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Chautara-Sindhupalchok 33 kV Sub Transmission Line


1.1 Project Background

Chautara-Sindhupalchok 33 kV Substation Project lies in the Sindhupalchowk District, Bagmati

Zone of central Nepal. The main objective of the project is to construct 6/8 MVA, 33/11 kV
substation at Chautara. The proposed substation at Chautara will be charged from 33 kV
substation at Lamosanghu. The total line length from the Chautara Substation to Lamosanghu is
around 17 kilometers. From the newly constructed substation, 4 nos. of 11 kV feeders will be
out to supply the customer at Chautara and vicinity areas. At present the only one feeder from
Lamosanghu to Chautara serves the customers of Khadi Chaur, Kothe, Balefi, Simle, Tipling,
Simpani, Kubhinde, Sukute, Kalika, Thokarpa, Wafal, Syanle Besi and Bekh Simle of Kavre
Districts. The same feeder supplies power to the Jalvire, Chelang, Pangtang, Syaule, Simpal of
Kavre Districts areas.

Nepal possess tremendous amount of hydropower potentials, which has to be exploited for the
economic growth of the country. The other objective of the project is to evacuate around 5 MW
power produced from Independent Power Producer (IPP's). Partly of the Power generated from
IPP's will be supplied to the local consumer at the Chautara and its vicinity areas and rest power
will be evacuated to the Lamosangu sub station through newly constructed 33 kV Transmission

The main objectives of the project is to construct the 6/8 MVA, 33/11 kV Substation at the
Chautara to reduce the under voltage problem of the Chautara Feeder, by reinforcing the
Distribution System Network. The project will also assist to reduce chances of interruption of the
feeder and the revenue loss associated with the 2/3 of the total customer, due to fault and
maintenance works carried out under the feeder. After the successful construction of the project,
following achievements will be made as listed below:

 To reduce the chances of less feeder interruption and revenue loss associated with
 To improve the quality of the voltage level of the local feeders supplied from the
proposed S/s at chautara and its vicinity areas.

Chautara-Sindhupalchok 33 kV Sub Transmission Line

 To reinforce the Distribution System.

 To reduce the feeder loss.
 To supply the quality and reliable Electricity.

Types of customer supplied from the 11 kV feeders will be :

- Domestic
- Non-Commercial
- Commercial
- Industrial
- Water Supply
- Irrigation
- Street Light
- Temporary supply
- Transport
- Temple

Cost Estimate to complete 33 kV Transmission line is around Rs. 2,70,00000.00 (including

survey and IEE & Construction) and the Total Duration for line construction is estimated as 12

1.2 Project Salient Features

General Salient features of the proposed Chautara-Sindhupalchok 33 kV Sub Transmission Line are
presented below:

Table: 1, General Salient Features

S.No. Features Description

1. Development Region Central Region

2. Zone Bagmati

3. District/Municipality/VDC Sindhupalchok/Chautara Municipality/Kubhiunde-DVC,Irkhu Irkhu

VDC, Kadambas-VDC, Phulping Danda-VDC, Mankha VDC, ngretar
Pangretar VDC
4. Purpose of the Proposed Transmis- Upgrading the supply system Voltage and increase reliability

sion Line

Chautara-Sindhupalchok 33 kV Sub Transmission Line

5. System Nominal Voltage 33 kV

6. No. of Circuit Single

7. Power Carrying Capacity 12.8 MW

8. Right of Way 4 m (2 m either side from center line)

9. System Nominal Frequency 50 HZ

10. Total Line Length around 17

11. Conductor Type ACSR

12. No. of major road/high way crossings3

13. Number of major river crossing 2

14. Number of Pole 300

15. Type of Pole Steel Telescopic Tubular pole

16. Pole height 11 m

17. Minimum ground clearance 6.1 m

18. Average Span 50

19. Substation Chautara 6/8 MVA,33/11 kV Substation

1.3 Objective and Scope of Works

The main objective of the study is to determine the suitable, less affected alignment and conduct
detailed survey from purposed Chautara 33 kV sub-station at Chautara Municipality Ward no: 5
(Then Kubhinde VDC )of Sindhupalchok district to existing Lamosanghu Substation, Pangretar
VDC of Sindhupalchok district on the basis of desk study and reconnaissance survey. The final
output of this work shall guide the construction of above mentioned transmission line. This
detailed report shall also assist to prepare necessary documents for acquiring Survey License,
construction license, conducting IEE and Other.

Chautara-Sindhupalchok 33 kV Sub Transmission Line


2.1 Brief Introduction of the Project

The main objective of Chautara-Lamusangu 33 kV Transmission Line Project (CL33 kV) is to

reduce the under voltage problem of the Chautara Feeder, by reinforcing the Distribution System
Network. The project will also assist to reduce chances of interruption of the feeder and the
revenue loss associated with the 2/3 of the total customer, due to fault and maintenance works
carried out under the feeder. Because the existing 11 kV power system in Chautara is insufficient
and old. Present demand of electricity in the area is high. This proposed 33 kV TL will
contribute additional electric power which will reduce load shedding and will strength exiting
power system in and around the Chautara. This Project lies in Sindhupalchowk District,
Bagmati Zone of central Nepal. The total line length from the Chautara Substation to Lamusangu
is around 14.6 kilometer. The license of the transmission line project has been issued on
2073/07/25 by DoED and it is validated up to 2075/07/24. The ToR of the project has already
been approved on 2073/09/12 from MoEn.

2.2 Project location

Chautara-Lamusangu 33 kV Transmission Line corridor is located in Sindhupalchok District of
Bagmati Zone in the Central Development Region of Nepal. The project starts from the existing
substation located at Lamusangu of Pangretar VDC and it links to the substation (under
construction) located at Kubhinde (now in Chautara municipality). The alignment of the corridor
passes through Pangretar VDC, Mankha VDC; Phulpingdanda VDC, Kadambas VDC, Irkhu
VDC and Kubhinde VDC. Kubhinde VDC has now been included in Chautara municipality.

Figure 2.1: Location Maps Project Area

Chautara-Sindhupalchok 33 kV Sub Transmission Line

Figure : Location Maps

2.4 Accessibility

The road distance from Kathmandu to the project is about 90 km and regular bus services are
available and it takes about 3-4 hours in normal drive. Lamusangu is located beside Araniko
highway. The proposed TL mostly passes near by the Chautara-Balefi road and along the
Araniko highway; most part of the project is accessible. There are a number of foot trails near the
alignment. RoW will also be used as a track after clearance of RoW. Therefore, no extra
road/track will be needed and no environmental issues.

2.5 Project Components

Poles, conductor, wires area the major components of the project. Major components are given

• Conductor Properties Taking in consideration of power loss and voltage regulation, ACSR Dog
is used to maintain the standard,
• Safety Consideration at line crossings The supporting structures configuration is governed by
the span at the crossings and deviation of the alignment. High safety factor is maintained at the
crossings with appropriate supporting structures configuration with stay sets as per the design.
The transmission line system is designed with necessary clearances that are to be maintained
over the communication lines, distribution lines, houses, road crossings, river crossings. Earthing
system for every poles of the transmission system is designed taking in consideration of the
public safety. Electricity rules-1993 will be followed for safety measures.

Chautara-Sindhupalchok 33 kV Sub Transmission Line

• composite lines Lamusanghu-Chautara 33 kV line will follw the same route from Lamosanghu
33 kV Substation to a 1 Kilo (It is 1.5 km in length) near the Khadichaur as there is no other
alternative. There are two nummber of 11 kV TLs & one local TL along this section and hence
the limited Right of Way (RoW). Therefore, the various transmission lines will be constructed as
composite lines in this 1.5 km of the section. The 33 kV transmission line will be constructed at
the 11 meter Steel Telescopic Tubular Pole with bare ACSR conductor. The existing 2 numbers
of 11 kV feeder line and 1 number of 0.4 kV line will be Constructed below 33 kV line, as
composite line, at the same pole with insulated 150 HT and 120 Sq. mm.

2.7 Land Requirement

The alignment passes through approx. 3.75 km of forest land, 1.45 km of cultivated land and
9.225 km along the Araniko highway/roads & others-river crossings (0.175 km). A total of about
0.051 ha of land area is preliminary calculated as requirement for poles (300 numbers)
permanently. Out of 0.051 ha, 0.013 ha of forest land, 0.005 ha of cultivated land and 0.033 ha of
existing road/highway will be required for the poles construction. Likewise, 7.249 ha of land will
be fallen in RoW. Out of 7.249 ha, 1.875 ha of land will be covered by forest due to RoW. Camp
sites and stockpiling sites will be managed in Chautara substation and Lamusangu substation.
However, 0.12 hectare of private land will be used for stockpiling materials temporarily near
Balefi by the Contractor. Later, contractor will choose the exact location of temporary land. Land
use pattern is given in table 2.2 below:-

2.8 Route Alignment

The project area lies in mid-hill of Nepal. This proposed TL starts from Baspati of Chautara
municipality- 5 (Sabik Kubhinde-3) and ends at the existing substation of Lamusangu, Pangretar
VDC of Sindhupalchok district. The power from the Lamusangu will be supplied in and around
Chautara through this TL. In addition, IPP’s power around the project will also be linked in
Chautara substation after the completion of the project. This TL goes up from the Chautara
substation up to Deurali through cultivated and forest land and, then goes down up to Balefi
through forest and cultivated land. The village roads are also crossed by the TL at some places.
The alignment crosses Balefi river near Balefi bazar. The alignment from Balefi runs along the
Araniko highway (mostly right bank). It crosses highway at some places in order to avoid
houses. Araniko highway passes along the Bhotekoshi river. The alignment crosses Bhotekoshi
river near Andheri and it runs through cultivated land and then, along the road from left bank of
Bhotekoshi river. The route runs through Deurali, Talchaur, Simpani, Simle, Lapse, Balefi,
Kothe, Andheri and Khadichaur villages. All the places and VDCs alone the alignment are
shown in topo map (refer to Annex-6). There are altogether 300 poles and line length of the route
is approx. 14.6 km.

2.9 Route Selection Criteria

For the selection of proposed transmission line route, a basic set of criteria was defined at the
outset of the study. The criteria are listed below:

 The route alignment would, as far as practicable, be kept straight and short;
Chautara-Sindhupalchok 33 kV Sub Transmission Line

 As far as possible, the following areas would be avoided:

i. Heavy forest areas or expensive right of way;

ii. Buildings of all kinds;
iii. Swampy areas;
iv. Main road crossing;
v. Highly productive land and difficult terrain;

 Situation calling for abnormally long spans and high deviation angle would be avoided;
 Poles would be located on geologically stable ground;
 The number of angle points along the route would be kept to a minimum;
 The route would be conveniently accessible for construction, operation and maintenance
 Potentially adverse environmental impacts due to the proposed transmission line would
be kept to a minimum.
It is worth mentioning that neither were these criteria assigned any order of priority nor were
they expected to be incorporated in totality in the field. The selected alignment, in effect, would
be a trade-off between these idealized criteria and the actual site conditions with due
consideration for technical and economic aspects.

2.10 Technology, Design and Layout

International Standard technology will be applied for the installation and procurement of the
goods and the equipment to ensure the minimum environmental impacts on the project area.
Labour based technology will be adopted during project construction. These technologies will
emphasise on utilizing locally available materials. There are a number of transmission line
powers such as 11 kV, 132/220 kV, etc. Since the power carrying is small and 33 kV T/L is
enough. 33 kV T/L acquires minimum right of way whereas 132 kV T/L acquires 9 m right of
way on each sides. From the economic and technologies point of view, development of such
project is most feasible and appropriate for such hydropower.

2.11 Time Schedules and Procedure

While considering the time schedule, necessary sequencing of civil construction activity and
installation of electro-mechanical activity during the construction work will be done. Other
factors which need to be included are consideration of the optimal timing for making access to
the project pole site, and clearance of land for construction sites.

2.12 No Project Option

Chautara-Sindhupalchok 33 kV Sub Transmission Line

This alternative will prevent the implementation of the project and therefore will forfeit the
beneficial impacts identified in chapter 5 of this document. This proposal aims to link the
substation constructed by NEA in order to minimize the load shedding. The implementation of
proposed project will ensure electrification program around the area. This will likely increase
electricity and it will enhance in increasing socio-economic conditions of the local people
through establishing small and large factories, employment opportunities and income generation
activities. There will also be possibilities of establishment of small – medium scale industries.
Small area of forest does fall on direct project zone. Unstable slopes will be further stabilized as
part of construction. The no action option will prevent some of the environmental adverse
impacts at the cost of isolation.

2.13 General Features of the Routes

The Table 7 given below shows the comparison of three possible route alignments and recommends for
the best one. However, the best route shall be finalized after doing the reconnaissance survey.

Chautara-Sindhupalchok 33 kV Sub Transmission Line

Table 3
Comparison of the Possible Routes
SN Items Route-1 Route-2 Route-3
1 Total Length in Km around 15 13 around 17
2 Access Facility More
Less accessible Partly accessible
3 Crossing of Existing Lines
4 Crossings of River/Streams/Nala 2 2 2
5 No. of VDCs 6 5 6
6 No. of Settlements Crossings 0 0 0
7 Marshy and Unstable Area
8 No. of Road/Highway Crossings 2 2 2
9 Forest area in length - - -
10 Environmental Impacts
11 Advantages More road
crossings, no More road
forest area but, crossings, only
More road
since line 3.5 km line passes
crossings, only
passes through through forest
7 km line passes
settlement area area, line avoids
through forest
near Simpani settlement area
area, line avoids
there is near Simpani so
settlement area
possibility of there is less
disputes at possibility of
different places disputes etc
12 Disadvantages around 1.5 km
more chances line length less
line length
of Disputes than other.
Order of Priority II III I

Chautara-Sindhupalchok 33 kV Sub Transmission Line

2.14 Recommended Alignment

From the map study, certain difficulties were observed along the Route-1. Primary difficulties
among those are the following:

i. The access road is quite far for most of the section of the route alignment.
ii. There are more number of angle points with longer transmission line length in this
iii. There are three major Settlement crossings in the routes.
iv. The line also crosses lots of road crossings in the route.
v. there are more chances of disputes at Simpani near Kubhinde VDC.

Similarly there are also some difficulties in the Main Route. Primary difficulties among those are
the following:

i. The line passes over 3.5 km of forest area.

ii. There are more number of angle points with longest transmission line length in this

Based on the exercise carried out in this study and comparison made within the identified route,
it is fair to recommend that the Main route is best route with some modifications. It appears to be
more suitable as it satisfied most of the selected criteria listed above. As a result, modified
versions of these routes were selected for the reconnaissance survey and detailed survey.
However, this needed to be verified during the reconnaissance.

Chautara-Sindhupalchok 33 kV Sub Transmission Line



As per practice, preliminary route selection is done by desk study. On such documents as the
followed by field verification through walkover survey. All possible steps are taken to avoid the
route alignment through forests. In cases where it becomes unavoidable due to the geography
alignment is made in such a way that the forest is the minimum

For the selection of the optimum route, the following points are taken into consideration:

I. The route of the proposed transmission lines does not involve any human rehabilation.
II. Any monument of cultural or historical importance is not getting affected.
III. The route does not create any threat to the survival of any community.
IV. It doesnot affect any public utility service like playground, School, Other establishments,
V. It doesnot pass through any sanctuaries, national Part etc.
VI. It doesnot fringe with area of natural resources.

3.1 Methodology Adopted for IEE Study

The IEE study of 33 kv TL of Chautara-Lamusangu 33 kV TL shall be carried out according to

the EPR 1997 and its amendments.

3.1.1 Desk study and literature review

Secondary information is collected by reviewing relevant documents during the study period.
Information related to physical environment such as geographical location and land use patterns
is obtained by using topographic map, Google earth map and engineering maps as well as district
profile of Sindhupalchok and Profile of Nepal published by Intensive Study and Research
Center. The biological information of flora and fauna is obtained from reviewing relevant articles
published from Department of Forest and also by using forest inventory techniques as outlined in
Community Forestry Inventory Guidelines. Information on community forest will be collected
from reviewing operational plan of community forests (CF). Additionally, protected species of
the project area was tallied with the protected species' list of GoN. The socio-economic
information such as demographic pattern, social service centers, religion, occupation, etc is
obtained by secondary data collection, reviewing documents published by Central Bureau of
Statistics (CBS), district profile, other project related documents and consultation to local people
by phone. Existing policies, legislation, and guidelines related to project construction is reviewed
and documented for the preparation of IEE report.

3.1.2 Data requirement, Collection and Analysis

Field survey is carried out for few days to collect the baseline information on physical,
biological, socio-economic, and cultural environment of the project area. Different methods
applied for baseline data are walkover survey, interviews for PAFs (pole occupied HHs), and
focus group discussion. The local body officials (VDCs), community forest user groups of both

Chautara-Sindhupalchok 33 kV Sub Transmission Line

VDCs, schools, local NGOs, etc. will be consulted to obtain information on socio-economic
activities of project area. Physical Environment

Data on physical environment such as land use pattern, landslide, slope stability, soil type,
climatological data, and air/ noise quality data will be collected. The information on physical
environment was collected by direct observation, interviews/FGD, literatures, maps, and walk
through survey and use of Hand-GPS. Project feasibility report is also used for technical
information. The project activity sites (poles locations, wire lines, material storage places,
campsite etc) is surveyed in closed association in the field to get an actual knowledge of the
construction activities. Walkover/direct observation survey was done to gather information on
river condition, land use pattern, land stability, air, noise, etc. Hand GPS is also used to take the
temperature, elevation, area, distance, pressure etc. Biological Environment

A brief description of methodologies used during the field visit to find out the biological
information is given in the following headings:

Vegetation Survey
Composition and distribution pattern of vegetation and forest types in the project area will be
investigated in the field. A checklist is prepared to collect the list of species during the field
survey. The local plant species are identified at field level and the scientific names of the species
were later identified with the help of the book “Dictionary of Nepalese Plants Name” (Shrestha,

Vegetation Analysis: The density, basal area and volume of trees in the actual impact areas such
as the RoW, pole erection areas will be analyzed by adequate sampling in representative transect
stands at selected sampling sites. Altogether five (5) sampling plots, each of 400 sq. m (20 m X
20 m), were taken for quantitative analysis of vegetation. This represents 10.6 % of total forest
area along the entire TL alignment. In each plot, tree species were identified, and the diameter of
each tree equals or exceeding 10 cm at breast height (dbh) were measured by using measuring
tape. Diameter at breast height is considered as 1.3 meter above the ground level. The height of
each tree and canopy cover of the forest was estimated by visual observation. For enumeration of
seedlings and saplings, a plot of 10 m X 10 m was made within the 20 m X 20 m. plot and their
number noted down species wise. Similarly occurrence and distribution pattern of shrubs and
herbs species available in and around the sample plots and along the route alignment were

The basal area and volume of trees was calculated using following formulae: Basal Area (BA) =
π (dbh/2)2 Wood volume of standing tree = 1/2 × BA× Height/ Where; BA= basal area, dbh =
diameter of tree at breast height

Density: Density is usually expressed as the number of species per hectare, and is calculated for
large plants having discrete individuals. The following formula has been used to calculate the
density/ha for a species: Density=10,000 n/a x p Where, n=Number of plants of a species
counted in all sample plots a=Area (m2) of one sample plot & p=Number of sample plots In
Chautara-Sindhupalchok 33 kV Sub Transmission Line

addition, the biomass of each species is calculated using the general method given in Annex 4.3
of ‘Community Forest Resource Inventory Guidelines, 2061’. Based on this information, loss of
regeneration (saplings and seedlings), loss of vegetation (pole and tree class), species wise
standing wood volume and biomass is calculated. In this report, trees having 30 cm diameter at
breast height (dbh) and more than that are referred as tree sized, trees having 10 to 29.9 cm dbh
are referred as pole sized, trees having 4.0 to 9.9 cm dbh are considered as saplings and having
less than 4.0 cm dbh are considered as seedlings (Forest Rule, 1995).

The status of endangered and protected plant species was categorized after tallying the species
with International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red Data book, CITES Appendixes
and the list of protected plant species of GoN listed in the Forest Regulation, 2052. Based on the
final data and on its analysis the impacts, both positive and negative, were identified and their
magnitude predicted.

Ethno botany:

The socially useful and commercially important timbers as well as Non Timber Forest Products
(NTFPs) of the project area were investigated by an ethno botanical survey. For this purpose,
local information on their utilities was recorded by interviewing the relevant local informants. A
checklist was used to get the ethno-botanical information of the project area.

Wildlife survey:

Primary data on the wildlife was collected by direct observation (sighting and counting methods)
and by interviewing the local elderly people and members of FUGs. Data recorded from the field
were compared with the secondary sources and the species list was tallied with the list of
endangered and protected species of Nepal availed in CITES Appendices, IUCN Red Data Book,
and the National Park and Wildlife Conservation Act, 1973. Meeting, Interaction and Group
Discussion with Forest User Groups The meetings, interviews and discussions were held with
the members of Forest User’s Groups, local peoples, officials of District Forest Office in order to
collect information on the availability of flora & fauna, dependency of local people on forest
resources, availability of Non-Timber Forest Products and other forest and biodiversity related
issues in the project affected areas. During the group meetings and discussions, participants were
introduced about the project features, potential impact on the environment, various mitigation
and enhancement measures likely to be adopted during construction and operation phase of the
project. The issues raised during meetings were discussed and recorded. Socio-economic and Cultural Environment

Data requirement for the socio-economic and cultural environment are categorized as follows:
Information on demography, houses and settlements, education, health and sanitation,
infrastructure, economy, land ownership fallen in category-A (for poles), gender, culture,
language, ritual, etc. in the route of TL.

Data collection methods

Socio-economic information is collected by using

• Walkover survey/Observation
Chautara-Sindhupalchok 33 kV Sub Transmission Line

• Interviewing with the local people

• Focus Group Discussion with concerned stake holders, VDCs and community groups
• VDC/Municipality & CBS data

Walkover survey is done to collect information on settlement pattern, agricultural pattern, and
infrastructures in and along the alignment. Interview was conducted to obtain information on
socio-economic and cultural environment like demography, ethnicity, education, health and
sanitation, drinking water condition, irrigation facility, local traditions, religion, land holding
pattern, income and expenditure and to acquire their perception towards proposed project, etc.
Whereas focus group discussions will be held at main places like, Lamusangu, Andheri, Balefi,
Simle, Simpani, Talchaur and Baspati by interacting with local people and stakeholders to collect
information on impact of land/settlement, agriculture, information on Project affected families
(PAFs, families whose land or property falls under alignment) and to obtain suggestions and
comments from all relevant stakeholders through Public Notice also to check and verify other
information. Interview with few HHs (whose land was fallen on pole) will be conducted
regarding their socio-economic condition and project impacts. Secondary sources such as VDC
profile and CBS data were also used for collecting of demographic data. Data Analysis

Data obtained from the surveys conducted in the field on physical, biological, socio-economic
and cultural environment are processed and analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. These data
are analyzed and interpreted in narrative form as appropriate and they are included at appropriate
chapters in the IEE report. The collected data are used to establish the baseline condition of the
project area. The obtained data are used to predict the change on physical, biological and socio-
economic and cultural environment of the project area due to implementation of the proposed
project. In many cases, expert’s judgments are used for analysis and prediction. After identify the
impacts and its levels, appropriate environmental protection measures (EPMs) are fixed.

3.1.3 Impact identification and Prediction

Primary and secondary data collected are processed through commonly used methods. Available
maps were interpreted. Socio-economic, cultural, physical, biological information were
tabulated. The information was cross-checked and analyzed. The data was processed using
computer-based spreadsheet (Excel) and presented in tabular and pictorial formats and statistical
tools were used. To assess the impact on physical, biological, socio-economic and cultural
environment a simple matrix containing magnitude, extent and duration of the impact was
prepared (shown in mitigation chapter). Accordingly the impacts are categorized as high,
moderate and low in terms of magnitude of impacts; site-specific, local and regional in terms of
extent of impacts and short term, medium term and long term in term of duration of impacts.

Chautara-Sindhupalchok 33 kV Sub Transmission Line

Criteria for rating the impacts are prepared based on available literature and the professional
experience. The detail of assessment criteria is given below:

Magnitude of Impact

The magnitude of impact is determined on the basis of each potential impact's severity and
reversibility. If the impacts are reversible, it indicates the potential rate of recovery the impact is
considered as Low impact (Lo). If the impact is of significant and as well as of considerable
magnitude then the impact is considered as Moderate Impact (M) and the impact is a High
Impact (H) if the impact is of severe nature both in significance as well as in magnitude like
relocation of houses, temple and other historical monuments.

Extent of impact The spatial extent or the zone of influence of the impact should always be
determined. If the impact is limited to project site or area, the impact is considered as Site-
specific (S) only. If the impact of the project extends to the watershed alone, the impact is
considered as Local (L) and the impact is considered as Regional (R) if the impact of the project
extends beyond the watershed. Similarly, if the resources are affected at National scale it is
known as a national impact (N).

Duration of impact Environmental impact has a temporal dimension and needs to be considered
at different phases of the project cycle. An impact that generally lasts for only 3 years after
project initiation may be classified as short-term (St); an impact that continues for more than 3
years but less than 20 years may be considered as medium- term (Mt) and an impact that lasts
beyond 20 years is considered to be long- term (Lt). Information on existing flora and fauna and
their inventory was obtained from interaction with local people of the project area. A vegetation
survey by direct counting method at each of the project component site was conducted for
calculation of forest loss. Ethno-botanical information was obtained from interviews, FGDs, HH
surveys. Socio-economic and cultural environment of the project area was analyzed through
collection and analysis of primary and secondary data. These included literature review,
interviews, focus group discussions, Household survey, soliciting suggestions and comments
from all relevant stakeholders through Public Notice. Socio-economic data is analyzed by using
Microsoft excel.

3.1.4 Data Processing

Primary and secondary data collected were processed through commonly used methods.
Available maps were interpreted. Socio-economic, cultural, physical, biological information
were tabulated. The information was cross-checked and analyzed. The data was processed using
computer-based spreadsheet, SPSS program and presented in tabular and pictorial formats.

3.1.5 Public consultation

According to Rule 7 (1) of EPR, a 15 days Public Notice requesting written opinions from
concerned stakeholders, local people and institutions on possible impacts from implementation
of the proposed project will be published on a national daily newspaper.

Chautara-Sindhupalchok 33 kV Sub Transmission Line

3.1.6 Preparation of the Report

Appropriate beneficial impacts maximization measure and adverse impacts mitigation measures
have been prepared based on the analysis of impacts and their nature. Such measures were based
on site specific issues, past experience on similar projects and expert judgments. Monitoring plan
for the implementation of mitigation measures was prepared. Based on the above, Environmental
Management Plan (EMP) have been prepared including defined activities, their impacts,
mitigation measures, their methodology, implementation schedule, responsible implementing
and supervisory agency to implement such measures and cost for mitigation and monitoring
activities. This report has been prepared including above said details in the format prescribed in
Schedule pertaining to rule 7 of the EPR.

Chautara-Sindhupalchok 33 kV Sub Transmission Line


The preliminary consideration for design and estimation of transmission lines are on
walkover/ Preliminary survey based upon topographical map/ forest map of Nepal. Also
type of terrain, i.e. plain, hilly, forest stretch etc. likely to be encountered has been taken
into consideration while estimating the quantities.


1. General

1.1 These specifications together with the Construction Standards shall govern the
performance of the Works and shall be the basis for inspection and acceptance of the
Works by the NEA.

1.2 These specifications and the Construction Standards shall be considered as mutually
inclusive, and the conditions stated in each shall supplement the other as appropriate.

1.1 All these specifications shall be followed at all times by the Contractor unless
specifically accepted in writing by the NEA, or unless some aspects of the work
covered by these specifications are not required by the scope of work.

2. Route of Circuits

2.1 The line routes shown on line route drawings are provisional and subject to
finalization by the Contractor. To the greatest extent practicable, all overhead circuits
should be located along streets or traveled ways ordained by the Village Development
Committee or required authority as public property, except as required for service drops
and circuits to individual consumers.

2.2 To the greatest extent practicable, all facilities should be located on public property,
and in no case shall private property be occupied unless specifically authorized by the

3. Surveys and Staking

3.1 All structures should be located at the outer limits of public property along streets or
travelled ways. Structures should also be located along streets at property lines of
adjacent private property. Structures and stays running parallel or perpendicular to the
line route shall not block portions of streets, travelled ways, drives, passages, or gates.

3.2 All structures shall be so located as to reduce, to the greatest extent practicable,
obstacles to pedestrian and vehicular traffic.

Chautara-Sindhupalchok 33 kV Sub Transmission Line

3.3 Where underground facilities are indicated by surface conditions, or where such
facilities can be located, structures and stays shall be so located as to avoid conflict with
such facilities during construction.

3.4 All structure and stay lead locations shall be staked. At points of intersection (PI) of
tangent line sections, steel rebar stakes shall be used to locate the PI. A minimum of
two (2) side sightings will be made at each PI to permit re-location of PI in the event of
stake removal. All structure locations in tangent line sections shall be staked.

3.5 All distances between structures, and other necessary measurements of length, shall be
measured to accuracy of 0.1 meter and all angles shall be determined by transit to an
accuracy of 0.1 decimal degree. All elevations shall be measured to an accuracy of 0.1 meter
by means acceptable to the NEA.

3.6 All measuring and staking activity shall be accomplished by personnel with experience in
survey procedures; and standard survey equipment acceptable to the NEA, shall be used to
perform the survey work. Field survey notes covering all survey work shall be produced and
maintained and shall be returned to the NEA at the time of submission of final PCS report.
The format of proposed survey notes shall be submitted to the NEA for approval.

3.7 Survey work shall include centerline and structure location and staking; determination of
overhead and side clearings of other structures, wires, and obstacles; area surveys and
plotting; and centerline profiles of terrain; as directed by the NEA.

4. Technical Documentation

4.1 All technical documentation as specified herein shall be prepared by the Contractor. The
Contractor shall employ skilled drafting personnel to produce all documentation specified.
All technical documentation prepared by the Contractor shall be subject to the approval of
the NEA prior to acceptance by the NEA of such documentation. All technical
documentation shall be prepared in the English language.

4.2 Documentation shall be prepared using the following mediums:

(a) A4 Size of paper shall be used to produce the base Structure Data Sheet (SDS) and A1
size of drawing papers for As-Built Drawings and other drawings specified by the NEA.

The scale for drawing shall be 1:5000.

A1 594 mm x 841 mm (23.39" x 33.11")

A4 210 mm x 297 mm (8.27" x 11.69")

(b) Computerized geographical information system shall be used to produce small area
plotting, profiles of line-sections and centerline plotting necessary for the development of
SDS and As-Built Drawings.

Chautara-Sindhupalchok 33 kV Sub Transmission Line

4.3 SDS shall be prepared as specified in , Preamble to Price Schedules by the Contractor
showing his proposed construction details for erection of facilities in accordance with the
Construction Standards. The SDS shall be prepared after the centerline survey and staking is
completed, for any line section designated by NEA, and shall be submitted to NEA for
approval prior to any construction of the facilities shown in SDS. Submission of SDS for
approval shall be in A4 size paper.

NEA may require any revisions to be made, at their sole discretion, prior to approval of the
SDS for construction. An approved and field checked SDS is required for all Construction
Units invoiced by the Contractor. The Contractor and NEA representative shall perform
Field checking of the SDS jointly. The SDS and As Built Plan are intended as permanent
records for NEA. Any construction performed prior to the Contractor’s receipt of approved
SDS from NEA shall be completely at the Contractor’s risk, and NEA shall have the right to
require any correction due to the un-approved construction activities.

4.4 As-Built Drawings shall be prepared in the general format provided by the NEA.
Drawing size shall be approximately 841 x 594 mm overall and the scale shall be 1:5000.
The NEA shall provide any available environmental background data for inclusion on the
various drawings and the Contractor shall record (in ink) all facilities As Built.

4.5 The Contractor shall prepare other technical drawings, in the same medium and format as
the As- Built Drawings, for example As-Built Drawings index sheets, pole maps, and one
line diagrams as specified and required by the NEA.

4.6 The Contractor shall prepare and furnish Transformer Record documents, in the format
specified by the NEA, for each transformer installed.

5. Material Storage

5.1 The Contractor shall be responsible for storage of all materials and equipment delivered
by him for the work; and security of materials. The Contractor shall manage all labor,
equipment, and vehicles to load and transport said materials and equipment to the worksites.

5.2 Worksite

(a) Extended storage of materials along the routes of lines will not be permitted.

(b) Conductor reels may be spotted at the worksites for a short period prior to installation
provided that crating and reel lagging are intact to protect the items. Poles may be spotted at
structure locations for short periods prior to setting.

(c) All poles, and conductor placed at the worksites shall be located so that the items are not
subject to damage and do not impede pedestrian or vehicular traffic.

(d) Any damage caused by imprudent placement of equipment and materials by the
Contractor at the worksites shall be corrected by the Contractor, in a manner acceptable to
the NEA, at the Contractor’s cost.
Chautara-Sindhupalchok 33 kV Sub Transmission Line

5.3 Contractor's Storage Facility

The Contractor shall be financially responsible for the secure and proper storage of materials,
prior to installation of the materials and equipment, to prevent loss or damage to any
materials. However Contractor may use NEA sub-stations premises subject to approval of
concernNEA/Substation Authorities.

6. Poles and Cross Arms

6.1 Pole Numbering

Poles and structures shall be numbered in accordance with a numbering system provided by
NEA. Each pole shall be marked permanently through template with the assigned number.

6.2 Pole Framing

Pole and structures shall generally be framed in accordance with Construction Standards and
the construction SDS. Where special framing requirements are necessary, the Site Engineer or
Engineer shall provide framing instructions for the specific structure. Each cross-arm shall be
attached to the pole by a pole clamp or by machined bolts of sufficient length to pass
completely through the holes provided on the pole and cross-arms and receive their full
complement of nuts. Bolts of proper length shall be used. Excess nuts shall not be used to
make use of a bolt, which would otherwise be too long. The end of a machined bolt projecting
more than 3 centimeters beyond the nut shall be cut off to a length of 2 centimeters beyond
the nut. Each bolt, when installed, shall have its full complement of nuts. Washers shall be
used where specified in these standards. For wooden pole, bolted connection through wood
members should be drawn tight to allow for shrinkage of wood. Bolts should be pulled up so
that the wood is compressed but not so tight to break the wood fibers. Fiber breaks on the
surface of the pole increases probability of decay. During the erection work at the field there
may be necessity to modify galvanized steel hardware and may have to be drilled, reamed,
filed or cut. Under such a condition the area of the steel exposed, after these modifications,
shall be coated with a zinc rich paint to protect the steel from corrosion.

6.3 Excavation

All excavations made for the installation, or demolition, of facilities shall be accomplished in
a timely manner according to the scheduled installation. Required excavations shall be
opened, material installed, and backfill placed, as specified, in a continuing operation to the
greatest extent practicable. Any excavation left open during discontinuous construction, which
is accessible to the public or along public thoroughfare, shall be covered or barricaded, and
marked by suitable visual means, to prevent a public hazard. Excavations shall be properly
located and sized for the intended use. Pole and stay plate/ anchor excavations shall be
correctly sized to retain undisturbed soil to the greatest extent consistent with the means of
excavation. Pole holes shall be made by power-driven auger or by manual methods; power-
driven shovel equipment shall not be used. Pole holes shall be excavated to the specified depth
with no tolerance shallow and tolerance of ten (10) centimeters deep. The bottom of pole
holes shall be undisturbed soil, gravel or rock. Stay plate holes shall be excavated by manual
Chautara-Sindhupalchok 33 kV Sub Transmission Line

methods to specified depth with no disturbed soil in the direction of the anchor rod. All
excavations shall be backfilled with excavated material, or as specified for the installation.
Backfill shall be free of foreign materials and shall be well tamped with excess backfill graded
over the excavated area to prevent depressions resulting from eventual natural compaction.
The Contractor if so directed by NEA shall remove large amounts of excess backfill from the
site. If so directed by NEA, the Contractor shall provide suitable backfill materials for
excavations where existing removed materials is insufficient, or inappropriate, to provide
suitable grading of the excavated area.

6.4 Pole Setting

Poles shall be set in accordance with the appropriate Sections of the Construction Standards.
Each pole shall be assigned a unique construction number at the time of structure staking for
preliminary identification and preparation of SDS. Pole holes shall be dug large enough in
diameter to admit a tamping bar all around the periphery of the pole and shall have a uniform
dimension as per the type of pole used at the top and bottom. Poles shall be planted in the
ground to the depth specified in construction. Drawings before planting a pole, the bottom of
the hole made for planting the pole, shall be cleaned of free soil and firmly tamped, to prevent
the hole from settling. The stability of a pole, particularly a pole without stay, is greatly
influenced by the size of the pole hole, the nature of the soil and the care exercised in back
filling and tamping. Two active hand tampers and one slow shovel shall result in good
compaction. Poles shall be set to stand perpendicular except at terminals, angles and other
points of excessive strain where they shall be given a rake not to exceed 10 centimeters
against the direction of strain. Poles located at the sides of banks or other locations, where
washouts may occur, shall be protected by suitable cribbing, or shall be referred to the
Engineer for recommended action. After the pole is in position and the hole is back filled and
tamped, soil shall be piled and packed firmly around the pole. Pole setting shall be inspected
prior to acceptance and any back fills that have sunk shall be refilled. Where it is necessary to
set poles at locations where the soil has very low bearing value, or in swampy conditions, a
pole may be fitted with a bog shoe in accordance with construction drawings the engineer may
specify that type of construction. Poles located in shallow riverbeds shall be protected by
gabions as designated by the Site Engineer or Engineer. Gabions should be approximately 2
meters x 1 meter x 1 meter. Four such gabions are required for each pole. Set pole and pour
860 mm diameter foundation as per construction standard construction drawing. Level areas
around pole and set gabions in pattern shown in construction drawing. It is important to lace
adjacent gabions together along the perimeter of all contact surfaces. Fill gabions with hard,
durable, clean stone, 100 mm to 200 mm in size in three layers. Install two connecting wires
at each layer. Lace gabion lids securely making certain all edges are closed. Fill void between
pole and gabion with hard, durable, clean rock 200 mm minimum size.

7. Stays

7.1 Stay leads specified in construction documents are defined as the horizontal distance from
the centerline of the pole at ground line to the point where the anchor rod should enter the
ground assuming the ground to be level. For the correction in stay leads for uneven ground see
construction drawing. The Engineer, upon request, may designate the actual location of stay
anchor rods on slope of hills. The stay stake indicates the point where the anchor rod enters
the ground. The anchor hole shall be dug accordingly. The attachment of one stay shall not
Chautara-Sindhupalchok 33 kV Sub Transmission Line

overlap that of another stay when 2 or more stays are carried to a pole or anchor. Each shall be
entirely independent of the other. This does not prevent the use of multiple eye rods for nuts
designed for such use. All stays to be installed on a pole line shall be placed and drawn
reasonably taut before the conductors are tensioned. After the conductors are tensioned and
sagged to their final position, the stays shall be carefully inspected to see that each is carrying
its share of the load on the pole as intended. If multiple stays are not carrying equal strain, the
slack stay shall be pulled up until it is sharing load as intended.

Stay anchors must be installed full depth and set to pull against undisturbed soil to develop
full tension. An anchor not properly installed will move and allow movement of the top of the
pole, thus slacking the conductors. Stay anchors installed in soft or unstable earth shall be
placed at specified depth and back filled with 5 cm. maximum size crushed stone placed to a
depth of 1 meter from the bottom of the pole.

7.2 Installation of Stays

Where stays are installed on a line angle structure, line of stay shall bisect the outside line
angle. The span of stay extending between poles shall not be greater than 60 meter. Anchor
and anchor rods shall be set so that the axis of the rod and line of stay shall be straight. The
portion of the anchor rod above the ground shall not be bent at an angle to connect a stay wire.
If this occurs, anchor and anchor rod shall be reset. The anchor rod shall not be exposed for
more than 15 centimeters above the ground after the anchor is set. If gravel back fill is
required to set anchor in soft or unstable soil, as per construction drawing the Contractor will
have to carry out the gravel back fill as directed by Engineer. If a stay is installed on a pole
where low voltage conductor is dead ended or double dead ended and extends past stay, a
piece of plastic hose slit along the length shall be placed over the stay wire extending from the
upper stay attachment to 200 mm below lowest low voltage conductor. After installation, the
hose shall be wrapped with plastic tape and the hose shall be secured to the upper stay bolt
with tie wire.

7.3 Stay Insulators

Stay insulators shall be installed on all stays in accordance with the construction drawings.

8. Conductor

ACSR conductor DOG 100 mm2 shall be used for 33,11, overhead lines.

8.1 Sagging

Conductors shall be sagged in accordance with the sag chart specified by these specifications.
The importance of careful sagging of conductors cannot be over emphasized. Conductors have
definite characteristic that control their behavior resulting from changes of temperature, wind
speed and additional load due to ice or wet snow. Conductors must not be sagged too tightly
(less than specified sag) as unspecified extra tensions may result in failure of conductor
structure. Conductors sagged too loosely (more than specified sag) may contact adjacent

Chautara-Sindhupalchok 33 kV Sub Transmission Line

conductors hardware or any structure. Excess sag can reduce clearance beneath the line with
the ground to the point of danger.

8.2 Sag Charts

Unless otherwise noted, all sag charts are calculated on the basis of 35 kg/m2 wind pressure.
Sag is always measured vertically, without wind, when conductors are being installed or
resagged. Unless otherwise specified by the Site Engineer or Engineer for a specific condition,
initial or stringing sag shall be applied to the installation of all new unstressed conductors.
The initial sag is always less than the final sag. The most practical method of obtaining the
correct sag is by sighting between two adjacent structures. Choose the structure, which is
reasonably near the same elevation
Sags for the various temperatures shall be furnished by the Engineer in a table form for spans
not covered by the sag chart. In order to ascertain the sag for a given stringing temperature,
select the point corresponding to the proper temperature on the scale on the left-hand side of
the sag chart. Lay a straight edge so that it passes through this point and the point of the center
scale representing the length of span to be sagged. The straight edge will then indicate the
proper stringing sag on the right-hand scale. Interpolate if the temperature of span is not
exactly the same as designated on the chart. The low voltage neutral conductor shall be sagged
with the same sag as the low voltage phase conductor. If the low voltage conductor, as a
group, has less design sag than the high voltage phase conductor installed above it, the low
voltage conductor, as a group, shall be installed to the same sag as the high voltage conductors
installed above. The sag of pre stressed conductors such as installed with a tensioning
machine shall be specified by the Engineer for the job.

8.3 Stringing

All cable grip used for the installation of conductors shall be of the type designed to prevent
injury to the conductor. Attach targets to each structure at a distance below each point of the
support of conductor equal to the required sag. Sight from one target to the other. The line of
sight between targets may be horizontal or inclined. Draw the conductor up to the proper sag,
which will be reached when its lowest point will be in line with the target. Where terrain and /
or length of span in such that the targets would fall below the ground line, the difference in
elevation between the lower conductor attachment and the lowest point of sag, sag below
lowest support will be furnished by the engineer in the tabular form. The dynamometers and
similar apparatus shall be used for tensioning of conductor to obtain appropriate sagging of
conductors. Dynamometer shall be used only when the sight method is not feasible.
Dynamometer shall be checked for accuracy before using. For stringing of ACSR conductors
of all sizes, stringing rollers or roller shall be used to support the conductor as it is pulled out
and sagged. Stringing rollers shall be used regardless of size of aluminum conductors, bare or
covered. Stringing rollers shall be suspended at each insulator support position so that the
conductor shall roll smoothly over the roller-protecting conductor from any physical damage.
Stringing sheaves shall have a diameter at least 20 times the conductor diameter and so
finished as to prevent damage of any kind to the conductor as it is pulled through the sheaves.
Conductor drum shall be located at as ufficient distance from the first structure to avoid
excessive bending of the conductor over the sheaves and excessive downward loading on the
cross-arms. Attention shall be paid to the fact that all sag charts contained herein for ACSR
conductors are calculated on the basis of non pre-stressed conductor. For this reason, at no
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time during the stringing or sagging operation, shall conductors of this type be pulled to sag,
which are less than those shown by the charts. Special care shall be taken at all times to
prevent the conductor from becoming kinked, twisted or abraded in any manner. Where it is
necessary to drag conductors on the ground, the conductors shall be protected by covering all
stones or other objects, which might damage the conductor with boughs or trees or suitable
pieces of lumber. These requirements are especially important when ACSR conductor is being
handled on river crossing spans. Floats with rollers shall be used to prevent the conductor
from dragging along the river bottom.
In stringing conductors across highways, the conductors shall be fully protected from passing
vehicles by use of temporary guard structures.

8.4. Damaged Conductor

Damaged conductors shall be repaired by using a repair sleeve provided that no more than 2
strands of the outer aluminum layer are damaged and further provided that none of the sleeve
core strands are damaged. For a conductor damaged in excess of the above conditions, the
damaged section of the conductor shall be cut out and a tension splice installed. When cutting
out damaged section of conductor, no more than 1 tension splice shall be permitted in a span
and no splice is made within 8 meters of an insulator attachment.

8.5 Sag Error

Sag error shall not exceed ± 40 mm from the sag defined by the sag chart.

8.6. Conductor Attachment

Conductors shall be secured to pin insulators with pre-formed conductor ties or with tie wire.
Insulator ties, except at jumper supports in structures, shall be made with pre-formed ties
when available. Conductors shall be connected to dead end assemblies with tension set.

8.7 Line Splices for Tensioning and Looping

Cleaned and polished contact surfaces are necessary to make conductor splices so that it shall
remain free from trouble. Great care shall be taken to completely clean the strands of
aluminum conductor. The splicing sleeve must be centered over the conductor ends before
compressing to make a splice of required strength. Appropriate sleeve shall be used for
splicing ACSR conductors prior to installation. The outer strands of aluminum shall be
carefully cleaned with a wire brush to remove all foreign matter till the aluminum shines
brightly. The cleaning applies to both new and old conductors. The manufacturer pre-filled
with inhibitor compound supplies splicing sleeves for aluminum conductor. Splices in line
conductors shall be so located that the end of the splicing sleeve is at least 30 cm from the end
of a suspension or dead end clamp. Non-tension loops, such as between dead ends, shall be
spliced with a connector when the conductors are of same metal and size.

8.8 Connectors

Cleaned and polished contact surfaces are necessary to make electrical connections that will
be free from trouble. Tap connectors are supplied by manufacturers pre-filled with inhibitor
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compound. Excess inhibitor compound shall not to be removed but it shall be wiped over the
connector as a moisture seal. Connectors shall not be covered or taped. Compression
connectors shall be located in such a manner that there shall be at least 30 cm of conductor
between the end of the connector and the end of a dead end Connectors shall be installed on
non-tensioned portion of the conductor such as loops in preference to the conductor in the
span. Connectors installed on conductor shall be located in a span adjacent to the crossing
rather than the crossing span when practicable. Aluminum compression connectors, pre-filled
with inhibitor compound, shall be compressed on the cleaned area of aluminum conductor.
Where necessary, inhibitor compound shall be applied to the cleaned conductor and connector
before assembly. Aluminum compression connectors shall be used for connecting aluminium-
to-aluminium conductors.

8.9 Conductor Accessories

Pre-Formed Ties and Grips

Taps for jumpers and services shall not be made over the legs of ties or dead end grips.

Pin Insulator Ties

Pin insulator ties are of 2 types:

a. With single top grooves: Single top ties may be used to turn line angles to 7 degrees where
single insulators are permitted. Please refer construction drawing for specific applications.

b. With side grooves with specific size of ties for specific conductor in each tie style:
Specific usage is dictated by insulator pin loading and use of single insulators as specified in
construction drawing.

Shackle Insulator Ties

Shackle insulator ties are furnished in one type with specific size of ties for specific
conductor. Shackle ties may be used to turn line angles at 20 degree. At the line angles, the
conductor shall be located on the side of the vertically installed shackle insulator that causes
the conductor to be forced against the shackle insulator. Angle loading shall not be imposed
on the ties itself. Preformed Stay Wire Binder Preformed stay wire binder for stay wire are
furnished as per construction drawing. Preformed stay wire binder are right hand lay.
Preformed stay wire binder may be removed and replaced up to 3 times, when initially
installed, to permit adjustment of stay tension. When applying ties or grips the
manufacturer’s identification tag and colour coding shall be checked to insure that the tie or
grip is the right unit specified for application on the specific conductor or wire strand.
Perform for stay wire are furnished with 2 crossover markings. When applying preform on
hardware, the grip shall be installed using the crossover point closest to the loop of the grip.
Compression Fittings Full tension conductor splices and repair sleeves are furnished for all
conductors to be installed.

Chautara-Sindhupalchok 33 kV Sub Transmission Line

a. Full Tension Conductor Splice

Full-tension spliced for ACSR conductor is provided in a 2/1-piece unit. Full tension
conductor splices will develop full conductivity of the conductor and a minimum of 95% of
the rated conductor breaking strength. Please see construction drawing for splicing

b. Repair Sleeves

Conductor repair sleeves are furnished for all conductors to be used to restore the rated current
carrying capacity of conductors with broken strands. Repair splices have no tension rating.

8.10 PG Clamps

PG clamps are furnished in a full range of sizes for application in the non-tension connection
in 33, 11 kV circuits. The PG clamps are designed for general use in making tap and jumper
connections of various types. In all applications of PG clamp fittings, the conductor metal
shall be wire-brushed to a bright condition to remove surface oxidation on the conductor.

8.11 Application

When applying ties or grips the manufacturer’s identification tag and colour coding shall be
checked to insure that the tie or grip is the right unit specified for application on the specific
conductor or wire strand. Preformed for stay wire are furnished with 2 crossover markings.
When applying preformed on hardware, the grip shall be installed using the crossover point
closest to the loop of the grip. In all applications of PG clamp fittings, the conductor metal
shall be wire-brushed to a bright condition to remove surface oxidation on the conductor.

8.12 Line Construction

Arrangement of Conductor The standard position of 33 kV phase conductors on the cross-arm

in the normal triangular configuration looking from the normal source of power supply shall
be seen as: Red (R) on top of the pole, Yellow (Y) on right hand end of the cross-arm and
Blue (B) on left hand end of the cross arm. Attachments to Poles Boltholes are provided on
poles for cross-arms, cross-arm braces and stay bolts. Conductor Ties Pre-formed ties and
grips shall be used for attaching conductors to structures when available.

If pre-formed materials are not available, the wire shall be soft conductor so that when made
up, the tie wire will bind the conductor tightly. No tie wire shall be used for a second time. Tie
wire shall be of the same metal as that of the bare conductor to which the tie is applied.
Conductor Support The conductor supports on straight lines shall be carried on the top wire
groove of the pin insulator. Conductors shall be attached to the side conductor groove of pin
insulator on the outside of angles so that transverse conductor tension will tend to hold the
conductor in the insulator groove. Conductor ties shall not hold a conductor on the insulator
when uplift exists. If uplift is found, it is required to consult with the Site Engineer or the
Engineer to determine remedial action to be taken.

Chautara-Sindhupalchok 33 kV Sub Transmission Line

8.13 Pole Wiring

All taps or connections passing from one level to another on the pole shall, as far as possible,
be vertical. Connections shall have sufficient length so that the line conductors are not moved
from normal positions and normal movement is not restricted. Connections shall have at least
30 centimeters clearance from other conductors. Any connection carried from one side of the
pole to the other side shall be supported on pin insulators.

9. Installation Criteria

9.1 The line alignment should be as straight as possible to minimize requirements for stays.

The basic span shall be maintained within the following limits:-

33 KV line: 50 m

9.2 The entire construction works shall be performed as per the construction units specified.
Whenever the construction unit does not cover any specific activity, the Contractor and the
Employee shall mutually settle the cost as per the man-hour involvement for the same and
according to the labor rate quoted by the Contractor in his Bid.

9.3 Detailed schedules of material to be used are provided in each structure drawing of the
construction standards. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to judge the
appropriateness of the listed material according to the site conditions. If there is any need for
addition/reduction or deviation from the listed material size/quantity, the Contractor shall ask
the Employee for the approval of the same.

9.4 All types of line clearances shall be maintained as per the construction standards provided
to the Contractor. Deviations from the standards may be allowed only for unique or special

9.5 Safety rules of the NEA shall be strictly observed at all times by the Employee and the
Contractor and their personnel. Special care shall be taken to maintain the optimum conductor
sag to provide adequate safety to the construction and the property or people.

9.6 All fastenings (e.g. preforms, nut bolts, stays and the like) shall be so installed that the
constructed line components shall not fail to remain within the safety margin while maximum
working load is applied. If the Contractor requires clarification of any construction standard or
unit or he feels any doubt in his interpretation of construction activities he should clarify the
points with the Employee in writing and the decision thus made shall be valid for further work.
In the case where the break angle exceeds the above values the Contractor shall make dead end
at the angle structure and use disc insulator fittings.

11. Installation of Stays

11.1 The Contractor, in general, shall install at least one stay for the supports in the following

Chautara-Sindhupalchok 33 kV Sub Transmission Line

(a) Dead end structure

(b) Tee-off (Tap) structure

c) Double H- pole structure

11.2 Stay may not be installed in the following conditions

HV Line (33 kV) with 13 or 11 m Pole

a) - Conductor 3x150 mm2

- Span 45 m (max)

- Break angle: 4 deg.

b) - Conductor 3x100 mm2

- Span 75 m (max)
- Break angle: 4 deg.

c) - Conductor 3x50 mm2

- Span 75 m (max)
- Break angle: 5.5 deg.

d) - Conductor 3x30 mm2

- Span 75 m (max)
- Break angle: 6.5 deg.

Composite (HV +LV) line with 11 m pole

a) - Conductor 3x100 mm2 HV; 3x50 mm2+30 mm2 LV

- Span 40 m (max)
- Break angle: 2 deg.

b) - Conductor 3x50 mm2 HV; 3x30 mm2+1x30 mm2 LV

- Span 50 m (max)
- Break angle: 2.5 deg.

For conditions different from the above, the Contractor shall provide calculations showing the
number of stays necessary and get approval from NEA prior to installation.

Chautara-Sindhupalchok 33 kV Sub Transmission Line

B. Construction Unit

33kV Supports, Insulators and Hardware

This Construction unit is for the supply and installation of single, double, triple or four
pole structures fitted with cross-arm, insulators and other hardware.

This covers the work such asSupply and delivery of all the necessary materials from
respective factory warehouse, excavate pole hole, set pole, if necessary, back fill and
tamp poles, compact the back filling adequately, realign, if necessary, install framing
including insulators and hardware all complete.

Support Description Specification/Standard
Equipment Construction
A12 33,11 kV, Single Arm Structure
33,11 kV, Single Pole Dead end
type Structure
B Single Arm Tapping Accessories
33, 11kV Double Pole Structure-
Intermediate Support
33, 11kV Double Pole Dead End
D Already Erected Single Pole
33, 11kV Three Pole Structure-
Parallel Type
F 33, 11kV Four Pole Structure
G 33 kV suspension tower

33 kV Conductor and Accessories

This construction unit is for the supply, delivery and stringing of 33kV conductor and

This unit covers the Supply and delivery of all the necessary materials from respective
factory warehouse to the site, set up wire stringing reels, pulling lines, stringing blocks on
poles/cross-arms, install and remove temporary guard structures, if necessary, install and
remove temporary structures to keep conductor from dragging on earth, if necessary. Pull
conductors, sag and dead-end, remove conductor from stringing blocks, tie to insulators,
make necessary compression joints, and connect jumpers and complete installation.

Chautara-Sindhupalchok 33 kV Sub Transmission Line

Conductor Description Reference Specification/Standard

Type Equipment Construction
A three wire dog

Stays and Anchors

This Construction unit is for the supply, Delivery and installation of complete single,
double, flying or bow type stay assembly.
This Unit includes the Supply and delivery of all the required materials from factory
warehouse to site, excavate hole, install anchor rod, back fill with gravel if specified,
ramp till well compacted, install stay wire and stay insulator, adjust tension and further
adjust tension if necessary after installation and stringing of conductor. Provide sand and
stone as a local material for the installation of stay for HT/LT distribution line and install
the stay sets as per the construction standard drawings.

Type of Stays and Anchors:

Reference Specification/Standard
Stay Type Description
Equipment Construction
A HT/LT Single Stay
B Ht/LT Double Stay
C HT/LT Flying stay


Chautara-Sindhupalchok 33 kV Sub Transmission Line

5.1 Revenue Risk

The capital cost of 33 kV Transmission comprises of Nepal's Government fund allocation for
this project. The associated cost will be recovered through reduction of technical and non
technical losses, minimizing load shedding, feeder tripping, and maintaining qualitative and
reliable and safe electricity.

5.2 Environmental Risk

Transmission line projects are environmentally friendly and do not involve any disposal of solid
effluents and hazardous substance in land, air and water. Moreover in forest areas trees are felled
below each conductor to facilities stringing. On completion of construction only one such strip in
maintained for O & M purpose. Therefore the actual loss of forest is restricted to some selected
area only.

5.3 Legal/Contractual Risk

Not foreseen.

5.4 Project Management Risk

Not foreseen.

5.5 Land Acquisition Risk

Final route survey of the line has been undertaken and the pole spotting is being carried out.
Some of line poles are coming in private land and others in forest land. The land for towers
footings and for their protection is to be acquired. As the land to be acquired is in different
villages and of different owners, the acquisition process will be initiated after finalizing the pole

Chautara-Sindhupalchok 33 kV Sub Transmission Line


Chautara-Sindhupalchok 33 kV Sub Transmission Line

5.1 Project Location Map & Route Alignmen Map

Chautara-Sindhupalchok 33 kV Sub Transmission Line

Figure : Location Maps

Chautara-Sindhupalchok 33 kV Sub Transmission Line

5.2 Table 4: 33 kV Transmission Line Construction Cost

Chautara-Sindhupalchok 33 kV Sub Transmission Line

5.3 Table 5: 33 kV Transmission Line construction Schedule


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