601 Complete 2kulang

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1. What time between 2 o’clock and 3 o’clock will the angle between the hands of the clock be
bisected by the line connecting the center of the clock and the 3 o’clock mark?
a. 2:18:28 b. 2:18:25 c. 2:18:32 d. 2:18:35

2. When the smallest of three consecutive odd integers is added to four times the largest integer, it
produces a result 729 more than four times the middle integer. Find the middle number.
a. 721 b. 725 c. 723 d. 727

3. P600, 000 spent on a project that yields an annual benefit of P300,000 for a period of 5 yrs without
any salvage value. Determine the benefit cost ratio considering the cost of money to be 5%.
a. 2.165 b. 1.987 c. 2.541 d. 1.866

4. Water is dripping into a hemispherical bowl with radius 8 cm at a rate of 1 cubic cm per minute.
At what rate is the depth increasing when it is 4 cm?
1 1 1 1
a. 8 𝜋 cm/min b. 27 𝜋 cm/min c. 48 𝜋 cm/min d. 22 𝜋 cm/min

5. A rigid pavement is to be designed for a wheel load of 50 kN. If the tensile strength of the concrete
is taken as 0.7√𝑓𝑐′ , determine the required thickness assuming sufficient dowels and tie bars are
provided. fc’ = 21 MPa.
a. 110 mm b. 160 mm c. 150 mm d. 220 mm

6. Compute the thickness of a flexible pavement for a wheel load of 50 kN, if the allowable bearing
pressure on the base of the pavement is 0.15 MPa and the equivalent radius of the contact area of
the tires is 165 mm.
a. 160.7 mm b. 132.1 mm c. 169.4 mm d. 210.01 mm

7. A curve has an equation 9x2 + 25y2 = 225. Compute the second eccentricity of the curve.
a. 1.33 b. 0.6 c. 0.8 d. 1.25

8. Bossing bought two bags, one for P700, 000 and the other for P300, 000. He sold the first at a
gain of 8% and the second at a loss of 15%. What was his total percentage, gain or loss?
a. +0.011% b. +1.1% c. -0.011% d. -1.1%

9. Find all numbers d such that the average value of f(x) = 2 + 4x - 3x2 on [0,d] is equal to 3.
a. 1 b. 3 c. 2 d. 4

10. A 17.5% fructose solution is needed but only 10% and 30% solutions are available. How many
gallons of 10% fructose solution should be mixed with 20% solution to obtain 20 gallons of 17.5%
a. 5 b. 15 c. 10 d. 20

11. From a point outside an equilateral triangle, the distance to the vertices are 10 m, 18 m, and 10
m, respectively. What is the length of one side of the triangle?
a. 19.95 m b. 18.21 m c. 21.22 m d. 23.21 m

12. In still water, your small boat averages 8 mph. It takes you the same amount of time to travel 15
miles downstream, with the current, as 9 miles upstream, against the current. What is the rate of the
water current?
a. 2 mph b. 3 mph c. 4 mph d. 5 mph
13. The grading works of a proposed national road:
FHD = 50 m
LEH = 450 m
Cost of haul = P0.25 per meter station
Compute the cost of borrow.
a. P4.00 b. P5.00 c. P6.00 d. P6.50

14. The International Space Station orbits at an altitude of 500 km above the surface of the Earth.
What is the space station’s orbital velocity? ME = 5.972x1024 kg. RE = 6400 km.
a. 7900.4 m/s b. 7600.4 m/s c. 2403.46 m/s d. 2205.81 m/s

15. The probability of having a baby boy is 0.51. The probability of having a baby girl is 0.49. You
have decided to interview 50 families of which there are exactly 8 children. What is the probability
that in at least one of the 50 families, the children will all be in the same gender?
a. 0.6726 b. 0.3274 c. 0.395 d. 0.605

16. A problem in probability is given to three reviewees of mega, whose chances of solving are 1/3,
1/5, and ½. What is the probability that the problem will be solved?
a. 1/30 b. 29/30 c. 4/15 d. 11/15

17. A cable weight 2kg/m is attached to a sack filled with sugar that weighs 100kg. The sack is
initially at the bottom of 100m mineshaft. Determine the amount of work required to lift the bucket to
the midpoint of the shaft.
a. 7500 kgm b. 200,000 kgm c. 10,000 kgm d. 12,500 kgm

18. It is the third derivative of position.

a. Quantum b. System c. Jerk d. Resonant

19. Which of the following is/are true?

I. Backward pass is the process of moving backward along a network from end to
beginning, computing the latest finish time and then the latest start time for each
II. Normal distribution is a probability distribution used to model the activity times in
III. Forward Pass is the process of moving along a network from beginning to end,
computing the earliest start time and earliest finish time for each activity.
IV. A branch is a line in a PERT network indicating an activity (in AOA) or a precedence
(in AON). Also called an arc.

a. I, II, and 1V only b. I, III, and IV c. I and III only d. All of the above.

20. Which of the following is a warning sign (traffic):

a. Sharp Turn sign b. Stop Sign c. Two-Way sign d. Give Way sign

21. A commercial building is located 7 m from the centerline of the inside lane of a curve section of
a highway with 110 m radius. The road is level. Perception- Reaction time is 2.0 sec and
coefficient of friction is 0.20. Determine the appropriate speed limit in kph considering the stopping
sight distance.
a. 14.06 b. 24.06 c. 50.61 d. 40.61

22. The vertical motion of the ship up and down caused by seawater is known as:
a. Yawning b. Pitching c. Heaving d. Surging
23. A symmetrical parabolic curve passes through point whose elevation is 23.23m at a distance
of 54 m from PC. The elevation of PC at station 4+100 is 22.56 m. The grade of the back tangent
is +2% and the length of the curve is 120 m. Determine the stationing of the highest point.
a. 6+345.9 b. 7+678.9 c. 4+170.59 d. 3+234.6

24. A ball is dropped freely at a vertical height of 6 m from a frictionless floor. If the coefficient of
restitution between the floor and the ball is 0.85, find how high will the ball bounce back vertically.
a. 3.345 m b. 8.305 m c. 5.433 m d. 4.335 m

25. A 220 kg wooden raft floats on Lake Sebu and when Boss Junlie who weighs 75 kg stands on
the raft, it sinks 4 centimeters deeper into the water. When he steps off, the raft vibrates for a
while. Determine the frequency of vibration.
a. 0.688 sec b. 1.454 hz c. 0.688 hz d. 1.454 sec

26. From the data of traverse shown from the data of traverse shown. Which of the following gives
the nearest distance of closing line 4-1

a. 230 m b. 234 m c. 290 m d. 305 m

27. Find the eccentricity of the hyperbola whose transverse and conjugate axes are equal in
a. √2 b. √5 c. 2√2 d. 5√3

28. An asset is purchased for P 20,000. Its estimated life is 10 years after which will be sold for
P12,000. Find the depreciation for the first year using sum of the years digit method
a. P 2,456.78 b. P 1,678.98 c. P 2,345.56 d. P 1,454

29. A consortium of international telecommunication companies contracted for the purchase and
installation of fiber optic cable linking Manila City and Cebu City at a total cost of P 960 million.
This amount includes freight and installation charges estimated at 10% of the above total contract
price. If the cable shall be depreciated over a period of 15 years with zero salvage value and
money is worth 6% per annum, what is the annual depreciation charge?
a. P 12,345,567.56 b. P 23,123,789.45 c. P 31,234,789.75 d. 41, 244.253.40

30. A random sample of 200 adults are classified below according to sex and the level of
education attained.
Education Male Female
Elementary 38 45
Secondary 28 50
College 22 17
If a person is picked in random from this group, find the probability that: the person is a male,
given that the person has a secondary education.
a. 1/45 b. 12/45 c. 14/39 d. 4/56

31. The cost fuel running a locomotive is proportional to the square of the speed and is $25 per hour,
for a speed of 25 miles/hr. Other costs amount to $100/hr., regardless of the speed. What is the
speed which will make the cost per mile a minimum?
a. 40 b. 45 c. 50 d. 55
Class Interval Frequency
118-126 3
127-135 5
136-144 9
145-153 12
154-162 5
163-171 4
172-180 2

32. Calculate the mean.

a.146.975 b. 154.674 c. 127.67 d. 267.9

33. Calculate the median.

a. 144.45 b. 143.1 c. 155.76 d. 147.25

34. Which of the following gives the possible equation of the circle that passes through points (2,2)
and tangent to the line x=1, x=6.
a. x2 + y2 – 7x – 8y + 22 = 0 b. x2 + y2 – 9x – 7y + 20 = 0
c. x + y – 5x + 9y + 78 = 0
2 2 d. x2 + y2 – 7x + 5y + 100 = 0

35. A helicopter is rising vertically from the ground at a constant rate of 4.5 m/s. When is it 75m off
the ground, a jeep passed beneath the helicopter travelling in a straight line at a constant rate of
80 km/hr. Determine how fast the distance between them changing after 1 sec?
a.10.32 b. 11.10 c. 9.85 d. 12.34

36. A conical tank with a diameter of 2m., across the top and 3m high is filled with water. Find the
work done in pumping the contents of the tank to a point 1m. above the rim.
a. 23.144 KJ b. 94.031 KJ c. 53.939 KJ d. 46.612 KJ

37. Which of the following is not a marginal element of highway?

a. Curb b. Gutter c. Shoulder d. Guard Rail

38. A cubical box has one of its edge equal to 4cm. Pass a plane to the cube so that the section
form would be regular hexagon whose vertices are the midpoints of the sides of the cube. Find
the area of Hexagon.
a. 20.78 cm2 b. 27.78 cm2 c. 10.39 cm2 d. 13.9 cm2

39. A spherical tank of radius 4m is filled with water to a height of 1.2m. The water is transferred to
a second tank in the form of a frustum of a cone of lower base radius 1m. Upper base radius of
0.5m and height of 10m. What will be the height of water is the second tank?
a. 6.86m. b. 2.12m c. 7.88m d. 9.72m

40. Given the curve y=x2, points (5, 17). Find the x-intercept of the tangent line to the curve passing
through the point.
a. 1.68 b. 1.086 c. 1.806 d. 1.068

41. A circle has an equation of x2+y2+2ky=0. Find the value of K, when the length of tangent from
(5,4) to the circle is 1.
a. -4 b. 4 c. -5 d. 5
42. A billiard table is in form of an ellipse with one axis two feet longer than the other. A ball is stuck
from one focus and after bounding against two cushions returns too its starting point. At the
halfway point in its trip the ball is 8ft. from the source. How big is the table?
a. 16 & 18 b. 13 & 15 c. 15 & 17 d. 17 & 18

43. The volume of the pyramid formed in the first octant by the plane 6x + 10y + 5z – 30 = 0.
a. 45 b. 30 c. 15 d. 20

44. At what angle should be the axis be rotated to revolve “xy” eq. 73x 2-72xy+52y2+100x-
a.36.87 b. 36.78 c. 36.97 d. 36.79

45. How many liters of water must be evaporated from 132 liters of a 25% salt solution to produce
a 40% salt solution?
a. 49.5 b. 98.5 c. 47.2 d. 50.3

46. A ball is thrown with an initial horizontal velocity of 30m/s from a height of 3m above the
ground and 40m from a vertical wall. How high above the ground will the ball strike if the
coefficient of restitution is 0.70?
a. 1.6m b. 0.73m c. 2.92m d. 1.76m

47. A man borrowed from a bank with a promissory note that he signed in the amount of 25000 for
a period of one year. He received only the amount of 21915 after the bank collected the interest
and additional amount of 8500 for notarial and inspection fees. What was the rate of interest that
the bank collected in advance?
a. 13.64% b. 14.52% c. 14.08% d. 16.34%

48. Find the degree of curve of a central simple curve if has a spiral curve 100m long on two sides
on which a car traveling at 75kph will not skid. Use arc basis.
a. 8.24 degrees b. 4 degrees c. 7.55 degrees d. 6.15 degrees

49. The algebra teacher wrote on a blackboard a quadratic equation of the form x2-Ax+B=0. In
copying this careless student erroneously transposed the two digits of B as well as the plus and
minus signs. However, one of the roots was the same. What was this root? (Assume both A and B
are integers)
a. 1 b. 3 c. -2 d. -4

50. A descending grade of 4.2% intersects an ascending grade of 3% at station 12+325 at

elevation 17.30m. These two grades are to be connected by a 260-m vertical parabolic curve. A
reinforced concrete culvert pipe with overall diameter of 105cm is to be constructed with its top
30cm below the subgrade. What will be the invert elevation?
a. 18.863m b. 17.634m c. 18.225m d. 19.214m

51. Points A, B, C, D, and E is on the periphery of the circle. AB=BC=CD. If the value of the angle
BAC is 35degrees, find the angle of DEA.
a. 105 b. 45 c. 54 d. 90

52. Compute the equation of the horizontal asymptote of the curve y=(2x-1)/(x+2).
a. y=2 b. x=2 c. y=1 d. x=1

53. A person walks up a stalled escalator 15m long in 90 seconds. When standing on the same
escalator now moving, the person is carried up in 60 seconds. How much time would it take that
person to walk up the moving escalator.
a. 24 sec b. 36 sec c. 48 sec d. 42 sec
54. ABC is a circular sector with a central angle of 40 degrees at its center at A and a radius of
20cm. BC is an arc. From point B, a line is drawn to point D, the midpoint of AC. Find the area of
a. 73.5 sq.m. b. 75.3 sq.m. c. 85.1 sq.m. d. 81.5 sq.m.

55. A salesman got 10,000 commission on sale of a certain item. This amount raised his average
commission by 1,500. If his new average commission is 4,000, how many sales did he make?
a. 4 b. 5 c. 6 d. 8

56. A baseball is thrown from a horizontal plane following a parabolic path with a initial velocity of
100m/s at an angle of 30 degrees above the horizontal. How far from the throwing point will the
ball attain its original level?
a. 835m b. 735m c. 753m d. 883m

57. The motion of a particle is governed by the relation a=4t^2 where a is in m/s2and t is in
seconds. When t is zero, V=2m/s and S=4m. Find the distance when t=2sec.
a. 13.333m b. 15.333m c. 12m d. 11.333m

58. Light traveling through an optical fiber with refracting index of 1.44 reaches the end of the fiber
and exits into air. If the angle of incidence on the end of the fiber is 30 degrees, what is the angle
of refraction outside the fiber? Refraction index of air is taken as 1.0.
a. 42.4 degrees b. 36 degrees c. 28.9 degrees d. 46 degrees

59. Suppose the heights H of 800 students are normally distributed with mean 66 inches and
standard deviation 5 inches. Find the number N of students with heights between 65 and 70
a. 505 b. 225 c. 294 d. 345

60. Given the area bounded by the parabola x2-4x+12y-20=0, the x-axis and the lines x=1 and
x=2. Determine the moment of inertia of the area with respect to the x-axis.
a. 2.558 b. 0.640 c. 3.426 d. 1.853

61. A 600N ball is thrown downward with an initial velocity of 3m/s from a height of 1.5m above a
spring whose spring constant is 15N/mm. Determine the deformation of the spring at the instant the
velocity of the ball is 0.
a. 395.85mm b. 437.87mm c. 288.62mm d. 331.38mm

62. Also called as cost-benefit ratio:

a. Income Return Ration b. Advantage Ratio c. Profitability Index d. Income Index

63. Determine the capital cost for an asphalt road that will required a construction cost of ₱10M,
₱50,000 year end for maintenance plus an expenditure of ₱1M every 4 years for re-pavement.
Money is worth 5% effective.
a. 15.64M b. 11.98M c. 5.64M d. 17.88M

64. A metal ball of radius 90cm is coated with a uniformly thick layer of ice, which is melting at the
rate of 8pi cm³/h. Find the rate at which the thickness of the ice is decreasing when the ice is 10cm
a. 0.158cm/h b. 0.0002cm/h c. 0.056cm/h d. 0.001cm/h

65. If 2 marble are removed at random from a bag contain black and white marbles, the chance that
they are both white is 1/3. If 3 are removed at random, the chance that they all white is 1/6. How
many marble are there of each color?
a. 6 & 4 b. 6 & 5 c. 8 & 4 d. 8 & 5
66. Find the amount owed at the end of 5 years if $1600 is loaned at a rate of 9% compounded
a. $2505.09 b. $2605.09 c. $2705.09 d. $2805.09

67. The orbit of the comet Kohoutek is about 44 astronomical unit wide by 3600 astronomical unit
long. (1 AU is semi major axis of the Earth’s orbit, about 92,600,000 miles) Find eccentricity of the
√𝑎2 −b²
orbit. (Hint: = ; where e = eccentricity of the ellipse)
a. 0.9999 b. 1.9999 c. 2.9999 d. 3.9999

68. Two people on bikes are separated by 350m. Person A starts riding North at a rate of 5m/s and
7 minutes later person B starts riding South at 3m/s. At what rate is the distance separating the two
people changing 25minutes after person A start riding.
a. 7.996 b. 15.99 c. 3.45 d. 4.55

69. The following data were taken on five vehicles traveling a 1.5km portion of the NLEX.
Determine the time means speed.
a. 75m/s b. 76.07m/s c. 21.13m/s d. 20.83m/s

Vehicle Time(min.)
1 1.2
2 1.0
3 1.4
4 1.3
5 1.1

Situation: A section of the extension of the NLEX connecting Pampanga and Tarlac is known to
have a free flow speed of 50kph and a capacity of 3200veh/hr. In a given hour, 2000 vehicles were
counted at a specified point along the highway section.

70. Determine the speed at maximum flow condition.

a. 100kph b. 75kph c. 25kph d. 50kph

71. Determine the jam density in veh/km.

a. 256 b. 128 c. 512 d. 412

72. Determine the density at flow condition.

a. 256 b. 128 c. 512 d. 412

73. The ship designers usually construct scale model before building a real ship. The formula that
relates the speed “u” to the length “l” of a ship is u=k√1, where “k” is the positive constant. This
constant k varies depend on the ship’s design, but the scale model of a real ship have the same k
as the real ship after which they are modelled. How fast should scale model with hull length 225m
traveling 9m/s?
a. 1.2m/s b. 2.2m/s c.3.2m/s d. 4.2m/s

74. The maximum allow rate of the crashes at intersection is 9 per million entering vehicles. At an
intersection of two roadways, the average daily traffic where is 10,000 and 8,265. Determine the
maximum number of crashes per year before corrective action is taken.
a. 61 b. 60 c. 59 d. 58

75. A separate bus lane is proposed to replace a single freeway lane with a capacity of 2000 veh/hr.
If the auto occupancy is 1.5 passenger per vehicle and bus capacity is 50 passengers, determine
the average headway for each bus.
a. 1 bus/min b. 4 bus/min c. 3 bus/min d. 2 bus/min

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