¼økík®Mkn yLku Mke.ykh. ËkMk
3. ¼økík®Mkn yLku ÷k÷k ÷sÃkíkhkÞ 4. ¼økík®Mkn yLku ¾wËehk{ çkkuÍ
ykÃku÷ rðÄkLkku Ãkife fÞwt rðÄkLk MkíÞ Au ?
(A) 1 yLku 2 (B) 1 yLku 3

(C) 1 yLku 4 (D) 2 yLku 3

040. ¼khíkeÞ hk»xÙeÞ fkUøkúuMkLkk {ðk¤ðkËe Lkuíkkyku fkuý níkk ?
1. yuMk.yuLk. çkuLkSo íkÚkk S. fu. økku¾÷u 2. yuMk. yuLk. çkuLkSo íkÚkk ÷k÷k ÷sÃkíkhkÞ
3. yuMk. yuLk. çkuLkSo íkÚkk ÷kuf{kLÞ rík÷f 4. yuMk. yuLk. çkuLkSo íkÚkk rçkÃkeLkÃkk÷
ykÃku÷ rðÄkLk Ãkife fÞk rðÄkLk MkíÞ Au ?
(A) {kºk 1 (B) {kºk 2

(C) 1 íkÚkk 2 (D) 2 yLku 3

041. {nkí{k økktÄe hr[ík ÃkwMíkfku fÞk Au ?
1. ®nË Mðhks yLku ¼khík yuf ¾kus 2. ®nË Mðhks yLku {khk MkíÞLkk «Þkuøkku
3. ®nË Mðhks yLku ø÷eBÃMkeMk ykìV ðÕzo rnMxÙe 4. ®nË Mðhks yLku ÚkkuxTMk ykuLk ÃkkrfMíkkLk
ykÃku÷ rðÄkLkku Ãkife fÞwt rðÄkLk MkíÞ Au ?
(A) 1 yLku 2 (B) 1 yLku 3

(C) {kºk 2 (D) {kºk 3

12 [CSP-1] [Contd.

037. The ‘Revolutionary and Anarchical Crimes Act’ was popularly known as the _______.
(A) Defence of India Act (B) Official Secrets Act
(C) Pitts India Act (D) Rowlatt Act

038. Leaders of the Home Rule Leagues were:
1. Annie Besant and Vallabhai Patel
2. Annie Besant and Lokmanya Tilak
3. Annie Besant and Sister Nivedita
4. Annie Besant and Dadabhai Naoroji
Which of the above statement/s is/are correct?
(A) 1 and 2 (B) 2 and 4

(C) Only 2 (D) Only 3

039. Two important revolutionaries from the below were
1. Bhagat Singh and Chandra Sekhar Azad
2. Bhagat Singh and C. R. Das
3. Bhagat Singh and Lala Lajpat Rai
4. Bhagat Singh and Khudiram Bose
Which of these statements are correct?
(A) 1 and 2 (B) 1 and 3

(C) 1 and 4 (D) 2 and 3

040. Moderate leaders of the Indian National Congress were
1. S. N. Banerjee and G. K. Gokhale
2. S. N. Banerjee and Lala Lajpat Rai
3. S. N. Banerjee and Lokmanya Tilak
4. S. N. Banerjee and Bipin Pal
Which of the above statement/s is/are correct?
(A) Only 1 (B) Only 2

(C) 1 and 2 (D) 2 and 3

041. Books written by Mahatma Gandhi were:
1. Hind Swaraj and Discovery of India
2. Hind Swaraj and The Story of My Experiments with Truth
3. Hind Swaraj and Glimpses of World History
4. Hind Swaraj and Thoughts on Pakistan
Which of these statement/s is/are correct?
(A) 1 and 2 (B) 1 and 3

(C) Only 2 (D) Only 3

[CSP-1] [P.T.O. 13

042. 1919Lkk sr÷Þktðk÷k çkkøk níÞkfktz {kxu sðkçkËkh rçkúxeþhku fkuý níkk ?
1. hkuçkxo õ÷kEð 2. {kEf÷ ykì’zkÞh

3. sLkh÷ zkÞh 4. yu{.yu÷. zk÷eoøk

ykÃku÷ Ãkife fÞwt/fÞk Lkk{ MkíÞ Au ?
(A) 1 yLku 2 (B) 2 yLku 4

(C) {kºk 3 (D) {kºk 4

043. [ku÷ Mkk{úkßÞ rðþu Lke[uLkk rðÄkLkku æÞkLk{kt ÷ku.
1. íkktòuhLkk çk]nËeïh {trËhLkwt rLk{koý [ku÷ þkMkfku îkhk fhðk{kt ykÔÞwt níkwt.
2. LkxhksLke «ÏÞkík fktMÞ {qŠíkLke MÚkkÃkLkk [ku÷ þkMkfku îkhk fhðk{kt ykðe níke.
3. [ku÷ hksðtþ {kxu {n¥ðLke yðhkuÄYÃk çkkçkíkku{ktLke yuf yu íkuyku ÃkkMku Lkki MkuLkkLkku y¼kð níkku.
ykÃku÷ Ãkife fÞwt rðÄkLk/fÞk rðÄkLkku MkíÞ Au ?
(A) 1, 2 (B) 1, 3

(C) 2, 3 (D) 1, 2, 3

044. ‘ËuMkeLkk{k{÷k’ (Desinamamala) yu økútÚk .......... îkhk h[ðk{kt ykÔÞku.
(A) MkwhËkMk (B) nu{[tÿ

(C) ÚkkuÕfkÃÃkeÃkh (D) fw{khÃkk¤

045. ®MkÄw ¾eýLke MkÇÞíkk (Civilization){kt Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞk yu çktËh Lkøkhku níkk ?
1. çkk÷kfkux 2. ¾ehMkk 3. fwtxMke
ÞkuøÞ rðfÕÃk ÃkMktË fhku.
(A) 1, 2 (B) 1, 3

(C) 2, 3 (D) 1, 2, 3

046. MktMÚkkyku yLku íku{Lkk MÚkkÃkfkuLke fE òuze ÞkuøÞ heíku òuzkÞu÷e Au ?
1. Mkk{kSf Mkuðk ÷eøk (MkkuþeÞ÷ MkŠðMk ÷eøk) : økkuÃkk÷f]»ý økku¾÷u
2. MkðoLxTMk ykìV EÂLzÞk MkkuMkkÞxe : yuLk. yu{. òuþe
3. EÂLzÞLk LkuþLk÷ MkkuþeÞ÷ fkuLVhLMk : yu{.S. hkLkzu
ÞkuøÞ rðÄkLk ÃkMktË fhku.
(A) 1, 3 (B) 2, 3 (C) {kºk 3 (D) 1, 2

047. hiÞíkðkhe ÃkØrík çkkçkíku Lke[uLkk rðÄkLkku æÞkLk{kt ÷ku.

1. íku Úkku{Mk {wLkhku îkhk Ëk¾÷ fhðk{kt ykðe níke.
2. {kr÷feLkk nfku ¾uzqíkkuLku MkwÃkhík fhðk{kt ykÔÞk níkk.
3. íkuLkk y{÷efhýLkk {wÏÞ ûkuºkku{kt {ÿkMk çkkuBçku yLku ykMkk{Lkk ¼køkkuLkku Mk{kðuþ ÚkkÞ Au.
WÃkhLkk Ãkife fÞwt rðÄkLk/fÞk rðÄkLkku MkíÞ Au ?
(A) 1, 2 (B) 1, 3 (C) 2, 3 (D) 1, 2, 3

14 [CSP-1] [Contd.

042. The Britishers responsible for the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre of 1919 were:
1. Robert Clive 2. Michael O’Dwyer

3. General Dyer 4. M. L. Darling

Which of the above name/s is/are correct?
(A) 1 and 2 (B) 2 and 4

(C) Only 3 (D) Only 4

043. Consider the following statements regarding Chola Kingdom.
1. The Brihadeeswara temple of Thanjavur was built by the Cholas.
2. The famous bronze Nataraja idol was commissioned by Cholas.
3. One of the biggest setbacks for the Chola dynasty was its lack of naval force.
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
(A) 1, 2 (B) 1, 3

(C) 2, 3 (D) 1, 2, 3

044. Desinamamala is a treatise written by
(A) Surdas (B) Hemachandra

(C) Tholkappiyar (D) Kumarapala

045. Which of the following were the port towns of the Indus Valley Civilization?
1. Balakot 2. Khirasa 3. Kuntasi
Select the correct answer code:
(A) 1, 2 (B) 1, 3

(C) 2, 3 (D) 1, 2, 3

046. Match the following organization with their founder
1. Social Service League: Gopalakrishna Gokhale
2. Servants of India Society: N M Joshi
3. Indian National Social Conference: M G Ranade
Select the correct answer code:
(A) 1, 3 (B) 2, 3

(C) 3 only (D) 1, 2

047. Consider the following statements regarding Ryotwari System.
1. It was introduced by Thomas Munro.
2. The ownership rights were handed over to the peasants.
3. Major areas of introduction include Madras, Bombay and parts of Assam.
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
(A) 1, 2 (B) 1, 3

(C) 2, 3 (D) 1, 2, 3

[CSP-1] [P.T.O. 15

048. 1911{kt çktøkk¤Lkk ¼køk÷k fkuLkk îkhk hË fhðk{kt ykÔÞk ?
(A) ÷kuzo r{Lxku (B) ÷kuzo nkŠzLøk

(C) ÷kuzo [uBMkVkuzo (D) ÷kuzo fÍoLk

049. MktÃkqýo ykhMkÚke Mkwþkur¼ík «Úk{ {w½÷ E{khík .......... níke.
(A) íkks {n÷ (B) {kuíke {MSË

(C) nw{kÞwLkku {fçkhku (D) Eí{Ë-WË-Ëki÷kLkku {fçkhku

050. yur«÷ 1930{kt {eXk™k fkÞËk™k ¼tøk {kxu Œktòuh ËheÞkrf™khu fq[™wt ykÞkus™ fkuýu fÞwO ?
(A) ðe. yku. r[ËBçkh{ rÃkÕ÷kE (B) Mke. hksøkkuÃkk÷k[khe
(C) fu. fk{hks (D) yuLLke çkuMkLx

051. Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞwt ÞkuøÞ heíku òuzkÞu÷wt LkÚke ?
(A) EçkLk-çkxwxk – rhn÷k (B) y÷-{MkwËe – rfíkkçk-W÷-®nË

(C) ÌkwyuLk íMkktøk – Mke.Þw.fe (D) {uøkuMÚkLkeÍ – EÂLzfk

052. Lke[uLkk Ãkife fE òuze/òuzeyku ÞkuøÞ heíku òuzkÞu÷e LkÚke ?
Lk]íÞ hkßÞ
1. fw[eÃkwze íkr{÷Lkkzw
2. MkíºkeÞk ykMkk{
3. ¼híkLkkxâ{T íkr{÷Lkkzw
ÞkuøÞ rðfÕÃk ÃkMktË fhe Mkk[ku W¥kh ykÃkku.
(A) {kºk 1 yLku 3 (B) {kºk 2 yLku 3 (C) {kºk 1 (D) 1, 2 yLku 3

053. Lke[uLkk Ãkife fE òuze ÞkuøÞ heíku òuzkÞu÷e Au ?

(A) ¼e{ çkuxfkLkk ¾zf yk©Þ MÚkkLkku (W¥kh «Ëuþ) (B) yihkðíkuïh {trËh (íkr{÷Lkkzw)
(C) stíkh {tíkh (økwshkík) (D) MkqÞo {trËh (hksMÚkkLk)

054. ¼khíkLkk MkktMf]ríkf EríknkMkLkk Mkt˼o{kt Lke[uLkk rðÄkLkku æÞkLk{kt ÷ku.

1. {kuxk ¼køkLke íÞkøkhks f]ríkyku yu f]»ý ¼økðkLkLke Míkwrík{kt ¼Âõík økeíkku Au.
2. íÞkøkhksu ½ýk Lkðk økeíkkuLke h[Lkk fhe.
3. yLLkk{k[kÞo yLku íÞkøkhksyu Mk{fk÷eLk níkk.
4. yLLkk{k[kÞo feíkoLk yu ¼økðkLk ðUfxuïhLke Míkwrík{kt ¼Âõík økeíkku Au.
WÃkhLkk Ãkife fÞk rðÄkLkku MkíÞ Au ?
(A) {kºk 1 yLku 3 (B) {kºk 2 yLku 4

(C) 1, 2 yLku 3 (D) 2, 3 yLku 4

16 [CSP-1] [Contd.

M 2

048. Partition of Bengal was revoked in 1911 by

(A) Lord Minto (B) Lord Hardinge

(C) Lord Chelmsford (D) Lord Curzon

049. The first Mughal building with complete marble facing was
(A) Taj Mahal (B) Moti Masjid

(C) Humayun’s tomb (D) Itmad-ud-Daulah’s tomb

050. Who organised a march on Tanjore coast to break the Salt law in April 1930?
(A) V.O. Chidambaram Pillai (B) C. Rajgopalachari
(C) K. Kamaraj (D) Annie Besant

051. Which of the following is not correctly matched?
(A) Ibn Battuta – Rihla (B) Al-Masudi – Kitab-ul-Hind

(C) Hiuen Tsang – Si-Yu-Ki (D) Megasthenes – Indica

052. Which of the following pairs is/are not correctly matched?

Dance States
1. Kuchipudi Tamil Nadu
2. Sattriya Assam
3. Bharatnatyam Tamil Nadu
Select the correct answer using the code given below:
(A) 1 and 3 only (B) 2 and 3 only

(C) 1 only (D) 1, 2 and 3

053. Which of the following is correctly matched?
(A) Rock Shelter of Bhimbetka (Uttar Pradesh)
(B) Airavatesvara temple (Tamil Nadu)
(C) Jantar Mantar (Gujarat)
(D) Sun Temple (Rajasthan)

054. With reference to cultural history of India, consider the following statements:
1. Most of the Tyagaraja Kritis are devotional songs in praise of Lord Krishna.
2. Tyagaraja created several new songs.
3. Annamacharya and Tyagaraja are contemporaries.
4. Annamacharya kirtanas are devotional songs in praise of Lord Venkateshwara.
Which of the above statements are correct?
(A) 1 and 3 only (B) 2 and 4 only

(C) 1, 2 and 3 (D) 2, 3 and 4

[CSP-1] [P.T.O. 17

055. htøk¼qr{Lkk yk rðþu»k MðYÃk{kt çku ðýoLkfkhku Lkkxf ¼sðu Au, fu suLkku {wÏÞ rð[kh yu ¼økðkLk þtfhLku ÷økíkku nkuÞ Au.

íku .......... Au.
(A) ËMkfrÚkÞk (ykurhMMkk) (B) {k[ (fýkoxf)

(C) {k[ (nheÞkýk) (D) ËMkfrÚkÞk (fýkoxf)

056. Lke[uLke rðøkík æÞkLk{kt ÷ku.
1. MktMf]ík 2. {÷Þk÷{ 3. fLLkz
4. íku÷wøkw 5. íkr{÷
WÃkhLkk Ãkife fE ¼k»kkykuLku «rþü (classical) ¼k»kkyku íkhefu ½kur»kík fhðk{kt ykðe Au ?
(A) 1, 2, 4 yLku 5 (B) 1, 3 yLku 5

(C) 2, 3 yLku 4 (D) WÃkhkuõík ík{k{

057. Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞwt ÃkwMíkf yu ðMkwÄið fwxwBçkf{Lkku çkkuÄ ykÃku Au ?
(A) çkúkñýøkútÚkku (B) Ãkwhkýku

(C) {nk WÃkrLk»kË (D) ðuË

058. Lke[uLkk Ãkife fE òuze ÞkuøÞ heíku òuzkÞu÷e LkÚke ?
(A) Ãkkt[ rMkØktríkfk – ÔÞkfhý (B) {kÄð rLkËkLk – ÃkuÚkku÷kuS (hkuøk rð¿kkLk)
(C) ÷køkÄk – ðuËktøk ßÞkurík»k (D) [hf Mktrníkk – ðiËfeÞ

059. [tÿLkk fu÷uLzhLkk ykÄkhu yuf {wnqíko fux÷k Mk{Þøkk¤kLkwt nkuÞ Au ?

(A) 150 r{rLkx (B) 60 r{rLkx

(C) 45 r{rLkx (D) 48 r{rLkx

060. ‘yükæÞkÞe’ fkuýu ÷ÏÞwt níkwt ?
(A) ðkÕ{efe (B) ÃkkrýrLk

(C) ðuË ÔÞkMk (D) Mkw¾Ëuð

061. ¼økðkLk çkwØu íku{Lkk ytrík{ ïkMk ({nkÃkrh rLkðkoý) õÞkt ÷eÄk níkk ?
(A) fwþeLkøkh (B) çkkuÄøkÞk (C) hksøkeh (D) MkkhLkkÚk

062. Lke[u Lk]íÞku yLku íku{Lkk Mkt÷øLk hkßÞkuLke òuze ykÃku÷e Au.
I. rMkÆe Ä{k÷ – økwshkík
II. fkfMkh Lk]íÞ – A¥keMkøkZ
III. sLkÃkË Lk]íÞ – fýkoxf
WÃkhLkk Ãkife fE òuze Mkk[e Au ?
(A) {kºk I (B) {kºk I yLku II

(C) {kºk II yLku III (D) WÃkhkuõík ík{k{

18 [CSP-1] [Contd.

055. In this special theatre form, two narrators perform the play where the theme mainly revolves

around Lord Shiva. It is
(A) Daskathia (Odisha) (B) Maach (Karnataka)

(C) Maach (Haryana) (D) Daskathia (Karnataka)

056. Consider the following:
1. Sanskrit 2. Malayalam 3. Kannada
4. Telugu 5. Tamil
Which of the above have been declared as classical language?
(A) 1, 2, 4 and 5 (B) 1, 3 and 5

(C) 2, 3 and 4 (D) All of the above

057. Which of the following texts preaches Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam?
(A) Brahmanas (B) Puranas

(C) Maha Upanishad (D) Vedas

058. Which of the following is not correctly matched?
(A) Panch Siddhantika – Grammar (B) Madhava Nidana – Pathology
(C) Lagadha – Vedanga Jyotisha (D) Charak Samhita – Medicine

059. Under the Lunar Calendar, 1 Muhurta comprises

(A) 150 minutes (B) 60 minutes

(C) 45 minutes (D) 48 minutes

060. Who had written ‘Ashtadhyayi’?
(A) Valmiki (B) Panini

(C) Ved Vyas (D) Shukadeva

061. Where did Lord Buddha breath his last (Mahaparinirvan)?
(A) Kushinagar (B) Bodh Gaya

(C) Rajgir (D) Sarnath

062. Consider the following dances with states to which they are associated:
I. Siddi Dhamal – Gujarat
II. Kaksar Nritya – Chhattisgarh
III. Janapada Nritya – Karnataka
Which of the above is/are correct?
(A) (I) Only (B) (I) and (II) Only

(C) (II) and (III) Only (D) All of the above

[CSP-1] [P.T.O. 19

063. ¼khíkLkwt Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞwt {trËh yu Ëuð Ãkkxý íkhefu òýeíkw Au ?
(A) Mkku{LkkÚk {trËh (B) çk]nËeïh {trËh

(C) ¼økðkLk søkLLkkÚk {trËh (D) r{™kûke {trËh

064. økwshkík rðãkÃkeXLkk «Úk{ fw÷krÄÃkrík fkuý níkk ?
(A) MkhËkh Ãkxu÷ (B) rðLkkuçkk ¼kðu

(C) {nkËuð¼kE ËuMkkE (D) {nkí{k økktÄe

065. økwshkíkLke Lkk{Ëkh ðze yËk÷íkLkk «Úk{ {wÏÞ LÞkÞkÄeþ fkuý níkk ?
(A) {kLkLkeÞ LÞkÞkÄeþ©e yu{.S. Mkuík÷ðkz
(B) {kLkLkeÞ LÞkÞkÄeþ©e ç rËðkLk
(C) {kLkLkeÞ LÞkÞkÄeþ©e søkËeMk ¼økðíke
(D) {kLkLkeÞ LÞkÞkÄeþ©e yuMk.xe. ËuMkkE

066. ÷kirhÞk LktËLkøkZ yu Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞk MÚkkÃkíÞ {kxu òýeíkwt Au ?

(A) yþkufLkku Míkt¼ (B) MíkwÃk

(C) çkkiØ økwVkyku (D) {kiÞo ÞwøkLkku rfÕ÷ku

067. ‘Ponung’ yLku ‘Popir’ yu .......... hkßÞLkk ÷kufLk]íÞku Au.
(A) yYýk[÷ «Ëuþ (B) ykurhMMkk

(C) Lkkøkk÷uLz (D) rºkÃkwhk

068. fÞk økwshkíke Mktík frðLkwt {q¤Lkk{ ‘Ãkktzwhtøk ðk÷{u’ níkwt ?
(A) htøk yðÄqík (B) ©e{Ë hks[tÿ

(C) ©e {kuxk (D) ©e ÃkwrLkík {nkhks

069. Lke[u ykÃku÷e òuzeyku Ãkife fE òuze ÞkuøÞ heíku òuzkÞu÷e LkÚke ?
(A) hýSík rð÷kMk Ãku÷uMk – ò{Lkøkh (B) Lkð÷¾k Ãku÷uMk – økkUz÷
(C) rLk÷{çkkøk Ãku÷uMk – ¼kðLkøkh (D) ÷û{e rð÷kMk Ãku÷uMk – ðzkuËhk

070. økku®ðË MkhiÞk îkhk rËøËŠþík fÞwt [÷r[ºk yu «ÏÞkík økwshkíke Lkð÷fÚkk WÃkh ykÄkrhík níkwt ?
(A) Ãk]Úðe ðÕ÷¼ (B) økwshkíkLkku LkkÚk

(C) MkhMðíke[tÿ (D) MkkuhX íkkhk ðnuíkk Ãkkýe

071. økwshkík{kt Lke[uLkk Ãkife fE ykrËòrík ðMkðkx fhu Au ?
(A) fwtfýk/fwLLkk (B) økkUrËÞk

(C) fhkçke (D) Ãkhkò

20 [CSP-1] [Contd.

063. Which one of the following temples of India is known as Deo Patan?
(A) Somnath Temple (B) Brihadeeswara Temple

(C) Lord Jagannath Temple (D) Meenakshi Temple

064. Who was the first Chancellor of Gujarat Vidhyapith?

(A) Sardar Patel (B) Vinoba Bhave

(C) Mahadevbhai Desai (D) Mahatma Gandhi

065. Who was the first Chief Justice of Hon’ble Gujarat High Court?
(A) Hon’ble Mr. Justice M G Setalvad
(B) Hon’ble Mr. Justice B J Divan
(C) Hon’ble Mr. Justice Jagdish Bhagwati
(D) Hon’ble Mr. Justice S T Desai

066. Lauria Nandangarh is famous for which architecture?

(A) The Pillar of Ashoka (B) Stupa
(C) Baudh caves (D) Fort of Maurya age

067. ‘Ponung’ and ‘Popir’ are the folk dances of ...
(A) Arunachal Pradesh (B) Odisha

(C) Nagaland (D) Tripura

068. Which Gujarati saint poet’s original name was ‘Pandurang Valame’?
(A) Rang Avadhoot (B) Shrimad Rajchandra

(C) Shree Mota (D) Shree Punit Maharaj

069. Find out the mismatch pair from the pairs given below:
(A) Ranjitvilas Palace - Jamnagar
(B) Naulakha Palace - Gondal
(C) Nilambag Palace - Bhavnagar
(D) Laxmivilas Palace - Vadodara

070. Which movie directed by Govind Saraiya was based on a well-known Gujarati novel?
(A) Pruthivi Vallabha (B) Gujaratno Nath

(C) Saraswatichandra (D) Sorath Tara Vaheta Pani

071. Which of the following tribe lives in Gujarat?
(A) Kunkana/kunna (B) Gondiya

(C) Karabi (D) Paraja

[CSP-1] [P.T.O. 21

072. fÞk íknuðkh ËhBÞkLk ‘zktøk Ëhçkkh’Lkwt ykÞkusLk fhðk{kt ykðu Au ?
(A) nku¤e (B) sL{kü{e

(C) rËðk¤e (D) hûkkçktÄLk

073. Mkki «Úk{ ðfík ‘hýSíkhk{’ Mkwðýo [tÿf «kÃík fhLkkh fkuý níkk ?
(A) [qLke÷k÷ {rzÞk (B) økw÷kçkËkMk çkúkufh

(C) fu.yu{. {wLþe (D) sðuh[tË yÚkðk Íðuh[tË fkr÷ËkMk {u½kýe

074. ‘fhý ½u÷ku’ Lkð÷fÚkkLkk h[rÞíkk fkuý níkk ?
(A) LktËþtfh {nuíkk (B) {rnÃkíkhk{

(C) Ë÷Ãkíkhk{ (D) Lkð÷hk{

075. ¿kkLkÃkeX yuðkuzo «kÃík fhLkkhk økwshkíke ÷u¾fkuLke MktÏÞk fux÷e Au ?
(A) [kh (B) çku

(C) Lkð (D) ykX

076. ¼khík yLku ÃkkrfMíkkLk Mkðkuoå[ Lkkøkrhf ÃkwhMfkh yuLkkÞík fhðk{kt ykðu÷ nkuÞ íkuðk yuf {kºk økwshkíke ÔÞÂõík fkuý Au ?
(A) çk¤ðtík {nuíkk (B) rVhkusþkn {nuíkk

(C) {kuhkhS ËuMkkE (D) Sðhks {nuíkk

077. økkUz÷Lkk {nkhkò - {nkhkò ¼økðík®MknS îkhk ÷¾ðk{kt ykðu÷ fÞwt ÃkwMíkf yu «ðkMk ðýoLk Au ?
(A) sLko÷ ykìV y ðeÍex xw #ø÷uLz ELk 1883 (B) yuf xqtfe {wMkkVhe
(C) #ø÷uLz{k «ðkMk (D) rçkúxLk{kt «ðkMk

078. økwshkíkLkk Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞk WãkLk{kt ð]ûkk yLku AkuzLke Ëw÷o¼ «òríkyku WÃk÷çÄ Au ?
(A) økúeLk Ãkkfo (B) ð½kE ðkLkMÃkríkf WãkLk

(C) Ãkrh{÷ økkzoLk (D) nUøkªøk økkzoLk

079. økwshkík hkßÞ{kt nMíkrøkheLkk {trËhku fÞk Ä{o MkkÚku Mktf¤kÞu÷k Au ?
(A) siLk (B) çkkiØ

(C) ði»ýð (D) Mðkr{LkkhkÞý

080. çkkuB{k÷kè{ Lkk{Lkwt fXÃkqík¤e Lk]íÞ yu fÞk hkßÞLke f¤k Au ?
(A) rMk¬e{ (B) {u½k÷Þ

(C) íkr{÷Lkkzw (D) yktÄú«Ëuþ

081. fk÷e½kx r[ºkf¤k þi÷e yu fÞk hkßÞ MkkÚku òuzkÞu÷e Au ?
(A) fýkoxf (B) r{Íkuh{

(C) Ãkrù{ çktøkk¤ (D) Íkh¾tz

22 [CSP-1] [Contd.

072. During which festival the ‘Dangs Darbar’ is organized?
(A) Holi (B) Janmashtami

(C) Diwali (D) Raksha Bandan

073. Who was the first recipient of ‘Ranjitram Suvarna Chandrak’?
(A) Chunilal Madia
(B) Gulabdas Broker
(C) K.M. Munshi
(D) Jhaverchand or Zaverchand Kalidas Meghani

074. Find out the writer of the novel ‘Karan Ghelo’.

(A) Nandshankar Mehta (B) Mahipatram
(C) Dalpatram (D) Navalram

075. How many Gujarati writers have been awarded by Jnanpith award?
(A) Four (B) Two

(C) Nine (D) Eight

076. Who is the only Gujarati person to be conferred with India and Pakistan’s highest civilian award?
(A) Balvant Mehta (B) Pherozeshah Mehta

(C) Morarji Desai (D) Jivraj Mehta

077. Which book written by Maharaja Bhagvatsinhji-Maharaja of Gondal is a travelogue?
(A) Journal of a Visit to England in 1883 (B) Ek toonki musafari
(C) England ma pravas (D) Briton ma pravas

078. Which garden of Gujarat has the trees and plants of rare species?
(A) Green park (B) Waghai Botanical Garden

(C) Parimal Garden (D) Hanging Garden

079. Hastagiri temple in Gujarat State belongs to which religion?
(A) Jain (B) Buddhism

(C) Vaishnavism (D) Swaminarayana

080. Bommalattam, the Puppet Dance, is the art of which state?
(A) Sikkim (B) Meghalaya

(C) Tamil Nadu (D) Andhra Pradesh

081. Kalighat school of Painting belongs to which state of India?
(A) Karnataka (B) Mizoram

(C) West Bengal (D) Jharkhand

[CSP-1] [P.T.O. 23

082. fu÷w[hý {kUnkÃkkºk, Mkw«rMkØ ¼khíkeÞ þkMºkeÞ Lk]íÞfkh, yu fE f¤kLkk ÃkwhMfíkko Au ?
(A) fÚkf (B) ÞûkøkkLk (C) ykurzMke Lk]íÞ (D) {kurnLkeÞkè{

083. ykMkk{e ¼k»kkLkk yuf {kºk {rn÷k ÷ur¾fk fu su{Lku ¼khíkeÞ ¿kkLkÃkeX yuðkuzo «kÃík ÚkÞku Au íku fkuý Au ?
(A) {k{kuLke hkEMkku{ økkuMðk{e (B) {rýfwtík÷k ¼èk[kÞo
(C) yYÃkk fkríkíkk ÃkíktøkeÞk (D) fhkçke zufk nÍkhefk

084. yr¼LkÞf¤kLkwt Lke[uLkk ÃkifeLkwt fÞwt MðYÃk yu UNESCO Lke y{qíko nuhexus ÞkËe{kt Mk{krðü fhðk{kt ykÔÞwt Au ?
(A) ¼ðkE, ík{kþk, òºkk (B) {wzeÞuèw, AkW

(C) ÞûkøkkLk, Mðktøk, Lkkixtfe (D) ÷kðýe, økhçkk, nwzku

085. rºkÃkwhkLke MºkeykuLkku ÃkhtÃkhkøkík Ãkkuþkf Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞku Au ?
(A) hªøkkE (B) Akh ¾u÷k

(C) {u¾÷k (D) çkk¾w

086. {rýÃkwhLkk {n¥ðLkk ÷kuf WíMkðLkwt Lkk{ ykÃkku.
(A) [kÃk[kh fwx (B) xuLzkUøk Õnku Á{ Vkx

(C) ¾uhkE (D) Þku yku Mkktøk

087. Lke[u ykÃku÷ òuzeyku Ãkife þnuh, hkßÞ yLku LkËe{ktÚke fE òuze Mkk[e LkÚke ?
(A) yÞkuæÞk - W¥kh «Ëuþ - MkhÞw (B) fxf - ykurhMMkk - {nk LkËe
(C) øðkr÷Þh - {æÞ«Ëuþ - [tçk÷ (D) Yhfu÷k - yktÄú«Ëuþ - r¢»Lkk

088. «ÏÞkík {ÂMsËku yLku ßÞkt ÂMÚkík Au íkuLke òuze ykÃku÷e Au. yk Ãkife fE òuze Mkk[e Au ?
1. yZkE rËLk fk ÍkUÃkzk – ys{uh

2. {wLkw ÃkuèwB{k ÃkÕ÷e {ÂMsË – ÃkkÃÃkeLkeMMkuhe, fLLkqh

3. ¼eh {ÂMsË – ÷wrÄÞkýk

4. yËeLkk {ÂMsË – {kÕËk, Ãkrù{ çktøkk¤

(A) 1, 2 yLku 3 (B) 2, 3 yLku 4

(C) 1, 3 yLku 4 (D) 1, 2, 3 yLku 4

089. ¼Âõík yktËku÷LkLkk Mktík yLku økwYyku íkÚkk íku{ýu ykÃku÷k Vk¤kLke òuze Lke[u ykÃku÷ Au. yk Ãkife fE òuze Mkk[e LkÚke ?
¼Âõík yktËku÷LkLkk Mktík yLku økwYyku Vk¤ku
1. hk{kLkws – ®nËw Ä{o{kt ©e ði»ýð ÃkhtÃkhkLkk Mk{Úkof

2. çkkMkðk – ®÷økkÞíkLkk MÚkkÃkf

3. yufLkkÚk – íku{ýu ðhfkhe Mkt«ËkÞLke MÚkkÃkLkk fhe

4. hk{ËkMk – ËkMkçkkuÄLkk h[rÞíkk

(A) 4 (B) 3 (C) 2 (D) 1

24 [CSP-1] [Contd.

082. Legendary Indian classical dancer Kelucharan Mohapatra was exponent of which art?
(A) Kathak (B) Yakshagana

(C) Odissi dance (D) Mohiniyattam

083. Who is the only woman writer of Assamese language won the Bharatiya Jnanpith award?
(A) Mamoni Raisom Goswami (B) Manikuntala Bhattacharya
(C) Arupa Kalita Patangia (D) Karabi Deka Hazarika

084. Which performing art forms are inscribed in the UNESCO's intangible heritage list?
(A) Bhavai, Tamasha, Jatra (B) Mudiyettu, Chhau
(C) Yakshagana, Swang, Nautanki (D) Lavani, Garba, Hudo

085. Which one of the following is the traditional attire of the womenfolk of Tripura?
(A) Rignai (B) Chhar khela

(C) Mekhala (D) Bakhu

086. Name the important folk festival of Manipur.
(A) Chapchar Kut (B) Tendong Lho Rum Faat

(C) Kherai (D) Yaosang

087. Pairs showing the city, state and river are mentioned below. Which pair is not correct?
(A) Ayodhya - Uttar Pradesh - Sarayu (B) Cuttack - Odisha - Mahanadi
(C) Gwalior - Madhya Pradesh - Chambal (D) Rourkela - Andhra Pradesh - Krishana

088. The famous mosques and the place are mentioned below. Which pairs are correct?
1. Adhai Din ka Jhopra – Ajmer

2. Moonu Pettumma Palli mosque – Pappinisseri, Kannur
3. Bheer mosque – Ludhiana

4. Adina mosque – Malda, West Bengal

(A) 1, 2 and 3 (B) 2, 3 and 4

(C) 1, 3 and 4 (D) 1, 2, 3 and 4

089. List of Saints and Teachers of The Bhakti Movement is as under. Which pair is not correct?
Saints and teachers of the Contribution
Bhakti Movement
1. Ramanuja Exponents of the Sri Vaishnavism tradition within Hinduism
2. Basava Founder of the Lingayats
3. Eknath He founded the Varkari sect
4. Ram Das Author of Dasabodh
(A) 4 (B) 3 (C) 2 (D) 1

[CSP-1] [P.T.O. 25

090. {u¤kyku yLku íku{Lku Mkt÷øLk rsÕ÷kykuLke òuze ykÃku÷e Au. yk Ãkife fE òuze Mkk[e LkÚke ?
(A) þk{¤kSLkku {u¤ku – MkkçkhfktXk rsÕ÷ku
(B) ¼ðLkkÚk {nkËuðLkku {u¤ku – sqLkkøkZ rsÕ÷ku
(C) økËo¼Lkk ÔÞkÃkkhLkku {u¤ku, ðkiXkLkku {u¤ku – y{ËkðkË rsÕ÷ku
(D) íkhýuíkhLkku {u¤ku – MkwhuLÿLkøkh rsÕ÷ku

091. ¼khíkeÞ íknuðkhku yLku íkuLku Mkt÷øLk hkßÞkuLke òuze Lke[u ykÃku÷e Au. íku Ãkife fE òuze Mkk[e LkÚke ?
hkßÞ ¼khíkeÞ íknuðkhkuLke ÞkËe
(A) yYýk[÷ «Ëuþ – hun, çkwhe çkwx, BÞkfku, zÙe, ÃkkUøxw (Reh, Boori Boot, Myoko, Dree, Pongtu)
(B) ykMkk{ – nkuLkorçk÷ íknuðkh, {kuykuíMkw íknuðkh (Hornbill festival, Moatsu Festival)
(C) A¥keMkøkZ – {k½e ÃkqŠý{k, çkkMíkkh Ëþuhk (Maghi Purnima, Bastar Dussehra)
(D) Íkh¾tz – fh{ WíMkð, nku¤e, hkurnýe, íkwMkw (Karam Utsav, Holi, Rohini, Tusu)

092. Mktøkeík ðkStºk ÔÞÂõík

1. Mktíkwh a. Ãktrzík rþðfw{kh þ{ko
2. ðktMk¤e b. nrh«MkkË [kuhrMkÞk, ÃkLLkk÷k÷ ½ku»k
3. rMkíkkh c. Ãktrzík hrðþtfh
4. ðkÞku÷eLk d. ðe.S. òuøk
WÃkh MktøkeíkLkk ðkStºkku íkÚkk íkuLku ðøkkzLkkh ÔÞÂõíkLke òuze ykÃku÷e Au. Lke[uLkk Ãkife ÞkuøÞ rðfÕÃk ÃkMktË fhe òuzeLku òuzku.
(A) 1 - a, 2 - b, 3 - c, 4 - d
(B) 1 - b, 2 - c, 3 - d, 4 - a
(C) 1 - c, 2 - d, 3 - a, 4 - b
(D) 1 - d, 2 - a, 3 - b, 4 - c

093. Lke[u ykÃku÷k rðÄkLkku Ãkife fÞk rðÄkLkku MkíÞ Au ?

1. økwshkík økútÚkk÷Þ MktøkXLk (Gujarat Library Association) Lke MÚkkÃkLkk 1939{kt ÚkE.
2. hkßÞ{kt çku MkktMf]ríkf økútÚkk÷Þku Au.
3. y{ËkðkË ¾kíkuLkwt økwshkík rðãkÃkeX økútÚkk÷Þ yu hkßÞ økútÚkk÷Þ Au fu su MðkÞ¥k MktMÚkkyku îkhk [k÷íkwt rçkLk Mkhfkhe

økútÚkk÷Þ Au.
4. çkeswt økútÚkk÷Þ yu çkhkuzk {æÞMÚk økútÚkk÷Þ ðzkuËhk Au.
(A) {kºk 1 yLku 2 (B) {kºk 2 yLku 3

(C) {kºk 3 yLku 4 (D) 1, 2, 3 yLku 4

26 [CSP-1] [Contd.

090. Fairs and the concerned districts are mentioned below. Which pair is not correct?
(A) Shamlaji Fair : Sabarkatha district
(B) Bhavnath Mahadev Mela : Junagadh district
(C) Donkey Trading Fair - Vautha Fair : Ahmedabd district
(D) Tarnetar Fair : Surendranagar district

091. Indian Festivals and States are listed below. Which pair is not correct ?
State List of Indian Festivals
(A) Arunachal Pradesh – Reh, Boori Boot, Myoko, Dree, Pongtu
(B) Assam – Hornbill festival, Moatsu Festival
(C) Chhattisgarh – Maghi Purnima, Bastar Dussehra
(D) Jharkhand – Karam Utsav, Holi, Rohini, Tusu

092. Musical Instrument Person

1. Santoor a. Pt. Shiv Kumar Sharma
2. Flute b. Hari Prasad Chaurasia, Pannalal Ghosh
3. Sitar c. Pt. Ravi Shankar
4. Violin d. V.G. Jog
Select the music instrument and the person playing the same.
(A) 1 - a, 2 - b, 3 - c, 4 - d
(B) 1 - b, 2 - c, 3 - d, 4 - a
(C) 1 - c, 2 - d, 3 - a, 4 - b
(D) 1 - d, 2 - a, 3 - b, 4 - c

093. From the following statements, which statements are correct?

1. Gujarat Library Association was formed in 1939.
2. There are two Cultural Libraries in the state.
3. Gujarat Vidhyapith at Ahmedabad which is a State Library, a non-governmental library run

by autonomous bodies
4. Second one is Baroda Central Library, Baroda.
(A) only 1 and 2
(B) only 2 and 3
(C) only 3 and 4
(D) 1, 2, 3 and 4

[CSP-1] [P.T.O. 27

094. Lke[u ykÃku÷ rðÄkLkku [fkMkku.
1. MkktÚkk÷e Lk]íÞ : MkktÚkk÷e Lk]íÞ yu Ãkrù{ çktøkk¤, Íkh¾tz, ykurhMMkk yLku ykMkk{Lkk MkktÚkk÷e ykrËòríkLkk ÷kufku îkhk

¼sððk{kt ykðu Au. íku íkkBzk íkÚkk íkwBzk Zku÷fÚke ÃkhõÞwÍLk ðkStºkku (percussion instruments) Lkk Mktøkeík îkhk
ykf»kof ðktMk¤e Mktøkeík MkkÚku ÃkwY»kku yLku Mºkeyku îkhk yr¼Lkeík fhðk{kt ykðu Au.
2. ðktMkLk]íÞ (r{Íkuh{) : ðktMk Lk]íÞ yu r{Íkuh{Lkwt Lk]íÞ Au su [uhkð ykrËòríkLkk ÃkwY»kku íkÚkk Mºkeyku îkhk fhðk{kt ykðíkwt

h{ík Lk]íÞ (playful dance) Au. MxÙeÃz Mfxo (striped skirts) MkkÚku htøkçkuhtøke Ãkkuþkf{kt íkiÞkh ÚkÞu÷e {rn÷kyku
Zku÷Lkk íkk÷çkØ xÃÃkk MkkÚku Lk]íÞ fhu Au. ÃkwY»kku, Mkk{kLÞ heíku ðktMkLku rðMíkhý yLku Mktfku[Lk fhe ík¤eÞk MkkÚku sfzeLku
Ãkfze hk¾u Au. íku ËhBÞkLk Lk]íÞfkhku ðktMkLke ðå[u zøk÷kt ¼hu Au. yLku Ãkqýo ÷ÞçkØ heíku çknkh ykðu Au.
(A) {kºk 1 Mkk[wt Au. (B) {kºk 2 Mkk[wt Au.

(C) 1 íkÚkk 2 çktLku Mkk[k Au. (D) 1 yÚkðk 2 yuf Ãký Mkk[k LkÚke.

095. Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞwt ðkStºk yu fåALkwt ÷kuf ðkStºk LkÚke ?
(A) hçkkçk (B) MkwtËhe

(C) ¼kurhLzku (D) òuzeÞk Ãkkðk

096. [kh þkhËk ÃkeX ÃkifeLke yuf yu økwshkík{kt õÞkt ÂMÚkík Au ?
(A) sqLkkøkZ (B) ÃkkðkøkZ

(C) ytçkkS (D) îkhfk

097. økwshkíkLkwt Lke[uLkk ÃkifeLkwt fÞwt MÚk¤ yu UNESCO Lke ðÕzo nurhxus ÞkËe{kt Mk{krðü Au ?
(A) sqLkkøkZ (B) fk¤eÞkh y¼ÞkhÛÞ

(C) Äku÷kðehk (D) Yÿ {nk÷Þ

098. sÞtíke Ë÷k÷ îkhk økwshkíke{kt ¼k»kktíkh fhðk{kt ykðu÷ xkuÕMxkuÞLke ðehøkkÚkk Lke[uLkk Ãkife fE Au ?
(A) War and Peace (B) Anna Karenina

(C) Resurrection (D) The Devil

099. Lke[uLkk Ãkife fÞk økwshkíke økkÞfLku ‘Mktøkeík {kíkOz’ Lkk{Lkku {kLkË r¾íkkçk yuLkkÞík fhðk{kt ykÔÞku ?
(A) {wfuþ (B) ¼e{MkuLk òuþe

(C) Þþðtík Ãkwhkurník (D) Ãktrzík yku{fkhLkkÚk Xkfwh

100. sÞþtfh MkwtËhe yu ÃkkuíkkLke ykí{fÚkk fÞk þe»kofÚke ÷¾e Au ?
(A) Mkki¼køÞ MkwtËhe (B) {khe f{ofnkLke

(C) Úkkuzk yktMkw, Úkkuzk Vq÷ (D) Lkkxâk¼fÚkk

101. ¼khíkLkk MktrðÄkLkLkku fÞku yLkwåAuË MktMkËLku MktrðÄkLkLkk ‘{q¤¼qík {k¤¾k’Lku yMkh fÞko rðLkk MktrðÄkLkLkk fkuEÃký

¼køk{kt MkwÄkhku fhðkLke Mk¥kk ykÃku Au ?
(A) yLkwåAuË 366 (B) yLkwåAuË 367

(C) yLkwåAuË 368 (D) yLkwåAuË 369

28 [CSP-1] [Contd.

094. Evaluate the statements.
1. Santhali dance : Santhali dance is performed by Santhali tribals from West Bengal, Jharkhand,

Orissa and Assam. Performed by both men and women to the music of percussion instruments
like Tamda and Tumda drums along with enchanting flute music.
2. Bamboo dance (Mizoram) : Bamboo dance from Mizoram is a playful dance by the Cherav

tribals, performed by both women and men. Colourfully attired the women, with striped skirts,
dance to the rhythmic beats of drums. Men normally hold the bamboos on the floor, expanding
and contracting the bamboos. Meanwhile the dancers step in between the bamboos and move
out fast in perfect rhythm.
(A) only 1 is correct (B) only 2 is correct

(C) both 1 and 2 are correct (D) both 1 and 2 are not correct

095. Which one of the following is NOT a folk instrument of Kutch?

(A) Rabab (B) Sundari

(C) Bhorrindo (D) Jodiya Pava

096. Where is the one amongst the four Sharada peethams located in Gujarat?
(A) Junagadh (B) Pawagadh

(C) Ambaji (D) Dwarka

097. From the following which place of Gujarat has been named on UNESCO’s World Heritage list?
(A) Junagadh (B) Blackbuck sanctuary

(C) Dholavira (D) Rudra Mahalaya

098. Identify the saga of Tolstoy translated into Gujarati by Jayanti Dalal.
(A) War and Peace (B) Anna Karenina

(C) Resurrection (D) The Devil

099. ‘Sangeet Martand’ was the honorary title conferred to which Gujarati vocalist?
(A) Mukesh (B) Bhimsen Joshi

(C) Yashvant Purohit (D) Pandit Omkarnath Thakur

100. Jaishankar Sundari wrote his autobiography with the title
(A) Saubhagya Sundari (B) Mari Karamkahani

(C) Thoda ansu, thoda phool (D) Natyabhkatha

101. Which Article of the Constitution of India empowers the Parliament to amend any part of the

Constitution without affecting the ‘basic structure’ of the Constitution?
(A) Article 366 (B) Article 367

(C) Article 368 (D) Article 369

[CSP-1] [P.T.O. 29

102. ¼khíkeÞ Mk{ðkÞ íktºk .......... Ãkh ykÄkrhík Au.
(A) y{urhfLk {kuz÷ (B) fuLkurzÞLk {kuz÷

(C) ykuMxÙur÷Þk {kuz÷ (D) Lkkuðuo {kuz÷

103. MktMkË îkhk ÃkMkkh fhkÞu÷k rçk÷ ytøku MktrðÄkLkLkk yLkwåAuË 111 nuX¤ ¼khíkLkk hk»xÙÃkríkLku fux÷k rðfÕÃkku

ykÃkðk{kt ykðu÷ Au ?
(A) {kºk 1 (B) {kºk 2

(C) {kºk 3 (D) {kºk 4

104. MktrðÄkLkLkk fÞk yLkwåAuË{kt yuðe òuøkðkE fhðk{kt ykðe Au fu hkßÞLke rðÄkLkMk¼k{kt 500 Úke ðÄw MkÇÞku Lk nkuÞ ?
(A) yLkwåAuË 169 (B) yLkwåAuË 170

(C) yLkwåAuË 171 (D) yLkwåAuË 172

105. ¼khík{kt rðrLkðuþ rð¼køkLku y÷øk rð¼køk íkhefu õÞkhu çkLkkððk{kt ykÔÞku níkku ?
(A) 1992 (B) 1995

(C) 1997 (D) 1999

106. yktíkhhk»xÙeÞ Mkkih òuzkýLke MÚkkÃkLkk õÞkhu ÚkE níke ?
(A) 2014 (B) 2015

(C) 2016 (D) 2017

107. Lke[uLkk{ktÚke fÞku yrÄrLkÞ{ «Úk{ ð¾ík Mk{ðkÞ ÷kûkrýõíkkyku rLkÄkorhík fhu Au ?
(A) ¼khík MkhfkhLkku yrÄrLkÞ{ 1909 (B) ¼khík MkhfkhLkku yrÄrLkÞ{ 1919
(C) ¼khík MkhfkhLkku yrÄrLkÞ{ 1935 (D) ¼khík MkhfkhLkku yrÄrLkÞ{ 1947

108. yk hex îkhk yËk÷ík fuË fhkÞu÷ ÔÞÂõíkLku Mkþheh íku{Lke Mk{ûk WÃkÂMÚkík fhðk {kxu Mkwhrûkík fhu Au.
(A) Ãkh{ ykËuþ (B) çktËe-«íÞûkefhý

(C) yrÄfkh-Ãk]åAk (D) Wí«u»ký

109. Lke[uLkk{ktÚke fE {q¤¼qík Vhs LkÚke ?
(A) Mkkðo¼ki{íðLkwt hûký fhðwt (B) hk»xÙæðsLkwt MkL{kLk fhðwt
(C) MkhfkhLkwt Ãkk÷Lk fhðwt (D) ònuh r{÷fíkLkwt hûký fhðwt

110. Lke[uLkk{ktÚke fÞku hk»xÙÃkríkLke [qtxýe {kxu ÷kÞfkíkLkku {kÃkËtz LkÚke ?
(A) ÔÞÂõík ¼khíkLkku Lkkøkrhf nkuðku òuEyu
(B) ÔÞÂõíkyu 45 ð»koLke ô{h Ãkqhe fhe nkuÞ
(C) ÔÞÂõík ÷kufMk¼kLkk MkÇÞ íkhefu [qtxkðk {kxu ÷kÞf nkuÞ
(D) ÔÞÂõík ¼khík Mkhfkh yÚkðk fkuEÃký hkßÞ nuX¤ fkuE ÷k¼ËkÞf nkuÆku Ähkðíke Lk nkuÞ

30 [CSP-1] [Contd.

102. The Indian federal system is based on the
(A) American Model (B) Canadian Model

(C) Australia Model (D) Norway Model

103. How many alternatives are provided to the President of India under Article 111 of the Constitution

regarding a Bill passed by the Parliament?
(A) Only 1 (B) Only 2

(C) Only 3 (D) Only 4

104. Which Article of the Constitution provides that the State Assembly shall consist of not more than

five hundred?
(A) Article 169 (B) Article 170

(C) Article 171 (D) Article 172

105. When the Department of Disinvestment was created as a separate department in India?
(A) 1992 (B) 1995

(C) 1997 (D) 1999

106. When the International Solar Alliance was established?
(A) 2014 (B) 2015

(C) 2016 (D) 2017

107. Which of the following Act prescribed federal features for the first time?
(A) Govt. of India Act 1909 (B) Govt. of India Act 1919
(C) Govt. of India Act 1935 (D) Indian Independence Act 1947

108. By this writ the Court secures the body of a person who has been imprisoned to be brought

before itself:
(A) Mandamus (B) Habeas corpus

(C) Quo warranto (D) Certiorari

109. Which one of the following is not a Fundamental Duty?
(A) To protect the Sovereignty (B) To respect the National Flag
(C) To abide by the Government (D) To safeguard public property

110. Which one of the following is not a qualification criterion for the election of the President?
(A) A person must be a citizen of India
(B) A person must have completed the age of forty-five years
(C) A person must be qualified for election as a member of the House of People
(D) A person must not hold any office of profit under the Government of India or any State

[CSP-1] [P.T.O. 31

111. WÃk-hk»xÙÃkríkLke [qtxýeLku ÷økíke þtfkyku yLku rððkËku fkuý Lk¬e fhu Au ?
(A) hk»xÙÃkrík (B) furLÿÞ [qtxýe Ãkt[

(C) Wå[ík{ LÞkÞk÷Þ (D) MktMkË

112. ¼khík Mkhfkh îkhk çknkh Ãkkzðk{kt ykðu÷ ðxnwf{ y{÷{kt nkuE þfu Au.
(A) MktMkË Vhe {¤u íÞkhÚke {n¥k{ A yXðkzeÞk {kxu
(B) MktMkË Vhe {¤u íÞkhÚke {n¥k{ A {rnLkk {kxu
(C) ðxnwf{ «rMkØ ÚkÞkÚke {n¥k{ çkkh {rnLkk {kxu
(D) ßÞkt MkwÄe MktMkË yrÄrLkÞ{ ÃkMkkh Lk fhu

113. Lke[uLkk{ktÚke fkuý furLÿÞ {tºkeykuLku ¾kíkkLke Vk¤ðýe fhu Au ?

(A) hk»xÙÃkrík (B) ðzk«ÄkLk

(C) ÷kufMk¼kLkk MÃkefh (D) Mk¥kkÄkhe ÃkûkLkk «{w¾

114. ÃkkuíkkLke Vhòu çkòððk {kxu, yuxLkeo sLkh÷Lku MkwLkkðýeLkku nf Au.
(A) {kºk Wå[ík{ LÞkÞk÷Þ{kt
(B) {kºk Wå[ yLku Wå[ík{ LÞkÞk÷Þ{kt
(C) furLÿÞ rxÙçÞwLk÷ku, Wå[ LÞkÞk÷Þku yLku Wå[ík{ LÞkÞk÷Þ{kt
(D) ¼khíkLkk hkßÞûkuºkku{ktLkk ík{k{ LÞkÞk÷Þku{kt

115. Lke[uLkk{ktÚke fkuý ¼khíkLkk rLkÞtºkf-{nk÷u¾k ÃkheûkfLkk ynuðk÷Lke [fkMkýe fhu Au yLku ÃkAe ynuðk÷ ÷kufMk¼k{kt

hsq fhu Au ?
(A) Lkkýk {tºkk÷Þ (B) ònuh rnMkkçk Mkr{rík

(C) rhÍðo çkuLfLkk økðLkoh (D) ytËks Ãkh Mkr{rík

116. MktrðÄkLk {wsçk Lke[uLkk{ktÚke fÞwt ¾kuxwt rðÄkLk Au ?
(A) hkßÞÃkk÷Lkk nkuÆkLke {wËík Mkk{kLÞík: Ãkkt[ ð»koLke nkuÞ Au, Ãkhtíkw íku yøkkW Mk{kÃík ÚkE þfu Au.
(B) hk»xÙÃkrík îkhk hkßÞÃkk÷Lku fÞk ykÄkh Ãkh nxkðe þfkÞ íku òuøkðkE MktrðÄkLk{kt rLkÄkorhík LkÚke.
(C) fkuE ÔÞÂõíkLku yufÚke ðÄw ð¾ík hkßÞÃkk÷ íkhefu rLkÞwõík fhðk{kt fkuE «ríkçktÄ LkÚke.
(D) hkßÞÃkk÷Lkk hksîkhe yLku ÷~fhe fkÞkuo MktçktrÄík hkßÞ Ãkqhíkk {ÞkorËík Au.

117. y{÷ çksðýe rLkÞk{fLke f[uhe (Äe zkÞhuõxkuhux ykuV yuLVkuMko{uLx) fkuLke nuX¤ fkÞohík Au ?
(A) MkuLxÙ÷ çÞwhku ykuV ELðuÂMxøkuþLkLkk LkkýkfeÞ yLku ÔnkEx - fku÷h økwLkkyku rð¼køk
(B) f{o[kheøký {tºkk÷ÞLkk ðneðxe MkwÄkhýk yLku ÔÞÂõíkøkík VrhÞkËkuLkku rð¼køk
(C) øk]n {tºkk÷ÞLkk LkkýkfeÞ Mkwhûkk rð¼køk
(D) {nuMkq÷ rð¼køk, Lkkýk {tºkk÷Þ

32 [CSP-1] [Contd.

111. Who determines the doubts and disputes relating to the election of a Vice-President?
(A) President (B) Central Election Commission

(C) Supreme Court (D) Parliament

112. An Ordinance issued by the Union Government can exist:
(A) At the most only for six weeks from the date of reassembly of the Parliament
(B) At the most only for six months from the date of reassembly of the Parliament
(C) At the most only for twelve months after it is being promulgated
(D) Until the Parliament passes an Act

113. Who among the following allots the portfolios to the Union Ministers?
(A) President (B) Prime Minister

(C) Speaker of the Lok Sabha (D) President of the party in power

114. In the performance of his official duties, the Attorney General shall have a right of audience in
(A) Exclusively in Supreme Court
(B) High Courts and Supreme Court alone
(C) Central Tribunals, High Courts and Supreme Court alone
(D) In all Courts in the territory of India

115. Who among the following scrutinizes the report of Comptroller and Auditor General of India and

then submits report to the House of People?
(A) Ministry of Finance
(B) Committee on Public Accounts
(C) Governor of the Reserve Bank
(D) Committee on Estimates

116. As per the Constitution which one of the following is a wrong statement?
(A) The normal term of a Governor’s office shall be five years, but it may be terminated earlier
(B) The grounds upon which a Governor may be removed by the President are not laid down in

the Constitution
(C) There is no bar to a person being appointed Governor more than once
(D) The Governor’s diplomatic and military functions are restricted to the concerned State

117. The Directorate of Enforcement (ED) functions under

(A) The Department of Financial and White-Collar Crimes of the Central Bureau of Investigation
(B) The Department of Administrative Reforms and Personal Grievances of the Ministry of

(C) The Department of Financial Security of the Ministry of Home Affairs
(D) The Department of Revenue, the Ministry of Finance

[CSP-1] [P.T.O. 33

118. Lke[uLkk{ktÚke fÞwt rMkõÞkuhexeÍ yuLz yuõMk[uLs çkkuzo ykuV EÂLzÞkLkwt fkÞo LkÚke ?
(A) MkknMk {qze ¼tzku¤Lkk fk{fksLke LkkUÄýe yLku rLkÞ{Lk
(B) Mkk{qrnf hkufký ÞkusLkkykuLke fk{økeheLke LkkUÄýe yLku rLkÞ{Lk
(C) SðLk yLku Mkk{kLÞ ðe{k Ãkkur÷MkeLkk fk{fksLke LkkUÄýe yLku rLkÞ{Lk
(D) BÞwåÞwy÷ VtzLke fk{økeheLke LkkUÄýe yLku rLkÞ{Lk

119. Lkðe rËÕne LkuþLk÷ økúeLk rxÙçÞwLk÷Lke çkuXfLkwt {wÏÞ MÚk¤ Au. çkuXfLkk yLÞ MÚk¤ku{kt Lke[uLkkLkku Mk{kðuþ ÚkkÞ Au.
(A) ¼kuÃkk÷, ÃkwLkk, fku÷f¥kk yLku [uLLkkE
(B) y{ËkðkË, ELËkuh, rþ÷kUøk yLku niËhkçkkË
(C) {wtçkE, ¼wðLkuïh, økkiníke yLku çkUøk÷wY
(D) ÃkýS, fxf, rËMkÃkwh yLku ríkYðLkLíkÃkwh{T

120. 73{kt çktÄkhýeÞ MkwÄkhkLkk MktçktÄ{kt Lke[uLkkLkku rð[kh fhku :

a. [kh MíkheÞ Ãkt[kÞíkehks ÔÞðMÚkk Ãkqhe Ãkkzu Au.
b. Ãkkt[ ð»koLke ¾kíkheÃkqðofLke yðrÄ
c. Ãkt[kÞíkkuLku Mk¥kkMkkUÃkýe fuLÿ Mkhfkh ÃkkMku Au.
d. økúk{Mk¼k yu Ãkt[kÞíke hks ÔÞðMÚkkLkku ÃkkÞku Au.

(A) {kºk a yLku c (B) {kºk a, b yLku c

(C) {kºk b yLku d (D) {kºk b, c yLku d

121. fuLÿ ‚hfkh™k MŒhu ¼úük[kh™u hkufðk {kxu ™e[u™k{ktÚke fE {wÏÞ yusL‚e Au?
(A) rMkõÞkuhexe yuLz yuõMk[uLs çkkuzo ykuV RÂLzÞk
(B) MkuLxÙ÷ rðS÷LMk f{eþLk
(C) ELxu÷esLMk çÞqhku
(D) heMk[o & yuLkk÷eMkeMk ®ðøk

122. Ãkt[kÞíke hksLkk 73{kt çktÄkhýeÞ MkwÄkhk yrÄrLkÞ{ {wsçk, “økk{”Lku fkuý ÔÞkÏÞkrÞík fhu Au ?
(A) íkk÷wfk rðfkMk yrÄfkhe (B) rsÕ÷k f÷uõxh

(C) {wÏÞ Mkr[ð (D) hkßÞÃkk÷

123. LkkøkrhfkuLku Lke[uLkk{ktÚke fÞk yuf{kt E-økðLkoLMkLkku ÷k¼ LkÚke ?
(A) Mkhfkhe Mkuðkyku ÍzÃkÚke yLku MkeÄe ík{khk ½h MkwÄe ÃknkU[u Au.
(B) ík{u ík{khk ½hu ykhk{Úke s nkuMx Mkhfkhe MkuðkykuLkku WÃkÞkuøk fhe þfku Aku.
(C) íku ¾[o yLku Mk{ÞLke yMkhfkhfíkk íkhV Ëkuhe òÞ Au.
(D) íku Mkhfkh yLku LkkøkrhfkuLku ykExe ftÃkLkeyku Ãkh rLk¼oh çkLkkðu Au.

34 [CSP-1] [Contd.

118. Which one of the following is not a function of the Securities and Exchange Board of India?
(A) Registering and regulating the working of venture capital funds
(B) Registering and regulating the working of collective investment schemes
(C) Registering and regulating the working of life and general insurance policies
(D) Registering and regulating the working of mutual funds

119. New Delhi is the Principal Place of Sitting of the National Green Tribunal. The other places of

sitting include
(A) Bhopal, Pune, Kolkata and Chennai
(B) Ahmedabad, Indore, Shillong and Hyderabad
(C) Bombay, Bhubaneshwar, Guwahati and Bengaluru
(D) Panaji, Cuttack, Dispur and Thiruvananthapuram

120. In relation to the 73rd Constitutional Amendment, consider the following:

a. Provides four-tier Panchayati Raj System
b. Assured duration of five years
c. Devolution of powers to Panchayats is vested with the Union Government
d. Gram Sabha is the foundation of the Panchayati Raj System
Select the correct answer using the codes given below:
(A) a & c only (B) a, b & c only

(C) b & d only (D) b, c & d only

121. Which one of the following is the principal agency for preventing corruption at the level of Central

(A) Securities and Exchange Board of India
(B) Central Vigilance Commission
(C) Intelligence Bureau
(D) Research & Analysis Wing

122. As per the 73rd Constitutional Amendment Act of Panchayati Raj, who specifies a “Village”?
(A) Taluka Development Officer (B) District Collector
(C) Chief Secretary (D) Governor

123. One of the following is not a benefit of e-Governance to the citizens:
(A) Government services swiftly and directly reach your doorstep
(B) You can access a host of government services right from the comfort of your homes
(C) It leads to cost and time-effectiveness
(D) It makes government and citizens dependent on IT companies

[CSP-1] [P.T.O. 35

124. EhkLk{kt [kçknkh çktËh rðfMkkððkLkk ¼khíkLkk WÆuþku þwt Au ?
a. ykhçk Ëuþku MkkÚku Mkh¤ ÔÞkÃkkh {køko «ËkLk fhu Au.
b. ¼khík {kxu {k÷ ÃkrhðnLk ¾[o/Mk{Þ ½xkzu Au.
c. yV½krLkMíkkLkLkk [kh þnuhku{kt «ðuþ-{køko «ËkLk fhu Au.
d. {æÞ yurþÞkE çkòh MkwÄe ÃknkU[ rðfMkkððe.

(A) a, b yLku c {kºk (B) a, b yLku d {kºk

(C) b, c yLku d {kºk (D) a, b, c yLku d

125. Lke[uLkk{ktÚke fkuý nku{ ÷uLz rMkõÞwhexe MktðkË ÃkwLk:MÚkkrÃkík fhðk {kxu Mkt{ík ÚkÞk Au ?
(A) ¼khík yLku #øk÷uLz (B) ¼khík yLku ÞwyuMk

(C) ¼khík yLku hrþÞk (D) ¼khík yLku £kLMk

126. rçkBMxuf Mkr[ðk÷Þ õÞkt ykðu÷wt Au ?
(A) Zkfk, çkktø÷kËuþ (B) ¾kx{tzw, LkuÃkk¤

(C) çkUøkfkuf, ÚkkE÷uLz (D) ÚkeBVw, ¼qíkkLk

127. Lke[uLkk{ktÚke fÞku Ëuþ 2022{kt ¼khíkLkk xku[Lkk ðuÃkkh ¼køkeËkh íkhefu W¼he ykÔÞku ?
(A) MktÞwõík ykhçk y{ehkík (B) [eLk

(C) ÞwLkkExuz MxuxTMk (D) s{oLke

128. MktMkË ykËþo økúk{ ÞkusLkk (SAGY) Lkk MktçktÄ{kt Lke[uLkkLkku rð[kh fhku.
a. íkuLke þYykík ð»ko 2014{kt ÚkE níke.
b. íku ÷kufLkkÞf sÞ«fkþ LkkhkÞýLke sL{sÞtrík Ãkh þY fhðk{kt ykðe níke.
c. íku rËLkËÞk÷ WÃkkæÞkÞLke sL{sÞtrík Ãkh þY fhðk{kt ykðe níke.
d. {nkí{k økktÄeLkk {q¤¼qík árüfkuýLku ðkMíkrðõíkk{kt YÃkktíkrhík fhðkLkku Au.

(A) a, b yLku d {kºk (B) a, c yLku d {kºk

(C) b yLku d {kºk (D) c yLku d {kºk

129. Lke[uLkk{ktÚke fE ÞkusLkkLkku WÆu~Þ Þwðk, rþrûkík yÚkðk fwþ¤ fk{ËkhkuLkku ykí{rðïkMk ðÄkhðkLkku Au suyku nðu «Úk{

ÃkuZeLkk Wãkuøk MkknrMkfku çkLkðkLke ykfktûkk hk¾e þfþu ?
(A) rðãk fkiþ÷ (B) «ÄkLk{tºke {wNk ÞkusLkk

(C) «ÄkLk{tºke fkiþ÷ rðfkMk ÞkusLkk (D) þe¾ku ykih f{kð

36 [CSP-1] [Contd.

124. What are the objectives of India developing Chabahar Port in Iran?
a. Provides easy trade access with Arab countries
b. Cuts down goods transport costs/time for India
c. Road access to Afghanistan’s four cities
d. Develops access to Central Asian markets
Select the correct answer using the codes given below:
(A) a, b & c only (B) a, b & d only

(C) b, c & d only (D) a, b, c & d

125. Which of the following have agreed to reestablish Home Land Security Dialogue?
(A) India and England (B) India and the US

(C) India and Russia (D) India and France

126. Where is the BIMSTEC Secretariat located?
(A) Dhaka, Bangladesh (B) Kathmandu, Nepal

(C) Bangkok, Thailand (D) Thimphu, Bhutan

127. Which of the following country emerged as the top trading partner of India in 2022?
(A) United Arab Emirates (B) China
(C) United States (D) Germany

128. Consider the following in relation to the Saansad Adarsh Gram Yojana (SAGY):
a. It was launched in the year 2014
b. It was launched on the birth anniversary of Lok Nayak Jai Prakash Narayan
c. It was launched on the birth anniversary of Deendayal Upadhyay
d. The goal is to translate organic vision of Mahatma Gandhi into reality
Select the correct answer using the codes given below:
(A) a, b & d only (B) a, c & d only

(C) b & d only (D) c & d only

129. Which one of the following schemes is aimed at increasing the confidence of young, educated or

skilled workers who would now be able to aspire to become first generation entrepreneurs?
(A) Vidya Kaushal
(B) Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana
(C) Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana
(D) Seekho aur Kamao

[CSP-1] [P.T.O. 37

130. Lke[uLkk{ktÚke fE ÞkusLkk økúeLk VeÕz yuLxh«kEÍeMk MÚkkÃkðk {kxu ykuAk{kt ykuAk yuf yLkwMkqr[ík òrík/yLkwMkqr[ík

sLkòrík yLku ykuAk{kt ykuAk yuf {rn÷k Éý ÷uLkkhLku çkUf þk¾k ËeX çkUf ÷kuLkLke MkwrðÄk ykÃku Au ?
(A) «ÄkLk{tºke ðÞ ðtËLkk ÞkusLkk (B) ËuLkk þÂõík ÞkusLkk
(C) «ÄkLk{tºke sLk ÄLk ÞkusLkk (D) MxuLz yÃk EÂLzÞk ÞkusLkk

131. ‘yuf rsÕ÷ku yuf WíÃkkËLk’ ÞkusLkkLkk MktçktÄ{kt Lke[uLkk{ktÚke yuf Mkk[wt rðÄkLk LkÚke.
(A) íku f]r»k yLku Mkt÷øLk ûkuºkkuLkk WíÃkkËLkLku ykðhe ÷u Au.
(B) íku ËuþLkk ík{k{ rsÕ÷kykuLku ykðhe ÷u Au.
(C) ¾kã «MktMfhý Wãkuøk {tºkk÷Þ yk ÞkusLkk {kxu LkkýkfeÞ MknkÞ Ãkqhe Ãkkzu Au.
(D) yk ÞkusLkk ðíko{kLk Mkqû{ ¾kã «r¢Þk WãkuLke MkwÄkhýk {kxu LkkýkfeÞ íkfLkefe yLku ÔÞðMkkrÞf MknkÞ Lku

ykðhe ÷u Au.

132. “xfkW ¼krð ÞkusLkk íkhVLkwt yuf Ãkøk÷wt” (STAT) ÞkusLkk þwt Au ?
(A) yk Mktfw[eík (compressed) çkkÞku økuMk ÃkhLke ÞkusLkk Au.
(B) yk ÞkusLkk COP-2 {wsçk fkçkoLk WíMksoLk ½xkzðkLkwt ÷ûÞ hk¾u Au.
(C) yk ÞkusLkkLkku nuíkw ðMíke{kt ®÷øk íkVkðíkLku Ëqh fhðkLkku Au.
(D) yk E÷urõxÙf ðknLkkuLkk rðfkMk {kxuLke ÞkusLkk Au.

133. ¼khíkLke MktMkË þu»k Mk¥kk (residuary powers)Lkku WÃkÞkuøk õÞkhu fhe þfu ?
(A) Ëhuf ð¾íku
(B) Võík hk»xÙeÞ fxkufxe ËhBÞkLk
(C) hkßÞ{kt hkßÞ fxkufxe íku{s çktÄkhýeÞ fxkufxe ËhBÞkLk
(D) WÃkhkuõík Ãkife yuf Ãký Lknª

134. {q¤¼qík Vhòu {kxuLkk rðÄkLkku Lke[u Ëþkoðu÷ Au íkuLkwt {qÕÞktfLk fhku.
a. 1976 Lkk 42{kt MkwÄkhk yrÄrLkÞ{u ¼khíkeÞ çktÄkhý{kt 10 {q¤¼qík Vhòu W{uhe çkkË{kt 86{kt MkwÄkhk yrÄrLkÞ{,

2002 Úke yk ÞkËe{kt 11{e {q¤¼qík Vhs W{uhkE.
b. 1976{kt Mðýo®Mkøk Mkr{ríkyu {q¤¼qík VhòuLke ¼÷k{ý fhe níke. suLke sYrhÞkík 1975-77Lke yktíkrhf fxkufxe

Ëhr{ÞkLk yLkw¼ðkE níke.
c. {q¤¼qík Vhòu ¼khíkeÞ çktÄkhýLkk ¼køk 4f nuX¤ yLkwåAuË 51-f MkkÚku MktçktrÄík Au.
d. {q¤¼qík VhòuLku çku ¼køk{kt ðøkeof]ík fhðk{kt ykðe Au. (i) Lkiríkf Vhs : MðkíktºÞ Mktøkúk{Lkk W{Ëk ykËþkuoLku ð¤øke

hnuðwt. (ii) Lkkøkrhf Vhs : çktÄkhý, hk»xÙæðs yLku hk»xÙøkeíkLkku ykËh fhðku.
(A) a, b yLku c Mkk[kt Au. (B) b, c yLku d Mkk[kt Au.
(C) a, c yLku d Mkk[kt Au. (D) a, b, c yLku d Mkk[kt Au.

38 [CSP-1] [Contd.

130. Which of the following schemes facilitates bank loans to at least one Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled

Tribe borrower and at least one woman borrower per bank branch for setting up greenfield
(A) Pradhan Mantri Vaya Vandana Yojana
(B) Dena Shakti Scheme
(C) Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana
(D) Stand Up India Scheme

131. One of the following is not a correct statement in relation to the “One District One Focus Product

(ODOFP)” Scheme:
(A) It covers products of agriculture and allied sectors
(B) It covers all the districts of the country
(C) The Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MoFPI) provides financial support for this

(D) The Scheme covers financial, technical and business support for upgradation of existing micro

food processing enterprises

132. What is “A Step Towards a Sustainable Future (STAT)” Scheme?

(A) This is a scheme on Compressed Bio Gas (CBG)
(B) This scheme targets reduction of carbon emissions as per COP-2
(C) This scheme aims at bridging the gender gap in population
(D) This is a scheme on the development of Electric Vehicles (EVs)

133. The Parliament of India can make use of the residuary powers
(A) At all times
(B) Only during national emergency
(C) During national emergency as well as constitutional emergency as well in a state
(D) None of the above

134. Statements for “Fundamental Duties” are mentioned below. Evaluate the same
a. 42nd Amendment Act of 1976 added 10 Fundamental Duties to the Indian Constitution.

86th Amendment Act 2002 later added 11th Fundamental Duty to the list.
b. Swaran Singh Committee in 1976 recommended Fundamental Duties, the necessity of which

was felt during the internal emergency of 1975-77.
c. The Fundamental Duties are dealt with Article 51A under Part-IV A of the Indian Constitution.
d. Fundamental Duties are categorized into two – (i) Moral Duty: cherishing noble ideals of freedom

struggle (ii) Civic Duty: respecting the Constitution, National Flag and National Anthem.
(A) a, b and c are correct (B) b, c and d are correct
(C) a, c, and d are correct (D) all are correct

[CSP-1] [P.T.O. 39

135. rðÄkLkkuLkwt {qÕÞktfLk fhku.
1. yLkwåAuË 268 : ¼khíkLkwt yufrºkík Vtz (1) yufrºkík Vtz yLku ¼khíkLkwt ònuh rnMkkçk ¾kíkwt ¼khík Mkhfkh îkhk «kÃík Úkíke

ík{k{ ykðf íku Mkhfkh îkhk W¼e fhkÞu÷ ík{k{ ÷kuLk yLku ÷kuLkLke [wfðýe{kt íku Mkhfkh îkhk «kÃík ÚkÞu÷ ík{k{ Lkkýkt
“¼khíkLkwt yufrºkík Vtz” þe»kof Ähkðíkk yuf Mktfr÷ík ¼tzku¤{ktÚke hnuþu. (2) ¼khík Mkhfkh yÚkðk hkßÞ Mkhfkh îkhk
yÚkðk íkuLkk ðíke «kÃík yLÞ ík{k{ ònuh Lkkýk ònuh ¾kíkk{kt s{k fhðk{kt ykðþu. (3) fkÞËk yLkwMkkh yLku nuíkw
{kxu yLku yk çktÄkhý{kt ykÃku÷e heík rMkðkÞ ¼khíkLkk yufrºkík Vtz{ktÚke fkuEÃký Lkkýk Vk¤ððk{kt ykðþu Lknª.
2. yLkwåAuË 269 : ykfÂM{f Vtz (1) MktMkË fkÞËk îkhk “¼khíkLkwt ykfÂM{f Vtz” Lkk{Lkk Ãkuþøke MðYÃk{kt yuf ykfÂM{f

VtzLke MÚkkÃkLkk fhe þfu Au, su{kt ykðk fkÞËk îkhk rLkÄkorhík fhðk{kt ykðíke hf{ Mk{Þktíkhu [qfððk{kt ykðþu yLku
íku Vtz hk»xÙÃkríkLkk nðk÷u {qfðk{kt ykðþu suÚke MktMkË îkhk ykðk ¾[oLke yrÄf]íkíkk çkkfe nkuÞ íkuðk yýÄkÞko ¾[oLku
ÃknkU[e ð¤ðkLkk nuíkwyku {kxu ykðk Vtz{ktÚke íku{Lkk îkhk Ãkuþøke ykÃke þfkÞ.
(A) {kºk 1 Mkk[wt Au. (B) {kºk 2 Mkk[wt Au.

(C) 1 yLku 2 çktLku Mkk[kt Au. (D) 1 yLku 2 çktLku ¾kuxkt Au.

136. rðÄkLkkuLkwt {qÕÞktfLk fhku.
1. çktÄkhýeÞ MktMÚkkyku : çktÄkhýeÞ MktMÚkkyku ¼khík{kt {níðÃkqýo MktMÚkkyku Au su íku{Lke Mk¥kkyku yLku yrÄfkhku ¼khíkeÞ

çktÄkhý{ktÚke {u¤ðu Au. çktÄkhý{kt íku{Lkku Mk¥kkðkh WÕ÷u¾ Au yux÷u fu íku{Lkk {kxu [ku¬Mk yLkwåAuËku Au.
• {n¥ðÃkqýo MktMÚkkyku su{fu LkkýkÃkt[, Mkt½ ÷kuf Mkuðk ykÞkuøk [qtxýe Ãkt[, ¼khíkLkk rLkÞtºkf-{nk÷u¾k Ãkheûkf
2. ðiÄkrLkf MktMÚkkyku : • íkuyku MktMkË yÚkðk rðÄkLkMk¼kLkk yrÄrLkÞ{ îkhk çkLkkððk{kt ykðu÷ Au.
– Ëk¾÷k íkhefu ¼khíkeÞ «rík¼qrík yLku rðrLk{Þ çkkuzo (SEBI), hk»xÙeÞ fkÞËk Ãkt[, hk»xÙeÞ {kLkð yrÄfkh Ãkt[

(NHRC), ¼khíkeÞ yLkLÞ yku¤¾ «krÄfhý (UIDAI)
(A) {kºk 1 Mkk[wt Au. (B) {kºk 2 Mkk[wt Au.

(C) 1 yLku 2 çktLku Mkk[kt Au. (D) 1 yLku 2 çktLku ¾kuxkt Au.

137. ðíko{kLk ÷kufMk¼k .......... Au.

(A) 14{e ÷kufMk¼k (B) 15{e ÷kufMk¼k

(C) 16{e ÷kufMk¼k (D) 17{e ÷kufMk¼k

138. Wå[ LÞkÞk÷ÞLkk LÞkÞ{qŠíkLkwt ÃkuLþLk .......... WÄkhðk{kt ykðu Au.
(A) ¼khíkLkk yufrºkík Vtz{ktÚke
(B) hkßÞLkk yufrºkík Vtz{ktÚke ßÞkt íkuýu AuÕ÷u Mkuðk ykÃke níke.
(C) rðrðÄ hkßÞLkk yufrºkík Vtz{ktÚke ßÞkt íku{ýu Mkuðk ykÃke Au.
(D) ¼khíkLkk ykfÂM{f Vtz{ktÚke

139. hkßÞMk¼kLkk .......... MkÇÞku Au.

(A) Mkkðorºkf ÃkwÏík {íkkrÄfkhLkk ykÄkhu ÷kufku îkhk MkeÄk s [qtxkÞu÷k
(B) hkßÞ rðÄkLkMk¼kLkk MkÇÞku îkhk [qtxkÞu÷k
(C) hkßÞ rðÄkLk Ãkrh»kËLkk MkÇÞku îkhk [qtxkÞu÷k
(D) hkßÞ rðÄkLk Ãkrh»kËku yLku hkßÞ rðÄkLkMk¼kykuLkk MkÇÞku îkhk [qtxkÞu÷k

40 [CSP-1] [Contd.

135. Evaluate the statements.
1. ARTICLE 268: Consolidated Funds and public accounts of India. (1) All revenues received

by the Government of India, all loans raised by that Government and all moneys received by
that Government in repayment of loans shall form one consolidated fund to be entitled “the
Consolidated Fund of India”, (2) All other public moneys received by or on behalf of the
Government of India or the Government of a State shall be credited to the public account of.
(3) No moneys out of the Consolidated Fund of India, shall be appropriated except in accordance
with law and for the purposes and in the manner provided in this Constitution.
2. ARTICLE 269: Contingency Fund. (1) Parliament may by law establish a Contingency Fund

in the nature of an imprest to be entitled “the Contingency Fund of India” into which shall be
paid from time to time such sums as may be determined by such law, and the said Fund shall be
placed at the disposal of the President to enable advances to be made by him out of such Fund
for the purposes of meeting unforeseen expenditure pending authorization of such expenditure
by Parliament.
(A) only 1 is correct (B) only 2 is correct

(C) both (1) and (2) are correct (D) both (1) and (2) are not correct

136. Evaluate the statements.

1. Constitutional Bodies : Constitutional bodies are important bodies in India that derive their

powers and authorities from the Indian Constitution. They are specifically mentioned in the
Constitution, meaning they have dedicated articles.
• Important bodies such as the Finance Commission, the UPSC, the Election Commission,

the CAG
2. Statutory Bodies : • They are created by an Act of Parliament. Or the legislature.

– For example, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), National Law Commission,

NHRC, Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI)
(A) only 1 is correct (B) only 2 is correct

(C) both 1 and 2 are correct. (D) both 1 and 2 are not correct

137. The present Lok Sabha is the

(A) 14th Lok Sabha (B) 15th Lok Sabha

(C) 16th Lok Sabha (D) 17th Lok Sabha

138. The pension of a high court judge is charged to the
(A) Consolidated Fund of India
(B) Consolidated Fund of the state where he last served
(C) Consolidated Funds of the different states where he has served
(D) Contingency Fund of India

139. The members of the Rajya Sabha are

(A) directly elected by the people on the basis of universal adult franchise
(B) elected by the members of the state legislative assemblies
(C) elected by the members of the state legislative councils
(D) elected by the members of the state legislative councils and state legislative assemblies

[CSP-1] [P.T.O. 41

140. Lke[uLkk rðÄkLkku rð[khýk{kt ÷ku.
1. ðMíke økýíkhe {wsçk, Mke{ktfLk fhu÷ Ëhuf økúk{Lku ÃkkuíkkLke Mk{ŠÃkík økúk{Mk¼k yLku økúk{ Ãkt[kÞík nkuðe ykð~Þf Au.
2. su fkuE [ku¬Mk økk{{ktÚke ÷kufMk¼kLke [qtxýe{kt {íkËkLk fhðk Ãkkºk nkuÞ íku økúk{ Ãkt[kÞíkLke [qtxýe{kt Ãký {íkËkLk

fhe þfu Au.
WÃkhkuõík{ktÚke fÞwt rðÄkLk Mkk[wt/Mkk[kt Au ?
(A) {kºk 1 (B) {kºk 2

(C) 1 yLku 2 çktLku (D) 1 yÚkðk 2 {ktÚke yufuÞ Lknª

141. hkßÞLke rðÄkLkMk¼k LkøkhÃkkr÷fk{kt Lke[uLkk{ktÚke fE ÔÞÂõíkLkk «ríkrLkrÄíðLke òuøkðkE fhe þfu Au ?
1. MktÃkqýo yÚkðk yktrþf heíku LkøkhÃkkr÷fk rðMíkkhLkku Mk{kðuþ fhíkk {íkrðMíkkhkuLkwt «ríkrLkrÄíð fhíkk ÷kufMk¼k yLku

hkßÞ rðÄkLkMk¼kLkk MkÇÞku
2. LkøkhÃkkr÷fk rðMíkkh{kt hnuíkk rþûkfku yLku MLkkíkfku
3. LkøkhÃkkr÷fk ðneðx{kt rðþu»k ¿kkLk yÚkðk yLkw¼ð Ähkðíke ÔÞÂõík
Mkk[ku sðkçk fkuz ÃkMktË fhku.
(A) 1, 3 (B) 2, 3

(C) {kºk 1 (D) 1, 2, 3

142. hk»xÙ…rŒ {tºke …rh»kË™k ‚ÇÞ™u .......... ƒhŒhV fhe þfu.
(A) ÃkkuíkkLke heíku (B) ðzk«ÄkLkLke ¼÷k{ýLkk ykÄkhu
(C) Võík fxkufxeLkk Mktòuøkku{kt (D) MÃkefhLke Mkn{íkeÚke

143. Lkkuxk (NOTA) {íkËkLk rðfÕÃk ÷køkw Ãkzu Au.

1. hkßÞ rðÄkLkMk¼k [qtxýe
2. ÷kufMk¼k [qtxýe
3. hk»xÙÃkrík yLku WÃkhk»xÙÃkríkLke [qtxýe
Mkk[ku rðfÕÃk ÃkMktË fhku.
(A) 1, 2 (B) 1, 3

(C) 1, 2, 3 (D) {kºk 1

144. ¼khíkLkk [qtxýe Ãkt[ MktçktÄ{kt Lke[uLkk rðÄkLkku rð[khýk{kt ÷ku :
1. çktÄkhý{kt [qtxýe Ãkt[Lkk MkÇÞkuLke {wËíkLkku WÕ÷u¾ LkÚke.
2. çktÄkhýu rLkð]¥k Úkíkk [qtxýe fr{þLkhLku Mkhfkh îkhk ykøk¤Lke fkuEÃký rLk{ýqf Ãkh «ríkçktÄ {qõÞku Au.
3. {wÏÞ [qtxýe fr{þLkh yLku / yÚkðk yLÞ çku [qtxýe fr{þLkhku ðå[u {ík¼uËLkk rfMMkk{kt yk çkkçkíkLkku rLkýoÞ {wÏÞ

[qtxýe fr{þLkh îkhk ÷uðk{kt ykðu Au.
WÃkh{ktÚke fÞwt rðÄkLk / rðÄkLkku Mkk[wt / Mkk[kt Au ?
(A) {kºk 1 (B) 1, 2

(C) 1, 3 (D) 1, 2, 3

42 [CSP-1] [Contd.

140. Consider the following statements:
1. Each village, demarcated as per the Census, must have its own dedicated Gram Sabha and

Gram Panchayat.
2. Anyone who is eligible to vote in Lok Sabha elections from a particular village can also vote in

Gram Panchayat elections.
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
(A) 1 only (B) 2 only

(C) Both 1 and 2 (D) Neither 1 nor 2

141. A State Legislature may provide for the representation of which of the following persons in a

1. Members of the Lok Sabha and the state legislative assembly representing constituencies that

comprise wholly or partly the municipal area.
2. Teachers and graduates living within the municipal area.
3. Persons having special knowledge or experience in municipal administration.
Select the correct answer code:
(A) 1, 3 (B) 2, 3

(C) 1 only (D) 1, 2, 3

142. The President can dismiss a member of the Council of Ministers
(A) On his own
(B) On the recommendation of the Prime Minister
(C) Only under emergency conditions
(D) With the consent of the Speaker

143. The NOTA voting option is applicable in

1. State Legislative Assembly Elections
2. Lok Sabha elections
3. Election of the President and Vice-President
Select the correct answer code:
(A) 1, 2 (B) 1, 3

(C) 1, 2, 3 (D) 1 only

144. Consider the following statements regarding Election Commission of India.
1. The Constitution has not specified the term of the members of the Election Commission.

2. The Constitution has debarred the retiring election commissioners from any further appointment

by the Government.
3. In case of difference of opinion amongst the Chief Election Commissioner and/or two other

election commissioners, the matter is decided by the Chief Election Commissioner.
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
(A) 1 only (B) 1, 2

(C) 1, 3 (D) 1, 2, 3

[CSP-1] [P.T.O. 43

145. Mkt½ ÷kuf Mkuðk ykÞkuøkLke Mðíktºk fk{økehe {kxu Lke[uLkk{ktÚke fE òuøkðkEyku Au?
1. yæÞûkLku hk»xÙÃkrík îkhk Võík Mkðkuoå[ yËk÷íkLkk LÞkÞkÄeþLke su{ fkhýku yLku heík ÃkØríkÚke Ëqh fhe þfkÞ Au.
2. Mkt½ ÷kuf Mkuðk ykÞkuøkLkku Mk{økú ¾[o ¼khíkLkk yufrºkík Vtz ¾kíku WÄkhðk{kt ykðu Au.
3. yæÞûk ¼khík Mkhfkh yÚkðk fkuE hkßÞ Mkhfkh nuX¤ çkeS fkuE Lkkufhe {kxu Ãkkºk økýkþu Lknª.
Mkk[ku rðfÕÃk ÃkMktË fhku.
(A) 1, 2 (B) 1, 3

(C) 2, 3 (D) 1, 2, 3

146. Lke[uLkk{ktÚke fE MktMÚkkLke rLk{ýqf Mkr{rík{kt hkßÞMk¼kLkk rðhkuÄ ÃkûkLkk Lkuíkk nkuÞ Au ?
(A) hk»xÙeÞ {kLkð yrÄfkh Ãkt[
(B) furLÿÞ Mkíkfoíkk ykÞkuøk
(C) furLÿÞ {krníke ykÞkuøk
(D) Lkerík ykÞkuøkLkk MkeEyku

147. ¼khíkLkk fkÞËk Ãkt[Lku ÷økíkk Lke[uLkk rðÄkLkku æÞkLk{kt ÷ku.

1. ¼khíkLkwt fkÞËk Ãkt[ yu ¼khík Mkhfkh îkhk Mk{Þktíkhu h[ðk{kt ykðíke yuf ðiÄkrLkf MktMÚkk Au.
2. Ëh Ãkkt[ ð»kuo fkÞËk Ãkt[Lke ÃkwLk:h[Lkk fhðk{kt ykðu Au.
3. fkÞËk Ãkt[ MðÞt fkÞËk{kt MktþkuÄLk nkÚk Ähþu yLku ¼khík{kt «ðíko{kLk fkÞËkykuLke Mk{eûkk fhþu.
WÃkhLkk rðÄkLkku Ãkife fÞwt / fÞkt rðÄkLk / rðÄkLkku ¾kuxwt / ¾kuxkt Au ?
(A) 1, 2 (B) 1, 3

(C) 2, 3 (D) WÃkhkuõík Ãkife yuf Ãký Lknª

148. Lke[uLkk rðÄkLkku æÞkLk{kt ÷ku.
1. [qtxýe{kt {ík ykÃkðkLkku yrÄfkh Lk íkku {q¤¼qík yrÄfkh Au fu Lk íkku Mkk{kLÞ fkÞËk nuX¤Lkku yrÄfkh
2. fuËeyku xÃkk÷ {íkÃkºk îkhk su÷{ktÚke ÃkkuíkkLkku {ík ykÃke þfu Au.
WÃkhkuõík{ktÚke fÞwt rðÄkLk / rðÄkLkku ¾kuxwt / ¾kuxkt Au ?
(A) {kºk 1 (B) {kºk 2

(C) 1 yLku 2 çktLku (D) 1 yÚkðk 2 çktLku{ktÚke yuf Ãký Lknª

149. ¼khíkLkwt çktÄkhý Lke[uLkk{ktÚke fE heíku hkßÞLkk ytøkkuLkwt fkÞkoí{f rð¼ksLk Lk¬e fhu Au ?
1. hk»xÙÃkrík yÚkðk hkßÞÃkk÷ íku{Lkk fkÞko÷ÞLke Mk¥kkyku yLku VhòuLkk WÃkÞkuøk fíkoÔÞ Ãkk÷Lk {kxu fkuE Ãký fkuxoLku

sðkçkËkh hnuþu Lknª.
2. MktMkË yLku rðÄkLk {tz¤Lke fkÞoðkneLke fkÞËuMkhíkk Ãkh fkuEÃký yËk÷ík{kt «&™ WXkðe þfkÞ Lknª.
3. LÞkÞkÄeþkuLku nxkððkLke fkÞoðkne nkÚk Ähðk{kt ykðe nkuÞ íku rMkðkÞ MktMkË LÞkÞkÄeþkuLkk ðíkoLk ytøku [[ko fhe

þfíke LkÚke.
Mkk[ku rðfÕÃk ÃkMktË fhku.
(A) 1, 2 (B) 2, 3

(C) 1, 3 (D) 1, 2, 3

44 [CSP-1] [Contd.

145. Which of the following are the provisions for independent functioning of the UPSC?
1. The chairman can be removed from office by the President only in the manner and on the

grounds similar to that of a judge of the Supreme Court.
2. The entire expenses of the UPSC are charged on the Consolidated Fund of India.
3. The chairman is not eligible for further employment in the Government of India or a state.
Select the correct answer code:
(A) 1, 2 (B) 1, 3 (C) 2, 3 (D) 1, 2, 3

146. Which of the following bodies have the leader of the Opposition in Rajya Sabha, in their

appointment committees?
(A) The National Human Rights Commission
(B) The Central Vigilance Commission
(C) The Central Information Commission
(D) CEO of NITI Aayog

147. Consider the following statements regarding Law Commission of India.

1. The Law Commission of India is a statutory body constituted by the Government of India from

time to time.
2. The commission is reconstituted every five years.

3. The Law Commission shall suo motu, undertake research in law and review of existing laws in

Which of the above statements is/are incorrect?
(A) 1, 2 (B) 1, 3

(C) 2, 3 (D) None of the above

148. Consider the following statements:
1. Right to cast a vote in elections is neither a fundamental right nor a right under common law.
2. Prisoners can cast their vote from jails through postal ballot.
Which of the above statements is/are incorrect?
(A) 1 only (B) 2 only

(C) Both 1 and 2 (D) Neither 1 nor 2

149. The Constitution of India lays down a functional separation of the organs of the State in which of

the following manner?
1. The President or the Governor shall not be answerable to any court for the exercise and

performance of the powers and duties of his office.
2. The validity of proceedings in Parliament and the Legislatures cannot be called into question in

any Court.
3. Parliament cannot discuss the conduct of the judges except when the proceeding to remove a

judge is being carried out.
Select the correct answer code:
(A) 1, 2 (B) 2, 3 (C) 1, 3 (D) 1, 2, 3

[CSP-1] [P.T.O. 45

150. Lke[uLkk rðÄkLkku æÞkLk{kt ÷ku.
1. MktMkË îkhk çkLkkððk{kt ykðu÷k fkÞËk ¼khíkLkk ík{k{ hkßÞkuLku ÷køkw Ãkzu Au.
2. fkuEÃký Mktòuøkku{kt, hkßÞLkk rðÄkLk {tz¤ îkhk çkLkkððk{kt ykðu÷k fkÞËk hkßÞLke çknkh ÷køkw Ãkzíkk LkÚke.
3. MktMkËLkk fkÞËkyku rðïLkk fkuE Ãký ¼køk{kt ¼khíkeÞ Lkkøkrhfku yLku íku{Lke MktÃkr¥kLku ÷køkw Ãkzu Au.
WÃkhkuõík{ktÚke fÞwt rðÄkLk / rðÄkLkku Mkk[wt / Mkk[kt Au ?
(A) {kºk 1 (B) 1, 2

(C) 1, 3 (D) 1, 2, 3

151. yuf 768 [ku. ‚u{e ûkuºkV¤ ÄhkðŒk ÷tƒ[kuh‚ PQRS {ktÚke, PQ ÔÞk‚ y™u 72p [ku.‚u{e ûkuºkV¤ nkuÞ Œuðk yÄoðŒwo¤

¼k„™u Ëqh fhðk{kt ykðu Au. Œku ƒkfe hnu÷k rðMŒkh™e …rhr{rŒ fux÷e Úkþu?
(A) 86 + 12p (B) 88 + 12p

(C) 68 + 14p (D) W…hkuõŒ …ife yuf Ãký Lknª

* (r™Ëuoþ : «§ Lkt. 152 y™u 153) ƒtLku «§ku{kt, ƒu rðÄk™ y™u ƒu Œkhýku yk…ðk{kt ykÔÞk Au. Œ{khu yu ™¬e fhðk™wt Au

fu yk…u÷k rðÄk™ku™u fÞwt / fÞk Œkhý / Œkhýku Œkrfof heŒu y™w‚hu Au.

152. rðÄk™ku :
I. ƒÄk ½kuzk nkÚke Au.
II. fux÷kf nkÚke „kÞ Au.
íkkhýku :
I. Úkkuzk ½kuzk „kÞ Au.
II. ƒÄk ½kuzk „kÞ Au.
™e[u …ife ‚k[ku rðfÕ… …‚tË fhku.
(A) VõŒ Œkhý I y™w‚hu Au. (B) VõŒ Œkhý II y™w‚hu Au.
(C) çktLku I y™u II y™w‚hu Au. (D) Œu …ife fkuR y™w‚hŒwt ™Úke.

153. rðÄk™ku :
I. fux÷kf ‚{½™ [kuh‚ Au.
II. ƒÄk ‚{½™ ðŒwo¤ Au.
Œkhýku :
I. fux÷kf ðŒwo¤ ‚{½™ Au
II. fux÷kf ðŒwo¤ ‚{½™ ™Úke
III. fux÷kf [kuh‚ ðŒwo¤ Au.
™e[u …ife ‚k[ku rðfÕ… …‚tË fhku.
(A) VõŒ Œkhý I y™w‚hu Au. (B) ƒÄk Œkhýku y™w‚hu Au.
(C) VõŒ Œkhýku II y™u III y™w‚hu Au. (D) yuf…ý Œkhý y™w‚hŒwt ™Úke.

46 [CSP-1] [Contd.

150. Consider the following statements:
1. The laws made by the Parliament are applicable to all the states of India.
2. Under no circumstance, the laws made by the state legislature are applicable outside the state.
3. The laws of the Parliament are applicable to the Indian citizens and their property in any part

of the world.
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
(A) 1 only (B) 1, 2

(C) 1, 3 (D) 1, 2, 3

151. From a rectangle PQRS of area 768 sq cm, a semi-circular part with diameter PQ and area

72p sq cm is removed. Then what is the perimeter of the leftover portion?
(A) 86 + 12p (B) 88 + 12p

(C) 68 + 14p (D) None of the above

* (Direction : Question No. 152 and 153) In both the questions, two statements and two conclusions

are given. You have to decide which conclusion / conclusions follows / follow logically to given

152. Statements:
I. All horses are elephants
II. Some elephants are cows
I. Some horses are cows.
II. All horses are cows.
Choose the right option from below.
(A) Only conclusion I follows (B) Only conclusion II follows
(C) Both I and II follow (D) Neither of them follows

153. Statements:
I. Some cubes are squares.
II. All cubes are circles.
I. Some circles are cubes.
II. Some circles are not cubes.
III. Some squares are circles.
Choose the right answer from below:
(A) Only conclusion I follows (B) All conclusions follow
(C) Only conclusions II and III follow (D) Neither conclusion follows

[CSP-1] [P.T.O. 47

154. yufƒeò™u ƒnkhÚke M…þoŒk ƒu ðŒwo¤™k ûkuºkV¤ku™ku ‚hðk¤ku 153 P [ku.‚u{e Au. òu Œu{™e rºkßÞk™ku ‚hðk¤ku

15 ‚u{e nkuÞ, Œku Œu …ife {kuxk y™u ™k™k ðŒwo¤™e rºkßÞkyku™ku „wýku¥kh fux÷ku Úkþu?
(A) 2 : 1 (B) 3 : 1

(C) 4 : 1 (D) W…hkuõŒ …ife yuf Ãký Lknª.

155. yuf …heûkk{kt yuf ð„o™k 10 rðãkÚkeoyku™k ‚huhkþ „wý 60 Au. òu xku[™k …kt[ rðãkÚkeoyku™k „wý æÞk™u ™ ÷uðk{kt ykðu,

Œku ƒkfe™k rðãkÚkeoyku™k ‚huhkþ „wý 5 sux÷k ykuAk ÚkkÞ Au. …k‚ „wý 40 y™u {n¥k{ „wý 100 Au. yu ¿kkŒ Au fu
fkuR…ý rðãkÚkeo ™k…k‚ ÚkÞku ™Úke. òu xku[™k …kt[ rðãkÚkeoyku …ife Ëhuf rðãkÚkeoyu y÷„ y÷„ …qýkOf „wý {u¤ÔÞk
nkuÞ, Œku ‚kiÚke ðÄw „wý {u¤ð™kh rðãkÚkeo™k {n¥k{ fux÷k „wý þfâ Au?
(A) 88 (B) 95 (C) 99 (D) 100

156. yuf xktfe™k Œr¤Þu Œz …zu÷e Au. yk Œz yk¾e ¼hu÷e xktfe™u 16 f÷kf{kt ¾k÷e fhe þfu Au. ßÞkhu xktfe yk¾e ¼hu÷e

nkuÞ, íÞkhu xktfe{kt yuf ™¤ ¾ku÷ðk{kt ykðu Au, su 6 r÷xh «rŒ f÷kf™k Ëhu …kýe ¼hu Au y™u Œu™u ÷eÄu nðu xktfe 24
f÷kf{kt ¾k÷e ÚkkÞ Au. Œku xktfe™e ûk{Œk fux÷e nþu?
(A) 144 r÷xh (B) 96 r÷xh

(C) 248 r÷xh (D) W…hkuõŒ …ife yuf Ãký Lknª

157. ºký ƒkMfux{kt 3 : 4 : 5 ™k „wýku¥kh{kt ™kht„e Au. Œku «Úk{ ƒu ƒkMfux{kt ™kht„e™e ‚tÏÞk fÞk „wýku¥kh{kt ðÄkhðkÚke ™ðku

„wýku¥kh 5 : 4 : 3 Úkþu?
(A) 2 : 1 (B) 2 : 3 (C) 3 : 1 (D) 3 : 4

158. ™e[u …ife fÞwt rðÄk™ / fÞk rðÄk™ku ‚k[k Au?



(III) ƒu yrð¼kßÞ ‚tÏÞkyku™ku „w.‚k.y nt{uþk 1 nkuÞ Au.

(A) {kºk (I) y™u (II) (B) {kºk (II) y™u (III)

(C) {kºk (I) y™u (III) (D) ƒÄk ‚k[k Au.

159. A ytf™e yuf ÷½wŒ{ ‚tÏÞk™u 4, 6, 10 y™u 15 ðzu ¼k„ðk{kt ykðu Œku Ëhuf ð¾Œu 2 þu»k ðÄu Au. Œku Œu ‚tÏÞk™k ytfku™ku

‚hðk¤ku fux÷ku nþu ?
(A) 3 (B) 5 (C) 4 (D) 6

160. yuf ÷kuxhe rxrfx R™k{™e rxrfx nkuÞ Œu™e ‚t¼kð™k 0.2 Au. òu 4 rxrfx ¾heËðk{kt ykðu Œku, ykuAk{kt ykuAe yuf

rxrfx …h R™k{ {¤u Œu™e ‚t¼kð™k fux÷e?
(A) 0.3964 (B) 0.5904 (C) 0.6824 (D) 0.7804

161. yuf ƒhýe{kt 12 ÷¾kuxeyku Au : 4 ÷k÷, 5 ðkˤe y™u 3 ™kht„e. sku Œu{ktÚke …qhðýe ð„h (without replacement)

3 ÷¾kuxeyku ÷uðk{kt ykðu, Œku Œu{kt ðkˤe, ™kht„e y™u ÷k÷ yuðk ¢{{kt ºkýuÞ ht„ku {¤u Œu™e ‚t¼kð™k fux÷e?
(A) 1/22 (B) 1/60

(C) 5/144 (D) W…hkuõŒ …ife yuf Ãký Lknª

48 [CSP-1] [Contd.

154. The sum of the areas of two circles, which touch each other externally, is 153 P sq cm. If the sum

of their radii is 15 cm, then what is the ratio of larger to smaller radius of those circles?
(A) 2 : 1 (B) 3 : 1

(C) 4 : 1 (D) None of the above

155. The average score in an examination of 10 students of a class is 60. If the scores of the top five

students are not considered, the average score of the remaining students falls by 5. The pass mark
is 40 and the maximum mark was 100. It is also known that none of the students failed. If each of
the top five scorers had distinct integral scores, what is the maximum possible score of the topper?
(A) 88 (B) 95

(C) 99 (D) 100

156. There is a leak in the bottom of the tank. This leak can empty a full tank in 16 hrs. When the tank

is full, a tap is opened into the tank which intakes water at rate of 6 L per hour and because of that
the tank is now emptied in 24 hr. What is the capacity of the tank?
(A) 144 Litres (B) 96 Litres

(C) 248 Litres (D) None of the above

157. The number of oranges in three baskets are in the ratio 3 : 4 : 5. In which ratio the no. of oranges

in first two baskets must be increased so that the new ratio becomes 5 : 4 : 3 ?
(A) 2 : 1 (B) 2 : 3 (C) 3 : 1 (D) 3 : 4

158. Which of the following statement/statements is/are correct?


(III) H.C.F of two prime numbers is always 1
(A) (I) and (II) only (B) (II) and (III) only

(C) (I) and (III) only (D) All of the above

159. The least number of six digits, which when divided by 4, 6, 10 and 15, leave same remainder 2 in

each case. Then what is the sum of the digits of that number?
(A) 3 (B) 5

(C) 4 (D) 6

160. The probability of a lottery ticket being a prized ticket is 0.2. When 4 tickets are purchased, what

is the probability of winning a prize on at least one ticket?
(A) 0.3964 (B) 0.5904

(C) 0.6824 (D) 0.7804

161. A jar contains 12 marbles : 4 red, 5 blue and 3 orange. If 3 marbles are taken out of it without

replacement, what is the probability of getting all three colours in the order of blue, orange, red
(A) 1/22 (B) 1/60

(C) 5/144 (D) None of the above

[CSP-1] [P.T.O. 49

* (r™Ëuoþ : «§ Lkt. 162 Úke 164) yk…u÷k Ëhuf ƒu rðÄk™ku {kxu, Œ{khu yu ™¬e fhðk™wt Au fu yk…u÷k «§™k sðkƒ

yk…ðk fÞwt / fÞk rðÄk™ / rðÄk™ku …ÞkoÃík Au.

162. þwt rºkßÞk ‘m’ ‚kÚku™wt ðŒwo¤ M , rºkßÞk ‘n’ ‚kÚku™k ðŒwo¤ N ™u ytŒ:M…þuo Au?
rðÄk™ (1) - ƒu ðŒwo¤ku yufƒeò™u VõŒ yuf ®ƒËw …h M…þuo Au.
rðÄk™ (2) - ðŒwo¤ku M y™u N ™k fuLÿku ðå[u™wt ytŒh m – n Au.
(A) rðÄk™ (1) yuf÷wt …ÞkoÃík Au, …htŒw rðÄk™ (2) yuf÷wt «§™ku sðkƒ yk…ðk …ÞkoÃík ™Úke.
(B) rðÄk™ (2) yuf÷wt …ÞkoÃík Au, …htŒw rðÄk™ (1) yuf÷wt «§™ku sðkƒ yk…ðk …ÞkoÃík ™Úke.
(C) ƒtLku rðÄk™ku (1) y™u (2) yuf‚kÚku «§™ku sðkƒ yk…ðk {kxu …ÞkoÃík Au, …htŒw ƒu …ife fkuR…ý rðÄk™ yuf÷wt «§™ku

sðkƒ yk…ðk …ÞkoÃík ™Úke.
(D) rðÄk™ku (1) y™u (2) yuf‚kÚku «§™ku sðkƒ yk…ðk {kxu …ÞkoÃík ™Úke, y™u «§™u ‚tƒtrÄŒ ðÄkhk™e {krnŒe

sYhe Au.

163. yuf ™ðk yurLs™™k ¼k„™e rðï‚™eÞŒk [fk‚ðk {kxu ƒkh MðŒtºk xÙkÞ÷ fhðk{kt ykðu Au. Œku Œu ¼k„ yzÄkÚke ykuAk

𾌠r™»V¤ òÞ Œu™e ‚t¼kð™k fux÷e?
rðÄk™ (1) - Œu ¼k„ A xÙkÞ÷{kt ºký 𾌠r™»V¤ òÞ Œu™e ‚t¼kð™k 0.28 Au.
rðÄk™ (2) - Œu ¼k„ r™»V¤ ™ òÞ Œu™e ‚t¼kð™k 0.60 Au.
(A) rðÄk™ (1) yuf÷wt …ÞkoÃík Au, …htŒw rðÄk™ (2) yuf÷wt «§™ku sðkƒ yk…ðk …ÞkoÃík ™Úke.
(B) rðÄk™ (2) yuf÷wt …ÞkoÃík Au, …htŒw rðÄk™ (1) yuf÷wt «§™ku sðkƒ yk…ðk …ÞkoÃík ™Úke.
(C) ƒtLku …ife fkuR…ý rðÄk™ yuf÷wt «§™ku sðkƒ yk…ðk {kxu …ÞkoÃík Au.
(D) rðÄk™ku (1) y™u (2) yuf‚kÚku «§™ku sðkƒ yk…ðk {kxu …ÞkoÃík ™Úke, y™u «§™u ‚tƒtrÄŒ ðÄkhk™e {krnŒe

sYhe Au.

164. þçË ‘Season’ fR heŒu ‚tfuŒƒæÄ fhðk{kt ykÔÞku Au?

rðÄk™ (1) : ‘Season change by nature’ ™u ‘4 8 12 9’ Œhefu ‚tfuŒƒæÄ fhðk{kt ykÔÞk Au y™u ‘Change is law

nature’ ™u ‘5 12 24 4’ Œhefu ‚tfuŒƒæÄ fhðk{kt ykÔÞk Au.
rðÄk™ (2) : ‘New season came today’ ™u ‘7 9 51 35’ ‚tfuŒƒæÄ fhðk{kt ykÔÞk Au y™u ‘Today change came

tomorrow’ ™u ‘21 35 12 19’ Œhefu ‚tfuŒƒæÄ fhðk{kt ykÔÞk Au.
(A) rðÄk™ (1) yuf÷wt …ÞkoÃík Au, …htŒw rðÄk™ (2) yuf÷wt «§™ku sðkƒ yk…ðk …ÞkoÃík ™Úke.
(B) rðÄk™ (2) yuf÷wt …ÞkoÃík Au, …htŒw rðÄk™ (1) yuf÷wt «§™ku sðkƒ yk…ðk …ÞkoÃík ™Úke.
(C) ƒtLku rðÄk™ku (1) y™u (2) yuf‚kÚku «§™ku sðkƒ yk…ðk {kxu …ÞkoÃík Au, …htŒw ƒu …ife fkuR…ý rðÄk™ yuf÷wt «§™ku

sðkƒ yk…ðk …ÞkoÃík ™Úke.
(D) rðÄk™ku (1) y™u (2) yuf‚kÚku «§™ku sðkƒ yk…ðk {kxu …ÞkoÃík ™Úke, y™u «§™u ‚tƒtrÄŒ ðÄkhk™e {krnŒe

sYhe Au.

50 [CSP-1] [Contd.

* (Directions 162 - 164): For each two statements are given, you have to decide which statement /

statements is / are sufficient to answer the question.

162. Does the circle M with radius ‘m’ touch circle N with radius ‘n’ internally?
Statement (1) : The two circles touch each other at only one point
Statement (2) : The distance between centres of circles M and N is m – n
(A) Statement (1) alone is sufficient, but statement (2) alone is not sufficient to answer the question
(B) Statement (2) alone is sufficient, but statement (1) alone is not sufficient to answer the question
(C) Both statements (1) and (2) together are sufficient to answer the question asked, but neither

statement alone is sufficient to answer the question asked
(D) Statements (1) and (2) together are not sufficient to answer the question asked, and additional

data specific to the problem are needed

163. Twelve independent trials are run, testing the reliability of a new engine part. What is the

probability that the part will fail less than half of the time?
Statement (1) : The probability that the part will fail three times in six trials is 0.28
Statement (2) : The probability of the part not failing is 0.60
(A) Statement (1) alone is sufficient, but statement (2) alone is not sufficient to answer the question
(B) Statement (2) alone is sufficient, but statement (1) alone is not sufficient to answer the question
(C) Either of the statements (1) and (2) alone are sufficient to answer the question
(D) Statements (1) and (2) together are not sufficient to answer the question asked, and additional

data specific to the problem are needed

164. How is the word ‘Season’ coded?

Statement (1) : ‘Season change by nature’ is coded as ‘4 8 12 9’ and ‘Change is law nature’ is

coded as ‘5 12 24 4’.
Statement (2) : ‘New season came today’ is coded as ‘7 9 51 35’ and ‘Today change came tomorrow’

is coded as ‘21 35 12 19’.
(A) Statement (1) alone is sufficient, but statement (2) alone is not sufficient to answer the question
(B) Statement (2) alone is sufficient, but statement (1) alone is not sufficient to answer the question
(C) Both statements (1) and (2) together are sufficient to answer the question asked, but neither

statement alone is sufficient to answer the question asked
(D) Statements (1) and (2) together are not sufficient to answer the question asked, and additional

data specific to the problem are needed

[CSP-1] [P.T.O. 51

165. òu 3 …wÁ»kku y™u 4 Mºkeyku ‚kÚku fk{ fhu, Œku Œuyku 7 rËð‚{kt Yk. 4200 {u¤ðu Au; ßÞkhu 11 …wÁ»kku y™u 13 Mºkeyku ‚kÚku

fk{ fhu, Œku 8 rËð‚{kt Yk. 16600 {u¤ðu Au. Œku fux÷k ‚{Þ{kt 7 …wÁ»kku y™u 9 Mºkeyku Yk. 19250 {u¤ðþu?
(A) 10 rËð‚ (B) 14 rËð‚

(C) 18 rËð‚ (D) W…hkuõŒ …ife yuf Ãký Lknª

166. yuf xktfe yuf‚{k™ «ðknÚke 3 …kR… ðzu ¼hðk{kt ykðu Au. «Úk{ ƒu …kR… yuf‚kÚku [÷kððk{kt ykðu Œku Œuyku sux÷k

‚{Þ{kt xktfe ¼hþu Œux÷k s ‚{Þ{kt ºkesku …kR… yuf÷ku Œu xktfe ¼hu Au. ƒesku …kR… «Úk{ …kE… fhŒkt 5 f÷kf ðnu÷ku
xktfe ¼hu Au y™u ºkeò …kE… fhŒkt 4 f÷kf {kuzku xktfe ¼hu Au. Œku «Úk{ …kE… yuf÷ku fux÷k ‚{Þ{kt xktfe ¼hþu?
(A) 15 f÷kf (B) 18 f÷kf

(C) 21 f÷kf (D) W…hkuõŒ …ife yuf Ãký Lknª

167. yuf ½rzÞk¤ ‚ku{ðkhu ‚ðkhu 5 ðk„u ‚k[k ‚{Þu {u¤ððk{kt ykðu Au. yk ½rzÞk¤ 24 f÷kf{kt 16 r{r™x „w{kðu Au.

òu Œu s yXðkrzÞk™k „wÁðkhu hkºku Œu ½rzÞk¤ 10 f÷kf ËþkoðŒwt nkuÞ Œku Œu ð¾Œu ‚k[ku ‚{Þ fÞku nþu?
(A) hkºku 11 f÷kf (B) hkºku 11.15 f÷kf

(C) hkºku 11.30 f÷kf (D) hkºku 11.45 f÷kf

168. r™»…ûk …k‚k™e òuze …h ‚hðk¤ku 5 fu 7 ykðu íÞkt ‚wÄe ƒtLku …k‚k yuf‚kÚku VUfðk{kt ykðu Au. Œku ‚hðk¤ku 5 yu

‚hðk¤k 7 fhŒkt …nu÷k ykðu Œu™e ‚t¼kð™k fux÷e?
(A) 0.35 (B) 0.38

(C) 0.4 (D) W…hkuõŒ …ife yuf Ãký Lknª

169. yuf Ëwfk™Ëkh 12 h{fzkt ¾heËu Au y™u Œu™k …h yuf‚{k™ ðu[ký ®f{Œ™wt ÷uƒ÷ ÷„kðu Au. Œu þÁykŒ{kt ÷uƒ÷ fhu÷

®f{Œ …h 20% ð¤Œh ‚kÚku 8 h{fzkt ðu[u Au. íÞkhƒkË Œu ƒkfe™k 4 h{fzkt ð¤Œh yk…u÷ ®f{Œ …h ðÄkhk™wt 25%
ð¤Œh yk…e ðu[u Au. yk heŒu Œu Yk. 2112 {u¤ðu Au, y™u 10% ™Vku fhu Au. Œku fkuR ð¤Œh ð„h, Œu™k ™Vk™e xfkðkhe
fux÷e Úkþu?
(A) 50% (B) 54%

(C) 56% (D) W…hkuõŒ …ife yuf Ãký Lknª

170. ‚kRf÷ P y™u Q ™k …izk™e rºkßÞkyku y™w¢{u 30 ‚u{e y™u 40 ‚u{e Au. yuf [ku¬‚ ytŒh fk…ðk, P ™k …izk™u Q

™k …izk fhŒkt 5000 …rh¼ú{ý ðÄkhu fhðk …zu Au. òu ‚kRf÷ Q Œu ytŒh 45 r{r™x{kt fk…u, Œku Œu™e Íz… fux÷k rf{e/
f÷kf nþu?
(A) 12 P (B) 14 P

(C) 16 P (D) W…hkuõŒ …ife yuf Ãký Lknª

171. ºký r{ºkku J, K y™u L ™u fux÷ef ÷¾kuxeyku ‚kÚku yuf ðkxfku yk…ðk{kt ykðu Au. J fw÷ ÷¾kuxeyku …ife yuf

Œ]rŒÞktþ ÷¾kuxe ÷u Au, …htŒw [kh ÷¾kuxe …w™: ðkxfk{kt {qfu Au. …Ae ƒkfe™e ÷¾kuxe{ktÚke K yuf [ŒwÚkkOþ ÷¾kuxe ÷u
Au, …htŒw 3 ÷¾kuxe …w™: ðkxfk{kt {qfu Au. Œu™k …Ae L ƒkfe™e ÷¾kuxe{ktÚke yzÄe ÷¾kuxe ÷u Au, …htŒw 2 ÷¾kuxe …w™:
ðkxfk{kt {qfu Au. Œu ‚{Þu 17 ÷¾kuxeyku ƒkfe hnu Au. Œku þÁykŒ{kt ðkxfk{kt fux÷e ÷¾kuxeyku nþu?
(A) 42 (B) 45

(C) 54 (D) W…hkuõŒ …ife yuf Ãký Lknª

52 [CSP-1] [Contd.

165. If 3 men and 4 women working together, can earn Rs. 4200 in 7 days; while 11 men and 13 women

working together, can earn Rs. 16600 in 8 days. Then in what time 7 men and 9 women can earn
Rs. 19250?
(A) 10 days (B) 14 days

(C) 18 days (D) None of the above

166. A tank is filled by 3 pipes with uniform flow. The first two pipes operating simultaneously fill the

tank in same time during which the tank is filled by the third pipe alone. The second pipe fills the
tank 5 hours faster than the first pipe and 4 hours slower than third pipe. In what time first pipe
alone can fill the tank?
(A) 15 hours (B) 18 hours

(C) 21 hours (D) None of the above

167. A clock is set right at 5 a.m. on Monday. The clock loses 16 minutes in 24 hours. What will be true

time when clock indicates 10 p.m on Thursday of the same week?
(A) 11. p.m. (B) 11.15 p.m.

(C) 11.30 p.m (D) 11.45 p.m

168. A pair of fair dice are rolled together, till a sum of either 5 or 7 is obtained. What is the probability

that the sum 5 happens before sum 7?
(A) 0.35 (B) 0.38

(C) 0.4 (D) None of the above

169. A shopkeeper buys 12 toys and labels each with the same selling price. He sells 8 toys initially

at 20% discount on the labelled price. Then he sells the remaining 4 toys at an additional 25%
discount on the discounted price. Thus, he gets a total of Rs. 2112, and makes a 10% profit. With
no discounts, his percentage of profit would have been how much?
(A) 50% (B) 54%

(C) 56% (D) None of the above

170. The wheels of bicycles P and Q have radii 30 cm and 40 cm, respectively. While travelling a certain

distance, wheel of P required 5000 more revolutions than wheel of Q. If bicycle Q travelled this
distance in 45 minutes, then how much was its speed, in km per hour?
(A) 12 P (B) 14 P

(C) 16 P (D) None of the above

171. Three friends J, K and L are given a bowl with some marbles in it. J took one-third of the total

marbles but put back four marbles in the bowl. Then K took one-fourth of the remaining marbles,
but put back 3 marbles in the bowl. After that L took half of the remained marbles, but put back
2 marbles in the bowl. At that time 17 marbles were left. How many marbles were there originally
in the bowl?
(A) 42 (B) 45

(C) 54 (D) None of the above

[CSP-1] [P.T.O. 53

172. xÙu™ T ƒ…kuhu 3 ðk„u Mxuþ™ X Úke Mxuþ™ Y ŒhV sðk ™ef¤u Au. xÙu™ S, fu su xÙu™ T fhŒkt ºký-[ŒwÚkkOþ Íz…u „rŒ fhu Au,

Œu Mxuþ™ Y Úke X ŒhV ƒ…kuhu 4 ðk„u ™ef¤u Au. yk ƒu xÙu™ yuf ƒeS™u Mxuþ™ Z …h …‚kh fhu Au, ßÞkt X y™u Z ðå[u™wt
ytŒh X y™u Y ™k ytŒh fhŒkt ºký-…t[{kþ sux÷wt Au. Œku xÙu™ T ™u X Úke Y ™e Þkºkk fhŒk fux÷k f÷kf ÷k„þu?
(A) 15 f÷kf (B) 18 f÷kf

(C) 21 f÷kf (D) W…hkuõŒ …ife yuf Ãký Lknª

173. 30% …wÁ»kku 25 ð»koÚke ðÄw ðÞ™k Au y™u 80% …wÁ»kku 50 fu ŒuÚke ykuAe ðÞ™k Au. ƒÄk …wÁ»kku …ife 20% Vqxƒku÷

h{u Au. òu 50 ð»koÚke ðÄw ðÞ™k 20% …wÁ»kku Vqxƒku÷ h{Œk nkuÞ, Œku Vqxƒku÷ h{™khk …ife fux÷k xfk 50 fu ŒuÚke ykuAe
ðÞ™k Au?
(A) 75% (B) 77.5%

(C) 82.5% (D) W…hkuõŒ …ife yuf Ãký Lknª

174. 1 y™u 45 ‚rnŒ Œu{™e ðå[u™k Ä™ …qýkOfku, 9 ™k 5 sqÚkku{kt (¢{k™w‚kh nkuÞ Œu sÁhe ™Úke) {qfðk{kt ykðu Au. Œku yk

5 sqÚkku™k {æÞMÚkku™e {n¥k{ þfâ ‚huhkþ fux÷e nþu?
(A) 23 (B) 26

(C) 31 (D) W…hkuõŒ …ife yuf Ãký Lknª

175. ™e[u™e ‚{„wýku¥kh ©uýe {kxu 10{wt …Ë fÞwt nþu?

(A) – 49 (B) – 343

(C) – 2401 (D) W…hkuõŒ …ife yuf Ãký Lknª

176. òu yuf ‚{ktŒh ©uýe™wt «Úk{, ƒeswt y™u ytrŒ{ …Ë y™w¢{u 5, 9 y™u 101 nkuÞ Œku Œu ©uýe{kt fw÷ fux÷k …Ëku nþu?
(A) 24 (B) 26

(C) 28 (D) W…hkuõŒ …ife yuf Ãký Lknª

177. òu 120 rf{e™e Þkºkk xÙu™ îkhk y™u ƒkfe™e fkh îkhk fhðk{kt ykðu, Œku fw÷ 600 rf{e Þkºkk …qhe fhðk 8 f÷kf ÷k„u Au.

y™u òu 200 rf{e Þkºkk xÙu™ îkhk fhðk{kt ykðu y™u ƒkfe™e fkh îkhk fhðk{kt ykðu, Œku 20 r{r™x ðÄw ÷k„u Au. Œku xÙu™
y™u fkh™e Íz…™ku „wýku¥kh fux÷ku Úkþu?
(A) 4 : 3 (B) 4 : 5

(C) 3 : 4 (D) 5 : 4

178. yuf ‚{rîƒksw rºkfkuý™e Ëhuf ‚{k™ ƒksw y™u ºkeS ƒksw™e ÷tƒkR™ku „wýku¥kh 5 : 6 Au. òu yk ‚{rîƒksw rºkfkuý™wt

ûkuºkV¤ 108 [ku.‚u{e nkuÞ y™u rºkfkuý™e ºkeS ƒksw™e ÷tƒkR yuf ðŒwo¤™k ÔÞk‚ sux÷e nkuÞ, Œku Œu ðŒwo¤™wt ûkuºkV¤
([ku.‚u{e{kt) fux÷wt Úkþu?
(A) 81p (B) 144p

(C) 112p (D) W…hkuõŒ …ife yuf Ãký Lknª

54 [CSP-1] [Contd.

172. Train T leaves station X for station Y at 3 pm. Train S, travelling at three-quarters of the speed of

T, leaves Y for X at 4 pm. The two trains pass each other at station Z, where the distance between
X and Z is three-fifth of that between X and Y. How many hours does train T take for its journey
from X to Y?
(A) 15 hours (B) 18 hours

(C) 21 hours (D) None of the above

173. 30% of the men are more than 25 years old and 80% of the men are less than or equal to 50

years old. 20% of all men play football. If 20% of the men above the age of 50 play football, what
percentage of the football players are less than or equal to 50 years?
(A) 75% (B) 77.5%

(C) 82.5% (D) None of the above

174. Positive integers from 1 to 45, inclusive are placed in 5 groups of 9 each (not necessarily in

that order). What is the highest possible average of the medians of these 5 groups?
(A) 23 (B) 26

(C) 31 (D) None of the above

175. For the following geometric series what would be its 10th term?

(A) – 49 (B) – 343

(C) – 2401 (D) None of the above

176. If the first, second and last terms of the Arithmetic Progression are 5, 9, 101, respectively, how

many total number of terms are there in the Progression?
(A) 24 (B) 26

(C) 28 (D) None of the above

177. If a journey of 120 km is done by train and the rest by car, then it takes 8 hours for total 600 km

journey. And if 200 km is done by train and the rest by car, then it takes 20 minutes more. Then
what would be the ratio of the speed of the train to that of the car?
(A) 4 : 3 (B) 4 : 5

(C) 3 : 4 (D) 5 : 4

178. The ratio of length of each equal side to third side of an isosceles triangle is 5 : 6. If the area of the

isosceles triangle is 108 sq. cm and the third side of the triangle is equal to the diameter of a circle,
what will be the area of the circle (in sq. cm)?
(A) 81p (B) 144p

(C) 112p (D) None of the above

[CSP-1] [P.T.O. 55

179. òu ‘X $ Y’ yux÷u ‘X yu Y ™k r…Œk Au’; ‘X # Y’ yux÷u ‘X yu Y ™e {kŒk Au’; ‘X × Y’ yux÷u ‘X yu Y ™e

ƒnu™ Au’, Œku ‘N # P $ Q × S’ {kt S yu N ‚kÚku fÞk ‚tƒtÄÚke òuzkÞu÷ Au?
(A) ¼ºkeòu (B) …kiºke

(C) …kiºk (D) ™¬e ™ fhe þfkÞ

180. yk…u÷k rðfÕ…ku{ktÚke fÞku yuf yLÞ ºký fhŒkt y÷„ Au?


181. G yu M ™ku …rŒ Au. M yu Y ™e ¼k¼e Au. Y yu Ët…Œe O y™u X ™ku …wºk Au. Œku O yu G ‚kÚku fÞk ‚tƒtÄÚke

òuzkÞu÷ku Au?
(A) r…Œk (B) …wºk

(C) {kŒk (D) {krnŒe y…qhŒe Au

* r™Ëuoþ : («&™ Lkt. 182 Úke 187) : ™e[u™e rð„Œku™ku fk¤S…qðof yÇÞk‚ fhe y™u ™e[u yk…u÷k «§ku™k W¥kh yk…ku:

P, Q, R, S, T, U y™u V ‚kŒ y÷„ ÔÞrõŒyku Au, su ‚kŒ y÷„ y÷„ þnuhku …x™k, {wtƒE, ™ðe rËÕne, fku÷fŒk,

÷¾™ki, [tze„Z y™u [uLLkkE{kt fk{„ehe fhu Au, su ¢{k™w‚kh nkuÞ Œu sYhe ™Úke. Œuyku Œu{™k MÚk¤u sðk {kxu y÷„
y÷„ ðkn™ W…Þku„ fhu Au: ƒ‚, xÙu™, rð{k™, ‚kRf÷, ƒkRf, fkh y™u þe…, su ¢{k™w‚kh nkuÞ Œu sYhe ™Úke.
S yu fku÷fŒk fu …x™k{kt fk{ fhŒku ™Úke. su ÔÞrõŒ xÙu™{kt {w‚kVhe fhu Au Œu [tze„Z{kt fk{ fhu Au. P ÷¾™ki{kt fk{
fhu Au. Q yÚkðk U …ife fkuR {wtƒE{kt fk{ fhŒk ™Úke. su ÔÞrõŒ fku÷fŒk{kt fk{ fhu Au Œu {w‚kVhe {kxu ƒkRf™ku
W…Þku„ fhu Au. Q {w‚kVhe {kxu ƒ‚™ku W…Þku„ fhu Au. su rð{k™™ku W…Þku„ fhu Au Œu {wtƒE{kt hnu Au. su …x™k{kt
fk{ fhu Au Œu {w‚kVhe {kxu þe…™ku W…Þku„ fhŒku ™Úke. S {w‚kVhe {kxu ‚kRf÷™ku W…Þku„ fhu Au. su ÷¾™ki{kt fk{
fhu Au, Œu þe… fu xÙu™™ku W…Þku„ fhŒku ™Úke. V {w‚kVhe {kxu þe…™ku W…Þku„ fhu Au. R yu xÙu™ fu ƒkRf™ku W…Þku„ fhŒku
™Úke. T [tze„Z{kt fk{ fhŒku ™Úke. su ÔÞrõŒ ™ðe rËÕne{kt hnu Au Œu þe…™ku W…Þku„ fhŒku ™Úke.

182. P {w‚kVhe {kxu ™e[u …ife fR heŒ™ku W…Þku„ fhu Au?

(A) þe… (B) fkh

(C) ƒkRf (D) r™rùŒ fhe þfkÞ ™ne

183. R ™e[u …ife fE søÞkyu fk{ fhu Au?
(A) {wtƒE (B) fku÷fŒk

(C) rËÕne (D) …x™k

184. ™e[u …ife fkuý {w‚kVhe {kxu ƒkRf™ku W…Þku„ fhu Au?
(A) T (B) S

(C) Q (D) U

185. S ™e[u …ife fÞk þnuh{kt fk{ fhu Au?
(A) [uLLkkE (B) fku÷fŒk

(C) {wtƒE (D) ™ðe rËÕne

56 [CSP-1] [Contd.

179. If ‘X $ Y’ means ‘X is father of Y’; ‘X # Y’ means ‘X is mother of Y’; ‘X × Y’ means ‘X is sister of

Y’, then how is S related to N in ‘N # P $ Q × S’ ?
(A) Nephew (B) Granddaughter

(C) Grandson (D) Cannot be determined

180. Out of given options which one is different from other three?


181. G is the husband of M. M is the sister-in-law of Y. Y is the son of couple O and X. How is O

related to G?
(A) Father (B) Son

(C) Mother (D) Data inadequate

* Directions : (Question No. 182 to 187) : Study the following information carefully and answer the

questions given below:
P, Q, R, S, T, U and V are seven persons working in seven different cities viz. Patna, Mumbai,

New Delhi, Kolkata, Lucknow, Chandigarh and Chennai but not necessarily in the same order.
They use different modes to reach their places viz; Bus, Train, Aeroplane, Cycle, Bike, Car and
Ship, but not necessarily in the same way. S is not working either in Kolkata or in Patna. The
person who uses Train to travel, works in Chandigarh. P works in Lucknow. Neither Q nor U
works in Mumbai. The person who works in Kolkata uses Bike to travel. Q uses Bus to travel.
One who uses Aeroplane works in Mumbai. The one who works in Patna doesn’t use Ship as the
mode of travelling. S uses cycle to travel. One who works in Lucknow neither uses Ship nor Train.
V uses Ship to travel. R doesn’t use either Train or Bike. T doesn’t work in Chandigarh. The one
who lives in New Delhi doesn’t use Ship.

182. P uses which of the following modes of travel?

(A) Ship (B) Car

(C) Bike (D) Cannot be determined

183. R works in which of the following places?
(A) Mumbai (B) Kolkata

(C) Delhi (D) Patna

184. Who among the following uses Bike to travel?
(A) T (B) S

(C) Q (D) U

185. S works in which of the following cities?
(A) Chennai (B) Kolkata

(C) Mumbai (D) New Delhi

[CSP-1] [P.T.O. 57

186. ™e[u …ife fÞwt òuzfwt ‚k[wt Au?
(A) Q – …x™k – fkh (B) V – {wtƒE – ƒ‚

(C) S – ™ðe rËÕne – þe… (D) U – [tze„Z – xÙu™

187. V {w‚kVhe {kxu ™e[u …ife fâk «fkh™ku W…Þku„ fhu Au ?
(A) xÙu™ (B) þe…

(C) ‚kRf÷ (D) ƒ‚

188. yuf …ËkÚko™wt ðs™, „ún P ™k fuLÿÚke Œu™k ytŒh™k ð„o™k ÔÞMŒ «{ký{kt Au. òu P ™e rºkßÞk 4000 rf{e nkuÞ, Œku 200

rf„úk …ËkÚko™wt „ún P ™e ‚…kxeÚke 1000 rf{e™k ytŒhu fux÷wt ðs™ Úkþu?
(A) 256 rf„úk (B) 128 rf„úk

(C) 3200 rf„úk (D) W…hkuõŒ …ife yuf Ãký Lknª

189. yuf ÔÞrõŒ Yk. 32,445 [¢ð]ræÄ ÔÞksu WAe™k ÷u Au y™u ºký ‚h¾k, yÄoðkr»kof nÃíkkyku{kt Œu …hŒ fhu Au.

òu ÔÞks™ku Ëh % «rŒ ð»ko nkuÞ ŒÚkk, ÔÞks òu Ëh A {rn™u „ýkŒwt nkuÞ, Œku fw÷ fux÷wt ÔÞks [qfÔÞwt nþu?
(A) Yk. 4,281 (B) Yk.4,419

(C) Yk. 5,014 (D) W…hkuõŒ …ife yuf Ãký Lknª

190. yuf [ku¬‚ hf{ …h 23 {rn™k {kxu 7% ™k ðkr»kof Ëhu {¤Œwt ‚kËwt ÔÞks, Œu s hf{ …h 7% ™k Ëhu 19 {rn™k™k

‚kËkÔÞks fhŒkt Yk. 672 sux÷wt ðÄw Au. Œku Œu hf{ fE nþu?
(A) Yk. 28600 (B) Yk. 26880

(C) Yk.28880 (D) W…hkuõŒ …ife yuf Ãký Lknª

191. X, Y y™u Z ðå[u Y. 117 ™u 1/2 : 1/3 : 1/4 ™k „wýku¥kh{kt ðnU[ðk™u ƒË÷u, ‚hŒ[qfÚke 2 : 3 : 4 ™k „wýku¥kh{kt

ðnU[ðk{kt ykðu Au. Œku fku™u {n¥k{ ÷k¼ Úkþu y™u fux÷ku?
(A) X, Yk. 28 (B) Y, Yk. 20

(C) Z, Yk. 25 (D) W…hkuõŒ …ife yuf Ãký Lknª

192. yuf M…ezƒkux ™Ëe{kt ‚k{k«ðknu (upstream) 6 rf{e „rŒ fhe þÁykŒ™k ®ƒËw …h 33 r{r™x{kt …hŒ Vhu Au. ™Ëe™ku

«ðkn 2 rf{e/f÷kf™e Íz…u „rŒ fhu Au. Œku Œu M…ezƒkux™e rMÚkh …kýe{kt Íz… fux÷e nþu?
(A) 21 rf{e/f÷kf (B) 22 rf{e/f÷kf

(C) 23 rf{e/f÷kf (D) W…hkuõŒ …ife yuf Ãký Lknª

193. 14 ‚ÇÞku™e xe{ ÄhkðŒk yuf «ƒtÄf™u yuf fkÞo MkkU…ðk{kt ykÔÞwt. fkuR…ý ‚{Þu ƒhkƒh 10 ‚ÇÞkuyu yuf‚kÚku Œu fkÞo

…h fk{ fÞwO. «ƒtÄfu fk{„ehe™e ðnU[ýe{kt …khËþof hnuðk™wt nkuðkÚke, Œuýu ‚ÇÞku™u fk{„ehe™e ðnU[ýe yu heŒu fhe fu
Ëhuf ‚ÇÞyu ƒhkƒh ‘t’ r{r™x {kxu fk{ fÞwO. òu fk{ 210 r{r™x{kt …qýo ÚkÞwt nkuÞ, Œku ‘t’ ™wt {qÕÞ fux÷wt nþu? (xe{™k
Ëhuf ‚ÇÞ™e ûk{Œk yuf‚h¾e Äkhe ÷ku)
(A) 60 r{r™x (B) 210 r{r™x

(C) 150 r{r™x (D) W…hkuõŒ …ife yuf Ãký Lknª

58 [CSP-1] [Contd.

186. Which of the following is matched correctly?
(A) Q – Patna – Car (B) V – Mumbai – Bus

(C) S – New Delhi – Ship (D) U – Chandigarh – Train

187. V uses which of the following modes of travel?

(A) Train (B) Ship

(C) Cycle (D) Bus

188. The weight of a body varies inversely as the square of its distance from the centre of planet P.

If the radius of P is 4000 kms, how much would a 200 kg object weigh 1000 kms above the surface
of the planet P?
(A) 256 Kg (B) 128 Kg

(C) 3200 Kg (D) None of the above

189. A man borrows Rs. 32,445 at compound interest and pays back it in three equal, half-yearly

installments. If the rate of interest is % per annum, compounded half-yearly, then what is the
total interest paid?
(A) Rs. 4,281 (B) Rs. 4,419

(C) Rs. 5,014 (D) None of the above

190. The Simple Interest on certain sum of money for 23 months at the rate of 7% per annum exceeds

the SI on the same sum at 7% per annum for 19 months by Rs. 672. Then what is the sum?
(A) Rs. 28600 (B) Rs. 26880

(C) Rs. 28880 (D) None of the above

191. Instead of dividing Rs. 117 among X, Y and Z in the ratio 1/2 : 1/3 : 1/4, by mistake it was divided

in the ratio of 2 : 3 : 4. Who gains the most benefit and by how much?
(A) X, Rs. 28 (B) Y, Rs. 20

(C) Z, Rs. 25 (D) None of the above

192. A speedboat runs 6 km upstream in a river and comes back to the starting point in 33 minutes.

The stream of the river is running at 2 km/hr. What is the speed of speedboat in still water?
(A) 21 kmph (B) 22 kmph

(C) 23 kmph (D) None of the above

193. A work was given to a manager who had 14 members in his team. At any moment of time exactly

10 members worked simultaneously on the work. Since the manager had to be fair in his task
allocation, he allocated the work among the members in such a way that each member performed
on the work for exactly ‘t’ minutes. If the work was completed in 210 minutes, then what is the
value of ‘t’? (Assume the efficiency of each of the members of the team is the same)
(A) 60 minutes (B) 210 minutes

(C) 150 minutes (D) None of the above

[CSP-1] [P.T.O. 59

194. ™e[u™e ©uýe{kt ¾kuxe ‚tÏÞk þkuÄku:
789, 645, 545, 481, 440, 429, 425
(A) 440 (B) 425

(C) 645 (D) 545

195. yuf …ku÷k ÷ku¾tz™k …kR…™e ÷tƒkR 21 ‚u{e y™u Œu™ku ƒkÌk ÔÞk‚ (external diameter) 8 ‚u{e Au. òu ÷ku¾tz™wt ðs™

8 „úk{/½™ ‚u{e nkuÞ y™u …kR…™wt ðs™ 3.696 rf„úk nkuÞ Œku Œu™e ytŒ: rºkßÞk (internal radius) fux÷e nþu?
(A) 2.75 ‚u{e (B) 3 ‚u{e

(C) 3.25 ‚u{e (D) W…hkuõŒ …ife yuf Ãký Lknª

196. 8 y™u 24 ðå[u™e yÞwøÞ ‚tÏÞkyku (odd numbers) ™k {æÞf y™u {æÞMÚk ðå[u™ku ŒVkðŒ fux÷ku Úkþu?
(A) ƒtLku ‚{k™ Úkþu (B) 1

(C) 2 (D) r™rùŒ fhe ™ þfkÞ

197. 7 ‚u{e rºkßÞk y™u 30 ‚u{e ô[kR™k ™¤kfkh fuL‚™u 76 ‚u{e × 46 ‚u{e × 45 ‚u{e …rh{ký™e ÷tƒ[kuh‚ …uxe{kt

{qfðk{kt ykðu Au. Œku yk …uxe{kt {n¥k{ fux÷e ‚tÏÞk{kt fuL‚ {qfe þfkþu?
(A) 19 (B) 20

(C) 21 (D) W…hkuõŒ …ife yuf Ãký Lknª

198. ƒu ðŒwo¤™wt fuLÿ ‚{k™ Au ŒÚkk Œu{™e rºkßÞkyku y™w¢{u 2 ‚u{e y™u 5 ‚u{e Au. Œku {kuxk y™u ™k™k ðŒwo¤ ðå[u™k

rðMŒkh™wt ûkuºkV¤ fux÷wt Úkþu?
(A) 66 [ku.‚u{e (B) 9p [ku.‚u{e

(C) 21 [ku.‚u{e (D) W…hkuõŒ …ife yuf Ãký Lknª

199. yuf [ku¬‚ ‚tÏÞk{kt ½kuzk y™u Œux÷e s ‚tÏÞk{kt {ký‚ku fâktf sE hÌkk Au. yzÄk {kr÷fku ½kuzk …h ƒuXk Au ßÞkhu

ƒkfe™k ½kuzk™u Ëkuhe hÌkk Au. òu s{e™ …h [k÷Œk …„™e ‚tÏÞk 70 nkuÞ Œku, ½kuzk™e ‚tÏÞk fux÷e nþu?
(A) 14 (B) 12

(C) 18 (D) W…hkuõŒ …ife yuf Ãký Lknª

200. M …qðkor¼{q¾ W¼ku Au. Œu …kuŒk™e s{ýe ŒhV Vhe 20 {exh [k÷u Au, …Ae …kuŒk™e zkƒe ŒhV Vhe …w™: 20 {exh [k÷u

Au y™u …kuŒk™e s{ýe ŒhV Vhe …w™: 20 {exh [k÷u Au, íÞkhƒkË VheÚke …kuŒk™e s{ýe ŒhV Vhe 40 {exh [k÷u Au
y™u ytŒu VheÚke …kuŒk™e s{ýe ŒhV Vhe 40 {exh [k÷u Au. Œku Œu {q¤ søÞkyuÚke fE rËþk{kt Au?
(A) W¥kh (B) …qðo

(C) …rù{ (D) Ërûký


60 [CSP-1] [Contd.

194. Find out the wrong number in the series:
789, 645, 545, 481, 440, 429, 425
(A) 440 (B) 425

(C) 645 (D) 545

195. A hollow iron pipe is 21 cm long with external diameter 8 cm. If iron weighs 8 gm/cm³ and weight

of the pipe is 3.696 kg, then what is its internal radius?
(A) 2.75 cm (B) 3 cm

(C) 3.25 cm (D) None of the above

196. What is the difference between mean and median of odd numbers between 8 and 24?
(A) Both are equal (B) 1

(C) 2 (D) Cannot be determined

197. Cylindrical cans of radius of 7 cm and height of 30 cm are placed in a rectangular box of dimension

76 cm × 46 cm × 45 cm. What is the maximum number of cans that can fit in the box?
(A) 19 (B) 20

(C) 21 (D) None of the above

198. Two circles of same center have radius of 2 cm and 5 cm respectively. Then what is the area of

region between larger and smaller circles?
(A) 66 sq cm (B) 9p sq cm

(C) 21 sq cm (D) None of the above

199. A certain number of horses and an equal number of men are going somewhere. Half of the owners

are on their horses’ back while the remaining ones are walking along leading their horses. If the
number of legs walking on the ground is 70, how many horses are there ?
(A) 14 (B) 12

(C) 18 (D) None of the above

200. M is facing East. Turning to his right he walks 20 m, then turning to his left again he walks 20 m

and then turning to his right again 20 m, then again turning to his right he walks 40 m and finally
again he walks 40 m turning to his right. In which direction is he from original position?
(A) North (B) East

(C) West (D) South


[CSP-1] [P.T.O. 61

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