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PURPOSE: This tool is designed to show performance across Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) selected by kinetic Controls in relation to targets or
goals for these indicators. The dashboard is updated with actual data from Kinetic Controls HSE Department and Projects works on a quarterly basis
after the data has been reviewed, reconciled and/or closed, as applicable. The user defines both the KPIs and the targets against which they are measured.

STRUCTURE: Data for each quarter (both targets and actuals) is maintained in the Data Entry tab. The Dashboard tab will populate and report on
each reporting period as selected.


Allowable Range % to be considered "Near Target"

The number entered into this cell is the percentage range below "target" that allows a result to be presented as "Near target." For example, entering a 5 in this cell will
mean that any result within 5% of the set target will be presented as "Near target."

Target Direction Indicator

By default, it is assumed that the goal is for an indicator to be numerically equal to or greater than the target defined in column F. If the goal is
"inverse," in other words if the goal is to be equal to or below the defined target, enter an "I" in this column. (For example, the goal for a KPI such as
total debt or employee turnover would be to be equal to or below the target.)

Target Direction: Prior Year Q4

Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Enter "I" for Inverse; Target
otherwise leave blank Actual

Number of HSE Trainings 0 5

Identify Employee skills, Foster and Advance them

To Have a safe Environment for all employees, visitors, Have Zero Accident cases, Maintain LTIFR at
suppliers and or sub-contractors (both on site and office) I 0 0
with zero unmanaged risks and hazards

Environmental Conservation awareness, 0 EC

I 0 0
(Environmental Cases)
To protect and conserve environment

To ensure safety of sub-contractors abd suppliers including 100% Sub-contractor/Suplier Compliance 100% 100%
the quality of goods and services offered

To ensure that employees are aware of their roles and 100% HSE Compliance 90% 100%
responsibilities and HSE Roles.

To Ensure Follow up of accidents, feedback of experience 100% incident reporting 100% 100%
and corrective actions

10 Emergency Drills 2 3
To ensure emergency drills are done

4 Management Safety walks 1 1

Increase Number of Management Safety Walks

100% Audit compliance for all Clients (Green

80% 100%
Carry out Safety Audits (Internal Audits and Client Audits)
Allowable range % to be
considered "Near target": 5%
Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3

Actual Notes Target Actual Notes Target Actual

Most Trainings postponed due to covid- Trainings postponed due to covid-

3 19
5 0 19
5 3

0 No incident recorded in Q1, Target met 0 0 Target met 0 0

No EC Incident recorded in Q1, target

0 met
0 0 Target met 0 0

Some Suppliers have not sent back

80% acknowledgement receipts and 100% 90% Not all suppliers have replied 100 90
comittment to Policies shared

100% All Employees compliant 100% 100% All Employees compliant 100 100

100% All KPI data captured 100% 100% All KPI Data captured 100 90

not done due to covid-19 and limited Not done due to covid-19 and
0 works
3 0 limited works
3 2

Management safety walk done at

1 Muthaiga Tss
1 0 Not done 1 3

100% Green banding 100% 100% Green banding 100 100

Quarter 3 Quarter 4

Notes Target Actual Notes

Trainings in progress

Target met

Target met

suppliers assesment in progress

All employee compliant

Data processing in progress for Q3

Drills planned

Management safety walks done

Green banding
Reporting Period: Quarter 3
Current Period Current Period Current Last
Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Notes
Target Actual Status Period

Off target (more than

Number of HSE Trainings 5 3 0 Trainings in progress

Have Zero Accident cases, Maintain LTIFR

I 0 0 Meets/exceeds target 0 Target met
at 0.00

Environmental Conservation awareness, 0

I 0 0 Meets/exceeds target 0 Target met
EC (Environmental Cases)

Off target (more than

100% Sub-contractor/Suplier Compliance 100 90 0.9 suppliers assesment in progress

100% HSE Compliance 100 100 Meets/exceeds target 1 All employee compliant

Off target (more than

100% incident reporting 100 90 1 Data processing in progress for Q3

Off target (more than

10 Emergency Drills 3 2 0 Drills planned

4 Management Safety walks 1 3 Meets/exceeds target 0 Management safety walks done

100% Audit compliance for all Clients

100 100 Meets/exceeds target 1 Green banding
(Green Rating)

Meets/exceeds target
Near target
Off target

I 5% allowable % to "Near target"

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