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Unit I Set Theory and Logic Important Points to Remember » 1, Set : A collection of well defined objects is called set. 2. Empty set : A set which does not contain any element is called null set or empty set. It is denoted by $. 3. The cardinality of a set is the number of elements in the set. 4. Power set : The power set of given set A is the set of all subsets of set A. It is denoted by P (A). If n has n elements then P (A) has 2 elements. 5. Finite set : A set having finite number of elements is called finite set. Otherwise infiite set. 6. If A and B are any two sets then (@) AUB = {x|xeA orxeB}, ANB = {x|xeA andxeB}. () A-B = {x|xeA butx¢ B} () Ac = U-A {| xeA andxeU} (@ A@B =(AUB)-(ANB) ... [Symmetric difference] 7. Multiset : A set in which elements are present more than.once. The multiplicity of an element in a multiset is defined as the number of times the element appear in the set. It is denoted as 1 (a). If A and B are multisets then, (@) xe AUB and p (x) = max {Hg (x), Bg (X)} \@) xe AOB and p(x) = min {ty @), by @} a-D fuse Set Theory and Logic Important Points to Remember 1, Set : A collection of well defined objects is called set. 2, Empty set : A set which does not contain any element is called null set or empty set. It is denoted by 6. 3. The cardinality of a set is the number of elements in the set. 4. Power set : The power set of given set A is the set of all subsets of set A. It is denoted by P (A). If n has n elements then P (A) has 2" elements. 5. Finite set : A set having finite number of elements is called finite set. Otherwise infiite set. 6. If A and B are any two sets then (@) AUB ={x|xeA orxeB}, ANB = {x|xe@A andxeB}. (*) A-B = {x|xeA butx¢B} (© Ao =U-A {x|x@A andxeU} () A®B =(AUB)-(AMB) ... [Symmetric difference] 7. Multiset : A set in which elements are present more than. once. The multiplicity of an element in a multiset is defined as the number of times the element appear in the set. It is denoted as 1 (a). If A and B are multisets then, (@ xe AUB and p(x) = max {4 (), Hg ()} (©) x€ AOB and p(x) = min (ty QO, Hp @)} a-) Discrete Mathematics 1-2 Set Theoy re 0ty ant Logic © xeEA-B and Hu) = 44 O)~ Hy (8) if waeo If difference is negative then 1 (x) = 0, 7 @) xe A+B and pt (x)= py (x) + py 8, Inclusion exclusion theorem : (a) For two sets: |A UB) = [Al +B] - | A BY (©) For three sets : |A UB UC). = |Aj +B) + |C] ~ AOBI-|ANC|-Bac|+/AnBag 9. List of basic identities of set theory : @ AN =%AOA = AANU=A, Ana’ =A'NA=6 (\) AUO=A, AVA = A,AUU =U,AUA =A'UA=U (©) (A) * A, A-B=ANB @ AU B= BUA, AN B=BnA @ AUBAG = AULB)AAUO ANBUO = (ANB)U(ANO) () AU(BUC) = (AUB)UC AN(BOO = (ANB)AC (g) (AUB) = AnB (ANB) = AUB (h) AU(ANB)=A, AN(AUB)= Q.1 Which of the following are examples of set : (a) Collection of all clever students of second year B.Tech. (b) Collection of non negative integers. (© Collection of students who are studying in SPPU. (@ Collection of all good teachers in SPPU. ‘Ans, : The words clever, beautiful, good, honest, handsome, big, small are not well defined. So examples (a) and.(d) are not sets. But (b) and (c) are properly defined. So (b) arid (c) are examples of sets. These examples explain the difference between the collection and set. Every set is a collection but converse is not true. A Guide for Engineering Students Discrete Mathematics 23 Set Theory and Logle 22 Let U = Universal set = (0, 1, 2, 3, 4; 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) A = {1, 2,3, 4, 5}, B= (0,2, 4,68}, C= {0, 3, 6, 9} D= 2,3, 5,7}. Compute AUB, BUC, CUD CoD, AUB-C, U-B, BC, A®C,BopD, Ans. : AUB = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5} U0, 2, 4, 6, 8} = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8} BUC= (0, 2, 4, 6, 8) U (0, 3, 6, 9) = (0, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9} CUD = {0, 3, 6, 9} Y 2, 3, 5, 7} = (0, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9} CaD = (0, 3, 6, 9} 9 (2, 3, 5, 7} = (33 : (AUB)-C = (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8) - (0, 3, 6,9} = (1, 2, 4, 5, 8) U-B = (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7, 8,9) - (0,2, 4,6, 8) = {1, 3,5, 7,9} = BC AOC = (AUO-ANO = (0, 1,2, 3,4, 5, 6,9} — G) = {0 1,2, 4, 5,6, 9) eee PO est = (0,3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8} Q3 IU = {xeZ'|-S x O 6 OR ® ® IBCAmmdCcA then (A -B)U(A-C)=A Or A, B, C are disjoint sets. ‘ ie. AMBAC = Then (A - B)U(A = C) =.A A Guide for Engineering Students ~ 1-10 __ Discrete Mathematies Set Thearyany, OT A op ii) (A - B)U(A - C) = Gis true. If A is empty set ie. A= @ Q.13 Prove the following using Venn diagram. ANBOO =(ANB) @(ANO) ESr[SPPU : May-08, 14, Dec.-12, Marks 3) Ans. = A e . A 8 x 2 c sec-(ill An (B@C)= @ 2 B x A B x c c ans: ES . ance @ @ A B x c (An8)@ (AnC)= © From @ and @) ANB ®@C) = (ANB) ® (ANC) A Guide for Engineering Students Discrete Mathemattes Tu Set Theory and Logle Q.14 Among the integers 1 to 300 find how many are not divisible by 3, not by 5. Find, also how many are divisible by 3 but not by 7. ISP[SPPU : Doc,-08, Marks 6] Ans. : Let A denotes the set of integers 1 to 300 divisible by 3, B denotes the set of integers 1 to 300 divisible by 5, C denotes the set of integers 1 to 300 divisible by 7. 300 300 300 =/==|= 100, jp) =|}320]_ =| 300), WL] 10 e1=[2P) e010 -[8)- = [3007 _ isnei= [3] 20 Find |AMB| and |A-C| We have ANB = AUB=U-~-(A UB) |AUB| IAl+|BI-|AnB] = 100 + 60 - 20 ="140 [AmB] = |U|-|AUB|= 300 - 140 = 160 Hence 160 integers between 1 - 300 are not divisible by 3, not by 5. 300 A-Cl = JAl- c= | 300]. IA-Cl = |Al-|Ancl, JAnc| [=] 14 JA=C| = 100-14 = 86 Hence, 86 integers between 1 - 300 are not divisible by 3 but not by 7. Q.45 It is known that at the university 60 percent of the professors play tennis, 50 percent of them play bridge. 70 percent jog, 20 percent play tennis and bridge, 30 percent play tennis and jog, and 40 percent play bridge and jog. If some one claimed that 20 Percent of the professors jog and play bridge and tennis, would you believe this claim ? Why? SS [SPPU : Dec.-13, Marks 6] Ans, : Let A, B, C, denotes the number of professors play tennis, bridge and jog respectively. ; |A| = 60 |B| = 50 A Guide for Engineering Students Discrete Mathematics [Cc] = 70 | [AmB] = 20 [AnC| = 30 |BAC| = 40 |AMBoC| = 20 |AUBUC|= |A|+[Bl+|C|-{] A nB|+||+|BaC]}+|A aBnC| = 60 + 50 +70 - [20 + 30 + 40] + 20 = 110 which is not possible as | A UBUC| c X and the number of elements in | A UBUC | cannot exceed number of elements in the universal set X. Q.16 Consider a set of integers 1 to 500. Find i) How many of these numbers are divisible by 3 or 5 or by 11 ? © [SPPU : Dec.-14, Marks 6] ii) Also indicate how many are divisible by 3 or by 11 but not by all 3, 5 and 11. iii) How many are divisible by 3 or 11 but not by 5 ? US>[SPPU : May-05, Marks 6] Ans. : Let A denote numbers divisible by 3. B denote numbers divisible by 5. C denote numbers divisible by 11. | A] denotes cardinality of A similarly |B| and |C| denotes cardinality of Band C. [a] = [52] = 156 [5] = [5 ]= 100 Icl= [R2]=45 jana] = [FS]-% JAnc| = [Sa] 1s [BAC] = [een |9 JAB] = [asea]-? i) |A UBUC|=|A|+|B]+|C|-1]A OBI+/A AC|+/BACI}+/A ABNC| = 166 + 100 + 45 - [13 + 15 +9] +3 = 257 A Guide for Engineering Students Discrete Mathematics hn Set Theory and Logie ii) Number of integers divisible by 3 or by 11 but not by all 3, 5 and 11, =|AUC|-|AnBac| =A ICI-]ANC)-|A npnc| = 166 + 45 - 15-3 = 193 7 iti) Number of integers divisible by 3 or 11 but not by 5. =|AUBUC|-|B| = 257 - 100 = 187 Q.17 Out of the integers 1 to 1060. i) How many of them are not divisible by 3, nor by 5, nor by 7? ii) How many are not divisible by 5 and 7 but divisible by 3 ? SE |SPPU : May-06, May-08, May-14, Marks 6] Ans. : i) Let A denote numbers divisible by 3. B denote numbers divisible by S. and C denote numbers divisible by 7. Jal= [S| = 333 |B] = [Sy = 200 Ic] = [| = 42 |AnB|= [] = 6 JAnc| = I = 47 [Bac = [] = 28 JAmBn¢| = [2] =9 |AUBUC|=|A]+/B]+|C]-[]A oB]+|A AC|+|BOC|]+|A aBac| = 333 + 200 + 142 - [66 + 47 + 28] + 9 = 543 This show 543 numbers are divisible by 3 or 5 or 7. Hence numbers which are not divisible by 3, nor by 5, nor by 7. =|A’NBNC|=|X|-|A UBUC| = 1000 - 543 = 457 ‘A Guide for Engineering Students Ean Discrete Mathematics 1-14 ii) Number of integers divisible by 3 but — not by 5 and not by 7 is|ANB NC]. JAMBnC|=|AN(BUC}| =|A|-AoB|+]A NC] +A BNC} = 333 -(66+47]+9=229 Q.18 It was found that in the first year computer science class of 80 students, 50 knew COBOL, 55 'C’ and 46 PASCAL. It ‘was also Know that 37 knew 'C' and COBOL, 28 'C’ and PASCAL and 25 PASCAL and COBOL, 7 Students however knew none of the languages, Find )) How many knew all the three languages ? How many knew exactly two languages ? How many knew exactly one language ? SS [SPPU ; May-15, Dec.-15, Marks 4] Ans. : Let A denote the set of students who know COBOL, B denote the set of students who know ‘C’, Students who know PASCAL, and X denote univ. Then Ix| and C denote the set of ersal set. = 80,|A| = 50, |B] = 55, |C| = 46 |ANB| = 37,[BNC| = 28,|AnC| = 25 |A'ABinc | =7 Hence |(A UBUC)'| = 7 “Also [A UBUC] = |X|-|(AUBUC)"| Hence |A UBUC| = 80-7=73 D [AvBUC|= [Al+/B)4\C-JAnBis|anc| +/BNC[]+|AnBnc| 50+ 55-4 46-137 + 28+ 25} +/A ABA] 2 3 = [ABog A Guide for Engineering Students Discrete Mathematles Ss Set Theory and Logic ii) Number of students who know only COBOL and 'C! but not PASCAL. = |AmBl-{AnBnc| =37-12=25._... (Q.18.1) Number of students who know only COBOL and PASCAL but not 'C’. = |ANC|-|AnBnc| | = 25-12=13 wu (Q18.2) Number of students who know only 'C’ and. PASCAL but not COBOL. = [Bac|-|AnBnc| = 28-12 =16 w= (Q18.3) Hence number of students who know exactly two languages. = 25 +13 +16 = 54 iii) Number: of students who know only COBOL but not 'C’ and not PASCAL. = |A|-AMBI+ANC [4] AMBNC| . = 30 - [37 + 25) +12=0 ++ (Q18.4) Number of students who know only 'C’ but not COBOL ahd not PASCAL. = [B|-[|AB|+|BaC|]+|A nBnC| = 35 - (37+ 28] + 12=2 w= (Q.18.5) Number of students who know only PASCAL but not COBOL and not c. |C|-L]AnC|+]Bac|]+]A nBnc| = 46 - [25 + 28] + 12=5. + (Q18.6) Hence number of students who know only one language = 0 +2+5=7 x Ne L® A Guide for Engineering Students 1-16 Discrete Mathematics Set Theory ang p, Rl ¢ to solve equation Q.19 Find the mu AATL 2, 23. 412 UL, 2, 35 4] AIL 2, 2 a a 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4] Ans. : Maximum cae of each element is as follows HQ) = H2)=2, 4G3)=2, n= 1 and minimum ae of each element in A is as follows HM = 1 wQ=1, H=1L waa Therefore, A = [1,2,3,4] or A=[I, 1, 2,2,3,3, 4] Q.20 Explain examples of multisets with its significance. [& [SPPU : Dec.-13, Marks 4) Ans.: 1) Multisets are used to denote roots of the polynomial. xO 43x? +3x41 = 0 Roots are -1, -1, -1 = [-,-1,-1] 2) Multsets are used to denote prime factors of every non-negative integer. e.g. prime ah of 72 are 2x2*%2x3x3 . = [2, 2, 2, 3, 3] 3) Multisets are ct to denote zeros or poles of analytic functions. 4) In Computer Science, multisets are applied in a variety of search and | sort procedure. Important Points to Remember 1) Multiset : A collection of objects that are not necessarily distinct is called a multiset (or Msets). To distinguish set and multiset we denote multiset by enclosing elements in a square brackets e.g. [a, a, b] 2) Multiplicity of an Element : Let S be a multiset and xe S. The multiplicity of x is defined as the number of times | the element x appears in the multiset S. It is denoted by U(x). For example i) 8 = [a, b, ¢, d, d, d, e, e] H@) = Lu(b)=1 , ne)=1, n@)=3, we)=2 ‘A Guide for Engineering Students Discrete Mathematles 1-17 ‘Set Theory and Logic 3) Equality of Multisets : Let A and B be two multisets. A and B are said to be equal multisets iff Wa (X)= Hp (X} xe AorB eg. {a, b, a,b] = [a,a,b,b] but” [aa] #[a] © Subset of Multisets : A multiset 'A' is said to be the multiset of B if multiplicity of each element in A is less or equal to it's multiplicity in B. eg. fa] < [aa], - (a, bya, b,a] C [a, a, a,b, b, b]. 4) Union and Intersection of Multisets : If A and B are multisets then AUBand APB are also multisets. * The multiplicity of an element xe AUB is equal to the maximum of the multiplicity of x in A and in B, * The multiplicity of an element xe AMB is equal to the minimum of the multiplicity of x in A and in B, © Example : A = [a,b,ca,b,c,a,a,a], B=[a,a,b, b, b, b] AUB = [a, a, a, a, a; b, b, b, b,c, c] ANB = [a, a, b] 5) Difference of Multisets : Let A and B be two multisets. The difference A - B is a multiset such that xe A-B if 4()-Hao) 21 eg.l) A= [a,a,b, al, B= [a,b] A-B = [a, a] 2 Ay) 234 eons) B = [I, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4] A-B=[ Jorg 6) Sum of Multisets : Let A and B be two multisets. The sum of A and B is denoted by A + B and defined as for each XEA+B, W(x) = Ha (x)+Hp(x) eg. A = [a, b,c, c], B= [a, a, b, b, c, c] A+B-= [a,a,a, b, bb, c,¢,¢, c] Se eee ee ‘A Guide for Engineering Students Discrete Mathematics 1-18 Set Theory ang y, Rle Q.21 Find the multiset to solve equation Aalh, 2, 2, 3, 41= Us 25 3) 4] AU[l 2, 2, 3) = [Ly 1, 2s 25 3; 3, 4] ‘Ans. : Maximum multiplicity of each element is as follows nd) = 2, w(2)=2, wG)=2, BYA)=1 and minimum multiplicity of each element in A is as follows HM = 1, w= wG)=1 HAA 1 Therefore, A = [1,2,3,4] or A=[I, 1, 2,2, 3,3, 4] Q.22 Explain examples of multisets with its significance. 0s [SPPU : Dec.-13, Marks 4) Ans. : 1) Multisets are used to denote roots of the polynomial. xP 43x? 43x+1 = 0 Roots are -1, -1, -1 A= (1-1-1) 2 Multisets are used to denote prime factors of every non-negative integer. e.g. prime factors of 72 are 2x 2x 2x3 x3 = (2, 2, 2,3, 3] 3) Multisets are at to denote zeros or poles of analytic functions. 4) In Computer Science, multisets are applied in a variety of search and sort procedure. Q.23 If P = {a,a, a, c,d, d}, Q = {a,a, b,c, c}. Find union, intersection and difference of P and Q. 1& [SPPU : May-19, Marks 3] Ans.: We have PUQ = {a,a,a,b,c,c,d,d} PAQ = {aac} " P-Q = {a,d,d} Geen A Guide for Engineering Students 4 Discrete Mathematies 1-19 Set Theory and Logic 1,Statement (Propositions) : A statement or Propositions is a declarative sentence which is either true or false but not both. These two values ‘True’ and ‘False’ are denoted by 'T' (or 1) and 'F’ (or 0) Tespectively. 2. Logical connectives : The words or symbols which are used to form compound: statements are called connectives. There are five logical connectively ie. negation, conjunction, . disjunction, conditional and biconditional. (Negation (NOT) : If p is: any statement then the negation of p is denoted by ~p or P and it is a statement read as-'not p' It's truth table is 7? F T (i) Conjunction (AND) : If p and q are two statements then the conjunction of p and q is the compound statement ‘p and qi and It is denoted by p A q. The compound statement is true if both p and q are true, otherwise false. (iii) Disjunction (OR) : If p and q are two statements then the disjunction of p and q is the compound statement 'p OR q) and it is denoted by P v q. The compound statement p v q is false.if both p and q are false otherwise true. (iv) Conditional statement (If ......then) : If p and q are two statements then the conditional statement of p and q is the Compound statement, ‘If p then q' and it is denoted by p => q. The compound statement P= q is false if p is true and q is false otherwise true. . (¥) Biconditional statement : (If and only if) : If p and q are two Statements then the biconditional statement of p and q is the compound 'p if and only if q' and it is denoted by p <> q . The Statement p <> is true if both p and q are true or both’ are false, PPP] otherwise false. a A Guide for Engineering Students Discrete Mathematics 1-20 S670 tng 5 ———— le Truth table for all above types is —— p|a|paq/pva|p>a|peq T[T| T T T T T[F| F T F F F|T| F T T F FF F F T T 7. Predicates : An assertion that contains one or more variables is 8. (i) The existential quantifiers tell us that for some objects, given (ii) The universal quantifiers tell us that all objects possess the (iii) Negation : If p > q is the conditional statement then @ q— pis called its converse statement (ii) ~ p> ~q is called inverse statement. (iii) ~ q > ~ p is called its contrapositive statement. Tautology : A statement which is true for all possible values of its propositional variables is called tautology. Contradiction : A statement which is false for all possible values of its propositional variables is called contradiction. It is’ true negation of tautology. Contingency : A’ statement which is neither tautology nor contradiction is called contingency. called predicates. It's truth value is predicated after assigning truth values to its variables. Quantifiers : statement is true. It is denoted by 3. This symbol (@) read as ‘there exist’ or ‘for some’. property. It is denoted by V and read as ‘for all’ or for each or for every. Statement lV x [p @)] 3 x 3 n [~p (n)] / A Guide for Engineering Students Discrete Mathematics 1-21 Set Theory and Logie ea EE Q.24 Let p denote the statement, "The material is interesting’. q denote the statement, "The exercises are challenging", and r denote the statement, "The course is enjoyable". Write the following statements in symbolic form : i)The material is interesting and exercises are challenging. ii) The material is interesting means the exercises are challenging and conversely. iii)Either the material is interesting or the exercises are not challenging but not both, iv) If the material is not interesting and exercises are not challenging, then the course is not enjoyable, y) The material is uninteresting, the exercises are not challenging and the course is not enjoyable. US [SPPU : Dec.-06, May-08, Marks 6) i) paq il) (Pq) @>p) iii) p®~q iv) (~pa~q)~r v)~pa~qa-r Ans. Q.25. Express following statement in propositional form : i) There are many clouds in the sky but it did not rain. ii) I will get first class if and only if I study well and score above 80 in mathematics. iii) Computers are cheap but softwares are costly. iv) It is very hot and humid or Ramesh is having heart problem. v) In small restaurants the food is good and service is poor. viIf I finish my submission before 5.00 in the evening and it is not very hot I will go and play a game of hockey. T@P[SPPU : May-05, Marks 6] As, : i) p: There are many clouds in the sky q:Itrain PA~q ii) will get first class study well 1: Score above 80 in matlhiematics Pe (qan A Guide for Engineering Students rete Mathematics Set Theory ang Loy le iii) p ; Computers are cheap q : Softwares are costly . pag iv) p: It is very hot q: It is very humid r: Ramesh is having heart problem (@agyr vy) p: In small restaurant food in good q: Service is poor “pag vi) pI finish my submission before 5:00 p.m. q: It is very hot 1: Iwill go s : I will play a game of hockey (P A~g> (As) Q.26 Express the contrapositive, converse and inverse forms of the z TS ISPPU : May-07, Marks 6] following statement if 3 < b and 1 + 1 = 2, then sin= Symbolic form : paq—>r Contrapositive : (~r—» ~(prq)) ie. ~r— (~pv ~q) ie. ifsin 3 5 then 32borl+1#2 Converse : r>(paq) ie. ifsin® = 3 then 3 4) (qv ~p) i) (P> >) > (> 9) > @>n) iv) [P93 )AG>NI>@>n 0 [SPPU : Dec.-12, Marks 6] Ans. : i) Consider the truth table P 4_| pag | pyg |~(pvg) | (paga~(pv.q) T T T T F F T | F F tT] oF F F T F T z F F/F F F T F Hence (pq) ~(pv q) is a contradiction ii) Consider the truthtable i As pa ~p is always false. Hence p»~p is a contradiction. As ~(p a ~p) P| @ | ~p | pa] av~p |(p>ge(qv~ p) T T 7 T T 7 | TF F F F T | F T T T T T 2 F T T T - As (pq) ¢> (qv ~p) is always true. Hence it is a tautology. ‘A Guide for Engineering Students 1-24 OF et Theory and Lop Discrete Mathematics iii) Consider the truth table p|a|/r|poajpor|q?r pon] P79 | Po@sy 3p 9| > lps > (p>) t/t/T] 7 | TI] T a T T tTi{t{F[ t | F F F F T tle{t{[ fF | tT | T T T T | 1 Le T T T Fi[tT[tT/ tT] TIT i [ T F[t/Fl] t |] T | F T T T Fle{t{ tT | 7 [| T T T T Fle([Fl tT [| Tt | T T T T Hence [(p> (QDI > [P79 V> (p 3 D)] is a tautology. iv) Consider the truth table a a r |poaqlja>r| PD | por yen aqr>n o(pon rilT it T aT T T T T/T {FI} T F F F T | (elie F. T T [tT FF] F T F F r El tT | 7. T 7 T T T F/ T 7 T F F T T F| F | T T T T T 5 F/ F,F| T Pane Hence given statement formula is a tautology. Q.29 Show that (p> q)~q—~ pis a tautology without using truth table. qeenss A Guide for Engineering Studen® Discrete Mathematics * 1-25 Set Theory and Logie Ans. + We know that p—4q is true if p is true and q is also true, + We need only to show that p—yq and ~ q both are true imply ~ p is true. As the truth value of ~ q is T, the truth value of q is F. And as pq is true, this means that p is false (: F — F ig true) -. The truth value of p is T. Hence the proof, 9.30 Prove that [(p— 4) (r > s)a(pvr)] > (qv 5) is a tautology. O&S[SPPU : Dec.-10, Marks 4] Ans. : Consider truth table SS Pla}r}s [p>aq]rs| pvr lipq) A @5)| qvs| 1 (qvs) A(pv1) @) 2 T|T|T|T T - . i a T ae T F T Fr 7 7 T|T| F/T T = ar T i: = Ct Eesti |r is T T Fifi cit = T T F = - Ritts . = T F Zz a. TIFI/FIT a. 7 7 T - TIF|FIF ¥, az 7 | F[TIT/T = T - T 7 a Siete ee T F 7 x i. T FIT|F|T 7 a F F EY T | FIT/F[F] T TAPE F i T Eee ee T a Z EE Ce |e F F a EEE | tle F T e GbleleT = Tr [e [rey] Hence given statement formula is a tautology. Q.31 Prove by truth table p (Qv R)=(P3Q)v (PR). ESSPPU : Dec.-12] Qeconey A Guide for Engineering Students PaeMabemi Ih ——StThrandtge ‘ans Coser te eh table a Orn 1 R|P>(Qv | P Po Lf From uh ble PorQR) = (P-+Q)V(P-AR) 12.2 Prove by contracting the truth table Pravn= (avi [SPU : Dee, Marks 3} Consider na ble am a ]]a]]~] af af aFE pla Tt TIT TTF ag F[t Flr a ]a{a]a})a)o)ole 7 F T F T T T T In the columns of p> (qu 0) and (Pav (PA Ha vas are same fo all possible eboces of rath values ofp, and, Hence Payne (pa)v (9-41) —— “AG fo Enger Sens seats D Ser Thenyen tate Poowesmnenets ey sateen {432 Prove that pes = (9-4) (4-4 9) (BY @AC AYP Consider the eth ale Asse fo]a |= e]-s]e9]9—P] 9 [pma]- rv a|-ave| rv? Ae) av) aeeleLe | +t }e tt welele} |?) pr) [rt] ettiel+}*] + i[*[r[ri eeleleit i? > + ]ti7i7) a From above ble (eg) = @>9ALQP)=E-YAIA-AYP) 1.4: Logical Identities Tinportaat Folats to Remember ex. Ne.[ Name ortentiy Teeny 1 Kenpo fv Pee 2 | espe af pb 3 | my af pane «| comms paar 5 | Aug fv | prawn pear 6 | Anesth ota [pagan @oayar 7_| Dieta ofaoey | Paevne ena on) | Diminiig ov on a | pv eane canoer 9 | Dale nepon oo) |e Nas Terapna es ~pap)apaca 2 Tg be -asToaocsy SS 1 Gt for Eger Ser Theory and Lsle pee SPL | pune Lo a a=psConradeton a cone {038 Absorption Inve D py (pa) p 1) paiPy a) =P 1 |__ Abortion ews Pebaa=p panini 15 Aorin ts Pabovale Consider the ale lave D=(pvq)*=pa~a D~(PAW=~pvag 036 De Morea Aas: =(pva)==pA~a Consider the uth able From the table, uth vals of (pvq) and ~pa =a are same for exch choice of p and g Hence ~(ova)=~pa~@ i ~(pvq)=-pv-9 From the table, in Tat to columns truth tbler oF py (p@) and p are fame foreach choice of p and Hence pv (pagd=P Dpagva=p Consider the table T T T F Consider the ble p_| a | ~p | ~a | pag | -(pag)|=pv-a tThti)Ff)e[rty] F From the ble, lst to columas ae identical Fence pa (pv @)=P Thee LT 7 036 pq and ~ pv q are lopicaly equivalent. rlt(7})lF)] 7 ‘Ans Consider the tble Flrttitirl T e |g |-»|-pva] poe t tTht{T)[t 7 From the tbl, trath values of = (pg) and (-pv =) ae same for ech TLFlFl] F shoice of p and g ee ee Hence ~(paa)(-pv~a) Flei>tp. 7 ae “Gale for Egineing Smee Heoce ~pv q and pq ate logically equivalent econ “ler Engine Sdn SS ire ahem ro Se Thora toe 15 : Quantifers Tmportant Points fo Remember out x) Hess 6 nt hes a ur drome x= 0) Consider the statement forall x, 90) i tue or 3 5t~ pO) is UE Hence the negation of © x7) is lopclly equivalent t93x[- PO) Dirt Maemater 3x60 Yano, Pow 2) Rule 2: Existenial station 2 some element for which pk) is tv. Fm) ) 8) ~PBxpte)) # ¥ f=] 6) =f pts] = 3al-p00) 7) xp) = Sapo) 3) Yl) v ¥RQ()=> ¥(pb0)v QE) 9) 3x(ts)» Q(0) = 3xplHIAAOH) I) Rules of Inference for addon and deletion of quantifiers 1p Rule 1 : Universal Istetiaton 3) Rule 3: Universal Generalization $e Theory an Lae is some element ofthe universe ws Se.No.| Statement | _Negatis Yan) 1) vant) Sett0 4) Rule 4: Exsentl Generalization 2 | ser wor | Ye Bs 3 [sina | 38500 Peo ao eee 1 ieee is some clement ofthe universe ™) 1 Equivalence Involving quatiers 1) Disibuviy of 3 over se | antes Expression alps Q(o) = 2xpK0v34000) sneer eaateies 1 [S089 | Tere exis a vate of sash tat al values ef a puny) bev 2) Distt of ¥ over» he or ech veo, ees x ich a po alpina Q¢0] = Vapi YOO) ie me Walp Qi) = pac¥QW) 3 | S307 | Tee exit ae fx and va oy sch a 5) 3alpn cn] = pax] ay) se 4) Yalpv Qe] = pats] [FA HROD | Fora ae of ay pep se 37 Represent the arguments using quantifiers and find its ‘correctoes. All students ia this class understand logic. Ganesh is a sadent inthis elas. Therefore Ganesh understané logic. [SPU :, Marks 4] ‘Ans Let Ctx): xis a stlent inthis cass Us): x understands logic a “Gale for Engcering Su os “A Gl for EnierngSdes acre Mathemat ha Set Thoryen rte cree Maemancs STi In symbolic form (Cle) 9L00) co) Ta) ere a means Ganesh ‘This is Mods Ponen. Therefore this argument i valid 38 Let py x bs even, Q(a): xi 8 prime mumber, Rin yy igty ieeven 1) Using the information given symbole form. 1) Every tnteer isan od integer 1 Every integer even or prime Ii) The sum of any te Integers Is an od integer. 1 [SPU : Dec-10, Marks 4] shove writ the following sentences in ane 5) YP) i Yow QI] fi) WHY YE-REX YI) £039 Using information In Q.38 write the symboll statement given below DV SCO) HEN AO) ~F3 x(PC) QC) E[SPPU : Doc10, Marka 6) english sentence for each of ‘Ans: i) All teers are not pine numbers iy At lest one integer isnot even. i) 1s not the ease that tere ents an integer which seven and prime. (40 Determine the validity of the folowing argument 1 1 Ally fends are muselan, s+ John is my fiend 5! Name of my neighbours are musician, ‘Joba Is not my neighbour. ‘Ant: Let the universe of discouse be these of people. Let F(x) x is my fiend MGs): xis a musician 1N(o):x is my neighbour Dirt Mathemaes emt fom fe WAR)» May 1 Fla (ante) 35 Wall) +My) + =Nr spo -N) ht vale. Ne) is T. Since i, we must ave “Moi T o MG) is F Bat 487 ee we a hie Fl ote feb i concen ce is fab eer of ory soul be fe Hence pene valid. eee tor the ules fa neers. Let): 32> 0, (a): even Ra) a pert square, Se) sie by 4 T(x) : is divisible by 7 5 Wate the falovig sateen in ymboti form D At ent one negro vee 1) There ext pte aeer that een 1 ara even then ete by 7 1s) No even integer is divisible by 7 ¥) There exists an even integer divisible by 7 i) IF is even and x is perfect square thea xis divisible by 4 Ant: 1) 3xQ00) xf p06 QG0)) ¥x[Q0)+-Ta) i) ¥x1Q%9) 5-169] W)3a1QQ)0700) 1) Vx{QQ)4 Rix) -59)] (242 Rewrite the following statements stag quantifier variables and. Dredicate symbols. 1) All bids ean fy, ) Not all birds can fy i) Some men are genius, ii) Some members are not rational ¥) There isa student who kes Maths but not Hi ‘WO Each integer eter even oF 08 easppU : Dec, Mare 4 ‘Ans: i) Let Boy): xis a bid Fla) : x can fy ‘Then the statement can be writen as “A Gla for Engoeing Sader at) F091 in 38090 Fe) fiytet Mop sxisa mn U0) Bee “The satement in symbole form 263 4{M(0)6 GE] gx): 5 rational iy) Let N(g):x is 2 number ‘The statement in stole for as 3xfNCx)a~RO] OF “Te atNte) 2] Let (a): a sade, a): hes Hint ‘The sateen insole frm a8 34[x) MUR)» HOO] Mix) tikes Mas Let): is iter Bf) =x seven ‘Tee nateect in symblicform as ¥ a6) 4 Ev O18 43 Nepate each of the following statements ¥ x [31 = wan tar [EF [SPPU : Dec-09, 16, Mayt8, Marks 4) (49) xis odd jer Dyn tex (G44 Negate the following 1) If there Is 9 riot, then somes ele 1) 1s dy it ® [SPU : Mayt8, Dacc18, Marks 4] ant: isnot the case that if thre aro then somone is lle ip 1s ot he case hat tis day lip and lhe people are arisen. on iyLet ps Thre iva, Given semen is p->4 Hence (9-99) # ~(-Dva) =P A~E = There i a it and someone i ot Killed fy Le p Iris a day light q All he people ae arisen Given sateen is Ag Hence ~(pag=~P¥~4 Hence iter itt not 2 day ph oral he people are not arisen. 4 Someone i ied Recreate __sarnerynttane 146 : Mathematical Induction ‘important Polat of Remember 1, First Pracple of Matbematialindcton Statemen Let) bea stent iain naa uber 8 ny ich 1) TER) i re for a= nywhee ny ng such ‘tat, 1 IfP() is tue for n= nowhere ny £N and 2) Assume tat P (a) is tue for ag <0 [SPPU : May-17, Dee-18, Marks 4) ‘Ans: Let (a) be the given statement Consider te following steps, Step 1: Basis of induction LHs.=1 For n= rus, = LH) z “Ge for Egg Smt oy “A Ge fr ego Sens ee oveeMaemes is —_Sa Taney LHS.=RHS. Foe Py ise Step 2: Asse tat PDs tae sa (8 fe 14RD tae RE (451 couide, 14243 tant + ED eye ket) _ (k++ 2) HD gy bene ee ence Pk +1) i te By the pipe of mathemati induton Pa) te for all vey mathe inden fr 821 ene aint 1) (n+2) a Lae ngeSde tat (EF [SPPU : May-05, Marka 6] ‘Ans 5 Let Po) he given statement 4. Basis of Induction Forage LHS. = 12=2 120) 2-5 LHS,=RHS. 7 RHS. = Hence P!) ste 2. Induction stop Assume th, P) i te te aengeaenarkneDy = KEENE as — thard3ed doko G) + KEENE Saenger). ing O46) = aenas alse] = Gene 849) Heace assuming POR) is ous, Pk + 1), is also tue, Therefore by ‘mathematical induction Po) is tue forall n 21. 7 “A Ge fr Eginerag Sater? iste Mahenaes a eae {447 Stow by ladacton hat, 921 Hestestsan-p? = A0-DGne 7 1 [SPPU : Mayct4, Marks 4) ‘Ans: Let P(a) be th given semen, 41, Baas of Induction : Forn=1, LHS.= FP =1, = we) Ras, = 10 S LHS, = RHS. Hence P1) is true 2. Induction step : Assume tht PO.) is tue le Pets ekent = KODE gay eee (1243745? +t RP} ke 1)? = K@k-D@k+1) koeeneter) ken? (sing Q47) = FY ke stake M) -2Ypeaa = BEM at sree ae ake 3 = CMa ake 9) ; llak+ 3) (+19) = EDI =e 3 Hee suming PW) is oe PE + 1) is a ee ‘mathematical induction P(n) in true for all n > 1 lame! “A Gide for Engng Staton rt Se Thay enone re ote Ee (048 Stow at Dever encale ab ined? aeas3e em? nev oa Ase Let (be the given sateen, n=) Lis, = RES. Hee RI) ee 2. Induction sep: Assan hat Pi a3 +23 438 ee? = Basu? (e481) Then we bie (823+ 33 +t ke) et 1)? = (1263+ ot WP + (ke? (Using Q.48.1) keke)? 3 (C82 oaen sara sent 2 ee? 7 te Whe 2) key? wey? z 7 =—=——_____ “A Gale fr Egseng Sdn 1 Ser Theory and Late Hence assuming PO) is te, Pk > 1) ie also uve, Therefore by stabematical induction Po et for al 2 wash a ‘Dae “GHG ~ Food [SPPU : Dec-06, Maks 6) Let Pa) be the given statement, 12) 1. Basis of Induction : Lus. = Forn=1 4 2 aus. = be m2 LHS. = RHS. ence P) is ue 2 Induction stop: Assume tht P(k iste i k tani (949) *antast Fe! ENED pote Etna ROH ake KDeD ETE een? ket geen DOD” 2 “ee DT Hence assuming PQ) is tre, Pk + ener esuming PO) i te, Fk +1) is also tue. Therefore Pi in eve os (Using 949.1) “A Gee or Engrg Sdn i Sie Ten = a La Set Theo ad age 1 fn asta" = jueion step : Assume me wy Let Plo) 5°35 957 GaeDARTD AFT gaedaie keer aor (9493) 4. Basis of Induction: Fora : (Using 0493) = LHS. = RHS. Hence PQ) is ue 2. Induction step + Assume tht PO) is te 1 k EST eT ~(Q492) Sesto any) TOT k 1 ° ae Te TaeD 24 3ke1 | ke Dee Ree TNT ke ket Bees We Dat eae asuming PK) ig tue, PK + 1) also true, Therefore P(o) is te fora n> 1 Let Pe i 9 indetion = LHS. = RH. Hence P(D) is tue, os seal veetgistien) Bed Be Dah wo BE sake Oke ED BD Gk” ee ERD - ks, 3+ DT Hence assuming PK) is tue. Pk + 1) is aio tie! Therefore Pa) i tue forall n2 | (050 Use mathemati iodection to show ty 1, Where ib any odd postive number oe In(n?-1)= 03 -m is divisible by 24. an} —n = 24 (mm) where m is any positive integral Le Fa be he given semen, ‘Induction stp : Fora = 1 n(n? —1) = 0 which is divisible by 24, Fora=3,n(n2 1) = 24 whic is vse by 24, PCI) and PQQ) is true, 2. Induction sep: Assume that Fis ue ie. Kk? =I) = © ~Kis divisible by 24, K(2 1) = = 24 (ang), my Oz ‘no 1) ts divisible PU : Dect4, Marks 4) Ans Teen - (Q50.1) “Goer Entering Sadan rt age Ie conser een cen? 25 (49m) — 49 23.3814 233. 3h-1(Ge5) 25 49m) +29.341 «49+ 24) 25449 m)429-33h-1(-95) = 25 (49m—2%-9. gh 25): PeN P(t is true + By mathematical induction, P(a) i tue fo all n 83 Prove by mathematical induction that for n 21; A226 93 te tment = (ae DIL SF [SPPU : May.08, 16, Marks 6) ‘Ans. Let P(a) be the given statement, Sees ys “ie for Engen Sen Se Tha an tope ctr Manenaes tA __CSThe andtoie 4. Basis of Induction foost, LHS* 1, RHS.<1 = LHS. = RH. Heooe i) ite. 2 Inductlon step + Assume hat PO) i te sik! ie dite 22 330+ = ariet Qs Then we have, Tals 2.24 3314 kk T+ eH DE Using QS.1) = (er Mee D-H = ee DED Oe AT ares ee eas) = re Dt = er2-1 Heace snuning POR) iste, P+ 1) is also te. Therefore Fo) is roe fn el (54 Prove that 8° -3" is» mul fora2he [SPPU : May-06, 67, D4o-13, Marks 6] ‘Ans: Let Pn) be he given sateen, of Induction ates 1 Fora=l ost Obviously 2 mliple ofS PA) is ue 2. Induetion step + Assume tt, PO) in te. ig 8-3 is multiple of S say Se cee Maton P Sa Porn tote = BGs 9-343 = 54(8.3-389) = 845436838) Obvious 85s mip ofS nd ao k—36 i mail 5. Thee, 8 1-38" smu o Her asuming PD i, PL +1 alow. Tne is {288 Stow that the sum f the cubes of tree comectve astral ber dvb by 8 5 [SPU De06, Marks 6) Ans Let n+ 1a 42 be te coneetve natal ues Wee to show that a+ (41)? + (ne 2) is dvs by 9 Let Pa be te stve sateen, 4. Basis of Induction : Forn=1 PePas = 148427=36 whichis dvb by 9 FAD iste, 2 Induction stop: Asse that Piste. ek ee 2 +642)? in dive by 9 Then we hve, (1) 4 064299 + ke 3)9 = Ue1)9 +0442) Fh? + 2CEG)s C,H)? + FC, (09) = 064 D8 +k 2)9 41 + 9A2 6 a7 Ke a7) AUR? + +? + 42) 149182 3k 3) 1 +4 179+ e+ 2)? is divisible by 9 and 9? + 3k 3) i visible bys, ie Boake sr (540) m1) 40493 ge03)9 where rsa integer (+199 + 0642)? +43) is dive by 9, a Heove esuming PA) in te, Fk + 1) is alto tue. Therefore Pi) ie tue Then web eae soning) into, P+ 1 ‘Therefore Pa is ah tagkel a ghg-3k3 & “Gale fo Enering Sut oo “Gao Enering Sade emia et Rte 272" chen an be a psi aa sth oe square eon 28 OUT! “ Then pice covers ace SOAS — eat any 2° 2" RESO wi Let (be te eo mah : fm tt vee ig Lata ee 1A pista ny 22 crag er yet ing Lape lees. PC) Basis of induction sith one suse bed ras Induction sep : Assume tht, PR) is ue ie. any 26% 2% chessboard veh ane sqneremaed an be covered using L-shaped pieces Them ne bie to stow tt Fk + 1) is tue, For this. consi, Dig gil ehessourd wih ope squire removed, Divide te ‘hehe into fou eq aves of size 2x 2%, as shown below, 2 A°lok Gy) lt ee The suse wih has ered wold ave Ben remove fom otto hess Cy Then by into yates C1 fevered wing Lapel pcr Non, fom eh of => “Guido Erinceing Sete ire Mathenater ee Ser Theory and Lage chessbourds, remove that particular piece cheba samo hat rrr ice le haga te ene of ‘Then by induction hypothesis, each of these 2*x 2‘chessboards with a ke ce ‘Lshaped pices. eae 2: Hence proved END es efor Erieig Soden f : Unie Relations and Functions 2 | [Name of relation | Refs Relation HQ nen oeatacd 2 | tneene Mae fralaed 2.1: Relations Tiportant Ponts fo Remember srtian Product: Let A a B be two n08 PY $8 Te es Chal A ta B oe by AB 8 Sted xB (Gy) xeA andy eB) (9) sk a ere pe 5 Reston: Let A and B be to sox-empy st. A relation fom A iy subir of Ax BI dened by RA». Set Ai Caled domi eta B is eed coda et The range tof ration Rte set of elements of B that a second lees of pu oF 3A reton R: A.A led he elon ons A. 4A retton canbe represented in 80 forms. (6) Mates frm : Let RA +B bea elation: a ) Be (by ba bss Thea Ran be represented by nx m matic such that Tif @iaper PE To ie G.8i)R (2) Digraph form : Let Rbe 8 reaon onset A. Draw sl ils or uk dos for ach leet of A. These cles called verices of disap Draw an edge with anow fom a; toa) iff a;Ray such represataticn i elle digraph or deted graph of R. >| remtie ‘Whenever (BER hen 4) ER 4. [ Anmmerie Whenever BER Hen Ga) | S| Asiormmeric | Whenever (8) e Rand DER 6 | Tomiiveriion [WHER OER en WoeR 7. | Bauitece eaion | IFR is eee, mete and | Pani oreig ris eflexiveanisymmeic and 6 Important Properties: 9 Complement of a relation : Let R be relation from A to B. The complement of relation R is denoted by K and defined at relation from A 10 B such that R= @H1@ HER) (0 verse of relation : Let RA +B be 2 relation the the inverse relation RI: By A isa vlation such that xR"! iy Ro, i) Composite relation : Let Ry : A -» B and Ry : B+ C be two relmions. Then the composition of relations Ry and Ry is denoted by Ry-Ry or RjR; and defined as RueRy = (G2) xRiy and yRp2 x6 A, eB, 26C) “A Glo Engng Sader, ocr Manele crt Mathnates ne Retort and Pacons ca edo i ected Y = fx [aka xe A) relton on a set A and R ig vane clore 2 et R be a Fl e 9 Refers oon A reaon Ry = RU Sis the reflenve closure ree alt eee lion Soning . I perenent B= sn Ma 82 HO HOH AEH wSwmerc coe : A etion RE is be symmetric conse op selon Rif RT RUB" fate te Gating Rei UEC Note; eA be ot with m elements and R Be a relation on seh 4 Stank = RVR! RE a VR tions fom A 9B 1 Whi of te illoning are arbre A» (162.364) B= (6 32) (0) = (02h yh 2s 8) OR = (NGI. d) (0) 85 = les G9) 2 (4 wd R= 0,0,0.3) Anu Ginea bat Rs A+B Were A» Dorin set wd B = Codonsin set AxB =m. (, 94.2.9) G92 6.32.0,9),6.21 4.0) 49) 2) (0) Rs 2 elation fo A 0B Besse Ry CA xB (9) Ry isnot elation fom A to Bas Ry CAXB (OR; is ot a elton fom Aw B as (4, w) ER but we B (4) Re iso eto or Ato Bas Ry CAB eat “A Gl for Ergering Sur? 2 ICR isa relation on set A= (1,2, 3,4, 5, R= ((l 1) (2) (6, 2). Find domaln set, eodoma set, range. nd fad relation mata, Given that A = (1,2,3,4,5) Ans snd Risa elation on st, Domain set = A= Co domain set R= N23 BDGNED 62 Range st = (1,2) cA Its igoph is a follows: The matix form of Ris 1234s yitoog qi ooog Ma he! 310000 di 0000 slo 1 0 0 oy 23 Let A= (1,2,3, 4,5, 6) Rb oF (2,0) eR fats & multiple of, ‘,Fled: () Range set and R (6, R Q). (il) Find relation nari. (Gy Draw digs R= (0.2, 0,2,2,8,0,0.3, 4, 0,6 2.6.4, 6.0.65. 9. 6,0, 6.24 6,3) 6,6) “A Gil for Engen Sdn pgs __7t—_t iy | pur bes a nr 2345, a oy The get of Ris Ore) 3) 8B, Hand GER eres dee [ose [pee das Rt = 258) Heme, 26.94 6. eR pe ae a (@ Me ol was feet 123456 ats yoo00d : ee thio 009 (sss ea ee is mq ji o100¢ esas s diiored jiooerd 4 Def digraphs, ditieon ak: Aan ca be repeated pir By doing gap, Let Abe ay oon empy sant ba enon oa Ah ee Gi) The gph of en eon Oy opal by flowing pcedae sete = (1234 5,6) i) Tie ments of set ae rept by smal cles of pint 48.0) ty These cements ened tence na i) HG 0) eR ora Rb Gen verces a and & me jaed by a ‘continuous are with an arrow oe fom a to b Thee ac ue known as edges of the graph tee eit ab ben i) 1 Ra ten the ver a nees hare t bop aed ey i ce) 2 Tis gop repesenon of the raion i cle 35 i directed graph of R, Let us consider the following ‘examples. eee 1) aRa 2) aRb (iv) The inde of a vertex in digraph is the number of edges coming tovards tht venex. The outdegee of a vertex is defined as te so anc of les gig at fom vex, Consider the flows Y 3) bRa 4) aRb 9 bRa can eoee sae “Gul for Engng Sader ee ett cre Mabon ow _ CL 4 aR nbRe CRA A ARE . pans at nce 0 a syath a a nake net 7 . (05 Let AR, st ef al straight aes ina plane. Ry = (¢Ryy | pall to yb, Ry = (x Ry ¥ |x is perpendicaar to'y) check whether Ry apd Rare equivalence relat . For ltion Ry + we know tt if, 2 are strat lines i plane, hn xis pall fox. Ry i tefeive i Wx Ry y= xis toy = y's pall tox 2 yR/ t= 8, is ymmenie DUR y.yRi z= x|y.y | zee] eK R,Z = Ry is eansitie elaton. Ry is am euvlece resin fs) For eelaon Ry :Aay ise soot perpendicular to itself KR EEA Ry i ot reflec RS isnot equvaleace elton. “A oie fr Engine Sade Retort on Fc as A= tex) ad R= ey ah It a oe A Tlie ED aM R= (8) O69) Ge DW ‘Ans: The given relstionR is releiv, ymmeti and taste. "Ris an eqialece relation. GF HA 2 Re 9) x+y = evens ay ex Ie R equivalence ation 7 UF es ad equivalence class of 1 and 2. Aas | 2.0 = eve number for any xe, 1 RA Ris reflesve relstion Suppose x Ry xt y = even Sy tae een = yk Ris gmmetic relation Suppose aRy and yRr=> x+y = een, y +2 = even Sxtytytzeeven Sat eterna tye een ao Ris uaasiv relation, Ris an equivalence elton, ‘The equivalence clas of 1€ 2 is (a = Rr = IR) /x= even Teed) = Rix ot) Ug Set ofall odd integers = { Dip» tR; [x+2eeven) even) 13S, = (eR) ee) = Set of al evn integers Pl = bn 4,= 20,26) Theorem 4: Any neo equivalence clases ar iter idencl or disjoint, “A Gide Enierng Sede ches Réton od Pacing roomates Pott tg eon 2: Forage AEA 5608. ol earn 3: 47 U snr numbers a tarkve sin ee Rte adnan oS OR Cee pone as aoe aady He 1 eect xo 7 20" isthe smallest value of co-domain ete yelamssye8 pote meray? pozeaeiy= 10 podomcay= 8 please 2 aes sole 23, ‘he dons of RS = (CEN) edhe clams of Ris = LYN) (Te ives relatos Ri = (Goa) /xyeN) (09 Let A = Set ofall students in SPPU Ry ifs abd y blogs to same elas of SPPUY, y © A. ‘equivalence class of Atharvs hin une ie a fant Ger A= ofa es in PP) Shay arn wie of Oye ge ds nie oteA = Rin on (sty vty gw nec of SPU hg ef 5 ome ieidyaake Yn yeR Tas Ri pmo i, “A Ge for Enncering Soest ier shear Reasons od Fancont (Let xy and yRe 3 andy belong to sime cass and y and belong to same clas of| sPru 5 y.2 belong 1 ame cas of SPU eRe = Ris wansiv relation Thus R isan equivalence relaon, Suppose there is ene student in SPPU whose name is Athans, The equivalence clas of Athava isthe set ofall students who are studying inthe elss of Atara, Pyg 0 Let A= (a,b.e) and m)=0 1 1. ona ‘equivalence relation? Find Determise whether Ris quvaleace clas of b in A. ‘Ass: From relton mati, the relation Ris Re 9) OY) GO BOG) (Hie ab Ce A snd (4.2) (8) and (6 e)ER “Ris refleive retin, WASHOERS HER Ris mmetric relation (Gta elaton R, we have, OY. R= OVER BGI R= WHER BOGOE RS WoER GOGH E R= GHER COOH R= CHER GUOIE RS CER So Ris wanstve relation. Thus R isan equivalence relation. Now; the equivalence clase of bin A is, Pl = (16, Bor xER) M1 = be 4 Gullefor Erie Stns ean a atten nel tnd et be tert PAE (RSA SG TSS ad Ie a 2 abe dita a= bee o Prove tt ‘equivalence relation. rm ‘eqavalence class of 2 5) © (P90: ove : a byledilfard= b+ VRbedeA ans Given tt (oe Webnea + is efexive reaon a) 4a H~ 6d ten a+ cbecratdaetbadte 3 (4) ~ (8) by efi = is mma lation (0 Sapste (8). ad d~ 6.9 $33. ~ 09) i asda bre ad erfedte = atdterfa bterdte atfebre = ed ~ is 2 wane relation Thus is eflexive, symmetic and tansitve. 3 sa euialece retin. ( Webne Qe A The equtalence cass of (2, 5) i the st of elements of A x A which ar ecules ©, 3) 12.5) = (&91G&9-@2H.myEA) = mixes = 42) (uy) [x-y=3ory=x43;x,yeA) Hesse, (3) = (1,3) 2.9) B.9) 4,7) 68) 6.9) 7, 10) €A* A] = “A ideo Ergicering Soe L oc eens 2 ean and Fn 12 Let A = RR GR Ws set of reat sumer) and define flowing relation on A. (4,8) (Gd) UT a+ Be = cha {0 Show that (A,B) an equlvalece elton, {i Fina eqiaeace cls of, 2) ‘aos: Given tat (4) Rd) ita set = eee OG) Wedme obese = GbRaD Riv areflxive relation. © HEOREM beater = ere orders = 6ORaD Ris symmevic elton © Singse (48) RE, 8) 20d, 8) RGD tere ant See eee e secre @DRED R is waste elton Ths, Ris an egualence relation (in equivalence class of (, 2) tthe st of elements of A which are ‘equivalent 0,2) [6.21 = (91% YRO Dixy eR) = (Ge nletyaorde Bin ye (G, 2)] = The set of points on circle x2 + y?= 13, 13 For each of these relations on set’A = (1, 2, 3, 4) decide ether it is reflexive, symmetric, transitive or antisymmetric. Ry = (0, 22) G,3) 4,4) Ry » (NG, 2) 2, 2) 2) G3) 4, O} Ry = (0,9 0,9 B3)2,4) G1) BA). Ans: 9 For Ry AS WaeA, (aaJeR Ry is Reflexive, symmetic relation. 2 (4, Band @,c)eR, Ry is wanstve relation, =———————————q_ “A Golde for Engng Sutera [SPU : Dec-10) on Maen rr zanna se, see, rer? pavacd@ eR Rp reflexive and symmetric relation. For any aR and BRC = ARC sistant ton sm equals ein ‘bu (1,2) ad @, 1) Rand 1 #2 ot ome eaton ip Fory As2eRy MER DER st eee eon As(1,€R; ba8 DER) Ry int me ton AsQD a, DER be @ DER, Ry isnt ete raion ‘As(1,3) 204, eR bat 123 isnt mms ton As 1,3)2046, eR, ba #3 is ot ene elon. 244 Consider te reaion on A= (12.3.4, 5,6) R= (GJ) [i-j]= 2). Is R reflexive ? Is R symmetric ? Is R a 1 [SPPU : Dees‘ ive and antisymmetric relation, snd ak;b-2bR) 9, for abe A ‘Ans. Given that A="(L, 2,3, 4,5, 6) R= (096,024) 4,96,5) 6,3) 4,064) As2eA but 2, 2)@ RvR it oot relive, Foray @, HER (a) ERR is gmmecic, 45(1,3)G, DER but (1, eR aR is not eansitve. Seooy “A Ged for Enincering Sot rte Mathemaes ae Relatons ond Fancons O45 Let A= (1.2.3,4,5 6,7) and R= (ny) |x y vile by 3. Show that Risa equlalece rion Draw graph of [SPPU : Mayt4 Dot2] Ams. : We have R= (x, y) | x ~ y is divisible by 3) We know ht x x= 08 ve by 3 ARK YXEASR it reflesive ran ERy = x-yis vile by3 “= ox ie ao dsl by 3 ys divs by 3 A yRefenyea «Ris «sme relation As xRy andy R= xy and y~2z.are divisible by 3 9) + ~2)is als visible by 3 | > x= zis divisible by 3 axRz Ris a trnstv relation. ARs an equivalence elton. nd R= 0298.96.96, 690,70, 4) 4G. DG, 3.6.2) 6,6) 6,39) Its graph sas follows Fig. 151, “A Odor Egierog Sudo ns cet * La ae teh ean i wee Seiraety see e ne (9) re nist (09) 7 rene 38987 att east " ep fe) ek YR The eed son is R= (Gx) ‘he etoo Rs efexive,srmeti and was Risa egvaece reton T pariton of st Lat = (26 3,4 5, 6,7, 89, Oe Da Prorat eh flowing «parton ota; Re (G45, 8) (9h Bs 6 Ty BH (Cl 3 8 (2 8h (5,799) OF (SPPU : Dee.ty {es mh 2d by Flog wy. sun) and Define ai ene block of the pariton of 4 {2} (4 0) hs 3 Boks yesaneblok An (8) 9) 2) (2D, (89), (9, aa Datiriion: Let Abe any non empy set. set Pe (hye Aze Ags ong] of nom empty subsets of A is called a pai ote Ait DALUALUAS Udy AS Day ie Se Ai een of he A. Anson An Ala; = ofriejie. Alla A; are mal goin The parton by ‘An clement of a partion set is called a block. The rank of a partition 5) aed umber of Hoek of ht pros Ii denoted by) 2 ‘ay ‘on empty set, its partitions are not unique. There are differs) tits of ane set. =S--jHS_— = “A Gade for Engng Sole Dire Matemats es. 1) Let A= Z= Set of integers hale nisadcumee ES ye thasaeh ~ Ay, Ag}and Py = (As, Ags As) ae different partons of set A, 2) HA = (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, 10) and ifs subsets AL = 0,49) Ap = 26,8, 10), As =(3,5,7), The set P= TAs, Az, As} is such that AVAL Az As ate non empey ets iy A= ALUAIUAy fi) AIDA = & —ALMAR=@ Ary =o Henge (A, Az, As) form a paition for set A, For set A: ‘The set A hae 3 blocks, AL = (45,8), AD= (9) As = 0,67) * The union ofall these blocks isa set X AVUAIUA; = X 1+ These blocks aré mutually disjoint. 4 These forms a patton forthe st X i) Forse B: + The set B has 3 blocks. B= (13,6), By = (2,8) By = (5.7.9) ASB, UB, UB) #X, ‘Bis nota partition of st X. A Guido Egiering Sader 7 Pe Reto ond Facto ier stanes 3.3, 45,6578 9), Determine whether oF Dot eae, ase 15+ EASE ENE the fotoriag 4 pt pa = (11,3, 5 rs (4B m BHAI CHM OM By C= (03,5) Be 6 8H (5% i D= (8). Ja. Given tat 7 $= (423456789) arog of§ bene $ 6 mot the uon ofall Blocks of 4 i) Ais oot a partion o FE [SPPU : Dect 5 # A)UA2UAD 7 of § a BLUBUBs iy B is he partion smut soit iy As blocks of st Cae rcs called as wvil patton. in) D= ((s) i partion ofS, 2 ratte pn roe ning en On A= (1,23). Ri = (Ch DG Db and By, Ba, By ae ent disjoint. «-The set Cis ndta partion of, Ry= (42) G2 GIs Ry #02209) 1 [SPPU: Dee Ans: Given tat Webwe A= (L23) a (a 90,29) R= RUR;"= (U1) (2) 2D) isthe symmeric closure of Ry (2,00,.923@2) Ry URS! = ((1, 2), 1) G, 2), 3) @, 2) is the symmetic closure of R ii) Ry isthe symmetie relation, Ry ives the symmesi closure, 0 “A Grid for Eghering Sat iret Mahenater Rettons ond Fanctont 2.2 : Warshall’s Algorithm to Find Transitive Closure| Important Points to Remember transitive closure of R. Warsalls slgoihm is prateal and efficient method Consider the following steps to find transitive closure ofthe relation R | at Step 1: We have |Al=n We require Wo, Wy, W,.. Wa. Warshall sets We = Relation Matix of R = Me, Step 2 To find the tansitve closure of relation R on set A, with IAl= 2 Procedure to compute Wy ffom Wy. sas follows 1) Copy 1 to all ens in Wy, from Wy. where thee is 1 ia Wh, i) Find the row numbers py, pp. for which there is 1 in cola i fn Wy. and the colums numbers qj,43,3.. for which there is 1 inrow kof W. i) Mak enres in Ws, a6 1 for (p,q; ) IP there are not aleady 1. Step 3 : Stop the procedure when Wis obtained and it isthe required sitive closure of R 0.20 Find the transitive closure of R by Warshall’s agoritim, Where A= (1, 2,3, 4, 5 6) and R = (4, y)(x-~y) = 2) [SPU : Doc.05, 12, 12, 14] Ans Stop 4: We have [A= 6, R= 9.6, 0.24, 62,4, 6, 6,40, 5).65, 3) ‘Thus we have to find Warshalls sts, Wow Wy, W2, Ws, We, Wy and We. The fist set W, is same as Mp. Which is shown below eo ‘AG for Enginering Sader eters ond Pancont re eho ice Maen 20 sup 4: To find Wy Tofind Wf W, We conse their ola and hid row. 2 Gye prevent 194583, yeti 3 In Ry. lis preset GC). Cy 5 ‘Tos a new ens in Wy (Ry) (Ry). By. Cs) é (a, Cs as C5. Ran) Ry Cy) (ys a, Ca) wich is given below 101A10 tp 2: To Bat esd the fit clu and fs ro oo afioo To find Wy - sorfolro preset ot R eros bse Gt ra a row Ry, Lis present at ooolyoo asad ney in, (C3) Wh ve sow stp 5: To fod Ws To find W fm W, we comider the fur elma and fou ro: In Cy, Tis preseat at Rz, Ry, Ry In Ry, Lis present at C3, Cys Cy ‘Thus ad new ents in Wy at (Rz. C3), (Ry. Cy (Rp C6), (Ras C2). ay Cu), Res Ce) (Res Cas (Re, Cy) (Rg. Ce ) which is given below rorofle Step 3: To fad Wy ° To find W fom W, we conser the second column C and secoal wel at Hinde “Toso ilols In Cy is present at Ry coe Ua Ray Lis preset at Cy 1 ‘Ths add new exny in Ws at (Ry, Ce) which is given Below tmp 6 To fod Ws cofooo To find Ws fom W., we consider the S# column and! row. eoflroo InGy tis [SN +s presenta Ry, Ry, Ry Ooo Tn Ry, Lis present at Cy, C3, C5 soldooo Thus add new ents in Ws at (Ry, C; ew entries in Ws at (Ry, C)) yy C3) (Rye C3). (Ry. C1), ooWtoo Bs). (Rs. C5. (Rg, G(R, Cy (Rs, Cy which i given below ‘A Gade for Engnering Suen “AG for Engnering Smee stop 7: Toft We Tid Ws fom Ws In Co, tis eset at Ray Ra Re is presenta C2 Cs 6 ae mm ees Wy (Ra, C2) Ba» Cx). (Bas C0, (Re, Bee ha Ce Bes Cres Ca (Res Ce) which gen eg We = Ws We ace We se ration mee of RY GN4IEIZIZNAIVEIAS,06.3) 6,56. 26.4) 65] 24 Let R= (048), a, (6 BD (Os (2, 9) Use Warsal’s algritha to fad the matrix of transitive closure where A= (8,68) a [SPPU : Dect Welne A= (bod) wes R= (4.90,00.96,9, 6d GO) ‘Thus we ave fd Waal’ ses W,, Wy, Wa, Ws, Wa The fintst Wy Mg ve cosier the 6 column and 6" roy, Aas: St beg Woes Step 2: To find W; : To Sind W; from We, we consider the Smt column and frst r0W: =S-__wuii—| = “Ake for Ergincring Dherte Mahemae etter nd Funcont In yy Lis pesent a Ry In Ry, 1s present at Cy ‘Thus ad nee entry in W; at (Ry, Cy) we Step 3: To find W; ‘To find W, from W, we consider the second column and second rw. In Cy, 1s present at Ry In R, 1s present at Cy and Cy ‘Thus add new enter in W; a (Rs below. C0 (RS. Ce) which is given Stop 4: To find W; : To find Ws from W, we consider the 3 column and 3 row, 1m Cy, Lis present at Re Tn Ry, Lis present at C,, C3, Cy Thus add news entries in Wy at Ry, C:) Re, C2), (Re Ce) Which i given below Tofind W, fom Ws, we consider the clu and 4 row Jai presenta Ry, Rs Ry, Re “Tetra Sa 2B ico Mahone 4 aC Pee aie im We ALG BC), Bg Mie Ca) Bee)» Ras CQ), Big) BR lis ‘Tas we add ew Beh Bee gich Week Bee eh ich isgen le ae Hace Wa ise eon 40) (0) 09 a) GB) Ge) G4) wd OE od Ga) GD Ge) a daz Fld the anv are ofthe relation R 00 Pi 234 dened by Baan tea 3s G4 Gs 2) 25 (3) 1 [SPPU : Dee-07, Mayan dns Sep 1 We veal = 4 Ths we Bve Bad Wars’ sts; Wo, Ws Way Wa, We The fist set Wo = Mp Step 2: To fd W; To fd W; fom Wo; we consider he fist column and fist row. 1G), Lis present at Ry Ry Lis present at Cs, C3, Cy Ths afd new eames in Wy at (Rp, C,} Ry, C5) (Ros Ca) whieh # ste elo S- _ eee A Guide for Enginering Sute® ivr Matemates au Relaons nd Fucons we Stop 3: To find Ws : To find Ws ffom W;, we consider the 2 column and 2 row. In Cay Lis preset at R, Ra, Ry, Ry In Rp, Lis present aC), C3, C5, Cy Thus We add new eniies in Ws at R.C)), @sC3), Bree BiG» Bev Ca RG), Baa) BG), Bar) BG) RC RG), Rv). Riv) Ga) ‘Which is given below rity wef ty ring rin All entries in Ware 1 Heace Ws is the relation mavix of mansitiveclosue of R ie (ee 1.2) 03) 0,4) GD 2,2) 2,3) @.4) 6.0. 2) 8,3) G4) 4,1) 4,2) 4,3) 4) 25 Find the transitive closore of R by Warshal's algorithm, ‘At (Set of positive integers < 10}. R = (a 6) / a divides 6) and O [SPPU : Ma ie vor ‘Step 1: We have [|= 10. Thus we have to find Warshalls sets Wo, Wy, Wo... Wio “A Gade for Egincering Sader ue Mehra R= (C1, (4203 0.91.4 19, .2,2.4,0 940,90, 195.0,32.0,6,0,5 aae9, (6.5) 6.10) 66.00. 7089.8, (0,19) Toe fit xt Wo = Ma i relation on the st of postive 2 1 1 0 ° ° 0 ° ° ° ° ° ‘he reaion R itell is 2 ansve integers. Hence R= R° and Wo = My she relation mix of R* A= (42,3) EB [SPPU : May-06, May.) ‘Step 1: We have [Al Wo, Wy, W3, Wy ‘The ft set is 3, Thus we have to find Warsalls ses (| “A Ge for Engng Sue Wem, Dirt Mahomet Stop 2: To ind Wy To find W; fom Wo, we consider he ist column andthe ft 0 In Gy Lis present at Ry, Ry 1a 81 present at Cand Cy ‘Ths ad new entries in Wy at.) ys Cy (RY Cy) RY 4) ‘Which given below on 19 1 Stop 3: To find W Te find Ws fom W, we consider the 2 column and 2 row, In Cyy His present at Ry, Ry Ia Ry, Lis preset at Cy ‘Thus add new entries in Wy at (Ry,C3), (Ry, Cp) which i given below tot w;=|o 1 of=w, ia Stop 4: To find Ws To find W from W, we consider the 3% column and 3 row. T w=fo 1 1 Cy, Lis present at Ry, Ry Tn Ry, Lis present at C,, C3, C3 “Gil for Eogineing Sader oa Retin on r, Sty a portant Points to Remember called» partly ordered relation ig ive relation. ;| BERD 9 we Pe aot nme el athe on refer abees = 9d KY EA, Deli sy ave poe XS 3°58 eee tesy,YeteXs Yew eX X= ssi etme ton ir xeviYst=9 XoVand YOU 9 XCZ=XSZ Sistas sion = (RS).c) oS, 982 pst 1 Compal slants Let (A, bea post. Two elements bi ‘A seat te compu len if Sb orb a Two element ae ofa eA sl te nonconpae it eiber 2 c, Therefore do oot join a to © dic ie, delete all edges that are implied by (025 Draw Hasse diagram of poset (Ps) =) where S= (abo. ‘Ans: P(S)= (4 {8s (B) (6b, (0, b) (8,0) (0,6) (0,6, €)) Now find the comparable and non comparable elements 05 (8), 6S LOK {eh « (a), (b, (6 lie shove the level of @ (015 (8) f015 fab} 6} (ae) + (& BD, 6) (lies above the level of (3). (8), (6 (85S, (6, 6).¢ S, (4 6) CS 8 lies above the level of (a,b), fa, ), the) But (a), (6) (6) are non comparable (2), (b), {e) lie on same level (6.0), (0, (0,6) are non comparable le on same level By consiering the above observations, the Hasse diagram is as follows. eos “A Guide for Engineering Students [25 : chains, Antichalns and Elements of Poser} Tmportant Points to Remember eta. bea pet A subaet of Ais called chain if every pai cement in the soe ae rete [A subset of Ais called anchsin i 0 two dstnet cements ina ber ‘ne elted eg, In above (Q25.1) 1) The eis ae (alsa) tebell ((htaeht 2 amici ae ((0), (Bh (1) 1) The numberof elements inthe chain i called the length HN, Hbe,}) Nate hin 2) te tegt of cain ism ina poset (A, <) then the element in a ca be partione ion doit ania. 3) Let (A.<) bea poset. An cement 2¢A is called a mazimal elemeat ‘Of Aif thereto element ce A such haa Se. 4) An clement 6 €A is called 2 mlaimal element of A if there is 20 tlement ec A sock hte sb '5) Greatest elemet: An elemeat x ie clled a greatest element of A ‘ffx all 9 A.2€ Is denoted by and elle the uit element 6) Least element: An element yA is elle least element of A if fr alae ys ‘is denoted by O andi elle at zero element, —_~ _—————— x “A Gale for Egg Sot puocesibertie ety ____aatnsnt Finns ‘kes spp bound (8) = Le (Aa) tea po Fora ee Am element © 1 aed upper bound oft wal bites and BSc C Caled lest sper tnd ofa td bia Ai isan ope Sond 8 db thee i vper bound of «and b such at doe is a own supreme, $) Gres lover tou (9): Lt (As) bea poe fr ab TEAL clement is cled te lower bound of stad bf sn ad 158 da clement called he gente er booed ofa nd i iste lower fount of and band here oo lve bund ofa bch at sist fi is to called tina, 38 Determine te preset and Te denen oF Hie dagran ae shown ble, YS ‘poset whose Fig. 264 ‘Aus: The Post shown in Fig, Q.261 () bas neither greatest not lest, clement ‘The Pset shown in Fig. Q261 (has pretest anda as least element. The Poset shown in Fig. Q261 (I), has no pretest element but ais the least element ‘The Post shown in Fig. Q261 (IV), bas pets and aa least element {227 Find gl, tw, ub, ib, maiz, minimal, of the post (A, R), Here aRb if a/b where. A= (2,3, 5,6 1018, 30,45) ‘Aas: We have A = (2 3,5, 6,10, 15,30, 4) and aRD if a Hasse diagram isa follows 1) Here 10 and 30 are upper bounds of 2 and 5, But 10 isthe least upper bound of? and 5 = co “CG fr Engrg des Let Fig. 274 25153 a lover tums of 90s 45. But 1S Hs he rate lng end of 301 45. 5) Tis Post at niter eet “Tsp Bs evo minal cements 45 and 30 a5 there 90 elem ech at 45 SC and 30 C set tas he minimal elements 2, 3 and 5. DEERE there no es xedmdxss st element no lest element clement xe A sich Oat x 52, 26 : Types of Lattices ‘Important Poats to Remember A lie isa poset in which every pir of elements has Teast upp ‘ound () nd eet lover (8). Let (Ay 9 be 8 poet sad, b © A then lub of 2 and b is dented by 0b is cle the on of and b. ie s¥b=nb ad) ‘The geatst lower bound of a and is called the meet of 2 and b adit is dented by anb and = glo 8) From the above dicusion, it follows dat a lane is 2 mathematical sce with two bin epeaonsv Qin) and'n (meet. I is deacted britv. ah Properties ofa Latics Let (Lav) be latice ad oboe L Then L satisfies the flowed => _, Set “Auld for Engineering Sate 1) Commutative property Ab bas andave=bva 2 Associative law av(bae) = @VBAtave) an(ove) = @Ad)v (ans) 3) Abvorption law an(avb) = aandav(sadj=a angtaavana anb=aitfavb=b ‘types of Laces 1) Bounded lattice: Altice L is ealed a bounded Ince if it has a ipeatet element I ad east element 0 ty Sublatlce : Let. (Lv, n) be alte. A non empy subset Ly of L isealed ssublanice of Lif Ly ivelt ea ltice wt the operations of L. I Distributive lattice : A latice (Lvs) is called & distibutive lace if fer any elements adhe L, i sass the flowing properties, 8) avebae) = @vbyatave) i) an@ve) = adware) Ifthe ate doesnot satisfy the above propenies then i it cll a non sebuive lace. ‘Theorem : Let (Lya.v) bea lance with universal bounds O an 1 then franyseL,avishanl =a,0ve~8,0n0 =O 1M Complement iatce : Let (Lav) be a latice with universal ‘bounds 0 and 1 for any ae L, beL is sid to be complement ofaifav 8= I and anbed. ‘A Latice in which every element bat a complement in that lace, i called the ‘complemented latice. 6 1) The Hase diagram is ere = 1 and #30, 1) 2, 3=0and 2V 3a 245-0408 2V $=1 ig 2. a “Gale for Engng Save 7 Rettons ond on 2 crt Matemates bu ettan ond Fancons Ra Tas ovo compliments 3 and $ ee the complement 6 n0 wig ivohing Av $2 romans tue if 4 ty at's by 2 2 by 5's 0 by I'and 1 by 0: ‘5 and for lattice FE [SPPU : bec-on 1 Weave A= (135,15) fa eS tut) G3) 09 (19) 8) 6.1) (15,15) ase dingran of Ri: Table for» and v usfas as as as Fig. a2 very pi of elements has Ib and gb It ea lai, 229 Let A= (1, 2,3, 4 6,9, 12) Leta relation Ron a set Als Re (aby a divides bY a, be A), Give lit of R. Prove that itis a ‘aria orderiag relation. Draw Hate diagram of the same, Prove ot Aisprove it is a atice, EF [SPPU : Dec-tt] Aas: We hive A (1,2, 3,4, 6,9, 12) and R {ipaaaava 908.0.9).(112)02.2).2,8),2,6,2,12)033) (6.8.9) 22) (44 (4.12), (66,(612,(09,(12.12) SV Fl We know that for any 26 A, 8 | a 1 ia reflexive relation Asa|band bas Asalbandblo= ale Rie ‘ ranstve relation, bis antiymamenie relation. 2 Rie refleive amisymmetie nd Ree 1A, R) is 4 poset and R isa , atl ordevog elation, Hasse dngram i follows ’ In above dlapram 6v 9 doce net as cis 8 oot a ate. 230 Determine whether the poset represented by each ofthe Hate ingram ae latices, Justy your answer. ea (SPPU ; Dec-10) a 4 2 Q 4 Se ° @ 4 6 2 so 4 i ¥ 1 1 a Fig, 304 1) tm 30.1 (D, every prof element has glb and lub Iti a latice. 1M) I Fig, Q30.1 (A), every pair of elements has Iub and glb. It is a tice. 1) tn Fig. Q30.1 (I, every pair of elements gas ub and lb. late, 34 Show thatthe set ofall divisors of 36 forms a atic. a [SPPU : Dec.14) ‘A Gd for Eglcring Saenz

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