2Accounting, management services by the professional accountants to small and medium enterprises (SMEs)_ Empirical evidence from ASEAN Survey

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8/16/2021 Accounting, management services by the professional accountants to small and medium enterprises (SMEs): Empirical evidence fro…

Accounting, management services by the professional accountants to small and

medium enterprises (SMEs): Empirical evidence from ASEAN

2. Section B

5. Please specify your agreement or disagreement on the

following challenges experienced by SMEs in ASEANs
regions. Please write N/A if any items are not applicable to
Strongly Strongly
disagree Disagree Neutral Agree agree N/A

1. Access to banks’

2. Management and
strategic skills for

3. Skilled human

4. Marketing and

5. New technology

6. Financial literacy
and resource
allocation decision

7. Customer
demands and market

8. Government policy

9. Creating networks
and market

10. Innovation and


6. Please specify the key areas of Accounting and

management services an SME in ASEANs regions require in

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8/16/2021 Accounting, management services by the professional accountants to small and medium enterprises (SMEs): Empirical evidence fro…

future. Please mention your preference by ranking the

following areas by putting numbers (e.g., 1, 2, 3…..). Please
rank all that applies.
Audit and assurance services N/A

Business advisory N/A

Tax and taxation planning N/A

Financial planning N/A

Legal issues and valuation N/A

Cloud accounting N/A

IFRS adoption N/A

Lobbying and communication N/A

Performance measurement and budgetary control N/A

Others (Please write) N/A

7. We are interested to know types of services your firms

have provided to your SME clients in the past years. Please
specify the types of services your firms provided for
SME clients. Please select all that applies.
Never Rarely Sometimes Very often Always
provided provided provided provided provided N/A

1. Taxation, Goods
and service taxes
(GST)/ VAT and

2. Book keeping

3. Budget
preparation, cash
flow forecasting,
financial planning

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8/16/2021 Accounting, management services by the professional accountants to small and medium enterprises (SMEs): Empirical evidence fro…

Never Rarely Sometimes Very often Always

provided provided provided provided provided N/A

4. Environment,
health and workplace

5. Human capital
development and

6. Payroll

7. External auditing
and assurance

8. Financial reporting
and compliance

9. Business valuation

management and
consulting services

8. Refer to the (question-8), within the biggest growth areas

in terms of management services in the SME sector of
ASEAN regions, what types of organisations most of
your clients belong to? Please answer ranking the
following areas by putting numbers (e.g., 1, 2, 3…..).




Other (please specify)

2/5 40%

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8/16/2021 Accounting, management services by the professional accountants to small and medium enterprises (SMEs): Empirical evidence fro…

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