603 Quizzes

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} CE603_2-2022-2023_quizns PROB VI A Wide flan, bearing plate 300mm thickness of 300mm. 7} E = 2006Pa. Properties 225mm; 'ge 600x110 beam is supported by a x 200mm x 25mm on a wall with a he steel Fy = 248MPa, F'c= 24MPa and s of the Wide Flange: d = 600mm; bf = !8mm; tw = 12mm; k= 36mm. The allowable bearing stress of concrete is 0.35F’c. Determine the maximum, reaction in kN at the beam, 112, Based on the bearing of the concrete walls, ajo b)678 oe) 545, 1d) 685 Based on the bending of the bearing plate ‘ a)179 b)261 <)219 4) 352 ‘19. Based on the yielding of the web at the support, a)570b)603—c) 480 4)591 18, PROB VII. Given: Properties of Steel Column: Depth, d= 305 mm; , tw=7.5 mm, bf = 200 mm; tf=12 mm Base plate, Bx N= 300 mmx450 mm Loads: P= 720 KN H= 160 KN Base plate bending stress, Fb = 186 MPa Allowable bolt shear stress, 68 MPa Allowable weld shear stress, Fw = 124 MPa 20. The required base plate thickness in mm is, a)12 bie 20. d)25 21, The number of 16mm bolts to resist lateral load is. a4 bs 10 d)12 22, The length of 8-mm fillet weld to resist lateral load in mm. a)180 —b)200 220» 4) 240 PROB Vill. The Figure shown: Conerete, fc = 28 MPa, Yield strength of 28 mm bars, fyl = 415 MPa, Yield strength of 12 mm bars, fyv = 275 MPa, Clear concrete cover to the ties = 40mm, 23, The required spacing in mm of the lateral ties for the factored shear load, Vuy = 450 KN. The allowable ‘concrete shear stress = 0.88 MPa a) 90 b)120 140 4)160 24, The maximum spacing in mm of the 12 mm lateral ties as. per code is a) 250 »)210 190 d)300 25, The actual spacing in mm of tiesis a) 140 b) 150 210d) 160 Vo Nothing Follows ‘General instruction: Apply a vertica: Apply a vertical stroke on the letter of your ‘choice in the answer sheet provided. : at PROB |. A simply supported rectangular beam 400mm wide having an effective depth of 550mm carries a total factored ‘dead load of 60knim and a factored lve load of S6kn/m on a 6m clear span. It Is reinforced wth 6,360mm? of tensle steel, which continues unintemupted ino the supports. fe +=20.73Mpa. Use NSCP 2010 4. The design shear force in kN, which results from the application ofthe factored loads is about )284.2) 166.9) 215.4) 122.7 ‘The shear capacity ofthe concrete beam in kN is about a)284.2° b)141.9 0) 215.4) 127.7 ‘3 The distance in m where web reinforcements no longer needed to be measured from the support is about O61 0) 245.) 045) 285 rw The required spacing in mm of the 12mm shear reinforcement (fy=276 mPa) is about | ays b)1s0. 475 d) 200 PROB Il A W 470 mm x 105 kgim beam at 12 mm web thickness fs spiced near the support using 15 mm thick . ‘connector piate welded to part B and bolted using 20 mo bats to point A. al Dimensions are: $1 = 40 mm $3 = 80 mm $5 = 40 mm ‘$2= 40 mm $4= 100 mm Steel sepgth and allowable stresses are a follows: Yield sess, Fy = 248 MPa Bott shear stress, Fv ='120 MPa The load P, acts an eccentrctye = 180 mm from the centro of the batt group. roa ‘The shear load (kN) on the ciical bolt t section A of the splice iP = 200 KN. is about a) 25.00 b) 55:71 ¢) 69.29 a) 150.23 8 The torsional oad (kN) on the critical bolt at section A if P = 200 kN is about a) 25.00 b) 55.71) 69.29. d) 150.28 2. The total critical bolt oad (KN) is a) 25.00 b) 5571 c) 69.29 d) 150.23 CE 603: structural Design and Construction PROB Il. A welded bracket shown is required to resist a load ‘of 9OKN. The steel Fy = 250MPa and welding has Fuw = 485MPa. IfP = 90kN, determine the following Moment of inertia of the group of weld in 1x10 mm*, 138 b)104 =) 218d) 28, The force on weld due to torsional moment in N/mm 2/1585 b)587.6 «)6192 ) 752.8 10, The size ofthe weld in mm due to load P. as 7 a9 ayaa 450mm—- 250mm LJ PROB IV. Given the properties of a girder made of Wide Flange: A = 11,500mm2, d= 350mm, bf= 250mm, tf= 16mm, tw=10mm, Ix = 266xL06mmé, ly = 45x106mm4, The steel Fy=248MPa and E = 200GPa, Fb = 148MPa, Fv = 99MPa. ‘11, The flexural capacity ofthe girder in kN-m a)138—b)178_ 225d) 285, 12, The web shear capacity in KN is a}55@ B61 c)346 452 13, The maximum horizontal shear capacity in kN is. 304603) 332 SOL PROB V. A Wide flange isto be used as bridge crane runway {irder. The girder is on a simple span of 6m. Assume that the ‘rane wheel impacts a vertical load of BOkN and a lateral load ‘of 8kN at the mid-span applied at the top flange of thé girder. A-standard GOKN rail weighing 67kg/m will be used. ekn ‘Assume top flange is not laterally C— — braced between supports. The steel Fox = 207MPa, Foy = 238MPa and 2006Pa.Properties of the Wide [—— Flange: Se= 1280x103mm3, Sy= 36La0amm3, 114. The bending stress about x-axis in MPa, ajeas —-b)878 BSS} 96. 115, The bending stress about y-axis in MPa is, 2958 B81 =e) 719) GES. 16, The ratio ofthe actual to allowable bending stresses, ajos1 —-b)0.78— 0.88) 0.74 603_2-2022-2023_ Quiz General instruction: Apply a vertca stroke on the eter of your choice inthe answer sheet provided. PROB |. The butt connection shows 8 - 22 mm 6 A 325 bolts spaced as indicated; the Middle plate thickness is 16mm. The upper and lower plates are 12mm. Yield strength, Fy = 248 Mpa Ultimate strength, Fu = 400 MPa; Bolt hole diameter = 25 mm_ ‘90mm x 6mm with 4-22 mm bolts frame the beam tothe Birder as shown. Bearing Stress of plate, Fp = 480MPa Yield stress, Fy = 248 MPa Bolt shear stress, Fv = 100 MPa Bolt bearing stress, p= 220 MPa Bolt hole diameter = 25 mm Pp FA os ne 0 watox67 8-22mme fone ° un co oT Yeon ae) 1.-0019018 Caleulate the allowable tensile load, T in KN, under the ‘following condltions: ‘A, Based on the gross area ofthe pate, 2381 «B)A7B IS} 28. 2c Batedon the net area ofthe plate 2)4s—b)251— e219) 352 3. Based on block shear strength. a)4ea— (8603) 490g) SOL ROB Il A 76x76x6mm angular section is welded to a gusset plate having 2 thickness of 8mm as shown. The angular Section has 2 cross sectional 2rea of 929mm2. Fy = 248MPa, Fu= 400MPa. Calculate the atowable tensile load, T in KN, under the following conditions: 4. Based onthe gross area ofthe plate is, 3)13B8)7Be)2aS a) 285 ‘5, Based onthe net area ofthe plate if Us085 2)158 B26. 719) 352 |& Based on block shear strength in gusset plate, 2)308 byes 4804 PROB I Fo The bear W 410mm x 67 ke/m with &mm web ‘thickness sublecs the girder W 530mm 109 kg/m with ‘12mm web thickness toa shear load, P. Two angle 90mm x (C603: seuctwal Design and construction 12, Theallowable load P in KN based on the shear capacity of the 4= 22mm9 boltsis. 2 208 )252 365 ‘The allowable load Pin KN based on bolt bearing stress ‘on the web ofthe beam. a)175— 165 e ao 4155 fwr=2754n th nurber of tm) bots nated to ut iedeoneggn aoe © as ‘PROB. The beam shown below is subjected toa concentrated lve load af 150 kN, a uniformly distributed live load of SOKN/m, and uniformly distributed dead load of 25, ‘/m. By inftuence line, 10, The maximum positive shear in kN at Cis 2)225)1208 161 —d) 1805 111, The maximum negative shearin kN at Cis 2732.5 b)S205 c)3725 0) 423.5 £12, The maximum negative moment in kN-m at Cis 21878 b)1372, 9816) 1807.5 be Pot tel ‘Prepare by: ES Trt, tr MCE 15, ‘The ultimate moment capacity in kN-m is 2) 354.7 b)2615 e}so4s —a)asa.2 PROB Vi. A 250x500mm simply supported beam reinforced ‘with 4-25mm tension re-bars is subjected to a uniform load of GOkN/m. If the modular ratio is 8 and the concrete covering is 70mm of the 4-m beam, 16, The distance in mm of the NA from the top is, a)252b) 178 215d) 285 12, The maximum stress in MPa of the concrete is a)146 261219 a) 387 18, The maximum stress in MPa ofthe stel is 3/1648 b)2031 1452 1922 PROB VII. A 450mm x 720mm rectangular beam has tension ‘and compression covering of 70mm. The beam is simply supported with a clear span of 12m. if ¢= 21 MPa and. Fy =420 MPa. Area of compression steel is 1,935mm? and the tension steel is 4,024mm?, Use pax = 0.016. 19, The depth of the compression block in mm is about a) 1092 b) 1545. c) 1285 ¢) 210.4 20, The ultimate moment capacity ofthe beam in kN-m is about a) 724 b) 819) S68 4) 658 21, The total uniform dead load in kN/m that the beam can carry if lve load is 10kN/m is a) 492 b)246 ¢) 35.6 415.4 ‘PROB VII. Objective type questions 22, Where parallel reinforcement is placed in two or more layers, the clear distance between layer should be more than or equal to__mm 2) 20 b)25 40 65 23, Minimum concrete cover of an interior reinforced. ‘concrete beam shall not be less than __mm. a)75 BYES c)50 4)40 24, Groups of parallel reinforcing bars bundled in contact to ‘actas a unit shall be limited to__ bars in one bundle a2 bs 04 as 125, Using 2010 NSCP, the value of Beta if fe=35Mpa is 2085 —6)0.81 <}0.80 )0.65 Nothing Follows SU — tisrcton API veri roe on the erent anor sheet prove. ciety ‘PROB |. For the cantiever beam loaded as shown having E = is 108 IV. Classy each structure # unstable, detominal, or 7200 000Mpa is restfcted to have @ maximum 860, Determine the \dellection of indeterminate. Indeterminate, Determine the degree of Indtorminacy 1, The moment of neta in .0410¢ mm 0 5625 b)1027 N85 134 2, The deflection in mm at B | re "| )883b)8.18 7.99 588 el A. The slope at C in degrees a) Determinate ) Unstable 9023 by 0.t9 1.23 332 C)Indeferinate to "eq 6) neti > eg Hi wow a pies nL Letom ‘PROB Il For the truss loaded as shown, Area of each bari 4,000mn¥. E = 70GPa 4, The axial fore ink of bar BC is )-5008 — b)-97.22 ¢)-7081 ¢)-87.23 a) Determinate ) Unstable § The hotzontal detection in nm at Bis about ) indeterminate to "deg indeterminate to 9* deg 178 1)25 42 65 6, The vetical deflection in mm at B is about 375419 221 0)595 004 2} Determinate b) Unstable Indeterminate t 1# deg) indeterminate to 3* deg Le »— a PROB lil A timber beam 100%200mm is reinforced with stl plates 620mm, and is rity attached sie by side tothe beam. The alowable stress ofthe wood is BMP and 120Mpa {or the ste! plata. n= 10, 2) Deteminate 1) Unstable ‘L. The copa intNsn ofthe timber baam aloe fal rel 2) 533 1)608 802 7.26 SihiaeranalatotSdeg {0 909 Th capacty in kN of he composite beams ay A767 O)t365 oh t4N4 a) 11.73. The moment of inertia ofthe composite beam in 10x08 mm a) 1181 b)1608 =) 219.2) 46.7 € 603: Structural Design and Consructon Prepared by ES Tore, MSCE 14. The normal yess at A aaa = /b) 22 gig 15, The com stress at B airs (bye ite oat 16, The normal stress at the centroid of the section a)104 = b)27 0) 200 Oar PROB VI. The state of plane stress at a point with respect 10 the xy-axes is shown in Figure below. Determine 47. The maximum normal stess aerr 1427 grt 2s 18, The maximum shear stress ae77 427 gmt 380 49, The normal stress atx y'- axes. ajer7 waz e724 380 0 MPa 2 25 mm x 50 mm incross section ‘PROB Vil. A rectanguiar bar, s 102 tensie force, P= 80 KN. Pane ‘oA makes and angle, 8 = 308 with the x-axis. 20, What's the tensile stress in MPa on plane A~ A? a2 0) 48) 60 45 21. Find the shear stress in MPa on plane A A? ‘aya? 4B) 60 6) 45 22, Atwhat angle in degrees of plane A. A i the shear stress ‘maximum? eas 60 2277 b)48 50 Or) > £60: Str Dein ond Carstuction 2 PROB Vill ‘The continuous beam as shown is bul into & girder at A and a column E. ‘teams 2 factored live 1060 01 25kN/m and a factored dead load of 15kN/n. The ‘masonry wal a does not fer estat beam AB. Use ACI Moment Coefiient, The service moment at Ain kN-M 6 ay "505 b) -600 c) 0 6)-1200 24, The sence moment 3 E a) -£0.0 )-1690 ©) sence mement midway of beam DE in yams 1725 #2314 ini s 900 6)-2025 2, The: about a) 1909 Column Column Column Cobre 3 — Masonry c oO e ee U ~ Lems Lam 6m -9m~ Nothing Follows: Prepared by: ES Torrico, r, MSCE 2-2072-2023 Quid General Instruction: aypjaverial rok onthe lateaf oar hice ine het provided ‘PROB | Aho castiron poe has an outside dameter of 500mm 574 0)766 At 618 15, The maximum power in KW that canbe tansmited the shear bed aide dare lon Wis sets oaconpesse — fruwatmenonae fe of 200K Brougou seg 2m. The pis aera eat PROB Forth barge oaed as shown, 1. Teal conpresie sess inbPais a) S36 192 621) 434 ‘2, Thea deformation in mm de to appa forces aio B21 ghtg9 e188 A. The aaloadin ithe axial compressive sain i 0000003 a)1512——b)1.19 ) 2623 923 PROB I. A 3m fong stellate having eos section of 20m ‘00nmn is use as 2 hanger and subjected 10 a tense load 1,200RN. The proportional iit of the steel is assumed 25tNoa Whe Passo’ ratois 025, heh theta deformation iam? 2028 30 gat Which starevesestainin O10 amy 02s 85 65 {The tenevese émonsonl change a mm long 3000, ours 0/0108 cy002t 006 PROB Arg bar ABCs pone tA and supported bythe cables soit The 20mm ros pnd ad connected. he ad is {DOAN ang tat = 200Gpa. Te coecet of ama expan is 12x00! L. The Gplacaret at Cini the emperor ries by 06 yas 1608 802 526 16, Thelengh Lin so hat he upward presen unitorm and that tn barge reais horizon, a ots 48 O16 ‘2, Theshew ink at Sm tom ele end ifthe upward pressures 7h as )251 78 9870 18, Thedstence nm forthe et end so tat the shear is er # the wpward pressures KN as 3 of 99 PROB VILA kuck and tle combiason crossing a 2 span as ‘se iad of 10,20, 27430 RN separated respecte by distances. of3and5m 18. The maximum momentin kN is ayioez Bytat6)1850 |) 1402 20. ThemaxirumsheariniN is oA a0 21 The locaton of 20K fom et nm atthe maxinum moments at ys oS a2 PROB VL Foc the beam waded as shown ko Ani, “The sts n MPa inured byte load ony on od CO 2) OT jane 557 ‘he cepaceren a8 ne epoca ees ty 506 aie 1608 382 gio ROBIN. Awa tk Senin height hasan oti ameter of 6dr and aches of rn. itis subjected tent presse of pa 10 The covert srssin Pais ai 1 6 a0 UL The natin stesso he takin Pais yD ae {2 einer pean obec ais g28 yt2 6 gas PROB ive shat fr atck asa amet run nV Ah of TS runing 18 Theqdaet trav neni shat aan 10k ao ya gan |, Theaxinum shea sein MPa CE 603. Suc Desige ané Constracton aie 400mm 22 Thecentod ofthe secon n mm om he opis 2)10750 ¥)30250 )927 205 22. Themomentfineria tthe sectonin 1x10 mm* about WAis a}13742 0) 14552 o)17219 4) 15425, 24, Thema shear stessin Pais, 2359 4)355 0)9522 4813 25. The max bending sess in Pais 999 W813 3822 aera ating Flows Prepared by: ES Torrico, J, MSCE.

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