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2021 10, Rule 9 of the 2005 Revised Rules of

the CTA states that:
HERNANDO SEC. 10. Solicitor General as Counsel
for the People and Government
At the outset, it must be stressed that a Officials Sued in their Official Capacity
special civil action for certiorari filed under Rule -- The Solicitor General shall represent
65 of the Rules of Court will lie only in the the people of the Philippines and
absence of an appeal or any plain, speedv, and government officials sued in their
adequate remedy in the ordinary course of law. official capacity in all cases brought to
Thus, if the remedy of an appeal is available, a the Court in the exercise of its
petition for certiorari In this case, the remedy of appellate jurisdiction. The former may
an appeal was available. Section l, Rule 16 of deputize the legal officers of the BIR in
the 2005 Revised Rules of the CTA provides: cases brought under the NIRC or
others laws enforced by the BIR, or the
SECTION 1 . Appeal to Supreme Court by legal officers of the Bureau of Customs
Petition for Review on Certiorari. - A party in cases brought under the Tariff and
adversely affected by a decision or ruling of the Customs Code of the Philippines or
Court en banc may appeal therefrom by filing others laws enforced by the Bureau of
with the Supreme Court a verified petition for Customs, to appear in behalf of the
review on certiorari within fifteen davs from
receipt of a copy of the decision or resolution, as
officials of said agencies sued in their
provided in Rule 45 of the Rules of Court. If such officials capacity: Provided, however,
partv has filed a motion for reconsideration or for such duly deputized legal officers shall
new trial, the period herein fixed shall run from remain at all times under the direct
party's receipt of a copy of the resolution denying control and supervision of the Solicitor
the motion for reconsideration ot- for new trial. General

Thus, petitioner availed of the wrong Jurisprudence likewise consistently holds

remedy because instead of filing a petition for that is it the Solicitor General who has the
review on certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules primary responsibility to appear for the
of Court, petitioner filed a petition for certiorari government in appellate proceedings. The only
under Rule 65. exceptions are:
(l) when the government is adversely affected
While the Court has the discretion to treat by the contrary position taken by the OSG;
a Rule 65 petition as a Rule 45 petition under (2) when there is an express authorization by
the following circumstances: the OSG deputizing legal officers to assist the
(I) if the petition is filed within the reglementary Solicitor General and appear or represent the
period for filing a petition under Rule 45; government in cases involving their respective
(2) when errors of judgment are averred; and offices; and
(3) when there is justifiable reason for the (3) when the dismissal of the petition could
relaxation of the rule have lasting effect on government tax revenues
as in the case of CIR v. La Suerte Cigar and
this cannot be done in the instant case because Cigarette Factory, where the issue raised was
none of the circumstances are present. Thus, whether the revenue regulation issued by the
for being a wrong remedy, the instant petition CIR has exceeded, on constitutional grounds,
merits an outright dismissal. the allowable limits of legislative delegation In
this case, none of the exceptions apply.
And besides, even if the Court exercises
liberality and gives due course to the instant Records show that when petitioner filed its
petition, it would still be dismissed for failure of petition for review before the CTA En Banc, it
petitioner to show GAB on the part of the CTA. was represented by the BIR Special
Prosecutors, and not by the OSG, which has
For a special civil action for certiorari to the primary responsibility to appear for the
prosper, there must be GAB amounting to lack government in appellate proceedings. Neither
or excess of jurisdiction as when an act of a did it state in the said petition that the BIR
court or tribunal is performed with a capricious Special Prosecutors were deputized by the
or whimsical exercise of judgment equivalent to OSG to represent petitioner. In fact, it was only
lack of iurisdiction, or when the nower is when the petition for review was denied due
exercised in an arbitrary or despotic manner by course, and consequently, dismissed by the
reason of passion or personal hostility which CTA En Banc, that petitioner claimed that the
must be so patent and gross as to amount to an BIR Special Prosecutors were deputized by the
evasion of positive duty or to a virtual refusal to OSG to file the petition for review pursuant to
perform the dutv enjoined or te act at all in RMC No. 25-2010 and the deputization orders
contemplation of law -- mere abuse of discretion of the Solicitor General. However, despite the
is not enough In the instant case, there is none.
many opportunities given to petitioner, the BIR
Special Prosecutors without any justifiable
No grave abuse of discretion on the
part of the CTA En Banc in denying due reason failed to submit copies of RMC No. 25-
course to the petition for review, and 2010 and the deputization orders to prove that
accordingly dismissing the same Section they were duly deputized and authorized by the
OSG to file the petition for review.

And although petitioner, in its second MR, was tax evasion and other criminal offenses under
able to attach copies of the required Chapter Il of Title X of the NIRC. This is a clear
documents, this did not cure the defect. deviation from the law as there is nothing in
Section 8(e) of RA 9480 to indicate that those
First of all, the filing of a second MR is not with pending criminal complaints with the DOJ
allowed under Section 7,1 Rule 15 of the 2005 are also excluded from availing the tax amnesty,
Revised Rules of the CTA. Neither does it toll In fact. the deliberations of Congress on RA
the running of the period to appeal. 9480 reveal the intention of the legislature that
only those with pending tax cases in the courts
Second, a perusal of the deputization orders are excluded Quoted belowr are pertinent
show that the request for deputization of BR portions of the deliberations: xxx.
Special Prosecutors was received and
approved by the OSG only in February 2012 or The Court need not belabor that administrative
months after the filing of the petition for review agencies, which are tasked to promulgate IRR,
in November 2011 Thus, at the time the petition cannot supplant, modify, or amend the law by
for review was filed, the BIR Special altering, enlarging, or restricting the provisions of
Prosecutors were not yet deputized by the the law its seeks to implement. And in case
OSG. there is a discrepancy between the law and its
IRR, it is the law that must prevail because the
Considering that petitioner was afforded IRR cannot go beyond the terms and provisions
ample time to submit the required documents, of the law. Thus, as between Section 8(e) of RA
and considering that no valid reason was given 9480, and Section 5.5 of the IRR of RA 9480, it
by petitioner to explain its belated compliance, is the former that must prevail. Accordingly,
the CTA En Banc cannot be faulted for not under Section 8(e) of RA 9480, only those with
recognizing the authority of the BIR Special pending criminal cases in court for tax evasion
Prosecutors to file the petition for review. Thus, and other criminal offenses under the NRC, and
no GAB is attributable to CTA En Banc in the felonies of frauds, illegal exactions and
dismissing the petition for review. transactions, and malversation of public funds
and property, under Chapters Ill and IV of Title
No GAB on the part of the CTZ Second VIl of the Revised Penal Code, are excluded.
Division in dismissing the complaint against
Tuyay because of her availment of the tax
Here, there is no dispute that Tuyay availed of
the tax amnesty under RA 9480 and complied
With regard to Tuyay's availment of the
tax amnesty, petitioner posits that under with all the requirements thereof. In fact, during
Section 5.5 of the IRR of RA 9480, respondent the pre-trial hearing, petitioner admitted that
was disqualified to avail of the tax amnesty Tuyay's application for tax amnesty was
because at the time she applied for it, there was approved and that her payment of taxes was
already a pending criminal case against her accepted by the BIR.Thus, the only question is
before the DOJ. whether Tuyay was excluded from availing the
The Court does not agree. tax amnesty. The Court finds that she was not
Section 8 (e) of RA 9480 provides: disqualified to avail of the tax amnesty because
(e) Those with pending criminal cases at the time she availed of it on February 21,
for tax evasion and other criminal offenses 2008, there was no pending criminal case
under Chapter Il of Title X of the NIRC 1997, against her before any court as it was only in
as amended and the felonies of frauds,
illegal exactions and transactions, and
October 2009 that the criminal cases were filed
malversatiQn of public and property under against her with the CTA. And even though there
Chapters Ill and IV cf Title VI! of the RPC ; x was already a pending criminal complaint against
xx her before the DOJ on June 3, 2005, such fact
cannot disqualify her from availing of the tax
Section 55 of the IRR of RA 9480, on the amnesty because this is not included in the list of
other hand, reads:
Section 5. Exceptions.-- The tax
exceptions under Section 8 of RA 9480.
amnesty shall not extend to the following
persons cr cases existing as of the effectivitv In sum, having availed of the tax amnesty
of RA 9480:
5. Those with pending criminal cases and having fully complied with all its
filed in court or in the DOJ for tax evasion requirements and conditions, Tuyay is indeed
and other criminal offenses under Chapter Il entitled to the immunities and privileges
of Title X of the NIRC, 1997, as amended. conferred by RA 9480, which includes her
immunity from criminal liability under the NIRC
A comparison of Section 8(e) of RA 9480 arising from her failure to pay internal revenue
and Section 5.5 of its IRR readily shows that the taxes for taxable year 2005 and prior years. The
DOJ inserted the phrase "filed in court or in the CTA Third Division, therefore, committed no
[DOJ]" in the IRR. B adding the said phrase, the grave abuse of discretion in dismissing the
DOJ in effect expanded the law, It added criminal case against Tuyay because of her
another exception by disqualifying those with availment of the tax amnesty under RA 9480.
pending criminal complaints before the DOJ for

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